Mathematics Calendar
Mathematics Calendar The most comprehensive and up-to-date Mathematics Calendar information is available on e-MATH at August 2005 Brown, Antonio Campillo, Max Karoubi, Jean-Louis Loday, Susan Montgomery, Adrian Ocneanu, Jose Antonio de la Pena,˜ Vladimir Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases: Dynamics and Popov, Hans-Jurgen Schneider, Aron Simis, Frank Sottile, Richard Control, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University Stanley, Boris Tsygan, Mariusz Wodzicki. of Singapore, Singapore 118402. (May 2005, p. 568) Organizing and Scientific Committee: Walter Ferrer Santos (Co- Information: KP Chua, Administrative Officer, Institute for Mathe- ord.), Gerardo Gonzalez-Sprinberg, Alfredo Jones, Alvaro Rittatore, matical Sciences, National University of Singapore, 3 Prince George’s Andrea Solotar. Park, Singapore 118402; tel: (+65) 6874 1893; Facsimile: (+65) 6873 8292; Deadline: May 1st, 2005. Information:; 1–5 14th USENIX Security Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland. (May Walter Ferrer: email: 2005, p. 568) Description: The USENIX Security Symposium brings together 1–December 23 Pattern Formation in Large Domains, Isaac researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system pro- Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, England. grammers, and others interested in the latest advances in security (Aug. 2004, p. 834) of computer systems. Organizers: J.H.P. Dawes (Cambridge), M. Golubitsky (Houston), Information: Contact: Conference Department, email: conference@ P.C. Matthews (Nottingham), A.M. Rucklidge (Leeds).; tel: 510-528-8649; Information:; Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 20 Clarkson 1–9 XVI Coloquio Latinoamericano de Algebra, Colonia, Uruguay.
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