Tag Sale Sign

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Tag Sale Sign 16 - MANCHESTER HERALOrtuesday, July 15. 1986 MANCHESTER SPORTS FOCUS TAG SALE SIGN Zinsser gets nod, Americans win Her recipe has Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? rips Democrats Aii-Star game ‘one right way’ The best way to announce it is with a Herald Tag Sale pSQ 0 3 ... page 9 ... page Classified Ad. When you place your ad, you’ll receive 13 ONE TAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments of The Herald. STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE. 1 HERALD SQUARE, MANCHESTER KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by U rry Wright HELP WANTED HELP WANTED H rralJi Teacher - 3rd grade. CT BUSHESSft NCU) iW D SHE Manchester — A City of Village Charm State certification re­ Mmuimtn AUTO BODY ~.. Lv '"Ml''',;'', quired. Contact Mr. Ste­ )Q(6U) IT 0)AS t m UJHo REPAIR phen Schochner, Princi­ N CARPBITRY/ KNOCKED £VeR. HER pal, Parker Memorial REMOOELIN6 TfeKfUWe B bTO E T Experienced person School, Old Post Rd., i l » r Wednesday, July 16,1986 with own tools. Small Tolland, CT 06084. 875- 25 Cents Forrond Remodeling — Name vour own price shop in Manchester. 0721. Application dead­ Cabinets, roofing, gut­ diftf lobt/ Trucking, HWKf ...... line. July 25. EOE. Father and son. Fast, Home rgpalft. You ntune Call 643-7604 ask for ters, room additions, dependable service. Zimhiigrini decks, all types of remo­ It, w* dc It. Fret «ttl* Clerical - Busy Industrlol Panting, Poperhanglrtg molts. Inturtd, 6434O04. John. deling and repairs. FREE & Removal. Call 646-S761. PRYltW. YBllf Soles Office looking tor estimates. Folly Insured. mature Individuals Inter­ Telephone 643-6017, after OtIIvtrIno etton form f ! T i ! s r s & ' Town, district ested In permanent posi­ 6pm, 647-8509. Icwm; 5vards$7Splustox. vtgrs-gMMMHiir^ Reliable - energetic per­ tions. Diversified work Also semd, stont, ond son needed to help with la K T iiiC A i rgqsqqgMNsfiiL' consists of phone contact, Orovtl. Coll 643-9504. porflcvlghl. J U M i m ^ residential cleaning. Call accurate typing and moth Carpentry and remodel­ collect, 651-9846. ing services — Complete aptitude. IBM word pro­ home repairs ond remo- Dutnos Electrfe--Having cessing skills helpful. Ex­ Electrical Probtems? dellna. Quality work. Ref­ Need o large or a small A ir T t reach pact on cellent benifit package. erences, licensed and In­ CtUors, qttfes, Tire Changer/Driver. One Salary commensurate Repair? We SpedaUzb in ot CY’s largest tire retail­ sured. Call 646-8165. p oi D Londscoolng. Vaco- Cleaned, Junk ti«Kit«ML with experience. Coll 228- Residential Work. Joseph tion cuftingt, htdgt trlm- Furniftnre antfoppilonees ers Is looking to till sev­ 9478 between 9 and 12, Dumas. Fully Licensed. eral full and part time mlong, Rrunlngs, Aowtr moved. Odd lobs. VefY? Mondov-Frldov. Free Estimates. 646-5253. & shrub Plantings. Frtt h onest,. dependdbtt 7-ir positions. Promotional tstimalts. Coll ^2436 opportunities available. worker. 25 years txdb- sewer routing Carpenter - Experienced You con be o good sales­ otter 5:30om. Experience preferred but Independent Construc­ rlen«M*» movltig. 64*#6W In trim and framing. Job man .... lint use a quick­ onyfimita ClBB>byWEA.Inc. will train. Clean driving at Knollwood Rd., Glas­ tion Co. Generol Contrac­ record a plus. If Interested tors, custom home build­ selling od In ciossttied to dookketplng fuilchorge By Alex GIrelll which the massive Buckland Hills tonbury. Good pay tor And cash buyers! 643-271). CWd Jbbs By StuefaHit coll 646-2807 or stop by the right man. Coll 9 to 5, ing and remodeling, 14 vtors exptrltnct for and George Layng Mall and other developments are newest Town Fair Tire of siding, excavation, etc. smotl business. WrHt C & Hedge ellppltig, w i t g ^ 563-1413. Early morning 6 cleaning, gMntli^, I MISCELLANEOUS Herald Staff planned. 328 Middle Tpke. West, Call 456-8865 or 456-7215. N Bookkeeping, 47 Teresa In what could break another Manchester. to 7:30 or evenings, 537- iH E A TIlie/ thing. Coil Mark. 649.^.,.. I FURNITURE FOR SALE 1871. Rd„ Monchesttf, CT. town-district deadlock, Town Man­ Remodeltng/Car gentry [PuiiwtiaiB Moridngs, late eveniikgs^ .......> The town administration aitd the Eighth Utilities District have ager Robert Weiss said this W ork.' Additions, decks Umbrella Tent, 7 x 7 with Port time- Evenings of­ Insurance Agency desires Henry Personoltzed Buying o ^ g te ? HaY*#, resolved a dispute over where a morning he has received a reply experienced CSR In per­ and repalrs-lnsured. Coll Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Lawn Core-Comptete poles. $30. 643-8095.O fice cleaning. Manchester David Cormier, 649-6236. throom romodolino; fn- Inspeetcd4iy g rsg>s<sgii& $1.4 million sewer line to serve the from the district concerning his and surrounding towns. sonal lines. Computer ex­ town core ond londscop- grofetsfonal tngloiiw, latest offer to share the town’s perience preferred. Coll stoliotlon woter heotors, Ing. Free estimates, tuny King - Sized bed. Firm For sale. 9x12 all wool growing Buckland area will te Cali 649-5334. DO YOU hdveobicvcleno garbage dispoeals: faucet also sfdti e«rtmiMi .d s « ^ mattress. Two twin box hooked into the town’s system. Buckland firehouse on Tolland Norma, 646-0187. insured, oil work guoron- residinttid energy av«8si braided rug, Chippendale one rides? Whynotonorlt repairs. 64M539. Vlso/M- teed, senior citizens dis­ springs. Frame. Excellent sofa, 83 Inches long. Ex­ Public Works Director George Turnpike. tor sale with o want od? osterCordaccepted. for. Home Inspections#,^ condition. Will be sold Weiss refused to disclose the counts. 6474349. v la t; 4194610. cellent condition. Kero­ Kandra said today the agreement with 2 complete sets ot details of the district letter. He said Real ' - sheets, 1 bedspread. All sene heater, only 2 yeors calls for the construction of a for $220, or best offer. old. Quartz heater, 2 Chip-' two-directional flow manhole on he is currently drafting a reply, 643-8082, evenings & wee­ pendale wing chairs, an­ Tolland Turnpike. which should be completed by the Security Estate kends. Keep trying!. tique night stand, original In one position, the control would end of the week. milk red paint. Bench set In early June, district officials ^ HDMES ^ HOMES I complete with weights. allow sewage to flow west to a Positions INVESTMENT APARTMENTS Pine hutch with glass sewer that runs along Adams complained that the talks had FDR SALE FOR SALE PRDPERTY windows on top, excellent Call after 6pm except Sat. HDMES I FOR RENT anytime. 6^5808. Street — the direction the town has broken down over the latest offer Weekends FOR SALE condition. Asking $300. insisted the flow should take. In the by Weiss, which they said called Invest today In this mod­ Call 6464633. All Shifts Just listed! Fulldormered Lots of personality! Manchester - Central, other position, the sewage would for unequal sharing arrangements Full or Part Time All real estate advertised cape. 1'/2 baths, fireplace, Charming older Colonial ern 5 unit building. Prime flow east along a planned sewer on for district and town firefighters. Manchester location near modern, large one bed­ In the Manchester Herpid 2 cor oarage and a great with 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, room. $475 with heat. North Main Street to a point in the lot In the Verplonck hospital. Good Income. TAG SALES Earn up to Is subject .to the federal modern kitchen with 646-3253. Merchandise North Manchester Interceptor Fair Housing Act ot 1968, school district. "We gua­ greenhouse. 1st floor "We guarantee our $5S0/hour rantee our houses" Blan­ houses". Blanchard & Tag Sale - Furniture, ap­ sewer. That direction is the one which makes It Illegal to laundry. Greot big family Now available - Central, district officials have favored. in Simsbury, advertise ony preference, chard & Rossetto Real room, pretty yard, stor­ Rossetto Real Estate 646- pliances, pool table, clo­ 2482.0 modern, 3 bedroom, I'/a ITV/STB)E0/ Under the agreement, reached H R C raps Enfield. Manchester, limitation or discrimina­ Estate 646-2482.0 age shed and lots more. Duplex. Appliances, attic thing and miscellaneous. Bloomfield and tion based on race, color, You'll love It! $154,000. and basement. $595 plus I APPLIANCES Friday 18th-Saturday at a meeting Tuesday afternoon, religion, sex or national Manchester - 3 bedroom Jackson & Jackson Real DON'T KNOW where to utilities. 646-3253. 19th, 8-4. 40 Marlon Dr. oft the town is to control the manhole Windsor Ranch on private lot In look next tor a lob? How Vernon St. and will not pay any part of the cost Corporate Offices origin, or an Intention to Estate. 647-8400 or 646- Panasonic Upright Va­ white hire make any such preter- desirable location. Flre- 8646.0 about placing a "Situa­ Large nice one bedroom, cuum — With attach­ of the sewer along North Main ence.Mlmltatlon or dis­ ploced living room, eot-ln tion Wanted" ad In on Center St. $480 month. ments, bags & extra belt. 7 Street. APPLY: crimination. The Herald kitchen, large deck with Brand New Listing! Six classified? Available August 1. Ap­ months old. $50. Good The eighth Dfstrfct has author­ awning. 2 car garage. over black will not knowingly accept room Colonial with fire­ pliances, heat, electricity condition. Call 646-3245 Automotive Herald photo by Qary Tuoksr Career Professionals $134,900. 646-6847. ity to collect sewage in most ot the Mature Individuals any advertisement which place, 2 car detached RESDRT Included. 649-9367. after 5pm. northern port of town, but the is In violation of the law. garage, walk-up attic, Trainees Rockville - For Sale or l£ 2 J PROPERTY Strike up the banjo sewage is treated In a town- By John F. Kirch fenced yard, and hard­ Manchester 2 bedroom, Electric Stove, 5 years CARS contolled treatment plant off 01- Government Homes from rent with option to buy.
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