Abstract We provide a description of the sheaves of Kähler differentials of the arc space and jet schemes of an arbitrary where these sheaves are computed directly from the sheaf of differentials of the given scheme. Several applications on the structure of arc spaces are presented.

1. Introduction The works of Greenberg [19], Nash [37], Kolchin[30], and Denef and Loeser [11] have set the basis for our understanding of the structure of arc spaces and their con- nections to singularities and birational geometry. In these studies, most of the focus is on the reduced structure of arc spaces and the underlying topological spaces, and little is known about their scheme structure. Notable studies in this direction are those of Reguera [38], [39], which were recently continued in [34], [40]. The present article can be viewed as a continuation of these studies. In the first part we describe the sheaves of Kähler differentials of the arc space and of the jet schemes. The second part of the paper is devoted to applications of the resulting for- mulas. This approach leads to new results as well as simpler and more direct proofs of some of the theorems in the literature, and it also provides a new way of understanding some of the fundamental properties of the theory. In the first part, we work over an arbitrary base scheme S. For simplicity, in the Introduction we restrict to the case of a scheme X over a field k; the reader will not loose too much of the spirit of the paper by even assuming that X is a variety. The arc space of X over S, denoted X1, parameterizes formal arcs on X,anditcomes equipped with a universal family known as the universal arc:

DUKE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Vol. 169, No. 2, © 2020 DOI 10.1215/00127094-2019-0043 Received 28 September 2017. Revision received 8 May 2019. First published online 12 December 2019. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 14E18; Secondary 13N05, 13H99.


1 U1 X



More concretely, if X  An is an affine scheme defined by polynomial equations fj D 0, then an arc on X is a vector of power series .x1.t/; : : : ; xn.t// with coeffi- cients in a field satisfying identically the equations fj D 0. The coefficients of the power series define coordinates on X1. The universal arc is a vector of power series .x1.t/; : : : ; xn.t// whose coefficients are the coordinate functions on X1. As a word of warning, it should be noted that X1 and U1 are typically not Noetherian even when X is Noetherian. On the other hand, they are affine over X and this gives us concrete tools to work with. We note that all the theorems in the following are local in nature, and thus one can restrict without loss of generality to the case where X is affine.

On U1, we construct a sheaf P1 whose OX1 -dual is OU1 . The sheaf P1 plays the role of “kernel” (as in a sort of Fourier–Mukai transform) in the next formula, which relates the sheaf of differentials of X1 directly to the sheaf of differentials of X.

THEOREM A (Kähler differentials on arc spaces) There is a natural isomorphism    X1 ' 1 1.X / ˝ P1 :

We have a similar result for jet schemes. If Xn denotes the nth jet scheme of X, n n then we have a universal jet Xn  Un ! X, and we construct a sheaf Pn on Un whose OXn -dual is OUn . In this case, it turns out that Pn is the OXn -dual of OUn and is trivial as an OUn -module, and the description of the sheaf of differentials gets simplified.

THEOREM B (Kähler differentials on jet schemes) There are natural isomorphisms       Xn ' n n .X / ˝ Pn ' n n .X / :

These theorems provide an efficient way of computing the Jacobian matrices of the jet schemes and the arc space. We illustrate this in some details at the end of Section 5. DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 355

We apply Theorems A and B to study the structure of arc spaces. Our starting point is the description of the fibers of the sheaf of differentials of the jet schemes Xn at liftable jets. Suppose that X is a scheme of finite type over k,andlet˛ 2 X1 be an arc. For n  1,let˛n 2 Xn be the truncation of ˛ and Ln the residue field of ˛n. Using the above theorems, we determine an isomorphism   M nC1 d ei Xn ˝ Ln ' LnŒt=.t / ˚ LnŒt=.t /: id

Here the number d and the sequence ¹ei º are certain Fitting-theoretic invariants of the pullback of X by ˛ (see Section 6 for the precise definition of these invariants and Theorem 7.2 for the precise statement). If X is a reduced and equidimensional scheme of finite type over a field k,andifP˛ is not fully contained in the singular locus of X,thenwehaved D dim X and id ei D ord˛.JacX /, where JacX is the Jacobian ideal of X, and the above isomorphism recovers in this case one of the main results of [5]. These results have several applications. For simplicity, for the remainder of this Introduction we will assume that X is a variety defined over a perfect field k, although more general results are obtained below. A natural way of studying the structure of the arc space of X is to analyze its (not necessarily closed) points. Given a point ˛ 2 X1, we are interested in two invariants: the embedding

emb:dim.OX1;˛/ of the local ring at ˛,andthejet codimension of ˛ in X1, which is defined by    jet:codim.˛; X1/ WD lim .n C 1/ dim.X/  dim ¹˛nº : n!1 These and related invariants have been studied in the literature (e.g., see [8], [9], [14], [34], [40]). Both numbers provide measures of the “size” of the point. Note, however, that while the embedding dimension is computed on the arc space (with its scheme structure), the jet codimension is computed from the truncations of the arc and only depends on the reduced structure of the jet schemes. Our first application is that these two invariants measure the same quantity, as follows.

THEOREM C (Embedding dimension as jet codimension) Given a variety X over a perfect field, we have

emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D jet:codim.˛; X1/ for every ˛ 2 X1. 356 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

One of the most important results on arc spaces is the birational transformation rule due to Denef and Loeser (see [11] and also [31]). This result implies the change- of-variable formula in motivic integration (see [2], [11], [31], [32]), and it has been applied to study invariants of singularities in birational geometry (see, e.g., [5], [13], [15], [17], [25], [27], [28], [35], [36], [44]). Using our description of the sheaf of differentials, we obtain the following variant.

THEOREM D (Birational transformation rule) Given a proper birational map f W Y ! X between two varieties over a perfect field, we have

emb:dim.OY1;ˇ / Ä emb:dim.OX1;f1.ˇ// Ä emb:dim.OY1;ˇ / C ordˇ .Jacf / for every ˇ 2 Y1,whereJacf is the Jacobian of f . Moreover, if Y is smooth at ˇ.0/, then

emb:dim.OX1;f1.ˇ// D emb:dim.OY1;ˇ / C ordˇ .Jacf /:

The connection between this theorem and Denef and Loeser’s birational transfor- mation rule becomes evident once we rewrite the second formula of Theorem D using Theorem C, which gives the formula   jet:codim f1.ˇ/; X1 D jet:codim.ˇ; Y1/ C ordˇ .Jacf / for any resolution of singularities f W Y ! X. Although it does not retain all the information provided in [11] that is necessary for the change-of-variable formula in motivic integration, this formula suffices for all known applications to the study of singularities in birational geometry. Our next application regards the stable points of the arc space. These are the generic points of the irreducible constructible subsets of X1 that are not contained in .Sing X/1 (see Section 10). Stable points and their local rings have been exten- sively studied in [34], [38]–[40]. The following theorem can be viewed as providing a characterization of stable points.

THEOREM E (Characterization of finite embedding dimension) Given a variety X over a perfect field and a point ˛ 2 X1, we have

emb:dim.OX1;˛/<1 if and only if ˛ is a stable point.

It follows from general properties of local rings that the embedding dimension at a point ˛ 2 X1 is finite if and only if the completion of the local ring is Noetherian. DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 357

The fact that the completion of the local ring at a stable point ˛ 2 X1 is Noetherian is a theorem of Reguera (see [38], [39]), and we get a new proof of this important result. It is the key ingredient in the proof of the curve selection lemma, which plays an essential role in the recent progress on the Nash problem (see, e.g., [6], [18]). There are examples in positive characteristic of varieties X whose arc space X1 has irreducible components that are fully contained in .Sing X/1,andTheoremE implies that X1 has infinite embedding codimension at the generic points of such components (see Remark 10.9). One should contrast this with the main theorem in both [12]and[20], which can be interpreted as saying that the completion of the local ring of X1 at any k-valued point that is not contained in .Sing X/1 has finite embedding codimension. A special class of stable points is given by what we call the maximal divisorial arcs. By definition, these are the arcs ˛ 2 X1 whose associated valuation ord˛ is a divisorial valuation and that are maximal (with respect to specialization) among all arcs defining the same divisorial valuation. Equivalently, they are the generic points of the maximal divisorial sets defined in [8], [14], [24]. For example, if E is a prime divisor on a resolution of singularities f W Y ! X,andC  Y1 is the set of arcs on Y with positive order of contact along E, then the closure of f1.C / in X1 is the maximal divisorial set associated to the valuation ordE and its generic point is the maximal divisorial arc corresponding to this valuation. Our final application gives the following result.

THEOREM F (Embedding dimension at maximal divisorial arcs) Let X be a variety over a perfect field, let f W Y ! X be a proper birational mor- phism from a normal variety Y ,letE be a prime divisor on Y , and let q be a positive integer. If ˛ 2 X1 is the maximal divisorial arc corresponding to the divisorial valu- ation q ordE ,then  

emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D q ordE .Jacf / C 1 :

The quantity ordE .Jacf / is also known as the Mather discrepancy of E over X, b and it is denoted by kE .X/ (see [8]). In view of Theorem C, Theorem F recovers [8, Theorem 3.8]. The theorem is also closely related to a recent result of Mourtada and Reguera in [34], [40], which states that, with the same assumptions as in Theorem F, if the field has characteristic zero, then    emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D emb:dim.O.X1/red;˛/ D q ordE .Jacf / C 1 :  Here, OX1;˛ is the completion of OX1;˛ with respect to the I -adic topology where

I  OX1;˛ is the maximal ideal. It is regarded with the inverse limit topology, which in general differs from the Ib-topology (a system of the neighborhood of 0 is given by 358 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO the closures of the powers of Ib, which can be strictly larger than the powers them- selves). It can be shown using results from [39] that, in characteristic zero, Theorem F also follows from the above theorem of Mourtada and Reguera (see Remark 11.8). In a different direction, the isomorphisms given in Theorem B can be used to study the relationship between the Nash blowup of a variety and the Nash blowup of its jet schemes (see [7]). Proofs of the results stated in the Introduction are located as follows: both state- ments in Theorems A and B are contained in Theorem 5.3, Theorem C is proved in Theorem 10.7, Theorem D combines the statements of Theorems 9.2 and 9.3,The- orem E is proved in Theorem 10.8, and Theorem F follows from Theorem 11.4.We should also recognize it worth mentioning that most proofs in this paper rely only on the definition of arc space and on basic facts of commutative algebra.

2. Conventions Throughout the following, all rings are assumed to be commutative with identity. Unless otherwise specified, rings are regarded with the discrete topology; however, power series rings of the form RŒŒt are considered as complete topological rings. For topological modules M and N over a topological ring R, we define their com- pleted tensor product, denoted by M ˝O R N , as the completion of the ordinary tensor product M ˝R N . We will mostly encounter completed tensor products of the form M ˝O R AŒŒt, where R is a ring, A is an R-algebra, and M is an R-module, all with the discrete topology. We fix a base scheme S and we work on the category of schemes over S. Given an object X in this category, we do not impose any condition on the morphism X ! S. However, starting with Section 8 we will assume that S D Spec k,wherek is a perfect field, and we will mostly focus on schemes of finite type over k. We also need to consider formal schemes over S. For our purposes, it will be enough to consider the notion of formal scheme introduced in [21]. In fact, we will consider formal schemes only of the form X O Z Spf ZŒŒt ,whereX is an ordinary scheme. Here and in the rest of this article, we use the symbol O to denote the product in the category of formal schemes; this emphasizes the fact that it corresponds to the completed tensor product ˝O at the level of topological rings. In particular,   Spec R O Z Spf ZŒŒt  D Spf R ˝O Z ZŒŒt  D Spf RŒŒt:

Unless otherwise stated, the letters m and n will be used to denote elements in the set N [¹1ºwhere N denotes the set of nonnegative integers. DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 359

3. Generalities on arcs and jets Let X be an arbitrary scheme over a base scheme S. The jet schemes and the arc space of X over S are defined, in this generality, in [43] (see that article for more details and proofs; see also [16], [26]). For every nonnegative integer n,then-jet scheme .X=S/n of X over S represents the functor from S-schemes to sets given by   nC1 Z 7! HomS Z Z Spec ZŒt=.t /; X ; while the arc space .X=S/1 of X over S represents the functor from S-schemes to sets given by   Z 7! HomS Z O Z Spf ZŒŒt ; X :

A point of .X=S/n is called an n-jet of X (over S), and a point of .X=S/1 is called an arc of X (over S). Note that an arc ˛ 2 .X=S/1 can be equivalently thought of as a map Spf LŒŒt ! X or as a map Spec LŒŒt ! X, where L is the residue field of ˛ and the composition of the map with the structure map X ! S factors through Spec L (see Lemma 3.1 below). In particular, if S D Spec R, then we can view ˛ as an arc with coefficients in R via the map R ! L. The advantage of considering ˛ as a map Spec LŒŒt ! X is that it allows us to talk about the generic point of the arc, by which we mean the image ˛./ 2 X of the generic point  of Spec LŒŒt. We will denote by ˛.0/ the image of the closed point of Spec LŒŒt.IfS D Spec R where R is a ring, then one can replace Z with R in the above formulas. If S D Spec k,where k is a field, then we will simply denote .X=S/n by Xn and .X=S/1 by X1. For any n 2 N [¹1º, the scheme .X=S/n is equipped with a universal family

n Un X (3.1)


.X=S/n S

For n finite, the family is given by

nC1 Un D .X=S/n Z Spec ZŒt=.t /; and is called the universal n-jet.Forn D1,itisgivenby

U1 D .X=S/1 O Z Spf ZŒŒt  and is called the universal arc. Notice that U1 is a formal scheme. The completed fiber of 1 W U1 ! .X=S/1 over a point ˛ 2 .X=S/1.L/ is Spf LŒŒt,andthe 360 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO restriction of 1 to it agrees with the induced map ˛ W Spf LŒŒt ! X. While the definition of U1 may be hard to grasp at first sight, we will show in a moment that, in the affine case, its structure can be described very explicitly. We will use the following notation for the natural truncation maps:

n W .X=S/1 ! .X=S/n;m;n W .X=S/m ! .X=S/n; n W .X=S/n ! X:

Note that n is different from the composition map n ı n. Furthermore, we observe that there is no natural map between Um and Un when m>n. The natural map is

m;n W Un .X=S/n .X=S/m ! Um; where the fiber product is taken with respect to the maps n and m;n. It will be useful to have notation in place for the affine case. The following basic properties are proved in [43].

LEMMA 3.1 ([43, Corollary 1.8, Theorem 4.5]) Assume that S D Spec R for a ring R and that X D Spec A for an R-algebra A.Then .X=S/n is affine for all n 2 N [¹1º. If we write .X=S/n D Spec An, then for every R-algebra C , we have   nC1 .X=S/n.C / D HomR-alg.An;C/D HomR-alg A; C Œt=.t / ; if n is finite, and   .X=S/1.C / D HomR-alg.A1;C/D HomR-alg A; C ŒŒt :

Moreover, An is characterized by the above property.

More explicitly, jet schemes and arc spaces can be defined using Hasse–Schmidt derivations. With the notation of Lemma 3.1,theA-algebra An can be constructed as n the algebra of Hasse–Schmidt differentials HSA=R (see [43, Definition 1.3 and The- orem 4.5]). It comes equipped with the universal Hasse–Schmidt derivation, which is a sequence .D0;D1;:::;Dn/ (by which we mean .D0;D1;:::/ if n D1), where n n D0 W A ! HSA=R is the natural inclusion and Di W A ! HSA=R,fori  1, are group homomorphisms such that Di .r/ D 0 for r 2 R and X Di .xy/ D Dj .x/Dk.y/ j CkDi for all x;y 2 A.

Remark 3.2 The definition of Hasse–Schmidt derivations is tailored to work in arbitrary character- istic. In characteristic zero, Hasse–Schmidt derivations can be computed from usual DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 361 derivations (see [43, Section 1, Example]) but this is no longer true if the characteristic is positive.

nC1 Defining Bn WD AnŒt=.t / when n is finite and B1 WD A1ŒŒt  when n D1, we have

.X=S/n D Spec An and Un D Spf Bn:

The universal jet (or arc) is given by

] n Bn A (3.2)

] n

An R

] ] where the map n is the natural inclusion An  Bn,andthemapn is defined by Xn ] p n.f / D Dp.f /t ; pD0

n where .Dp/pD0 is the universal Hasse–Schmidt derivation. ] We will consider in Bn the A-module structure given by n and the An-module ] structure given by n. Notice that Bn has a second A-module structure (induced from the inclusion A  An  Bn), but we will have no use for it.

For m>n,themapm;n W Un .X=S/n .X=S/m ! Um is defined by the natural projection

] mC1 nC1 m;n W Bm D AmŒt=.t / ! Bn ˝An Am D AmŒt=.t / when m is finite and by

] nC1 1;n W B1 D A1ŒŒt  ! Bn ˝An A1 D A1Œt=.t / when m D1.

Remark 3.3 If X is a quasicompact and quasiseparated scheme over a field k, then it follows from the results in [1] that the functor of points of the arc space X1 can also be described as   X1.C / D Homk Spec CŒŒt;X 362 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO for any k-algebra C . Notice that this description avoids the use of formal schemes, and, in particular, it gives a universal arc which is defined as an ordinary scheme. The category of quasicompact and quasiseparated schemes is probably large enough to contain all arc spaces of geometric interest, but the theory developed in [1] in very delicate, and we preferred to avoid relying on it. Our results are local in nature, so it is enough for us to have an analogue of the above formula in the affine case. This is precisely the content of Lemma 3.1, which is an elementary fact from commutative algebra. Our results do not require the quasicompact and quasiseparated conditions.

4. The sheaves Pn The goal of this section is to define the sheaves Pn appearing in Theorems A and B. We start by looking at the affine case. We continue with the notation n introduced in Section 3, so that, given an R-algebra A,wehaveAn D HSA=R, nC1 Bn D AnŒt=.t / when n is finite, and B1 D A1ŒŒt .

Definition 4.1 For any n 2 N [¹1º,wedefinePn to be the Bn-module given by n Pn WD t AnŒt=tAnŒt when n is finite and

P1 WD A1..t //=tA1ŒŒt  when n D1. Q L n i n j As An-modules, we have Bn D iD0 Ant and Pn DP j D0 Ant . It is con- n i venient to view an element b 2 Bn as a power series b D PiD0 ai t (a polynomial n 0 j if n is finite), and an element p 2 Pn as a polynomial p D j D0 aj t . With this in mind, we can view the Bn-module structure as follows: the action of an element b 2 Bn on an element p 2 Pn is simply given by the product b  p of the two series, modulo tAnŒŒt .

Note that the An-module HomAn .Pn;An/ has a natural Bn-module structure given by precomposition. That is, given b 2 Bn and W Pn ! An,wedefineb  to be the homomorphism Pn ! An defined by .b  /.p/ WD .b  p/.

LEMMA 4.2 N For every n 2 [¹1º, there exists a canonical isomorphism Bn ' HomAn .Pn;An/ as Bn-modules.

Proof Q L n i n j Since Bn D iD0 Ant and Pn D j D0 Ant , there is a canonical isomorphism of DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 363

An-modules Bn ' HomAn .Pn;An/ given by Xn  Xn Xn Á i 0 j 0 b D ai t 7! b W p D aj t 7! ai ai ; iD0 j D0 iD0 and it is immediate to check that this isomorphism is compatible with the respective Bn-module structures.

Remark 4.3 Lemma 4.2 generalizes to all An-modules in the following way. For every An-module

M , the space HomAn .Pn;M/has a natural Bn-module structure given by precompo- sition, and there is a canonical isomorphism

M ˝O An Bn ' HomAn .Pn;M/ as Bn-modules. The proof followsQ the same arguments of the proof of Lemma 4.2 O n i once we observe that M ˝An Bn D iD0 Mt .

Remark 4.4 j n i n When n is finite, we can view ¹t ºj D0 as the dual basis of ¹t ºiD0, and we have

Pn ' HomAn .Bn;An/. Note, however, that P1 is not the A1-dual of B1.

LEMMA 4.5 j j Cn For n 2 N, the morphism that sends t to t gives an isomorphism of Bn- modules between Pn and Bn. By contrast, P1 and B1 are not isomorphic, not even as A1-modules.

Proof n Multiplication by t clearly gives an isomorphism of An-modules Pn ' Bn,andwe can check that this is compatible with the Bn-module structures. The last assertion is also clear since P1 ' A1Œt (as A1-module), whereas B1 D A1ŒŒt .

Remark 4.6 ] For m>n, the homomorphism m;n W Bm ! Bn ˝An Am defining the morphism

m;n W Un .X=S/n .X=S/m ! Um corresponds, via the duality given in Lemma 4.2, to the inclusion

Pn ˝An Am ! Pm

j j that sends t in Pn ˝An Am to t in Pm.Whenm is finite, this inclusion corre- sponds via the natural isomorphisms Pn ' Bn and Pm ' Bm to the homomorphism mn Bn ˝An Am ! Bm given by multiplication by t . 364 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

The definition of Pn globalizes as follows. Given an arbitrary X ! S, source and target can be covered by affine charts Spec A  X and Spec R  S so that the morphism is determined by gluing affine morphisms Spec A ! Spec R. For every n,letUn be the universal family given in (3.1). Then the sheaves Pn constructed above for the corresponding charts Spec Bn  Un glue together to give a sheaf Pn on Un. For every n 2 N [¹1º, there is a natural isomorphism  

n.OUn / ' HomO.X=S/n n.Pn/; O.X=S/n :

Moreover, the right-hand side has a natural OUn -module structure given by precom- posing with the OUn -module action on Pn, and with this structure is isomorphic to

OUn . Furthermore, if n is finite, then we have Pn ' OUn . All these statements can be checked locally on X, and therefore it suffices to consider the case where X D Spec A and S D Spec R, where they reduce to Lemmas 4.2 and 4.5. The analysis done in the affine case can be carried out in an identical way in this more general setting. In particular, for each m>n, we get a natural injective morphism    m;n n.Pn/ ! m.Pm/:

If m and n are finite, then Pm ' OUm and Pn ' OUn , and the above injection is  conjugate to the morphism m;n.n.OUn // ! m.OUm / given by multiplication by t mn.

5. Derivations and differentials

In this section, we prove the description of .X=S/n stated in Theorems A and B. We continue with the notation introduced in the preceding section, so that, given n nC1 an R-algebra A,wehaveAn D HSA=R, Bn D AnŒt=.t / when n is finite, and ] B1 D A1ŒŒt . As before, we regard Bn an An-module via n and as an A-module ] via n, where these maps are defined in (3.2).

LEMMA 5.1 Let m;n 2 N [¹1º.LetR be a ring, and let A be an R-algebra. Let M be an

An-module, and consider M ˝O An Bn with the A-module structure induced from the

A-module structure on Bn (notice that ˝O An D˝An when n is finite). Then there is a natural isomorphism


If m>n and M is an Am-module, then the natural map DerR.Am; M/! DerR.An;M/ corresponds via the above isomorphism to the map induced by ] m;n W Bm ! Bn ˝An Am.

Proof To treat the cases of arcs and jets at the same time, we will identify RŒŒt with RŒt=.tnC1/ when n D1. Fix an An-module M as in the statement of the lemma, and consider the An- 0 0 module An ˚ "M with the An-algebra structure defined by .r ˚ "m/ .r ˚ "m / D .rr0 ˚ ".rm0 C r0m//. The symbol " should be thought as a variable with "2 D 0. nC1 Since An ˝O R RŒt=.t / D Bn, Lemma 3.1 gives a natural isomorphism  

HomR-alg.An;An ˚ "M / ' HomR-alg A; Bn ˚ ".M ˝O An Bn/ :

The two modules of derivations that we are interested in are mapped into each other via this isomorphism. More precisely, we have ® ˇ ¯ ˇ DerR.An;M/' 2 HomR-alg.An;An ˚ "M / D idAn mod " ®   ˇ ¯ O ˇ ] ' 2 HomR-alg A; Bn ˚ ".M ˝An Bn/ D n mod "

' DerR.A; M ˝O An Bn/:

For the second statement of the lemma, it suffices to note that the map DerR.Am;M/ ! DerR.An;M/ corresponds, via the above isomorphisms, to the map    

HomR-alg A; Bm ˚ ".M ˝O Am Bm/ ! HomR-alg A; Bn ˚ ".M ˝O An Bn/ induced by the projection RŒt=.tmC1/ ! RŒt=.tnC1/, and the latter is exactly the ] projection that induces m;n. All the isomorphisms in the proof are functorial with respect to all the data involved, and therefore the resulting isomorphisms are natural.

Remark 5.2 Lemma 5.1 is the algebraic incarnation of an intuitive geometric fact about tangent vectors on arc spaces and jet schemes. For concreteness, we look at the case of arcs when R D k is a field. Consider a point ˛ in X1 with residue field L, here regarded as an A1-module. Then an element of Derk.A1;L/corresponds to a tangent vector to X1 at ˛. Using the isomorphism of Lemma 5.1, this tangent vector gets identified with an element of Derk.A; LŒŒt/, which corresponds to a vector field on X along the image of the arc ˛. These types of identifications are expected for moduli spaces 366 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO of maps. For example, given two smooth projective varieties X and Y , we can con- sider the space M D Mor.Y; X/ parameterizing morphisms from Y to X. Then, for a morphism f W Y ! X, we have the well-known formula

0  TM;f ' H .Y; f TX /; which is analogous to Lemma 5.1.

THEOREM 5.3 Let X ! S be a morphism of schemes. For every n 2 N [¹1ºwe have a natural isomorphism    .X=S/n=S ' n n .X=S/ ˝ Pn ; where n W Un ! .X=S/n and n W Un ! X are defined in (3.1), and these sheaves  are isomorphic to n.n .X=S// whenever n is finite. Moreover, for every m;n 2 N [¹1ºwith m>n, the morphisms

 m;n..X=S/n=S / ! .X=S/m=S induced by the truncation maps are obtained from the natural inclusion   m;n.n.Pn// ! m.Pm/ by tensoring with n.n .X=S//, and correspond  mn to the maps m;n.n.OUn // ! m.OUm / given by multiplication by t when- ever m is finite.

Proof Since these properties are local in X, we can assume that X D Spec A and S D ] Spec R. Recall that all Bn-modules are regarded as An-modules via n and as A- ] modules via n. With the same notation as in Section 4,letM be an arbitrary An- module. By Remark 4.3, the natural morphism

M ˝O An Bn ! HomAn .Pn;M/ is an isomorphism of Bn-modules. Then, by Lemma 5.1, we have a chain of natural isomorphisms

HomAn .An=R;M/' DerR.An;M/

' DerR.A; M ˝O An Bn/

' HomA.A=R;M ˝O An Bn/  

' HomA A=R; HomAn .Pn;M/


It follows that there is a natural isomorphism of An-modules An=R ' A=R ˝A Pn.

Since A=R ˝A Pn D .A=R ˝A Bn/ ˝Bn Pn, this and the fact that, by Lemma 4.5, Pn is isomorphic to Bn as a Bn-module if n is finite give the first statement. The other statements follow immediately from the second part of Lemma 5.1 and Remark 4.6.

Remark 5.4 Suppose for simplicity that X D Spec A is affine over S D Spec R so that the formula in Theorem 5.3 becomes, for n D1,

A1=R ' A=R ˝A P1:

For every A1-algebra L (e.g., a field corresponding to a point of .X=S/1), we have

A1=R ˝A1 L ' A=R ˝A P1 ˝A1 L

' A=R ˝A LŒŒt ˝LŒŒt .P1 ˝A1 L/:

Note that LŒŒt D B1 ˝O A1 L. In the second step above, we have used the fact that

P1 ˝A1 L D L..t//=tLŒŒt, and hence it is not just a module over B1 ˝A1 L but also over LŒŒt. The above formula will be useful in order to compute fibers of

X1=S .

It is worthwhile to work out explicitly what Theorem 5.3 is telling us in the affine case, when both X and S are affine and X is of finite type over S. We start with the case when n is finite. If S D Spec R and X D Spec A, then we can write RŒx ;:::;x  A D 1 r : .f1;:::;fs/ Then RŒx.p/ j i D 1;:::;r;pD 0;:::;n A D i ; n .q/ .fj j j D 1;:::;s;qD 0;:::;n/

.k/ where, for every g and k,wesetg WD Dk.g/. The presentation of A yields the following presentation for A=R: M M J Adfj ! Adxi ! A=R ! 0: j i

Here J D Œ@fj =@xi  is the Jacobian matrix. Similarly, the presentation of An gives M e M .q/ Jn .p/ An df j ! An dxi ! An=R ! 0; j;q i;p 368 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

e .q/ .p/ where Jn D Œ@fj =@xi . Theorem 5.3 provides an efficient way of writing down this matrix. Explicitly, the theorem gives the presentation M M J.t/ Pn df j ! Pn dxi ! An=R ! 0; j i where J.t/ is, entry by entry, the pullback of J via the universal jet. In particular, we can write

J.t/ D J C J 0t C J 00t 2 CCJ .n/t n; L .k/ n k where J D ŒDk.@fj =@xi /. Using the decomposition Pn D kD0 Ant ,weget M M q Jn p Ant df j ! Ant dxi ! An=R ! 0; j;q i;p where 2 3 JJ0  J .n/ 6 7 60J J .n1/7 Jn D 6 : : : : 7 : 4 : : :: : 5 00 J

.p/ p The isomorphism in Lemma 5.1 maps @=@xi 7! t @=@xi . By duality, we see that .p/ p .q/ q the isomorphism in Theorem 5.3 maps dxi 7! t dxi and df j 7! t df j .From this, we see that e Jn D Jn:

In particular, we can immediately recover from this that

@f .q/ @f .qC1/ j D j for all p;q < n .p/ .pC1/ @xi @xi and .q/  Á @f @f j D D j for all p

The above presentation of An=R is compatible with the differentials An=R ˝An

Am ! Am=R of the truncation maps, and it can be used to compute them. Letting n !1, one gets a similar description of the presentation matrix for A1=R,where now the matrix is infinite-dimensional. DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 369

6. Invariant factors and fitting invariants In the next section, we will be interested in studying fibers of the sheaves of differ- entials on jet schemes .X=S/n. Using Theorem 5.3, this will involve understanding the pullback of X=S along a jet. As a preparation, in the present section we include some remarks on these types of pullbacks. Let X be an arbitrary scheme over base scheme S.Foragivenn 2 N [¹1º, consider a point ˛n 2 .X=S/n and let Ln denote the residue field of ˛n. We do not assume that ˛n is a closed point of .X=S/n. By shrinking X around n.˛n/,we may assume without loss of generality that X D Spec A and S D Spec R are affine. Let An and Bn be the algebras defined in Section 4,sothat.X=S/n D Spec An and Un D Spec Bn. Algebraically, ˛n is given by a morphism

] O ˛n W A ! Bn ˝An Ln;

nC1 where Bn ˝O An Ln D LnŒt=.t / if n is finite and B1 ˝O A1 L1 D L1ŒŒt .For nC1 simplicity, in what follows we will identify L1ŒŒt  with LnŒt=.t / when n D nC1 1, and we will always use the more suggestive notation LnŒt=.t / instead of

Bn ˝O An Ln. Consider a finitely generated A-module M . We are interested in understanding the structure of its pullback along ˛n, which is given by

nC1 M ˝A LnŒt=.t /:

nC1 Notice that LnŒt=.t / is a principal ideal ring (and a domain when n D1). Since M is finitely generated, the pullback is also finitely generated, and the structure theory for finitely generated modules over principal ideal rings gives a unique decomposition   M nC1 nC1 d ei M ˝A LnŒt=.t / ' LnŒt=.t / ˚ LnŒt=.t /; id where the direct sum in the right-hand side has finitely many nonzero terms and n C

1>ed  edC1    edCr .When0 Ä i

Definition 6.1 1 We call ¹ei .˛n;M/ºiD0 the sequence of invariant factors of M with respect to ˛n. The number d.˛n;M/is called the Betti number of M with respect to ˛n.

The invariant factors of M with respect to ˛n determine the pullback M ˝A nC1 LŒt=.t / up to isomorphism. If ˛n is the truncation of another jet ˛m (so 370 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

m;n.˛m/ D ˛n), the invariant factors with respect to ˛n and ˛m are related. We have: ® ¯ ei .˛n/ D min n C 1; ei .˛m/ :

Notice that the Betti numbers with respect to ˛n and ˛m could be different. We always have d.˛n/  d.˛m/. The invariant factors are related to the Fitting ideals of M , whose definition we recall briefly. Since M is finitely generated, we can find a presentation

' F1 ! F0 ! M ! 0; (6.1)

i where F0 and F1 are free A-modules and F0 is finitely generated. Then Fitt .M /  A is the ideal generated by the minors of size rank.F0/  i of the matrix representing '. Geometrically, a point x 2 X belongs to the zero locus of Fitti .M / if and only if the dimension of the fiber M ˝A k.x/ is greater than i.

Recall that if J  A is an ideal, then c D ord˛n .J / is defined as the number ] c for which ˛n.J / D .t /.Whenn is finite, we pick c 2¹0; 1; : : : ; n C 1º,andwhen n D1,wehavec 2¹0; 1; : : : ; 1º (we use the convention t 1 D 0).

Definition 6.2 Consider the numbers   i ci .˛n;M/WD ord˛n Fitt .M / :

1 We call ¹ci .˛n;M/ºiD0 the sequence of Fitting invariants of M with respect to ˛n.

The Fitting invariants are determined by the invariant factors. To see this, consider the pullback via ˛n of the presentation in (6.1):

e e ' e nC1 F1 ! F0 ! M ˝A LnŒt=.t / ! 0: (6.2)

The structure theory says that, after picking appropriate bases, 'e is represented by a matrix with entries t e0 ;te1 ;te2 ;:::along the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere. The minors of 'eare the pullbacks of the minors of '. This property is expressed by saying that “the formation of Fitting ideals commutes with base change,” and it gives     i nC1 ] i nC1 ci nC1 Fitt M ˝R LnŒt=.t / D ˛n Fitt .M /  LnŒt=.t / D .t /  LnŒt=.t /;

i nC1 where ci D ord˛n .Fitt .M //. Here the Fitting ideals of M ˝A LnŒt=.t / are com- nC1 puted with respect to its structure as a module over LnŒt=.t /. On the other hand, we can compute these Fitting ideals directly using the presentation in (6.2). We get: DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 371

ci D min¹n C 1; ei C eiC1 C eiC2 Cº:

If n D1, we get that ci D ei C eiC1 C eiC2 C, and we see that in this case the invariant factors are determined by the Fitting invariants. The Betti number counts the number of infinite Fitting invariants and can be interpreted geometrically as the dimension of the fiber M ˝A k. /,where D ˛1./ is the generic point of the arc d ˛1. In particular, we have that ord˛.Fitt .M // < 1.

7. The fiber over a jet In this section, we assume that X is a scheme of finite type over an arbitrary base scheme S. This condition on X guarantees that the sheaf of differentials X=S is a finitely generated OX -module. In particular, we can consider its Fitting ideals and can apply the results of Section 6.

Remark 7.1 i To compute Fitt .X=S/, we can work locally on X and S, and we use a relatively AN closed embedding of X in some affine space S over S to get a presentation as in (6.1), where ' is the Jacobian matrix of the embedding. As for any module, a point i x 2 X belongs to the zero locus of Fitt .X=S/ if and only if the dimension of the

fiber X=S ˝OX k.x/ is >i. In particular, if X is a reduced and equidimensional i scheme of finite type over a field k, then Fitt .X=k/ is zero when i

We are interested in studying the fibers of .X=S/n=S , and relating them to the Fitting invariants of X=S .

THEOREM 7.2 Let X be a scheme of finite type over a base scheme S,letn 2 N, and consider a jet ˛n 2 .X=S/n. We do not assume that ˛n is a closed point of .X=S/n, and we let Ln be its residue field. Let dn and ¹ei º be the Betti number and invariant factors of  X=S with respect to ˛n. Then the isomorphism .X=S/n=S ' n.n .X=S// given by Theorem 5.3 induces an isomorphism   M nC1 dn ei .X=S/n=S ˝O.X=S/n Ln ' LnŒt=.t / ˚ LnŒt=.t /: idn

Proof After restricting to a suitable open set of X, we can assume that X D Spec A and S D Spec R. As before, we use the notation from Section 4. From Theorem 5.3,since n is finite, we see that An=S ' A=S ˝A Bn, where Bn is considered as an A- ] module via n. This implies that 372 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

nC1 An=S ˝An Ln ' A=S ˝A LnŒt=.t /;

nC1 ] where LnŒt=.t / is considered as an A-module via ˛n. The theorem now follows from the definition of the invariant factors with respect to the jet ˛n.

We now restrict ourselves to liftable jets. By definition, these are points in a jet scheme .X=S/n that lie in the image of the truncation map n W .X=S/1 ! .X=S/n. From the above theorem it is immediate to compute the of the fibers of

.X=S/n=S over liftable jets.

COROLLARY 7.3 In addition to the assumptions of Theorem 7.2, assume that ˛n D n.˛/ for some arc dn ˛ 2 .X=S/1. Consider the ideal sheaf Jdn WD Fitt .X=S/.Then

dimLn ..X=S/n=S ˝O.X=S/n Ln/ D .n C 1/dn C ord˛.Jdn /:

Proof Starting at the position i D dn, we have an equality of invariant factors ei .˛n/ D ei .˛/.Sinceord˛.Jdn / D cdn D edn C ednC1 C, the result follows immediately from Theorem 7.2.

Remark 7.4

The Betti number dn D d.˛n;X=S/ appearing in the two immediately preceding results is hard to interpret in geometric terms. On the other hand, the Betti number d D d.˛;X=S/ has a clear meaning: it is the dimension of the fiber X=S ˝OX k. /, where D ˛./ 2 X is the generic point of ˛. Recall that when n is large enough

(bigger than all the invariant factors of ˛), the Betti numbers of X=S with respect to ˛ and ˛n D n.˛/ coincide.

The next corollary recovers [5, Proposition 5.1].

COROLLARY 7.5 In addition to the assumptions of Corollary 7.3, assume that S D Spec k for a field k, assume that X is reduced and equidimensional over k, and assume that the arc ˛ is not completely contained in the singular locus of X. Then, for finite n  ord˛.JacX /, we have

dimLn .Xn=k ˝OXn Ln/ D .n C 1/ dim X C ord˛.JacX /:


With the additional assumptions, we see that the Betti number of X=S with respect DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 373

d to ˛ is d D dim X, and therefore Jd D Fitt .A=k/ D JacX . The condition n  ord˛.JacX / guarantees that the Betti numbers of A=k with respect to ˛ and ˛n coin- cide. The result is just a restatement of Corollary 7.3 in this case.

8. Embedding dimension We now study embedding dimensions of arcs and jets. Starting with this section and for the reminder of this article, we assume that X is a scheme of finite type over a perfect field k. In the following, let ˛ 2 X1 be a point, and denote by L D L1 the residue field of ˛. We do not assume that ˛ is a closed point of X1.Foreveryn 2 N, we let ˛n D n.˛/ be the truncations, and we denote by Ln their residue fields. It will be convenient to also allow the notation ˛1 for ˛. For n 2 N, we denote dim.˛n/ WD tr:deg.Ln=k/. Since the ground field k is assumed to be perfect, we have

dim.˛n/ D dimLn .Ln=k/:

We start with some preliminary lemmas. For ease of notation, in our discussion of these preliminary properties we will restrict ourselves to the affine setting and will assume that X D Spec A,whereA is a finitely generated k-algebra. We apply the notation from Section 4 with R D k. For each n 2 N [¹1º,weletIn  An be the prime ideal defining ˛n.When m>n, we have inclusions In  Im. The Zariski tangent space of Xn at ˛n is the dual 2 of the Ln-vector space In=In , and hence the embedding dimension of Xn at ˛n is given by

2 emb:dim.OXn;˛n / D dimLn .In=In /:

2 2 Note that there are natural maps In=In ! Im=Im whenever m>nandalsothat

2 2 I1=I1 D inj lim.In=In /: n!1

LEMMA 8.1 As above, let X D Spec A,whereA is a finitely generated k-algebra, and let ˛ 2 X1. For every n 2 N,letdn be the Betti number of A=k with respect to the truncation dn ˛n D n.˛/, and consider the ideal Jdn WD Fitt .A=k/.Then

emb:dim.OXn;˛n / D .n C 1/dn  dim.˛n/ C ord˛.Jdn /:


Applying [33, Theorem 25.2] to the sequence k ! .An/In ! Ln, we get an exact sequence 374 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

2 0 ! In=In ! An=k ˝An Ln ! Ln=k ! 0:

Here we used the assumption that k is perfect. The lemma now follows from Corol- lary 7.3 and the equality dim.˛n/ D dimLn .Ln=k/.

LEMMA 8.2 With the same assumptions as Lemma 8.1,letd and ei be the Betti number and invariant factors of A=k with respect to the arc ˛, and let An=k ˝An Am ! Am=k be the map induced by the truncation morphism m;n W Xm ! Xn. Then, for finite m  n C ord˛.Jd /, we have  Á  M Á LŒt dnd LŒt K WD ker.An=k ˝An L ! Am=k ˝Am L/ ' ˚ ; .t nC1/ .t ei / idn and hence dimL.K/ D .n C 1/.dn  d/C ord˛.Jdn /. In particular, for n  ord˛.Jd / and m  n C ord˛.Jd /, we have M LŒt K D ker.An=k ˝An L ! Am=k ˝Am L/ ' .t ei / id and dimL.K/ D ord˛.Jd /.


Since m  ord˛.Jd /, we see that the Betti numbers of A=k with respect to ˛ and ˛m coincide. By Theorems 7.2 and 5.3 (see also Remark 4.6), we see that K is isomorphic to the kernel of the map  Á  Á  M Á LŒt d LŒt dnd LŒt ˚ ˚ .t nC1/ .t nC1/ .t ei / idn

 Á dMn1 Á  M Á tmn LŒt d LŒt LŒt ! ˚ ˚ .t mC1/ .t ei / .t ei / iDd idn

mn given by multiplication by t .SincewehaveP m  n  ord˛.Jd /  ei for all i  d , the first assertion follows. Note that idn ei D ord˛.Jdn /. The last assertion follows from this and from the fact that, if n  ord˛.Jd /,thendn D d .

LEMMA 8.3 With the same assumptions as Lemma 8.2, consider the natural morphism

2 2 n W In=In ˝An L ! I1=I1 induced by the truncation map. Then DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 375   dimL Im. n/  .n C 1/d  dim.˛n/:


Consider m  n C ord˛.Jd /. We have the following commutative diagram with exact rows and columns:

0 0 0

0 K0 K K00

2 0 In=In ˝ L An=k ˝ L Ln=k ˝ L 0


2 0 Im=Im ˝ L Am=k ˝ L Lm=k ˝ L 0

Recall that, by Lemmas 8.1 and 8.2,wehave

2 dimL.In=In ˝ L/ D .n C 1/dn  dim.˛n/ C ord˛.Jdn /;

dimL.K/ D .n C 1/.dn  d/C ord˛.Jdn /:

Then from the first column of the diagram we see that   2 0 dimL Im. n;m/ D dimL.In=In ˝ L/  dimL.K / 2  dimL.In=In ˝ L/  dimL.K/

D .n C 1/d  dim.˛n/:

Since Im. n/ D inj limm Im. n;m/, the result follows.

LEMMA 8.4 With the same assumptions as Lemma 8.2, we have  

emb:dim.OX1;˛/  lim sup .n C 1/d  dim.˛n/ : n!1

Proof 2 2 Consider the maps n of Lemma 8.3.SinceI1=I1 D inj lim.In=In /, it also holds 2 that I1=I1 D inj lim.Im. n//. Therefore the assertion follows from Lemma 8.3.

We now return to the global case of schemes of finite type over k. Recall that the X of finite type over k at a point , denoted dim .X/,is 376 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO defined as the infimum of the dimensions (over k) of all open neighborhoods of in X.

THEOREM 8.5 Assume that X is a scheme of finite type over k. Then for any arc ˛ 2 X1, letting D ˛./ 2 X denote the generic point of the arc, we have

emb:dim.OX1;˛/  dim .X/  dim.˛0/:


The proof follows from Lemma 8.4 and the fact that the Betti number of X=k with respect to ˛ is bounded below by dim .X/.

Since the ground field is perfect, a point x on a scheme of finite type X is singular if and only if dim.X ˝ k.x// > dimx.X/. In particular, nonreduced points of X are singular. We denote by Sing X the singular locus of X. Without further mention, we will use the fact that, as the ground field is perfect, if X is a variety, then Sing X is a proper closed subset of X and hence, in particular, has smaller dimension.

LEMMA 8.6 Let X be a a scheme of finite type over k,let˛ 2 X1, and let Z  X be the closure of the generic point ˛./ of ˛. Then for every n 2 N we have

dim.˛n/ Ä .n C 1/ dim.Z/:

Proof In characteristic zero, the statement follows easily from Kolchin’s irreducibility theo- rem [30, Chapter 4, Proposition 10]. Over an arbitrary perfect field, the argument can be adjusted as follows. Note that ˛ 2 Z1 n .Sing Z/1. Then, by [39, Theorem 2.9], ˛ belongs to the unique irreducible component C of Z1 that dominates Z. It follows that the closure of the projection of C to Zn has dimension .n C 1/ dim.Z/,andthe assertion follows.

PROPOSITION 8.7 Let X be scheme of finite type, let ˛ 2 X1, and denote by D ˛./ 2 X the generic point of ˛. Assume that one of the following two conditions holds:

(1) ˛ 2 Y1 where Y  X is a closed subscheme with dim .Y / < dim .X/, (2) ˛ 2 .Sing X/1. Then


Proof Suppose first that (1) holds. By the geometric interpretation of Betti numbers, we have d.˛;X /  dim .X/.Sincedim.˛n/ Ä .n C 1/ dim .Y / by Lemma 8.6,and dim .Y / < dim .X/,Lemma8.4 implies that  

emb:dim.OX1;˛/  lim sup.n C 1/ d.˛;X /  dim.Y / D1: n!1

Suppose then that (2) holds. If dim .Sing X/1 < dim .X/, then the assertion fol- lows from case (1). Otherwise, X is nonreduced at and hence d.˛;X />dim .X/, and we conclude that emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D1by Lemmas 8.4 and 8.6.

Remark 8.8 The inequalities stated in Lemmas 8.3 and 8.4 are both equalities whenever the map K0 ! K in the proof of Lemma 8.3 is an isomorphism. This is clearly the case if 00 Lm is separable over Ln,asinthiscaseK D 0, and therefore we get equalities in both formulas if k has characteristic zero or ˛ is a k-rational point of X1.More interestingly, we will see later in Section 10 that the condition that Lm is separable over Ln is always guaranteed if X is a variety and ˛ is a stable point of X1,and hence we will deduce that equalities hold in this case, too. It will turn out in the end (see Lemma 10.6) that in fact the equality holds in general, and the limsup is a limit, in the formula stated in Lemma 8.4.

9. The birational transformation rule Here we study how birational morphisms affect the embedding dimension of arcs. Given two schemes X and Y of finite type over a perfect field k, we say that a mor- phism f W Y ! X is birational over a union of components if there exist a dense open set V  Y and a (not necessarily dense) open set U  X such that f.V/ U and the restriction f jV W V ! U is an isomorphism. If U is dense in X, or equivalently if f is dominant, then we say that f is birational. If f W Y ! X is birational over a union of components, then the sheaf of relative 0 differentials Y=X is torsion. We consider the Jacobian ideal Jacf WD Fitt .Y=X/ of f .

LEMMA 9.1 Let X and Y be schemes of finite type over a perfect field, and consider a proper map f W Y ! X that is birational over a union of components. Let ˇ 2 Y1 and consider ˛ D f1.ˇ/ 2 X1.Iff is locally an isomorphism at the generic point ˇ./ of the arc (that is, one can pick V  Y as above such that ˇ./ 2 V ), then the residue fields of ˛ and ˇ are equal. 378 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

Proof Let L and K be the residue fields of ˛ and ˇ, respectively. Since ˛ D f1.ˇ/,wehave L  K. Consider ˛ as map ˛ W Spec LŒŒt ! X. The hypothesis on ˇ guarantees that the generic point ˛./ of ˛ lies in the locus over which f is an isomorphism, and therefore it can be lifted. The valuative criterion of properness gives a unique lift of ˛ to an arc e˛ W Spec LŒŒt ! Y . This corresponds to a morphism Spec L ! Y1 whose image is ˇ by construction. This implies that K  L, as required.

THEOREM 9.2 Let X and Y be schemes of finite type over a perfect field. Consider a proper map f W Y ! X that is birational over a union of components. Let ˇ 2 Y1 and consider ˛ D f1.ˇ/ 2 X1. Assume that Y is smooth at ˇ.0/.Then

emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D emb:dim.OY1;ˇ / C ordˇ .Jacf /:

Note that several of these numbers could be infinite. For example, if ˇ has infi- nite embedding dimension, the theorem implies that ˛ also has infinite embedding dimension. Conversely, if ˛ has infinite embedding dimension and ˇ is not completely contained in the vanishing locus of Jacf ,thenˇ has infinite embedding dimension.

Proof of Theorem 9.2 Let V  Y be a dense open subset as above, so that f restricts to an isomorphism from V to an open set U  X.Ifˇ is contained in Z WD Y n V ,then˛ is contained in the image of Z, and hence both embedding dimensions are infinite by Proposi- tion 8.7. Thus we assume that ˇ is not contained in Z, which means that ˇ./ 2 V . By Lemma 9.1 both ˛ and ˇ have the same residue field, which we call L.LetI and J be the ideals defining ˛ and ˇ. Since the ground field is perfect, we have the following diagram:

2 0 I=I X1=k ˝OX1 L L=k 0

' (9.1)

2 0 J=J Y1=k ˝OY1 L L=k 0

Therefore, the theorem will follow if we show that

dimL.ker '/  dimL.coker '/ D ordˇ .Jacf /:

Recall the universal arc 1 W U1 ! X1 and the sheaf P1 on U1 defined in Section 4. We rely on Remark 5.4 for the computation of the fibers appearing in the middle column of (9.1). For ease of notation, we denote DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 379

O BL WD LŒŒt D 1.OU1 / ˝OX1 L and

PL WD L..t//=tLŒŒt D 1.P1/ ˝OX1 L:

We can regard BL both as an OX -algebra via the arc ˛ and as an OY -algebra via ˇ.ThenPL, which is naturally a BL-module, becomes both an OX -module and an OY -module. The map f induces a natural sequence of sheaves of differentials:


X=k ˝OX OY Y=k Y=X 0:

After pulling back to the arcs ˛ and ˇ,weget:

X=k ˝OX BL Y=k ˝OY BL Y=X ˝OY BL 0:

All of the terms in this sequence are finitely generated modules over BL D LŒŒt, and therefore they are direct sums of cyclic modules. Since Y is smooth at ˇ.0/,the middle term FY WD Y=k ˝OY BL is free. Write X=k ˝OX BL D FX ˚ TX ,where FX is free and TX is torsion. Since f is an isomorphism at the generic point of ˇ,the restriction D jFX is injective. Consider QY=X D coker. /. We have an exact sequence:

0 FX FY QY=X 0: (9.2)

Note that .TX / D 0, and therefore that QY=X D Y=X ˝OY BL. Theorem 5.3 says that ' is obtained from by tensoring with PL:


0 K X=k ˝OX PL Y=k ˝OY PL Y=X ˝OY PL 0

X1=k ˝OX1 LY1=k ˝OY1 L


Note that PL is a divisible BL-module, and hence tensoring with PL kills torsion. We get the following diagram: 380 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO




0 K X=k ˝OX PL Y=k ˝OY PL Y=X ˝OY PL 0

(9.4) where ' is induced by .

Since QY=X D Y=X ˝OY BL is torsion (because ˇ is not contained in the excep- BL tional locus), we see that QY=X ˝BL PL D 0. Moreover, K D Tor1 .QY=X;PL/ D QY=X. Therefore dimL.K/ D dimL.QY=X/ D ordˇ .Jacf /, and the result follows. Alternatively, we can check directly that dimL.K/ D ordˇ .Jacf /. To do this, note that, after appropriate choices of bases, the map can be represented by a matrix with entries t e0 ;te1 ;::: along the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere. In the language of Section 6,theei can be chosen to be the invariant factors ofP the module Y=X with respect to the arc ˇ. In particular, we have ordˇ .Jacf / D i0 ei .Sinceˇ is not contained in the exceptional locus, we have ei L< 1 for all i.Themap' is repre- sented by the same matrix as .WegetK D i0 Ki ,whereKi is the kernel of e the map PL ! PL given by multiplicationP by t i . An easy computation shows that dimL.Ki / D ei , and therefore dimL.K/ D i0 ei D ordˇ .Jacf /.

THEOREM 9.3 Let X and Y be schemes of finite type over a perfect field. Consider a proper map f W Y ! X that is birational over a union of components. Let ˇ 2 Y1, and consider ˛ D f1.ˇ/ 2 X1.Then

emb:dim.OY1;ˇ / Ä emb:dim.OX1;˛/ Ä emb:dim.OY1;ˇ / C ordˇ .Jacf /:

Proof The proof is almost identical to that of Theorem 9.2. Using the notation of that theo- rem, the main difference is that Y=k ˝OY BL is no longer a free BL-module. Write

Y=k ˝OY BL D FY ˚ TY , where FY is a free BL-module and TY is torsion, and let be the composition of jFX with the projection to FY .Then is still injec- tive, and we can consider the module QY=X given by the sequence in (9.2). The diagrams in (9.3)and(9.4) remain valid. (Observe that Y=X ˝OY BL is a torsion

BL-module, so coker ' D 0, and the diagram of (9.1) shows that emb:dim.OY1;ˇ / Ä emb:dim.OX1;˛/.)

The module QY=X is a quotient of Y=X ˝OY BL, and therefore it is also torsion. As in the proof of Theorem 9.2, this implies that: DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 381

BL ker.'/ D K D Tor1 .QY=X;PL/ D QY=X:

Using again that QY=X is a quotient of Y=X ˝OY BL, we see that

dimL.K/ D dimL.QY=X/ Ä dimL.Y=X ˝OY BL/ D ordˇ .Jacf /; and the result follows.

COROLLARY 9.4 Let f W Y ! X be a proper birational morphism between schemes of finite type over a perfect field. Then the induced map f1 W Y1 ! X1 induces a bijection ® ˇ ¯ ® ˇ ¯ ˇ 11 ˇ ˇ 2 Y1 emb:dim.OY1;ˇ /<1 ! ˛ 2 X1 emb:dim.OX1;˛/<1 :

Proof Theorem 9.3 implies that Y1 has finite embedding dimension at a point ˇ if and only if X1 has finite embedding dimension at f1.ˇ/. To conclude, it suffices to observe that if ˛ 2 X1 is not in the image of f1,thenX1 has infinite embedding dimension at ˛. Indeed, by the valuative criterion of properness, ˛ must be fully contained in the indeterminacy locus of f 1 W X  Y .Sincef is a birational map, the indetermi- nacy locus of f 1 has dimension strictly smaller than the dimension of X at any of its points, and therefore we have emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D1by Proposition 8.7.

Theorem 9.3 also implies the following useful property.

COROLLARY 9.5 Let X be a scheme of finite type over a perfect field k, and let ˛ 2 X1 be an arc such that ˛ … .Sing X/1.LetY  X be the irreducible component of X such that ˛ 2 Y1. Then

emb:dim.OY1;˛/ D emb:dim.OX1;˛/:

Proof The first remark, which is implicit in the statement, is that for every ˛ 2 X1 there is always an irreducible component Y of X such that ˛ 2 Y1,andif˛ … .Sing X/1, then such component is unique.

If f W Y ! X is the natural inclusion, then Jacf D OY and hence the assertion follows directly from Theorem 9.3.

Corollary 9.5 would follow immediately if we knew that the local rings OX1;˛ and OY1;˛ are isomorphic. This is, however, not true in general. While the reductions 382 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO of these rings can be shown to be isomorphic, it is not always the case that the rings themselves are isomorphic. An example where this fails is given next.

Example 9.6 Let X D¹xy D 0ºA2 be the union of two lines and let Y D¹y D 0ºA2 be one of the components, and consider the arc ˛ D .t;0/ 2 X1.Let€ D Z ˚ Z with the lexicographic order, so that, for instance,

<0< <2 <<1 2 < 1  <1<1C < ; and let R  k.r;s/ be the rank-2 valuation ring with value group € associated to the monomial valuation v defined by v.r/ D and v.s/ D 1.ThemapkŒx;y=.xy/ ! .R=.rs//ŒŒt defined by s s s x 7! r  t; y 7! s C t C t 2 C t 3 C r r2 r3 does not factor through the quotient kŒx;y=.xy/ ! kŒx, and this shows that the corresponding map OX1;˛ ! R=.rs/ does not factor through the quotient OX1;˛ !


Remark 9.7 If Y is a union of components of a nonreduced scheme X, the inclusion f W Y ! X is not necessarily a birational map over a union of components. In particular, Theorems 9.2 and 9.3 may not apply. Consider for instance the case where X is nowhere reduced and Y D Xred.Iff is the inclusion, then Jacf D OY , and hence ord˛.Jacf / D 0 for every ˛ 2 Y1. As we will see in the next section, we can always

findanarc˛ 2 Y1 with emb:dim.OY1;˛/<1. However, since Sing X D Y ,forany

˛ we have emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D1by Proposition 8.7.

10. Constructible and stable points Throughout this section, let k be a perfect field and let X be a scheme of finite type over k. The goal of this section is to characterize local rings OX1;˛ of finite embed- ding dimension. We start by recalling the notion of constructibility. Let Z be an arbitrary scheme. The definition of constructible subset of Z is here intended in the sense of [22](seealso[42, Tag 005G]). That is, a subset of Z is constructible if and only if it is a finite union of finite intersections of retrocompact open sets and their complements, where a subset W  Z is said to be retrocompact if, for every quasicompact open set U  Z, the intersection W \ U is quasicompact. A constructible set is irreducible if it contains a unique generic point, namely, a point whose closure in Z contains the set. With small abuse of terminology, we say that a point z 2 Z is constructible if z is the generic point of an irreducible constructible DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 383 subset of Z. Note that the fact that a point z 2 Z is constructible in this sense does not mean necessarily that the 1-point subset ¹zº, or its closure, are constructible subsets of Z. The above definition gives a notion of what it means for a point ˛ 2 X1 to be a constructible point. It is a general fact that a subset of X1 is constructible if and only if it is the (reduced) inverse image of a constructible subset of Xn for some finite n (see [23, Théorème 8.3.11]).

LEMMA 10.1 Let X be a scheme of finite type and let ˛ 2 X1 be an arc such that ˛ … .Sing X/1. Let Y  X be the irreducible component of X such that ˛ 2 Y1.Then˛ is a con- structible point of X1 if and only if it is a constructible point of Y1.

Proof Suppose first that ˛ is a constructible point of X1.Then˛ is the generic point of an irreducible constructible subset C  X1. Note that C \ Y1 is a constructible subset of Y1, and since ˛ 2 Y1 and Y1 is closed in X1, we actually have C  Y1.It follows that ˛ is a constructible point of Y1. Conversely, suppose that ˛ is a constructible point of Y1,andletD  Y1 be an irreducible constructible subset with generic point ˛. We can find an integer n 1 such that D D .njY1 / .Dn/,whereDn is a constructible subset of Yn.SinceXn is a scheme of finite type and Yn is a closed subscheme of Xn, the set Dn is also constructible in Xn.Since˛ … .Sing X/1, we can find a closed subscheme Z  X such that X D Y [ Z and ˛ … Z1. This means that ˛ has finite order of contact 1 1 with Z.Ifm is an integer larger than this order, then ˛ … m .Zm/.Thenn .Dn/ n 1 m .Zm/ is a constructible subset of X1 with generic point ˛, and hence ˛ is a constructible point of X1.

When X is a variety, constructible subsets of X1 are called weakly stable semial- gebraic sets in [11]andcylinders in [8], [14], [16], [24], among other places. Related notions are those of generically stable set introduced in [38]andquasicylinder intro- duced in [8]. The more restrictive notion of stable semialgebraic set was introduced in [11]. We recall this notion next. Following the terminology of [11](seealso[16]), a morphism g W V 0 ! V of schemes of finite type is said to induce a piecewise trivial fibration W 0 ! W with fiber F , where W 0  V 0 and W  V are constructible subsets and F is a reduced scheme, if there is a decomposition W D T1 ttTr , with all Ti locally closed sub- 0 1 0 sets of W such that each W \ g .Ti / is locally closed in V and, with the reduced scheme structure, it is isomorphic to Ti  F . 384 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

Let X be a variety. A subset W  X1 is said to be a stable semialgebraic subset if, for all n  1, the truncation nC1.X1/ ! n.X1/ induces a piecewise trivial dim.X/ fibration over n.W / with fiber A . The term stable point was coined in [39] to denote the generic point of an irreducible stable semialgebraic subset of X1.As explained in [11, (2.7)], a simple consequence of [11, Lemma 4.1] is that a point ˛ 2 X1 is stable if and only if it is constructible and is not contained in .Sing X/1. Note that [11, Lemma 4.1] is stated in characteristic zero, but the proof works over an arbitrary perfect field (see [16, Proposition 4.1] where the property is proved over algebraically closed fields of arbitrary characteristic).

Remark 10.2 The formulation of [39, 3.1(i)(c)] is equivalent to asking that the point is the generic point of a generically stable subset of X1 as defined in [38]. It seems that the condi- tion that the generic point of a generically stable subset be not contained in .Sing X/1 was overlooked in [38], [39]. An easy and well-known computation of the fiber over the 1-jet .t;0;0/ in the arc space of the Whitney umbrella X D¹xy2 D z2ºA3 shows that such condition is necessary.

Remark 10.3 Let X be a variety and let ˛ 2 X1 be a stable point. For every n 2 N,let˛n D n.˛/ be the truncation of ˛ and Ln its residue field. Then it follows immediately from the definition that, for all n  1, the field extension LnC1  Ln is purely transcendental of degree dim.X/ (cf. [39, Section 3.1(i)(b)]).

Remark 10.4 The reason for introducing the term constructible point in the context of arc spaces is that it is not completely clear what the definition of stable point of X1 should be if X is a nonreduced scheme. The point is that the difference between weakly stable and stable when X is a variety can be characterized in two equivalent ways: either by imposing the condition that ˛ is not contained in .Sing X/1 or by requiring the piecewise trivial fibration condition with fiber Adim.X/.IfX is not generically reduced, these two conditions are no longer equivalent.

Implicit in the works on motivic integration is the definition of codimension of a constructible subset of the arc space of a smooth variety. This was formalized and extended to singular varieties in [8], [9], [14]. Let X be a variety and let ˛ 2 X1,and for any n 2 N let ˛n D n.˛/.Thejet codimension of ˛ in X1 is defined to be   jet:codim.˛; X1/ WD lim .n C 1/ dim.X/  dim.˛n/ : n!1 DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 385

The fact that the limit exists is an easy application of [11, Lemma 4.1] (e.g., see [9, Lemma 4.13]). Note also that jet:codim.˛; X1/  0 for every ˛ 2 X1 (cf. Lemma 8.6). The next property, which is well-known to experts, formalizes the relationship between stable points and jet codimension.

PROPOSITION 10.5 Let X be a variety and let ˛ 2 X1.Then˛ is a stable point if and only if jet:codim.˛; X1/<1.

Proof If ˛ … .Sing X/1 then this follows easily from [11, Lemma 4.1]. If ˛ 2 .Sing X/1, then, since the ground field is perfect, the closure Z  X of the generic point ˛./ of ˛ has dimension dim.Z/ < dim.X/ and the same argument applied to Z implies that jet:codim.˛; X1/ D1.

The following more precise version of Lemma 8.4 holds on varieties.

LEMMA 10.6

Let X be a variety, let ˛ 2 X1 be any point, and let d be the Betti number of X=k with respect to ˛.Then   emb:dim.OX ;˛/ D lim .n C 1/d  dim.˛n/ : 1 n!1

Proof Since the right-hand side of the equation is bounded below by the jet codimension, it follows by Lemmas 8.4, 8.6 and Proposition 10.5 that both terms of the equation are infinite unless ˛ is a stable point. If ˛ is a stable point, then Remark 10.3 implies that, for m  n  1, the field extensions Ln  Lm are separable, and therefore equality holds by Remark 8.8.

THEOREM 10.7 Let X be a variety over a perfect field k. Then for every ˛ 2 X1 we have

emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D jet:codim.˛; X1/:

Proof If ˛ 2 .Sing X/1, then both sides of the equation are infinite by Propositions 8.7 and 10.5. Assume then that ˛ … .Sing X/1.ByLemma8.4 and the fact that d.˛;X=k/ D dim.X/,wehave 386 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO   emb:dim.OX ;˛/  lim .n C 1/ dim.X/  dim.˛n/ 1 n!1

D jet:codim.˛; X1/:

If ˛ is stable then the inequality in the first step of this formula is an equality by Lemma 10.6, and hence, combining the formula with Proposition 10.5,weget

emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D jet:codim.˛; X1/<1:

If ˛ is not stable, then we have jet:codim.˛; X1/ D1by Proposition 10.5,andwe conclude that emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D jet:codim.˛; X1/ D1.

We obtain the following characterization of local rings of finite embedding dimension.

THEOREM 10.8 Let X be a scheme of finite type over a perfect field. For every ˛ 2 X1, we have

emb:dim.OX1;˛/<1 if and only if ˛ is a constructible point and is not contained in .Sing X/1.


If ˛ 2 .Sing X/1,thenemb:dim.OX1;˛/ D1by Proposition 8.7. Assume then that ˛ … .Sing X/1.ThisimpliesthatX is reduced and irreducible at the generic point D ˛./. By Corollary 9.5 and Lemma 10.1, we can replace X with its irreducible component containing and thus assume that it is a variety. Then

Theorem 10.7 gives us emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D jet:codim.˛/, and we can conclude from the fact that jet:codim.˛/ < 1 if and only if ˛ is stable by Proposition 10.5.

Remark 10.9 By [39, Theorem 2.9], if X is a variety defined over a perfect field of positive char- acteristic, then X1 has finitely many irreducible components only one of which is not contained in .Sing X/1. For an example where X1 has more than one compo- nent given by the p-fold Whitney umbrella X D¹xyp D zpºA3 in characteristic p,see[4, Example 8.1]. Theorem 10.8 implies that, if ˛ is the generic point of an irreducible component of X1 that is contained in .Sing X/1,thenOX1;˛,whichis a 0-dimensional ring, has infinite embedding dimension.

COROLLARY 10.10 Let X be a variety over a perfect field. For any ˛ 2 X1 and n 2 N,let˛n D n.˛/ DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 387

be the truncation of ˛.Ifemb:dim.OX1;˛/ D1,thenemb:dim.OXn;˛n / becomes arbitrarily large as n increases. Otherwise, we have

emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D emb:dim.OXn;˛n /  ord˛.JacX / for all sufficiently large integers n.


For short, let dn WD d.˛n;X=k/ be the Betti number. If emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D1,then jet:codim.˛; X1/ D1by Theorem 10.7, and hence, since dn  dim.X/ for all n and the sequence of numbers ord˛.Jdn / stabilizes for n large enough, emb:dim.OXn;˛n / goes to 1 as n !1by Lemma 8.1. Otherwise, ˛ is a stable point and dn D dim.X/ for n  1 by Theorem 10.8, and hence the corollary follows by Lemmas 8.1 and 10.6.

COROLLARY 10.11 Let X be a variety over a perfect field and let f W Y ! X be a resolution of singular- ities. Then for every ˇ 2 Y1, letting ˛ D f1.ˇ/, we have

jet:codim.˛; X1/ D jet:codim.ˇ; Y1/ C ordˇ .Jacf /:

Proof The proof follows from Theorem 9.2 and 10.7.

One of the nice features of local rings of finite embedding dimension comes from the following elementary fact.

LEMMA 10.12  For any scheme Z over a field, the completion OZ;z of the local ring of Z at a point z is Noetherian if and only if emb:dim.OZ;z/<1.

Proof This is in fact a general result about completions of local rings. Let .R;b mb/ be the m-adic completion of a local ring .R; m/.Ifm=m2 is finite-dimensional, then mb is finitely generated by [42, Tag 0315],andthisimpliesthatRb is Noetherian. The con- c verse follows by the fact that since mb2  m2, there is always a surjection mb=mb2 ! m=m2.

The following property is an immediate consequence of Theorem 10.8. 388 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

COROLLARY 10.13  Let X be a reduced scheme of finite type over a perfect field. The completion OX1;˛ of the local ring at a point ˛ 2 X1 is Noetherian if and only if ˛ is a constructible point and is not contained in .Sing X/1.

Proof The proof follows from Theorem 10.8 and Lemma 10.12.

When X is a variety, the fact that the completion of the local ring at a stable point ˛ 2 X1 is Noetherian is a result of Reguera. It follows from [38, Corollary 4.6],  which proves that O.X1/red;˛ is Noetherian (cf. [34, Section 2.3, (vii)]), and [39,The-   orem 3.13], which proves that there is an isomorphism OX1;˛ ' O.X1/red;˛. Notice that this last result of Reguera is stated in characteristic zero, but the proof extends to all perfect fields using Hasse–Schmidt derivations. The curve selection lemma [38, Corollary 4.8] easily follows from Cohen’s struc- ture theorem once one knows that these rings are Noetherian. It is a powerful state- ment that allows the study of certain containments among sets in the arc space via the use of arcs in the arc space. All the current proofs solving the Nash problem in dimension 2 (see [6], [18]) use the curve selection lemma in an essential way. We conclude with the following property which was obtained by different meth- ods in [39, Proposition 4.1]. A more general statement in characteristic zero which applies to maps that are not necessarily birational is given in [39, Proposition 4.5].

COROLLARY 10.14 Let f W Y ! X be a proper birational morphism between schemes of finite type over a perfect field. Then the induced map f1 W Y1 ! X1 induces a bijection from the set of constructible points of Y1 that are not contained in .Sing Y/1 and the set of constructible points of X1 that are not contained in .Sing X/1. In particular, if X and Y are varieties, then f1 induces a bijection

11 ¹stable points ˇ 2 Y1º !¹stable points ˛ 2 X1º:

Proof The proof follows from Corollary 9.4 and 10.8.

Notice, by contrast, that the image f1.C / of a constructible set C  Y1 needs not be constructible in X1. This is shown in the next example.

Example 10.15 Let f W Y ! X be the blowup of a smooth closed point x 2 X of a variety of dimen- DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 389 sion at least 2,letE  Y be the exceptional divisor, and let y 2 E be a closed point. The set C  Y1 of arcs with positive order of contact with E at points in E n¹yº is constructible,S but its image f1.C /  X1 is not constructible, since it is equal to W n i1 Zi , where W is the set of arcs through x and Zi is the set of arcs with order i at x and where the principal tangent direction is equal to y.

11. Maximal divisorial arcs In this section, we study arcs that are naturally associated with divisorial valuations. Let X be a reduced scheme of finite type over a perfect field k.

Definition 11.1 A valuation on X is intended to be a k-trivial valuation of the function field of one of the irreducible components of X with center in X.Adivisorial valuation on X is a valuation v of the form v D q ordE where q is a positive integer and E is a prime divisor on a normal scheme Y with a morphism f W Y ! X that is birational over a union of irreducible components of X. For a divisorial valuation v, the number b kv.X/ WD v.Jacf / depends only on v (not on the particular map f ), and is called the b Mather discrepancy of v over X.Whenv D ordE (so q D 1), we write kE .X/.

If we denoteL by KX the sheaf of rational functions of X in the sense of [29] (i.e., KX D  OX;,where ranges among the generic points of the irreducible components of X), then a valuation of X can be thought of as a function v W KX ! .1; 1 which restricts to a Krull valuation on one of the summands OX; and is constant equal to 1 on the other summands. If v D q ordE is a divisorial valuation on X,thenE is a divisor on one of the irreducible components of Y , and the component of X dominated by it corresponds to the summand of KX where the valuation is nontrivial.

Definition 11.2 A point ˛ 2 X1 is a maximal divisorial arc if ord˛ extends to a divisorial valuation on X and ˛ is maximal among all points  2 X1 with ord D ord˛ (that is, ˛ is not the specialization of any other such point ).

In general, for an arc ˛ 2 X1, the function ord˛ is only defined on OX;˛.0/.If ˛ is a maximal divisorial arc, then we write ord˛ D q ordE and we think of it as a function on KX . Note that for other arcs ˇ (for instance, if ˇ is contained in Y1 for a smaller dimensional scheme Y  X) there may not be a natural way to extend ordˇ to KX . 390 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO

Let f W Y ! X be a proper morphism from a normal scheme Y that is birational over a union of components. Let E  Y be a prime divisor, and let Eı  E be the open set where both Y and E are smooth and none of the other components of the exceptional locus of f intersect E. For any positive integer q, consider the contact locus

q ı Cont .E ;Y/ Y1; which is defined to be the set of arcs in Y with order of contact at least q with E at a ı ı point in E .SinceY is smooth along E , the truncations Ym ! Yn are affine bundles over an open set containing Eı, and this implies that Contq.Eı;Y/is irreducible. The following property is well known to experts; we include a proof for the con- venience of the reader.

LEMMA 11.3 With the above notation, the image under f1 W Y1 ! X1 of the generic point of Contq.Eı;Y/is a maximal divisorial arc on X, and any such arc arises in this way.

Proof q ı Let ˇ be the generic point of Cont .E ;Y/and ˛ D f1.ˇ/.Itiselementarytosee that ordˇ D q ordE . By the definition of f1,wehaveord˛ D ordˇ , and therefore ord˛ D q ordE . We may assume without loss of generality that f is dominant (this is not essen- tial, but it makes the wording of the proof more clear). If  2 X is any arc with 1 ord D ord˛,then cannot be fully contained in the indeterminacy locus of f , and therefore it lifts to an arc e on Y by the valuative criterion of properness. Since orde D q ordE , we see that e must dominate the generic point of E and hence lie in Contq.Eı;Y/. It follows that  is a specialization of ˛, and therefore ˛ is a maximal divisorial arc. This argument also shows that any maximal divisorial arc arises in this way.

THEOREM 11.4 Let X be a reduced scheme of finite type over a perfect field. For every divisorial valuation q ordE on X there exists a unique maximal divisorial arc ˛ 2 X1 with ord˛ D q ordE . Moreover,   b emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D q kE .X/ C 1 :

Proof The first assertion is well known and can be viewed as a direct consequence of Theo- rem 11.3. The formula for the embedding dimension follows from Theorem 9.2 after DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 391

q ı we notice that, if ˇ is the generic point of Cont .E ;Y/,thenemb:dim.OY1;ˇ / D q, which is an easy computation, given that Y is smooth.

From Theorem 10.8 we recover the following fact about maximal divisorial arcs (due to [14]whenX is a smooth variety, and due to [8], [39] for arbitrary varieties).

COROLLARY 11.5 Let X be a reduced scheme of finite type. Then every maximal divisorial arc ˛ 2 X1 is a constructible point and is not contained in .Sing X/1.


By Theorem 11.4, the local ring OX1;˛ has finite embedding dimension, and hence ˛ is a constructible point not contained in .Sing X/1 by Theorem 10.8.

Since by Theorem 10.7,ifX is a variety then we have jet:codim.˛/ D emb:dim.OX1;˛/, we obtain the next corollary, which recovers the formula in [8, Theorem 3.8].

COROLLARY 11.6 With the same assumptions as in Theorem 11.4,ifX is a variety, then we have   b jet:codim.˛; X1/ D q kE .X/ C 1 :

The following related result has been recently proved, by different methods, by Mourtada and by Reguera.

THEOREM 11.7 ([34, Theorem 3.4], see also [40]) Let X be a variety defined over a field of characteristic zero and let ˛ 2 X1 be a maximal divisorial point corresponding to a valuation q ordE .Then    b emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D emb:dim.O.X1/red;˛/ D q kE .X/ C 1 :

Remark 11.8 The proof of Theorem 11.4 does not use the fact that maximal divisorial arcs are stable points, which is here deduced as a corollary (see Corollary 11.5). Granting this well- known fact from the start, if X is a variety over a field of characteristic zero, then one can also deduce Theorem 11.4 from Theorem 11.7. Indeed, under these assumptions, N if ˛ 2 X1 is a stable point and we denote by I  OX1;˛ and I  O.X1/red;˛ the   respective maximal ideals, then using the isomorphism OX1;˛ ' O.X1/red;˛ proved N in [39, Theorem 3.13] and the fact that the I -adic topology of O.X1/red;˛ is separated 392 DE FERNEX and DOCAMPO by [39, Corollary 4.3], one deduces that the natural surjection I=I2 ! I=N IN2 is an isomorphism and hence

emb:dim.OX1;˛/ D emb:dim.O.X1/red;˛/:

Theorem 11.4 can be used to control Mather discrepancies. For example, the following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem 8.5.

COROLLARY 11.9 Let X be a reduced and equidimensional scheme of finite type over a perfect field, and consider a prime divisor E over X whose center in X is a closed point. Then b kE .X/ C 1  dim.X/:

In fact, using Lemma 8.3 (with n D 0 and n D 1) and Remark 8.8, it is not hard to see that, if equality holds in this formula, then the valuation ordE has center of codimension 1 in the normalized blowup of the maximal ideal m  OX;x at x,and ordE .m/ D 1. These facts should be compared with the following result of Ishii. In the statement d of the theorem, mldx.X/ denotes the minimal Mather log discrepancy of X at the b point x, which is defined as the infimum of the Mather log discrepancies kE .X/ C 1 as E ranges among all divisors E over X with center x.

THEOREM 11.10 ([25, Theorem 1.1]) Let X be a variety over a perfect field, and let x 2 X be a closed point. Then d mldx.X/  dim.X/ and equality holds if and only if the normalized blowup of the maximal ideal m  OX;x at x extracts a divisor E over X such that ordE .m/ D 1.

Mather log discrepancies are closely related to the usual log discrepancies, which are defined on Q-Gorenstein varieties. Minimal log discrepancies are conjectured to be bounded above by the dimension of the variety and to characterize smooth points (see [41]). The preceding result of Ishii shows the different behavior of minimal Mather log discrepancies, and it has useful applications in connection to Shokurov’s conjecture and the study of isolated singularities with simple links (see [10]). Corollary 11.9 immediately implies the first statement of Theorem 11.10. Alter- natively, the full result can also be obtained by analyzing the behavior of Mather discrepancies under general linear projections, in the spirit of [9, Proposition 2.4]; the argument is essentially contained in the proof of [3, Proposition 4.6]. DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ARC SPACE 393

Acknowledgments. The problem of understanding the tangent sheaf of the arc space was initially proposed by Lawrence Ein to the second author, for which we are very grateful. We would like to thank Hussein Mourtada and Ana Reguera for sending us a copy of their preprint [34] before it was available online. The main result of their paper served as an inspiration which led us to the statement of Theorem C, although we arrived there through a very different path. We also thank Ana Reguera for useful comments. Finally, we would like to thank the referees for their careful reading of the paper and many valuable comments and suggestions which have helped us improve the paper. In particular, we are grateful for their pointing out an error in a previous version of Lemma 8.3, bringing to our attention the property stated in Remark 10.3, and suggesting Remark 11.8. De Fernex’s work was partially supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) grants DMS-1402907 and DMS-1700769 and by NSF Focused Research Groups grant DMS-1265285.


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de Fernex Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; [email protected]

Docampo Department of Mathematics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA; [email protected]