1953 Surname

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1953 Surname Surname Given Age Date Page Maiden Note Abate Anna Marie 31 27-Apr 4 Abel George W. 64 14-Jan 28 Abraham August 75 23-Dec 21 Acton Claude 46 24-Jul 27 Adair John H. 45 12-Oct 8 Adams Cornelia 60 19-Jul 4 Adaskovich Peter 74 19-Jun 35 Aeby Louis 75 1-Feb 9 Albert Emma L.V. 84 27-Nov 47 Albertini Joseph 79 10-Nov 20 Albright Edward C. 35 14-May 27 Albright John, Sr. 68 8-Jul 4 Aldridge Eva 60 12-Jan 6 Alger Infant Son infant 18-Dec 39 Allie Dennis G. 52 9-Jan 24 Allman Mary Laura 83 22-Feb 18 Ameri Mario 49 19-Apr 16 Amick Keith E. 46 15-Mar 9 Anadell Melvin B. 73 28-Sep 10 Anastosopoulos Nick 71 28-Dec 15 Anderson Andrew O. 58 6-Jan 4 Anderson James 60 27-Feb 11 Anderson John B. 78 7-Oct 43 Anderson William 64 22-Jul 27 Andrews Louis A. 64 19-Apr 16 Picture included Aniszewski John 60 3-Aug 2 App Edward A. 64 5-Mar 4 Appa George (Angelo) 44 25-May 6 Aquillera Lynn 4 Months 12-Oct 8 Aranowski Mary 16-Jun 4 Archer Ethel 62 8-Sep 21 Arends Marinus 65 7-Dec 14 Arkins Dorothy O. 46 11-May 17 Armendartz Juan 60 8-Jan 23 Armstrong Thomas 73 19-Nov 1& 36 Arndt Mary Lou 8 4-Oct 6 Arney Nellie 73 27-Nov 47 Arnold Arthur L. 59 10-Jun 33 Arnold Mary 85 11-Feb 28 Arnold Stephen A. 80 24-Mar 8 Artim Pearl K. 67 27-Apr 4 Asbell Frank 86 25-May 6 Askins Celia Frances 74 19-Feb 24 Assenheimer Frederick 86 4-Sep 27 Atkins William C. 71 11-Oct 4 Augustin Frank 65 29-Dec 21 Austgen Bessie 15-Oct 26 Austin Charles 65 3-Aug 2 Avadosoff Sam 72 24-Jun 15 Babb Otto E. 63 14-Sep 17 Babbitt Ward G. 64 3-Nov 16 Babilla Edward 53 12-Apr 4 Babyak Charles 59 5-Jun 11 Backor Anna 59 2-Jun 4 Badajoza Frank 47 14-Sep 17 Baganz Fred C. 54 20-Apr 10 Baiden Jessie 22-Nov 6 Bailey Anna 85 13-Sep 4 Bailey Charles J. (Jess) 70 1-Sep 9 Bailey Peter 2-Feb 4 Bain Wilbur 72 29-Dec 21 Bainer Ernestine 49 27-Sep 6 Bajar Rose 73 19-Apr 16 Bajzatt John 61 11-Jun 27 Bakker Garrett 75 10-Aug 2 Balas Paul 65 22-Mar 4 Balas Paul 65 23-Mar 3 Balcerak Antonio 72 28-Aug 14 Balitski Katherine 69 30-Sep 33 Balla Frances 42 20-Apr 10 Ballard Harry M. 64 22-Sep 18 Balsley Elmer L. 79 10-Aug 2 Banaszak Edward 40 8-Dec 22 Banaszak John M. 46 21-Apr 19 Picture Included Bannon Josephine 43 27-Aug 29 Patkus Baranowski John F. 9-Jun 8 Barany George 89 28-Jan 13 Barany Rev. George S. 71 4-Oct 6 Barclay William 59 27-Sep 6 Barcus Alice 79 1-Mar 6 Barenier Lawrence 46 26-Feb 5 Barkai Helen 73 24-Jun 15 Barkal Sophie 64 3-Feb 12 Barkdull Charles J. 66 22-Apr 8 Barker Clair P. 45 26-Jun 29 Barmore Franklin (Ace) 51 24-Dec 31 Barmore Mary 78 31-Mar 17 Barna Catherine 69 3-May 11 Barnes Earl 64 8-Jan 23 Barnett Harry L. 45 24-Jul 27 Barno William 5-Feb 4 Bartal Anthony J. 68 23-Nov 15 Bartels Sr. Henry 22-Feb 18 Bartholomew Norman E. 18 1-May 33 Bartok Benjamin 75 1-Jul 37 Basiaga Longin 54 17-Apr 31 Bastien Anna 60 28-Sep 10 Bastion Carl T. 56 1-Sep 9 Batcho Emil B. 27 27-Nov 47 Picture included Bateman Robert H. 82 6-May 10 Bauer Mabel 57 10-Jul 13 Baumgartner Fred H. 74 23-Sep 37 Baxter Harriet 82 2-Sep 6 Beach Netta 83 4-Mar 34 Beam Rev T. J. 65 5-Jun 11 Beaman Paul L. 37 10-Dec 12 Beatman Robert H. 82 5-May 17 Beaty Cletus V. 65 16-Aug 8 Bedella Apanacio 65 4-Feb 4 Bedoy Jesus Jose 53 6-Oct 16 Beebe Laura Louise 82 8-Mar 8 Bejger Stanley 74 5-Jun 11 Bekizo Anton 76 21-Jan 30 Bell John 84 29-Nov 50 Benante Mary Patricia 74 23-Feb 8 Benefiel Charles 42 26-Feb 5 Benight Alice J. 92 8-Jun 4 Benko Michael 67 13-Sep 4 Benkovic Mike 64 23-Mar 3 Bensic Sam 66 26-Aug 6 Bent Peter, Sr. 84 13-Nov 33 Berdine Oliver G. 67 6-Sep 18 Berghea John 70 4-Dec 35 Bernard Hazel 58 19-Oct 6 Bernotus Peter M. 54 12-Oct 8 Betz Esther E. 57 15-Jul 31 Betz Frank R. 61 2-Jan 1 Betz Mrs. Ester E. 57 13-Jul 17 Biagini Lena 59 9-Jun 8 Bielat Joseph 87 31-May 8 Bielski Mary 82 10-May 6 Biestek Chester 27 16-Jul 27 Biester Chester F. 27 15-Jul 31 Bilray James H. 3 mon. 6-Oct 16 Bingham Matilda 80 30-Apr 26 Birket Bert 78 2-Jan 15 Bisharian Christ 69 5-Oct 18 Bishop Mattie 57 10-Apr 31 Bjorklund Russell David 5 day 6-Mar 10 Black Harriet 27 3-Dec 32 Blackman Hugo L. 49 1-Oct 16 Blair William H. 60 10-Dec 12 Blake Agnes 92 24-Jun 15 Blank Edward T. 72 6-Sep 18 Blankenburg Mary 82 28-May 6 Blazevich Michael P. 46 27-Feb 11 Blitsch Michael 84 4-Nov 34 Blocker Frank 59 6-Dec 1 Picture included Blunk George 48 4-Feb 4 Bly Keith 37 2-Jul 4 Bobalik Zasil 79 21-Sep 6 Bobbitt Edna 62 27-Mar 16 Bober Louise H. 63 22-Sep 18 Bobka Sam 63 3-Jul 16 Bode Henry A. 71 30-Oct 15 Bodnak Sr. Andrew 62 27-Jan 16 Bodnar Michael 59 8-May 10 Boggess Marvin L. 26 2-Oct 1 Bohm Julia 80 31-May 8 Bokodi Alice Luela 21 7-Jun 5 Boland William D. 57 5-Apr 16 Bolch Gerald 17 3-Dec 32 Bolsega Katherine 60 2-Feb 4 Bonczkowski Mary 85 12-Apr 4 Bond Mildred 5-Feb 4 Boring Jesse E. 59 21-May 4 Borsits Kalman J. 60 10-Sep 10 Boucher Walter 63 22-May 8 Boudreau Prudence 56 10-Dec 12 Boyd Clifford R. 37 2-Oct 37 Bozich George 22-May 8 Bradburn Helen 78 27-Dec 4 Brahos Timothy J. 2 15-Nov 6 Picture included Braley Blanch Lillian 79 23-Dec 21 Bramer Marie 62 12-Nov 22 Brandkamp Clinton 62 3-Aug 2 BrandtSr. William H. 80 9-Jun 8 Brannon Ezra C. 62 14-Dec 19 Brcell James 60 7-Jan 34 Brdar Kathryn 58 29-Oct 24 Brehm Mary D. 82 8-Jan 23 Bremer Bertha H. 48 1-Jun 4 Breski Frank J. 66 19-Apr 16 Brewer Charles 46 14-Oct 38 Brewer Rolin L. 25 3-Nov 1 Bridewell Mary Viola 83 3-May 11 Brinkman Dorothy 69 9-Mar 4 Brockman Minnie R. 68 30-Apr 26 Brodhagen John 65 5-Oct 18 Bromeis Edward 63 8-Nov 4 Brophy Barbara 59 25-Jan 10 Brown Anna 59 8-Mar 8 Brown Bert 78 3-Mar 18 Brown Bert 78 2-Mar 16 Brown Frederick 61 13-Mar 19 Brown George 51 30-Sep 33 Brown George Vlinton 88 23-Nov 15 Brown Infant Son 10-Aug 2 Brown Kenneth 6 mon 9-Jan 24 Brown Laura A. 72 25-Jan 10 Brown Maria E. 66 27-Apr 4 Brown Nada 56 30-Apr 26 Brown Nada 56 1-May 33 Brown Ralph 61 27-Sep 6 Brown Robert E., Sr. 61 5-Jan 2 Bruggink Berth 88 30-Sep 33 Bruggink Lulu 64 16-Apr 27 Bruich Mike 62 10-Feb 16 Brusel George 76 19-Apr 16 Brvenik John Louis 70 20-Jan 3 Bryant Herbert 31 1-Feb 9 Bubonovich Vaso 77 19-Jul 4 Buchele Elizabeth 73 5-Apr 16 Buckley Claude F. 17-Jun 11 Buckley John T. 54 6-Oct 16 Budnyk Alex 65 3-Jul 16 Budnyk Katherine 66 18-Nov 40 Buffington Charles M. 40 15-Jun 15 Bugajski Bernice 54 5-Feb 4 Bugyis Anna 68 22-May 8 Buhler Ralph O. 57 24-Aug 12 Picture August 25 Bult Alice 58 20-Jan 3 Bunch Phillip C. 50 9-Sep 32 Bundy Mrs. Benjamin F. 83 8-Mar 8 Burbick Andrew 40 9-Oct 8 Burbick Andrew 40 8-Oct 4 Burch Maurice A. 89 6-Feb 26 Burch Nathan Albertus 86 23-Jan 26 Burgess Letcher T. 59 11-Jan 10 Burgheer Mina 83 28-Sep 10 Burke Earl 51 15-May 27 Burke Judy Ann 12 10-Nov 20 Burrell Lillie B. 62 12-Jun 11 Busch John F. 93 22-Dec 36 Busch Sr. Henry 73 3-May 11 Buse Alice 60 29-Dec 21 Bush William C. 82 11-Feb 28 Bybee Carl Boyton 64 23-Feb 8 Caccavallo John 62 1-Jun 4 Cadenas Macario 64 17-Mar 4 Cain Robert James 67 15-Mar 9 Cairns Julia 76 15-Apr 21 Calder Ward A. 69 2-Jul 4 Caleca Lenora 18 mons 30-Oct 15 Caleca Linda Susan 5 13-Mar 19 Calkins Rev.
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