CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 5 March 3, 2009 Mr

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 5 March 3, 2009 Mr 6178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 5 March 3, 2009 Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, on that I to read to their children for at least 30 demonstrated the importance of read- demand the yeas and nays. minutes in support of building a Nation ing intervention in providing addi- The yeas and nays were ordered. of readers. tional resources for reading assistance; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Read Across America Day was initi- most notable was its commitment to ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the ated in May of 1998 by the National the Reading First Program. Once the Chair’s prior announcement, further Education Association as a way to cel- program was implemented, the data proceedings on this motion will be ebrate reading. The NEA provides sup- quickly showed that Reading First postponed. port to parents and teachers to keep works. On average, the 26 States with f their children reading all year long early baseline data on reading achieve- through activities such as the Cat-A- ment increased the percentage of stu- READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY Van. The Cat-A-Van travels across the dents meeting or exceeding proficiency Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I move to country bringing the gift of reading to on fluency outcome measures. Among suspend the rules and agree to the reso- school children. The Cat-A-Van do- Wisconsin first graders, reading flu- lution (H. Res. 146) designating March nates 20,000 books to children in need. ency proficiency increased by nearly 28 2, 2009, as ‘‘Read Across America Day.’’ The NEA celebrates Read Across percent for economically disadvan- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- America Day on Dr. Seuss’ birthday taged students, more than 30 percent tion. every year to honor a man who con- for limited English proficient students, The text of the resolution is as fol- tributed tremendously to children’s lit- nearly 22 percent for students with dis- lows: eracy. Theodor Geisel, better known as abilities, more than 22 percent for Afri- H. RES. 146 Dr. Seuss by millions of children and can American students, and nearly 23 Whereas reading is a basic requirement for parents around the world, began writ- percent for Hispanic students. quality education and professional success, ing children’s books in 1936 and has States saw this improvement and and is a source of pleasure throughout life; since inspired millions of children to made Reading First an integral oppo- Whereas the people of the United States embrace the joys of reading through nent of their reform efforts. Reports by must be able to read if the United States is such favorites as ‘‘The Cat in the Hat, the Government Accountability Office, to remain competitive in the global econ- ‘‘Green Eggs and Ham,’’ and ‘‘Oh the omy; the Inspector General and the Center Whereas Congress, through the No Child Places You’ll Go.’’ on Education Policy have all found Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107–110) We know from the research that chil- widespread support for the program and the Reading First, Early Reading First, dren exposed to the nature and purpose among the States. In one Center on and Improving Literacy Through School Li- of reading before kindergarten become Education Policy report, 97 percent of braries programs, has placed great emphasis more successful readers. We also know Reading First school districts said that on reading intervention and providing addi- that a child who fails at reading is the program was an important or very tional resources for reading assistance; and more likely to drop out of school. important cause for increases in stu- Whereas more than 50 national organiza- If the United States is to stay com- tions concerned about reading and education dents’ reading scores. have joined with the National Education As- petitive in a global economy, we must Despite these positive results, the sociation to use March 2 to celebrate reading possess these basic requirements for a new majority has, over the course of 2 and the birth of Theodor Geisel, also known quality education and professional suc- years, decreased funding levels by $600 as Dr. Seuss: Now, therefore, be it cess. Encouraging children to read is million in 2008 and completely elimi- Resolved, That the House of Representa- one of the best tools we can equip our nated funding for 2009. Individual tives— children with to help them become suc- States are beginning to voice their con- (1) honors Theodor Geisel, also known as cessful contributors to the United cern over the impact of lost Reading Dr. Seuss, for his success in encouraging States. children to discover the joy of reading; First funding. In fact, these cuts have (2) honors the 12th anniversary of Read I want to thank Representatives led to such efforts as the Colorado Across America Day; MARKEY and EHLERS for bringing this State Board of Education passing a res- (3) encourages parents to read with their resolution forward, and I encourage my olution expressing its support for Read- children for at least 30 minutes on Read colleagues to support this resolution. ing First model and its concern over Across America Day in honor of the commit- I reserve the balance of my time. the appropriations cut. ment of the House of Representatives to Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I yield building a Nation of readers; and myself such time as I may consume. b 1245 (4) encourages the people of the United Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support As we rightfully recognize another States to observe the day with appropriate of House Resolution 146 designating Read Across America Day, this Con- ceremonies and activities. March 2, 2009, as Read Across America gress should begin the work of imme- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Day. This celebration is held each year diately restoring funding for this pro- ant to the rule, the gentleman from on the birthday of author Dr. Seuss. gram that provides this Nation’s most Colorado (Mr. POLIS) and the gen- This year, Read Across America cele- disadvantaged students the reading tleman from California (Mr. MCKEON) brates its 10th anniversary, and is also intervention and additional resources each will control 20 minutes. the 50th anniversary of Dr. Seuss’ most for reading assistance they so des- The Chair recognizes the gentleman recognizable work, ‘‘The Cat in the perately need. from Colorado. Hat.’’ I thank my colleague from Colorado GENERAL LEAVE Theodor Geisel, more famously (Ms. MARKEY) for sponsoring this reso- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I request 5 known as Dr. Seuss, is the most be- lution. And I ask that all of my col- legislative days during which Members loved children’s book author of all leagues support its passage. may revise and extend and insert ex- time. His use of rhyme makes his Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of traneous material on House Resolution books an effective tool for teaching my time. 146 into the RECORD. young children the basic skills they Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I am The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there need to be successful and develop a life- pleased to recognize the gentlelady objection to the request of the gen- long love of reading. Celebrating Dr. from my neighboring district in Colo- tleman from Colorado? Seuss and reading sends a clear mes- rado (Ms. MARKEY) for 5 minutes. There was no objection. sage to our children that reading is Ms. MARKEY of Colorado. I would Mr. POLIS. I yield myself such time both fun and important. like to thank the gentleman from Colo- as I may consume. In 2001, Congress and President Bush rado. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support highlighted the importance of reading Mr. Speaker, I rise today as an origi- of House Resolution 146, which recog- by passing the No Child Left Behind nal cosponsor of House Resolution 146, nizes March 2, 2009, as Read Across Act. Through programs authorized which designates March 2, 2009, as America Day and encourages parents under the act, the Federal Government ‘‘Read Across America Day,’’ and to VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:11 Jun 29, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H03MR9.000 H03MR9 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD March 3, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 5 6179 urge my colleagues to vote in support Dr. Seuss: ‘‘You have brains in your Whereas USC has become the first school of this legislation. head. You have feet in your shoes. And to win 3 consecutive Rose Bowls; Yesterday was the 105th anniversary you can steer yourself in any direction Whereas USC has appeared in a record- of the birth of Theodor Seuss Geisel— you choose. You’re on your own. You tying fourth consecutive Rose Bowl; Whereas USC is now tied with the record or ‘‘Dr. Seuss,’’ as he is better known know what you know. You’re the guy for most bowl victories of all time; to generations of children. Between who’ll decide where you go.’’ Whereas USC has won 86 of its last 96 1937 and 1991, Dr. Seuss published more Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I yield games; than 40 books. In fact, one in four myself the balance of my time. Whereas with USC’s 2009 Rose Bowl vic- American children receive Dr. Seuss as I am in strong support of Resolution tory, the Pac–10 Conference finished a per- their first book. 146. I urge all of my colleagues to sup- fect 5 and 0 in post-season bowl appearances; It’s hard to quantify the powerful in- port it.
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