2020 Sight Reading Judging Guidelines for Local Chapter Testing – Revised 1/15/20 Sarah Hamilton, SAT Coordinator
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MICHIGAN MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT TESTING 2020 Sight Reading Judging Guidelines for Local Chapter Testing – revised 1/15/20 Sarah Hamilton, SAT Coordinator The judge should have played through all of the sight-reading tests before the testing oCCurs. SuCCess in sight-reading, transposition, and harmonization is based on good Continuity and 80% aCCuraCy. Students who play with even more acCuracy may be praised in your Comments, but all students achieving 80% aCCuraCy should reCeive full points. Sight-Reading: 1. Students will be given two minutes to look over the sight-reading pieCe. They may play the five-finger pattern or sCale and cadence of the sight-reading pieCe at any time during this preparation time. They may also “ghost play” their sight-reading silently on the keyboard during the preparation time. 2. Students are permitted to play the sight-reading only once. A ¼ point deduction may be given for a second restart, and then the student must Continue. 3. If a student performs the sight-reading pieCe in the wrong oCtave but the notes are otherwise Correct, a ¼ deduction should be made, but the student should be given Credit for what was done well. 4. Although fingerings will be given as a help to the student, there will be no deduCtions for using a fingering different from the one indiCated. If dynamiCs are indiCated, they would be part of the sCore for aCCuraCy. Do not deduCt points for tempo in sight- reading and transposition- comment only. A steady pulse is required. 5. Scoring: Requred deduCtions: Suggested deductions of ¼ to ½ points, at the judge’s discretion ¼ second restart- students must continue after this (80% acCuracy for perfect sCore): ¼ inCorrect octave Parallel major or minor key Incorrect key (not parallel major/minor) Incorrect meter Incorrect notes InCorreCt rhythms Transposition (Levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 9) 1. After Completing the sight-reading, students will play it again as written. They are allowed an additional minute of preparation time to prepare for the transposition. 2. As in the sight-reading, students may play the five-finger pattern or scale and cadence of the new key at any time during the preparation period. 3. Students will play the transposition only once. A ¼ point deduction may be given for a second restart, and then the student must Continue. 4. For Level 9, students will be asked to transpose the four measures that do not involve a modulation. 5. Scoring: 3 possible points (80% acCuracy for perfect sCore) Point breakdown: ½ - Steady beat ½ - CorreCt meter ½ - Continuity ½ - Note aCCuraCy ½ - RhythmiC aCCuraCy ½ - DynamiCs ¼ points may be given at the disCretion of the judge. Chord Harmonization (Levels 4, 6, 8, 10) and Harmonizing a Bass Line (Levels 11 and 12) 1. Students will be allowed to play the Chord harmonization melody first. Level 11 and Level 12 students will be allowed to play the bass line first. 2. Students are allowed one additional minute of preparation time to prepare for the Chord harmonization or for harmonizing a bass line. They may play the five-finger pattern or sCale and cadenCe of the pieCe at any time during the preparation period. 3. Chord symbols as well as Roman numerals will be provided as an aid to students and to help them to become familiar with them. The Chord symbols and the Roman numerals give the same information but in a different form. TeaChers and students should feel free to use the form with which they feel most Comfortable. 4. Scoring: 3 possible points (80% acCuracy for perfect sCore) Point breakdown: 1- AcCurate Chords 1- AcCurate melody & rhythms 1- Continuity & steady beat ½ or ¼ points may be given at the disCretion of the judge. Rhythms 1. Students will have 30 seConds for rhythm preparation. Rhythms may be clapped, played, sung, or chanted for Levels 1A-6. For Levels 7-12, rhythms may be tapped or played. 2. Rests should be Clearly aCknowledged or shown with an appropriate gesture. For example, if the student claps, indicate rests with open palms. 3. Scoring: 2 points- ½ point per measure. No ¼ point deduCtions for rhythm. Judging 1. Students who Count aloud for any of the above skills will be judged only on the musiC and rhythms performed, not on the counting. 2. Judges will provide a brief explanation for each point deduction. Example: “rhythm error” or “exCellent Continuity”. 3. Students will be graded on the following: • Continuity and steady pulse. Do not deduCt points for tempo- comment only. • AcCuraCy of notes, rhythm, dynamiCs, artiCulation, and harmony. • CorreCt interpretation of the time signature and key signature (or CorreCt starting position when no key signature is indicated). Thank you for sharing your time and expertise to evaluate students in the Student AChievement Testing Program today. .