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Hlabisa Case Book Supportingorganisations in TB&HIV Medicine TomHellerMD(Ed.) HlabisaCaseBookinTBandHIVmedicine Editor: TomHeller MD,SpecialistinInternalMedicineandInfectiousDiseases(Germany) HlabisaHospital Authors: CatherineHoulihan MBChB,MRCP (UK),DTM&H ART Programme AfricaCentreforHealthandPopulationStudies AmberSeigel MBBS,PhD,BPharm HlabisaHospital MahalaBuckley MBBS,DTM&H HlabisaHospital JulieCopelyn MBBS HlabisaHospital RichardLessells BSc,MBChB,MRCP (UK),DTM&H,DipHIVMed AfricaCentreforHealthandPopulationStudies HlabisaCaseBookinTBandHIVmedicine i Disclaimer Dedication Although every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this casebook is ToClaudia, accurate and correct, the authors, editor and publishers accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise out of the reliance of any person upon any of the information «nomequitesturisa», provided in the book; nor is responsibility accepted for any loss or damage sustained as a result of the use of the information contained herein. (T.H.) When in doubt, seek assistance of a more senior colleague, or, when further information is required concerning drug indications or dosage, consult the South African Medical Formulary, the current pharmaceutical package inserts or the relevant pharmaceutical and company. tothepeopleofHlabisasubdistrict, whocontinuelaughing,despiteallthis. (T.H.,C.H., A.S.,M.B.,J.C.,R.L.) HlabisaCaseBookinTBandHIVmedicine HlabisaCaseBookinTBandHIVmedicine ii iii Disclaimer Dedication Although every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this casebook is ToClaudia, accurate and correct, the authors, editor and publishers accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise out of the reliance of any person upon any of the information «nomequitesturisa», provided in the book; nor is responsibility accepted for any loss or damage sustained as a result of the use of the information contained herein.
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