WHY YOUR PROJECT NEEDS A DIGITAL SUPPLY CHAIN The Digital Supply Chain relies on expertise, , and execution - or for the purposes of this document - Digital Supply Chain Services, Integrating Suppliers & Digital Tools.

The Digital Supply Chain The Digital Supply Chain is best defined as transforming the traditional exchanges of information from document-centric to data-centric, as it relates to the Construction supply chain. The Digital Supply Chain includes work process integration throughout the entire Project execution. In the same way aspects of EPC construction have moved upstream (i.e., modular construction), the Digital Supply Chain Program moves digital creation of inbound asset information upstream and enables Suppliers to publish asset data at the point of origin. This functionality removes data entry from the Project Site and transfers ownership back to the Supplier (or the original source of information) about the material and equipment being supplied. This improves Project visibility into the physical structure of materials arriving at the Jobsite and provides a better understanding of the supply chain, translating into a deeper understanding of constructability.

The value of utilizing auto-ID (RFID/barcodes) is well documented. By increasing the auto-ID footprint on the Project and moving this work upstream, the downstream benefits of transactional efficiency gains and improved material are optimized. A solid Digital Supply Chain Program is not limited to just the use of auto-ID hardware and software but also includes Supplier Integration Instructions, Contract Requirements Language, and Requirements Compliance Monitoring to ensure Supplier participation is achieved.

The Digital Supply Chain opens a direct line of engagement with the Suppliers, resulting in tighter integration of Supplier information. Having Suppliers tightly coupled into the Project’s Work Plan allows for a healthy environment as well as an ease of information sharing between all parties.


1 Digital Supply Chain Experience 6 25 80+




PROJECT: PROJECT: PROJECT: PROJECT: PROJECT: Future Growth/ Oil Refinery Ethylene glycol Chemical Project began Liquefied Natural Gas Wellhead Project in Kuwait; Production Facility April 2018 & Jovix went VALUE: $40B in Kazakhstan; began November 2017 with 2 Ethylene live in November 2018. began July 2017 VALUE: $23B Glycol Plants & VALUE: $2.4B DESCRIPTION: VALUE: $42B 1 Polyethylene Plant DESCRIPTION: Building 2 LNG trains to VALUE: $20M DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: Single-largest capital liquefy natural gas & sell investment in company’s Increasing existing New 615,000 DESCRIPTION: on international market capacity by 300,000 barrels/day Shutdown/Turnaround history; Once complete, plant will produce barrels/day JOVIX SCOPE: JOVIX SCOPE: 1 billion lbs/yr of JOVIX SCOPE: JOVIX SCOPE: propylene oxide Supplier Tagging; Supplier Tagging; Trace & trace with Receiving, Picking & Supplier Tagging; status updates as & tertiary butyl alcohol Mod Yard Receiving, Receiving, Picking Issuing; 3 Gate Readers; & Issuing; materials were pulled JOVIX SCOPE: 1 VMR; 1 DMR; Mobile Picking & Issuing; from production, Mod Ship-Loose Mobile Devices Supplier Tagging Devices & Printers; & Printers refurbished, and before Shipment Mobile App Barcode & RFID Tags; recalibrated for Site Receiving; Mobile Release; General re-installation Contractor receiving & Devices & Printers USERS: USERS: material Visibility; Data 60 450 USERS: USERS: aggregation of material 250 10 sub-items & spare parts SUPPLIERS: to complete AWP BOMs SUPPLIERS: SUPPLIERS: 200+ SUPPLIERS: 200+ 25 1 USERS: 105 SUPPLIERS: 99 TAGS: TAGS: TAGS: TAGS: 200,000 225,000 3,000 TAGS: 115,000 300,000


“Our Project’s ability to now translate available inventory to Construction and fulfill prioritized scopes of work or re-plan based on accurate material availability has improved the way business is done by increasing productivity and eliminating duplicated efforts, temporarily lost materials, and the need for re-procurement.” - Project Materials Manager

Why Utilize Digital Supply Chain Professionals? Implementing Digital Supply Chain technology, coupled with Jovix Professional Services, simultaneously connects and maintains the concept of transitioning from status quo practices to new and improved strategies and best practices to achieve consistent end results.

Jovix provides a centralized, cloud-based platform with native iOS and Android™ mobile apps. This platform ensures all Construction Teams across each location have adequate materials ready to fabricate or install, while eliminating non- productive time spent.

Jovix software, coupled with Jovix Digital Supply Chain Services, provides Project Teams with a modern approach to , including the ability to: Plan for materials Report on material status and availability Centralize communications and regarding material status and availability Execute proper material flow to the Workface

Implementing a Digital Supply Chain, supported with Digital Supply Chain Coordinators, addresses the following common Project challenges: Tight vendor coupling to actual work execution (RAS communication, Vendor documentation, etc.) Reduction in manual data entry Reduction in OS&Ds Increased visibility into shipment organization Reduction in temporarily misplaced materials at Jobsite and throughout supply chain Automated Status Updates throughout the supply chain via RFID Gate Readers Increased visibility into Work Package Constraints (CWP at Planning level and IWP at workface level) Integration of third party logistics Reduction in workface disruptions due to “short issue” of Work Package

3 DIGITAL SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICES How to Use Digital Supply Chain Professionals Our Jovix Digital Supply Chain professionals specialize in monitoring data-centric workflows, enhancing communication and collaboration, and improving visibility into material flow to Construction at each point in the Digital Supply Chain. The Digital Supply Chain Team ensures the Jovix platform is used to capture data about material location and availability digitally, and in real time, which enables more consistent and efficient communication and collaboration across multiple Project Team members. With coordinated efforts over the entire supply chain lifecycle, the Digital Supply Chain Coordinator (DSCC) connects digital data to physical material movement. As a result, the Project has the real-time, actionable information needed to make informed decisions. We call this Material Readiness®.

The Digital Supply Chain Team’s responsibilities include: 1. STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Developing a Digital Supply Chain doesn’t happen overnight. The strategy must be developed at a corporate level and incorporated in all future supply chain methods for Project execution. The Jovix DSCC aids in creating strategies at Corporate and Project levels to prepare organizations for the transition to a Digital Supply Chain execution model. With a focus on efficiency gains and maximizing productivity, our team develops an execution plan that covers the what, how, who, and when. 2. IMPLEMENTATION The on-site DSCC is responsible for a smooth implementation of the Jovix Material Readiness system and is accountable to the Client’s Site Material Manager for day-to-day outcomes. The DSCC is there to maximize the value of the system and work processes, beginning with upstream Supplier tagging and ending with Construction Crews having the right material, in the right condition, at the right time...every time. 3. PROJECT SUSTAINMENT While the Project is underway, our team maintains cross-departmental coordination to advise and direct priorities, based on readiness. Our dynamic industry requires accurate and informed decision-making with both quick responses and thoughtful control. 4. CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT & IMPROVEMENT The Jovix Digital Supply Chain Team operates with a forward-thinking mindset to anticipate and mitigate change. As scopes of work evolve and create shifts in demand, the supply chain infrastructure must be synchronized and fluid. We focus on building and maintaining the program with a very dynamic mindset while collaborating with Project departments and teams to build infrastructure for short-term and long-term success.


How to Integrate Suppliers into a Digital Supply Chain

The Jovix® Digital Supply Chain Program has been developed to increase visibility and data control for Project supply chains. As part of an implementation, Atlas works with a Project Team to develop a comprehensive Digital Supply Chain Program for the Enterprise. Let’s look at a high-level overview of the Supplier Engagement Process:

KPI Measurement Supplier Data Include Contractual Determination Supplier Kick-Off Validation Post-Deployment Responsibility Language (Remote) Executed Assessment


Supplier Awards Supplier Training (Remote) Supplier Go-Live

The Supplier Engagement Plan is a critical component of the Digital Supply Chain Program. Supply Chain practitioners use the Supplier Engagement report within Jovix Insights to proactively monitor Supplier tagging progress, digital Packing List quality, and program compliance by visualizing the total scope of work for each Supplier on the Project in near real-time. By monitoring variances in planned vs. actual RFID tags applied, as well as Supplier tagging progress against forecasted Supplier shipment dates, Supply Chain practitioners gain upstream visibility into the health of the Digital Supply Chain Program and can resolve data quality or tagging issues before materials arrive at Site.



Contract Language Supplier Portal Jovix Supplier Data at Fingertips Establishment for Virtual Management Mobile App for Auto-ID-Based through Jovix for Supplier of RFID Tag Ordering, Digital Packing List Receiving Mobile App Participation Training, etc. Creation

Compliance Engineering Supplier Portal for Digital Packing List Demand Contract Language & Sub-Component Monitoring Bill of Materials Virtual Management of includes Auto-ID, through Awareness Campaigns tie back to Dashboard from MTO Supplier Bill of Materials Containerization Soft Allocation for Suppliers Work Packages Standup into Jovix (Sub-Components) & 3PL Integration Report

Automated Automated Data Award & Consumption Status Updates via Status Updates via Automated Requirements from CWP/WBS of Purchase Order Mobile Devices Fixed Readers Inventory Updates Suppliers/Supply Chain Definitions in Jovix Supplier throughout throughout the via Readers for AWP Mobile App Supply Chain Supply Chain




PROJECT Buyer/Expeditor Project Approve Provides Supplier PROCUREMENT Awards Preliminary with Work Supplier PO Packing List Instructions

Requests Complete Email Project Associate Training through Self-Guided Procurement RFID Tags Material Order RFID Tags Supplier Portal Supplier Preliminary with HTML5 is Shipped SUPPLIER (SS) Onboarding Class Packing List Mobile App


Send Trainee Link to Jovix Ship RFID Tags Train Station Onboarding Class

Digital Supply Chain Benefits: Gaining efficiencies with enhanced productivity across departments by minimizing typical pain points, including: “Data as a Deliverable” Service – Assurance that data is provided by the Supplier and assuring the data is accurate and timely in the proper format. Ensuring data is treated as vital as the widget being produced. Sub-Component/Supplier Bill of Material correlation to Work Packages – Reduction in field-level constraints Accurate forecasting and management of RAS dates for Suppliers Streamlining processes by building effective communication and coordination plans across Project Teams and locations End-to-end Digital Supply Chain Program ownership, with assurance of the following: p Suppliers will have all necessary auto-ID. p Suppliers will be adequately trained. p Suppliers will be fully informed (prior to Purchase Order issuance) of all requirements. p Supplier participation will be automatically monitored through Jovix Insights.


Remote Supplier Onboarding, Training & Support

Virtual Learning tailored for each Project, including remote training capabilities for multiple locations, “I was surprised at how user-friendly and Contractors, Suppliers, etc. simple the process of RFID-tagging is with Identify the various roles of Jovix Users, and generate appropriate training criteria for their specific roles. the mobile application. The online training Shadow Users and conduct on-the-spot training to correct ensures even new team members are any identified deficiencies. familiar with the process, and the training Provide a detailed Training Plan for Jovix Users that material is always there for us to reference..” requires participation and confirmation of knowledge acquisition to ensure User proficiency. - Supplier, utilizing Jovix Mobile Certify Jobsite Coordinators through an all-encompassing & Jovix Train Station Jovix Training Program, when directed by the Client. Develop a Transition Plan when the DSCC is to de-mobilize and a Client Coordinator is to take over the Jovix system management. Ensure ongoing adoption of the Jovix Train Station for continued training and the Jovix loyalty Program.

The contractual requirement for Suppliers to participate within a Digital Supply Chain Program creates additional focus on the Supplier’s Quality Control Program. Enforcing a Digital Supply Chain Program in which Suppliers must tag assets with either RFID or barcodes allows for greater visibility and precision through Digital Packing List creation. The increase in focus on Supplier data quality improves accuracy, which can be monitored through digital reporting metrics to quickly identify Supplier Program health.

A Digital Supply Chain Program promotes the digital assignment of all assets to a parent tag and/or Work Plan (CWP/IWP). This prevents an environment of unmanaged “Ship Loose”, which often leads to inefficiencies regarding proper management of the assets. Additionally, being able to understand all components related to CWP and/or IWPs prevents improper issuing of assets to the Construction Crews. Correctly issuing IWPs keeps crews productive and Foremen/ Superintendents in the field managing work rather than chasing missing materials from incomplete issuances.


Jovix Insights is a suite of standard and customized reports that provide valuable business intelligence for the Digital Supply Chain Program. Harnessing data captured in Jovix and through Integrations with Client and Supplier systems, Jovix Insights exposes the key metrics that are critical to Digital Supply Chain Program quality and Project performance. The Jovix Insights platform empowers Users to visualize and explore Project data with the ability to quickly assess overall Project performance or drill down to a specific data point for deeper analysis.

WHAT REPORTS ARE INCLUDED? Supplier Engagement: This report helps Users to monitor the progress of upstream tagging activities by Suppliers. Top Left: Shows the number of tagged Purchase Order Delivery Line items which have been placed in Shipping Units (i.e., box, crate, pallet, container, etc.). Bottom Left: Shows the breakdown of tagged items per Site. Top Right: Identifies the number of materials tagged by each Supplier. The value driven from this specific visual is knowing if tagging efforts are taking place or if Suppliers who are supposed to be tagging require additional attention/support. Bottom Right: Users can see by Purchase Order how many line items have been tagged by the Supplier. This can be beneficial as it helps Users understand if there will be any tagging required upon receipt, or if they need to direct the Supplier to complete tagging activities before shipping.

SRN Status: This report allows Users to quickly determine the delivery status of a given Shipment Release Notice (SRN) as the shipment progresses from location to location. When a gate reader detects RFID tags on a shipment, it updates the associated PODLs with the name of the reader and the date/time of the read. On the “SRN View”, the date/time displayed on the SRN is the date/time of the most recently read PODL associated with the SRN.

Project Material Status: The Project Material Status Report is used to assess material management performance and identify stagnant transactions that could affect Construction productivity. Resolving stagnant transactions is critical since materials on incomplete transactions are often not visible in Jovix for Construction planning. For example, materials that have physically arrived on-site from a Supplier but do not exist on a completed receipt in Jovix will not show as available inventory to Workface Planners. Additionally, the report provides transaction cycle times and performance trend analysis for the Project.


Project KPI Status Through the Jovix Insights reporting, Owners have the ability to manage Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across the entire Project and its global supply chain from the Project Site through the Mod Yards and Fabrication facilities. Jovix Insights gives the Owner the ability to view KPI metrics at an entire Project level or drill down to specific work areas, an EPC’s General Contractors, or Project locations to identify bottlenecks and address schedule issues before they affect the craft in the field.

Forecasted Material Runway This is a dashboard that provides visibility into Work Package material availability by Contractor and Construction work area, based on Required-At-Site (RAS) Dates.

Material Skyline Report This report outlines where there are material deficiencies within the Project plan. Allows Users to quickly assess whether there are material deficiencies for a specific job. Using this visual, Users can drill down and see the respective Work Packages which are directly affected, and even further down, they can see which materials are specifically deficient and either need to be procured or obtained from other jobs. This report can quickly identify bottlenecks within the Construction Schedule and pinpoint what Users need to address in order to meet their schedule. Additionally, this report can help Users understand what is truly completable, in the event they need to rearrange scopes of work to keep Construction Crews productive.

Work Package Soft Allocation: This report imports information from across the supply chain, including: EPC procurement information EPC BOM (CWPs) General Contractor procurement information General Contractor FIWPs Construction Schedule information Supplier upstream tagging It imports Logistics information from Fabricators, Suppliers, Mod Yards, and Off-Site Laydown Yards. It imports Jobsite and Mod Yard information such as Receipts, Picks, Issues, OS&Ds, and Inspections.

Quantity Summary: This report provides Users with a snapshot of material quantities across different statuses. This is beneficial both for understanding the current state of material quantities and for how quantities are changing over time. The data is broken out by discipline and unit of measure and can be displayed by either total quantity or total weight per material. When viewing by weight, the User can switch between kilograms and metric tonnes, as desired.

Late Inspections: This report identifies the status of incomplete Inspections. Inspections can be an integral part of Construction, and it is vitally important that certain assets are inspected regularly and on schedule. In some cases, there can be liability and cost implications with missed or failed Inspections. Top: This visual breaks down incomplete Inspections and identifies if they are upcoming, late, or do not have a due date assigned. Bottom: This breaks down the incomplete Inspections by Inspection Template, which can provide Users with an order or priority which they need to execute.

9 Summary The Jovix Digital Supply Chain’s aim is to incorporate Suppliers into Project execution, bringing focus to cost reduction and schedule risk by digitizing the coordination of materials throughout the supply chain and across all Project departments and locations.

A NEW AGE OF Next Steps DIGITAL MATERIAL If you are interested to learn more about Digital Supply Chains COORDINATION and how Digital Supply Chain Professionals can greatly improve ENABLES DIGITAL your next Project, we would love to talk. SUPPLY CHAIN SUCCESS +1.855.568.4151 | [email protected]

10 MaterialReadiness ®

Jovix ® is an award-winning Material Readiness® application designed specifically for Industrial Construction. By digitizing and automating the manual, paper-based data collection of Construction’s past, Jovix provides real-time visibility to all stakeholders throughout your supply chain. Employing a combination of web-based server software, mobile devices, and smart RFID tags and barcode labels, Jovix removes impediments to productivity and ensures workers have the materials they need to spend more time on tools.

+1.855.568.4151 | WWW.JOVIX.COM | [email protected]