Lab Hand Out 8 Cranial Brain -- Identify the following structures on the models of the brain 1. Olfactory 2. cerebrum 2. Optic nerve 3. Cerebral hemispheres: left and right 3. Oculomotor nerve 4. Lobes 4. Trochlear nerve i. Frontal lobe 5. Trigeminal nerve ii. Parietal lobe 6. Abducens nerve iii. Occipital lobe 7. Facial nerve iv. Temporal lobe 8. Vestibulocochlear nerve 5. Gyri 9. Glossophargyngeal nerve i. Gyri on the surface of the brain 10. Vagus nerve ii. Precentral gyrus 11. Spinal accessory nerve iii. Postcentral gyrus 12. Hypoglossal nerve 6. Sulci i. Sulci on surface of the brain Dissection of the sheep brain – Be able to identify the ii. Central sulcus structures on the sheep brain iii. Lateral cerebral sulcus 1. SHEEP BRAIN 7. Fissures a. Cerebrum i. Longitudinal fissure b. Longitudinal fissure ii. Transverse fissure c. Cerebellum 8. Diencephalon i. Arbor vitae of cerebellum a. Hypothalamus ii. Cerebellar hemispheres b. Pineal gland iii. vermis c. Mammillary body d. Transverse fissure d. Thalamus e. Corpora quadrigemina i. intermediate mass of thalamus i. Superior colliculi 3. Pituitary (hanging from the infundibulum) ii. Inferior colliculi 4. Brainstem f. Olfactory* a. Midbrain i. Olfactory bulbs i. Corpora quadrigemina ii. Olfactory tract 1. Superior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina g. Vision* 2. inferior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina i. Optic nerve ii. Cerebral (mesencephalic) aqueduct ii. Optic chiasm b. Pons iii. Optic tract c. Medulla oblongata h. Pituitary gland 5. Cingulate gyrus i. Mammillary body 6. Corpus callosum j. Thalamus 7. Fornix k. Hypothalamus 8. Vision* l. Pineal gland a. Optic nerve m. Pons b. Optic chiasm n. Medulla oblongata c. Optic tract o. Corpus callosum 9. Olfaction* p. Fornix a. Olfactory bulb q. Septum pellucidum b. Olfactory tract r. Lateral ventricle 10. Cerebellum s. Cerebral aqueduct a. Arbor vitae of cerebellum t. Fourth ventricle b. Cerebellar vermis c. Lateral hemispheres of cerebellum d. Cerebellar peduncles Nerve Plexus Model (plaque) -- Identify the following nerve plexuses and specific nerves in 11. Ventricles (MODEL) the nerve plexus model (& other structures) a. Lateral ventricles 1. Plexuses a. Septum pellucidum of lateral ventricles a. Cervical plexus b. Third ventricle i. Phrenic nerve c. Fourth ventricle b. Brachial plexus i. Radial nerve Spinal Cord Model -- Identify the following structures on the model of the ii. Median nerve spinal cord iii. Ulnar nerve 14. Spinal cord models (Cross section) c. Lumbar plexus a. (columns) i. Obturator nerve i. ii. Femoral nerve ii. iii. Saphenous nerve iii. Posterior funiculus d. Sacral plexus b. Gray matter i. Sciatic nerve i. Anterior horn 1. Common peroneal (fibular) nerve ii. Lateral horn 2. Tibial nerve iii. Posterior horn 1. Thoracic (intercostal) nerves iv. Gray commissure 2. Conus medullaris c. Central canal 3. Filum terminale d. Anterior median fissure 4. Cauda equina e. Posterior median sulcus Model -- Identify the following structures in the neuron model f. Dorsal root 5. Neuron g. Dorsal root a. h. Ventral root b. (cell body) i. Spinal nerve i. Nissl bodies (rough ER) j. Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve ii. hillock k. Ventral ramus of spinal nerve iii. Nucleus l. & spaces iv. Neurofibrils i. Dura mater v. Golgi apparatus ii. Arachnoid c. Axon iii. Pia mater i. iv. Subarachnoid space ii. sheath v. Subdural space iii. iv. Synaptic knobs v.

Lab Hand Out 8 Nervous System Page 1