BHAVYA CEMENTS LIMITED TANGEDA VILLAGE, DACHEPALLY MANDAL, GUNTUR DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH Pre - Feasibility Report Submitted by: Bhavya Cements Ltd., IInd Bhavyas Spoorthi Bhavan, Plot No. A1, Film Nagar, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 003. Phone: 040-23558384 Fax: 040-23558393. Email: -
[email protected] Submitted to MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA INDIRA PARYAVARAN BHAWAN, JOR BAGH ROAD, ALIGANJ, NEW DELHI Pre-Feasibility Report Bhavya Cements Limited, Pre – Feasibility Report Bhavya Cements Limited, Tangeda Village, Dachepalli Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. 1 Executive Summary M/s. Bhavya Cements Ltd obtained Environmental Clearance for integrated Cement Plant of 4.0 Million TPA (Phase I : 4200 TPD and Phase II: 7700 TPD) Capacity, 15 MW captive power plant and Captive mining of Limestone at Thangeda Village, Dachepalle Mandal, Guntur Dist, Andhra Pradesh from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) vide letter no. F. No. J- 11011/1186/2007-IA II (I), dt. 22.09.2008, and secured extension of EC validity by letter dt.03.03.2016. The existing project for 3000 TPD of Clinker production and 4200 TPD of cement production is in operation. The consent to operate was obtained from AP Pollution Control Board vide letter no. APPCB/VJA/GTR/205/HO/CFO/2018, dt. 06.06.2018 valid till 31.08.2023. It is now proposed to modernize the Phase I project to enhance clinker manufacturing capacity by 1200 TPD to achieve 4200 TPD, and cement manufacturing capacity by 1680 TPD to achieve a total capacity of 5880 TPD. The modernization mainly entails increasing operational hours of limestone crusher, raw mill coal mill, and enhancing capacity of Cooler ESP transformer field and modernization of kiln.