Von Smekal, Lorenz Johann
PUBLISHED VERSION Bowman, Patrick Oswald; Langfeld, Kurt; Leinweber, Derek Bruce; Sternbeck, André; von Smekal, Lorenz Johann Maria; Williams, Anthony Gordon Role of center vortices in chiral symmetry breaking in SU(3) gauge theory Physical Review D, 2011; 84(3):034501 ©2011 American Physical Society http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.84.034501 PERMISSIONS http://publish.aps.org/authors/transfer-of-copyright-agreement http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.62.093023 “The author(s), and in the case of a Work Made For Hire, as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §101, the employer named [below], shall have the following rights (the “Author Rights”): [...] 3. The right to use all or part of the Article, including the APS-prepared version without revision or modification, on the author(s)’ web home page or employer’s website and to make copies of all or part of the Article, including the APS-prepared version without revision or modification, for the author(s)’ and/or the employer’s use for educational or research purposes.” th 7 June 2013 http://hdl.handle.net/2440/70896 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 84, 034501 (2011) Role of center vortices in chiral symmetry breaking in SU(3) gauge theory Patrick O. Bowman,1 Kurt Langfeld,2 Derek B. Leinweber,3 Andre´ Sternbeck,3,4 Lorenz von Smekal,3,5 and Anthony G. Williams3 1Centre for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, and Institute of Natural Sciences, Massey University (Albany), Private Bag 102904, North Shore MSC, New Zealand 2School of Maths & Stats, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, England 3Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM), School of Chemistry & Physics, University of Adelaide 5005, Australia 4Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany 5Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Technische Universita¨t Darmstadt, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany (Received 25 October 2010; published 4 August 2011) We study the behavior of the AsqTad quark propagator in Landau gauge on SU(3) Yang-Mills gauge configurations under the removal of center vortices.
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