THE MAGAZINE FOR THE SWISS ABROAD OCTOBER 2010 / NO. 4 World Ski Championships: Lara Gut is back Swiss fi nancial centre needs clean money Thomas Maissen’s new history of Switzerland Protect your interests, vote in Switzerland! Auslandskrankenversicherung ● bereits ab 131,- € monatlich ● Tarifvergleiche online A + E GmbH, +49 (0)228-3388770 .QZ[\)QL We look forward to your online visit. All-round insurance cover for Swiss citizens living abroad. The CSS Insurance International Health Plan covers medical expenses: on the job, off the job; sickness, accident and preg- nancy. For details and a quotation: Phone: ++41 58 277 16 87/91
[email protected] E-Mail: SR 2010 Insurance EDITORIAL CONTENTS 3 Poor colleagues 5 ARELY HAS NATIONAL GOVERNMENT come in for such sustained and intense crit- Mailbag icism as in the current legislative period. The way the Federal Council handled the Libya debacle, the UBS affair and the tax row with Germany underlines the fact 5 R Books: Swiss icons that the institution no longer operates as a collegial body, but is instead made up of indi- viduals striving to outdo one another. 7 The retirements of Federal Councillors Leuenberger and Merz, initially intended Images: The Festival of Swiss Wrestling to be staggered, were also exasperating. It once again became evident that national gov- 8 ernment is no longer working as a team. Only after pressure was exerted by Parliament, The Swiss fi nancial centre needs clean money the parties and the media did Leuenberger change his stance and declare himself willing 12 to stand down from offi ce at the same time as Merz to avoid the uncustomary individual Switzerland through the eyes of photo- departure.