Computing Science Technical report No. 145 A Permuted Index for TEX and LATEX Bill Cheswick
[email protected] Last revision: 12 August 1991 Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Permuted Index 5 3 Primitive and Plain TEX commands 95 4 LATEX Commands 107 1 2 Chapter 1 Introduction This Index is designed to help TEX and LATEX users find the right command among the one thousand-odd commands documented. It is a permuted, or keyword-in-context index. Each command appears under each significant keyword in its definition. For example, \eject has the following definition: force a page break The following two entries appear in the Index, alphabetized by the keywords \page" and \break": force a page break. \eject P force a page break. \eject P The superscript \P" at the end of the line means this is defined in the plain TEX macros. The full list is: *TEX primitive (none) plain TEX LLATEX command 3 new TEX version 3 command If a definition is too long to fit on one side of a definition, it is wrapped around. The command definitions appear after the permuted index. There are two sections, one for TEX primitives and plain TEX, and the other for LATEX commands. There may be some difficulty thinking of the right keyword used in a definition. I have tried to be consistent. Here are a few words I chose (in bold) and some likely synonyms: 3 4 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION create: make define: create, initialize, set select, construct: use space: distance, glue, separation test: if The Proceedings of the summer 1989 TEX Users Group meeting con- tain a description of how this Index was prepared.