Chalmers Ai Research Centre Annual Report 2020

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Chalmers Ai Research Centre Annual Report 2020 CHALMERS AI RESEARCH CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Content 2020 Chalmers AI Research Centre 2020 in short 1 Centre Director’s summary 2 Vision, goal and strategy 3 Research directions 4 Organisation and management 5 CHAIR Consortium 6 - Partner project spotlight 8 Ensuring the ethical perspective 9 AI infrastructure 10 Financial information 11 Activities in 2020 - Active projects in 2020 13 - Project spotlight 14 - Project spotlight 15 - Seminars and events 16 - Recruitments 17 AI at Chalmers - Collaborations 19 - The facets of AI@Chalmers 21 - Facet example – AI Engineering 22 - Facet example – Life Science and Health Engineering 23 - AI @Chalmers Project spotlight 24 - AI @Chalmers Project spotlight 25 - AI @Chalmers Project spotlight 26 Education - Chalmers Master's programmes 27 - AI Competence for Sweden 28 CHAIR 2021 and beyond 29 Appendix - Active CHAIR projects in 2020 30 - List of CHAIR events and seminars 35 - List of CHAIR researchers 37 - List of AI publications at Chalmers 39 - Sphere of collaboration 47 CHAIR 2020 IN SHORT PAGE 1 Strengthening Chalmers’ expertise and excellence in artificial intelligence Chalmers AI Research Centre aims to achieve a unique and widely recognised expertise at Chalmers of AI used in research, education and for societal impact. ur society is currently undergoing a technological revo­ By establishing Chalmers AI Research Centre (CHAIR), lution. Spurred by the availability of large datasets, Chalmers and the Chalmers Foundation have defined the goal O novel algorithms and increasingly powerful computa­ of significantly excelling in research and education relating to tional resources, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a AI. To achieve this goal, CHAIR aims to strengthen basic AI dominant approach in many research, technical and business research and establish applied research activities in selected areas; indeed, it is starting to transform the way our society strategic areas. It will also coordinate AI­related activities at operates. Chalmers is actively contributing to this trans­ Chalmers and support educational activities, in cooperation formation, through its major involvement in societal challenges with Chalmers education organisation. and excellence in research. 262 219 Chalmers researchers scientific publications publishing AI­related publications in 2020 in AI or applied AI, by Chalmers researchers in 2020* Corresponding numbers in 2019 were 213. Percentage-wise, these Corresponding numbers in 2019 were 147. Percentage-wise, these numbers amount to 9.7% of all researchers at Chalmers in 2020. publications amount to 6.3% of all publications at Chalmers in 2020. 30 27 76 projects events researchers organised funded involved by CHAIR in 2020 by CHAIR active in 2020 in CHAIR projects in 2020 In 2019, 26 events were organised. In 2019 CHAIR had 7 active projects. In 2019 there were 40 active researchers in CHAIR. *The expected final number of publications in 2020 is about 30% larger than the current number which would lead to 280 publications. CENTRE DIRECTOR'S SUMMARY PAGE 2 Centre Director’s summary 020 was a year marked by covid­19 for most. So also for CHAIR. Our final physical assembly was the CHAIR 2Consortium kick­off meeting, March 10th, 2020. During spring many activities were postponed, hoping covid­19 would soon be under control. We gradually realised that we should go digital whenever possible. In many cases this worked out well, even above expectations, but it was hard to avoid that some activities eventually were delayed, as for example recruitments of PhD students and postdocs. AI EVENTS Seminars and workshops were among the activities that func­ tioned well digitally. During 2020, CHAIR established three CHAIR director Ivica Crnkovic types of seminars: AI Talks, seminars with distinguished guests – top AI researchers from all over the world; AI Ethics, tics, paradigms, approaches, and main objectives. seminars with international, national and Chalmers research­ GROWING AI RESEARCH ers giving talks on the topic AI and ethics; and finally CHAIR From 2018, AI activities at Chalmers, and at CHAIR have ac­ Spotlight on AI research, seminars from Chalmers research­ celerated! The number of published papers at Chalmers has ers to Chalmers researchers. In total we had 30 events, semi­ more than doubled (from 95 in 2018 to 219 in 2020, with expec­ nars and workshops, the vast majority of them run remotely. In ted final number more that 280). The same was with Chalmers May we hosted online "The 32nd annual workshop of the researchers; the number of researchers publishing AI­related Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS)", with 150 par­ papers increased from 128 (5% of all researchers at Chalmers) ticipants from Sweden. The series of seminars and workshops in 2018 to 262 in 2020 (almost 10% of all researchers at Chal­ were concluded with the CHAIR Annual workshop with 46 mers). Chalmers researchers significantly increased coopera­ presentations from Chalmers researchers active in CHAIR, tion with academic and industrial partners ­ in 2018 Chalmers the Consortium representatives, and an inspiring keynote “AI researchers published with 122 external co­authors from 72 for good”. Most of the workshops and seminars were published organisations, and in 2020 with 355 co­authors from 178 orga­ on our YouTube channel. nisations. This shows a clear trend in increasing AI­related CHAIR CALLS activities. In spite of covid­19­related difficulties, the CHAIR Consorti­ During 2020, the number of researchers active in CHAIR has um continued planning collaborative projects. In April a call doubled, from 40 in 2019, to 76 in 2020. In 2019 CHAIR star­ for seed collaboration projects was published, and in June ted seven projects, while in 2020 there were 27 active projects. eight projects were accepted and funded. This call had specific topics in focus: Advances in handling aspects of real data in In parallel, Chalmers benefited from other Swedish AI initia­ machine learning, and Integration of knowledge­ and data dri­ tives, first of all WASP, through which Chalmers enrolled 16 ven techniques. In autumn 2020 we prepared a second call, PhD students, three postdocs, and an assistant professor, only this time for one­ or two­years projects. The call was commu­ in 2020. Additionally, fully or partially funded, nine PhD stu­ nicated in three matchmaking workshops at which the resear­ dents, and four postdocs have been recruited fully or partially chers from Chalmers and experts from the partners’ organisa­ funded by CHAIR . tions presented and discussed their ideas for possible projects. THE OPERATIONAL PHASE Together with a few of the partners, Chalmers researchers joi­ During the first two years CHAIR has established its basic ned forces supported by CHAIR and Areas of Advance ICT activities ­ cooperation with industrial partners, and activities and Health Engineering, to improve societal response to at Chalmers. From 2021 it completes the interim phase and covid­19. Several projects have started through CHAIR that starts with a new “operational” phase. In the next stage, the later led to collaboration with Swedish regions, especially the organisation, the governance, and focus on main activities will healthcare in the Gothenburg region. be renewed. On the one hand support for cooperation within FACETS OF AI Chalmers will be emphasized, and on the other hand utilisa­ One of the challenging questions for Chalmers and CHAIR is tion of funding possibilities from numerous external sources what kind of AI research is of the highest interest? What AI will be prioritised. research exists at Chalmers, how can it be characterised? To We’re looking forward to exciting times and breakthrough answer these questions a group of AI researchers from several achievements in the coming years! departments have identified AI facets, categories and views of current AI research at Chalmers. The facets of AI@Chalmers classification presented in this report, has the ambition to pla­ Ivica Crnkovic, Director, Chalmers AI Research Centre ce AI research at Chalmers in groups of similar characteris­ VISION, GOAL AND STRATEGY PAGE 3 Our vision CHALMERS CONDUCTS WORLD-CLASS RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN AI AND ITS APPLICATIONS Goal Strategy To achieve a top­level AI excellence in research, educa­ To achieve this goal, CHAIR will: tion and innovation, CHAIR will make Chalmers: • strengthen basic AI research, • an attractive place for world­class researchers in • establish applied AI research within selected stra­ AI and AI­related areas; tegic areas, • an attractive educational venue for Swedish and • establish strategic cooperation with industry and international students in the area of AI and related the public sector in the area of applied AI, programmes; • coordinate AI­related activities at Chalmers, • a natural, attractive cooperation partner for • cooperate with Chalmers to support its AI­related Swedish and international industry and the public educational activities. sector; AI ethics research and practice, innovation and a focus • a hub of expertise in AI and related areas within on gender balance, will be integrated in all activities. selected research and business domains. RESEARCH DIRECTIONS PAGE 4 Research directions Chalmers AI Research Centre (CHAIR) aims to advance the excellence and relevance of AI research at Chalmers. We do so by focusing on areas where Chalmers is strong, that are essential to Chalmers’ industrial partners and that ties in with societal challenges. CHAIR
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