Name of Deceased (Surname First)
Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given notices of claims (Surname first) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given WOOD, Mary Isabel ... •12 Sit. Hilda's Road, Hythe, Kent, Spinster. 1st Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Depaitmenlt!, Ashiford, Kent 15th November 1971 September 1971. (080) HUNT, Harry 55 Harford Street, Trowbridge, Wilts., Retired Clerk. Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 5 High Street, Swindwi, Wii'ts", 22nd November 1971 23rd August 1971. or Sylvester & Mackett, Castile House, Trowibridge, Wilts, Soflioiitors. (082) , WARD, Clarence Isaac... 35 Beechfield Avenue, Birstall, Leicestershire, Retired Billison & Sharp, Halford House, Charles Street, Leicester, Solicitors. (James Aifaed 6th December 1971 W' Poultry Farmer. 23rd April 1971. Pindard and Ivan James Surgey.) (083) MATTHEWS, Frank Ava Nursing Home, Raitcliffe Road, Leicester, form- BiiHson & Sharp', Halford House, Charles Street, Leicester, Solicitors. (Yorkshire Bank 6th December 1971 Alfred. erly The Old! Vicarage, 2 Upper Church Street, Limited.) (084) Syston, Leicestershire, Retired Manufacturer's Agent. 9th May 1971. I ALLINSON, John Stanley ," Casitai", Portinsoale, near Keswick, Cumberland, Oglethtorpe & Hough, 6 Borrowdale Road, Keswick, Cumberland, Solicitors. (Muriel 27th November 1971 Retired Grocer. 10th August 1971. (085) MABLEY, Edwin George 8 Welson Road, Folkestone, Kent, Retired Assurance Frederic Hall & Co., Bouverie Chambers, Bouverite Square, Folkestone, Kent, Solicitors. 19th November 1971 aw .Superintendent. 12th February 1936. (Nbreen Jill Mabley, Clifford Graham MabJey and Albert John Banister.) (086) KILLEEN, Laurence 136 Kingston Road, Oxford, Retired Engineer. 28th LinneM & Murphy, 12 and 13 King Edward Street, Oxford, OX1 4HX, Sdlicditoirs.
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