19 18 ISSN 1839-0188 September 2017 - Volume 15, Issue 7 Cultural competency: a concept analysis in TUMS (Tehran University of Medical Science) page 146 MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE • VOLUME 7, ISSUE 10 EDITORIAL Qidwai, W & Jawaid, M led a population- Boroujeni A.S et al reviewed new meth- From the Editor based cross sectional survey to estimate ods in the treatment renal failure in the frequency of hyperuricemia in Pa- patients with multiple myeloma. The Chief Editor: kistan. The frequency of hyperuricemia authors reviewed common and ad- A. Abyad was 39% , with 90.8% symptomatic. The vanced treatments (immunotherapy, cell MD, MPH, AGSF, AFCHSE authors concluded that the burden of therapy, new therapies based on genetic Email:
[email protected] hyperuricemia together with increasing engineering) in these patients and to Ethics Editor and Publisher burden of metabolic syndrome, obesity, consider this disease in an immunologi- Lesley Pocock ischemic heart disease and chronic kid- cal view. medi+WORLD International ney disease is becoming alarming. AUSTRALIA Vaezi , A.A et al investigate the effect of Jokari , M & Gorjian, Z led an experimen- endotracheal tube cuff pressure on sore Email: tal study evaluating The Effect of Educa- throat, hoarseness and cough in patients
[email protected] tional Training on Nurses’ Clinical Func- with cardiac artery bypass surgery. The ............................................................................ tion of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation . authors found that endotracheal tube This issue is rich with papers from the The authors concluded that the nurses cuff pressure reduce the severity of coro- region. The topics vary from clinical of Taleghani Hospital had experience of nary artery bypass graft surgery patients research, to case series, population CPR guidelines at the significant level cough and sore throat so in order to studies and educational research.