FLORIDA ... MUS tuivi BUI LETIN OF NATURAL HISTORYTM MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF WAGNER QUARRY, (LATE OLIGOCENE, EARLY ARIKAREEAN) BASAL ARIKAREE GROUP OF THE PINE RIDGE REGION, DAWES COUNTY, NEBRASKA F. Glynn Hayes L Vol. 47, No. 1-, pp. 1-48 2007 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GAINESVILLE f The FLORIDA.MUSEUM'OF NATURAL HISTORY is, Florida?s state museum of natural history, dedicated to undelsfanding„presel:ving, and inteipreting biojogicali,divegs'ity<and culturatheritage. The BULLETIN OF THE FLORIDA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY is a peer.-reviewed publicatidn that publishe* the results of original reseakh in *0616*y: botany, paleontology, archaeology, and museum science. Addfess all inquiries fothe Managing Edifor of the Bulletin. Numb¢fs of the Bullefin afe published at irregular intervals. Specific volumes,are not:necessajly completedin any one year. The end of a voJume will be noted at the foot of the first page of the last issue in that volume. Richard Frant, Managing Editor Cathleen L. Bester, Production Bulletin Committee Richard Franz, Chairperson Ann·Cordell Sarah Fazenbaker Richard Hulbert William Marquardt Susan Milbrath Irvy R. Quitmyer Scott Robinson, Ex c!#icio Member ISSN: 0071-6154 Publication Date: June 20,2007 Send communications concerning purchase or exchange of the publication and manuscript queries to: Managing Editor of the BULLETIN Florida Museum of Natural History UniversityofF.lorida , PO Box 117800 Gainesville, FL 32611-7800U.S.A. Phone: 352-3.92-1721 Fax: 352-84610287 e-ma]il:
[email protected] MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF WAGNERQUARR¥, ~-ATE iOLYGOCENE, EARLY ARfKAREEAN) BASAl ARIKARIE GROUP' OF THE PINE RID.GE REGION, DAWES COUNTY, NEBRASKA E Glynn Hayes' ABSTRACT 1 Mammalian fossils (the Wagner Quarry local fauna) from the basal Arikaree Group (Late:Oligocene) near Chadron, Dawes €bunty, Nebraska, are described.