Networking and 67 Expressed Degrees of Interest in Participation. a Sample
DOCUMENT RF:sumn ED 025 147 EM 000 326 By- McKenzie. Betty. Ed; And Others 17-21. 1960). Live Radio Networking for EducationalStations. NAEB Seminar (University of Wisconsin. July National Association of Educational Broadcasters,Washington, D.C. Pub Date [601 Note- 114p. Available from- The National Association of EducationalBroadcasters. Urbana. Ill. ($2.00). EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC-$5.80 Descriptors-Broadcast Industry. Conference Reports.*Educational Radio.*Feasibility Studies. Financial Needs, Intercommunication, National Organizations.*Networks, News Media Programing,*Radio. Radio Technology, Regional Planning Identifiers- NAEB, *National Association Of EducationalBroadcasters A National Association of EducationalBroadcasters (NAEB) seminarreviewed the development of regional live educationalnetworking and the prospectof a national network to broadcast programs of educational,cultural, and informationalinterest. Of the 137 operating NAEB radio stations,contributing to the insufficient news communication resources of the nation,73 responded to a questionnaire onlive networking and 67 expressed degreesof interestinparticipation. A sample broadcasting schedule was based on the assumptionsof an eight hour broadcast day, a general listening audience, andlive transmission. Some ofthe advantages of such a network, programed on a mutualbasis with plans for a modifiedround-robin service, would be improvededucational programing, widespreadavailability, and reduction of station operating costs. Using13 NAEB stations as a round-robinbasic network, the remaining 39 could be fed on a one-wayline at a minimum wireline cost of $8569 per month; the equivalent costfor the complete network wouldbe $17,585. As the national network develops throughinterconnection of regionalnetworks and additionof long-haultelephonecircuits,anationalheadquartersshould be established. The report covers discussiongenerated by each planningdivision in addition to regional group reports fromeducational radio stations.
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