BiH MEDIA ROUND-UP Date: March 12, 2011

TV news broadcast on March 11, 2011 RADIO BN TV PINK BHT 1 (16,00 hrs) (18,00 hrs) (19,00 hrs) WN: Earthquake hits Japan Earthquake hits Japan WN: Devastating earthquake in Japan No BiH citizens harmed in Japan Lajcak: FBiH situation seems illogical BiH citizens in Japan safe Kusic sentenced to five years Dodik for referendum on BiH Court Crude oil prices soar No extradition request for Divjak Rendic released from prison RS Govt. to stabilize food prices NTV Hayat FTV RTRS (19,00 hrs) (19,30 hrs) (19,30 hrs) WN: Earthquake strikes Japan WN: Tsunami hits Japan WN: Earthquake in Japan OHR continues with talks No info on BiH expats in Japan Dodik for referendum on BiH Court SDP comments Lajcak’s statement BiH, active seismological area RS parties condemn Inzko’s actions No Interpol warrant against Divjak ‘Vitezit’ workers freeze hunger strike ‘Dobrovoljacka’ eye-witness account

Dnevni Avaz Dodik cannot carry out arrests [Interview with High Representative Valentin Inzko] Oslobodjenje Referendum will decide on the Court of BiH [Dodik slams BiH judicial bodies] Dnevni List Disaster in Japan [report on destructive earthquake that struck Japan on Friday] Vecernji List Flood! [report on destructive earthquake that struck Japan on Friday] Glas Srpske Citizens will decide if they need BiH Court and Prosecutor’s Office Nezavisne Novine Disaster in Japan [report on destructive earthquake that struck Japan on Friday]

Dodik criticizes OHR and BiH judicial bodies, reactions Dodik: Inzko is HR of FBiH Radio BN – The RS President Milorad Dodik announced on Friday that he will take and , RS people the opportunity on the next special session of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) to will decide whether they propose a referendum where citizens would have their say on Court of BiH and BiH want such Court of BiH Prosecutor’s Office. After a meeting of the RS Crisis Team for Investigation of War Crimes, Dodik said that the referendum question would be whether Court of BiH and BiH Prosecutor’s Office are needed or not. Dodik said: “And for the people to vote on whether they need such Court of BiH and Prosecutor’s Office or not. The referendum will be binding in the RS. Of course, it will carry further implications. Namely, if the people say that these institutions are obsolete and that they do not enjoy support from the RS, then everyone from the RS will be asked to leave those institutions.” Presenter said that Dodik will assemble detailed documentation on processing of war crimes and searching for missing persons in the next 10 days. Dodik said: “There was also talk about the Court of BiH and the BiH Prosecutor’s Office persisting with their terminology of genocide and aggression, trying to paint a new picture of the character of the war.” Presenter added that Dodik was clear in saying that High Representative Valentin Inzko should step down and leave BiH, especially after interfering with the case of former BiH Army general Jovan Divjak and his involvement in formation of the FBiH authorities. Dodik said: “It is evident that he [Inzko] is the High Representative of the FBiH and Sarajevo, and that he has no business here. However, that is only imposed. They have a tendency to impose obligations unto themselves. Thus, you can see them today trying to assemble the FBiH authorities.”Pink, Hayat, BHT1 By Snezana Mitrovic, Tanja Alavuk – Head of the RS Government Coordination Team for War Crimes Investigation Stasa Kosarac said:”There is plenty of information indicating that are tried according to one law, whereas are tried by other laws. This is something that should be unacceptable for any BiH citizen. Of course, such institutions do not enjoy support from us from the RS.” Alavuk said that the Court of BiH declined to comment statements made by politicians. FTV – Presenter commented that this is Dodik’s first announcement of a referendum since he became RS President, adding that he did not organize the referendum he announced while he was the RS Prime Minister. RTRS – The RS Team for War Crime Investigation and Missing Persons will support Dodik’s initiative. The reporter said that of the 1,000 remains identified in 2010 only 20 were Serb. Stasa Kosarac from the RS War Crimes Investigation team said that the identification process has been stopped. Kosarac argued that he has proof that someone is abusing victims for the purpose of manipulation. To stop such manipulation the RS will create a database of all Serb victims. Dodik expressed support to creation of a fund for the defense of war crime suspects. Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 2 ‘Referendum will decide on the Court of BiH’ by G. Katana, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Dodik announces referendum on BiH Court and Prosecutor’s Office’ by V.S., Nezavisne Novine pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘Referendum on BiH Court and Prosecutor’s Office’ by Uros Vukic, Glas Srpske cover splash, pg 3 ‘Citizens will decide if they need BiH Court and Prosecutor’s Office’ by Vedrana Kulaga, Zeljka Dobric, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Initiative for referendum on BiH Court and Prosecutor’s Office’ not signed – also covered.

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Dodik: BiH is unsustainable Hayat – The RS President Milorad Dodik stated on Thursday that Bosniak politicians country and failed misused BiH institutions in case of the retired BiH Army General Jovan Divjak, which experiment of international shows that BiH is “an unsustainable country and a failed experiment of the community international community.” Dodik said that the country should dissolve in order to allow better life for its citizens. He called upon the RS Ministry of Interior to draft an action plan to arrest Divjak and wartime member of the BiH Presidency Ejup Ganic if they come to the RS. Vecernji List pg 13 ‘Milorad Dodik threatens with arrests and secession, Sarajevo calls for sanctions’ by Eldina Medunjanin – also covered.

Inzko: Dodik’s interferes in Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 5 ‘Dodik cannot carry out arrests’ by Sead Numanovic – operative work of RS police Daily carried an interview with High Representative Valentin Inzko. Commenting onthe statement of RS President Milorad Dodik that he is the High Representative “only in Sarajevo,” Inzko said that “Dodik is stating his own opinion. The Dayton Peace Agreement and the UN Security Council state otherwise.” He argued that Dodik’s call upon the RS police to arrest wartime BiH Presidency member Ejup Ganic and retired BiH Army General Jovan Divjak “obviously crosses the line into unacceptable political interference into the operative work of the police,” but also raises “very serious questions regarding the rule of law and the constitutional order.” According to Inzko, “any arrest ordered by the RS President, or any president, would be illegal.” He argued that the state level institutions are in charge of war crimes, and judicial bodies in entities can process them if they are transferred from the state level. Furthermore, the state level is in charge of implementing international and inter-entity criminal regulations, which is specifically regulated by the Constitution. “This means that state- level authorities, not those in entities, decide on extraditions,” he added. Inzko stressed that all politicians and officials are obliged to respect BiH’s laws. Responding to accusations regarding his comments on Divjak’s case, Inzko said: “I am flattered that people think I have influence in Austrian media, and a little bit concerned that people think I could have influence on the Austrian judiciary.” Inzko noted that Divjak is known in , and it would be foolish to expect his arrest to pass unnoticed. “Secondly, Austrian courts will analyze this issue from the perspective of valid legislation – and that is all.” Inzko added: “I understand that Serbs want the Dobrovoljacka case to be resolved. I want this too. But, when that happens, it will be a result of the work of BiH prosecutors, and it will happen before the Court of BiH. Honestly, those who attack the BiH judiciary are making this difficult, not easier.”

US Embassy, OHR, political BHT1 – The US Embassy to BiH condemned the RS President Milorad Dodik’s call for parties and NGOs in FBiH dissolution of BiH. The written statement from the Embassy reads that the US fully condemn Dodik’s supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of BiH, and opposes secession of any part statements of the country. Oslobodjenje cover splash ‘Referendum will decide on the Court of BiH’, pg 3 ‘Dodik reminds us of Karadzic’ by J. Fetahovic – The OHR issued a statement strongly condemning Dodik’s call for dissolution of BiH, reminding all officials in the region that they are obliged to respect the Dayton Peace Agreement: “The OHR speaks on behalf of wider international community when it clearly states that all politicians and officials on all levels of government must respect the rule of law.” SDA stated that Dodik is “once more entertaining the public,” adding that “there is not a single democratic country in which executive officials or party presidents can issue arrest warrants. Such practice is common only to totalitarian regimes which Dodik follows.” According to SDA, this proves the need for “true police reform in BiH.” The party further comments: “We ask him (Dodik) … what would it be like if the FBiH police were to arrest every citizen of the smaller entity who is suspected of Srebrenica genocide and various war crimes across BiH, as well as denial of genocide and concealing of crimes?” SBiH stressed that Dodik’s statement reminds them of threats made in 1992 by former RS President Radovan Karadzic, who claimed that decisions of legitimate BiH institutions would “lead the country to hell.” Veteran organizations in the FBiH condemned Dodik’s statements as an attack against BiH. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Dodik has no police authority’ by A.H. – Legal experts Sead Hodzic and Mensur Radoncic explained that these statements serve no purpose, since the RS President cannot issue arrest warrants. Furthermore, there is a clause in the Constitution preventing extradition of BiH citizens to other countries. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Dodik’s call for dissolution condemned’ not signed – carries the US Embassy’s statement. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Dodik is trying to conceal robbery of the people’ not signed – carries statements of veteran NGOs. Dnevni List pg 8 ‘Dodik’s statement reminds of those made by Karadzic in 1991’ not signed – carries SBiH. Vecernji List pg 13 ‘Milorad Dodik threatens with arrests and secession, Sarajevo calls for sanctions’ by Eldina Medunjanin – also covered.

Klingl: Inzko did not Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Klingl: Inzko was shocked by Divjak’s arrest’ by D. Sajinovic pressure Austrian press, he – Journalist of Austrian daily Kurier Livia Klingl stated that the High Representative was shocked by Divjak’s Valentin Inzko called for release of retired BiH Army General Jovan Divjak in the arrest daily. “Inzko did indeed call me because we have known each other for 20 years, and because I introduced Divjak to him. Inzko realized the consequences this arrest could have in BiH, and Austria. But, he never exerted any pressure, he was simply shocked.” Sajinovic notes that Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger told the same journalist that Divjak’s extradition to Serbia would be “unthinkable.” Author


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further argues that Inzko and Spindelegger know each other, and Inzko was appointed High Representative with Spindelegger’s support. According to Sajinovic, spokesperson of the Austrian Foreign Ministry Alexander Schallenberg contacted Nezavisne Novine and “asked us to write that Inzko did not influence Spindelegger when he decided to state that Divjak’s extradition to Serbia would be unthinkable.” Schallenberg said that Spindelegger and Inzko had no contact regarding Divjak’s case. Nezavisne Novine pg 10 ‘Divjak case’ op-ed by Dejan Sajinovic – Author commented that “Austrian citizen Valentin Inzko” should be able to have an opinion on any matter. “But it is problematic for the High Representative Valentin Inzko, whose mandate is to help BiH and their peoples make quick progress from an international protectorate to a sovereign country, to get politically involved to secure release of a person believed by one people in BiH to be responsible for the death of several dozen people.” Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Deliberate creation of problems’ by Srna – Daily quotes Klingl saying that Inzko “did not want to provoke anyone, but to prevent diplomatic problems.” She added that Inzko wanted to inform the public “who was arrested for what.” Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Behavior of Inzko and Spindelegger unacceptable’ not signed – Daily quotes leader of the Freedom Party of Austria Heinz-Christian Strache, who condemned the behavior of Inzko and Spindelegger regarding this case.

Kosarac: OHR RTRS By Dejana Radovanovic – On Friday SNSD, SDS, PDP and DNS condemned High contaminated BiH society Representative Valentin Inzko’s actions following the arrest of former BiH Army General Jovan Divjak in Austria. The reporter said that to the Austrian media Inzko presented Divjak as a hero and not as a suspected war criminal. The RS Veteran Association said that in this manner Serbs are presented as the aggressors and Bosniaks as those who defended BiH. Head of the RS Coordination Team for War Crime Investigations and Missing Persons Stasa Kosarac sxaid that the OHR has damaged relations among peoples in BiH, adding: “The OHR has used up its capacity and has contaminated BiH’s society.” Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Time for OHR to ‘pack its bags’’ not signed – also covered.

Arrest of General Divjak, reactions Interpol says Divjak not in BHT1 – Interpol notified the BiH authorities that former BiH Army General Jovan their database, Austrian Divjak is not subject to any arrest warrants, and has not been registered in their authorities to give priority database. The BiH Foreign Minister Sven Alkalaj met with Austrian Justice Minister to BiH Claudia Bandion-Ortner to discuss details of Divjak’s arrest. Presented said that the Austrian judiciary has so far not received extradition requests submitted by BiH and Serbia. FTV By Vlado Maric – FTV carries statement of the Austrian Justice Ministry’s representative Christian Pilnacek, who said that Divjak was arrested in line with an arrest warrant which was issued by the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office in 2008 and sent to some Interpol members. Pilnacek said that extradition requests from BiH and Serbia did not arrive, adding that BiH would have the priority over Serbia. He explained that both requests will be forwarded to the court, adding that according to previous practices, Austria extradites persons to countries where the crime occurred. The court will also consider documents from The Hague and London. Radio BN – The BiH Chief Prosecutor Milorad Barasin said that he asked the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic to cease investigation of the incident in Dobrovoljacka Street two years ago and to leave the investigation to the BiH Prosecutor’s Office. Presenter quoted Barasin saying that he called upon Vukcevic to deliver evidence to BiH, adding that he would sign any agreement with the Serbian judiciary as long as it does not violate existing conventions and laws of BiH. FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 6-7, mentioned on cover ‘Divjak is not in Interpol’s database’ by J.F., A.Se. – Daily notes that the BiH Security Ministry received a letter signed by Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble, confirming that Divjak is not subject to an arrest warrant. The letter recalls Interpol’s decision not to issue red arrest warrants against 19 BiH citizens suspected of war crimes by Serbian institutions, and that these persons would not be listed in Interpol’s database. This was adopted as official policy by the Interpol General Assembly in November 2010. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘There is no arrest warrant for Jovan Divjak’ by Fena, Vecernji List, pg 18 ‘There is no arrest warrant for Jovan Divjak’ not signed – also covered.

Ahmetovic: No Interpol Hayat – BiH Security Minister Sadik Ahmetovic and Croatian Interior Minister arrest warrant against Tomislav Karamarko met in Opatija on Friday. Ahmetovic stated that Interpol Divjak confirmed there is no Interpol arrest warrant against former BiH Army General Jovan Divjak. He and Karamarko agreed that the cases such as the arrest of Divjak and Croatian veteran Tihomir Purda, based on Serbian arrest warrants, should not be allowed to happen again. Oslobodjenje pg 12 ‘Arrests of Divjak and Purda bring unrest to region’ not signed – Both ministers pledged to work on resolving this problem, adding that this also required stronger political efforts in the region. Dnevni List pg 24 ‘Cases of Purda or Divjak should not be repeated’ by P.Z., agencies, Vecernji List pg 13 ‘ and BiH sign agreement on handover of persons who enter countries illegally’ not signed – also covered.

‘Women of Srebrenica’ Hayat – Association ‘Women of Srebrenica’ protested in Tuzla on Friday and voiced voice support to Divjak support to the retired BiH Army General Jovan Divjak. Hayat interviewed one member of the Association who said that those who defended the country are


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suspected of war crimes, while those who committed the crimes remain free. BHT1, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Authorities responsible for persecution’ by A.H., Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Leave Divjak alone, arrest Mladic’ by S. Karic – also covered.

Tusevljak: Ganic and Glas Srpske pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Jovan Divjak is the organizer and participant Divjak responsible for of the attack’ by Svjetlana Tadic – In an interview for Glas Srpske, Coordinator of the attack in Dobrovoljacka RS Interior Ministry’s War Crime Investigation Team Simo Tusevljak stated that the Street team has complied with all requests of the BiH Prosecutor’s Office regarding the Dobrovoljacka Street case, and submitted all relevant documents. The team demands completion of the investigation and charges against 15 suspects. “The main problem is that one cannot ‘order’ a prosecutor to complete the investigation and raise charges,” he added. According to him, the RS Interior Ministry opened the first investigation in 1992, but the ICTY concluded that there was insufficient evidence. A new investigation was launched in 2005, and the Interior Ministry filed reports against 15 persons suspected of war crimes. He said that the attack on the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) began on May 2, 1992, with the attack on the Army Hall in Sarajevo. Tusevljak added that wartime BiH Presidency member Ejup Ganic decided to attack the JNA convoy, while retired BiH Army General Jovan Divjak planned and implemented this attack. As for the video recordings in which Divjak is ordering his soldiers to stop firing, Tusevljak said that this statement confirms his “criminal responsibility. It shows that he was in command, and before that there had to be an order to open fire.”

RTRS carries RTRS By Teodora Vranjes – RTRS carried an eye-witness account of retired Colonel of Dobrovoljacka Street eye- the Yugoslav People’s Army Slavoljub Velosevic, who survived the Dobrovoljacka witness account; GS: Street incident. He described the torture he was subjected to during his detention, Divjak admitted adding that he had to beg for water explaining that he suffered from diabetes. responsibility of BiH Velosevic stated that he will never forget the physical and psychological abuse he had Presidency to endure in those ten days. He said that it was former BiH Army General Jovan Divjak that gave out the weapons for the BiH troops. He said that wartime BiH Presidency member Ejup Ganic organized the attack on the JNA convoy, but that it was Divjak who commanded the troops. Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Divjak admitted that the attack was ordered by the Presidency’ by Zeljka Dobric – According to an article published in Sarajevo-based daily Vecernje Novine on May 5, 1992, Divjak stated at a press conference that the order to attack the JNA convoy in Dobrovoljacka Street was made by the BiH Presidency, which was not aware of the agreement late Chairman of the BiH Presidency Alija Izetbegovic made with JNA General Milutin Kukanjac and UNPROFOR commander Lewis MacKenzie.

Formation of authorities OHR continues talks with FTV By Jasenka Isovic and Vildana Kurtic – The OHR continued talks with political political parties parties. The talks on Friday included representatives of SDP, SDA, HDZ BiH and HDZ 1990. After the meeting, SDP’s Damir Hadzic stated: “I cannot tell you anything special, but that we continued yesterday’s talks. We will continue talks in the afternoon and tomorrow. We agreed not to reveal what we talked about yesterday and today. But there is optimism.” SDA’s Halid Genjac expressed hope that both the media and the public will understand why they agreed not to reveal what they talked about. Asked if this means something will happen soon, Genjac replied: “It is justified to expect it, we are doing our best.” HDZ 1990’s Damir Ljubic stated that talks will continue on Saturday. Asked why the two political blocs held separate meetings, HDZ BiH’s Niko Lozancic said that the host determined how the meetings should progress. The new round of talks continues on Saturday. FTV late news update – HSP leader Zvonko Jurisic met with the Principal Deputy High Representative Roderick Moore on Friday afternoon. Following the meeting, Jurisic stated that Moore informed him about details of the OHR’s discussions with political parties over the last two days, adding that parties have reached a high level of agreement. Jurisic said that the parties will probably talk about the distribution of seats on Saturday. Hayat – By Alem Karamesic – Presented commented that there are no announcements of new meetings among signatories of the SDP-led platform, which may indicate that the talks in the OHR yielded no result. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Lozancic and Ljubic kept longer for additional consultations’ by S. Rozajac – Daily notes that Lozancic and Ljubic returned to the OHR in the afternoon. However, Dnevni Avaz did not explain the purpose of additional consultations. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Talks without agreement’ by N. Krsman, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘FBiH parties not even close to agreement’ by Z.D., Dnevni List pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Covic and Ljubic come to Lagumdzija with new offer’ by Sanja Bjelicač-Sagovnovic, Vecernji List pg 10 ‘Either coalition, or the largest political crisis since Dayton’ by Zoran Kresic – According to Vecernji List, the most important message from the US and the EU is the one underlining the need for a wider coalition government in BiH, which is why the international community has become involved in trying to bring the parties and their attitudes closer.

Covic and Ljubic finalize Radio BN – HDZ BiH leader Dragan Covic and HDZ 1990 Bozo Ljubic finalized the crisis plan in case HDZs are crisis operation plan, which will be in effect in case parties gathered around SDP’s excluded from authorities platform proceed with formation of FBiH authorities without the two aforementioned parties, as was reported by ‘Slobodna Bosna’. Presenter said that the plan defines the so-called passive resistance, where all HDZ 1990 and HDZ BiH representatives in state


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institutions would continue their work but refuse any cooperation with newly appointed officials gathered around SDP’s platform. According to the plan, presenter said, HDZ BiH and HDZ 1990 will not allow for transfer authority and, in case of attempts to do so by force, parties intend to file criminal charges for violation of the constitutional and legal order. Hayat – NSRzB leader Mladen Ivankovic Lijanovic stated that his party expects the position of the FBiH Finance Minister if talks with the two HDZs fail. “We claimed the position of the FBiH Deputy Prime Minister, because it was agreed that the FBiH Prime Minister will be from SDP, the Speaker of the FBiH will be from SDA, and the FBiH President from HSP,” said Lijanovic. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Two HDZs not giving up’ by F. Vele – Daily learns from sources close to the international community that representatives of SDP, SDA and the two HDZs discussed distribution of seats in the FBiH Government. HDZ BiH and HDZ 1990 insist on receiving all five ministerial seats reserved for Croats, while “everything else is negotiable.” The two HDZs still want the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Assembly to hold a session on Monday and elect delegates to the FBiH House of Peoples, as a “sign of good will.” Daily further notes that SDP President Zlatko Lagumdzija wants to get at least 8 seats for SDP and its allies, fearing that SDA’s Sulejman Tihic might enter a “pact” with HDZ BiH’s Dragan Covic in the future. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘We did not seriously discuss the position of Finance Minister’ by F.V. – Ivankovic Lijanovic “neither confirmed nor denied” that he is insisting on the position of FBiH Finance Minister. Dnevni List pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Covic and Ljubic come to Lagumdzija with new offer’ by Sanja Bjelicač-Sagovnovic – Daily notes that Covic and Ljubic will meet with Lagumdzija on Saturday to propose an agreement on joint participation in authorities, but does not reveal any detail of this alleged proposal.

Pudaric: We start Dnevni List pg 5 ‘I hope agreement will be reached, because we begin forming of formation of FBiH authorities on March 17’ by Vanja Bjelica-Cabrilo – The newly appointed Deputy authorities on March 17 Speaker of the FBiH House of Representative Svetozar Pudaric (SDP) stated that the Collegium will start its activities already next week. He refused to comment on the 2011 budget proposal adopted by the caretaker Government, noting only that the budget needs to be passed by the end of March. As for the formation of the FBiH House of Peoples (HoP), Pudaric explained that, as far as SDP is concerned, the minimal requirements for inauguration of the HoP, based on the OHR’s interpretation made in 2011, have been met and there are no obstacles to completing the formation of this body. However, he said that SDP “understands concerns of citizens and the international community caused by unconstitutional actions by HDZ BiH, HDZ 1990 and SNSD,” which is why this party decided to “give a chance to those who have been acting against the constitution and laws for the past four months.” Pudaric said that the HoP session will be held on March 17, and MPs will select the FBiH president, vice presidents and the Government, noting that the seven-day deadline is an opportunity to reach an agreement and end blockades in the appointment of HoP delegates.

Lajcak voices concern over Radio BN – Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia in the European External situation in FBiH Action Service Miroslav Lajcak said that he is concerned over the current situation in the FBiH, which seems entirely illogical and very dangerous. Presenter quoted Lajcak saying that he is concerned over the relations between SDP and SDA on one side and HDZ BiH and HDZ 1990 on the other. Lajcak pointed out that no party can claim 100 percent legitimacy and votes of its electorate, but it is also dangerous to conjure up “our Serbs and Croats” in order to formally respect the BiH Constitution. Presenter quoted Lajcak saying that such moves and coming up with certain formulas is the fastest way to push BiH towards a deep crisis. Pink, RTRS – Coordinator of Croatian NGOs in BiH Leo Plockinic warned that if SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija and his party form a government in the FBiH without the two HDZs, which won 95% of the Croat votes in BiH, both the domestic authorities and the international community may soon face irredentism and requests for secession among Croats. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘It is dangerous to invent ‘our’ Serbs and Croats’ by Srna, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Situation in FBiH is dangerous’ not signed – carries Lajcak. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Lagumdzija is leading BiH towards dissolution’ by Srna – carries Plockinic. Vecernji List pg 11 ‘SDP’s policy of getting their Serbs and Craots in parliaments dangerous’ by z.k. – covered.

SDP: Lajcak’s statement is Hayat – SDP issued a press release on Friday saying that a statement of the Managing scandalous Director for Europe and Central Asia in the European External Action Service Miroslav Lajcak given on Friday is scandalous. Lajcak argued that it is dangerous to use political engineering to “invent ‘our’ Serbs and Croats in order to formally respect the Constitution.” SDP said that BiH is not a simple sum of three peoples, adding that the party understood that Lajcak's statement reflects his personal opinion. NSRzB urges international representatives to distance themselves from such statements. Dnevni List pg 4 ‘It is worrying if EU started counting red blood cells’ not signed – carries NSRzB. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 'SDP attacks Lajcak' by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 2 'BiH is not a simple sum of ethnic groups' not signed, Dnevni List pg 4 'Lajcak denies Constitution and will of voters in BiH' not signed – also covered.

Experts and NGOs Hayat – By Alem Karamesic – Professor Omer Ibrahimagic told Hayat that the main condemn OHR’s lack of issue in the political stalemate lies in legal gaps in the BiH Constitution: “The effort to resolve political international community made such system in BiH, for which they knew it would not


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Other political issues Gligoric: RS needs cadastre Glas Srpske supplement Plus, pg 4 ‘RS will introduce single land register by 2014’ by law to introduce single land Svjetlana Tadic – Daily carried an interview with Head of the RS Geodetic and Property register by 2014 Administration Tihomir Gligoric, who said that the RS plans to introduce a single land register by 2014. For this purpose, it needs the law on cadastre, and Gligoric said that the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples had no reason to oppose this law. He explained that having a single register is simpler than having land registries in courts. Gligoric said that current registers are in “chaos,” which leaves citizens and investors without legal security, for which he blames the international community. The Administration plans to complete the harmonization of regulations by 2015. Gligoric said that the Administration is also carrying out preparations for a census in the RS, and currently it is converting the necessary documents into digital form. He said that the RS Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government needs to assess the progress made by municipalities, and secure BAM 18 million for the census. As for the demarcation of the inter-entity boundary line, Gligoric said that implementation of the Annex 2 of the Dayton Peace Agreement is obligatory, but this issue has not been completed because of obstructions from the FBiH. The Administration has prepared the description of the entity border with maps that were used by the US Defense Ministry in Dayton. Gligoric added that all documents have been submitted to NATO and EUFOR. He stressed that, if the FBiH refuses to fulfill its obligations, the international community will be able to sanction its unconstitutional behavior.


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