Our Lady of the Assumption Parish 545 Stratfield Road Fairfield, CT 06825-1872 Tel
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Our Lady of the Assumption Parish 545 Stratfield Road Fairfield, CT 06825-1872 Tel. (203) 333-9065 Fax: (203) 333-2562 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.olaffld.org “Ad Jesum per Mariam” To Jesus through Mary. Clergy/Lay Leadership Rev. Peter A. Cipriani, Pastor Rev. Michael Flynn, Parochial Vicar Deacon Raymond John Chervenak Deacon Robert McLaughlin Michael Cooney, Director of Music Daniel Ford, Esq., Trustee Masses (Schedules subject to change) Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 9 AM 10:30 AM and 12:00 PM (Subject to change) Morning Daily Mass: (Mon.-Sat.) 7:30 AM Evening Daily Mass: (Mon.-Fri.) 5:30 PM Holy Days: See Bulletin for schedule Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 1:30– 2:30 PM or by appointment. Every Tuesday: 7-8:00 PM Rosary/Divine Mercy Chaplet 7 AM Monday-Saturday, Rosary 8 AM First Saturday of each month, Rosary 3 PM Monday-Friday, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Anyone interested in becoming a Roman Catholic becomes a part of this First Friday of each month from 8 AM process, as can any adult Catholic who has not received all the Sacraments of Friday to 7:15 AM Saturday. To volunteer initiation. For further information contact the Faith Formation office. contact Grand Knight, Michael Lauzon at (203) 817-7528. Sacrament of Baptism This Sacrament is celebrated on Sundays at 1:00 PM. It is required that Novenas parents participate in a Pre-Baptismal class. Classes are held on the third Miraculous Medal-8 AM. Monday Saturday of the month. Registration is required by calling the parish office. Saint Joseph-8 AM. Wednesday Divine Mercy-8 AM. Friday Sacrament of Marriage Please contact the parish office as soon as possible so as to ensure a proper Parish Membership time and adequate preparation for this Sacrament. Pre-Cana or Engaged En- Our parish family invites all of its members counters are required. to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. Every family moving into the parish is Anointing of the Sick Ministry to the Sick and Elderly requested to register at the Rectory or go to This Sacrament of healing expresses the love of God and our Church for our our website for a registration form. If you sick, our shut-ins and the elderly, unable to come to Church. For the dying, move to another parish, or change your ad- please contact the Rectory immediately. For the confined, the elderly and dress, notify the Rectory. our shut-ins, whether at home, or in the hospital, please inform the Rectory. Page 2 From The Pastor’s Desk - What an Epiphany: We Must be the Light of God in the World - They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. There have been many astronomical theories associ- site, the Magi, their hearts and bodies flooded with the ated with the Star of Bethlehem. Today, many as- power of this scene, immediately crash to the ground, tronomers contend that rather than a single star, the prostrate, adoring the infant King and the exception- Star of Bethlehem was the convergence of three ally beautiful mother, who has given birth, not only to heavenly objects: two planets and one star, which to their redemption but ours as well. the eyes of the Magi, would have appeared from our We cannot even begin to imagine the spectacular earthly ground level, as a single and very bright star. beauty of this scene, for if we could, we too would fall Supernaturally speaking, this seems like a plausible to our knees in desperate homage and perhaps spend theory. A theory that has gained quit the momentum our entire lifetimes enveloped in this paralyzing but when this December 21st the so called “Christmas wonderful ecstasy of love and beauty. Star” once again presented itself with the “convergence” of Saturn and Jupiter. Not only for us We reflect and experience a mere breath of this mo- to admire and be wow-ed by, but be drawn with the ment each time we genuflect before the Tabernacle Magi to the crib where our Lord, Savior and King-the where Christ the King is fully present, indicated by the light of the World-light from light true God from true ever present Star of Bethlehem which is the sanctuary God presents Himself as of all things a poor baby ly- candle beside it. But as often as we must be on our ing in a make shift crib. knees in homage to be bathed in the light of the Christ Child and the healing beauty of Mother Mary, we must From earth, the three objects eventually appear as be in the world, up and about, conveying this mes- though they are one and like a beam of light shining sage of light to those plunged in the darkness of sin, from Heaven down to earth, this tail of light extends to fear and doubt. the developing scene in Bethlehem where it illumi- nates a child with His mother Mary. It is interesting We must carry about ourselves that virginal beauty that in the description of this event, it is Mary only which is meant to heal souls of the ugliness of sin and whose name appears, as though she is the primary the devastating consequences of our culture of death. focus of this awesome illumination. The number three Today we catch a glimpse of what is referred to as the is associated with the three persons of the Holy Trinity Beatific Vision, that complete and total vision of God, who though three distinct persons, share a single di- face to face with Him, that is promised us in Heaven. vine nature. And doesn’t the Star of Bethlehem sug- However, this Beatific or beautiful vision is more than gest as much. Three distinct heavenly objects appear just an intellectual understanding of God or feeling of as though one and pouring forth their combined radi- overwhelming joy-it is also a literal seeing of God in ance down to the earth reveal to humanity its moment the flesh with our human eyes because of the Incar- of great redemption-and it is Mary, primarily that this nation. Trinitarian radiance engulfs in its tremendous warmth Perhaps we cannot fathom this awesome experience and light. of beauty since what passes for beauty today is usu- Does not this moment remind one of the beauty of the ally an exploitation of this gift, whose primary aim is Immaculate Conception, that moment when the Holy not to inspire holiness and hopes of Heaven but lust Trinity poured the magnificence of all its beauty, love, and frustration. This reality is most emphasized with truth and joy into she who now filled with grace, would woman, since often, when speaking about beauty, we become the Holy Mother of God. Overwhelmed at this seem to automatically associate this concept with the Page 3 From The Pastor’s Desk feminine. Men are referred to as handsome to be his own person, the magnificence of God’s radically sure, but is there not a more profound reaction when generous and superabundant love, he had to see it in we experience a beautiful woman. Eve. And yet, we have the vision of God referred to as bea- The joy that radiated through his physical eyes tific-and why would that be? It is because the most flooded his heart and mind with the light of God’s love, essential element of this physical expression of God’s the light of Eve’s love and the light of Adam’s own beauty is in fact feminine. In Genesis we are re- love for himself-the totality of Adam’s experience of minded that man is created in the Image of God-not the marriage between human and divine love unites simply in a spiritual sense but just as importantly, in a within the feminine mystique of Eve. Today our culture physical sense since it is within a physical body that is awash with immodesty and pornography. Without one’s heart, soul and mind reside. Certainly the Trinity that Star of Bethlehem to guide one’s path, all is looks to the physical appearance of Jesus Christ the plunged in darkness and many stumble into computer God Man as the blueprint for the physical construction screens and television sets of perversity where bea- of our lives. tific visions of sanctity and inspiration give way to vi- sions that distort, twist and damage the human mind Still, one has to remember, whatever physical quali- and heart. ties God possesses have come exclusively and only from the Blessed Virgin Mary who is a woman. If we It is no wonder that whereas once Adam could look are made in the image of God and have been given a upon Eve with joy since His love for her, his looking soul whose nature craves the inspirations and sanctifi- upon her, was pure, modest and reverent: “At last this cations of beauty, it is because the Trinity has envi- is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.” Now having sioned for all time the creation of the Holy Virgin from sinned could now look upon her with lust, and she whom this image of God in man would be taken. And him, and realize that they were naked and ashamed. is this not the expression of Epiphany where the Holy The Beatific Vision must be safeguarded in woman by Trinity whose light converges into a single object woman first of all, and men just as importantly.