בס“ד Parshiyot Vayikra/HaChodesh 1 Nisan, 5778/March 17, 2018 Vol. 9 Num. 28 To dedicate an issue of Toronto Torah for $180, please contact
[email protected] or 647-234-7299 Life On Call Rabbi Baruch Weintraub I would like to begin this column in an to drop everything, leave your home and them to accident or to nature, one may unusual way, by describing the family, and step forward to the task. If fail to act according to his calling. If circumstances of its writing. I am this happens often and for long Moshe would have thought that the writing it while on a short break from durations of time, it may come at a very Burning Bush was just another desert reserve duty, still in my IDF uniform. high price. An example is the education mirage, or that G-d really wanted the The reason I share that with you is of one’s children. The Torah is mute complete destruction of the people in because, as happens many times, the regarding the fate of Moshe’s two the aftermath of the Golden Calf, that events during the week can shed light children, Gershom and Eliezer, but our would have been a misreading of the on that week’s Torah portion. Sages teach us that one of them became signs and may have concluded in the Specifically, being called for reserve no less than a priest for an idol! (Baba complete failure of the mission. duty caused me to think about the Batra 109a) Could this tragic fate be opening verse of the parshah, which seen in light of Moshe’s complete The life of those “on call”, thus, is the begins, “And He called Moshe”.