Congressional Record—House H2895

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Congressional Record—House H2895 March 3, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2895 may revise and extend and insert ex- institution of higher education that ington. I would like to take this oppor- traneous material on House Resolution links traditions of the republic to inno- tunity to congratulate the University 77 into the RECORD. vations at the leading edge of pedagogy of Mary Washington on its achieve- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and research. Mary Washington has ments over the past century. objection to the request of the gen- one of the leading public liberal arts Initially a small teaching college for tleman from Colorado? colleges in the country, as well as a women, the institution was renamed There was no objection. graduate and professional school. the University of Mary Washington in Mr. POLIS. I yield myself such time The University of Mary Washington honor of Mary Ball Washington, the as I may consume. was originally founded as a women’s mother of President George Wash- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support college and was designated as the wom- ington and a resident of the First Dis- of House Resolution 77, which cele- en’s college for the University of Vir- trict of Virginia. Currently, the Uni- brates the University of Mary Washing- ginia in 1944. In 1970, Mary Washington versity of Mary Washington has an en- ton’s 100 years of service and leader- College transitioned to a co-edu- rollment of over 5,000 students, offers ship. cational college and was designated 43 degree programs, and consists of two Founded in 1908, the State Normal ‘‘University of Mary Washington’’ in campuses. The main campus is located and Industrial School for Women at 2004 to reflect the inclusion of its grow- in historic Fredericksburg, and the Fredericksburg eventually became ing graduate programs. College of Graduate and Professional what is now known as the University of Located in Fredericksburg, Virginia, Studies is located in Stafford, Virginia. Mary Washington. Beginning with just approximately 4,000 undergraduate stu- The University of Mary Washington 110 students, the school has grown into dents are enrolled at Mary Washing- has been recognized nationally as a a prestigious university worthy of its ton’s main campus, located on Marye’s leading liberal arts college, and the namesake. U.S. News and World Report ranked its Long-standing traditions, combined Heights, which played an important masters programs fourth among south- with rigorous scholarship, enable the role in the 1862 Battle of Fredericks- ern public schools. University of Mary Washington to pro- burg. The University of Mary Washington vide one of the finest liberal arts edu- In addition, approximately 1,000 stu- combines rich traditions with state-of- cations in the Nation. Offering more dents and adults attend the graduate the-art technology to provide one of than 40 undergraduate majors, four and professional school located in near- the best undergraduate liberal arts graduate programs and seven education by Stafford County. Students from 43 educations in the country. It also of- specialist programs, UMW is highly different countries are enrolled in 40 fers a variety of internships and study ranked in every publication. The uni- different majors and programs of study abroad programs that connect students versity is committed to academic ex- at Mary Washington. locally, regionally, nationally and cellence, and according to the ‘‘Fiske The University of Mary Washington internationally. Guide to Colleges,’’ UMW is described is ranked in every major selective I am pleased to recognize the impor- as ‘‘one of the premium or premiere guide publication. It was ranked fourth tant contributions made by the Univer- public liberal arts colleges in the coun- in its class by U.S. News and World Re- sity of Mary Washington to the Fred- try.’’ During its centennial year alone, port, in the top ten nationally in Peace ericksburg region, the Commonwealth, UMW conferred more than 1,200 de- Corps alumni, and has a Pulitzer Prize- and the Nation. I congratulate the Uni- grees. winning poet on the faculty. It was versity of Mary Washington as it cele- With more than 5,000 enrolled stu- listed among Kiplinger’s magazine ‘‘100 brates its 100th anniversary, and I wish dents, the University of Mary Wash- Best Values in Public Colleges in 2009.’’ the university continued success in ington turns out students capable of Mary Washington was also named as providing an outstanding education to extending their classroom knowledge one of the Nation’s best colleges and the students of the Commonwealth and into their communities and the world. universities by the ‘‘Fiske Guide to the Nation. UMW has a strong reputation of serv- Colleges’’ and is said to have ‘‘gained a I urge my colleagues to join me in ice, with 20 alumni currently serving in reputation as one of the premium pub- congratulating the University of Mary the Peace Corps. In fact, for the sixth lic liberal arts colleges in the coun- Washington by supporting House Reso- year in a row, the Peace Corps has try.’’ lution 77. named the university to its annual list Last year, the University of Mary Mr. MCKEON. I yield back the bal- of ‘‘Top Producing Colleges and Univer- Washington celebrated their centennial anniversary. For over 100 years, the ance of my time. sities.’’ The spirit of service has bene- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield back fited the community and the students university has provided America’s stu- dents with a quality education and op- the balance of my time. well as they prepare to tackle the chal- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The portunity. The institution’s link to lenges of our increasingly globalized question is on the motion offered by both history and innovation has pro- world. the gentleman from Colorado (Mr. vided students with the unique and ir- When the university community POLIS) that the House suspend the replaceable learning environment. came together to celebrate its century rules and agree to the resolution, H. I am happy to join my good friend of existence and achievement last year, Res. 77. and colleague, Representative it renewed its commitment to excel- The question was taken. lence and success. As the university WITTMAN, in congratulating the Uni- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the looks ahead to its future, may it con- versity of Mary Washington and ask opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being tinue to link its students and its com- my colleagues to support this resolu- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. munity to the great tradition of its tion. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, on that I past and promise of its future. Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I’m demand the yeas and nays. Mr. Speaker, I, again, congratulate happy to yield to the gentleman who The yeas and nays were ordered. the University of Mary Washington and represents the First District of Vir- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- urge my colleagues to support this res- ginia, who represents the University of ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the olution. Mary Washington, Mr. WITTMAN, for as Chair’s prior announcement, further I reserve the balance of my time. much time as he may consume. proceedings on this motion will be Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. WITTMAN. I would like to thank postponed. myself such time as I may consume. the gentleman for yielding. f Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of House Resolution 77, congratulating of House Resolution 77, honoring the READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY the University of Mary Washington in University of Mary Washington on the Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I move to Fredericksburg, Virginia, for more occasion of its 100th anniversary. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- than 100 years of service and leadership On March 14, 1908, Virginia Governor lution (H. Res. 146) designating March to the United States. Claude A. Swanson signed legislation 2, 2009, as ‘‘Read Across America Day.’’ The University of Mary Washington that established what eventually be- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- was founded in 1908 and has become an came the University of Mary Wash- tion. VerDate Nov 24 2008 23:49 Mar 03, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03MR7.017 H03MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with HOUSE H2896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 3, 2009 The text of the resolution is as fol- parents around the world, began writ- nent of their reform efforts. Reports by lows: ing children’s books in 1936 and has the Government Accountability Office, H. RES. 146 since inspired millions of children to the Inspector General and the Center Whereas reading is a basic requirement for embrace the joys of reading through on Education Policy have all found quality education and professional success, such favorites as ‘‘The Cat in the Hat, widespread support for the program and is a source of pleasure throughout life; ‘‘Green Eggs and Ham,’’ and ‘‘Oh the among the States. In one Center on Whereas the people of the United States Places You’ll Go.’’ Education Policy report, 97 percent of must be able to read if the United States is We know from the research that chil- Reading First school districts said that to remain competitive in the global econ- dren exposed to the nature and purpose the program was an important or very omy; of reading before kindergarten become important cause for increases in stu- Whereas Congress, through the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107–110) more successful readers. We also know dents’ reading scores. and the Reading First, Early Reading First, that a child who fails at reading is Despite these positive results, the and Improving Literacy Through School Li- more likely to drop out of school.
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