Toy libraries Welfare reform National Child Protection Week Surviving the bully in early childhood Code of Ethics Agenda – special update Australia’s premier national early childhood magazine VOL.11 NO. 3 2005 g im ildh changin ages of ch ood Early Childhood Australia Biennial Conference Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Brisbane 28 September - 1 October 2005 Registration Brochure available NOW Telephone: 07 3368 2644 Email:
[email protected] Keynote Speakers Joe Tobin, Professor Early Childhood Education, Arizona State University, USA Children, their families and cultures are a total package. Joe Tobin’s presentation will help us tackle what this means for our everyday work. He will draw on his innovative international project that looks at children of immigrant families from the perspective of the parents and preschool staff. Also conducting workshop about children, their families and culture being a total package and what this means for our everyday work with children. Dr Jackie Marsh, University of Sheffield, UK Marsh advocates the incorporation of cultural icons, such as the Teletubbies, into the curriculum so that children can make the link more easily between their home and school environments. She undertook a study to explore the potential that popular culture has for motivating literacy and oracy practices. Also conducting workshop tackling the practicalities of using children’s television/films, toys and computer games to support early literacy. Associate Professor Margaret Carr, University of Waikato, NZ Unless we find ways to assess complex outcomes in early childhood, children will be excluded from teaching and learning. Carr describes a way of assessment that stays close to the children’s real experiences and provides an alternative to mechanistic and fragmented approaches.