
Strawberry manually install module

Continue Strawberry Perl is a community-driven Open Source project, meaning that most people directly involved have jobs, families and/or other commitments beyond just strawberries. To maintain a sustainable long-term production distribution, we like to keep everything as simple and community driven as possible, so that our smart users can help each other and all the official features just work. So, a gentle reminder, you are among the friends here. And we'll do everything we can to help. But please be civil and understand some problems just haven't been solved yet, or haven't been included in strawberries, because current solutions just aren't reliable or sustainable enough yet, which is our top priority. And, of course, more assistants are always welcome :) Are you new to Pearl? learn.perl.org - Good starting point for Perl beginners Learn Perl in about 2 hours 30 minutes Modern Book Perl Do you have questions? #perl-help on irc.perl.org - Chat Live and get help from other developers perl #win32 on irc.perl.org - Chat Live if your windows-specific problem and get help from other Windows perl developers (you may need to wait until someone wakes up) Perl Monks or Stack overflow - often better quality answers than IRC for questions that aren't strawberry-specific. Mailing list - Great for offering new features, and offering to help write them, and developer stuff etc. Error reports If you have problems with packing strawberries, or anything broke out box, please file an error report (with as much details as possible) on our Tracker request, where you can also find already reported problems. If your bug with a particular module doesn't work with strawberries (for example, you tried to install it with a CPAN client, but it failed), please report the error to a specific queue of Request Tracker. You can find a link on the page for this module. Throwing money at your problem In situations where you just have to have commercial support for operations or political reasons (you know who you are) strawberries may not be the best option. If the fact that strawberries are not released by the company bothers you, remember that 100,000 people and companies trust our releases, including and most of the leading authors of CPAN. Here are some recommended approaches to installing modules from CPAN, as there are several alternatives with the majority of Perl. Some of the basics Of most Perl modules are written in Perl, some use XS (they're written in ), so require a C compiler (it's easy to get this setup - don't panic), see your OS selection below to learn how to get the right compiler. Modules may be dependent on other modules always on CPAN) and can't be installed without them (or without a specific version of them). It's worth reading the documentation for the options below. Many modules on CPAN require several recent versions of Perl Perl 5.8 or higher). A quick start install the cpanm to make installing other modules easier (you'll thank us later). You have to enter these commands into the terminal emulator (Mac OS X, Win32, Linux) cpan App::cpanminus Now install any module you can find. cpanm Module::Name Tools For installation and control of modules: local::lib allows you to install modules in the specified catalog without requiring access to the root or administrator. See the download technique on how to get started. You can create a directory per user/project/company and deploy it on other servers by copying the catalog (as long as you're on the same operating system and perl version). cpanm from App::cpanminus is a script to get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN. This dependency is free (can bootstrap itself) and requires a zero configuration (installation instructions). It automates the entire build process for most modules on CPAN and works well with local::lib and perlbrew. Many experienced Perl developers use this as their tool of choice. Related tools: cpan-outdated, pm-uninstall, cpan-listchanges. Perlbrew from App::p erlbrew is useful if your perl system is too old to support modern CPAN modules, or if it is troublesome in other containers (RedHat/CentOS are included in this list). perlbrew greatly simplifies the process of installing Perl in any directory, so you can work completely independently of any Perl system without the need for root or admin privileges. You can use multiple versions of Perl (perhaps when you upgrade) to different projects. Separating from your Perl system makes server maintenance much easier, and you're more confident in how you set up your project. Windows is not currently supported. cpan from CPAN has been distributed with Perl since 1997 (5,004). It has many more options than cpanm, it's also much more verbose. CPANP from CPANPLUS was distributed from Perl from 5.10 (2007) to 5.20 (2014). It offers even more options than cpanm or cpan and can be installed just like cpanminus. Perl on Windows (Win32 and Win64) Strawberry Perl is an open source Perl binary distribution for the Windows operating system. It includes compiler and pre-installed modules that offer the ability to install XS CPAN modules directly from CPAN. It also comes with a lot of pre-installed modules, including cpanm. ActiveState provides a binary distribution of Perl (for many platforms) as well as its own perl (ppm) package manager. Some modules are not available as ppm or have reported bugs in the ppm build system, this does not mean that they do not work. You can use the cpan script to create modules from CPAN vs. ActiveState Perl. Perl on Mac OSX OSX comes with Perl. to create and install your own modules, you need to install the Command Line Tools for XCode or XCode package - details on our ports page. Ports. You have done this, you can use all the tools mentioned above. Perl on other Unix, like OSs Set to make through your package manager. You can then use all the tools mentioned above. Other CPAN tools::Mini can provide you with a minimal CPAN mirror (only the latest version of all modules). This makes it easier to work offline. CPAN::Mini:::Inject allows you to add your own modules to your local CPAN::Mini-mirror CPAN. This way you can install and deploy your own modules using the same tools that you use for CPAN modules. What modules should I use? Target::Kenshaw lists offered the best practice modules for a wide range of tasks. will allow you to search for CPAN. You can also participate in the community, ask for a mailing list, or find the nearest Group of . Perl::D ist::Strawberry - Strawberry Perl for win32 DESCRIPTION Strawberry Perl is a binary Perl distribution for the Windows operating system. It includes a complete compiler and pre-installed modules that offer the ability to install XS CPAN modules directly from CPAN. The goal of the Strawberry Perl series is to provide a practical Win32 Perl environment for experienced Perl developers to experiment and test the installation of various CPAN modules in Win32 environments, as well as provide a useful platform for real work. Strawberry Perl includes: Perl 5.8.8 or Perl 5.10.0 Mingw GCC C/C ' compiler Dmake make tool Updates for many Modules Of Bundle Tools::CPAN (including Perl modules, that eliminate the need for external support programs such as gzip and tar)Bundle:LWP (providing more reliable repository support http cPAN) Additional Perl modules that enhance Perl core stability for the Win32 platform Other modules that improve the toolkit, or enhance the ability to install packages. Perl::D ist::Strawberry modules on CPAN contain programs and instructions for loading component sources and assembling them in a performance installation for Perl strawberries. It does not include the received Perl strawberry installer. See the Strawberry Perl website to download the Strawberry Perl installation. See Perl::D ist::Build at details about the builder used to create Perl strawberries from the source. Changes FROM CORE PERL Strawberry Perl is based on the latest stable release of Perl, currently version 5.8.8. Some additional changes are included that improve overall compatibility with the Win32 platform or improve turnkey operation on Win32. When possible, these changes will only be made by pre- installing additional CPAN modules in Strawberry Perl, especially modules that have been included as the main Perl modules in the development of the perl branch to address Win32 compatibility issues. Modules or distributions currently included: ExtUtils::::MakeMaker ExtUtils:::MakeMaker -- Fixes the Win32 perl CPAN 1.87-57 path error - many small fixes for numerous troubles on Win32 Win32API::File - to allow the deletion of files in use at the next reboot; requires CPAN.pm to be able to update itself to IO - to address Win32 Socket compression errors:::IO::slyb and archive::Tar - to eliminate CPAN.pm's dependence on external, binary file processing programs .tar.gz Archive:::sip (and its dependence, Time::::Local) -- to eliminate the dependence of CPAN.pm on external, binary programs for processing libnet files .zip -- provides Net::FTP to eliminate dependence CPAN.pm on external, binary ftp program; installed for passive FTP mode Also, Config.pm CPAN stub file. It provides a default path for dmake, automatically follow dependencies and use a temporary Windows directory for the CPAN work catalog. CONFIGURATION Currently, Strawberry Perl should be installed in C: Strawberries. The installer adds the following variables of environment: adds catalogs to PATH - C:strawberry'perl'bin - C: strawberryc'bin Users, installing Perl Strawberries without installation, will have to change the environment manually. METHODS In addition to expanding the various core Perl::D ist::Inno techniques, Strawberry Perl adds some additional techniques that provide installation support for various tools that have not yet been upgraded to the core. install_patch method of install_path can be used to install a copy of the Unix patch program in the distribution. Returns the true or throws an exception to the error. SUPPORT Errors must be reported via the CPAN error tracker on For more information on support and places to discuss, from M. Adam Kennedy [email protected]). This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or change it on the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included in this module. Module. </[email protected]>

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