Soils of the Great Konya Basin, Turkey

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Soils of the Great Konya Basin, Turkey T. de Meester Soils of the Great Konya Basin, Turkey Büyük Konya Havzasinm Topraklan, Türkiye Scanned from original by ISRIC - World Soil Information, as ICSU World Data Centre for Soils. The purpose is to make a safe depository for endangered documents and to make the accrued information available for consultation, following Fair Use Guidelines. Every effort is taken to respect Copyright of the materials within the archives where the identification of the Copyright holder is clear and, where feasible, to contact the originators. For questions please contact soil.isric(S) indicating the item reference number concerned. Soils of the Great Konya Basin, Turkey Agricultural Research Reports 740 T. de Meester (Ed.) Agricultural University, Department of Tropical Soil Science, Wageningen, the Netherlands Soils of the Great Konya Basin, Türkiye Tiirkçe özetli: Biiyiik Konya Havzasinin Topraklari, Türkiye 1970 Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation Wageningen Topraksiz bir vatan düsüniilemez Unless we have soil, we have no homeland K. Atatürk ISBN 90 220 0304 3 © Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, 1970. No part of this book may be reproduced and/or published in any form by print, photoprint, micro- film or any other means without written permission from the publishers. Preface The study of soils in tropical regions has long been part of the curriculum of the Agricultural University in Wageningen. Before the Second World War most attention was paid to the soils of Indonesia, but it was after the War that a rapidly increasing number of students were given the opportunity to specialize more thoroughly in soil science. Many young pedologists worked in countries of all continents. In 1962 a chair for Tropical and Subtropical Soil Science was established. Although many students received a training in tropical and subtropical countries, the need for a special research and training project abroad was felt. For this reason, we highly appreciate the co-operation of the Turkish Government and of many Turkish soil scientists in allowing us to train our postgraduate students in the semi-arid subtropical region near Konya, Central Anatolia, over four consecutive summer seasons (1964-1967) of five months. During winter, research continued at various laboratories in Wageningen. The outcome of the work has already been recorded in several maps and stencilled reports. The final results are, or are being published in the following papers: P. M. Driessen & T. de Meester: Soils of the Curnra Area, Turkey (1969). T. de Meester (Ed.): Soils of the Great Konya Basin, Turkey (this report). P. M. Driessen: Soil salinity and alkalinity in the Great Konya Basin, Turkey (1970). B. H. Janssen: Soil fertility in the Great Konya Basin; field-trials and pot experi- ments (1970). T. de Meester : Morphological studies on highly calcareous soils in the Great Konya Basin, Turkey (1971). This report consists of two parts: A. Reconnaissance soil survey, B. Results of special studies. The author of Part A is Ir T. de Meester, who supervised the survey, compiled the maps and keys and wrote the report. The soil survey is based on various detailed soil studies, and detailed and semi-detailed soil surveys in sample areas. In all surveys thorough use has been made of aerial photographs and systematic analysis of aerial photographs. For some paragraphs and chapters, ample use has been made of the preliminary reports of others, in particular on geology (Dr D. J. G. Nota and Mr C. G. E. M. van Beek), vegetation (Mr H. A. de Wit), salinity and hydrology (Ir P. M. Driessen and Mr A. L. van der Linden), soil fertility (Ir B. H. Janssen) and taxo- nomie classification (Ir J. van den Burg). Part B contains papers on various subjects by staff and students. Each student received training in field studies, various types of soil surveys and the agriculture-soil relationship but was also allowed to investigate a special subject. Most of these studies were partly in the field and partly in one of the laboratories. They are not always com- plete and vary in quality. But they contain enough interesting results to justify publi- cation in this form. There are still many subjects that could have been studied but it was thought better to conclude the Konya Project and publish the results. Acknowledgements The Konya Project could never have been accomplished without the efficient and very cordial co-operation of the Turkish Government. Much gratitude is due to the Directors General of the Ministry of Village Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture. We offer sincere thanks to Mr. Naki Üner, Director General of Topraksu and his staff, and to Mr. Mesut Özuygur, Director of the Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute, who was our respected co-ordinator and liaison officer. The Turkish translations are due to him and to Dr Ahmet Mermut. We will not forget the hospitality of the Directors of our headquarters at the Sulu Ziraat Experimental Station at Çumra, Mr. Dursun Çuhadaroglu and Mr. Saban Ermis. Dr P. Buringh Professor in Tropical Soil Science Önsöz Tropik bölgelerin topraklanni incelemek ve bu topraklar hakkinda ders vermek uzun zamandan beri Hollanda, Wageningen Ziraat Üniversitesinin ders programlann- da yer almis bulunmaktadir. ïkinci diinya savasindan önce daha ziyade Endonezya topraklan üzerinde durul- mustur. Harpten sonra Wagèningen de okuyan ögrenici sayisi süratle artti ve 1956 yihnda ögrenicilere toprak ilmi alaninda ihtisas yapma imkâni verildi. Bir çok genç toprak ilmi mensuplan her kit'ada çesjtli memleketlerde çahstilar. 1962 yihnda tropik ve sub-tropik bölgelerin topraklan üzerinde ihtisas yaptirmak üzere tropikal Toprak ilmi için özel bir kürsü ihdas edildi. Her ne kadar tropikal ve sub-tropical memleket topraklan için bir çok talebe özel bir egitimden geçirildi isede, özel bir arastirma ve egitim projesine ihtiyaç oldugu anlasildi. Turk Hükumeti ve bir çok Turk toprakcilan ile temin edilen kiymetli is birligi sayesinde lisans sonrasi talebelerimizi Orta Anadoluda bulunan Konya ili yakin- lanndaki semi-arid ve sub-tropik bölgede ele alinan bir proje içinde egitime tabi tutmak imkâni hasil oldu (Sekil 1). 1964-1967 yillan arasindaki dort yil zarfinda her yil yaz aylan esnasinda (Tablo 1, bakiniz) Wageningen üniversitesi ögretim üyeleri ile içinde Turk ögrenici ve toprak uzmanlarimnda bulundugu çok sayida lisans sonrasi ögrencileri Konya bölgesi topraklanni incelemisler, kis aylannda ise Wageningendeki laboratuvarlarda bu çahsma devam etmistir. Bu çahçmalardan elde edilen sonuçlann bir çogu ön rapor ve haritalar halinde teksir baskisi olarak yayinlanmistir. Bütün bu çalismalann toplam sonucu 1968-70 yillannda su sira ile yayinlanacaktir. Driessen, P. M. & T. de Meester (1969): Çumra Bölgesinin Topraklan. Meester, T. de, ve arkadaslan (1970): Büyük Konya Havzasinin Topraklan. Driesen, P. M. : Konya Havzasinda Toprak Tuzluluga ve Alkaliligi, Bölgesel bir etüd (1970). Janssen, B. H. : Konya havasinda Toprak Verimliligi (1970). Meester, T. de: Konya havzasindaki karbonath topraklann olusumu, morfolojisi ve kullanilmasi(1971). Bu rapor iki kisimdan ibarettir. Kisim A : istiksafi bir toprak etüdü Kisim B: Bazi özel arastirmalann sonuçlan. Bir çok Türk ve Hollandali ögrenci genei istiksafi toprak etüdünün yapilmasina katkida bulunmuslardir. Bütün bu etüdlerin sevk ve idaresi, lejant ve haritanin tertibi ve raporun yazilmasi ise kisim A nin yazan olan Mr. T. de Meester tarafindan yapilmistir. Toprak etüdü, ve haritalama seçilen örnek sahalarda yapilmis olan bir çok detayh toprak arastirmalanna ,ve detayli ve yan detayli toprak etüdlerine dayan- maktadir. Bütün etüdlerde hava fotograflanndan ve sistematik hava fotografi analizlerinden yogun bir sekilde faydalanilmistir. Bazi paragraf ve bahislerin hazirlan- masinda, bazi birincil raporlardan, bilhassa jeoloji üzerinde (Dr D. J. G. Nota, Mr. C. G. E. M. Van Beek), Vejetasyon için (Mr. H. A. de Wit) ve tuzluluk ve hidroloji için (Ir P. M. Driessen ve Mr J. G. van der Linden) ve Toprak verimlikigi (Ir B. H. Janssen) 'in raporlanndan istifade edilmistir. Kisim B de çesitli konularla ilgili olarak bu etude istirak eden ögretim üyesi ve ögrencilerin bazi arastirma yazilan yer almaktadir. Bilfiil arazi üzerinde çestili toprak etüd tipleri ve tanm-toprak iliskileri üzerinde yapilan egitimden baska, her lisans sonu ögrencisine özel bir konu üzerinde arastirma yapma imkâni verilmistir. Bu arastirmalann çogu arazi ve Iaboratuvarda yapilan cahsmalann birer parçasini teçkil etmistir. Bu çahsmalar her zaman tamamlanmis olmadigi gibi ayni kalitede de degildirler. Bununla beraber, yaymlanmaya lâyik degerde ilginç sonuçlar tasimakta- dirlar. Halen ele ahnmamis incelenmesi faydah bazi konular da mevcuttur. Bununla beraber bu projeye ait çalismalan burada bitirip elde edilen sonuçlan yayinlamayi tercih ettik. n Tesekkiir Turk Hükumetinin basanh ve nazik isbirligi olmadan Konya Projesi çahsmasinin tamamlanmasi mümkün olamazdi. Köyisleri ve Tarim ßakanhgi Genei Müdürlerine tesekkür borçluyuz. Topraksu Genei Müdürü Sayin Naki Üner ve Arkadaslanna, çalismalanmizi koordine eden ve Turk ve Holanda gruplan arasinda irtibat saglayan Tarim Bakanligi Toprak ve Gübre Arastirma Enstitüsü Müdürü, Sayin Mesut Özuygur'a kalpten tesekkür ederiz. Türkce tercümelerin önemli bir kismida onun tarafindan yapilmistir. Çumra Sulu Ziraat Deneme ïstasyonu Müdürleri olan Bay Dursun Çuhadaroglu ile Bay Saban Ermis'in bu müessesede kaldigimiz müddet zarfinda bize karsi göstermis olduklan konukseverligi unutamiyacagiz. Konya projesinde
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