SVU Newsletter July-August 2015 Mailed WEB.Pub
Z P R Á V Y SPOLEČNOSTI PRO VĚDY A UMĚNÍ SVU CZECHOSLOVAK SOCIETY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, INC. ISSN 0036-2050 Volume LVII. July - August 2015 No. 4 Petr Hausner Peter Ujházy Thomas Holbik President Executive Vice President Treasurer Tel.: (301) 564-1527 CELEBRATING MÍLA RECHCÍGL’S 85TH BIRTHDAY Mila Rechcigl with Cecilia Rokusek at the celebration, this and following pictures by PH. Zprávy SVU (SVU News) (ISSN 0036-2050) Editor – David Z.Chroust, TAMU Libraries (Cushing Library), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77433-5000. Email: Date of issue: November 2015. Volume 57, No. 4. Published bi-monthly by Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, Inc. at P.O. Box 34617, Bethesda, MD 20827 Periodical Postage Paid at Vienna, VA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER. Send address changes to: ZPRAVY SVU, P.O. Box 34617, Bethesda, MD 20827 The celebration of Míla Rechcígl’s 85th Birthday was planned by his fam- ily for Friday, July 31st. It was sup- posed to be a sur- prise party in the family tradition, but all the cooking made Míla sus- picious. Friday at 5 o’clock, cars from all directions, close and far, converged on the Rechcígls’ home in Rockville, Maryland. Their complete family arrived first, daughter Karen and son Jack, one granddaughter and three grandsons, two of which were accompanied by their fiancées. The Czech Embassy was represented by its Deputy Chief of Mission, Jaroslav Zajíček. The leadership of SVU was represented by Dagmar White, Petr Hausner and Jiří Stavovčík, who also presented the gift of the SVU leadership, an oil painting by Jiří Stavovčík (see last page of this issue).
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