Study of Technology Adoption in California Medical Groups, Ipas, and Community Clinics
Study of Technology Adoption in California Medical Groups, IPAs, and Community Clinics May 2002 Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by Healthcare Change Institute Acknowledgments The Healthcare Change Institute (HCI) utilized the strength of its faculty, a multi-disciplinary team of academics, consultants, and executives to design and conduct the study and analyze findings. The faculty had considerable experience in managing, studying, and consulting with medical groups and other health care organizations. The faculty also had substantial experience in high technology development and adoption in California medical groups as well as in health systems and medical groups on the east coast who are experienced and advanced in technology adoption. Core HCI study team faculty were: Jeff Oxendine, M.B.A., M.P.H., Founder and Executive Director of HCI at Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Lecturer at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, Principal Investigator; Katherine Kim, M.B.A., M.P.H., former president and CEO of the Communications Technology Cluster LLC, Partner in Health Technology Group LLC, Project Leader and Manager; Judy N. Li, M.B.A., Director of Business Development, SRI International, formerly Stanford Research Institute; Thomas Rundall, Ph.D., Henry J. Kaiser Professor of Organized Health Systems, University of California, Berkeley; and Stephen Shortell, Distinguished Blue Cross of California Professor of Health Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley. Other HCI faculty who served as collaborators on the project were: Jerry Coil; Jack Silversin, D.M.D., DR.P.H., President of Amicus Consulting, Boston, MA; John Glaser, Ph.D., Chief Information Officer, Partners HealthCare System; Joan Rubano, R.N., Stanford University Medical Center; Dobbe Sangha, M.D., M.P.H., Lead Research Associate; Camila Chavez, Research Associate; and David Monaghan, Research Associate.
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