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1/30 Proces-Verbal Din Data 23.05.2016 SULYLQG 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ Proces-verbal din data 23.05.2016SULYLQGGHVHPQDUHDSUHúHGLQĠLORUELURXULORUHOHFWRUDOHDOHVHFĠLLORUGHYRWDUH constituite pentru alegerile locale din anul 2016úLDORFĠLLWRULORUDFHVWRUD &LUFXPVFULSĠLD(OHFWRUDOă-XGHĠHDQăQU25, ILFOV ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 1 25$ù%5$*$',58 1 3UH܈HGLQWH TOMESCU FLORENTINA-ADINA M ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 2 25$ù%5$*$',58 1 /RF܊LLWRU TATU MARIANA N ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 3 25$ù%5$*$',58 2 3UH܈HGLQWH ',&Ă MONA-LIANA F ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 4 25$ù%5$*$',58 2 /RF܊LLWRU STAN VERONICA-IOANA V ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 5 25$ù%5$*$',58 3 3UH܈HGLQWH ENE NICOLETA P ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 6 25$ù%5$*$',58 3 /RF܊LLWRU ENULESCU ELENA-CORNELIA - ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 7 25$ù%5$*$',58 4 3UH܈HGLQWH ANDONE CRISTIAN-ANTON V ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 8 25$ù%5$*$',58 4 /RF܊LLWRU GRECU CONSTANTIN ù ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 9 25$ù%5$*$',58 5 3UH܈HGLQWH ANGHEL /(18ğ$ D ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru 3ULPăULDRUD܈XOXL 10 25$ù%5$*$',58 5 /RF܊LLWRU COSEREANU NICOLETA N ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 Bragadiru SC GAD SPECIAL 11 25$ù%5$*$',58 6 3UH܈HGLQWH MOLDOVAN FLORENTINA D ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 CONSTRUCT SRL SC GAD SPECIAL 12 25$ù%5$*$',58 6 /RF܊LLWRU VOICU FLORENTINA-AURELIA I ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 CONSTRUCT SRL SC GAD SPECIAL 13 25$ù%5$*$',58 7 3UH܈HGLQWH %8ùĂ DOINA G ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 CONSTRUCT SRL SC GAD SPECIAL 14 25$ù%5$*$',58 7 /RF܊LLWRU CERNEA IULIA-ROXANA A ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 CONSTRUCT SRL 1/30 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL S.C. BANDKOPP 15 25$ù%5$*$',58 8 FASTENERS IMPORT 3UH܈HGLQWH 9Ì5ùĂ (/(1$/80,1,ğ$ E ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 EXPORT SRL S.C. BANDKOPP 16 25$ù%5$*$',58 8 FASTENERS IMPORT /RF܊LLWRU 0Ìğ8 /(18ğ$ C ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 EXPORT SRL SC SMART 17 25$ù%5$*$',58 9 BUSINESS&ACCOUNTIN 3UH܈HGLQWH COJOCARU ALEXANDRU N ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 G CONSULTING SRL SC SMART 18 25$ù%5$*$',58 9 BUSINESS&ACCOUNTIN /RF܊LLWRU NEDELCU MARIANA GABRIELA A ,/)2925$ù%5$*$',58 G CONSULTING SRL ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 19 25$ù%8)7($ 10 3UH܈HGLQWH PALAGHIUC CRISTIAN-ALIN N ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 20 25$ù%8)7($ 10 /RF܊LLWRU 1,ğ8 COSMIN-FLORIN N ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 21 25$ù%8)7($ 11 3UH܈HGLQWH /,1ğĂ GHEORGHE C ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 22 25$ù%8)7($ 11 /RF܊LLWRU GAVRILESCU MARIANA G ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 23 25$ù%8)7($ 12 3UH܈HGLQWH '5Ă*$1 MARIAN G ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 24 25$ù%8)7($ 12 /RF܊LLWRU IANCU MARIANA M ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea Liceul Tehnologic "Dumitru 25 25$ù%8)7($ 13 3UH܈HGLQWH ION CORINA M ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Dumitrescu" Buftea Liceul Tehnologic "Dumitru 26 25$ù%8)7($ 13 /RF܊LLWRU MARIN DANIELA N ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Dumitrescu" Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 27 25$ù%8)7($ 14 3UH܈HGLQWH BALEA OANA-CRISTINA D ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea 2/30 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 28 25$ù%8)7($ 14 /RF܊LLWRU MOCANU COSTINA I ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 29 25$ù%8)7($ 15 3UH܈HGLQWH 7Ă78/,&Ă VIORICA V ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 30 25$ù%8)7($ 15 /RF܊LLWRU SPÎNU VASILICA D ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 31 25$ù%8)7($ 16 3UH܈HGLQWH DECU SILVIA-JULIETA N ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 32 25$ù%8)7($ 16 /RF܊LLWRU MATEA RODICA I ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 33 25$ù%8)7($ 17 3UH܈HGLQWH *+(ğ($ GABRIELA G ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 34 25$ù%8)7($ 17 /RF܊LLWRU MANEA ADRIAN I ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 35 25$ù%8)7($ 18 3UH܈HGLQWH RABEGA LUIZA-RUXANDRA P ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 36 25$ù%8)7($ 18 /RF܊LLWRU BURTESCU ROBERT DANIEL M ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea 6HGLX7kUJ3ULPăULD 37 25$ù%8)7($ 19 3UH܈HGLQWH DAN AUREL G ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea 6HGLX7kUJ3ULPăULD 38 25$ù%8)7($ 19 /RF܊LLWRU BADEA GHEORGHE ù ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 39 25$ù%8)7($ 20 3UH܈HGLQWH TRANDAFIR AURELIA-RICA A ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea ܇FRDOD*LPQD]LDOăQU 40 25$ù%8)7($ 20 /RF܊LLWRU DUMITRU MARIA A ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Buftea Liceul Tehnologic ”Dumitru 41 25$ù%8)7($ 21 3UH܈HGLQWH BARBU DOREL G ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Dumitrescu” Buftea 3/30 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL Liceul Tehnologic ”Dumitru 42 25$ù%8)7($ 21 /RF܊LLWRU &Æ5-Ă VICTOR-CONSTANTIN C ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Dumitrescu” Buftea 3URSULHWDWHSULYDWă 43 25$ù%8)7($ 22 3UH܈HGLQWH MATEI ELENA P ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Tutunaru Gheorghe 3URSULHWDWHSULYDWă 44 25$ù%8)7($ 22 /RF܊LLWRU DUMITRU SILVIA C ,/)2925$ù%8)7($ Tutunaru Gheorghe *UăGLQLĠDFXSURJUDP 45 25$ù&+,7,/$ 23 3UH܈HGLQWH MOJGA MIHAI G ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ prelungit "Voinicel" *UăGLQLĠDFXSURJUDP 46 25$ù&+,7,/$ 23 /RF܊LLWRU MOLOIU MARIA-MIRELA G ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ prelungit "Voinicel" ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 47 25$ù&+,7,/$ 24 clasele I-VIII nr.1 "Prof.Ion 3UH܈HGLQWH CERNEA MARILENA E ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ 9LúRLX ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 48 25$ù&+,7,/$ 24 clasele I-VIII nr.1 "Prof.Ion /RF܊LLWRU MINCU 5Ă',ğ$ V ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ 9LúRLX ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 49 25$ù&+,7,/$ 25 clasele I-VIII nr.1 "Prof. Ion 3UH܈HGLQWH DRAGOMIR ,2$1$0Ă'Ă/,1$ M ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ 9LúRLX ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 50 25$ù&+,7,/$ 25 clasele I-VIII nr.1 "Prof. Ion /RF܊LLWRU MANU *(25*(7$3(758ğ$ V ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ 9LúRLX ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 51 25$ù&+,7,/$ 26 clasele I-VIII nr.1 "Prof. Ion 3UH܈HGLQWH ù29$5 5Ă',ğ$ E ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ 9LúRLX ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 52 25$ù&+,7,/$ 26 clasele I-VIII nr.1 "Prof. Ion /RF܊LLWRU GHEORGHE GABRIELA G ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ 9LúRLX &DVDGH&XOWXUă7XGRU 53 25$ù&+,7,/$ 27 3UH܈HGLQWH MIHAI FLORINELA N ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ Arghezi" 4/30 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL &DVDGH&XOWXUă7XGRU 54 25$ù&+,7,/$ 27 /RF܊LLWRU PÎSLARU ANA-SIMONA I ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ Arghezi" ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 55 25$ù&+,7,/$ 28 clasele I- VIII nr.1 "Prof. 3UH܈HGLQWH BOBIRAC GABRIEL G ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ ,RQ9LúRLX ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 56 25$ù&+,7,/$ 28 clasele I- VIII nr.1 "Prof. /RF܊LLWRU SANDU (/(1$/80,1,ğ$ G ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ ,RQ9LúRLX Scoala Gimnaziala cu clasele I-VIII nr. 1 Prof. Ion 57 25$ù&+,7,/$ 29 Visoiu, structura cu clasele 3UH܈HGLQWH SIMION LIVIA CRISTINA C ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ I-IV si grupe de prescolari Ion Olteanu-Chitila Scoala Gimnaziala cu clasele I-VIII nr. 1 Prof. Ion 58 25$ù&+,7,/$ 29 Visoiu, structura cu clasele /RF܊LLWRU MUNTEANU GEORGE V ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ I-IV si grupe de prescolari Ion Olteanu-Chitila ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 59 25$ù&+,7,/$ 30 clasele I- VIII nr.1 "Prof. 3UH܈HGLQWH PETRE ELENA C ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ ,RQ9LúRLX ùFRDODJLPQD]LDOăFX 60 25$ù&+,7,/$ 30 clasele I- VIII nr.1 "Prof. /RF܊LLWRU CINCILESCU PERSIDA-ALINA F ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ ,RQ9LúRLX 61 25$ù&+,7,/$ 31 *UăGLQLĠD3ULFKLQGHO 3UH܈HGLQWH MÎNDRU ,8/,$1$/80,1,ğ$ V ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ 62 25$ù&+,7,/$ 31 *UăGLQLĠD3ULFKLQGHO /RF܊LLWRU COSTACHE RADU I ,/)2925$ù&+,7,/$ GRADINITA NR 2 63 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 32 3UH܈HGLQWH POPOVICI ELENA V ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( MAGURELE GRADINITA NR 2 64 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 32 /RF܊LLWRU 35,6$&Ă LILIANA-MIHAELA G ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( MAGURELE 5/30 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL Liceul Teoretic "Horia 65 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 33 3UH܈HGLQWH 3Ă81 FLORICA M ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( Hulubei" Liceul Teoretic "Horia 66 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 33 /RF܊LLWRU '5Ă*+,&, CRISTINA D ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( Hulubei" 67 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 34 3ULPăULDRUDúXOXL0ăJXUHOH 3UH܈HGLQWH '(&Ă ARESTIDIA D ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( 68 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 34 3ULPăULDRUDúXOXL0ăJXUHOH /RF܊LLWRU CAPOTA PETRU P ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( 69 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 35 3ULPăULDRUDúXOXL0ăJXUHOH 3UH܈HGLQWH OARGA ELENA M ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( 70 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 35 3ULPăULDRUDúXOXL0ăJXUHOH /RF܊LLWRU URECHIATU ROCSANA MARIA G ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( 71 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 36 &OăGLUH3DUF$OXQLú 3UH܈HGLQWH CURCAN PETRONELA F ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( 72 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 36 &OăGLUH3DUF$OXQLú /RF܊LLWRU GHEORGHE MARIANA G ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( SCOALA PRIMARA NR 1 ù7()$1,$ 73 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 37 3UH܈HGLQWH PETRE N ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( VARTEJU ANTOANELA SCOALA PRIMARA NR 1 74 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 37 /RF܊LLWRU GHEORGHE NICULINA ROXANA I ,/)2925$ù92/817$5, VARTEJU GRADINITA NR 3 75 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 38 3UH܈HGLQWH IONESCU SIMONA I ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( VARTEJU GRADINITA NR 3 76 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 38 /RF܊LLWRU LECA DOINA M ,/)2925$ù92/817$5, VARTEJU SCOALA PRIMARA NR 2 77 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 39 3UH܈HGLQWH PENA ',$1$0Ă'Ă/,1$ E ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( DUMITRANA SCOALA PRIMARA NR 2 78 25$ù0Ă*85(/( 39 /RF܊LLWRU CONSTANTIN ALEXANDRU I ,/)2925$ù0Ă*85(/( DUMITRANA *UăGLQLĠLDFXSURJUDP 79 25$ù2723(1, 40 3UH܈HGLQWH ANDREI GEORGE-MIHAI M ,/)2925$ù2723(1, prelungit nr.
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