TIPS & TRICKS FOR THE EQUATION EDITOR OR MATHTYPE USER Presented by: Bob Mathews Director of Training Design Science, Inc. E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: 830-990-9699 Welcome to Tips & Tricks for the Equation Editor or MathType User. This session is not designed to teach you how to use Microsoft Equation Editor or MathType. We assume you already know how to use these products. In the session, you will learn how to use these products better and more efficiently. We will be using Microsoft Word today, but MathType works very well with other word processors (such as WordPerfect and AppleWorks), presentation software (such as PowerPoint and Corel Presentations), web page-authoring software (such as FrontPage), as well as most other software. I hope many of your needs will be addressed in this session but if you need help in the future, the following sources are available: 9 Equation Editor Tips & Tricks – Even if you’re a MathType user, our Equation Editor Tips & Tricks will likely have several tips you can use. Access the tips from our home page: Your email address will be your password to access the page immediately. 9 Help File – MathType and Equation Editor both have extensive help files. 9 User Manual – MathType comes with a comprehensive User Manual, and many questions can be answered by referring to the manual. Chapter 4 of the MathType User Manual includes 18 step-by-step tutorials to get you started. Equation Editor has no printed user documentation. 9 Technical Support – We provide lifetime technical support for MathType and limited technical support for Equation Editor.