FRIENDS of the ABC 2007 NATIONAL CONFERENCE Conference Calls on the Federal an INDEPENDENT ABC! Parliament to Amend the ABC Act Accordingly
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Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. q u a rt e rly new s l e t t e r June 2007 Vol 16, N o . 3 u p d a t e friends of the abc FRIENDS OF THE ABC 2007 NATIONAL CONFERENCE Conference calls on the federal AN INDEPENDENT ABC! parliament to amend the ABC Act accordingly. The recent National wage increases of 4% - funding was The FABC reaffirms its support C o n f e r e n c e , held the 12th and refused (22m) for ABC 3, a dedicated for the ABC as a free, independent 13th of May was ably chaired by digital Children's Channel - regional public institution, and opposes June Factor, author and Past broadcasting funding (19.1m) had commercialization which may influ- President of Victorian FABC. been already allocated in the trien- ence or restrict public access to its The Conference, held in nial budget for the ABC c reations. These may include web- Melbourne, brought together 25 s i t e s , archives, music and videos. delegates and observers from all The whole issue of tied funding is (Continued on Page 2) states except Northern Territory an indication that the ABC board is for a valuable weekend of sharing not trusted by the government to views, experiences and planning determine priorities. Your ABC: for the future. C O M M E R C I A L I S ATION proudly Victoria FABC was unsuccess- OF THE ABC brought ful in getting either Maurice Quentin indicated that ABC to you by Newman or Mark Scott (New Online has been such a success that your Chairman and M.D.) to address the opportunities for making money sponsors? the conference, but we did have from it are too hard to resist. The the ABC ABC charter forbids ads on radio By Jill Greenwell, President of Friends of the ABC (ACT & Region). Staff Elected and TV, but not online (somewhat Director in ignoring the fact that the technology This service, the ABC, now belongs to you. We are your Exile did not exist when the charter was (Quentin trustees. It is a service that is drawn up). As the ABC expands into not run for profit, but purely in Dempster) as cybercasting, there will be an the major the interests of every section of increasing temptation to charge for the community. contributor. services. However, news and current As usual, Quentin was generous affairs have been already paid for by Those words introduced the ABC to the nation on “the wireless” in of his time, expertise and the taxpayer, so should remain free. 1932. This is the ABC’s 75th birth- knowledge of the workings of Quentin suggested that we day year. the ABC, and was with us most should be talking to operators of (Continued on Page 5) of Saturday. commercial radio and TV, who definitely don't want the ABC I N S I D E : Firstly Quentin highlighted competing in a finite market for The President’s Report 3 the problems for the ABC in the limited advertising revenue! ABC Audio Going Deaf 9 recent budget: no funds for new Santoro Departs in Disgrace 11 initiatives, and all funds were It was resolved by the meeting TV and News in the U.S.A 13 that: for tied expenditure determined The Boards Influence in Screening FABC reaffirms its opposition The Great Global Warming by the Government, not the to commercial advertising on ABC Swindle’ 14 ABC - program funding increas- radio, television and online services, McKew Urges Fair Go for ABC 15 es of 2.26% do not even cover and its evolution into cybercasting. Rudd on the ABC Board 15 Page 1 FRIENDS OF THE ABC 2007 NATIONAL CONFERENCE (Continued from Page 1) BALANCE AND BIAS - and service to the public, not com- WHAT IS HAPPENING mercial profitability, determine NATIONAL OPERATION, AT THE ABC ABC output CO-ORDINATION AND to affirm, within the respon- CO-OPERATION On the issue of balance, bias sibility for balance, the primacy of and the new editorial policies, accuracy, fairness and intellectual This was an opportunity to Quentin reiterated the time cost of rigour. look at what each state does an ABC journalist having to through their publications, and a respond to an allegation of bias, UNIVERSAL ACCESS TO THE strengthening of the network for often responding several times to NATIONAL BROADCASTER the sharing of information and the same allegation. Comparisons resources, as well as the develop- were made between the old and Professor Alan Knight from ing national website. new editorial policies, where there Queensland FABC shared with us has been a distinct watering down his insights into the new technolo- The need for a national of many of the previous strengths. gy of the Internet, the prolifera- spokesperson was discussed - tion of blogs, the interesting figure Professor Alan Knight was elected It was resolved by the meeting of 2.2 million people per month to this position. Also the need for that: accessing the ABC online, and the a prominent media/entertainment FABC National Conference sup- rapidly changing world of infor- person to be an FABC patron - the ports an editorial/programming mation and communication. term "champion" was arrived at. A policy that: number of media figures with ■ is free from commercial con- FEDERAL ELECTION - strong ABC connections are to be siderations STRATEGIES NATIONAL approached. ■ serves the interests of the AND LOCAL Australian public CREATIVE STRATEGIES Time was spent discussing ■ is free from government FOR BUILDING national and local strategies for interference COMMUNITY SUPPORT ■ is subject to an independent the coming election, particularly complaints process that allows relating to marginal seats, and the Most of Sunday was spent in procedural fairness and proposal (from Qld.) for a workshop activities led by Trent ■ is fearless and innovative National Day of Action prior to McCarthy, examining the issue of the election. It was agreed to focus how FABC is to reach and activate Friends of the ABC - noting the on the following issues: a wider audience than at the pres- conflict between the criterion of No commercialization ent time, particularly young peo- 'reasonable certainty of commer- No advertising and free ple. We gained fascinating insights cial profitability' for ABC commer- access into the world of Myspace, blogs, cial enterprises, and the Editorial The need to fund the ABC and how young people communi- Policy's re q u i rem ent that pro d u c- properly cate, providing much food for t i o n decisions be based on news Independence from thought and values, and not on 'political, com- Government mercial or sectional interests or Untied funding A GREAT SLOGAN personal views' - urges the ABC Board appointment system FROM THE CONFERENCE: Board Reinstate staff-elected to confirm that news value Director “ The ABC delivers the world to your children, the commercials deliver your children to big business.” Mal Hewitt Acting President, FABC NSW Page 2 THE ACTING PRESIDENT’S REPORT On 1st May I took over from areas such as regular program- Bill Johnstone as Acting ming, drama and documen- Whilst some President of NSW FABC. t a r i e s . ’ would argue that it is not the role First may I pay tribute to Bill ‘However, we are worried of the ABC to for his leadership of the Friends about how you might plan to produce such over the past 6 months. Bill a d d ress this shortfall. The materials, the expectation of devoted much of his time to the Friends of the ABC in NSW the public is that it will provide Friends, and was passionate in s h a r e a deep concern about the this service. It further high- his commitment to the ABC. long term effects of funding lights the problems created We wish him well in all his remedies which you have dis- when the ABC engages in com- endeavours- his experience and cussed, namely a resort to mercial operations - t h e re is an talents will undoubtedly be put advertising on the main ABC e r osion of the public’s respect to the service of many causes in website, and charging for when it is seen tobe profiting the future. downloads from that site. We from such operations. The core know that commercial initiatives business of the ABC will always In his President's Report in of that sort are in clear breach be to produce and broadcast the March edition of Update of the spirit of the ABC Chart e r, programs of excellence, for Bill wrote of the increasing framed at a time when the inter- which it must be adequately threat of 'commercialisation by net web had not been imag- funded by the Australian tax- stealth' of the ABC (ABC i n e d . ’ payer. Online already runs paid adver- tisements), and this topic was a ‘ We fear that the intro d u c t i o n The Sydney Morning Herald major theme of the Friends of of commercially expedient and M e l b o u rne Age of Thursday the ABC National Conference, m e a s u r es to marginally impro v e 24th May reported on the dis- held in Melbourne on 12th/13th the ABC’s budget position are turbing allegation that the ABC May (see report on the confer- likely to prove the thin edge of Board has applied pressure on ence on Page 1 in Update). On a very destructive wedge. Given the D i rector of ABC TV, Kim 2nd May I wrote to Mark Scott, a softening of policy on com- D a l t o n , to purchase and broad- Managing Director of the ABC, m e rcialization, it is only a matter cast the discredited documen- on behalf of NSW Friends.