NewsLetter Newsletter Team: E. Foote, July-September M. Hall, E. Kliem, W. Rosen
[email protected] Polaroid Retirees Association 2019 THIS PUBLICATION IS SOLELY FOR THE USE OF THE PRA MEMBERSHIP POLAROID RETIREES ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 541395, WALTHAM, MA 02454-1395 WEB SITE ADDRESS WWW.POLAROIDRETIREES.ORG Board of Letter from the President Dear PRA Members, Directors My three one-year terms as President of the Polaroid Retirees Association ended on June 11th. Officers Serving as the leader of this wonderful organization has been a true privilege, one which I'll always treasure. PRA members are committed to the success of our association. I've gotten to Elizabeth Foote know many more of you during my term as president, although not nearly as many as I'd like. President As I leave, I want to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of the members of your Board of Directors. Each brings a unique perspective and skill set to their role. I'm very confident that John Flynn this talented group will ensure the success of the PRA going forward. 1st Vice President I'm even more confident that our organization is in good hands with the election of Elizabeth Foote as our new President, and I wish her every success in her term of office. Arthur Aznavorian With best regards, 2nd Vice George Murray, PRA Past President President From Elizabeth Foote: Nino DiIanni Treasurer At the May Business and June board meetings, candidates were elected to serve your organiza- tion as it enters its 35th year. I thank this committed, energetic board for asking me to work Mary McCann with you as president, and I congratulate all those chosen.