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the Wikipedia

"Operation Ghost" was an alleged naval military experiment at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sometime around October 28, 1943 in which the U.S. escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered invisible to human observers for a brief period of time. It is also referred to as Project Rainbow.

The story is widely regarded as a hoax [1][2][3]. The U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment occurred. Furthermore, details of the story contradict facts about the Eldridge [4]. It has nonetheless caused ripples in conspiracy theory circles. Elements of the Philadelphia Experiment are featured in other government conspiracy theories.

Synopsis of the Experiment

Several different (at times conflicting) versions of the purported Experiment have circulated over the years. The following synopsis serves to illustrate key story points common to the majority of accounts [2].

The experiment was conducted by a Dr. Franklin Reno (or Rinehart) as a military application of a Unified Field Theory -- a term coined by Einstein. The Unified Field Theory postulates the interrelated nature of the forces that comprise ElectroMagnetic radiation and Gravity (i.e., EM can affect Gravity and vice versa) -- although to date no single theory has emerged with a viable mathematical expression. [StealthSkater note: no mainstream theory, that is. There are reports of a highly secretive "scalarized" version of Maxwell's EM equations along the views of Nikola Tesla's scalar waves. Also see Matti Pitkanen's TGD physics => doc pdf URL ]

Through a special application of some version of the theory, it was thought possible (with specialized equipment and sufficient energy) to bend light around an object in such a way as to render it

1 essentially invisible to observers. The Navy -- which was engaged in World War II at the time -- considered this application of the theory to be of obvious military value and approved and sponsored the experiment. A -- the USS Eldridge -- was allegedly fitted with the required equipment at the naval yards in Philadelphia.

The equipment was further alleged not to have properly been re-calibrated to this end. But in spite of this, the Experiment was performed again on October 28. This time, the Eldridge is alleged to have not only become almost entirely invisible to the naked eye but also actually vanished from the area in a flash of blue light.

However, the U.S. naval base at Norfolk, Virginia -- just over 215 miles (346 km) away -- is alleged to have reported sighting the Eldridge offshore whereupon the Eldridge vanished from their sight and reappeared in Philadelphia at the site it had originally occupied in an apparent case of accidental teleportation. [StealthSkater note: another version of the story is that it was actually a minesweeper ship that was trying to retrace an established history timeline in order to avoid mines. Something that Tesla had accidentally discovered on his workbench (Tesla's "Arrow of Time"). The Eldridge "radar invisibility" story was a counter-intel ploy. And the "teleportation" add-on was a further disinformation twist. See doc pdf URL .]

The alleged physiological effects of the experiment on the crew were profound. Almost all of the crew were violently ill. Some were alleged to have suffered from mental illness as a result of their experience. Behavior consistent with schizophrenia is described in other accounts.

Still other members like Jacob D. Murray were physically unaccounted for -- supposedly “vanished” -- and five of the crew were allegedly "fused" to the metal bulkhead or deck of the ship. Still others were said to fade in and out of sight. Sometimes they would disappear, then crewmates would stick their hands into the spot they had disappeared and try to grab the crewmate. But if they did not, that spot would burst into flames.

Horrified by these results, Navy officials immediately canceled the Experiment. All of the surviving crew involved were discharged. In some accounts, brainwashing techniques were employed in an attempt to make the remaining crew members lose their memories concerning the details of their experience. [StealthSkater note: folklore has it that the Experiment evolved into Project Phoenix (I) which combined elements of Wilhelm Reich's "orgone" weather-modifying radiosonde. Eventually in the later 1970s, Phoenix I/II/III became collectively known as the Montauk Project which reportedly opened portals in time and irreversibly altered timelines.]

Morris Jessup and Carlos Miguel Allende

In 1955, Morris K. Jessup -- an amateur astronomer and former graduate-level researcher -- published The Case for the UFO. It was a book about unidentified flying objects which contained some theorizing about the means of propulsion that flying-saucer-style UFOs might use.

Jessup speculated that anti-gravity and/or manipulation of electromagnetism may have been responsible for the observed flight behavior of UFOs. He lamented (both in the book and the publicity tour which followed) that space flight research was concentrated in the area of rocketry and that little attention was paid to these other theoretical means of flight, which he felt would ultimately be more fruitful.

On January 13, 1955, Jessup received a letter from a man who identified himself as Carlos Allende. In the letter, Allende informed Jessup of the Philadelphia Experiment, alluding to 2 poorly sourced 2 contemporary newspaper articles as proof. Allende also said that he had witnessed the Eldridge disappear and reappear while serving aboard the SS Andrew Furuseth -- a nearby merchant ship.

Allende further named other crew members with whom he served aboard the Andrew Furuseth and claimed to know of the fate of some of the crew members of the Eldridge after the Experiment including one whom he witnessed disappear during a chaotic fight in a bar. Jessup replied to Allende by postcard, asking for further evidence and corroboration for the story.

The reply came months later. However, this time the correspondent identified himself as Carl M. Allen. Allen said that he could not provide the details for which Jessup was asking but implied that he might be able to recall by means of hypnosis. Suspecting that Allende/Allen was a fraud, Jessup decided to discontinue the correspondence.

The Office of Naval Research and the Varo annotation

In the spring of 1957, Jessup was contacted by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in Washington, D.C. and asked to study the contents of a parcel that they had received [5]. Upon arrival, a curious Jessup was astonished to find that a paperback copy of his UFO book had been mailed to ONR in a manila envelope marked "Happy Easter". Further, the book had been extensively annotated by hand in its margins and an ONR officer asked Jessup if he had any idea as to who had done so.

The lengthy annotations were written in 3 different colors of ink and appeared to detail a correspondence among 3 individuals, only one of which is given a name: "Jemi". The ONR labeled the other two "Mr. A" and "Mr. B". The annotators refer to each other as "Gypsies" and discuss 2 different types of "people" living in outer space.

Their text contained nonstandard use of capitalization and punctuation and detailed a lengthy discussion of the merits of various suppositions that Jessup makes throughout his book, with oblique references to the Philadelphia Experiment in a way that suggested prior or superior knowledge (for example, “Mr. B” reassures his fellow annotators who have highlighted a certain theory of Jessup’s).

Based on the handwriting style and subject matter, Jessup identified "Mr. A" as Allende/Allen. Others have suggested that the 3 annotations are actually from the same person using 3 pens.

The annotated book sparked such interest that the ONR funded a small printing of the volume by the Texas-based Varo Manufacturing Company [6]. A 2003 transcription of the annotated "Varo edition" is available online, complete with 3-color notes [7].

Later, the ONR contacted Jessup, claiming that the return address on Allende’s letter to Jessup was an abandoned farmhouse. They also informed Jessup that the Varo Corporation -- a research firm -- was preparing a print copy of the annotated version of The Case for the UFO, complete with both letters he had received. About 100 copies of the Varo Edition were printed and distributed within the Navy. Jessup was also sent three for his own use.

Jessup attempted to make a living writing on the topic. But his follow-up book did not sell well and his publisher rejected several other manuscripts. In 1958, his wife left him and friends described him as being depressed and somewhat unstable when he travelled to New York. After returning to Florida, he was involved in a serious car accident and was slow to recover, apparently increasing his despondency.

Morris Jessup committed suicide in 1959. Many conspiracy theorists believe that he was murdered by the government because of his knowledge of the Philadelphia Experiment. 3

Resurfacing via literature

In 1965, Vincent Gaddis published Invisible Horizons: True Mysteries of the Sea, in which the story of the experiment from the Varo annotation is recounted. Later in 1977, Charles Berlitz -- an author of several books on paranormal phenomena -- included a chapter on the experiment in his book Without a Trace: New Information from the Triangle. And Brad Steiger devoted part of his book Mysteries of Time and Space to this topic in 1977.

In 1978, a novel -- Thin Air by George E. Simpson and Neal R. Burger -- was released. This was a dramatic fictional account -- clearly inspired by the foregoing works -- of a conspiracy to cover up a horrific experiment gone wrong on board the Eldridge in 1943. In 1979, Berlitz and co-author William L. Moore published The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility -- the best known and most cited source of information about the experiment to date.

In 2000, the novel The Ship Of The Damned by James F. David was released which used the Philadelphia Experiment in his Psychological Thriller to exploit the minds of the readers.

Hollywood interpretation and the Bielek testimony

In 1984, the story was eventually adapted into a motion picture -- "The Philadelphia Experiment" directed by Stewart Raffill. Though based only loosely on prior accounts of the experiment, it served to bring the core elements of the original story into mainstream scrutiny.

In 1990, Alfred Bielek -- a self-proclaimed former crew-member of the Eldridge and alleged witness of the Experiment -- supported the version as it was portrayed in the movie while adding embellishments which were disseminated via the Internet, eventually to surface in various mainstream outlets.

In 2003, Bielek's version of his participation in the Philadelphia Experiment was debunked by a small team of investigators including American Marshall Barnes, Canadian Fred Houpt, and German Gerold Schelm. The general consensus now is that he was nowhere near the ship at the proposed time of the Experiment [8].

Evidence and Research

Many observers argue it inappropriate to put much credence in an unusual story put forward by one individual in the absence of more conclusive corroborating evidence. An article written by Robert Goerman for Fate magazine in 1980 determined that “Carlos Allende”/“Carl Allen” was in fact Carl Meredith Allen of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, who had an established psychiatric history and may have fabricated the primary history of the Experiment as a result of his illness.

Historian Mike Dash [2] notes that many of the those who publicized the story after Jessup seemed to have conducted little or no research. Through the late 1970s, for example, Allende/Allen was often described as mysterious and difficult to locate. But after only a few telephone calls, Goerman was able to determine Allende/Allen's identity.

Others speculate that much of the key literature has more emphasis on dramatic embellishment rather than pertinent research. Though Berlitz and Moore's famous account of the story (The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility) contained much supposedly factual information such as transcripts of an interview with a scientist involved in the experiment, it has also been criticized for 4 plagiarizing key story elements from the fictitious novel Thin Air published a year earlier. Which, it is argued, undermines the credibility of the text as a whole.

Scientific aspects

No fully-developed Unified Field Theory currently exists. Shortly before his death in 1943, Nikola Tesla claimed to have completed a Unified Field Theory. However, it was never published [9] Relatives of Nikola Tesla propose that much of Tesla's research papers were seized by the FBI promptly following his death, and highlight the apparent coincidence between the year of his death and the supposed date of the Philadelphia Experiment.

While very limited "invisibility cloaks" have recently been developed [10], these are unrelated to theories linking ElectroMagnetism with Gravity. Regardless, this technology is not yet at a level that could be used to render a small object invisible -- much less an object the size of a destroyer escort.

Timeline inconsistencies

The USS Eldridge was not commissioned until August 27, 1943. It remained in port in New York City until September 1943. The October experiment allegedly took place while the ship was on its first shakedown cruise in the Bahamas.

A reunion of veterans who served aboard the Eldridge told a Philadelphia newspaper in April 1999 that the ship had never made port in Philadelphia. [11]. Further evidence against the Philadelphia Experiment timeline comes from Eldridge’s complete World War II action report, including the remarks section of the 1943 deck log available on microfilm [4].

Alternative explanations

Researcher Jacques Vallee [12][13] describes a procedure on board USS Engstrom (DE-50) which was docked alongside Eldridge in 1943. The operation involved the generation of a powerful electromagnetic field on board the ship in order to degauss it, with the goal of rendering the ship undetectable (i.e., "invisible") to magnetically-triggered torpedoes and mines.

This system was invented by a Canadian, and the British used it widely during the Second World War. British ships of the era often included such systems built-in on the upper decks (the conduits are still visible on the deck of the HMS Belfast (C35) in London).

Degaussing is still used today. However, it has no effect on visible light or radar. Vallee speculates that accounts of the Engstrom’s degaussing may have been garbled in subsequent retellings. And these accounts may have influenced the story of the Philadelphia Experiment.

A veteran who served on board the Engstrom noted that the Eldridge could indeed have traveled from Philadelphia to Norfolk and back again in a single day at a time when merchant ships could not have. By use of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, which at the time was open only to naval vessels. Use of this channel was kept quiet. German submarines had recently been ravaging East Coast shipping during Operation Drumbeat, and thus military ships unable to protect themselves were secretly moved via canals to avoid this threat.

It should be noted that this same veteran claims to be the man whom Allende witnessed “disappear” at a bar. He claims that when the fight broke out, friendly barmaids whisked him out the back door of

5 the bar before the police arrived because he was under age. They then covered for him by claiming that he disappeared.

In a more speculative and strongly paranormal vein, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron both claim to have leapt from the deck of the Eldridge while it was in “hyperspace” between Philadelphia and Norfolk and ended up -- after a period of severe disorientation -- at the Air Force station Montauk Point, Long Island in 1983, having experienced not only teleportation but also time travel.

They claim that John von Neumann met them there (although officially he died in 1957). This story is part of a continuum involving another alleged secret U.S. Government experiment into the paranormal known as the Montauk Project.

Cultural references

The Philadelphia Experiment, its results, and the potential of the technology involved have been the subject of many books, films, soundtracks, and video games.

Audio/visual media

In the film "Orka" (2007), a German equivalent of Einstein's research related to the Philadelphia Experiment is sought out and uncovered.

An early film to dramatize the experiment is "The Bermuda Triangle" (1979). One portion of the film shows a Navy ship rigged with power cables to create the disappearing field. The ship is made to appear to vanish into the sea and the sailors experience the effects attributed to the experiment (i.e., vomiting, and disappearing and reappearing).

2 full-length films have been released on the subject: "The Philadelphia Experiment" (1984) and "Philadelphia Experiment II" (1993). They are best described as fantasy.

The Experiment has been the subject of several television shows dealing with the paranormal and conspiracy theories including "The Unexplained" -- a series produced by Bill Kurtis on the Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E). One episode of The History Channel's "History's Mysteries" discusses the theory. A similar story also ran on the show "Unsolved Mysteries" on Lifetime. It is also a frequent topic on the late night radio show "Coast to Coast AM" with Art Bell and George Noory.

In "The Final Countdown", a U.S. Navy ship is featured traveling in time (but backwards).

In the “Død Kalm” (2X19) episode of The X-Files, Mulder and Scully are tipped off to a U.S. Navy ship that had caused its crew to rapidly age. Mulder at first believed the aging had to do with the failed Philadelphia Experiment.

"The Pegasus" -- an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation -- had a plot similar to the Philadelphia Experiment. Tests of an experimental type of cloaking device result in the deaths of most of the crew of the ship. In particular, some deceased crew members are found "fused" to parts of the ship -- similar to deaths attributed to the Philadelphia Experiment.

The 1997 science-fiction movie "Event Horizon" details a salvage mission of the titular spaceship - - a prototype equipped with a gravity-powered "gravity drive" intended to teleport the ship and crew instantly across several light-years. While in the movie the vessel was teleported successfully, the side effects of the process depicted are similarly horrific as those attributed to the Philadelphia Experiment. 6

On the Sci Fi Channel, the TV miniseries "The Triangle", the Philadelphia Project was thought to be the cause of the disruptions in the Bermuda Triangle when it was in fact the attempt to fix it in the 21st Century (time space distortion, etc).

In the 1979 Disney movie "The Black Hole", a demented spaceship captain intends to travel through space and time by entering a black hole via employing Einsteinian theory. The captain's name is "Reinhart" (see above), prompting speculation that the movie was inspired at least in part by the Philadelphia Experiment or the idea of it.

The Philadelphia Experiment is a jazz/funk album featuring Christian McBride, Ahmir Thompson, and Uri Caine. All three are from the Philadelphia area.

On the album "Darker Than Black" by the American heavy metal band Cage, there is a song called "Philadelphia Experiment."

The hip-hop sci-fi EP "Projecto: 2501" by Tajai and SupremeEx ends with a lengthy audio clip of a journalist speaking about the Philadelphia Experiment.

Video games

The Command & Conquer "Red Alert" games involves a means of time travel/teleportation which was developed by Einstein as an evolution of the Philadelphia Experiment. He used it to eliminate Hitler before the rise of Nazi Germany, but in doing so inadvertently caused an alternate Second World War to take place between the Soviet Union and the Allied powers (now including Germany).

The experiment led to 2 devices, based on its two variations. The Chronosphere -- a potent but dangerous teleportation device for it teleports only mechanized units while killing any biological matter. And the Gap Generator -- a building- and vehicle-mounted device that blocks radar and sight in a certain radius around the Gap unit.

The game has a cutscene that briefly shows an Iowa-class battleship disappearing and mentions the “horrible aftermath” the sailors experienced. The Chronosphere also has a side effect -- essentially a "return shift" when the teleported object phase itself back to the initial position after a short time. Repeated use of the Chronosphere risks the occurrence of a "chronal vortex" which is an extremely destructive phenomenon, though only for a short time.

In "Red Alert 2", Einstein has perfected the Chronosphere's technology to the point where certain infantry units and the Allied Chrono Miner can teleport across the map. Additionally, this second generation Chronosphere allowed for the teleportation of up to 9 mechanized units at once.

At the end of the game, Einstein discovers that the Chronosphere's potential can be increased by building it inside the magnetosphere's "hot spot". The result of this is that USA can use the Chronosphere on Florida Keys to initiate Operation Chrono Storm -- an all-out assault against Moscow through time-space.

The expansion pack "Yuri's Revenge" explains that after the war, Einstein had further upgraded the technology, resulting in the creation of the Temporal Displacement Device which has abandoned movement through space in favor of movement through time. The only prototype is used by the Time

7 Commando to travel back in time to the war's outbreak and erase Yuri's Psychic Dominators from existence before he has a chance to mind-control the whole World.

In "Tiberian Sun", the command vehicle of General Anton Slavik is called 'The Montauk' and the GDI's space HQ is called 'The Philadelphia'.

In the 1998 PlayStation RPG "Xenogears", the starship in the opening cinematic is named the "Eldridge".

In the game "Half-Life 2: Episode 2", a large ship named the Borealis (much like the Eldridge) which disappeared under mysterious circumstances (vanished into thin air with part of the drydock) is reportedly found somewhere in the Arctic and is presumed by several characters to have been "teleported" by some unknown force across the Globe.

In the game "Assassin's Creed", an email suggests that the Philadelphia Experiment was conducted by modern-day Knights Templar. This version contains a twist on the "accidental teleportation" theory in which the ship accidentally time travels for approximately 18 minutes.


In "Green Fire" (1998) -- a collaborative novella by Eileen Gunn, Michael Swanwick, Pat Murphy, and Andy Duncan -- the science-fiction masters Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and L. Sprague De Camp, besides Grace Hopper, take part in the Philadelphia Experiment with the assistance of Nicola Tesla and the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl.

See also ● Andrew Furuseth -- namesake of the SS Andrew Furuseth ● Morris K. Jessup ● Camp Hero (Montauk AFB) ● Ouroboros ● List of conspiracy theories ● John Hutchison

References 1. Carroll, Robert Todd (2007-12-03). "Philadelphia Experiment". The Skeptic's Dictionary. Retrieved on 2008-02-05. 2. Dash, Mike [1997] (2000). Borderlands. Woodstock, New York: Overlook Press. ISBN 9780879517243. OCLC 41932447. 3. Adams, Cecil (1987-10-23). "Did the U.S. Navy teleport ships in the Philadelphia Experiment?" The Straight Dope. Retrieved on 2007-02-20. 4. "The Philadelphia Experiment". Naval Historical Center of the (2000-11- 28). Retrieved on 2007-02-20. 5. Moseley, James W. & Karl T. Pflock (2002). Shockingly Close to the Truth!: Confessions of a Grave-Robbing Ufologist, Prometheus Books, ISBN 1-57392-991-3 6. 7. Jessup, M. K. [1973] (2003). "Varo Edition" THE CASE FOR THE UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT (pdf), The Cassiopaean Experiment. 8. Al Bielek Debunked (2008-01-14). 8 9. Prepared Statement by Nikola Tesla (.doc file). Pepe's Tesla Pages (1889). 10. See, for example and . 11. Lewis, Frank. "The Where Ship? Project: Though long dismissed by the Navy, the legend of The Philadelphia Experiment shows no signs of disappearing", Philadelphia City Paper, August 19–26, 1999. Retrieved on 2008-02-05. 12. abstract of "Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment Fifty Years Later" by Jacques F. Vallee, URL accessed February 21, 2007 13. excerpts of "Anatomy Of A Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment 50 Years Later" URL accessed February 21, 2007 ● Sweetman, Bill. Lockheed Stealth, Zenith Press, 2001. ISBN 0-7603-1940-5 ● "The Philadelphia Project-Project Rainbow and the USS Eldridge." Above Top-Secret. 8 August 2006[1] ● "The Whole Story of Project Philadelphia, and more." [2]

External links ● History of the Eldridge ● Science magazine article about High-Tech Materials that can funnel light around an object ● British scientists make a "Cloaking Device" for radar using Metamaterials ● Link catalog for the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project ● Site debunking the claims of Alfred Bielek (allegedly an eyewitness and survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment) ● Excerpts from The Case for the UFO ● Transcription of the Varo Edition of The Case for the UFO ● 2 chapters of Gone Dark by "W.B. Smyth" -- supposed "document" of the Experiment. 50 Years after Albert Einstein: The Failure of the Unified Field ● Naval Historical Center's entry for the "Philadelphia Experiment" ● entry for the "Philadelphia Experiment" ● Skeptic's Dictionary entry for the "Philadelphia Experiment" ● "The Philadelphia Experiment" at the Internet Movie Database ● The UFO and the Sailor ● Robert Goerman's Alias Carlos Allende: The Mystery Man Behind the Philadelphia Experiment ● Joe Turner's "The Philadelphia Experiment: What They Don't Want You to Know" ● Anatomy Of A Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment 50 Years Later ● Straight Dope on the Philadelphia Experiment ● Recreation of the Philadelphia Experiment in 2006 ● Dr. Ron Milione's overview of the 2006 Philadelphia Experiment replication. ● "Einstein's Antigravity": A documentary connecting the Philadelphia Experiment with Einstein's Unified Field Theory and the Nazi-Bell Device

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