Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. q u a rt e rly new s l e t t e r June 2007 Vol 16, N o . 3 u p d a t e friends of the abc FRIENDS OF THE ABC 2007 NATIONAL CONFERENCE  Conference calls on the federal AN INDEPENDENT ABC! parliament to amend the ABC Act accordingly. The recent National wage increases of 4% - funding was The FABC reaffirms its support C o n f e r e n c e , held the 12th and refused (22m) for ABC 3, a dedicated for the ABC as a free, independent 13th of May was ably chaired by digital Children's Channel - regional public institution, and opposes June Factor, author and Past broadcasting funding (19.1m) had commercialization which may influ- President of Victorian FABC. been already allocated in the trien- ence or restrict public access to its The Conference, held in nial budget for the ABC c reations. These may include web- , brought together 25 s i t e s , archives, music and videos. delegates and observers from all The whole issue of tied funding is (Continued on Page 2) states except Northern Territory an indication that the ABC board is for a valuable weekend of sharing not trusted by the government to views, experiences and planning determine priorities. Your ABC: for the future. C O M M E R C I A L I S ATION proudly FABC was unsuccess- OF THE ABC brought ful in getting either Maurice Quentin indicated that ABC to you by Newman or Mark Scott (New Online has been such a success that your Chairman and M.D.) to address the opportunities for making money sponsors? the conference, but we did have from it are too hard to resist. The the ABC ABC charter forbids ads on radio By Jill Greenwell, President of Friends of the ABC (ACT & Region). Staff Elected and TV, but not online (somewhat Director in ignoring the fact that the technology This service, the ABC, now belongs to you. We are your Exile did not exist when the charter was (Quentin trustees. It is a service that is drawn up). As the ABC expands into not run for profit, but purely in Dempster) as cybercasting, there will be an the major the interests of every section of increasing temptation to charge for the community. contributor. services. However, news and current As usual, Quentin was generous affairs have been already paid for by Those words introduced the ABC to the nation on “the wireless” in of his time, expertise and the taxpayer, so should remain free. 1932. This is the ABC’s 75th birth- knowledge of the workings of Quentin suggested that we day year. the ABC, and was with us most should be talking to operators of (Continued on Page 5) of Saturday. commercial radio and TV, who definitely don't want the ABC I N S I D E : Firstly Quentin highlighted competing in a finite market for The President’s Report 3 the problems for the ABC in the limited advertising revenue! ABC Audio Going Deaf 9 recent budget: no funds for new Santoro Departs in Disgrace 11 initiatives, and all funds were It was resolved by the meeting TV and News in the U.S.A 13 that: for tied expenditure determined The Boards Influence in Screening  FABC reaffirms its opposition The Great Global Warming by the Government, not the to commercial advertising on ABC Swindle’ 14 ABC - program funding increas- radio, television and online services, McKew Urges Fair Go for ABC 15 es of 2.26% do not even cover and its evolution into cybercasting. Rudd on the ABC Board 15 Page 1 FRIENDS OF THE ABC 2007 NATIONAL CONFERENCE (Continued from Page 1) BALANCE AND BIAS - and service to the public, not com- WHAT IS HAPPENING mercial profitability, determine NATIONAL OPERATION, AT THE ABC ABC output CO-ORDINATION AND  to affirm, within the respon- CO-OPERATION On the issue of balance, bias sibility for balance, the primacy of and the new editorial policies, accuracy, fairness and intellectual This was an opportunity to Quentin reiterated the time cost of rigour. look at what each state does an ABC journalist having to through their publications, and a respond to an allegation of bias, UNIVERSAL ACCESS TO THE strengthening of the network for often responding several times to NATIONAL BROADCASTER the sharing of information and the same allegation. Comparisons resources, as well as the develop- were made between the old and Professor Alan Knight from ing national website. new editorial policies, where there FABC shared with us has been a distinct watering down his insights into the new technolo- The need for a national of many of the previous strengths. gy of the Internet, the prolifera- spokesperson was discussed - tion of blogs, the interesting figure Professor Alan Knight was elected It was resolved by the meeting of 2.2 million people per month to this position. Also the need for that: accessing the ABC online, and the a prominent media/entertainment FABC National Conference sup- rapidly changing world of infor- person to be an FABC patron - the ports an editorial/programming mation and communication. term "champion" was arrived at. A policy that: number of media figures with ■ is free from commercial con- FEDERAL ELECTION - strong ABC connections are to be siderations STRATEGIES NATIONAL approached. ■ serves the interests of the AND LOCAL Australian public CREATIVE STRATEGIES Time was spent discussing ■ is free from government FOR BUILDING national and local strategies for interference COMMUNITY SUPPORT ■ is subject to an independent the coming election, particularly complaints process that allows relating to marginal seats, and the Most of Sunday was spent in procedural fairness and proposal (from Qld.) for a workshop activities led by Trent ■ is fearless and innovative National Day of Action prior to McCarthy, examining the issue of the election. It was agreed to focus how FABC is to reach and activate Friends of the ABC - noting the on the following issues: a wider audience than at the pres- conflict between the criterion of  No commercialization ent time, particularly young peo- 'reasonable certainty of commer-  No advertising and free ple. We gained fascinating insights cial profitability' for ABC commer- access into the world of Myspace, blogs, cial enterprises, and the Editorial  The need to fund the ABC and how young people communi- Policy's re q u i rem ent that pro d u c- properly cate, providing much food for t i o n decisions be based on news  Independence from thought and values, and not on 'political, com- Government mercial or sectional interests or  Untied funding A GREAT SLOGAN personal views' - urges the ABC  Board appointment system FROM THE CONFERENCE: Board  Reinstate staff-elected  to confirm that news value Director “ The ABC delivers the world to your children, the commercials deliver your children to big business.”

Mal Hewitt Acting President, FABC NSW

Page 2 THE ACTING PRESIDENT’S REPORT On 1st May I took over from areas such as regular program- Bill Johnstone as Acting ming, drama and documen- Whilst some President of NSW FABC. t a r i e s . ’ would argue that it is not the role First may I pay tribute to Bill ‘However, we are worried of the ABC to for his leadership of the Friends about how you might plan to produce such over the past 6 months. Bill a d d ress this shortfall. The materials, the expectation of devoted much of his time to the Friends of the ABC in NSW the public is that it will provide Friends, and was passionate in s h a r e a deep concern about the this service. It further high- his commitment to the ABC. long term effects of funding lights the problems created We wish him well in all his remedies which you have dis- when the ABC engages in com- endeavours- his experience and cussed, namely a resort to mercial operations - t h e re is an talents will undoubtedly be put advertising on the main ABC e r osion of the public’s respect to the service of many causes in website, and charging for when it is seen tobe profiting the future. downloads from that site. We from such operations. The core know that commercial initiatives business of the ABC will always In his President's Report in of that sort are in clear breach be to produce and broadcast the March edition of Update of the spirit of the ABC Chart e r, programs of excellence, for Bill wrote of the increasing framed at a time when the inter- which it must be adequately threat of 'commercialisation by net web had not been imag- funded by the Australian tax- stealth' of the ABC (ABC i n e d . ’ payer. Online already runs paid adver- tisements), and this topic was a ‘ We fear that the intro d u c t i o n The Morning Herald major theme of the Friends of of commercially expedient and M e l b o u rne Age of Thursday the ABC National Conference, m e a s u r es to marginally impro v e 24th May reported on the dis- held in Melbourne on 12th/13th the ABC’s budget position are turbing allegation that the ABC May (see report on the confer- likely to prove the thin edge of Board has applied pressure on ence on Page 1 in Update). On a very destructive wedge. Given the D i rector of ABC TV, Kim 2nd May I wrote to Mark Scott, a softening of policy on com- D a l t o n , to purchase and broad- Managing Director of the ABC, m e rcialization, it is only a matter cast the discredited documen- on behalf of NSW Friends. I of time before a government in tary ‘The Great Global s h a r e with you some of this power with a Senate majority Warming S w i n d l e ”, contrary to l e t t e r : acts to alter the ABC Charter, the advice of the ABC Science which would effectively destroy Unit. We reproduce for you the ‘The underlying problem is the independence of the ABC press release on this matter by the continued lack of sufficient and open it to the influence of Professor Alan Knight, recently funding to allow the ABC to c o m m e rcial interests who would appointed National Spokes- come anywhere near attaining provide its funding. We there- person for Friends of the ABC. its potential to meet the spirit fore urge you to steer clear of a Alan Knight is Professor of of its charter obligations to commercial path.’ Journalism and Media Studies inform, educate and promote at Queensland University of the culture of our nation. We Elsewhere in Update the Technology, with a background continue to admire the offering author Gillian Ross writes of as a broadcaster and editor, which you and the ABC team the impact of the very recent working for the ABC, AAP, produce on a limited budget decision to immediately close Nation Revue and Radio from inadequate resources. We down the operations of ABC Television Hong Kong. We are recognize that much of the so- Audio, which produces a range indeed fortunate to have Alan called additional triennial fund- of audio resources including as our spokesperson. ing was tied to new initiatives, the ‘talking books’ for the sight leaving a budget shortfall in impaired on the grounds that Mal Hewitt ‘it is no longer profitable.’ Acting President FABC (NSW)

Page 3 Illawarra Branch Friends of the ABC Hunter Branch Friends of the ABC Lunch with Friends of the ABC Illawarra Branch invite you to Lunch with Noeline Brown at the Phillip Fitzroy Falls National Park Restaurant (near Robertson NSW) on Sunday 26 August 2007 at Adams 12 noon.

Noeline Brown is a very well known and much loved ABC celebrity. Phillip Adams is She has appeared in a myriad of stage, radio and television shows as going to be in Newcastle for a well as numerous films. free talk on As the special guest of the Illawarra Friends Noeline will talk about Thursday 16 August her autobiography and her upcoming show ‘Glorious’ to be per- at 7:30 PM. formed at the Ensemble Theatre. The venue is the Newcastle Noeline was acting with the New Theatre and Sydenham's Pocket Panthers (it used to be the Playhouse, where she was ‘discovered’ and began her professional Newcastle Workers Club). career in 1962. Two years later the Mavis Bramston Show started on This is being jointly sponsored television, which made everyone connected with it a household by the Hunter Branch FABC name. Noeline not only worked in the show but created the Mavis and the Newcastle “Politics in character. After a short stint in the UK, Noeline returned to a series of the Pub” people. radio, theatre and TV performances in .

In all she has appeared in hundreds of shows on television, stage, Phillip Adams AO, Social film and radio receiving popular and professional acclaim for her Commentator and Columnist work, including a Logie Award. Broadcaster, filmmaker, author, Noeline’s autobiography Longterm Memoir was released by Allen & archaeologist, controversialist, Unwin in June 2005 social commentator and satirist, Phillip Adams was elected one of Fitzroy Falls is located in the Morton National Park between the Australia’s 100 National Living Highlands to Kangaroo Valley and the South Coast to Nowra. The Treasures in the inaugural poll entrance to Fitzroy Falls is from the small, sleepy town of the same conducted by The National Trust name. The Visitors' Centre is situated in a wildlife reserve. There are (NSW). displays of flora and fauna, tourist information, picnic area, toilets and a café. A boardwalk leads alongside the creek and through restored native bushland to a lookout at the top of the falls (about For almost 50 years, Phillip 100 metres). The views from here are spectacular where you can see Adams’ columns in major news- down the cliffs, along the falls and out towards Kangaroo Valley. For papers and magazines have pro- further information Google ‘Fitzroy Falls’. voked discussion and outrage. He is in constant demand as a There will be a mini bus and car pooling for Friends who would speaker, chairman and modera- like a lift. For those who would like to drive to the National Park tor at public and private sector there is plenty of parking available. conferences. If you would like to arrive early the restaurant will be open for morning tea and/or you might like to go for a stroll to one of the A large turnout is expected so nearby lookouts. please book early.. Phone Lisa Thomas at: For bookings please call Chris. on (02) 4226 2323 or email: 49 30 73 09 [email protected] Or Email: RSVP by Friday 27 July.

Page 4 Your ABC: proudly brought to you by your sponsors? By Jill Greenwell, President of Friends of the ABC (ACT & Region). (Continued from Page 1) That quality of service, to every Inadequate funding under a licence agreement; and section of the community, contin- ✓ use of ABC content by the new ues to differentiate the ABC from In the lead-up to the ABC's tri- emerging category including on the commercial broadcasters. ennial budget submission, adver- trains, video on demand, and in tising - discreet and regulated - was shopping centres. The prohibition on advertising being suggested as a solution to protects that distinctive quality of funding problems. Last year, in July, the ABC creat- the ABC. ed a separate website, built around At the time Senator Coonan the popular TV Countdown pro- However the ABC's commercial rejected the suggestions, but she gram - which carries ads. independence has repeatedly been has since been ambivalent. In fact threatened with advertising. When she said that if the Board wanted These threats from existing ven- a government-appointed to consider some form of advertis- tures, as well as carrying all the Commission recommended adver- ing, consistent with the ABC risks inherent in advertising, could tising on ABC television and radio, Charter, for the next triennium, be used, like the thin end of a the idea was rejected because, then it could do so (ABC AM, wedge, to justify expanding ABC's according to the then Minister, "it March 15, 2006). commercial activities. is apparent that people view the proposal as a threat to editorial Attacks on “ABC culture” C reation of independence and programming “ABC Commerc i a l ” Attacks on the “ABC culture" are integrity" (Quoted in Inglis, K. The different standards applied This is the ABC). a looming threat. Membership of the current ABC Board gives no to ABC commercial ventures and reassurance that the Board would to ABC journalism was illustrated Although that was in 1982, the by the ABC's refusal to publish threat persists. reject proposals about advertising - or even sees the inconsistency Chris Masters' Jonestown: there was not reasonable certainty of Sold out with ads - between the ethos of a public broadcaster and the ethos of com- commercial profitability. By con- the problem with advertising mercialism. trast the Editorial Policies which apply to news and current affairs The fundamental conflict Keith state that: Editorial judgments are between and Windschuttle, based on news values, not…on advertising is that the focus shifts appointed to the commercial or sectional interests. from programs to audiences. The Board in 2006, has Can these two different stan- company paying to advertise its said publicly that dards co-exist? Or will one pre- goods or services wants to reach as the ABC ought to be dominate? (Continued Page 7) large an audience as possible, at commercialised in the times of day when that audi- order to break its ence is captive, and it does not left-wing culture. “Friends” want that audience offended. It is not interested in an informed pub- ABC's existing Dinner with lic, an inquiring public, an adven- commercial activities turous public, and it is certainly not interested in a diverse public. The ABC already engages in Friday 17 August, 2007 commercial activities, such as ABC Cellos Restaurant The public broadcaster, not hav- Shops, ABC publications, re c o r d i n g s 169-171 Castlereagh St, ing to deliver an audience to and DVDs. The ABC also has a Time: 7pm advertisers, can focus on the quali- number of licence agreements for: Fine Dinner + ty of its programming and on the ✓ online delivery in terms of wine Included. many specialist interests of its other sites that use some ABC Cost: $45 audiences. It can address itself to content (for example, Bigpond, , the idea of excellence, not the idea Yahoo); Ring in early to book. of acceptability. There are a max. of 130 seats. ✓ the use of ABC content on To book: Ring Gillian Where do the threats mobile phones; (Ph: 9144 2891) or come from? ✓ magazines like Delicious Joy (Ph: 9502 2335) or which can access ABC content Paul (Ph: 9888 3797)

Page 5 Cowper Branch Friends of the ABC COWPERS SOCIAL DAY Uzbekistan. Here she learn t We try to have at least two Russian and after some outings a year for members months was able to make in Cowper, so we can all come friends and hear stories together and ‘chew the fat’, about the harsh realities of as the saying goes. The first m o d e r n Uzbeki life. for 07 was held at Nambucca S u r f Club. Wow what a mil- Helen talked about her lion dollar view overlooking experiences while in the mid north coast. Uzbekistan. This was extremely Part of the crew: L-R Joe Smyth, Mike fascinating and an ‘out of Buckhorne and Tony Waugh The proceedings kicked off the ord i n a r y experience’. with a buffet lunch, followed FRIENDS IN COWPER- This book is the voice of 55 by our President Tony Wa u g h AT WORK women from Uzbekistan welcoming all and especially One Sunday morning saw a whom Helen had the privilege our guest h a r d working, and slightly to meet, to talk to in their s p e a k e r. deranged, crew arrive at 7.00 homes, office, marketplaces, F o l l o w i n g am at the Coffs Harbour Jetty shops, schools, and hospitals. our guest Markets. A very interesting 5 s p e a k e r to 6 hours was spent engag- U n f o r tunately the book is t h e r e were ing the public. Lots of ‘body out of print, but all is not q u e s t i o n s language’ and all that…we lost. You can get an ‘electronic and To n y did manage to engage many version’ (e-book) of “Wo m e n i n f o r m e d people in meaningful conver- of the Silk Road” fro m : all that sation about the woes of the http://www.gracemeregrange. Peter Andren, independent in A B C . the House of Representatives, had accepted an invitation to OUR GUEST SPEAKER, speak at a forum we are put- HELEN PROUD, P I C T U R E S ting together in August. AUTHOR OF “WOMEN OF THE SILK ROAD” The picture s This is early days and we H e l e n m e a s u r e a r e juggling dates at this P r o u d , a p p ro x i m a t e l y stage with other speakers. who is 11/2 meters This forum will be held at t h e x 1/2 meter. S o u t h e r n Cross University’s author of campus in Coffs Harbour. We “ Wo m e n At this a r e trying to expand our of the stage we are membership into the Coff s S i l k in a quandary region so this event will be Road”, as to the best open to all. was our way to realise their value to G u e s t our Branch, as we have been S p e a k e r. i n f o r med by Friends of the H e l e n ABC NSW Branch that we are has been a tour guide and a ‘lobby group’ and NOT a Have you she and her partner have a B fund raising gro u p . remembered & B overlooking the escarp- ment near Dorrigo, Helen is We are desperate for ideas! to renew also a Friend of the ABC. your membership? If you can help please con- How this book came about. tact us ASAP with your idea You can renew or so our Branch can do justice Helen was leading a tour join on our secure web to the generosity of Moya and, g r oup through Central Asia as well, we can benefit fro m site: in 2003 when the SARS epidem- these very valuable picture s . i c put an end to the tour, but, rather than return home, she decided to remain in Tashkent, the capital of

Page 6 Your ABC: proudly brought to you by your sponsors? Continued from Page 5 It is worth pausing over those provided now. Children's programs words: "a service", "not for profit", are vital also. What's the protection? and "every section of the commu- nity". All very strong words, and in Finally, there should be programs Currently advertising on radio 1983 they were embodied in legis- and forums dealing with our dif- and television is prohibited by the lation, in the amended ABC Act fering cultures, religions and histo- ABC Act (Section 31), “The 1983. Section 6, the Charter, sets ries, providing balance and fairness Corporation shall not broadcast out that the ABC must provide for all groups, whether majority or advertisements.” It would require "innovative and comprehensive" minority. an amendment to the ABC Act broadcasting services” "of a high before we could see or hear ads on standard", The ABC's programs The ABC has a proud record, in ABC TV or radio. should “contribute to a sense of both radio and TV, which should national identity” and should be maintained. There are two concerns here. “reflect the cultural diversity of First, legislation is not the con- the Australian community”. When asked what he thought straint it was, now that the distinctive about the ABC the late Government has a majority in the Andrew Olle answered in one Senate. This is illustrated by the Only a “Not for word: “credibility”. 2006 amendment to the ABC Act Profit”Organisation abolishing the position of Staff I would contend that it is only a That’s not a bad test. A broad- Elected Director on the ABC Board. “not for profit” organisation which caster you can trust. That surely could meet these standards. means trust to give you the truth, Second, advertising online is not Commercial networks deliver audi- and behind that is a whole range explicitly prohibited by the ABC ences to advertisers which target of things - to have done thorough Act, drafted as it was before the n a r rower and narrower demograph- research, to have looked at all sides Internet came into existence. ic categories - “household shop- of an issue, to have recognised an p e r s ” , “dual income no kids” or issue as just that and to have put it Although pressure to carry “empty nesters”. before the public. advertising on the ABC's website has been resisted so far, a black By contrast, we look to the public And that is the sort of independ- letter interpretation by the ABC broadcaster to respond to the need ent voice which only a public, Board of “broadcasting” could see for programs about history, science, non-commercial broadcaster can ads on ABC Online. education, sport, our natural and possess. built environment - wildlife, archi- What is at stake? tecture, the way we live generally This article is an edited version and the international as well as of a speech given to the 2006 Those inspiring hopes, art i c u l a t e d national dimensions of these. ‘Annual Conference of the 75 years ago, of service, not for Independent Scholars Association profit but purely in the interests of S i m i l a r l y, there should be pro- of Australia’ held at the National every section of the community g r a m s about regional and rural life L i b r a ry of Australia, Oct. 19-20, 2006. are what are at stake. throughout the country - as are

Cartoon courtesy of Tony Baron

Page 7 Northern Rivers Branch FriendsoftheABC The Northern Rivers Branch Taylor. In July 2007 branch new technologies and a merit- began the year by organising a members will have an opportu- based system for making successful visit to Lismore by nity to meet former correspon- appointments to the ABC. the absorbing exhibition dent Mark Bowling when he Board. “Through Australian Eyes”. This attends the Byron Bay Writers' exhibition, featuring the work Festival. Many branch members of ABC Foreign Correspondents lament the changes taking The Northern Rivers branch over the last 70 years, was based place with advertising on SBS recently held its Annual General at the Lismore City Library and see that as a dire warning from 26 February till 14 A p r i l . Meeting where the previous for the integrity of the ABC. City librarian Lucy Kinsley executive was largely re - i n s t a t e d : re p o rt s that 22,600 people vis- President and Secretary: Neville Jennings Neville Jennings ited the library during the period President Vice President: Doug Myler of the exhibition.It has now Northern Rivers Branch Treasurer: Ed Bennett moved on to Darwin. Mobile 0405 244 903 Byron Bay Sub-branch Convenor: Val Phillips The launch of the exhibition Committee Members: by Foreign Editor Peter Cave Matt Cox, Denise Bennett, proved to be a highlight. Peter spoke to media students at Jeff and Tracey Harrison, S o u t h e r n Cross University dur- Val Phillips and Sue Sawkins. i n g his visit. He later returned Branch members are pre p a r i n g Would you like to to Lismore to take part in a for the coming federal election well-attended public forum by planning a range of activities receive Update hosted by ABC North Coast and establishing a set of basic magazine elec- presented Vicki Kerrigan and principles that they will fight also featuring foreign corre s p o n- for: No advertising on the ABC, tronically? dents Mark Willacy and John increased funding for local and Save the planet's trees and The Friends printing and postage costs and Armidale Branch Friends of the ABC read Update magazine on your computer. The Friends group in Armidale is gearing up for several functions to be held over the next few months in recognition of the 75 Each quarter, when years since the ABC had its first (radio) transmission of July 1st, Update is published, you 1932. As the number and range of services has developed enor- will receive an email m o u s l y since that time, enriching the lives of so many people, with a link to the latest there is much to celebrate. The first event was a cinema night issue (each magazine is mid-May with the film Venus, starring Peter O'Toole whose char- around 3MB). acter rivalled Auntie in terms of longevity and importance. You can try this now Ninety members and ABC devotees attended. by going to our website During June-July it is anticipated that the group will take a stall at at the monthly Sunday market, distribute birthday cake there and and clicking on Update publicise appreciations in the local press of the ABC’s history, its Magazine. national and regional role. A party for members is If you prefer this under consideration. delivery option for In early August is giving a p u b- future Updates please lic lecture, which will be particularly appre c i a t e d send an email to the Membership Secretary at given her heavy work and family commitments. .

Page 8 ABC Audio Going Deaf! Double Standards? Will the To Friends of the ABC: real ABC please stand up? It has been my privilege for over a decade to According to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald create relaxation, meditation and yoga CDs with (18 May 2007) the ABC has axed its Talking Books the Audio team of what used to be called ABC because they were unprofitable. The Herald quotes the Enterprises. I cannot speak too highly of their good D i rector of ABC Commercial, Lynley Marshall, as saying will and professionalism. in a prepared statement: “Losses incurred from such enterprises directly impact on the ABC’s ability to pro- ABC Enterprises has become ABC Commercial duce programs for ABC radio, television and online”. however and in the interests of fiscal eff i c i e n c y, the entire ABC Audio unit has been axed. This news has angered RPH Australia, which repre- This is a serious assault upon the public spirit sents people with a print handicap. The Chairman of of the ABC and its charter. Even if one works from RPH Australia, Mr Peter Luckett, told the Herald: More than 17 per cent of Australians have a print dis- the depressing premise that service cannot be sus- ability, either because they are are blind or visually tained without profit, the severity of the cutback impaired or because they are illiterate. just does not make any sense. It defies reason that These people rely really heavily on ABC Audio for management is electing to discontinue the produc- recreational reading. Commercially available audio tion of existing titles no matter how well they are books are one of the only ways they can access books selling. Furthermore why consign the dozen or so in an accessible form. projects currently near completion to the rubbish I find it hard to believe that ABC management are bin? For example, I had a combined relaxation and saying this is not a viable business. Print disability is meditation CD and two audio cards- “Get Well a growing disability. Soon” and “Thinking of you” with enclosed relax- ation practices, scheduled to be released in a mat- ter of weeks. The recordings are complete and art Darce Cassidy comments: work for the covers was in progress. There is little I also find this hard to believe.The ABC Annual ABC Enterprises doubt that, like my other titles, they would have Report for 2005-6 shows that (now ABC Commerc i a l sold well. renamed ) m ade a profit of $19 million for the twelve months ended June 2006. I have received so much positive feedback around my CDs over the years and feel puzzled Just how much did ABC Audio lose, and how does ABC and aggrieved that they will no longer be available. this “loss” compare to the overall profit of Commercial? A paid digital download facility is an outrageously inadequate replacement for the shop CDs. This is It seems that the ABC now operates on a double especially true in the case of my CDs all of which standard. The ABC’s recently revised Editorial Policies contain a booklet. I know also that they are popular lay down the following standards for material pro d u c e d as gifts - indeed we regularly package them as gifts- by ABC News and Current Affairs. as well as being enjoyed by many elderly people Commercial considerations are explicitly excluded. who do not have computer skills. Be impartial. Editorial judgements are based on news Surely ABC management could have found ways values, not for example on political, commercial or of restoring the profitability of the Audio unit in sectional interests or personal views. ways that could have kept faith with their public and continued to provide a valuable service to so However the situation is reversed in the case of ABC many people? The decision to completely disman- Commercial.There is no public interest test, no accessi- tle it seems to have been ill considered and heavy bility test, no news value test or fairness test. handed. I can only hope that it is not too late for Profitability overrides all. In a recent letter to staff there to be a re assessment of this sad matter. Acting Managing Director Murray Green put it this Gillian Ross way: Dr. Gillian Ross has an Honours Science Degree ABC Enterprises is quite different in its means of and a Doctorate in Behavioural Sciences. She is a operation from the publicly funded content in the trained yoga teacher (IYTA) and has studied rest of the ABC. For an Enterprises project to be Eastern and Western spiritual philosophies for viable there has to be reasonable certainty that it is commercially profitable…ABC journalism and other many years . content on radio, television and online is evaluated quite differently… Full text of the letter at HYPERLINK "

Page 9 seats of Robertson and Dobell. We are asking the candidates to out- Central Coast Branch line their stands on funding the Friends Of The ABC ABC, commercial advertising and ensuring independence from polit- On Friday 30th March the ical interference. We will then Central Coast Branch of the FABC analyse the responses that we get e n t e r tained members and sup- and circulate them to our member- p o r t e r s with An Evening with ship before the Federal election. Chris Masters, well known ABC re p o rter especially for the television Our next speaker was Quentin p rogram Four Corn e r s. The evening Carol Bailey, Chris Masters, Pat Dempster, of "Stateline", who attracted an audience of over 90 at O’Donnell addressed 180 people on his expe- the Central Coast Leagues Club. 2002. Unexpectedly the ABC riences in working in the mass B o a r d made a “commercial” deci- media, especially the ABC. This Chris Masters’ interesting outline s i o n to not publish Jonestown forc- was an afternoon program on of his life and commitment to the ing Masters to take it to a commer- Saturday 26th May. ABC also included his talented cial publishing house which has family's contributions. He started reaped the rewards from having a I think the final observation for working with Four Corners in little more backbone. this report should go to Chris 1983 where perhaps his best known Masters. report was The Moonlight State While answering a question fro m shown on Four Corners on 11th an audience member Chris Masters When asked to comment about May 1987. This program exposed made this telling comment on the the danger of investigating crimi- crime and corruption in police and role of the FABC: “Never has there nals and suspect police Chris said some government circ l e s in been a time when the independent that the criminals always gave him Queensland (the “Sunshine State”) media was more in need of friends.” a much better cup of coffee than and led to the Fitzgerald Inquiry. As part of the Central Coast the police ever did. Most recently Chris Masters has FABC role as a friend to the ABC Desmond Moore written Jonestown which he com- we have drawn up a survey to all menced researching for the ABC in candidates for our local Federal “Veterans’ Tricks” at the Illawarra Branch You've all heard of “New Tricks” broadcasts were made and Bruce ing previews and results on ABC (ABC TV), well the Friends of the Etheredge was the first newsreader! radio for 25 years until September ABC Illawarra Branch presents In those days the local content 1990. It was Gerry that introduced “Veterans' Tricks”- insider informa- comprised two daily news bulletins Neville Robinson to 2WN. tion from three former ABC staff only Monday to Friday and one on at 2WN. Definitely NOT “Grumpy Saturday morning. As he recalls, Neville, a fellow teacher at Old Men”. much has changed since those Woonona High School, had expe- early days. ‘We used to go through r i e n c e behind an ABC microphone At 2pm on Sunday at 2NR (Northern Rivers) based in 17 June 2007 at the a two-kilowatt transmitter that was down at Warilla,’ Mr Etheredge Grafton. Soon after he arrived in Illawarra Aboriginal said, the trees around it were taller Wollongong in 1966 he was on air Centre, 22 Kenny St than the tower itself. Nowadays a again as a part-time newsreader Wollongong Bruce beefier fifty-kilowatt transmitter at working for the then journalist-in- Etheredge, Gerry Robertson pumps 97.3's programs charge John Kelly. Doyle and out to an audience stretching as This trio are bound to be enter- Neville Robinson far south as Batemans Bay and taining with many stories to tell. will tell all about across to Goulburn, Wandandian An afternoon not to be missed! their experiences to Camden and the Blue Afternoon tea will be provided by over 45 years as Mountains, and into the Sydney the Friends. Entry is only $5 broadcasters at suburbs. (pay on the day) and there ABC Radio 2WN Gerry Doyle was a full time will be a raffle. Please call Bruce Etheredge Illawarra. high school teacher when he took Chris. on (02) 4226 2323 or e- mail: Although 2WN (now 97.3FM) on the role of Sports Editor at [email protected] started transmission in 1939 it was 2WN in July 1965. Having been a RSVP 11 June 2007. not until twenty years later on 6 rugby league official he fell easily Chris. Cartledge March 1959 that the first local into place. Gerry broadcast sport-

Page 10 SANTORO DEPARTS IN DISGRACE Or as Adele Horin succinctly fully attacked the ABC for who constantly attempted to put it (SMH, March 24-25, 2007) being “riddled with bias and bully and brow-beat the ABC “How the PM’s attack dog bit mismanagement”. into submission by accusing his own tail” it of bias. By Gary Cook He claimed that he had 973 questions to ask Russell So obsessed was Santoro Senator Santo Santoro Balding (then ABC Managing that he launched an on-line (Liberal, Queensland) was Director) and threatened to survey on his web site, forced to resign in disgrace seek an inquiry into ABC exhorting his loyal followers, after revealing that he had bias. He revealed that he had spies and others to log on failed to disclose scores of 28 “spies” around Australia and convict the broadcaster share dealings to the Prime monitoring the ABC. As of bias. In Minister and the Senate. Adele Horin commented doing so ….”They sent him between he opened Horin added “But Santoro 15 and 20 tapes a week. He his mouth was not just any minister in pored over thousands of and put the Howard Government. He pages of tran- both feet was the holier-than-thou scripts in in. When patriot and right-wing order to find Santoro Christian who mercilessly slivers of evi- closed the poll in embarrass- harassed the national broad- dence of anti- ment it revealed that more caster for its alleged political Government than 70% of respondents bias, imagined anti-Christian or anti- believed the ABC to be fair bias and lack of patriotism. American sen- and balanced or even right- The ABC has come through timent”. wing and less than 30% rather better than Santoro. It thought it to be left-wing. was Santoro who didn’t do I wrote at the time “Santo the right and proper thing, has delusions of grandeur After enduring relentless not the ABC”. ….keen to ingratiate himself attacks on the ABC by with his leader….he believes Santoro it was a moment to Foreign Minister, Alexander he (Santo) should be the sole savour to see the soon-to-be Downer made an emotional arbiter of determining bias ex-Senator trudging off in plea to the public and the or balance in the ABC. He disgrace after he had media to show Santoro com- should be brought back to announced his resignation. passion. Why should we? earth. After all, he hasn’t Our memories need only to faced a Senate election yet go back to 31 October, 2005 (and, ironically he never when Santoro, in a Senate will). His approach is typical Estimates Hearing, unmerci- of that of Richard Alston,

UPDATE Print post approved PP 245059/00002 Update is published four times a year by Friends of the ABC NSW (FABC) – PO Box 1391 NORTH SYDNEY 2059. To become a member phone (02) 9990 0600 or email to: . Extracts from newspapers and other publications appearing in Update do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of FABC. Update is distributed to all members of FABC, as part of the membership fee. Update is also supplied to journalists, politicians and libraries across Australia. It is edited and produced in Sydney but contributions are welcome from NSW country and interstate branches. Material may be freely quoted or reproduced from the newsletter provided is acknowledged and reproduction is sent to the President of FABC(NSW), P.O. Box 1391, North Sydney 2059 Acting Editor:Mal Hewitt. Layout, format and assembly: Irwin Kurtz.

Page 11 Blue Mountains Branch Hunter Branch Friends of the ABC Friends of the ABC We decided at our last meeting to hold a public forum Hi, my name is around the theme ‘Media, democracy, and the role of Lisa Thomas the ABC’. John Stafford and I undertook to progress it and I recently and John negotiated a good deal with the Carrington took over from Hotel – an ideal venue. The outline below is the one Peter used in our approach to potential panelists. Responses Brandscheid as to date are positive and supportive but participation on a Hunter Branch p a rticular date is, as always, problematic. President. The Hunter Date and time: Saturday July 28, 2 to 4.30 pm Branch meets Venue: Carrington Hotel, Katoomba on the fourth Topic:: Media, Democracy and the role of the ABC Saturday of the 2-3 pm : Introduction by Chairperson; month, and Presentations by 3 panelists – 12 minutes per alternates presentation + 5 minutes for questions. 3-3.30 : Afternoon tea. monthly 3.30 – 3.45 : Inter-Panel discussion moderated by between a Chairperson. meeting and a coffee get-together. 3.45 – 4.15 : Interaction between Panel and audience moderated by Chairperson If you want any further info, please ring 4.15 - 4.30 : Closing remarks by Panelists me at 49 307309. We will keep up the pressure against commercials soiling Ingrid Haydon, Carole Goodwin and Denise Thorpe Auntie. all know the ups and downs of organizing a public By the way, does anyone out there know forum and Carole has undertaken to consult them and why the woodchop stadium at the Royal Easter Show is named for Charles Moses, others with a view to producing a ‘how to’ checklist. It head of the ABC for thirty years? I do! is clear for example that negotiations with potential speakers/panelists should be handled by the same person. Lisa Thomas, President

Springwood’s NO to advertising on the ABC FABC members who worked on our stall at Springwood’s Foundation Day will be chuffed by the news that no fewer than 320 members of the public responded to our invitation to send a letter to Helen Coonan.

We obviously struck a chord with our stand against advertis- ing on the ABC. Letter writers waited in line to participate – testimony to their depth of feeling and our effectiveness in tapping it. They paid for a stamp, signed the letter with their name and address, and now are no doubt waiting for an informative reply.

Carol Dent, Joan Macadam and Pam Fitzpatrick set the stall up and manned the first shift. They were followed by Gabriel and David Archer, Bev Plaizier, Denise Thorpe, Bob Foster, Warren Nicholl, Ron Herbert, Dave Davidson, Carole Goodwin, Margaret Warburton and Bob Macadam.

They perfected a strategy whereby ‘spruikers’ engaged passers- by, invited them to send a letter and delivered them to those behind the counter. Well done everyone.

Bob Macadam, President

Page 12 TV and News in the 2007 By Penelope Toltz While on a visit to the United In the United States this doesn’t ever having read about or visited States recently, I had a number of happen. In a country where 70 anywhere else. Our ABC is a pre- occasions to watch television and percent of Congressmen (members cious jewel in our democracy. especially to watch the news. of the USA national lower house) do not even hold a passport, it is I sincerely hope that the News content in the United not astounding to find just how Managing Director Mark Scott States is very limited. and quite ignorant many Americans are realises what a can of worms he is different to what we understand a about the rest of the world. Nor do opening if he decides to allow news program should cover. they appear interested to learn. I advertising on the ABC web sites. Unless you watch the Jim Lehrer repeatedly asked friendly questions Once you allow advertising in, News Hour on Public Television, about the USA. When people then advertising dictates the you will see little about what is found out I was Australian – and terms. I want to see Our ABC happening in the rest of the world, most thought I was English, the flourish and my fervent wish is except for Iraq “because our boys inevitable response was “Oh I’d that our politicians will begin to are there” or international disas- love to go there some day,” then -- realise that scepticism and investi- ters. ---nothing, no questions, no inter- gation are not anti-government, est. they are in fact pro integrity, pro Many Americans these days information, pro accountability watch Fox News and they are Since the “Foxation” or and pro democracy. Advertising being short-changed terribly. I vis- “ Murdochisation” of the news and will distort programming priorities. ited California, Utah and Arizona, c u r rent affairs programs, the where the news is mostly local, n u m b e r of overseas corre s p o n d e n t s Sydney ‘Friends’ with very little national news, has dwindled to a paltry few. Cockatoo Island Tour Television news allocates a high unless it is a report on George Saturday, 14 July, 2007 Bush, the coming Presidential priority to sensational “celebrity” driven stories. While I was there, Election or the Iraq war. It is no Join us for a guided tour of wonder that the American public there were constant revelations about a 35 year old woman who the harbour’s largest island. know very little about the rest of See a convict prison, docks, the world. had been married to an 83 year old billionaire and who had died tunnels, industrial work- Public Television in the United in the Bahamas. Each night more shops and gardens. States has never had adequate people were found to scratch Spectacular views. funding and some time ago decid- around and find out more and ed to accept sponsorship or go more sensational bits and pieces of Time of tour: 10.20 – 12.20 under. There is no really “free of this poor woman’s life. And this Cost: $18 or $14 (concession) advertising” news program on tele- filled a large portion of the news, vision at all. Local newspapers are except on Public Television. Ferry from Circular Quay: also very local in their reporting of at 10 am & return at 2.15 pm news. For a democracy to function well, the population MUST be well After our tour finishes at 12.20. In Australia, when we watch the i n f o r med. This is not happening in national news programs such as America. National Public Radio join us for a BYO picnic on the the ABC or SBS, or even on com- functions a little better than the tel- island. Bring sturdy walking mercial news stations, we get news evision, but is listened to by a very shoes and appropriate clothing. that is local, statewide, national small portion of the community. and international. To book: Ring Ireen We are so fortunate in this coun- (Ph: 9745 4487) Robert Hughes was quoted as t ry to have a variety of news pro- saying that the “ABC presents grams to choose from. Admittedly, I or Paul (Ph: 9888 3797) Australia to Australians,” and that notice that more and more the ABC or Frouke (Ph: 9642 6485 the organisation was a very impor- is taking feeds from the same after 7.30 pm) tant part of holding the country s o u rces as the commercial stations, together. He went on to say that it but at least their content is bro a d e r Please provide the usual informa- was important because it gave peo- and better balanced (for now). tion: how many tickets you want ple in one part of the country, and your credit card details. some idea about what people in I came home from the US sad- the rest of the country thought dened by the ignorance, and We need to have specific numbers depressed by the triumphalism of and did and that it welded the to organise the number of guides nation together. people who believe that they live + pay in advance. in the best place on earth without

Page 13 The Board’s Influence in screening Conservative Prime ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ Minister, John Major. In response to reports in The Board is the pro b l e m Balance should not the SMH and the Melbourne here rather than the pro- negate fairness, accuracy A g e re g a r ding the allegations gram. People can turn off or intellectual rigour. Nor of undue influence being the program but as yet, should it be used as an applied by the ABC Board they can't get rid of the excuse by a politically on Kim Dalton, Director of unrepresentative ABC motivated Board to to try ABC TV, to screen ‘The Board. to impose its wacko world Great Global Warming view on the Australian The ABC is a key public Swindle’ (a documentary public. institution, which does which states that human not deserve to have its beings are not responsible Professor Alan Knight PhD for rising global tempera- governance stacked with Head of Discipline tures), the new National government mates. Journalism and Media FABC Spokesperson, Studies FABC supports a “hands P r o f e s s o r Alan Knight, Queensland University off” selection process has released the following of Technology statement: where Board members are appointed on merit rather National Spokesperson Re: The Great Global than political connections. for Friends of the ABC Warming Swindle Prime Minister should match (See SMH Thursday May 24, An unbalanced Board Keven Rudd’s promise to should not intervene in 2007 Report by Wendy Frew and institute the transparent the selection of ABC pro- article by George Monbiot) selection process intro- grams. duced by British FABC (NSW) Executive Committee Office Bearers New Committee Members – Acting President - Mal Hewitt Phone: 9637 2900 Your ABC needs you! < m a l a n d a l @ o p t u s n e t . c o m . a u > More members to serve on the NSW Committee Secretary & Treasurer - would be most welcome, as numbers are down at James Buchanan present. This important committee is jointly responsible for the control and management of Phone: 9371 5621 the affairs of FABC NSW. We meet on the 3rd Monday of most months Membership Secretary - February through November, at 6.30pm in Pitt Chris Cartledge Street Sydney. Phone: 4226 2323 or 0408 655 882 You must have email, and the main requirement is an ability to attend regularly. Membership Line: 9990 0600

If you can help, please contact James Buchanan Acting Update Editor - (Hon Treasurer) Mal Hewitt E-mail “[email protected]” or phone PO Box 1391 N. Sydney NSW 2059 9371 5621- 111 Dover Road Rose Bay NSW 2029 < m a l a n d a l @ o p t u s n e t . c o m . a u >

Page 14 McKew urges fair go for ABC Howard has often used the word “un-Australian” to attack the credi- Brad be more convinced when present bility of people whose behaviour Norington political leaders invoked the fair he believes are at odds with the 28 April 2007 go and mateship as vital principles nation's character. While Mr if they also stopped harassing great Howard is often interviewed on institutions such as the ABC and the ABC, it has been the target of LABOR CSIRO. "I might be a little more virulent attacks from within his recruit and for- convinced if, when our present Government over alleged bias. The mer ABC journalist Maxine McKew leaders insist that the fair go and CSIRO has attracted government has urged John Howard to stop mateship are Australia's vital ani- criticism over research funding, harassing her old employer and to mating principles, our present especially related to climate- start supporting it for the sake of leaders gave some sign they were change. Ms McKew announced in Australia's national identity. Ms animated by them,” she said. February that she wanted to chal- McKew, who will be Labor's "And when they line themselves lenge Mr Howard in his Liberal endorsed candidate in the Prime up with the national identity, they seat of Bennelong, after a 30-year Minister's Sydney seat of actually funded a few more expres- career with the ABC, most recently Bennelong at this year's federal sions of it, instead of harassing as the Friday night host of the election, said yesterday she great institutions such as the ABC program. She had already flinched every time she heard the and CSIRO. quit the ABC after Mr Rudd word "un-Australian". In a speech became leader in December to join to the NSW branch of the “So-called ideal constructions of his staff. Some opinion polls give Australian Fabians linked to the the national character cast shad- Ms McKew a chance of defeating ALP's national conference in ows in which all sorts of hyp- the Prime Minister, who holds Sydney, Ms McKew said she might ocrites and villains hide.” Mr Bennelong with a 4 per cent marg i n. Rudd on the ABC Board Moya Crowe 03 May 2007 body, the enforcement arm etc., you are going to Below is a copy of the relevant part of a recent tran- have to have a system which is properly staffed. script of the 7.30 Report I will not stand by and have this body either become the agency of ex trade union officials or ex KERRY O'BRIEN: But the core of my question was, officials from employer organisations, for that mat- I'm not arguing the virtues one way or another, ter. People will be appointed on their merit but I'm that's a separate issue of how you've structured it. not going to turn this into an employment agency My question is, how are the Australian people for retired officials from the ACTU. End of story. going to be able to gauge any guarantee from you that when you appoint the people who are suppos- KERRY O'BRIEN: And will that be a transparent edly going to be the independent umpires, that process and one where the integrity of the choices the process of appointment is a process of integrity can be seen? and that the people who go there are not going to be stacked more towards, if you like, the unions? : Absolutely. Let me make a parallel Or more towards the workers than to business? with this. When it comes to the future composition And are genuinely fair both ways? of the board of the ABC, I'll be instituting a parallel process so we don't allow the politicisation of the b o a rd of the ABC. I'm passionate about the integrity KEVIN RUDD: Well, I give you this as an absolute of public institutions. Public institutions have been guarantee here on your program. I will not be prostituted by this Government so much over the Prime Minister of this country and appoint some last decade that we've actually got to draw a line. endless tribe of trade union officials to staff or ex We need to restore the integrity of institutions so trade union officials to staff the key positions in this that they are put beyond the reach of partisan poli- body. That's not my intention. That's not the way tics. in which it's going to work. What we want is peo- ple of fairness and of integrity, of independence Here's another guarantee for you. I will not make who can get the balance right here. You will have an appointment of any former politician or political that, of course, by definition in your judicial arm of staffer to any position on the board of the ABC this body. But in terms of the other parts of the

Page 15 S TATE AND REGIONAL BRANCHES National Web Portal Central Coast I l l a w a r r a Queensland - FA B C links to all State Branches. John Hale Jan Kent (Secre t a r y ) Don Sinnamon Go to: 21 Stephenson Rd. Friends of the ABC Illawarra Suite 14B1 Bateau Bay 2261 PO Box 336,Unanderra 2526 7/421 Brunswick St w w w. f r i e n d s o f t h e a b c . o r g . a u Ph: 4333 8107 Phone/Fax: 4271 3531 Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 j h a l e @ t a c . c o m . a u j a n k e n t @ b i g p o n d . c o m Ph 0405 721 617 New South Wa l e s d o n . s i n n a m o n @ a p h . g o v. a u Mal Hewitt (Acting Pre s i d e n t ) C o w p e r FABC NSW P.O. Box 1391 N o r t h e r n Rivers (formerly Nambucca Va l l e y ) Neville Jennings ACT - FA B C North Sydney 2059 Joyce Gardner (Secre t a r y ) Jill Gre e n w e l l Phone: 9637 2900 PO Box 1484 Kingscliff, 2487 GPO Box 2625 FABC Cowper PO Box 1169 Ph/Fax: 6674 3830 (H) m a l a n d a l @ o p t u s n e t . c o m . a u C o ffs Harbour NSW 2450 ACT 2601 Ph: 6568 7532 n j e n n i n g @ s c u . e d u . a u Ph: 6253 3531 A l b u r y f a b c c o w p e r @ g m a i l . c o m p re s i d e n t @ f a b c a c t . o r g O r a n g e Jim Saleeba Bev Holland 621 Lindsay Av e . E a s t e r n Suburbs South Australia - FA B C Albury 2640 Nizza Siano (Secre t a r y ) 26 Sunny South Cre s c e n t Joan Laing Ph:(02) 6021 5690 16 Holland Rd. Orange NSW 2800 PO Box 7158 s a l e e b a 1 @ b i g p o n d . n e t . a u Bellevue Hill NSW 2023 Ph: 6362 4744 Hutt St, Phone / Fax 9327 3423 b e v h o l l a n d @ w e s t n e t . c o m . a u SA 5000 s i a n o @ t p g . c o m . a u Ph/Fax 08 8271 0751 A r m i d a l e P a r r a m a t t a j l a i n g @ i n t e r n o d e . o n . n e t Priscilla Connor E u ro b o d a l l a Mal Hewitt 41 Judith Stre e t Keith Simmons 31 Queen St, Granville 2142 We s t e r n Australia - FA B C Armidale NSW 2350 1/29 Mathew Pde. John Smith Ph: 6772 3454 or 6772 2217 Ph: 9637 2900 Batehaven 2536 m a l a n d a l @ o p t u s n e t . c o m . a u PO Box 179 [email protected] Ph. 4472 9898 Darlington, WA 6070 k e i t h b a t e h @ t a d a u s t . o r g . a u Phone:0427 989 485 B a t h u r s t Port Macquarie/ f a m s m i t h 2 1 @ h o t m a i l . c o m Mid North Coast Tracey Carpenter web: www. a b c f r i e n d s w a . n e t G reat Lakes Drusi Megget 76 Havannah St Marty Morrison (VP) Bathurst 2795 PO Box 1752 Tasmania - FA B C PO Box 871 Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Ph: 6331 8305 Forster 2428 Anne O’Byrn e h a v a n n a h @ b i g p o n d . n e t . a u Ph: 6555 2442 Ph: (02) 6583 8798 G P O Box 883 [email protected] d r u s i @ t s n . c c Hobart Tas. 7001 Blue Mountains Ph (03) 6331 1108 Victoria - FA B C a o b y r n e @ b i g p o n d . n e t . a u Bob Macadam H u n t e r Friends of the ABC (Vic) GPO 34 Lee Road Lisa Thomas Winmalee 2777 c/o PO Box 265 Box 4065 FABC RESOURCE Ph: 4754 1620 M e rewether 2291 M e l b o u r ne VIC 3001 C E N T R E [email protected] Ph: 4930 7309 Ph: 9682 0073 fabcvic@vic- D a rce Cassidy a l l a n . t h o m a s 2 @ b i g p o n d . c o m n e t . n e t . a u w w w. f r i e n d s o f t h e a b c . o r g

Membership form Please fill out the form below and return it with your payment to: The Treasurer, Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. Use only if joining or if your membership has expired. PO Box 1391, North Sydney NSW 2059. First Name Last Name E m a i l : (Please Print)

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