The Yale Historical Review Spring 2010 An Undergraduate Publication Lebkc[??iik[( This edition is dedicated in loving memory of Cameron Dabaghi. Donors Founding Patrons In Memory of David J. Magoon Stauer Derek Wang Zixiang Zhao Founding Contributors Joe and Marlene Toot Yale Center for British Art Yale Club of Hartford Contributors Greg Weiss The Yale Historical Review is published by Yale College students. Yale University is not responsible for its contents. For information regarding submissions, advertise- ments, subscriptions, and contributions, or to provide feedback, please contact us at
[email protected] or write to us at Yale Historical Review Yale University PO 207137 New Haven, CT 06520 or visit our website at The Spring cover photograh was taken in 1962 by Eero Saarinen. (Yale Visual Resources Collection) The Yale Historical Review: An Editorial Board Undergraduate Publication exists to give Editor-in-Chief undergraduates an opportunity to have their Christopher Magoon, BK ‘11 exceptional work highlighted. It also aims to Managing Editor, Editor-at-Large encourage the diffusion of original historical Layne Johnson, SM ‘12 ideas on campus by providing a forum for Development Editor outstanding undergraduate history papers Josh Tannen, SY ‘11 covering any historical topic. Senior Essay Editors Josh Silverstein, JE ‘10 Advisory Board Ryan Lowe, MC ‘10 David Blight Norma Thompson Junior Seminar Editor Class of 1954 Professor of Director of Jessica Moldovan, SY ‘11 American History Undergraduate Studies, Freshman Paper Editor Humanities Michael Bisceglia, PC ‘12 John Gaddis Robert A. Lovett Professor Charles Edel Directed Studies Editor of History Graduate Student in Thomas Meyerson, BK ‘11 History Outside Editor Beverly Gage Joe Geylin, SM ‘11 Associate Professor of Stephen Prince Copy Editors History Graduate Student in Kate Liebman, BK ‘13 History Elinor Monahan, JE ‘13 Glenda Gilmore Peter V.