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The BG News December 2, 1987

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News December 2, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4733.

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The Faculty Senate adopted a A similar amendment involv- resolution at yesterday's meet- ing classified staff also failed. ing asking the Board of Trustees The rationale of some senators to take faculty input into con- was that each constituent group sideration when evaluating the has its own voice and the faculty University president. senate should not presume to Senator Ann Marie Lancaster, speak for them. computer science chair, submit- USG passed a resolution simi- ted the resolution to the Senate lar to the Faculty Senate's in Executive Committee last November. month. She said such evaluation The Faculty Senate resolution procedures, including faculty addresses University presidents input, exist for other university in general, and not specifically administrators. the current president, Paul Ols- Also, such a procedure is not a camp. However, a clause in 01s- "novel idea," but is "done all camp's 1982 contract states that over the country," she said. every three years an appro- The resolution as passed priate University committee stated "the Faculty Senate re- will evaluate his performance. spectfully requests that the To the Senate's knowledge, Board of Trustees develop and this has not been done, although adopt written procedures for Olscamp is in his sixth year of conducting the periodic review office. of the president of the Universi- A new contract was signed by ty that include formal provisions Olscamp last July. for widely represented faculty In other business, Denise participation.' Trauth, committee on academic The Board of Trustees ap- affairs chair, reported the points the president, drafts his committee had recommended contract and approves his sa- academic budget priorities to lary increases. the Senate budget committee. Ralph Wolfe, senate chair, The first priority was faculty said to his knowledge there is no compensation, and the second formal opportunity for faculty was operating expenses. Last input to the Board of Trustees on year there was no increase in BG News/Mike McCune the president's evaluation. operating expenses. A clean sweep An amendment by Under- In the issues and concerns Kevin Banks, a junior business major, clears the snow from his car yesterday afternoon before leaving for his part-time job at OPS in graduate Student Government portion of the meeting, Ronald Maumee. Vice President Jim Perry to in- Lancaster, See Senate, page 4. New coalition supports Bruce incident 'closed' COLUMBUS (AP) - An at- Revenue for the self-sufficient Cameron was undecided about tempt to block a $471,000 settle- department comes from ticket whether to appeal the decision. completed divestment ment reached by fired football sales, concessions and advertis- "It's a possibility," he said. coach Earle Bruce in his lawsuit ing activities. ' "The problem I ha ve is time.'' divest. William Spengler, Board chair, answered against Ohio State University Williams congratulated Bruce John Elam, the attorney rep- by Amy Burkett the letter saying ne snares the concern the coali- was overruled yesterday by a and Ohio State officials for mak- resenting the university, wel- staff reporter tion expresses for the plight of South African judge who said wounds from the ing "a very diligent effort to comed the judge's ruling. "Of blacks and commends the group on its efforts to incident should not be reopened. amicably settle their differences course, we're pleased because Franklin County Common and attempt to return a trace of this will put the matter to rest," Comparing investments in South Africa to con- assist them. Pleas Judge Frederick Williams sanity to an otherwise very un- Elam said. tributions to Adolf Hitler, the recently formed Co- rejected a request from Phillip fortunate situation." Cameron had argued that at alition continues to demand the BGSU Foundation "We all must be concerned for the millions who Cameron, a Columbus attorney The judge said it was time for least part of the $471,000 that divest of its holdings in the apartheid-ruled coun- are being oppressed throughout the world. I re- and OSU graduate, to either the university to return to the Ohio State agreed on Friday to viewed your letter with Dwight Burlingame (vice block the payment or restore task of education, and for the pay Bruce would come from The Coalition is an umbrella organization made president for University Relations and Secretary Bruce as coach. Athletic Department to get back taxpayers' funds. In return for up of several groups aiming to fight racial injus- of the Foundation) and then read it to the trustees Williams ruled that Cameron to its duties. the payment, Bruce dropped a tice. at our breakfast meeting," he wrote. "Our repre- had no standing to bring the tax- "The wounds are now healing $7.4 million lawsuit he fifed last Peter Ogbuji of the African Organization said, sentative to the Foundation Board, Dick Newlove, Sayer's because money and should not be reopened to month against the university. "The Foundation says they do not consider voted for full divestment when the issue came be- or the settlement would come further fester by granting the re- "All money in that university divestment a moral issue. I say it is like sending fore that body — in fact, his vote was the only one from the Athletic Department lief sought in this action," Wil- in some form has a basis of tax- contributions to Hitler." After the Coalition's first on that side of the issue. payer funding," Cameron said. meeting, members decided to write a letter to the "We are of the opinion that by so voting we have budget and not tax funds. liams said. University Board of Trustees urging them to already joined the See Coalition, page 3. Disease is English focus McGillivray is

Editor's note: This is the second She said AIDS was a good to- named editor of a twoi>art series on AIDS. pic for the exam and may be used as the topic every other Melissa McGillivray was istration beat reporter and by Nancy Erikson year. selected by the Board of Stu- general assignment reporter. reporter Mary Edmonds, vice presi- dent Publications yesterday * MOBDealing with the threat dent of student affairs, said the McGillivray said she is to be the editor of the BG looking forward to working official stand on fighting AIDS, News for spring semester. Soon students in English 110 eral Studies in Writing, said. operative along with Dr. Kaplan according to the American Col- with the staff to continue im- and 111 will be grappling with She sue- ' proving the quality of the Hart said the students spend in providing information to the lege Students Health Associa- c e e d s newspaper. the disease Acquired Immune three weeks readingand dis- students," she said. tion, is from an educational per- senior jour- Deficiency Syndrome. But un- cussing the topic of AIDS before Hart added the instructors of spective. n a 1 i s m She also hopes to maintain like real AIDS victims, their taking the exam so they will the English 110 and 111 classes She said in addition to the stu- major Ron lines of communication with bout with the disease won't be have accurate information seem enthusiastic about the dents writing their essays on Fritz, who the University community. fatal. about the disease. program. AIDS, programs and discussions has been A native of Springfield, The English proficiency exam "The students will have to re- "We all feel the students need concerning safe sex and other editor for Ohio, McGillivray worked as for English 110 and 111 students, ally leam and pay attention to to know the information on AIDS issues will be conducted in the the past two a general assignment report- Dec. 5, is Intended to increase the information because they and since it is a current issue, residence halls throughout the semesters. ing intern for the Springfield awareness of the facts about will need to write an intelligent the students will probably be in- school year. A senior , News-Sun last summer. AIDS. essay on AIDS for the exam," terested in any information we The problem hindering the journalism "■"■«• McGillivray is the daughter "Last spring Dr. (Joshua) she said. can provide," she said. "There education of people about this major, McGillivray is cur- of Thomas and Joyce McGil- Kaplan tot the Health Center) The students were given a will also be a question on the disease is that so much is still rently the managing editor of livray, of Springfield. talked to us about incorporating packet for the general writing exam that will allow the stu- unknown about it, she said. the News. In past semesters She plans to graduate in some kind of work on the topic of classes that included pamphlets dents to give us feedback. We "It's a very new disease, but she has served as the assis- May and pursue a career as a AIDS in the freshmen classes," and articles on AIDS. want to Know how well the we think we have done an excel- tant managing editor, admin- newspaper reporter. Kathleen Hart, director of Gen- "Red Cross has been very co- project worked." lent job See AIDS, page 3. Wednesday News In brief

DA Georgetown professor speaks on Wintprnnrkinn r«actrirr*»H If a snow emergency goes into effect between 7 United States, died Monday night at his home here, campus about priacy, see story page 3. WIMiei panting rCSincroU a.m. and 9 p.m., motorists have two hours to move afriendsaid. their vehicles. However, if the emergency begins The cause of death was not immediately known. As the snow falls in Bowling Green, car owners between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m., car owners have until 9 Baldwin, 63, had undergone an operation for OThefts increase around the holi- should look before they park. City regulations pro- a.m. to move their cars. stomach cancer several months ago, said the days, see story page 4. hibit parking on many city streets during snow Cars not moved during a snow emergency will friend, who spoke on condition of anonymity, emergencies, which go into effect any time the be towed at the owner's expense. He served as a writer in residence and was a dis- snow depth reaches two Inches or more. tinguished visiting professor at the University in Designated streets are marked by signs which _, , , . ,. the late seventies, QThe Falcon basketball team travels read "Snow Street," which includes many streets JameS baldWin ClieS Baldwin — author of "Notes of a Native Son," to Ann Arbor tonight to take on Michi- used by students. Some of the more popular streets "The Fire Next Time," and "No Name in the gan, the Associated Press' 15th ranked include sections of North College Drive, Main ST. PAUL DE VENCE. France (AP) - James Street" — was called one of the "few indispensable team, see story page 6 Street, Manville Avenue, Thuraun Avenue and Baldwin, a writer who broke new ground in dealing American writers," by American critic Benjamin Ridge Street. with relations between blacks and whites in the Demott. Editorial 2 December 2,1987

AIDS education New York: A visitor's guide

Bronx, hold the "the." Anyplace land or Lincoln tunnels, avoid at sed (blessed by camaraderie, must continue By Scott Munn that sounds like a respiratory all costs the inevitable urge to but cursed) at one time or an- disease and is touchy about ping-pong and shimmy your car other by multiple puppy dog- The University" has taken a much-needed step parts of speech is well worth through. Out-of-towners are au- eyed visitors short on cash but toward AIDS education in making the deadly Editor's Note: This is the first avoiding. Queens, progressing tomatically merged into the long on memories. of a two-part column providing clockwise, is home to Forest slow lane. If you pass you will be Again, everybody in New disease the topic of this semester's English profi- one man s view on how to sur- Hills. Unless you like tennis and shot and your license plates will York City has an apartment only ciency test. vive in New York. have seats, there's no need to be sent to any surviving rela- so big, already filled with plants, Freshmen study long and hard for the proficiency dally; likewise Brooklyn, land of tives back West. bicycles, tennis shoes, an un- and will undoubtedly learn quite a bit about the im- New York City, stalagmite, written-about lover or two, portant subject of AIDS. canker sore on the mouth of the woks, cats. Their last buddy But now, the University should do more to edu- Hudson. Mating ground for law- dented the wok, stepped on the yers, urban professionals and cat's tail, took the lover's side, cate everyone — not just freshmen. amateur psychiatrists on the Everybody in New York City has an insulted the landlord, invited a Especially in light of disturbing recent reports odd street corner. Volcano of dope dealer for tea and realism. from Ohio Department of Health officials, who es- noise. A long walk. Carbon mon- apartment only so big, already filled with And used up all the plugs. timate that 40,000 Ohioans are potential AIDS oxide poisoning. Dreary except plants, bicycles, tennis shoes, an Remember the last eastern sea- spreaders. for the lights and the moths; board blackout? A glut of happy- perhaps the shows if you can af- unwritten-about lover or two, woks, cats. go-lucky friends. Officials also say as many as 5,000 state residents ford them. A frame of mind, a Cold, icy cold, but better find a will be diagnosed with the fatal disease by 1991 — T-shirt. hotel. an estimate that should concern all residents, in- There's no particular reason Suggestions? cluding students. to visit this place. If you want to Like Bill Murray who never So while it is a step in the right direction to hold see unemployment, go to West a thousand streets leading no Upon breaking through the got a chance to see the movie, I Virginia; stars, California; place special. underground umbilicus, you'll can only speculate. I haven't an AIDS-related proficiency, it is also apparent lights, Las Vegas; greedy land- The metropolitan area (in be in midtown (the Lincoln), slept in too many rented beds. that the problem is getting worse and more educa- lords, any college town; sky- case you were wondering, this downtown (the Holland), or, But here's a short list, in order tion is needed. scrapers, Chicago. Every new encompasses everything from having felt claustrophobic and of prices: customer sinks the island a little Boston, south to Washington, preferring the George Washing- The Bond Hotel on Chambers Administrators say the official stand on fighting deeper, squeezes the boroughs a I).(.'., east to Pennsylvania) is ton Bridge, Harlem. No matter Street. The ambience of a locker little closer together. Every ad- serviced by numerous reputable where you pierce the skin, stay room. Bedsheets rejected for a AIDS is from an educational perspective, and pro- ded exhale means those of us airports, highways, rivers and in the bloodstream. Savor any Tide commercial. Hatbox-sized grams and discussions concerning safe sex and who live here have to inhale a the like. Getting to Manhattan traffic jams you might be parry closets. Frightening scents. other issues are routinely conducted on campus. little deeper to get to the oxygen should be no problem. to; this will be your only (and Near the World Trade Center But it appears few AIDS programs are occurring that's left. safest, as long as you stay in the and overwhelming human pre- this semester. But fine. You want to visit. One warning. Coming in from car) chance to park. If anyone sences by day, late late show What follows are portions of the the West by car you will reach offers to clean your windows — grainy and realistically ugly at And University aclministrators also say there is manuscript of the soon-to-be- the brim of New Jersey only to and you may have been warned night. But I slept well. currently no written policy on the issue of a student rejected I hate New York but be stopped short by something of this eventuality by well-fed, Times Square Motor Hotel has having AIDS on campus. Instead, they plan to deal Can't Stay A wayg uide book. known as "PATH." PATH, jocular and jaded midwester- a thousand rooms. Right next to with it "case by case. From chapter 1, "Getting which stands variously for Port ners —let him. Chances are he The New York Times. Mono- But what the University fails to realize is that there alive." Authority Trans Hudson or Pray used to be a stockbroker and can lithic. Some permanent resi- First, and without guilt, it is And Then Hide, is the guardian use the extra cash. dents, so there's a seniority AIDS is no longer a far-off, remote disease that only assumed (has been assumed angel of The City Over There. From chapter 2, "Hotels and system when it comes to strikes homosexuals. other places to continue life sup- from the opening lines) that Simply put, they own at least r showers. Pay extra for a private In 1986, there were 242 cases of AIDS in Ohio, and when you say, "I want to go to half of the tunnels and the port.' bath, but bring a robe tor the the number is expected to grow to 975 by 1988. New York," you actually mean bridges. They require much If you're smart you'll have looong hallways. Once I saw a The situation should not be put off until someone "I want to go to Manhattan, or more than pennies over the eyes planned ahead for the necessity cockroach as big as Ed Meese's preferably, to go backstage at for passage. The last increase of temporary habitation, and pudgy fist here. contracts the disease — instead, advanced planning Oh, Calcutta!" doubled the fare; the next is ex- will be calling room service Carter Hotel. Possibly a flys- should be put into effect. The boroughs will be appro pected sometime late tomorrow within the hour. If, however, peck or two nicer than the Times Because no mere proficiency test can prepare the iiriately dealt with in other, night. Helpful Hint: bring Sou've listened to a friend with a Square, in any case right across University for that situation. eaner chapters, but briefly, money in small denominations. lend "who's really laid back, the street from it. When I stayed keep these facts in mind: The Bullion isn't accepted. we'll be no trouble at all, his there about three years ago, Bronx isn't even The Bronx, it's While driving through the Hoi- apartment's always free," find word was that it was a "call a yellow pages, tear out the girl" hotel, whatever exactly "Hotels" section for further ref- that means. Free parking. erence, and beat your friend The Grand Hyatt. Shining. about the face with the remain- Waterfalls. Doormen on the out- der of the book until he/she re- side hailing cabs with whistles. Victims of racism not limited pents. Also, open all night; comforta- No, there's nothing in the tap ble lobby, public restrooms, water which negates or flu- lighted phones. A newsstand Whites as well as blacks experience discriminating situations oridates your friend's gleaming with foreign periodicals. Bar, friendship. It's complex, though strapless-gowned barmaid. Soft simple as survival. music. You almost certainly roommates and I began to finish over, I couldn't sleep or study, melting pot made up of many Everybody in New York City can't afford this — my paycheck By Renee Swan unpacking; soon the boxes no and soon the room turned into a minorities and someday whites has an apartment that's only so just covers the cost of a swizzle longer covered the floor, and place where I just slept and won't be the main ingredients. big. Everybody in New York stick and an olive — but if The things had been put in their changed my clothes. We didn't Because discrimination City has acquaintances who Bond, The Carter and The Times If you're white, do you think places. I noticed that the other share the friendship roommates causes negative feelings of self- have the sense not to live here, Square Motor are full up, camp racism won't ever affect you? side of our two-person closet was often share. doubt, confusion and isolation but who occassionally yearn to in the lobby. Racism may affect us all at one empty. I looked outside the At first I was mad; how dare for the victims, we are all going play city mouse. Through chem- Tomorrow — getting around time or another. We all must be closet around the room for some they discriminate against me to have to change our attitudes istry and misfortune and coinci- in New York and what to see if willing to learn and understand more boxes; I didn't see any! because of the color of my skin? toward people that aren't mem- dental spring, summer and win- and when you do. cultures that aren't our own, if Where had one of the girls put Then I began to realize that in bers of our own culture. ter breaks (where university- we are to avoid becoming vic- her clothes? Then I realized that one form or another they and Swan is a freshman criminal student applicable), everybody Munn is a freelance writer liv- tims of racism ourselves. the three of them were sharing a other blacks have been discri- la w major from Dayton. in New York City has been cur- ing in New York City. Hypothetically speaking, two-person closet. I said, "I minated against all their lives. when I arrived at BGSU, I had a have more than enough room in Here I was complaining about a positive attitude and was look- the other closet if someone first time situation of discrimi- ing forward to meeting my new would like to put her clothes in nation and all these feelings I MtSPtTS, roommates. At my dorm room, I there," and then even offered to had felt for just a few weeks, and THIS IS VI6 CANT MUM WEM was greeted by a girl who was help them move some of the they've felt this all their lives. AMERICA. w stw dOKtum SOCIAL very eager to get to know me; clothes to the other closet. They You may not know these feel- OUTCASTS, she asked where I was from, ignored me as if I wasn't there; I ings yet, but when it happens to oFmitmcmsRtm, what high school I attended, and knew they heard me, so I walked you, it will be very painful. You V S how I liked BGSU so far. I really back into my walk-in closet and may begin to doubt yourself, liked my first roommate and got dressed for bed. The next which might make you lose your was vei7 eager to meet my morning I woke up and noticed a self pride. You may begin to other two. sign on their door that said, "If think, "Maybe I am like they you're not Lynn, Megan, or Lee say I am." All these things may When they arrived, I intro- Ann, stay the hell out!" I soon degrade your self being. duced myself and asked how grew used to their mean ways, Through this horrible experi- MPONTHMe AMP m cmr RiG^iSeMProf their trip from home was. They not leaving phone messages for ence I've learned that whites £/V006HcWlS7fl said nothing, nor did they intro- me, being noisy when I was try- can be victims of discrimination mtsnm BACKIDSMGlrW, duce themselves. I thought ing to sleep, and not even ack- just like blacks or any other maybe they didn't hear me, so I nowledging I was in the room. minority can. It could happen to ROAM Mf/ repeated myself; still they gave I had been naive, but soon you; someday you may be in a / me no answer. Then I thought realized that I was being dis- situation where you're the only maybe once they got to know criminated against because of white person. Our country is a me, they would open up more. the color of my skin. I was the The first night one of my only white person in a room full roommates said, "Come on Me- of blacks. I had never thought gan and Lynn; let's go to din- racial discrimination could hap- ner." They didn't even invite pen to me; I'd never been a ra- Respond me; I felt so bad and began to cist person, or told racial jokes. cry when they left the room. I'd even had good friends of 77ie BG News editorial SOCICDV Why didn't they ask me? Did I different races. Stage is your campus DAVID HfiRRIS do something wrong? After I Living in the room became orum. OK SO Vrf CoOlfc ^ BUT INSTEAD Of «£(►«; dried my eyes, I left for dinner almost unbearable; I wasn't Letters to the editor BACK AT -me. wcose TUt CMfaVCA STEAL CKWST- n>?? by myself. After dinner my comfortable having my friends should be a maximum of WATOWiC, P.U. c* Tv\e tfAS FOR TV\E AocJtt- 200-300 words in length and WOKE OAMSrrtfS WcwS "WE.l Twoocwrvje'D should be typewritten, wnnettoof suitsoitiQ... CCelS*)£ft TvV.vS WVU^ THE BG NEWS double-spaced, and signed. \ Editor Ron Fritz Asat Photo Editor MarkThaJmtn Address or on-campus Managing Edilo' Melissa McG4livray Chief Copy Editor Kim Garn mailbox number along Asal Managing Editor Beth Thomas Chief Copy EditO' Judi Kopp with your telephone num- News Editor Jut* Fauote Copy Editor Julieann Bell ber for varification, must City Editor Caroline langer Copy Editor Mary Hnbar be included. Editorial Editor Beth Murphy Copy Editor JohnMeola Columns may be longer, Wire Editor Linda Hoy Copy Editor RePecca Thomas Sports Editor Jefl McSherry Copy Editor JaredO Wadley although a length of 600-700 Astt Sports Editor Tom Skernivitz Copy Editor Julie Wallace words is preferred. These Friday Editor JimYoull Production Supr Mike GUI should also be typewritten flit AMI Friday Editor Deborah Gottscna* Production Supr Christine Rogers and double-spaced. Uni- Pholo Editor ROD Upton Production Supr David Simpson versity students writing The BG News is puoeehed dee/ Tuesday through Friday during the academic year end columns must provide BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed wee-iy dunng me summer session Dy (ha Board ol Student PubScatlons of Bowing Green class rank, major and Stale Unrversrty tmum't hometown. OUK veH/ae is 1HISOOHNA Opewone oapreeeed by cotummete do not nacaaaanfy reflect the ooawjna of the BG 77>e News reserves the sntK MP m CCULP m

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by Cathy Hoehn staff reporter "I would attribute most break-ins to students not locking their doors. If they "Tis the season to lock your locked their doors, most thefts would not doors tightly, according to cam- pus police, since right before happen." Christmas break is the most -Brian Jones, complex coordinator for common time of year for theft to occur. residential services "By the end of this week or next week I expect the number "Common sense stuff" in- The most common type of of thefts to increase," said Lieu- cludes not leaving books or va- theft committed on campus is tenant David Weekley, patrol luables unattended, especially petty theft, which includes all supervisor for campus police. on the open shelves in the book- stolen items valued less than Weekley said around Christ- stores, and checking on vehicles $300, Weekley said. Many stu- mas and the end of the school parked in out-lying lots on a re- dents do not report the theft of year are the two worst times in gular basis. many small items. terms of theft. Brian Jones, complex coor- "They figure they'll never be "The biggest problem is dinator for residential services, found anyway so why bother," carelessness. Students want to believes locking room doors is he said. get out and go home," he said. also important in alleviating re- It is possible to recover the be- Folks need money to get home. sident hall thefts. longings, however. When books If a door is open and money is are reported stolen, for exam- sitting on the desk, you can bet "I would attribute most break- ple, the police will call bookstore they're going to take it." ins to students not locking their owners to watch for the books. Books are the number one doors. If they locked their doors, They ask students to mark books item to be stolen this time of most thefts would not happen, in ways to make their books year, he said. Money, meal cou- he said. somehow identifiable. pon books, book bags, bicycles He added students often fail to Individuals caught attempting and vehicle accessories are also lock the door because they to sell the books, if it cannot be hot items for would-be thieves. "don't feel like carrying their proven they stole the material, The largest factor determin- keys around." Students also will usually be charged with re- ing what will be stolen is oppor- tend to "yell down the hall to ceiving stolen property, or tunity, according to Weekley. their roommates not to lock unauthorized use of property, "If someone sees a VCR sit- their door because they don't Weekley said. ting in a classroom that some- have a key," alerting any poten- Receiving stolen property, for body left sitting there, maybe tial thief the room will be open, a first offense, is a misdemeanor the person hasni come back for he said. of the first degree, punishable it is subject to being tak- Bill Bess, director of public by up to a $1,000 fine plus court en," he said. safety, said it is important for costs and six months in jail. Weekley said the best way to any break-ins to be reported to Unauthorized use of property is avoid the theft of personal items the police. a misdemeanor of the first de- Candlelight Vigil BG News/Mike McCune is to follow "the real common "Personal security is a top gree for a first time offense, and sense stuff that we (the police) firiority. If there are any prob- is punishable by a maximum Linda Popovich, a sophomore political science major, lights a candle to protest CIA recruiting on cam- have been telling students to do ems, we need to know about it term of 30 days in jail and a $250 pus. About 30 people showed up in the Onion oval last night, in spite of the weather. all year." right away," he said. fine. Senate. convocation center. He expressed concern that [ i Continued from page 1. large lecture halls might be built COLLEGE NIGHT TONIGHT associate professor of computer in Memorial Hall and wondered An MBA degree from Ohio State science, asked that a dialogue be if that would lead to the possi- What held about plans to renovate bility of more classes being can bring you greater opportunities, Memorial Hall and to build a taught in large lectures. income, and career challenges. Our Can An nationally recognized MBA program —MAURICES— offers merit-based financial aid and MBA has no prerequisites We enroll both 10% OFF any non sale item business and nonbusiness majors. ALL YOU CAN EAT And many of our graduates have with Student I.D. jfc.moodtand moll Degree gone on to jobs with established leaders like IBM, Goldman Sachs, Do For AT&T, and Procter & Gamble. For SPAGHETTI a free brochure about our programs, Gain Marketing Experience & Earn Money! please wnte or call: WITH MEAT SAUCE AND GARLIC BREAD! You? Trovel Field Opportunity $ Director, MBA Programs Campus Reps Needed Immediately for TONIGHT 4:30 - 7:00 3.50 T H - E The Ohio State University OHIO 112HagertyHall Spring Break trips to Florida & THE PHEASANT ROOM • 2nd FLOOR UNIVERSITY UNION 1775 College Road St. PaOre Island, Texas. \o Reservations at oepted for this special sraE Columbus, OH 43210-1399 RXKI coupons accepted 4:30 - 7:00 p m dally UNIVERSITY 614-292-8511 Call Campus Marketing at 1 (800) 282-6221 r BGSU Theatre presents My Three Angels By Sam and Bela Spewacfc POWARD'S■M. 210 N. MAIN 419-352-9951 November 19-21 and December 3-5 at 8 p.m.


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MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — A mysterious Natsume, Japan's acting ambassador in cigarette filters, he said. The type of poison Asian couple took suicide pills yesterday Bahrain. He said the woman, who was was not known. Beirut bombing foiled just before being questioned about a South younger, was unconscious in critical condi- Other Japanese sources quoted an emba- BEIRUT, (AP) — banon on vacation three days Korean jetliner that disappeared over tion at a military hospital but "she will sur- ssy official who was present as saying the A letter-bomb addressed to ago. Burma and may have been bombed. vive." two were less than fluent in Japanese. British Ambassador John The official confirmed the Officials said the couple boarded Korean They had been waiting to be questioned by Japanese and Bahraini officials said the Gray was intercepted by his letter-bomb was delivered at Air flight 858 at Baghdad, Iraq, where it ori- immigration officials who stopped them couple flew from Baghdad to Abu Dhabi on aides yesterday and defused the gate of the ambassador's ginated Sunday, and got off at Abu Dhabi be- from boarding a Rome-bound flight. The two Flight 858 and caught a Gulf Air plane to by police, embassy officials residence in east Beirut's fore the Boeing 707 headed across Asia were believed to be either Japanese or Bahrain, a Persian Gulf island state, while and police said. Naccash district yesterday toward Seoul with 115 people aboard. Korean and were traveling on forged the South Korean plane left for Seoul. An official at the British afternoon. Japanese passports, apparently as father Embassy, who spoke on con- He said the letter was It vanished near the Burma- bor- and daughter. South Korea's government broadcasting dition of anonymity, said "treated with normal caution der, before a scheduled refueling stop in "Just after swallowing the pills they both service said investigators were checking Gray and his wife left Le- and was checked." Bangkok. Officials in Seoul said there were fell on the floor and their bodies went very possible links between the mystery woman strong suspicions a bomb destroyed the air- stiff," Ambassador Natsume said. and Chosen Soren, an organization of craft. Koreans living in Japan that supports com- Toddler death accidental The man, who appeared to be middle Both collapsed "in seconds," but the munist North Korea. aged, died four hours after biting into a sui- woman apparently survived because she It is "highly possible" that a bomb caused SIDNEY (AP) - A me- ing it into a nearby pond Sun- cide pill concealed in a cigarette, said Takao swallowed less of the poison hidden in the the plane crash, an airline official said. chanic who inspected a car in day. Her 5-month-old brother, which a toddler died after it Michael, was saved by res- plunged into a pond found no cuers. defects, Shelby County Sher- The children's mother, iff John Lenhart said yester- Becky Barga, had left them day. alone in the car with the Space station contracts given The sheriff said it confir- motor running, Lenhart said. med his theory that 22-month- The car rolled about 30 feet WASHINGTON (AP) - NASA pace Division, Valley Forge, in earth orbit that would be in lion in phase I and $140 million old Charlotte Barga somehow into the pond and ended up in named four companies yester- Pa., and East Windsor, N.J.; operation in the mid-1990s. The for the phase II option. hit the car's shift lever, send- about 12 feet of water. day as winners of billions of dol- and Rocketdyne Division of station would include four Work Package 3 was awarded lars in contracts for construc- Rockwell International, Canoga habitable modules, two to be to General Electric on a cost es- tion of a space station, the next Park, Calif. provided by the United States timate of $800 million. A phase II maior step for U.S. exploration "The best minds in the nation and one each by Japan and by option could add $570 million to ana use of space. went to work on this project and the European Space Agency. this contract. The contracts may eventually all of the proposals we received NASA has told Congress the Rocketdyne's estimate for be valued at {6.5 billion and were outstanding," said James total cost of the station would be Work Package 4 was $1.6 billion Howard's Club H could provide about 12,000 jobs, Fletcher, the administrator of $14.6 billion. with a phase II add-on option of officials said. the National Aeronautics and Boeing was awarded a con- $740 million. The contractors selected for Space Administration. tract for what is called Work 210 N. Main No Cover the space station hardware de- Competing proposals were Package 1. NASA said the pro- sign and development are Boe- submitted for two of the con- posed cost for that package in ing Aerospace of Huntsville, tracts but the winning firms, the first phase of the station is Ala.; McDonnell Douglas As- Fletcher said, "were clearly about $750 million. tronautics Co. of Huntington superior." McDonnell Douglas won the Beach, Calif., and Houston; The space station plans call contract for Work Package 2 T General Electric Co., Astro-S- for a permanently manned base with a proposed cost of $1.9 bil-

Don't be EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD. e^'**. TTST (WCMfUTON S«CUilSTS S#*:( 1030 N TONIGHT ONLV controlled Call Days Eves & Weekends by stress! MCflT-ClflSS€S FORMING $ NOW FOR APRIL 6XHM MIK€ KATON TOMORROW NIGHT! NEW LOCATION with the end ol the semester BAHAMAS 349 BRND UPDfiT€S ON BG5 3450 LU. Centrol Suite 322 comes exams . $ with exams comes Strctil DAYTONA BEACH Toledo: 536-3701 Howard's is a Designated Driver Participant. FT. LAUDERDALE 549per person For helpful tips on stress man- quad occupancy COLUMBUS DEPARTURES agement, time management and reduction ol test anxiety, R.T. AIR, HOTEL, TRANSFERS, PARTIES & MORE First Annual Mid Western come to the Well located on the For more information, call TRAVEL TURF. Inc. 2nd floor of the Student Health Office Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9:30 a.m. ■ 5 p.m. Black Student Unity Conference Center. Toll Free Eastern US 1-8OO-223-7016 Eastern PA 1-800-222-4432 sponsored by the Black Student Union and Board of Black Cultural Activities Fri. Dec. 4, 6:30 pm MAIE/FEMALE Relationship workshop ^k fekw Community Suite, Union M ^k Please register at 6:00 pm M (at Community Suite) M w**^^ 8:00 pm Dr. Manning Marable. Chairperson U H Black Studies at OSU, A Hi — i ft speaks about "Attacks on Blacks in Education" m wk^^r m Sat. Dec. 5, 6:30 pm DESSERT Banquet 6:30 pm Towers Inn (MAC) Speaker: Dr. Philip Royster Please register at 6:00 \ ^9 (at Towers Inn) Attallah Shabazz " Key Note Address by Attallah Shabazz Producer, writer, lecturer * u *.^.^.^. . ■ *. „*A«»«.»I Doubter o. Mokom x All encouraged to attend

EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOU!i The JCPenney Styling <$> SALON AT WOODLAND MALL of ftC" &t e'S ?s 0« PROUDLY WELCOMES: e<5 f< v*•» STUDENTS, FACULTY & STAFF O*m ,s C*** dtP e OF BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY «■?»> cslSSB*! SHOW YOUR B.G.S.U. I.D. & RECEIVE «tf,c°° $ 2 .OO OFF Full Service Haircut \N«'*»' $5 .OO OFF Any Color or ,00^>^ &(£** «• Permanent Wave €.* PLUS FREE HAIR CONSULTATION WITH r*1, -^ * EVERY VISIT \ CALL NOW FOR YOUR '& oo APPOINTMENT 354-0940 OR 354-1077 EXT. 205 *< w HOURS: M-F 8:30-8:30 SAT 8:30-8:00 & SUN 12:00-4:00 jC America Pennev [^PJffL NOT VALID WITH 1 CHARGE IT ANY OTHER SPECIAL Sports 6 December 2,1987 BG to face Wolverines Butler signs Falcon cagers hope to improve on last year's road woes with Giants After winning only five of 16 cons early in the season and averaged 16.9 points and 9.2 re- the first half. He now has 1,008 road games last year, obviously came away with a 76-64 victory. bounds in 1986-87. career points and is 21st on BG's SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The San Francisco Giants got the the Bowling Green basketball In the UM-BG series, the Wol- Other than Grant and Rice, all-time scoring list. "consummate leadoff man" they were looking for yesterday, team is looking to improve on verines lead 3-2. The Falcons' the Wolverines will have to rely to the chagrin of free-agent center fielder Brett Butler's for- its away record this year. last win over UM was a 90-63 de- on a group of newcomers. For But much like the Wolverines, mer employer in Cleveland. Tonight at 7:30, the Falcons cision in 196647. many colege teams, that's bad. the Falcons have some promis- The Giants announced the signing of the speedy Butler to a will get their first opportunity to The Wolverines, however, will But that's not necessarily true ing youth. Guard Joe Moore has two-year contract on the same day one of their own veteran get off on the right foot for the in UM's case. already proven himself as a outfielders fulfilled a long-expressed desire to leave. Terms of 1986-87 season. Unfortunately, Wolverines' head coach Bill worthy newcomer by opening the pact were not disclosed. BG travels to Ann Arbor, Mich, Frieder, according to many with 10 points, six rebounds, The acquisition gives the National League Western Division to face Michigan, the Associated basketball experts, nad the best three blocked shots and four champions an anchor at leadoff, where they used a dozen Press' 15th-ranked team. recruiting year of any college steals against Findlay. players in 1987. It came just hours after the California Angels The Wolverines, whom team in the land. Among the announced they had signed Giants free agent Chili Davis. sporstcaster Dick Vitale pro- highly-touted newcomers are And forward Lamon Pippin The Cleveland Indians issued a statement saying they were claimed as his preseason guard Rumeal Robinson and won't be the only one leaving "extremely disappointed" with Butler's decision not to accept favorite to be the number one forward Terry Mills. Both spectators in awe with his thun- an offer they described as "competitive in every way" with squad in the nation, are current- Slaved in the United States dering dunks this year. Moore San Francisco's. ly 2-1 after competing in the lympic Festival last summer. has already shown flashes of his It was the first signing in more than two years of a free agent Great Alaska Shootout. After The Falcons are also rela- "jam repetoire" with a brea- whose current club had tried actively to keep him. losing their opener to Arizona Martenet Robinson tively inexpereinced without the kaway slam against Findlay and The 30-year-old Butler told reporters by telephone from San (79-64), the Wolverines reboun- not be taking the Falcons lightly services of guard Frank Booker a couple of "aUey-oqp" dunks in Diego, where he was attending a Players Association meeting, ded to beat Miami, Fla. (109-76) after having some very subpar (14.0 ppg) and center Avon the Denmark SISU exhibition that he wanted to return to the National League and was im- and Alabama-Birmingham performances in Alaska. They Davey, both lost to graduation. victory. Eressed with General Manager Al Rosen, Manager Roger (76-64) to place third in the tour- will be led by All-American raig and the Giants' new winning outlook. nament. senior guard Gary Grant, who In the Findlay win, BG was led Another freshman starter for Born in Los Angeles, he lived in Fremont on the east side of BG, on the other hand, is com- led the Wolverines in scoring by seniors Steve Martenet, who the Falcons is Derek Kizer of San Francisco Bay for most of his childhood and said the move ing off a 70-63 season-opening last year with a 22.4 point-per- had a career-high 26 points, and Toledo's Bowsher High School. is "almost like coming home." He said he spurned Cleveland's win over Findlay Monday in An- game average. He will be aided Anthony Robinson, who had 13 Kizer tallied only two points, but offer for the same amount of money because he wanted to play derson Arena. by another upperclassmen, Glen points. Robinson also tallied his had five rebounds against Find- for a winner. Last year, UM hosted the Fal- Rice, a junior forward. Rice 1,000 career point in the game in lay. "The money wasn't really the thing," he said. "Playing on a club that has a good chance of winning a World Series is every player's goal." Butler, who bats and throws left-handed, hit .295 in 1987 with a career-high nine home runs along with 41 runs batted in. He RESUME Presents Live stole 33 bases, scored 91 runs, drew a career-high 91 walks and PACKAGE SPECIAL Soar Entertainment led the Indians with a .399 on-base percentage. Ipr by Two's A Crowd I One page Laser lypesel original December 1-6 You choose the Sub - We'll fill the Mug

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Jackson unsure of future Coaches admit

SEATTLE (AP) - Bo Jackson, who char- played at Florida, had seen it all before. tract, including a : 500,000 signing bonus this violating rules ged into NFL prominence in just his fifth "I watched him for four years when he year and a : 500,000 signing bonus next year. CINCINNATI (AP) - Nearly one-third of NCAA Division I game, does not want choose between football was in college," Williams said of the 1985 He- Jackson's original Kansas City contract, a and baseball — at least not right now. isman Trophy winner from Auburn. "He did football programs regularly violate NCAA regulations and three-year contract ending after the 1988 when they do, coaches often look the other way, coaches told After his team-record 221-yard rushing the same thing there. Nobody could stop season, had an escape clause that allowed performance led the Los Angeles Raiders to him. If he got a step on you, he's gone." University of Cincinnati researchers in a nationwide survey him to buy out the contract by July 1, 1987 released yesterday. a 37-14 victory over the Seattle Seahawks Brian Bosworth, Seattle's :11 million roo- and again by July 1,1988. That provision was Monday night, Jackson said he had not given kie linebacker, was astounded. Jackson has When cheating takes place, coaches are usually aware of it, waived when the Royals allowed him to sign the coaches saidin responding to the survey. any thought to giving up his baseball career run the 40-yard dash in 4.125 seconds. with the Raiders. with the Kansas City Royals. "I run a 4.5," said Bosworth. "He got out But, almost three-quarters of the coaches surveyed also said "I have to do what Bo wants to do," he there on the dead run and outran everybody. "I don't want credit," said Davis, who had they believe most of their colleagues are honest, have high said. "I'll decide that when the time comes. It's one of those Hall of Fame runs." suffered through seven straight defeats. "I ethical standards and want to run clean athletic programs. The Why should I think about it? I'm having too "I've never seen a running back like Sressure to win is the main cause of cheating, 67.2 percent of just want to win. Signing people is nothing." le surveyed coaches said. much fun." that," said rookie linebacker Tony Woods. Two years ago, the 6-foot-l Jackson hit the On his 25th birthday, Jackson carried the "We weren't sure how good he was, but we longest home run ever hit at Royals Sta- "To a large extent, I don't think the coach is any different ball 18 times, including a 91-yard touchdown found out." dium. than the average person on the street. By and large, I think run in the second quarter that put the "He was unbelievable," said Seahawks' He played well in the first half of the 1987 most coaches want to run a clean program with no cheating Raiders ahead 21-7 and broke the Seahawks' nose tackle Joe Nash. "He ran over us." baseball season as the Royals' starting left and, in most circumstances, don't want to be placed in a posi- spirit. It equalled the eighth longest touch- To the surprise of everybody, Jackson by- fielder but slumped badly in the second half tion where they have to look the other way," said Francis T. down run from scrimmage in the NFL's his- passed the NFL last season after Tampa and was benched for the final month. Cullen, one of three University of Cincinnati criminologists tory. Bay made him the No. 1 draft choice. Jackson's 221-yard rushing performance. who conducted the survey. "But we also have a situation where In addition, Jackson caught a 14-yard the bottom line is winning, and if they don't win, they lose their To the surprise of almost everybody, 10th best in NFL history, broke the Raiders' jobs." touchdown pass from Marc Wilson. Sea- Raiders' owner Al Davis enticed Jackson single-game rushing mark of 220 yards set hawks fullback John L. Williams, who into the NFL for a five-year,: 7.4 million con- The coaches were also polled about substance abuse among by Clem Daniels in 1963. student-athletes. They identified alcohol, and then steroids, as the biggest sources of substance abuse. The coaches also iden- tified uses of cocaine and marijuana as serious problems for athletes. They were not asked to say how widespread they think the drug use is, Cullen said. Crum benefits from resignation The coaches were promised anonymity for their responses and provided them in written questionnaires. Cullen and col- leagues Edward J. Latessa and graduate assistant Joseph CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) — fully honored, the school said. versity for him to submit and for He coached at Miami of Ohio Byme sent the questionnaires out last summer and had them Dick Crum will receive $800,000 "In addition to recognizing his the university to accept his res- for four years, leading the back in hand by September, with some prompting. from the University of North 10 years of honorable service, ignation effective January 31, Redskins to a 34-10-1 record and Cullen said 122 head coaches of all 192 NCAA Division I-A and Carolina over the next four these figures represent his sa- 1988," the statement said. two victorious trips to the Tang- Division I-AA, or major-college, football programs responded years after an "erosion of sup- lary over the four-year period Swofford said he expected to erine Bowl. tothequestionaire. port" spurred his resignation as plus approximately half of the name an advisory committee to football coach. value of his outside activities as- begin searching for Cram's suc- Crum replaced Bill Dooley as Following two weeks of specu- sociated with the position of cessor within the next couple of the Tar Heels' coach in 1978. He lation over his status, a state- head football coach, the state- days, said Sports Infornmation led North Carolina to a 5-6 re- ment announcing his resignation ment said. Director Rick Brewer. cord his first season, then to was released jointly Monday by 8-3-1, 11-1 and 10-2 records and Crum, Chancellor Christopher The statement said Cram was Cram's college coaching ca- victorious bowl trips the next Fordham and Athletic Director given the option of remaining to reer began at Miami of Ohio, three seasons. John Swofford. coach the final years of his con- after 12 years spent in the high WHAT'S THE NEXT BEST "This study found that the tract. school ranks. He was the defen- Sirogram no longer enjoyed the "However, Coach Crum and sive backfield coach for one THING TO A CARIBBEAN nil support of all elements of the the university have reluctantly season for the Redksins then ASSISTANT EDITORS university community," the determined that it is in Cram's spent four years as defensive VACATION? statement said. "This erosion of best interest, the best interest of coordinator before being named the players that he recruited, head coach prior to the 1974 Gole Reseorch Compony, o motor support was a source of concern publisher of reference books for t&ifa Tanning Giftpack! to coach Crum and to the uni- and the best interest of the uni- season. librorns worldwide, it seeking H«*(tSH>OHS versity." candidates for editonol positions to You can give someone a place UNC officials said Crum will do research and writing for our in the sun lor only $25.00. Our be paid an initial $400,000 and books. Bachelor's degree m English, $100,000 per year over the four language or Humanihes is highly pre-wrapped giftpack includes years remaining on his contract. •^-^L Ethnic Cultural Arts Program preferred; college course work and a gilt certificate lor 10 tanning Cram's assistants have had con- interest in literature of many peri- sessions and a TanPro Skin tracts since July which will be rrrjii presen ts ods is required. These are entry level positions that offer advance Care Kit to promote a beautiful, men) opportunities. Our benefit healthy-looking tan. ~^SSLl987 Film Series packoge includes flexible working p •JQ/^Mk WITH COUPON hours; medicol, dental, optical and NU. POGOD! prescnphon drug insurance; tuition f**Qf A '40 Value! assistance; and paid lime off be- The Soviet Union's best animated cartoon . . . tween Christmas ond New Year's. TANNING GIFTPACK If interested please send resume, $ oo THINGS FALL APART college transcript (if available) Only A powerful Nigerian film . . . along with a typewritten, nonreturn- 25 able expository writing sample of a Offer WMMtlM Mot rtW >tt> my ofw <*m literary nature (no journalism arti- »u*atmlm SUBAAH cles, poetry or short stories} with The conirainis of a iradiiional Indian home salary requirements to: and one woman's fighi againsi ihem . . . No Appointment • Ever! noff Open Daily 8-8, Sat. 8-6, Sun. 10-5 Editorial Positions SHAMPOO, CUT J LOBSTER FOR BREAKFAST College Recruiter 832 S. Main St. & BLOWDRY An Indian film comedy by G. Capiiani GALE RESEARCH CO. NEXT TO LANE DRUGS Reg. $9.99 PenobsCOl Building 0rV«sMal/l4S g> WENTURES \ -WHERE- Detroit, Ml 48226 1i* BABYSIT HMD \ GISH THEATRE. HANNA HALL -WHEN- At 7:15 p.m. Baj THURSDAY. DEC. 3. 1987 -TIME- 7:00 P.M. TO 10:00 P.M. Thursday is a Movie Night. DUNDEE I These films will not be repeated At 9:00 p.m. rggg Come early and remember . . . it's FREE. Don't gamble with your resume Play a sure hand with University Graphic Arts Services

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FRIDAY TYPING? RESUMES? FORFEIT FEES FOB INTRAMURALS BRING WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLUB MOVING SALE NEGOTIABLE PRICES CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS Weekly meetings are Monday at 7 30 PM in the Document Storage on Diskette VOUR RECEIPT ANO PICK UP YOUR REFUNO MEETING 10 00 MARK S FURNITURE. PLANTS S APPLIANCES Commons. 2nd floor ot Weal Hal Writers. A-2 Data Center 352 5042 FOR SPORTS THAT ARE FINISHED MUST BE Topic Who rs Demi Moore? COME SEE FOR YOURSELF ANYTIME AFTEH photographers and artists are needed Non- PICKED UP BY DECEMBER 9 1987 Quote At this point we don't know 5 PM AT 741 HIGH STREET NO 67 • THE SKY'S THE UMIT ■ lournafcsm majors are welcome to attend Cal Where re Lisa sumac WOMEN'S CLINIC Jell Server A spec*, program m the BGSU Planetarium- 372-6967 or 353-2935 for more information Happy Birthday Debbie Bogdanyi 2700 Monroe SI . Toledo Offering Happy 20th B-Day Thursday December 3. 1987 8 00 PM 1 Co sponsored t>y KME and Society of Physics gynecological services & pregnancy termination Have a great one WHAT BETTER WAY TO SPEND AN EVENING HSA Charity Holiday Party by licensed physician including prenatal Ray FOR RENT Students THAN ON a SLEIGH RIDE WITH A DEE QEE! * Everyone Welcome * Wed . Dec 2 at 8PM m the Honors Center obstetrics, pregnancy testing. Pap test (lor cer (below Kreischer) weal cancer), VD screening, birth control mlo . JERRY HANSON -521 E Merry D1 needs male Admission one new or used (good condition) Tubal Ltgation, termination of pregnancy up THANKS FOR THE GREAT TIME IN NEW -150 1-2 ManvrXe needs lemale WHAT CAN ONE PERSON DO? toy lo be given to needy children in BG (get em through 10 weeks (special rates tor students ) YORK OVER THANKSGIVING! I CAN'T WAIT WANTED JOIN USI -220 Luckey Road whse you're home tor Thanksgiving) By appointment 1-241-2471 UNTIL OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ON -710 Eighth Slreel iHouse) PEACE COALITION MEETING Hobday goodies plus a showing of the James SATURDAY1 - 402 High SI Apt 2B needs male 9 PM tonight UCF Center I FEMALE NEEDED TO SUBLEASE LARGE Stewart classic. "It's a Wonderful Life", plus I LOVE YOUI -707 Third SI Apt B 313 Thurshn at Ridge FURN APT SPRING SEM CALL 354-2249 other Hokday favorites YOUR WONDERFUL GIRLFRIENO- -707 Third St Apt D TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE PERSONALS Sponsored by the Honors Student Association A DIFFERENCE! KIMBERLY 1 or 2 le rmtes needed to sublease apt spring -727 Third SI Apt A semester 352-6937 -854 Eighth St No 10 • • 'CIA TEACH-IN RALLY* ■ * • • "Gamma Phi Beta*" * 120 South College JOSH IS COMING 1 OR 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED TO SUBLEASE WED DEC 2ND. 11 30 A M Shorn Bielanski. -236 Troup SI JOSH IS COMING 1 JOSH IS COMING BRAND NEW APARTMENT SEPARATE BEO 1 UNION OVAL I'm so excited and proud to say you're my big Cal John Newtove Realestale 354-2260 JOSH IS COMING I'm looking forward lo the great times ahead JOSH IS COMING BATH ACROSS FROM OFFENHAUER $686 A ALPHA ETA HHO AVIATION FRATERNITY JOSH IS COMING Love. Your M. SEMESTER PLUS UTILITIES CALL 354-3436 MEETING WED DEC 2ND 7 00 PM •••ROOM FOR RENT'" Ann MELISSA DAWN 2 rmles needed to sublease 2 bdrm apt spr- IN TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 3 lemales looking tor roommate SPORT MANAGEMENT CLUB * * 'Gamma Phi Beta''' Wl you give me one more chance? I promise ing sem Pool. AC. dishwasher, good location Spring 1988 There will be a General Assembly Meeting that you will not regret it $105 per mo and gas Cal 352-4990 Cal 352 6865 Association tor Career Women Tonight at 9 00 m BA 110 Elections win not be RAT EYES "BEER UNTIL 2 30" Female to sublet apl lor Spring sem $115 per We are having a Christmas party Wednesday. unM next Wednesday BEE-IN BEE OUT CARRY-OUT P S Slay m town this weekend mo a elec A close to campus Cal 354-5218 December 2 at 7 30 PM in the BA buiWnng IN FRONT OF STINGRS CAFE 1 A 2 bdrm lurn apl Close to campus lor Come join the fun and relax There win be a $5 FREE RENT I female needed lor rest ol 1988 Spring Semester-avail mid Dec Call col Mrke Wikams. gift exchange between club members See you semester $106 25 spring sem gas paid A* led 1-267-3341 Thank you lor being our most devout Ian1 there' LOST & FOUND ' 'CARRY OUT BEER UNTIL 2 30' ' cond Cal 352-2930 and leave a message lor AT STATE MINIMUM PRICES Low. The Prv Mu Football Team Use 1 bdrm lurn apl Close to campus A ATTEND ONE OF 80 COLLEGES BEE-IN BEE-OUT CARRY-OUT downtown $325 mcl al ut.l Cal 669 3255 AND UNIVERSITIES ACROSS THE US'! JOSH IS COMING IN FRONT OF STINGERS CAFE MOLLY MCGEOUGH 1 lomale roommate wanted" NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE'!' Found 1 male brown tabby cal with fed col* JOSH IS COMING FIND OUT MORE!! CALL THE You are the greatest Big' I'm sorry that I haven't Non-smoking Very affectionate Please cal 372-1853 JOSH IS COMING CENTER FOR ACADEMIC OPTIONS "DELI SANDWICHES 79" seen you lor awhile- but I'm the luckiest cause I Location Haven House Apt AT 372-8202! INFORMATION SESSIONS MON-FRI AFTER 10 00 PM have the BEST Big' Please Cal 352-3703 ARE BEING HELD NOW!!! FOUND tiger stnped female cal with ted cola/ STINGERS CAFE Love Need 1 or 2 male rmtes to sublease apt lor UlCarla spring $150 a mo 3540549 Cal 354-5220 Of Humane Society atlei loday "LARGE PIZZA $2 50 1 ITEM" 1 non smoking lemale lo sublease nice lurn 2 Needed Spring Term Male roommate, non- ATTENTION STUDENTS' LOST RING UNCOOKEO ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT bedrm apt for spring semester Rent smoking Very dose to campus 525 E Merry DEC 4 IS LAST DAY TO APPLY FOR JOUR Gold with sxVer 1 'ound please return Much BEE-IN BEE-OUT CARRY OUT No 1 (and only) negotiable' Please cal 352-6684' $IOOamo J low Call soon 354 4818 300 CALL 2-2076 OR PICK UP APPLICA- sentimental value 372-5911 The HSA party (Dec 2 at 8 PM in the Honros Centerl-BE THERE II bring the mistletoe il 1 ROOM SUBLEASED FOR SPRING TION IN ROOM 310 WEST HALL Non-smoking female needed lo sublease apl "STATE MINIMUM PRIZES UNTIL 2 30" you bring the chapsttck SEMESTER. 1 or 2 persons need»d-656 BEE-IN SEE-OUT CARRY-OUT immediately and spring sem $106 25 a mo Frazee Apt -Cheap, only $115 a momh 4 elec. BGSU Reward Lost 11-20 at Howards- red blue Anxious Cal 352-5432 ask lor Kathy. eves Call Shawn al 354-2379 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL grey Rolfe Ski Jackel-No questions asked Call P S Don't lorget to bring a toy' Thursday 4 00 PM 400 Moseley 3543436 'SCOTT FROST' 1 Please Join Us Now thai you're a stud WANTED I MALE (OR FEMALE) ROOMMATE Pi Kapp John- 2 bdrm apl newly redecorated Heat inctud At the age of twenty. NEEDED FOR SPRING SEMESTER ALL Bubble. Bubble. Toi Aval Jan 1 352 7454 a 823 7555 You better NEVER lorget UTILITIES EXCEPT ELECTRIC PAID 2 Circle K Club And Trouble That I love you plenty' BEDROOMS. LARGE LIVING SPACE IF IN- 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED TO SUBLEASE TWO Meeting 9 00 Tonight. 106 BA SERVICES OFFERED Three More Days Tit TERESTED. CALL 354 5121 BEDROOM APT. SPRING SEMESTER. $130 HAPPY BIRTHDAY' 1 Everybody be there' The Snowflake Snuggle PER MONTH THIRD A HIGH 354-0688 LOVE. KAREN •Your KD Date WANTED 1 female Christian roommate needed ALPHA CHI OMEGA lor Spring Semester on East Evers Call Do you want to travel throughout ABORTION 3535922 FELIZ NAVIOAD ' 4TH ROOMMATE NEEDED FOR APT CLOSE Europe'' and also Morning alter treatment Ranee McDanlel DECEMBER 4 1987 1 Earn six hrs toward your degree' Personal S Private Congratulations on your engagement lo Darren WANTED 1 or 2 FEMALES TO SUBLEASE TO CAMPUS FOR SPRING 88 FEMALE. NON- BGSU s Fantastic Summer Program in Center lor Choce II We're so happy lor you" Love "The Gana APT FOR SPRING SEMESTER ASSUME SMOKER PLEASE CALL KIM OR LAURIE Toledo 419-255 7769 ALPHA GAM CHRISTMAS CRUSH LEASE S OCCUPANCY ANYTIME AFTER 3533638 France may be iusl right lor you Scon W . Meet David Read of the Business School 'FOR THE LUCKIEST' 12-20-87 VERY CLOSE TO CAMPUS ALL Happy belated 21st birthday' UTILTTIES EXCEPT ELECTRIC ARE PAID Nantes France during an open mlo ALPHA GAM CHRISTMAS CRUSH East Merry apl lor rent Roommate needed tor Hope it was special' PLEASE CALL ANYTIME 354-5610 meeting on Wed Dec 2 at 8 00 PM at PACKAGING XOXOXO most passionately spring semester Located close to campus Cal the French House on Sorority Row HAVE TO SHIP A PACKAGE? ALPHA GAM LITTLES 3530799 Talk lo previous participants For an your shipping needs D»d you hear the news7 Classes m English All maiors welcome SICSIC SEZ HELP WANTED Female roommate needed tor Spring Semester Federal Express -UPS Paddle Hunl ft Wed at AGO For further into please contact SEE YOU ALL TONIGHT Own bedroom. 5 mm from campus Pay no A-Z Data Center ■ 352 5042 So grab your shoes Dr Charles Chittle Oept of Economics BE SURE TO LOOK FOR US utilities Cal Jean 3540838 after 4 PM And don t be late 312 Business Admm 372-8180 or GYMNASTICS instructors needed lor Tuesday Pregnant9 We're here lo help you through Can This is sure to be an e noting date evenings beginning January 19th For inter- 372 2646 or 352 6012 Free Heal, dose to shopping, on-site manage- F«st Hope 354-HOPE tor tree pregnancy tests ALPHA GAM BIGS Soon the Prophecies ol the invasion ol Israel views cal Laura 352-8994 Leave message ment, private entrances I a 2 bdrm available supportive sconces and the Great Earthquake w* be lutmed (ol Eiekiel 38. Darnel 121 Forming a community Help Wanted al Buttons All positions 18 yrs Varsity Square Apts 353-7715 BRIAN WALTERS seH-sutlicient in food and energy, to survive and older Apply m person Tuesday-Sunday We had a Mite spat nights alter 8 PM God WAng. the coming destruction Write Fum 2 bedroom apl within walking distance I guess I was a drunken brat Michael. P O Bo> 4475. South Bend Indiana Date party was m Question Household help Light housecleanmg cooking, Irom campus Cal 352 4360 46634 4475 some babysitting. 5 6 hrs per week $4 an hr I had just wanted perfection 1 Perrysburg I -674-4300 Help 1 male roommate needed 670 Frazee I m glad we're stall gomg Ave Apt 13 $125 a month Nice apt-toll close SPRING BREAK NASSAU PARADISE Although who I am. you're knowing lo campus Mark 353-7321 Gel psyched and get ready lo go ISLAND Mother ol 2 yr old wants part-time babysitting To AGO Find Your Beau Horn $319 INCLUDES AIR TRANSFERS 7 Helpi 2 seniors graduating Under the Mistletoe' NIGHTS HOTEL. PARTIES LUNCH CRUISE. lolsolTLC Mon-Fn Cal 354-1457 Sublet 2 bedroom apt TAXES AND MORE' Organize small group earn Your chance to earn extra money over break1 2 or 3 person Last month ol rent paid Christmas Cards StiOers a FREE TRIP' ATS 1-8002310113 or Lifeguards wanted at the Student Rec Center Cal 3540790 Grft Wrap--Giii Bags-Calendars 1203)967-3330 Slutted An«mals--CandieS'Ornarnents Cal Scott 372-7477 for more details Jeans N Things 531 Ridge THE SISTERS OF DELTA ZETA WOULD LIKE Houses A Apertments close to campus (or Spr- TO THANK THE BROTHERS OF THETA CHI ing Semester 1988 and 1988-1989 school FOR THE BEAUTIFUL ROSES AND FOR SALE year 1 267 3341 Congratulations! BALLOONS THAT WE RECEIVDO LAST Congratulations' WEEK. WHAT A WONDERFUL SURPRISE. Large 1 bdrm apl avail tor sublease m 11 To an Phikeia s on gomg Neophyte YOU GUVS ARE THE BEST 78 VW DASHER, starts, runs well, man trans . January Partly turn $270 a mo 353-5104 You guys Ad a great «o DZ'OX-DZ-OX'DZ-OX-DZ-OX'DZ'OX-DZ cass AC. needs mwjr repair. 76.000 rm We're proud to can you an brothers $600 Otfara considered 372-8525 Male roommate needed to share apt 2nd Phi 0*11. Thete semester Excellent location across Irom cam- Think it s tun lo steal a street sign? 1980 CHEW CITATION GOOD CONDITION pus on Wooster Call 352-6000 Here's the lun you could gel 65.000 MILES NEW BATTERY. HOSES. A Delta Zeta Christmas Date Party

Sigma Alpha Epsilon K m A L.•^V.> "'ion. ">w to B^ iSLMf ■*~^- v tw»s IT > \S0mSTHIH6 Congratulate the 1988 Executive Council WL ,V. X SAID 7 J President Mark Hosfeld Vice President-Internal Matt Jennings Vice President-Rush Steve Case Winthrop Terrace Apts. Treasurer Dave Kriceri Assistant Treasurer Trevor Gummere {Second SernestefLeases! Pledge Educator Paul Napoli 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts .- Fum. & Unfurn. Correspondent Dan Stoddard Includes: Heat, Water, Full Time Maintenance Recorder Eric Kohler 54 VE $'§ WITH SPECIAL RATES DURING DECEMBER I Congratulations Gentlemen Office: 400 Napoleon Rd. Hrs: Mon-Fri 9-8 332-9135 Sat & Sun 10-4 EAR I EAE I EAE | EAE I EAE I CAB I EAE I CAR I EAE I EAE >