FALKIRK SPORTS NETWORK of GEL Technology, This David Inglis Reports on Athletic Sports Shoe Range Has Actlvltles in the Falkirk Area

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FALKIRK SPORTS NETWORK of GEL Technology, This David Inglis Reports on Athletic Sports Shoe Range Has Actlvltles in the Falkirk Area SCOTLAND'S SEPTE MBER 1989 £1.20 ISSUE 37 I~ . ATHON '-'. 9-23 SEPTEMBER 1989 S~CO~TT::;:;:IS~HT~EA-LM The organisers urgently require clubs to participate in the McEwan's LA Run for · Scotland Relay Marathon. COMMONWEALTH GAMES YOU CAN CONTACT RUN MANAGEMENT ON 031-228 2851 SCOTTISH REPORTS INSIDE TMA Communications, 4 Dewar Place Lane, Edinburgh EH3 SEF ABERDEEN 'S MARK DAVIDSON PROFILED r GT Ill - A New Era In ASICS'GEL Technology SCOTLAND'S Reflector REGULARS REGULARS 5 21 Durable rubber INSIDE LANE WOMEN'S RANKINGS ' 7 UPFRONT 27 Asics Gel protects your Scottl3h Ch4mpionships, P29 JUNIOR SCENE 13 every move LETTERS FEATURES 22 40 Depending on his pace, a The better the absorption INTERNATIONAL runner's body experiences impact and the more the shoe is 16 CLUB PROFILE Tom Campbell looks at REPORT forces that are 3-5 times his designed with the specific WOMEN IN SPORT body-weight - every step of the needs of the particular Cumnock and Distlict AAC way. In handball, the forefoot is sport In mind, 29 exposed lo the most extreme loads the less the 42 during the entire game. A volleyball strain on the SCOTTISH player lands with a six-fold to eight­ athlete's 15 WEST HIGHLAND WAY fold body weight on his forefoot - body. ALLAN WELLS CHAMPIONSHIPS on average 250 times in each Doug GWon and Rhona McLeod game. That's report from Crownpolnt why ASICS' These are examples which researchers 17 33 43 clearly illustrate that shock and designers EVENTS absorption has to be one of the have always pursued the COACHING CLINIC PROFILE major functions of any sports shoe. goal of giving the active athlete the Rhona McLeod talks to 400m maximum possible degree of hurdler Mark Davidson protection. 20 Thanks to the 37 48 revolutiorary prop~rti es MEN'S RANKINGS FOCUS ON FALKIRK SPORTS NETWORK of GEL technology, this David Inglis reports on athletic sports shoe range has actlvltles In the Falkirk area. re-defined shock absorption standards 'GT 11 1with ._...:;;:::;..,, Editor. Events and result.s; Columnists: Advuti.s{ng Manager. worldwide. Alan Campbell ASICS' GEL Technology' Colin Shields John Graham Alex H all Fiona Macaulay ASICS' sports shoes ... comfort and protection every step of the way! Associate Editor: Photographer: He:ruy Muchamort Sales Executivt: Doug C.illon Pettr Devlin Allan Wtlls Fiona Caldwell Reporter: Design en: Front Co·ver Photo: Ad.mlni11ntor. Rhona McLeod Jim D ivine/Tom Hanton Peter Devlin Lynn B•ll SCOTRUN PUBLICATIONS LTD. 62 KELVINGROVE STREET, GLASGOW G3 7SA. TEL: 041· 332· S738 Olympian Sports U.K. lid. Moorfleld lndusl.rlal Estate, Moortleld Road, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 78N. Tel 0532 50a486 Fax 0532 506494 Telex 51311 RELAYS G. RUN·A·WAY SPORTS MAIL ORDER AND RETAIL OUTLET. RUN BY RUNNERS FOR THE RUNNER. LET US HELP YOUR RUN. 10% DISCOUNT TO MEMBERS OF RUNNING CLUBS & ASSOC/A nONS Saucony~ ASICS: ~ ....1_ MIO BIKE SHORTS Petrol/blade ••••••••••••• S·I 14.99 L A N E anthracite/fuchsia •• •. •••• S·I t4.99 NEW RUNNER VEST blook/jode •.•••••.•.•.•• S·I 8.99 NEW RUNNER SHORTS bladv'1ade .. •.••..••.. .• s-1 8.99 WINNER VEST navy/ Sky ••••••••..•.••• GEL LY TE II S·I 9.99 ONB OF the frustrations of writing fora prcp.lred all season to peak for what in the media sends the British victorious, monthly maga2ine is the (relatively) huge their terms must be the "big one"· the happy and glorious, to Barcelona, and the GEL GTI mid to ~mlleaoe shoe •••••• 6-12 79.99 ·" ... ' 'I I' ' /,, ., 11 /I I lime gap between stories being written World Cup Itself. team finishes a creditable fourth or fifth, GEL Blue Silt 9 2 ms . fot S>Jpilla!DB •• 6-12 39.99 GEL Raoor sae 9 ms Road r""" •••• 6-12 49.99 and sent to the printers, and the product By the same thinking. the British that the tabloids will vilify them for their e!lr '<![:l;w. 6-12 59.99 actually approring in the shops. athletes - almost all of whom were efforts. 3-10 59.99 Thus, while I am writing this column peaking for this meeting or the AAA Which is why I hope certain athletes GElM.tN •..•.•.•..•.•..•••• 6-12 39.99 GlffM ••••••••••••• Mens 7·11 39.99 l,ady GEL M<r..,. ...... • • ... •• ... 3-8 39.99 GlffM ..••••••••••• Lldies 5.9 3999 less than 48 hours after the British men's CNmplonships the !ollowing week - will themscJves lone down their remarks GEL 101 ...•.•...•••••..•••••• 6-12 JflJ1. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Men fl.11 42.99 Europ.l Cup triumph at Gateshead - in have to prepare anew for this unexpected 54.99 JflJ1. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lldies 5·8 42.99 regarding our chances in the World Cup. GEL Marathon •••••••••• .••••••• 6-12 39.99 ordcr to meet the printers' deadlines - my extra competition in Barrelona. They ea.n't control the hanging. but they ladyGElRUM« •.••••.. ..••.... 3.9 44.99 AZURA ••••••••••••• Men 7·11 49.95 AZURA ••••••••••••• ladies 5·8 49.95 comments may have been rendered more (I'm afraid I can't really swallow the should at least be careful not to help erect lady GEL 101 •••••••••.. .••••••• 3-8 49.99 BRIO ••••••••••••.•. Men 7· 10 29.95 new balance• irrelevant than usual by the fact that it other explanation that the East Europeans' the gallows! takes another ten full days for the pcrformanoo was directly related to the l'l 51{] magazine to appear on the streets. "tightened" procedures to detect drugs, Nevertheless, one striking feature of however pleasant ii would be to think that MY editorial colleague Rhona Mel.cod has the Gateshead aftermath must be aired, this were so.) taken me to tnsk over my comment In last RON HILL ~-- even If in this case It runs the risk of being Thirdly, for all it was a terrific team month's Inside Lane about Jayne Lady Qilcago Vest •••••••••••••• . • •••••••••••••..• red S·I 7.99 Chicago Ves.t •••• •••...• . •••••.• •••••.•••• green, blad< S·I 7.99 overtaken by events. performance with every member playing Bametson's wedding plans. So let me Naturally, l add my congratulations to his or her It ls equally indisputable NEW BALANCE SHOES Chicago Shorts ••••••••.••••••••••••.•••••• green. blad< S·I 8.99 part, explain, lest others were equally outraged, 1500TQl)oltlle Range •••••.••••• •.••••• 99.99 Monte Callo Tradtsun •.••••••••••..•••••••• jaele/t1.1q/nriy s.m 3499 all the athletes for their stirring individual that the men's success was due to our that the comment was made in the context 83) • •• •••••••.•••••• .••••••.•..•• 59.99 MoNco "'1isex Trad<sun ••.•••••••..•••••• bladt/J'(le/ puiple S·I 29.99 and team performances. But, dear boys, disproponionate amount of individual of jocular remarks swapped with Jayne at New 676 • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • . • • • 59.99 Fla$h TOI> ••••••••••••••• bladt/~ bladt/yelow, bladt/green S·I 2499 New595 ............ • ....•.•..... 49.99 Flash Mtd Suides ••••••••••• bladt/p"1k. bladt/ye{low. black/green S·I 13.99 arc you not being set up for one almighty and relay event wins. All the eight Mcadowbank following her Socttish high NewWomens 595 ••••••••••••• ... •••• 49.99 Notw1ySu"···················· ....•...•. yellowlbladt s~ 3499 fall in B.ucclona? pointers (100, I IOH, 200, 400H, 800, HJ, jump record of 1.91 metres. 510 ............................. 44,99 a.- Suit • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • yellow/ p,.;purp1e m 39.99 Brian Whittle was hardly over the line javelin and two relays) meant that we got I suspect, however, that the real reason 575 ••••• ••••••••••• - • • • • • • . • • . • • 49.99 PealtForestSuit •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,..nlpnlt m 79.99 in the 4 x 400 metres relay before, unless away (just) with our field event for Ms McLeod's umbrage· despite her Trate<s • .•••••••••.••••••••••.••••••••• ~ """f .~ 11-50 SUB 4 my cars deceived me, we were hearing weaknesses. It's inconceivable that this denials and insistence that her coven of Blad< Mlgit $mg1e1 • • • • • • • s-1 955 Steve Ovett predict, in his role as ITV suc:ccss can be repeated when the friends in Glasgow Athletic Oub feel the Blad< Magic Shorts ••• •••• s-1 1060 SHOES Spon pundit, that Britain could now go on Americans enter the arena, while any fond same way· is that the remark fell too close Blad< Magic Fleece 10P. • • • • blact/turq s-1 1499 TrlCblers •••••••••• . • .•••••. .• • • • • • • · • • • • • · · • • • • 27.99 Enterpnse S1<19le1 • . • • • • • • royal/tenby M 915 La0i Tracksterl ..•••••• .. ••••••...••.•..•••••..•.•• 1999 to win the World Cup. Needless to say, hopes of making up this lost ground in the to home following her own engagement to nriy/yellow • btatk/turq smol<e/red 207 Race< ••••• •••• •• •••••••••••• • ••••••••••• ••• • 29.99 this was a view that many "expens" in the distance events will be dashed by the a rubgy player earlier this summer! Enterpnse Shons • • • • • • • • royaVter>bv M 10.40 Goretex Storm Suit . • . • . sky blue S·t 139.99 media were only too keen to repeat during arrival of the Africans (Kenyans) and the One apology l must cenainly make, navy/yellow blact/turq • smcl<e/ red Super Slrldes •••••••.•.. black/yellow, royal/red, squiggle, combat S·I 18.99 the course of the next 24 hours. strong looking European select. ncvcnheless, is to Scotland's Runner Classic Eurcpean Me$h •••• royal. navy, gold S·I 820 Vilolt l.cng·Sleelled ThermalT-shin ••••••••••• • • ••••• .. white S·I t2 99 Singlet • • • • • • • • • • • • • • red, green Bramon long·Sleeved Thermal Top .. • .. •••••••••••••..•• red S·I 11.99 I've prefaced my remarks by pointing The presence of the Spaniards and the readers who look part in the Glamaig Hill Classic European Running ••• royal, navy, gold S·I 8.45 Mu11lpack . • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • bladv'twq, purole/ 1wq 12.99 out that more rational voices could take Africans should ensure that we don't Race In Skye on July 22, and who were Shorts. • • • • • • • • . • • • • • red. green Shoe Fix .................................•...... 3.50/lube over between my writing this, and the finish In the bottom two in all our weak present in the Sligachan Hotel bat for the Lycra Mid Strides with •••• , royal.
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