To Split Or Not to Split Anthracotherium? a Phylogeny of Anthracotheriinae (Cetartiodactyla: Hippopotamoidea) and Its Palaeobiogeographical Implications

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To Split Or Not to Split Anthracotherium? a Phylogeny of Anthracotheriinae (Cetartiodactyla: Hippopotamoidea) and Its Palaeobiogeographical Implications Published in "Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 185(2): 487–510, 2019" which should be cited to refer to this work. To split or not to split Anthracotherium? A phylogeny of Anthracotheriinae (Cetartiodactyla: Hippopotamoidea) and its palaeobiogeographical implications LAURELINE SCHERLER1*, FABRICE LIHOREAU1* and DAMIEN BECKER2,3 1ISEM, Université de Montpellier, CNRS, IRD, EPHE, Montpellier, France 2JURASSICA Museum, Route de Fontenais 21, CH-2900 Porrentruy, Switzerland 3Département de Géosciences, Université de Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 6, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland Since its first erection almost 200 years ago, palaeontologists have assigned to the genus Anthracotherium many species, some with dubious descriptions. Although it is a key taxon for specifying the invasion of Europe by ter- restrial mammals during the well-studied Grande Coupure Event at the beginning of the Oligocene, the genus has never been reviewed before. A recent interest in the relationships of anthracotheres and hippopotamids highlighted its importance for the understanding of diversity of anthracotheres. Herein, we conduct a systematic review of most European anthracotheriine species, including some Asian and American species in order to establish a more exhaus- tive anthracotheriine phylogeny. A cladistic analysis focusing on anthracotheriines supports us in redefining and clarifying the systematic status of most genera and species of this subfamily. Furthermore, our study results in the division of Anthracotherium into two different genera, the definition of a new taxon, Paenanthracotherium gen. nov., and the creation of a new species from previously described material, Paenanthracotherium bergeri sp. nov. Additionally, our phylogeny suggests a new palaeogeographical scenario implying several dispersal events from Asia to Europe before and during the Grande Coupure Event. This study marks the first step to a much-needed global review of anthracotheriines, including the American and Asian specimens. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: cladistic analysis – Eocene – Eurasia – Oligocene – new genus – new species – taxonomic revision. INTRODUCTION be related to the high diversity of anthracotheres (Boisserie et al., 2005, 2010; Orliac et al., 2010; Lihoreau Anthracotheriidae (Boisserie et al., 2005) is a et al., 2015). Therefore, attempts to resolve the paraphyletic family of cetartiodactyls, known since the phylogeny of anthracotheres have been proposed, but description of the genus Anthracotherium by Cuvier they mainly focused on the bothriodontines, the best- (1822). Anthracotheres occurred in Asia, Europe, Africa supported subfamily of anthracotheres closely related and North and Central America from the Bartonian to Hippopotamidae. As Hippopotamidae is supposed (late Middle Eocene) to the Early Pleistocene (for to be part of Anthracotheriidae, a complete revision of review, see Lihoreau & Ducrocq, 2007; Rincon et al., the latter is needed to resolve its systematics by first 2013). This group of large mammals gained attention focusing on its relationship with Hippopotamidae. during the debate on hippopotamid origin and its We present a phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily relationship with cetaceans (for review, see Boisserie Anthracotheriinae, which includes the genera et al., 2011). These phylogenetic problems seem to Heptacodon, Anthracotherium and Prominatherium (Lihoreau & Ducrocq, 2007). Although well constrained *Corresponding authors. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] in previous phylogenetic analyses (e.g. Kron & Manning, [ 1998; Lihoreau et al., 2004; Tsubamoto et al., 2011), none of these studies analysed a comprehensive list of species. 9539-47F3-8B6C-9E03DB044C77] A common problem was the taxonomic ambiguity of 1 some representatives, for example Anthracothema, MJSN, JURASSICA Museum, formerly Musée Heothema, Anthracohyus, Myaingtherium and some Jurassien des Sciences Naturelles, Switzerland; NMB, Anthracokeryx species, that were synonymized with Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Switzerland; NMBE, Anthracotherium or assigned to one of those genera (see Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern, Ducrocq, 1999; Tsubamoto et al., 2002, 2011; Soe, 2008). Switzerland; MHNM, Muséum d’Histoire naturelle Moreover, Anthracotherium includes numerous species de Marseille, France; MHNT, Muséum d’Histoire from both Europe and Asia, but the specimens display Naturelle de Toulouse, France; MNHN, Muséum very different cheek teeth. Not only were subgeneric National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, France; FSL, subdivisions proposed without a detailed revision of the collection of the Université Claude Bernard de Lyon, species (Kowalesky, 1873; Stehlin, 1910; Sieber, 1935), France; and UM, Université de Montpellier, France but most of the material was never reviewed, with the Anatomical abbreviations: C/c, upper/lower canine; exception of the Swiss material (Scherler, 2011) and the I/i, upper/lower incisor; M/m, upper/lower molar; P/p, up-to-date description of Anthracotherium monsvialense upper/lower premolar; H, height; L, length; W, width. De Zigno, 1888 (Ghezzo & Giusberti, 2016). However, even if the phylogeny of the subfamily Bothriodontinae was thoroughly tested in recent studies (e.g. Lihoreau et al., 2015; Lihoreau et al., 2017), the anthracotheres MATERIAL AND METHODS are still in urgent need of a comprehensive revision, We conducted a systematic review of Anthracotheriinae particularly concerning the ‘waste-basket’ genus based on an original phylogenetic hypothesis obtained Anthracotherium and its potential relatives. Such a by cladistic analysis, which was based on comparisons of revision is crucial for the understanding of the origin dental characters of the included taxa (see Supporting of anthracotheres, the relationships between cetaceans Information, Appendices S1 and S2). The complete matrix and hippopotamids, and the dispersal event from is available as Supporting Information (Appendix S3). Asia to the different continental landmasses hosting The cladistics analysis was performed with a heuristic Anthracotheriinae at the end of the Eocene. search using PAUP 4.0a151 (Swofford, 2002; Supporting Information, Appendix S4). The tooth terminology for ABBREVIATIONS anthracotheres follows that of Boisserie et al. (2010), established for all representatives of hippopotamoids, Institutional abbreviations: NHML, Natural and is illustrated in this paper for a better understanding History Museum of London, United Kingdom; of the diagnostic characters (Fig. 1). Figure 1. Dental terminology mapped on sketches (not to scale) of upper and lower cheek teeth of Anthracotherium mag- num in occlusal views, following Boisserie et al. (2010). Names of the cusps/cuspids are in bold, cristae/cristids and fossae/ fossids in italic and styles/stylids in plain text. Abbreviations: c., crista/cristid; f., fossa/fossid; st., style/stylid; trans. fossa/ fossid, transverse fossa/fossid; trans. val., transverse valley. Black arrows indicate the mesiolingual direction. 2 TAXONOMIC SAMPLING (Ducrocq, 1999). We also included Myaingtherium Outgroup kenyapotamoides Tsubamoto et al., 2011, which was proposed as an Anthracotheriinae (Tsubamoto et al., We selected the genera Haplobunodon and 2011; Lihoreau et al., 2015) or as the first anthracothere Choeropotamus as outgroup taxa. They are (Tsubamoto et al., 2011). sometimes considered to belong to two distinct We included all three genera that were affiliated families (Haplobunodontidae and Choeropotamidae, with Anthracotheriinae by Lihoreau & Ducrocq (2007): respectively, following Sudre, 1978) or to the same the Eurasian Anthracotherium, the North American family (Choeropotamidae, according to Gentry & Heptacodon with the species Heptacodon occidentalis Hooker, 1988; Hooker & Thomas, 2001; Erfurt & Métais, Osborn & Wortman, 1894 and the European 2007). Lihoreau et al. (2015) suggested that they belong Prominatherium dalmatinum (von Meyer, 1854), the to two different clades. We chose them as our outgroup only representative of this genus. Lihoreau & Ducrocq taxa because their dental patterns are similar to those (2007) recognized 15 species within Anthracotherium; of anthracotheriid (anthracotheroid like), allowing Stehlin (1910) was the latest to revise the genus and us to propose dental homologies, and because some to discuss many species that emerged during the 19th choeropotamids have been considered the sister group century. Unfortunately, the erection of numerous species of anthracotheres in other analyses (Orliac et al., 2010; was based on scarce and/or unappropriated material. Lihoreau et al., 2015). The genus Haplobunodon, with For example, Anthracotherium alsaticum Cuvier, 1822 the species Haplobunodon lydekkeri Stehlin, 1908 from was described based on a fragmentary mandible of Hordle, UK and Haplobunodon solodurense Stehlin, a juvenile individual (mandible with dp2–m1) and 1908 from Egerkingen, Switzerland, was mainly coded consequently, later attributions to this species were based on casts housed at the UM and on information difficult (De Blainville, 1848). Filhol (1877) assigned gathered from the literature (Hooker & Thomas, material that was considered to belong to another 2001). The genus Choeropotamus was coded by direct species, simply mentioning it as A. alsaticum nec Cuvier observations on fossils of Choeropotamus depereti (Stehlin, 1910; Brunet, 1970). Furthermore,
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    Relations et position systématique du genre Cuisitherium Sudre et al., 1983, le plus dérivé des artiodactyles de l’Éocène inférieur d’Europe Jean SUDRE Laboratoire de Paléontologie des Vertébrés E.P.H.E., ISEM Université de Montpellier 2, case courrier 064, Place Eugène Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier cedex 05 (France) [email protected] Gérard LECOMTE 5 Rue Guiscard, F-60400 Grisolles (France) Sudre J. & Lecomte G. 2000. — Relations et position systématique du genre Cuisitherium Sudre et al., 1983, le plus dérivé des artiodactyles de l’Éocène inférieur d’Europe. Geodiversitas 22 (3) : 415-432. RÉSUMÉ La description d’un maxillaire de Cuisitherium lydekkeri découvert sur le gi- sement yprésien de Monthelon a permis de préciser les caractères dentaires de l’espèce ainsi que les relations et le statut systématique du genre Cuisitherium. On établit que Cuisitherium est probablement directement apparenté au genre monospécifique Lophiobunodon connu dans les niveaux élevés de l’Éocène moyen (La Livinière, MP15). La relation Cuisitherium- Lophiobunodon montre que l’acquisition des molaires supérieures dilambdo- dontes (ectolophe en W et pli de la centrocrête) a dû se réaliser rapidement au MOTS CLÉS cours de l’Éocène moyen sans que cela entraîne des modifications majeures Mammifère, dans la morphologie des molaires inférieures. Cette relation conduit à ratta- artiodactyle, cher Cuisitherium aux Choeropotamidae, conformément à l’opinion de Éocène, évolution, Gentry & Hooker (1988), cette famille incluant d’après ces auteurs des systématique. formes rapportées antérieurement aux Haplobunodontidae. GEODIVERSITAS • 2000 • 22 (3) © Publications Scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. 415 Sudre J.
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