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PAGE SIX \ THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. < SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1922. THE TIMES-RECORDER FQj ADVENTURE'S L_ 1 OBSERVATIONS THE OLD HOME TOWN KSTAKLISHED 187*. BY TOM SIMS ? er Bza the twins ® , 1 hold 7 (Ino.) fS* « hey. you NEWT SHE ? TO TIMES RECORD!! CO.. Arthsi Many a wilts his collar laugh- N Lmu, Ffm.; Lot»Uc« Eva. Saa’y.t V. 8. Kirk man ••trie*. Tree*. TWINS, YOU'RE NEEDED DOWN ON THE EARTH ing at women’s styles. FELLERS ? TO I , GOT MW! V. S. KIRKPATRICK. Editor fe? HAVE It HJO-vNWI LOVELACE EVE. lueineo Mnaga? The nightshirt is said to be com- KEEP YOUR f j Mosquitoes happy, NAGS away p EraaUi ially; except Sunday; weekly (Tburaday) ing back. are ItessieJ VJB FROM HERE ; at TT Eatered aa second clear matter at the poetoftc* According to mediums, all spirit Americus. Georgia, according to the Act of Congreaa ¦ i ii~ i ' messages come “collect.” Daily and Sunday by mail. 86 per year in ad by earner, per 65e per mouth HW 15c week. grooms: Many 87 80 per year. Weekly. 11-W per year la advance Hint to a kitten turns out to be a bear cat. Oflcial organ for—City of Americus, Snintvi Court tv. Railroad Corum union of Georgia for Ihiad Ccngremiorai District. U. 3. Court. Soutbora Dia Due to the world peace shortage, Met of Georgia. Mexico is having trouble again. The AeeocUted Preet it eiduaively entitled to the •ae for the republication of all newt dwTetchee sets styles; flappers in thia Paris some but credited to it or not otherwise credited papal *nd also the local ne*i published herein. AU right of get their from Scotland. ••publication of apecral dispatcher are also reserved. Ball players don’t cuss the lively National Advertising Representatives, FROST, LANDIS A KOHN, Brunswick Bldg.. New Fork; ball like dance reformers. Peoples' Gas Bldg., Chicago. I k / When a moth gets hungry he A THOUGHT FOR TODAY. He took his spyglass and looked down at the world. doesn’t give a hang about modesty. As a troubled fountain, and a cor- T'HE Man-in-the-Moon suspected i dream about the pony. so is a righteous man * Prospective brides are so plentiful rupt spring, | trouble. Mr. I’eerabout. predict a groom shortage. that jiveth way before the wicked.— He had seen Comet-Legs, his Mr. Peerabout put his hand be- we enemy, slipp off on his shooting-star hind his ear and listened. Proverbs 25:26. I It is hard to get men church lin a great hurry. He had gone in “Ha!” came Comet-Leg’s voice to The world is thirsting not for the- because they don’t care what the [the direction of Eena Meena’s house with a jeer. ‘‘What are you doing gTtferi of other men are wearing. ' ories, but for. great good works where bad dreams were to be had. here?” HOME . I i practical solutions of the So when night came and the moon “I might ask you the same thing!” Brunov (( faith' for I . “I am a wise man among fools,” was almost empty of fairies—all of declared Wink. il W spiritual difficulties of society; for ! says Shaw, getting it backwards. the m being down on the earth—he “It’s none of your business!” re- the harmony life and light; and of ( took his spyglass and looked down the bad fairy, rudely. “Iwas will torted In the springs it is hard to wherever these-appear, the world at the world and hunted up Tommy i here first. de- cide what you wish you could do. new accept them as gladly bearing Brown's house. “Where’s Black Cap?” demanded the manifest signature of God. —J. W>nk, the dream-fairy, had con- Wink. “I was to meet him here. Wives sell for eight oxen in Zulu- H. Thom. fided to the Moon-Man as he left he ; Did you do anything to him?” land; but that’s more than some had a fine dream to spread on Tom- “I just knocked him down the husbands here are worth. my s pillow and was going to try I chimney,' boasted Comte-Legs, “and EDITORIAL. and make it come true. that’s what I’m going to do to you ¦ The way to get a boy into the But Mr. I’eerabout suspected trou- j if you don’t get out of my way.” WORK OF MR RO6/NSON TIFTON'S SUCCESS. parlor is try to keep him out. A ONLY THE QUICK QO SUCCESSFUL has the cornmis- ble, so he took his spyglass and “Well, I won’t!” said Wink stout- SAVED THE PRIZE HANGING LAMP FROM SERIOUS looked down. ! ly. IM . , . sion-city manager plan of govern- Bridal showers bring June flowers. I INJURY TO t>AV- lie looked down at the very And the next second they had laid ment proved in Tifton—the same ’ minute old Comet-Legs met Wink down their dreams and were punch- When an optimist loses his pocket- plan itis proposed to install in Amer- on ton of Tommy’s roof.' He could ing each fearfully. has book he always thinks a boy scout COMPTON’S BICYCLE icus—that the Tifton Gazette se t. Comet-Legs had a toad-skin bag ! “Nancy! L. G. COUNCIL, President T. E. BOLTON, Asst, Cashes Nick!’ called Mr. Peer- will find it. Repairs and Supplies come forward with the suggestion over his shoulder and knew that in i about excitedly. “There’s a job for C. M. COUNCIL, Vice President sad Cashier that the same plan might profitably it was one of Eena Meena’s awful i you now on the earth. Go to Tom- 305 Cotton Ave., Texas man is running for office (Incorporated.) . / applied dreams. Over Wink’s shoulder was my Opposite be to the county. We have I Brown’s house at once.” against his wife. lose, Sherlock’s a poppy-leaf bag with Tommy’s nice (To continued.) Win or we no doubt that the suggestion will be be would hate to be him. given most serious consideration by The Planters Bank of Americus; the people of Tift county because Chicago claims she will have The Bank With • Surplus. they have seen the plan in operation OLD DAYS IN AMERICUS 3,000,000 people by 1925 if she can and experienced the fact that it has | keep them alive. Turner Electric Co. Over $1,700,000 paid big financial dividends in mon- Resources TEN YEARS AGO TODAY. Garrah, Walter Cranberry, Jim Pope, Congress ey saved the taxpayers and in in- thinks they are ex-vet- Reduced Prices On ''¦ Monday morning, no paper pub- and Harry Harper. The opposing erans. • creased efficiency of governmental success comes only lished. team will consist following: True functioning. of the House Wiring and Fixtures through industry and thrift. But it should be borne in mind that Arch Eldridge, Egbert Allen, O. A. ROY Don't wait for something te TWENTY TODAY. F. DUNCAN the vast majority of the people of YEARS AGO Coleman, C. H. E. Smith, Charlie Phone 124 come your way. Go after it. (From A savings account is of Tifton have contributed to making the Times-Keeorder, June Graham, Walter Johnson, I’win Har- Architect and one •3, 1902.) We Are Ready. Are You? Call the first steps towards suc- the plan the success it has been bj rold, John Ansley, J. R. Miller, and Electrical Engineer large ERNEST STATHAM, after a Us For An Estimate cess. Our resources, locking upon the plan sympathetical and more than thirty years course at the State Tech, has Whitehurst. Exchange Bldg. Columbus, Ga ly and attempting to part to successful banking experi- do Ujeir accepted a position with the Ameri- Miss Lilia Johnson, one of Ameri- make it a success, rather than by cus’ most charming young ladies, re- ence enable us to render you cus Oil Co., entering upon his duties every service, holding back in the breeching and at once. turned home yesterday from Macon, doing their best, by whatever means Miss Rosalie Smith and Mrs. Jas. wheer sha has been attending Wes- fair or foul, to defeat its adoption Taylor, president and vice-president leyan college. Miss Rosa Daniels, a AMERICUS first, then cripple its operation after respectively of the Americus chapter popular young lady of Macon, re- PROMPT, CONSERVATIVE, its adoption, as has been in ca the United Daughters t>f the Con- turned with her and will visit here ACCOMMODATING done for sometime. UNDERTAKING CO. No Account Too some places and as it is apparent federacy, left yesterday for Lump- Large; Small Misses Em Prince and Charlie s6me forces are attempting kin, where this morning they will Funeral Directors n to do distribute crosses of honor among Wheatley, two fascinating and pop- here as the movement for a change ® And Embalmers members of the Confederate veterans ular young ladies whose absence from K z- gets W underlay. of Stewart county. the city has caused much regret, re- fflU The Mortiltrie from NAT LEMASTER, Manager Observer discusses Mrs. John I’. Butt entertained Fri- turned last night Staunton, ¦Bl th jf the city-manager movement sanely day evening at a Georgraphical par- Pa., where they have been at col- in a recent issue. It says: ty in honor of her guests, Misses lege. Day Phones 88 and 231 The city manager plan is gain- Portia Ray and Anna Belle Tappan. Frank Lanier leaves this morning Night Phones 661 and 889 for New York where he Rainbow ing ground in Georgia.