VOL. 12. NKW YORK, APRIL 1, 1871. NO. 301.

BankerB and Brrkerg. Bankers and Brokers. ^bucctiseineut0. A. C. Kauiman, \ u >rtium>inn »H1 be In««rt«d »t the following Dodge, Kimball & Moore prlsM per Itae tor eicU laaerUon : BANKKR « BKOKKB, BANKERS, orlare

[AprU 886 V >'- --^-A. THE CHRONICLE 1, 1871.

Bankers and Brokers. Insurance. Foreign Bills.

0. KiTXOJTO. ». O. FO»T»B. OFFICE OF THE «. 0. BiBSIT. H. Bowles Brothers & Co., Barney, Raymond & Co., Pacific Mutual Insurance COnPANY. PABIS, LONDON. and Brokers, Bankers HOWARD BUILDING, IW BROADWAY. 10 WILLLAM STREET, B. Y.. 5 Wall Street, Naw Tons, January IS, 1871. issiri: Late PVLESTON, BATUOND tc Co. jyTHE FOLLOWINO STATEMENT OF THE affairs of the Company Is published in oonformity Credits for Travelers In Enrop«, with the reQuirements of Section 13 of Its charter : ' London, la Outstanding Premiums, Exchange on Paris and the Union Bank ot Jsnnary 1, sums to suit. „'870 $106,924 M Leonard, Sheldon&Foster Premiums received from January Bnbnrlptton agents for the Chioniccs in Paris. BANKERS, 1 to December 31, 18TO, Inclusive 481340 61 Total amount ot Marine Premiums tJ»l,7«l 71 10 WALL ST K BUT, This Company has issued no Policies, except on Cargo and Freight for the Voyage. Blake Brothers & Co., Neiv York.. No Risks bave been taken upon Time 68 UTall Street. New fork. or upon Halls of Vessels. Premiums marked oif as Earned, during the AHS period as auove 1806,198 1» Paid for Losses and Expenses, less Savings, 38 STiTE STRSKT, BOSTON Duff & Tienken, &c., during the s ime period 845,859 70 Return Piemlums 42,670 03 EXOHANGE ON LONDON BANKBBS AND BROKERS, The Company bas (be foUowlns And Sterling Credits, STRKKT, KEW YORK. Assets : 15 WALL CaahlnBank 876,553 35 DEALEBS IN COMMEBCIAL PAPER. Johk H, Tikkkks, Unl ed States and other Stocks.... 417.918 SU Massachussetts Tork Stale H. Duff, Loans outitocks Buy and Bell and New Members ot the K. Y. Stock and Gold Exchanges. Drawing interest. 372,510 00 T'jcc 9{lo 173 ftoc&s. Premium Notes Bills Stocks. Bonds, Gold iind Government Securities & Receivable ^175,133 84 Government Bacnritles Stoeka Bonda and Gold Subscription Notes In advance ot and sold. _ .-, OQUghc , , , ^ Premiums toagbt and sold strictly on Comm.'ssion. Foreign Gold and Silver Coin, and lino Gold and w-.«™56JXI0 00 constantly on hand. Reinsurance and other Claims dao fiUvcr Bars, the company, Interest allowed on Deposits, estimated at 18,575 83 Total Assets ,'' ;»i,oio,i00 40 WiLLIAMS&GuiON, SIX PER CENT INTEREST on the onutanding Cortiacates of Proais will be paid to the holden 63 trail Street, New York. 6c Co., repreaentatives, James C. King S.T?l!l°,V.°j: V!^K I'f*' on and after CREDITS lUthDAl.thi- 7th d y of February. TRAVELLERS and COMMERCIAL ISSUED, available In all parts of Europe. &c. BILLS _FIFryPEKCE.NTOK IHS OU 1 STANDING CER. BANKERS, TlJlCATttSOF IHli OF EXCHANGE drawn In sums to suit purchasers COMPANY.OF THE ISSUE OF also Cable Iranpfers. 1»«>, will be redeemed and paid In cash to the ho'.ders Country Bankers with Bills of Ex NO 3.S, BISOADWAV. representatives, can be supplied ^P.SSPkPJ."'.^'''.'.''?.''' on ana after change, large or email anioontfi, on the principal i UESUA Y, the 7i h d«y of February, trom m which dale cities of Kurcne, also w iih 1 1cVets for Hassauc from, Ctovcrnmont Socnrltlcs. Btocks, Bonds, Gold and Interest on the portion redeemed will cease. '1 he or to. Enrope, hv the GUION LINE ol Mall Heamers roreljn Exchange. Certlhcates to be produced at the time of payment Made OF Certificates ol Deposit. and cancelled to the extent paid. ADVANCES UPON CONHGNMENTS Issae COTTON, and other Prodoce to Ourselves or Cor- allowed on current dally balances. A DlvldfUd lu bcrlit ot 1 11 Interest fcNTY PBB CENT, is respondents. Collections made on all parts of the United States declared on the net amount of Kariied Premiums for lUid Enrope. the year ending December 31st. lS7o,for which Cer- Alex. S. Petrle tt Co., Colon tc Co. tlftcates will be Issued on and atter TUBSDAX.tfae LlyerpooL 4th day of A pril next London. By order of the Board. Knauth, Nachod&Kuhne TBVSTBBS t John K. Myers, William Leeoney. Brown Brothers & Co., BANKERS, A. C, Richards, Wm.T. Blodiett G.D.H Gillespie, H.C.Sonthwlck, NO. S9 W^ALL STREET, New Kork, l,elpalK, Saxonr, C. E. Mllnor. Wm. Hegeman. *'"' issrz Martin Bates, James li. Taylor. BROAD ST. S3 BKUHL. Moses A. UoppocB. Adam T. Bmoe, Travelers Credits B. W.Bull, Albert B. Strange, Commercial and sums TO SUIT Horace B. Claflln, DRAW IN A. Augustus Low, Available In all parts ot the world W. M. Richards, Emil Uoineman, all the principal cities of Germany, Switzerland A. S. Barnes, Jebial Bead, England, France, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Bel- Egbert Starr. John K. Waller. glum, Russia, Italy, Spain, Denmark, &c. A. Wesson. William A. Hall, i«sae lietters of rredlt for 'I'raTelers, lohn A. Bartow. Francis Moran, Oliver K. King. >v. available in all parts o( Europe. Theo. Morris, Morton, Bliss & Co., Alex. M. Earle. Stephen C. »oatnmayd""^'^ JOHN K. MYERS. President, ISSUE LECONKT. VJce-ite»ldent xaOUAS™.^«.e HALE.rr.jy^i''-*^"Secretary. R. L. Edwards, CIRCULAR NOTES, (issued ao paid free of Commission) and letters ot BANKER AND BROKER, Credit foi STBKET, HEW TORE. NO. US WALL Ever ett & Co. TRAVELLERS, P. O. Box 3,328. Stocks, Bonds Gold and AI18O, 'Oovernment Securities, 66 State Street, Boston* Silver coin bought and Sold. COmmERCIAL CREDITS, Special attenuoo given to Merchanta orders for A KNTB FOB Coin. Available in all parts of the world on ADOnSTINE HEARD A CO., MORTON, EOSB & CO O? CHINA AND JAPAN. LONDON. Cammann & Co., Advances made on consignments of approved mor Bankers and Brokers, chandi2e. 8 Wall Street, New Tork, Transact a Gbkbr&l Baxkiso Business, and give Tapscott, Bros. & Co. 8arUcniar attention to the FUKCU&SE AND SALE Wright & Co., IF GOVERNMENT, bTATB AND liAlLKOAD 8KCU- BITIES. 86 SOUTH STREET, NEW TOBK. -^Deposits received subject to check at sight. COMiniSSION niEROHANTS, Issue Sight Drafts and Exchange payable lu al RIlS DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL. parts of Great Britain and Ireland. Represented In the United States by our House, Credits on W. TAPSCOTT A CO., . Ad- Stout & Dickinson, Wright, Broim & Co., vances made on consignments. Orders for Gov ment Stocks, Bonds and Merchandize executed. No. 69 WALL STREET, NEW TORK BAKES RSi 35 BROAD STREET, Henry Lawrence & Sons, Tucker, Andrews & Co. Oor. Exchange Flaee, Now Tork. 62 W^all Street, Government Securities, Gold, Stock and Bonds MANUFACTaRERS OF CORDAGE JAS. Wr. TI70KER dc CO*, : uongbt and sold on commission. Accounts received and Intel est allowed on balances, which mav be Bna Scribe, Paris fbe'dced lor at sight same as at Bank. FOR EXPORT AND DOIHESTIC USE. BANKERS. A. V. STOTTT, President Nat. Shoe and Leather Bank m FRONT STREET. NEW TORK J.B. DICKIl! SON. late President Tentn Nat Bank Issue Letters ot Credit. fLaTT K. DlCKlNSON.Memberof N.T.btdckand Draw Bills on Paris. Gold ErchauKe. Buy and Sell Bonds and Stocks In London. Pail HOWARD C. DICKINSON, Member ol N. T. Stock Dwight & Co., and Frankfort and negotiate Loans on sama. gl Exchange. John JOlt S tflO MANUFACTUUERS OF ALEBATDS, Agency of the W. G. Chittick, SUPER CARB. SODA, dcC, N«. 11 Old Slip, New Tork. BANK OF RRITISH NORTH No. 95 WALL STREET, NEW TORK, AinERICA, STREET. Buys and Sells, on Commission, Winslow, Lanier & Co., 11 NASSAU Oonunerclal Paper, Sterling Exchance, Commercial Credits Issued for use Ir Kurope.Chlna BANKERS, Japan the 1-ast nnd West Indies, and South America. ' CoTernment SecDritles, dec., &c., Demand ana Time Bills of Exchange, payable In 17 PINE STREET, NEW TOBK.. London and elsewhere bought and sold at curren ' ' *4Ad Transacts a General Banking Business. also cable Transfers. rates, ^ . , . , Receive Ithe accounts of Interior banks, bankers, Demand Draiis on Scotland and Trelard, also on Loans Negotiated and Investments made on Favor. British Columbia and San Frtinclsco. Bills Orders oorporatioDS and Merchants. Canada, atoM Terms. for stocKs and Gold carefully collected, and other Hankius: buRlness transacted. •(••ated'at the Begnlar Boards. Prompt attention Agenu for the sale ol City, County and BaUroad arrta to »yrj erancti ot tno business. B«Bdi, tMue Letkn «t Credit for (or«lca traval. iJcH.^M^ULT.}*«rS« :

April 1, 1871.] THE OHRONTOLK. 887

Boston Bankers. Western Bankers. Southern Bankers. Second National Bank, Page, Richardson & Co., Edward C. Anderson, Jr. BAIVKBHS, TITUSTILLB, PBNN., State Street, BANKRR, FACTOR AND „i T0 Boetoo. Capital ..... taoo.ooo of Kxoh«Dir«, and Commaralal kali Tr*T*Uri Crodlu Iwned oa J«po yi.0HD9N. HTDB Hobert Ueneon 4c Oo,,t SaTanoJih, Oa« IHanroe A. Oo. I NATIONAL BANK OF THE STATE OF miSSUDBI. Spaelal attantlon glTeo to consignmaau ot Cottee. IHarouard, Aa4re *Co.,t Oold, Scoaka, Bonda and Foreign and DomaalU kxehanm, bought and sold. OlrauUr KotM «rktU))l< for Trar«l«n InallptfUot I n St. Louis. UoUaouona ramlttad for JSorup* and U« KMt. promptly B8TABLI8BXD Ordara solicited tortbepmchaaeoi a«jaa of Prodses 18(7. and Becurltlas. Prumpt attentlor guaraniaed. Capital paid In .•S,410.BOO Maw York Corraapundanta : tAWaaaoa Baoa.A Parker & Cobb, Tbli Bank, harlnK raorfanliod aa a National Bank la now prepared to do a ganeral banking bnalneaa. BANKBBS. M UBVONSaiBR BTBXXTO aorarnneDt 8acnrtUaa,Coin, Qold Uoataad Bullion Wheatley Co., boajtbt and sold at currant rataa. 8paclal altantion J. W. & BOSTON, nren to cullectloni tbroaghout the Weat BANKERS AND BROKBOS, Jajiaa U. Bxittok, Praa, CHAa. K. Dioxaos, V Pnat Bar and eall Weatero City and Ooun- Bdwaxd r. CuaTia Caabler AMERICVS, OA. tjr bond*. Do aganersl bsnking bn^liie.s. Cotton pqrflhasad on order. CoUactloua mada and proaipily ramlttad tor. Morton, Galt Co., New York Correapondanla — Meaara. Wm. Bryee & A Co. FUladelphia Bankers. B4NKEB8, 150 WMt Mftln Street, l.oaliTllle, Ky., dMlen tn ForeUn aud Domeactc Excb>ui;$e, Uoveroment Bondi B. E. Busiuaa, Freat. A. K. WaJ.KZB, CaaUt^ and all Local Secarltlos. Ulve prompt att«ntloD to ooUeottoua and oraers for Inveatmeat ot lUndi. First National Bank, BEJAMisoyfc.Co. W. M. F. Hewson, \riLaiINGTON, N. c. BANKKKj. STOCK BBOKBK, CoUactlons made on al paru ol the United f PHII.ADBI.PHIA. Offlo* No. 81 West Third street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Safer to: All Cincinnati Banks, and Messrs. LOCH- WuOD ft Co.. .Ti'.*j".**" ' "'"'f"1 Banking ana Biohanga ba8ln»« New Vork. nclodlng f urciiwe and daie of BiM^t, Boada, Gold Raleigh National Bank •to*, on Gjmmlaston. OF NORTH CAROLINA. Southern Bankers. DESIGNATED DKPdsUOKT OF T«K UNITBO STAlKS AND FlM..t>ClAi^ AGENT. Western Bankers. W, H. WiiXABO, President. C. UawxT. Ca(U«r A. C. Kaufman, J. C. iiLA.Km A88t.-Caat)ler. BANKKK ANO BBOKBB, GiLMORE, DUNLAP T. Brady Co., & Co., ARLSMTON, 8. C. James & (SuLcasaora to 8. JONES A CO !•• 110 TTncnrrant Bank Notsa. Honda, Stooka, Specta Bx. * Woet Foortli Street. ehaugt:, Ao , As., oougbt and sold. PITTSBURGH, PA. OINOINNATI, OHIO. COLLECTIONS ON ALL ACCESSIBLE Buy and sell all iclnda of Railroad, City and otbsr POINTS aacurUte.. CuUectiona aolloited and promptly ramlttad for. Oeklen la GOLD, SII.VEB aod aU kind! In South Carolina made and promptly rsmltted (or. eOTBBNnBNT BONDS. Nav TOBX CoBuaPOHDairra L. & E. H. Levy Htar7.Cle»a * Co., KounUe Brothara, J. COLLECTIONS IHABB at aU aoooulbu J. M. Welth A Arenu. BROKERS, HO. 1J» GRAVIEB STBEKT. polnti and remlttod lor oa day of parment. jAMMt laaxix. B. H. laaau. Neiv Orleaus, La. OHBCKS ON LONDON AND PARIS Gold and Silver Coin, Slate and City Notes, Isbell & Son, Inanrance Scrip, Stale and City WurraaW Bank and Kaiiruad Stock*, I'liiied atai.a Uouua, FOR SALS UucarreDt »auk Notea, MutllaLMit Currency, B&NEEB8, Land Warranta, commercial Paper, TALLADEGA, ALABAOIA, Booght and Sold exclaslvely on Coaia mission. Field, King & Co., Special attention to coUectlona. Naw Tone Corraapondant .—HOWBS A MAOY. OUcaso, Particular attention pild to Sattlement of 8tat« and lU., City Taxes. FINANCIAL AGBNTS STATE ALABABIA. OF Jso. J. CoHiH, P. L. CoBXX, JoBir Jat ANDBBAL B8TATK LOAS BBOKBBS, Coaiv. Jno. j. Cohen 6c boNS, Liii^^V" '"''''•«''•«« Kea[ Batata Voana, Com- The City Bank BANKERS & ^^^"^ '»'<'» "0 "toclu. »"<« oU«r BROKERS, SJoarftl^""'' AUGLb.A, G , OF SELnA. Collections made on all parts ul the United Stataa. Bofsr by parmlaalon, la CUICAOO, to ^•^"'^ "«• Bank. capital ..... 1 1 00,000 .r^/M. Hloiiii.R3jN,SH°i^BcJ','iV'VJ<'"'" OHN Craig, Prealdant Firat Nat. Baulc J' JAS. ISBBLL, of Talladega, Fraaldent. BanlTer) Ausasta, Gtt« WM. P. ARMSTRONG, Caahler. Eapecial atteittion piild totue purdiase and iaU Ot JNu. W. LOVB, Aaaiaiant Uaanlar. Goia. Ba.'k £* .te',^oada,:»iOc»>-.l?o>eiK and ".mw* Samuel A. Gaylord tic ' x-sh. Q^9, v.oUcciiousm«deaua procerus proiupk* & Co. N.T. Corraapondant—Importera andTradara National refuted. UauX. ly stock and Bond Broker*, MO. (41 NORTH TaiBO STBEBT R. T. Wilson & Co., a^.UIT LOUIS MO. T. J. Perkins, BANKER, LATB BPFAPLA, ALABAMA. WILSON, CALLAWAT * CO., California SZCHANOK, BANE NOTBS AND COIS BOaOHT Bankers and Commission merchants. Trust Co., ANU SULu. No. M BROAD STREET, NEW TO K «»l OALirOR.HIA STRBIET. SAN Collactlona »'el A.g nti in Flnanolal and Troat Wm. FowLia. B. B. Soju(taTiu,a. Tbe moat uailneia Sc, cousi^uud to oaraeivea or to oar corraapooasM 1^ lilLLlA.' A CO.. Lfvi;m'i-| QfTERBST /U,LoWKD OS DEF08ITSI FowJer Sommerviiie, Uewr.. mONEir TO LOAN, & BANKERS dc BROKERS, strong Vaults (or Sate Depoalta. LOCKWOOD & Co., l*r«ildent. MONT00MBRY.1ALA, I Caabisr ANUT L. UAVtS. Id. W. C. TSoiiPSOM. Special attention given to purcbaaa of Cotton.' BANKKBB,

Trastees i CKAS. . JXSKDTS, T. P. BlUNOS, Joa. S. KXiX •4 BROADWAY. H. H. Haliht. John tJurroy, W. H. Sharp. J. Praa't. Vlo»-Pra.t. Caab-r. Jwnuwii, Baniu.l c cr.ni. C. W. H.tna»ay, u. Barrol I Transact a General Bsnklns bnak a.ydanWdu Merchants & Planters d j. oouUi, u. j. De.rloK, F. srJft^ NATIONAL BANK, ness, inoladloK the pnrchaae and sal* nds, and ethe COBKSSPO.SDENT Cash Capltalf ...... $800,000 ViMt MAUoiua Baak vr New XvtlH llmlalattasuwi PMd te CoUwtiOBA ••eartttaa« «m ««mnsisaton.j [AprU 1, 1871. 388 TKE CHKONICLE.

Bankers and Brokers. Fiuanoial. Illliscellaneous, TOnERCHANTS, BANKERS, SHIP M. K. Jesup & Company, Safe Investment. PEKS AND OTHEUS. AND MKKCHANTS, "SECRKsy, ACCURACT, BANKEK8 and a saving of trom 50 to 400 per ce t in the Trans. STREET, mission of lele.raphic Mesiages." ja PINK The attention of Capitalists la called to the PlTBIilSHED THIS DAT: "sond'aand loan, for Railroad Co.., FIRST aiORTGAGE J OODtract rof Bolton's Telegraph Code, iron or Steel Rolls, I-ocomfltlves, A TELEGRAPHIC DICIIONAKT r«r», etc. Seven Per Cent Bonds OF TH« and unaertake EN6I.ISH liANGTAGE. Bl) bu«H»ea« connected with KaUway Forming a complete C.de for the tr.inBiiilB8lon of Teieg a 'iiic Meps^iges on every Subject; adapted to every branch oibu Iness, and suited >or use In any lan- gui'ge, ly he eiuployme t of wiilch, lt,CON.>MT, JACKSONTII.I.B and SE^jiitSv are secured. S. G. & G. C. Ward, PEORIA, PEKIN & ACODEACY RAIIiROAD COmPANT, GRFAT SUCC ES OF TwE CODE IN ENGLAND. AOENTS POB The First Edition of 1,000 Copies sold before the day ^fc COMPANY. of publication. SARING BROTHERS Issued In sums of $600 and $1,000, redeemable Joly Ist AMissage canbeexpresFedeltherby Worths, I etters payable on YORK, st, . semi-annual luten : B«4WALL STREET, NEW 1S94, with coupons for or I- Igures, at tlie option of Ih sender, hxa pi are (omplet.d. We intetid BOSTON. the first days ol January and Jnly. In the City of "The urranKem^ns 38 STATE STREET, going by the next Cui:ard Steamer. Petruleu.ii in secured by a Mortgage for $'.,000,000 New Tork, and good nemaiitt, at : bout previous rates; no fea.s en- upon the Kallro»d, Its franchises end all equipment, teitHlneji of a lutther decllti.-." Tills Me-eage * ous s s ef;i7 words: when Coded it Is well protected bcsls of about $13,000 per mile. the " • Pondir, on expressed by five words (t. c, by Word odp,"j John This Koad.wlth its 88 miles ol main, and over 8 thus—Barry Interludes Pebble i-ushlng Diagonally— BROKEK, Ol by 5 groups ol f ur let e a ee.ch <<. e.. by "Letter miles of Bide track, is completed and In successful code,") thu8-i(XPie JQBO L Gold ana 63168 7)81.6 StSSO. ville, lu the state of Illinois. At Peoria, tne third city thus—67433 52904 No. EXCHANGE PLACE, i'or tr.in-posi g it Into beci et Cypher, that shall b* M it In iho state In respect to business tnd population, tlilrd party, it is soffl- attention glveu to the negotiation of al Bolutely unintellUibic to a Farticnlar arnmgemei.t be maje: to read so KaUway and utber Corporate Losdb. Intersects fourpromlnent Railroads, with connections clent that a previous numbe 8 bachwarris or forwards, say, lor In. Unlou and Ceutral Pacific Bouds and Stocka a spe- for Chicago, hock Islnna and other points North, many s ance, 113 plu^i. f., the Code « or,), letters or figuns, cialty. connection East and West but having Its principal 113 Hues forward. This key (113) being known oniy to with that of the Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific the 89 aer and rtc Iver, the message would be as secret as a se.led letter. Jacksonville It coniecta with three ,. . „ , i. Ji. WXIT2. GXO ABEKTa Company. At Sancti ned lor P..bilc t se over all the Telegraph Roads forming, with the Jacksonville Llvlslon of the 1 luesof Great Urlai ,by thePi Btina8ter.uontrai,aod used by tne tntrlish ^rmy and ivavy, Chicago and Alton Load, the thoiteat Hue between adopted and M. Weith & Arenu, and by Mer. anille men iienerally. J. Peoria and St. Loula. The Kconomt to ne i ffected by the nse of this Cod* J. "Welth Sc Co., ceitifluhte: Late M. rental receipts from other Roads, whose trnlCB willbeseenby the following Its iruls of "We I ave wltne.-sed eeveral BOLTON'S AND BSIS- pass over less than ten miles of Its track, are $40,(00 ." PBALBRS IN SOUTHERN system of c ding mt s^ase .... C£I.I.ANl::OIJ8 ScClyRiXIES, per annum, being more than one half oi the amount " These have been trahtmltted through the Atlantic Cnble, flrsi, the Mcrse Al,jhabet tn fuU, ai.d then of the annual inierest on its First Mortgage Bonds, by No. 9 NSW S-niHKT. codified. otherwise amply provided for by Its exisilng busi- "The messages have been correctly transmitted, and Zjoan* Negotiated. so tne Cable has ness. the tliue occupied jn duin< through shown a saving in favor of lOLTuN'S to e.iormas- of First Mot tgage Bo.ids, A portion of the $1,000,000 sagi B of ordinary character, vai ying from 60 to 4(X> per aforesaid, the high character of which for Invcstasat ceut., accordlna to the nature ot ttie m. saage." C. F. V..KL1-Y. offered lor sale by C&lgnec,) A.. D. Williams & Co., will be observed, are now ^ * CTKU-iW.Fl LI). BROKERS, WILLIAM 1 I OM80N. STOCK Xf. T. HATCH & SCN, Bankers, Larso 4to i over 1 ,100 paees } Strongly 45 yfM street Kew STork. Bound In Half Koxburgb. Price, $40. 81 WALL STREET, NT. ^ , Stocks and Bonds SOLD BT SUi'SCKlPTlON, aud to be obtained only neisoi tiieir au.uor zed ngents. BOtTGHT ANB SOL,i) ON COMMISSION. of thePuull J5F~ A uum' erof the .mgebtmerchanislnNewTorK WILLIAila. J. P. WILLIAMS, will A.DENIS'N I have a ready tUDscrl »d for the work. It of the City Member of the Member The Directors of the Company are as follows pr vo mvalQ.blo to all using the lei gr8,h to any Stock Excnaoge. N. Tork Stock Exchangj | N. Tork extent, Inttp' It. JOHN ATITN (PrCBldentl. of Saybrpok. Conn.. late i h 1 (ubllc are invited to ca'l ni^d ct of Hopkins Allen & Co.. > civ Vci k. FKANCIH B. FELT & CO., PUBLISHERS, .BANK.JRe KOCSK OF ARNOLD, Of ifessiS.Arncld, Constable RICHARD St., (one block IVest of Co., ^ew Tork. 455 Broome Hroadivay), evs Kork. KouNTZE Brothers, JAMf S M. CONPTAELE, Of Messrs. Arnold, Coneta Patented in England, <>merlca, France. Italy, Bel- ble & CO., New Tori. giuiit, ludia and ]Newf0UL.dl nd. 14 Wall Street, New YorK, LUCirS HOPKINS, of Messrs. Hopkins, Ewight Trowbridge, New York, repodte received ft-om Banks and Individuals, sob Port Huron & and Interest allOTved thereon at EDWIN I. TEOWnKIDOE, of Messrs. Hopkins e^t K> check at slEht, Dwight & Trowbridge, I\ew Tork. ^•OUBPKRCEJiTparannnm. : „. ^„ , Collections made througnoat the united States, tht Michigan LEBBEUS CHAPMAN, Jr. 83 Wall St. Lake DrUlsh Provinces and Europe. fJov

Having the EudorssmcDt of two Railways, Bankers and Brokers. Money to Loan GREAT WESTERN OF CANADA, ON DETROIT * MILWAUKEE, Michigan CESlRiBLE REAL ESTATE. Gibson, Casano\''a & Co. aiOBTOACES PROmPTliY CASHED. BANKERS- have Principals only Dealt tvltb. A Limited number of the bonds of this roid PL.» CE. in our hand. FOR SALE at N I N BTY AND Wti, SINCLAIR, Jr., & Co., No. 8 Pise Street. KS. SO KXCHANSE been placed STOCKS, BONDS, GOVERNMKNT GECUEITIE8, ACCRUED INTEREST. To those desiring a safe, FOREIGN EXCHANGE and GOLD bought and sold paying Investment we have no hesitation In offering mr>9t favorabie terms. on t'le them a» equal to anything in the market. For partlc INTKUKST allowed on aenoslts either in Currency to, call upon OHN MUNROE & Co., orOolil,sab1ect to check at sight, the sameaswlta ulars, maps, pamphlets *c., send or J the CMj Batiks. No. 8 fPall Street, New fork, ADVA NCES ntade on all tnarketable securities. DRAKE BROTHERS, Deposit Issued bearln? CBBTlFICATBS o! interfst BANKERS, 1« Broad St. I.fT.f s Clictilar Letters of Credit for Travellers, and 'JOLLFCTIOSS msrte at sU points ot th« UBtOB Draw Bills on odBUITlSn PROVINCES. MUNRQE & Co., United States District E. Judson Hawley & Co. NO. 1 BUB 8CBIBE, PARIS. Court. Payable In Gold or EqnlTalent. Banker*) In the matter of ABR«H4M BIN- E. JtTDSOy Hawlkv, No. 60 WALL STREET, INGEK and ABRAHAM B. CLARKE, Alfbkd W. hartlktt. New Tork Bankrupts. Chase & Higginson, Government Securities, Stocks, Bonds. Gold, Ex- Not CO Is liereby given that the undersigned, as chanize and Mercantile Paper boafirht aud sold (iN ab'.ve-named banKrup s, wiil »c 1 at BROKERS IN Assi' nee of the COMMtSbiON, lute' est allowed c n i^eposlts, which public anction, at tlie Merch lit exci ange Salesroom, Government Secnrltles, Stocks, State may be checked for at Btghu NO 111 Brojdw-j.inth Onyof Now York,on the I7ih dav or May. 1871, at Vl oMoeli at n. on, by i . H. Lud- and Railroad Bonds, aucilonert, tw parcels of land adjoining 1 w & Co , 6 each ether. Situate part y In h-pottsylvania ( ounty, HO. BROAD STREET, Virginia, con- Wjlliams & Bostwick, Vlr-li'la, iimt partly fu Orange Count) , Sell on Ccmmlsulon the Bonds of Buy asd the iollow- taining ogether seven J ttndred and seven ncres or IDK Jinllioads; land,kio°n as the Vaucln-.- liold .Mining nropei-y, CHICASO. BDKLIbGTON AND QUINCT RAIL- Nos. 40 & 42 Excbange-plaee, togeiher with the mines, minerals, metnis i.nd metallic KOALi ANO iTS lil^A^CHKS—S per cent. liuiiiov.tuents, fixture-, and TORK, subaia ces, bul din s, BURLING1 ON AND MISSOOEI RIVER RAILROAD NEW appurtenances thereto belonging, includ ng tw o team mining macliln ry and utensils (IN IOWA)—8 per cent. BANKERS AND STOCK, BOND AND enitin- s, iind lill other used in the mining per.tions no«^ or lecoiitly, car- BtiKLING I ON AVD MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD 1 Vaucli seminn 4c. per cent. ried on at t e s tlM Nr,Bi(A-KA)-« GOLD COMMISSION BROKERS, to couilrniation by the Court. •i he sale will be subject KftNSAR CITV, ST. JOSEPH AND COUNCIL descriptio i of ihe property, and an 1 ven- Make liberal advances nn all First-class Securities. 1 Detailed iJLClTS RA.LUUAD—Sand lOpercem. Interest alluwed on Deposit toryoftne Improvements, fixtures, tc, muy be hid »(I8-.0Uni RlYRR.Fi .RT SCOTT AND GULF RAIL- u.on Bpnlicaifon t the undcr.-lged, or to his attor- KOaD—to per cent. neys Messrs BANG-^, SUDOW CK a ^o»l•H,.No. THE INTERNATIONAL Broadway, or to Oie « ti; t oncers. LBAVEVVPOP.TII LAWRENCE AND GALVESTON BANKING HOUSE OF "'"X*f BEECHKK,AeBlgnee, KAlLKOAD-10 per cent. JOHN b. BRRI.AZ, ABT CO., No.98Froni.,-{ Street, FOKT WATNE JACKSON AND SAGINAW RAIL- & New Tor* City, BOA]>-^ per cenus:;!, ;-_ ~ 121 Regent Street, W., I


VOL. 12. SATURDAY. APRIL 1, 1871. NO. 301.

CONTENTS. organizing, and the demand for the currency sizes would be

much increased if the compliance of Mr. Boutwell could be THE CHBOMCLE. The BAnk> and secured. In anticipation of success the price has been run the Fanding I Changoa In the RedeemlDg Proceaa 389 Agenta of National Banka 394 Paclttc Railway -- — up 2 per cent; which is an easy process, as these bonds are A New 390 Lateat Monetary and Commercial Steam Power for Canals Ml Bng^shNews 394 Breadttutfs 893 Commercial and Mlecellaneoni in few hands, and tbe floating aggregate is small. The whole Ratlroade of New York 398 Newa 398 issue to all tbe roads amounts but to $64,618,832. Of this THE BANKEaS' GAZKTTE AND RAILWAY MONITOR. Manev Market Railway Stocks, Railway News 401-2 sum the banks have deposited at Washington $18,499,000, V. S. Securities, Gold Market, Railroad, Canal and Miscel- Savings banks Trust hold some 2? millions, and Korel^ Exchauge, New York laneous Stock List 403 and Companies City Banks, PhiU3elpUaBanks Railroad, Canil and Miscelane- capitalists hold for permanent investment 10 or 12 millions. National B*uk8, etc 8^ ousBondUst 401-5 Qaotations of Stocka and Bonds > 00 I Hence there are not more of these bonds afloat than 8 or 9 THE COMMERCIAL TIMES. millions. This sum is so small that Mr. Boutwell has n ot Cammercial Epitoaie 400 I Grocerlen Jl„ Cotton 407 Dry Goods ^i* Breadataas 409 Prices seen it desirable to cbanjje the rule of the Department. The I Current 41j public and the majority of the banks acquiesce in the decision Those who hold tbe bonds, however, have published a contend s TaaOoMMEaciAL and Finahcial Ohbouiclb isisiued every Saiur- pamphlet which has had a wide circulation, and day morning, with Ike latest newt up to midnight of Friday. that Mr. Boutwell, by the terms of the currency law, is boun d TZSKB or SirBSCaiFTIOH-PATABLZ IS ASTAHO. to accept from the banks any and all registered fovernmen t Tarn OoMMnaaiaL axD Fihiroiil GHaoiciaLX,dellT«red by carrier bonds as security for bank circulation, and that by the ces?a - taoit/

^^" The Publishers cannot be responsible for Remittances onleas made by tbe settlement with the Pacifio Railroads. Tbe Currency Drafts or Post-Office Money Orders. law intended to create a market for tbe war debt of the gov- •» ,* •>•»' flie for holding current nombers of the CnnoKTCi,!! is sold at the otnoe for cents, 50 \olumu9 b mud for eubscrlhers at 111 25. The first and ernment. The Pacific bonds form no part of that war debt. second volames of the Curo.vicle are wanted by the publidhere And tbe amount is so insignificant as not to justify any excep- THE BANKS AND THE YU\AK PROCESS. tion in their favor, especially as the parties to be benefited Some chanjfes have beea made in the funding arrange- are banks whose privileges in regard to circulation should not ments of Mr. Boulwell which appear to give satisfaclion to be extended unless in view of some great public benefit As tbe fiDaneial firms whose more active co-operation was de- to the Pacific Railroads, the recent settlement simply decided sirable. The result has been to stimulate subscriptions, ana that the government had chosen the wrong remedy, and had to make tbe success of the negotiation certain. The funding acted contrary to law in withholding the sums due the oom- process has also been accelerated by the continued ease of the panies on account of transportation. Several questions a0 to money maiket, and by the cerUinty that no more of our Gov- ultimate payment of principal and interest remain in abey- ernment fives can be bad on such good terms as those now ance, and appear likely to be adjusted hereafter very satisfac- offering. There are some rumors of approaching activity in torily by the government transportation being more fully the money market; and a (ew of the speculative cliques are made to pass over these roads so as to cover all the int«rast said to be preparing to lock up gresnbacks with a view to take and more.

advantage of tbe April drain of currency and deposits to the Still it must be conceded to these banks that section fonr interior. These rumors do not seem, however, to disturb con^ of the National Currency Act declares that tbe term ''United fidence or to embarrass the movements of Mr. Boutwell and States bonds " as used insaid act "shall be construed to mean bis agents. The sudden rise in government bonds on Thurs- all registered bonds now issued, or that may hereafler be day, with other moveuienU at the Stock Exchange, afford issued, on the faith of the United States, by the Secretry of conclusive evidence of the small weight attached to the the Treasury in pursuance of law;" that section five of the

prognostications of coming trouble. act of July 1, 1862, to aid in the construction of the Pacific Some of the banks have Uiken the opportunity of this im- Railroad, directs the Secretary of the Treasury upon certain ]>roved aspect of affairs to urge Mr. Boutwell to allow the conditions to issue to the company constructing said road Hx per cent Currency Bunds, granted to the Pacific railroads, " bonds of tbe United States ;" and that on coinoaring the to be deposited as security for currency with the Department bonds so issued with other bonds of tbe United States, coo-

at Washington. There are a large number of new banks ' cerning whioh there is no (juestion, we find tbe indebtedneaa ,

390 .4-^»»tvir- THE OHBONICLR [April 1, 1871.

and their obligations to Confederation. In the unsatisfactory state of the finances of of Ibe United States acknowledged money upon certain conditions, ex- the Dominion the opposition is very active, but its success p»y certain suras of both olastes of bonds, attested is doubtful. pressed in the same words in of the Treasury Department, and by The railway will be 2,600 miles long. It is to be begun in both cases by the seal Still all this-being in 1873 and finished work is to go on simul- thesignatureof the Register of the Treasury. by 1881. The not the National banks taneously at both ends. the route British Columbia conceded, the question arises why did By new first issued, and were selling is to be connected with the Canadian railways by a road buy these bonds when they were Mr. Boutwell gives is that which will give England a shott path to India and China at very low prices? The answer " not " gold " bonds. They over her own territory subject to her exclusive control. these are " currency bonds and and yet; but its Me not redeemable in gold. They run for a quarter of a cen- The route has not been fully surveyed as to such vicissitudes as may at general direction is along the 60th parallel, our Southern tury, and are therefore subject our irredeemable Northern Pacific the any time prior to their maturity depreciate Pacific road taking the 82d parallel, the fundamental characteristic route the 41st paral- currency. These bonds lack the of 48th, and our Great Central Pacific in specie, and Congress lel. from Bute Inlet, the war debt which is all payable The new Canada Pacific is to start designed, at Lake Nipi- never designed, nor could it safely be that any opposite Vancouver's Island, and to terminate in coin, gon, to Bute Inlet the but specie bonds payable interest and principal should the northwest of Lake Superior. At Cascade ever be used as a foundation for our bank currency. harbor accommodation is very good. Crossing the r mountains elevation, the new To this the banks reply that these currency bonds sell for at the Tete Jaune pass, at a low | road is gradual slope more than tlie Five-Twenties, and aie really worth more than to descend in easy grades down the of the is the district the gold bonds. Their argument is as follows : Saskatchewan V.illey to Manitoba. This Taking the new 5 per cent "funded bonds" at par In gold as a formerly known as Prince Rupert's land, surrendered by the standard, and supposintr them to run for 27 years, then by Price's the Hudson's Bay Company last year, but not at once confed- tables I find that a 27-year six per cent bond is worth 1144 in premium on the and it is shown erated with the in 1869 of the gold ; to this add the jfold 114i, Dominion. The population that the sixes are worth in currency. Now. deduct a fair 127J whole territory comprised in British Columbia and Manitoba estimate for tlie premium on the gold interest which will be received annually on the five per cent bonds from now until was repoited at 28,405 person?. Their total commerce in specie payments are resumed, and the balance will be the true 1865 was £228,591, in 1866 £202,448, in 1667 £111,796. currency value of the currency sixes. I estimate thus, supposing gold to be at an average of 10 per cent premium for the whole 27 in 1868 £112,^99, in 1869 £152,926. In 1870 the com- years. Then the holder of a $1,000 5 vet cent bond gets |55 in merce was about £280,000, while the population is estimated currency per annum, and the holder of a currency six gets $60. This calculation is on the basis that no resumption of specie pay- at 46,000. It is easy to see that in such a sparse undeveloped is to take place, and it is giving the worst possible aspect ments region the local traflBc for years to come must be extremely to the currency sixes. It resumption takes place in a few years, ||| the sixes are worth at least 14 per cent more than the fives, or 124 small. Much reliance is placed on the large land grant, In currency. and the income therefrom will be considerable, though iu so

This argument proves that the bonds are good ; but it does high a latitude the tetjptation to emigrants will be much less not meet Mr. Boutwell's argument about the coin basis. For than in our own sunnier and more invitiug lands. The the lime, therefore, the controversy is suspended. It may be through traffic, as experience shows, will yield very small net expected to come up in another form however, as the banks earnings towards paying the guarantied 5 per cent on the say they intend to submit their claims to the adjudication of outlay. As the road will therefore be a dead weight on the the courls. Canadian Treasury of six and a half millions of dollars a year, The banks are so few, however, which are agitating this at least, it is not difficult to see the ground of the vehement question, that it is regarded as of subordinate importance, opposition the scheme is meeting from a few economists in and it does not in the least degree threaten the hearty the Canadian legislature. eo-operation of these institutions with Mr. BoutWell in dis- There are rumors, however, that the Imperial Treasury posing of the new loan, or in any of his negotiations of a like will in some way interpose, and the railroads of British India character in the early future. show that England is prepared to make great sacrifif'es to secure in any contingency a free development and an uncon- A NEW PACIFIC RAILROAD. trolled communication for her oriental customers and her Some interest has been excited in Wall street by the Indian possessions. As a great military road the British annoancement of tlie Canadian Inter-oceanic Railroad. En- Pacific offers advantages which cannot be overestimated couraged by the growing prosperity and rapid success of our for the consolidation and unification of the Colonies. PaciSc Kailroad connecting the Atlantic seaboard with San At present our Central Pacific road offers the only Francisco and the Orient, some British capitalists long ago swift route through an English speaking country to the projected a line to pass from sea to sea through British terri- ports of the western coasts of this Continent; while the tory, from Halifax to Vancouver's Island. The scheme has Panama Railroad offeis similar facilities to the ports of South been in abeyance; but on Wednesday, at Ottawa, Sir America. The Asiatic ports of Russia, the newly opened George E. Cartier, on the part of the Canadian Government, ports of Japan and China, the Sandwich Island.", the Spice proposed in the House of Commons that any company under- Islands, New Zealand and Australia, are all developing a new taking the construction of the road shall be aided with active trade with this country and with Europe. Still the $1,500,000 a year. This new Paci6c Railroad enterprise through freight will cost heavily on this long English railroad laving thus been formally adopted by the Government of the and will seek other Icfs costly and established routes. Djminion, doubtless with the sanction of the Imperial Govern, Travel and express freight may, perhaps, be attracted from ment at home, it only requires that a dividend of 5 per cent a the better known routes to the new British road. But it is year should be guaranteed on the whole capital ; and the 130 uncertain. There is every reason to believe that the ten years millions of dollars which the road will cost could doubtless in which this road is to be finished will make New York the be easily raised in England. To this guarantee there is con- undisputed master of European, and San Francisco of Asiatic s'derable opposition by the advocates of light taxation; and communication over this Continent. the subject has further complications by being connected Moreover, England will find the Suez route to India, with the rather unpopular measures for the immediate admis- whether by railroad or canal, both cheaper «nd quicker than sion of British Columbia as an integral part^of the Canadian her proposed Interoceanic Railway. The Cape of Good ApTil 1, 1871.] THE GHBONIGLE. S91

Hope route will be cbe<«p«r, if not qaioker. From England capitalists who may be invited to a«lit in organizing a oom- to Chins the lime by way of Stiei may lie leiiii, but Uie r.ost pany hr its practical application to the movement of the higher. To Japan and New Z«aland the route over tome part canal traffic. There are, however, several objections to it io of this oontinent will be ratioh the quiokest, a» also to the its present form, the chief among which is found in the faot Pfloific ports, from Sitka in the north to Valparaiso in the that it proceeds upon a total misconception of the conditions south. But before this road is opened, travel will have become which are really indispensable to the luccessful application of so accustomed to move in our channels of transportal'on as mechanical power to the movement of the tonnage of the to be loath to leave them. " Trade loves its old grooves," canals. From a long study of, and a somewhat intimat* as we are told, nnd we fiionld not have attracted to our acquaintance with the subject, we are convinced that what is new American routes so much of the through trafllc needed is not t

the wars and rumors of war in Continentnl Europe, and be solved, and until its solution is reached it will not be possi- finally by the disturbance of the old Marseilles line of packet ble to di-pense with those relics of antiquity, the tow-path, steamers and their transfer to BrinUisi on the Adriatic, the mule team and the driver. whence steamers can find a much shorter line of voyage to The condition under which steam is to be -applied to the than from MarseilUs. 80 great a revolution has movement of canal freights are, and must ever rem.tin, the

not had its analoiry in the changes of the grand routes of same as thos

soon, to enable it to attract over our territory the rich oriental with the subject of railroad transportation, that if it were ne- commerce thus disturbed from| its old channels. When the cessary to apply pnwer to the movement of each freight car quietude has been ro established and trade has become estab» separately, the cost of carrying freights would be increased

lished in its settled grooves, it will not bo so responsive to ten, and in some instances twenty-fold. Not only would each new impulses or so susceptible of new directions. car have a reduced capacity in proportion to the space occu-

pied by its machinery, but each would require a skilled en- STEAM POWER FOR THE CANALS. gineer to manage it; and the wages of the engineer, together A bill ;8 now pending in the Legislature at Albany which with the consumption of fuel and oil, and the wear and tear seeks the acoomplishmont of important practical results, and ol nlachinery, would necessitate so great a charge per ton per which, with the modification of cerUin objectionable features, mile on the freights carried in it, that cartage over common should become a law without unnecessHry d«lay. Its ol ject roads vould be found cheaper, even for long distances. Much is to encourage the invention of some piactical means of the same results would attend an experiment with propelling applying steam power to the movement of canal tonnage, machinery on the canals, if each boat were to be made to run and to this end it authorizes tbo State Treasurer to pay the by a power of its own, however ingenious tho method of its sum of one hundred thousand dollars to the owner of any application. patented plan by which canal-boats may be pjopelled by Again, the canal is now fully equipped v\ith tonnag>>. If steam, caloric or electric power \pitliout injury to the banks any such plan should be adopted, all this must be changed. of the canal. In order that the relative practicability and To build new self-propelling boats to take the place of those economy of the different plans may be intelligently decided now engaged in the movement of canal^freights, or to rebuild upon, it is further provided that, during the month of June this immensejflcxjt of barges to admit of the introduction of next, persons ownin:j such inventions shall each be invited to steam machinery into each, would scarcely be considered place upon the canal a boat to be propelled by machinery, practicable; and yet one or the other must be dona if steam and submit the same to an examination by a commission con- is to be generally applied on any such principle. But even sisting of Messrs. George B. McClellan, E. S. Prossner, Van supposing this original obstacle overcome, is it probable that R. Richmond, George Geddes, W. S. Nelson, and others, who the increase in speed would so far offset th

Tho importance of this with especial reference to the transportatinn of grain bill consiHs in the fact that it built recognizes the importance of aubslitnting steam for horse freights, and the question of steam power on the canal was powor in (he inovpuient of omal tonnage, and offers an oppor- considered solved. In one tense it was. The boala w<>re in tunity for Ihe practical trial of all plans now urged by invent- all respects adapted to the business for which they were de> ors upon tl.o attenlioi, of the biisine-ss community, under signed, and there was no lack of freights to employ their full circutnsUnces after trial that nouM sccnre for the best system the offi carrying capacity; but a long they were finally

ojal approval is canal as unprofitable, « hich needed to jjain for it the confidence of withdrawn from the for t' e simple rea- 1 ,

392 THE CHRONICLE. [April 1, 1371.

Eon that they could not carry freights as cheaply as they delphia are not considered of sufficient importance by the could be carried in boats moved by the primitive horse power. commercial journals of those cities to require more than »

There is, certainly, no good reason for repeating this experi- partial record. We have endeavored to supply previous de-- ment, for the same results would be reached now as then, ficiencies in the annexed table of receipts, but have not been! As wo have before said, what is needed is simply steam trac- able to extend it further back than to January 1st: tion, which will provide for the movement of canal tonnage, RECEIPTS OP FLOUR AND GRAIN AT THE PRINCIPAL RECEIVIKO-

MARKET8 FOR THE WEEK ENDING MARCH 3oTH : as we find it, without necessitating costly alterations ia the Flour. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Barley. Eye. business, wLich will increase barges now engaged in this and At bbls. bush. bush. bush. bush. bush. Chicago the of canal navigation while proportionately diminish- 21,122 39,973 155,869 46,914 12,727 3,753, speed :«ilwauliee 7,329 27,283 2,590 7,514 2,069 2,243 St. Louis S1,6T8 118,717 121,7:M 95,963 6,740 3,08S ing its cost. Until this can be furnished no attempt to apoly Toledo 6,590 85,285 67,130 19,201 800

Detroit . . uteara will be successful. 9,256 17,668 19,143 17,854 4,036 Cleveland S.OUO 17,850 10,150 9,750 1,600 We heartily approve of a formal recognition by the State Toronto 1,000 830 .... 870 6,.358 of the necessity for some improvement in the present system Total for week... 71,975 «7,606 376.620 198,166 34,330 9.084- Previous week 76 634 247,774 296,195 168.223 30.912 9,839 of canal traction, and of the appointment of a commission of Cor. week in 1870... 92,813 206.253 292,449 77,770 49688 10,285 Since Januarv 1 878 114 4,601,878 5,554,229 1,9^5,503 622,458 214,873 experts to examine and report upon the practicability of the Same time ISro 1,159,0514,791,828 3,517,517 1,822,242 4il,JSl 170,429,

various plans suggested by ambitious inventors ; but to As for our exports, statistics are even more incomplete. authorize the payment of a State bounty for a device for They seem to indicate an increased export from the Atlantic propelling single boats, would be a waste of money and could seaports to the extent of nearly two hundred thousand

only be excused by a plea of ignorance on the part of the barrels—say about 800,000 bbls. this year against 600,000 >

Legislature as to the true nature of the difficult mechanioal bbls. last year ; an increase which, taken in connection with a

problem for which a solution is sought. falling off in the receipts of nearly three hundred thousand:

barrels, as indicated above, is a very formidable one. In fact, POSITION AND PROSPECTS W BREADSTUFFS. it would appear that the receipts have exceeded the exports When the surrender of Paris was announced, and the ter- in twelve weeks only about 78,000 bbls., so that the country mination of the war between France and Prussia became has been subsisting through the winter almost entirely upon; probable, we took occasion, in view of the anticipations which the stocks in store and the production of local millers. But.

were entertained respecting the eflFect to be produced upon the favorable aspect of this statement has many qualifications.

the markets for BreadstiifTs by the restoration of peace, to Stocks of Flour were everywhere large on the first of January,

utter a word of caution to operators both here and at the and that millers have been busy is demonstrated by the fact We^t. How entirely those suggestions have been justified, that the visible supply of Wheat has fallen off more than two wi'l be understood from the fact that prices at anytime since, millions of bushels, in the face of receipts nearly as large this

have not been as high as they were then, although favored year as last, with no increase in the export. Two railliot* by smaller stocks here, reduced receipts at the lake ports (we bushels of Wheat will make four hundred thousand barrels refer in this more particularly to Flour and Wheat), an un- of Flour, and with stocts two hundred thousand barrels

usually largo export demand for Flour, some decline in ocean greater on the seaboard in January, 1871, than in January,

freight?, a strong specnlative feeling, and an easy money mar- 1870, it must be e^ident that no scarcity of Flour can exist.

ket ; —a combination of circumstances sufficient, one would Besides the higher prices of Flour and the relative cheapness suppose, to have caused a material advance in prices. But of Corn Mesl, tend to reduce the consumption of Flour in the fact was, prices were al'eady high. The increased export our own and other markets.

demand for our Flour and Wheat, which was caused by the As regards Wheat, it may be fairly estimated that tb«

war on the Cdntinent, began early in April, 18V0, and ceased visible supply at this time is about 8,700,000 bushels against. in March, 1871, lasting about eleven months, and effecting in abo»t 10,200,000 bushels one year ago. But the wheat its progress a considerable reduction in the surplus stocks trade for April, 1871, opens under far different auspices than which we held one year ago, and producing a marked advance that of April, 1870. Then the Continent came into our ill prices, a comparison of which may now be advantageous: market with peremptory orders, and although the demand

S March S9, '71. March 27, '70. was no doubt stimulated by the low prices current, a moderate Floub Shipping Extras, per bbl $6 65®$6 80 $4 6o®$4 85 Superfine 6 10® 6 60 4 40® 4 65 advance in prices did not check the movement ; now, thsre is WeBtern trade and family brands. 7 00® 9 00 B 00® 8 50 Wheat.... New Spring, No. 8, per bash 1 6fi@ 1 68 1 10® 1 14 little demand, except from Great Britain and on orders within New Amber Winter 1 67® 1 70 1 26® 1 28 Cork New Western Mixed 82® 84 98® 1 05 strict limits. Then freights were low ; the English steamers New Western Yellow 84® 86 1 02® 1 05 afc ?Tii New 1 IS® 1 20 93® 1 00 took out hundreds of thousands of bushels of Wheat OATS Western, New 67® 69 56® 68 Ohip and State 6«@ 71 58® 68 3@3^d. per bushel ; it was only a combination among them Babust..., State 93® 1 03 80® 95 the rate to 4d.; now, with Corn competing for Canadian 1 10® 1 22 1 00® 1 10 that raised These figures show an advance in Flour and Wheat of room, the rates are nearly doubled, lleceipts are at present

more than forty per cent, and some improvement in all thg as large as then. The time has arrived when the receipt*

coarse grains except Corn, the position of which is changed usually increase, and when a large outward movement, to from scarcity to a full supply. At the same time the average prevent an increase of (if not to reduce) stocks in 8to»« price of English Wheat has risen from 40s. 6d. to 53s. lid., becomes inevitable. Stocks in tlie leading British markets an advance of about thirty-five per cent. This large advance have become considerably reduced by the call upon them from has been so gradually made, and attended with such frequent the Continent, but it must be remembered that this call has

and sharp fluctuations, that it will doubtless occasion surprise now nearly ceased, and that even the present reduced stocks

to many who have given the mat'er close attention. Is it about equal the average of former years. With respect likely to be maintained ? is a question which, in view of the to the probability of a revival of this Continental demand,

approach of the resumption of inland navigation, is exciting indications are very uncertain. There was, of course, great no little attention. waste and destruction during the progress of the Franco- It is to be regretted that the statistics of the movement of German war, and undoubtedly the sowing of fall grain was our BreadstufTs are not more completely and accurately kept. much interfered with. Besides, the crops of 1869 were in Those of New York and Boston, of tha lake ports, are parts deficient, so that no great surplus was carried and ; many but those of such important markets as Baltimora and Phila- ov«r. There is still a small demand from Spain. On the )

April 1, 1871.] THE CHR0N1Cl,R 398

whole, then, the situation in France, Oertnany and Belgium West may be oooiidered fortunate if its surplui for the would seem to indicate that a call upon Oreat Britain nnd remainder of the crop year can be dispoeed of without incur- the United States, to meet a deficiency, will be necesaary, but ring nny consideritblo reduction in valuifS. o{ oourse so lonjt m the present disorganiiation in France In thfe coarser grains, the situation may be regarded oontinues diipraents to that quarter must be held in oheck. as more favorable to holders. The partial failure of the

And may it not prove that the means of buying have been last hay crop has led to an increased demand for grain largely swept away by the same causes which Hecm to hai'e fir feeding purposes. Corn, though in large supply, moves

•"ade buying necessary f The revolutionary proc«ediiigs in off very freely, both for export and consumption. It is Paris have greatly impaired the credit of France and her relatively much cheaper than any other cereal. Not only people; industrial pursuits have been crippled by the war, does Oreat Britain want a large iiml steady supply, but the

and all legitimate sources of income diminished. Vast quau- £s.slern and Middle States have a great deficiency to be

tilieo of food have already been shipped to French markets, made good. Oats and Barley, though showing a full yield and when these shall be exhausted spring will be well and liberal stocks, appear to be mu< h wnntcd, and the com- advanced. Hence there can be no certain reliance placed paratively high prices which Oats are bringing, seem to be upon the renewal of any considerable demand from the Con- no impediment to their sale, while the u-se of Birley for

tinent ; and, under these circumstances, unless there ii strong malting exceeds all previous experience. evidence of h sliort crop this season in Great Britain, the


Below will b« foond a statement of the stocks, bonds and debts, cost, earnings, dividends, &c, for the year ending September 80 1870, o( the Railroads, in whole or in part, in New York State, compiled from the Annual Reports of the Companies to the State Engineer and Surveyor. Coat of Boad Bxpenscs Net Capital accoanl. /-Lensth of track-~ roads * Opera- Srosa •amlsg and eam- ^DiTtd'da-. lUllroadt. Stock. BoQcU. Debt. Total. MainTBranch.Oth'r. eqnlp't. ted. Fass'ger. Freight. Other. Total. renta. Uws. Am't. Bate, 8 M. M. .M. t t t p. c Adirondack (.ttUnO 1,000 1,7M,»33 6,499.923 4900 .... 100 2381,918 49-00 19^ 46,471 1,997 67,824 49,208 18.116 Albaay * Basqaehanna 8,0*7.600 4,1M 925— 114,«1 7,637 ,6t« 11200 .... W87 7,791 086 164-00 809342 511,003 63,809 880,704<„.,,v. .».^.800^21 79,888,.,«» iUbaojr * Veruiout eoO,0O0 600,000 1200 600,000 .... (Leaaed and operated by Bensserr ft Saratoga.) 86^00 86300 Albany* West Stockbrldge.. (Now, consolidated In Boston and Albany.) (Now consolidated in Boston and Albany.) AUanuc * Oreat Western .... (Not reported.) 389-50 119-66 116 90*16 768,6** 2380,768 15*,821 8,498,288 iMi.m Loas. Avoa,OeaeBeo& Mt.Morria.. 1*4,390 aOJMO 214,250 15-50 0-60 217,812 19-50 18,689 10,9»t 3,089 32,*44 20,464 11,480 9386 »X Black Klvcr* St. Lawrence.. U8,31< 128,-^16 12-00 128,6*4 _(Under construction—total length 38 miles.) Black Klvcr & WoodhaU 10,800 US 20.915 10-50 0-25 10,208 10-50 (This is a wooden sill road, no iron being laid.) Bloaabarg & Corning a90,ixn 15,<33 269.633 IS M 9-41 928.316 (Leased and operated by Fall Brook Coal Company.) 12300 BoatOD « Albanr I»,190a00 l.'ns.sao 470,000 21,419,320 200-40 49 63 88-60 21,938,628 96963 2,188,192 3,266.482 33l/l3 5,795,987 8,998,918 1,880314 1,793378 Boaton. Hartford & Erie (Kot reported.) 112-50 5000 28-31 172-90 201,740 264323 4 169 479,732 888,784 110348 Boflklo. Bradford &Pltub'(.. 3,38«J)0a 98S.S00 2,871,900 26-00 .... 200 2349,M)0 .... (Leased and operated by Erie Company.) 4 BttflWO.Corty* Pittsburg.... 428,717 700,000 443,664 1,972,881 48-20 -go 1,4*3.629 43-20 86,416 . .169,4(6 .8,944 264,806 186,803 78,008 BolnUoAKrfe (Now consolidated In'Lake Shore and Mlcb]{:an Southern.) BuOklo, New Tork A Erie .... (90,000 2,288,000 3,333 000 142-00 14-20 3,333300 (Leased and operated by Erie.) 66300 Bolfalo * Waablngton 4.18,992 107,699 6U6J07 1608 1-00 631,Ml 16-08 233(8 29,294 1318 91,495 43345 10,610 Cartliace,Water7ftSack'taH. 60,481 8,481 6«,882 .... 28,776 (Under construction—total length, 28 miles.) Caytiga & Susquehanna 988,110 989,110 84*1 9-56 589,111 .... (Leaaed and operated by Del., Lack. & Western.) 94300 15-00 0-50 Caceuorla & CanaatoU 281,164 SOOjOOO 481J64 473.769 . . . (Recently completed, no returns of tralHc.) Cbemong 880,000 380000 17-1 17-86 400,000 (Leased and operated by the Erie & the North. Cen.) 80,066 CloTeBrancb 150,000 2.9*1 152,9*1 4-2S 1-00 150,000 4-2S 457 VSXK 100 10338 13396 Loss. .. .. CberryValley Sharon & Alb'ny 219,000 300,000 lo/no 989,000 20-91 0-84 600.000 (Oper. by Del. ft Hud. Canal Co. In connec. with Alb. ft 8a«4.) Cooperatown i Susq. Valley. 807,888 100,00) 28.606 436,98* 16-00 0-25 447328 17-00 21316 18,628 2302 42,146 26389 15,497 Dunkirk, Warren & Vlttsborg 468,000 278.000 29,000 766,000 689,000 (Track-laying commenced Oct. 1, 10—total length 54 m.) Dnchesa ACulunibla 1,498470 1A».000 119.63* 3,074,10* 4s-'od 6-00 2,406.173 48-00 22,367 Jl,2« 1,075 M,7S6 7»,210 Loss Elmlra. JttS>'a& C'anandaltua SOOfiOa 900,000 46-84 2.89 500300 (Leased and operated by North. Cent. Co.) 29300 29300 Elmlra & WllUamsport 1,000,000 1,620,000 2,820,000 7800 14.00 2,620,000 78-00 (Leased to and oper. by North. Cen. Co.) 6O30O 6O3OO 11 Brie 83388310 23396300 108,989310 499-00 19129 33979 7334S387 84927 3.166377 11329389 1,187,195 16,179361 14324380 1384301 ^e ft Oeneaee Valley 68,830 68380wl,{9/ ...... tiMtrt41,024 .... (InI LU UWU.SCcourse ofV. construction—VUUOV. U.jl.1 total length 24 mUes.) '"' •" '- "-- — •— *•-- ' •' — .>—,— j t..., Krta ft New England (Merged in Hudson Suspension Bridge and New England Railway.) Far Bockaway Branch 79,000 75,000 150.-. 6-00 99.173 (Leasea and operated by South Side Railroad Co.) Flnahijui ft North Side 2O130O .000 1396300 11-00 899335 (No report published for 1869-'70.) Fonda^ohnst'n ft OloTeravIe 90 900 300300 990,900 10-00 383,429 (()pened^or traffic' December 18TO0 'j'**ii,1, eien'sFalla 96399 129.000 221,639 9-79 0-07 221,639 (Leased ft oper. by Rensselaer ft Saratoga KB Co. Oosheo ft Deckeistown 1043*4 226.900 51.500 346,2m 11-64 0-32 289361 11-84 4,767 *l580" T.SW ^30389"'* a!S)6 10,(it8 Qraeawlch ft JohnaonriUe 126300 130,000 10,000 266 ,3n) 14-00 0-26 292,4»( (Recently opened for business.) Harlem Extension 4.000,000 4300.000 40309 8.040,509 114-00 8,039,500 116-00 66,084 iSa^ 5366 193,619 226,488 Loss. 5-50 Hempstead ft Bockaway a)300 100.000 150300 150300 (Operated by South Side Railroad Company .) Hudson ft Boaton 179,000 179300 17-38 4-00 203336 17-33 (Owned and operated by Boston ft Albany RR Co.) Hudson Hirer (Consolidated la New York Central and Hudson Rlrer KB Company Had. Snap. B. ft New Eng. B'y. 18,790 18,7Si) (Construction not yetcommenced—length 37 miles.) Ithaca ft Athens 288,780 286.730 268386 ... (In course of construction—length 89 m., Athens to Ithaca.) Ithaoaft Cortland 209360 209.860 205,860 .... (In course Of construe—length, Ithaca to Cortland 22 mllea.) Lake Champlain ft Horiah ... 200.000 U0J40 810140 7-18 296,464 718 51,616 5I,M6 443^ 6368 '" Lakt Ontario Shore Line 22349 22,549 22345 (Construe, about to commence—Rochea. to NIag. Kt. IM m.) ". Lake Shore ft Michigan So,...81,*38300 22,001,000 1373315 98,512315 »42-:S US'SS 99.45 92 804.749 106108 4 225398 8306,291 689,683 18,171335 8388369 4382300 |>J Lebanon Springs (Consolidated in Harlem Extension RailroadJ Long Island 3,000300 1300300 210.000 4,740300 *8-00 60-m 1580 5,016,402 19800 391,412 '.296,411 63,619 791,474 612,187 13*387 '"' ""*" "" •" Mlddleburg ft Schoharie 88300 16300 60O 101,600 9-75 0-79 075 101 OOO 6-50 6,488" 3360 1,796" 11344" 9316 2328 Ulddletowu ft Crawford 84387 10191 »l,988 18,688 (Under construe—length, Mlddletown to Crawford. 13 mllea.) Mlddlet'n, Uulouv ft Wat. Gap 110390 siS3W 56350 391,400 18-00 .... 0-92 351383 13-00 10,723 29,100 6,988 46,606 82313 14368 Montgomery ft Erie 190319 177,000 4390 S31369 10-26 0-66 27,047 2,148 .... 288369 1026 _ 18,108 . . _ 423S8 .27,983 14369 Montlcelloft I'ort Jcrvls. ... 409397 500,000 3,000 908357 12-00 622.823 (Part rec'tly open'd, length 23.79 m.. to be completed early in 'Tl Montreal ft Platubnrg 1 000,000 1300300 28-00„- .... 28-00 1300.000 43-00 49354 6ir3S8 aj& mjnl 128.23» Lose. ...7.. ' N. r. Central ft Hudson Rlv. .99,428.830 18.681307 1,167 103,111,301 941-79 29600 640-61 6*,T23,901 *87'79 6,7883*2 14,48*316 1,139311 2236331* 143*7396 838*364 83*1341 N.V..Bousatanlc ft North'm. 221.7V0 14130O 33.400 896.600 511 3*1,088 siutfnderconsfn, length 39.79 m)6394 13.643 nCoa*. ..!7.. New York ft Harlem 8,000,000 8,701,8(0 13.701340.....~, 130-75 212 45-90 13,763,272 15687 1348387 1388,688^71302 2,7»,'77 1,711,688 «9738* 640300 Tork ft Haven 6,790300 62-29 76 New New 13613OO 7,811300 .... 67-12 8320 666 -S 1,7153(4 419360 131.868 236i,*87 1,40*307 892690 VajM 1 N.York ft Oswego Midland... 4,902,70* 1,>46.8U0 29390' 8374.75* 152-00 4900 7-SO 8318,6(8 147-00 117,139 166,470 MfifO tOtJUt 1*730* 143380 Niagara Br.ft Canandaigua... 130O3OO 1300300 9*00 ...... 1.000,000 (Leased aad_operated^t^_N._T. Central Company.) «0300 '. North Shore (L. I. 198.418 139300 6300 881.415 .... to and operated Dy Flushing ft North ^ ^ 800 .... 30034* . '. (Leaaed Side Co.) Northern of New Jersey 1300300 400300 1,400300 21-29 .... 4-90 (Leaaedandoperatedby Brie Hallway Co.) 80300 Nyack ,78* 3338* Syracnae, Binghamton ft N.Y. 13^080 13*6329 isiTW 8Jr».7a8 81-00 16-26 8.707384 81-00 17438* 94442s 3si60 744333 484410 aa*3U Syracuse ft Chenango VaUey. 308390 308390 ...... 11*.**8 (Under construction. Length 43 inlles.) Syracuse ^orthem 988.49* 93838* ...... a**,481 .... (Under coaatmctlon. Syracnae to Sandy Creek 48 m.) -rroy ft Bennington 75300 100300 589 176388 9-38 0-88 3M38S (Operated by Troy ana Boston.) 193*0 1838* Troy ft Boston M83tt 1398300 847366 2.213116 84*1 8-87 3307(07 9600 l(ll8* 98(393 18,443 478,484 318313 165,4** Troy ft Oreenbnib 214300 274300 6-00 *-00 operated by N. T. Cent, ft Rudaon Rtrar.) - 3*4308 .... (Leaaed and ' Troy Uulon ft Depot 80300 (8O300 - 3-14 TroT.ji 710300 214 ' 788.985 .... (LaaaadaodopenUabTroadacantar-sd'br roada cantering la ...... C Uca ft Black KiTer 1*<«J*0 180300 1316390 99.00 4-8* 1385319 9*00 130308 1303W tjM 380,439 M03*4 U03R «" t'tlca,CheQai]goftSaaq. MM^^- mMl Valley 13003CO 1,900300 67-00 7-St 3,19«,(a9 «7-00 114.197 8630* 84*4 30*381 138<4*1 7*3H TT.. Utlca.Uurseue,Mls ft Elmlra.. 137300 7**3S7 1100 18364 13*,7D6 810 144440 3*3*4 lU3i4 86300 * 790360 11-00 1-00 (Under conatraotlon. Length 36 mliw.) ...„ waikfii'vaiiey.;;;.'.';.'.';.';;;;;;; Sijno mm 84*600 18.90 0-7S 8(5.469 18-90 »35l .73*9 696 14^1 19387 Loea. ' Warwick Valley SsjOW sSn 810300 0-40 10-1* 38.148 8368 90,753 83jim Shore 10.1* 19*J«3 tjSa* U,*n 11,100 w West Uudaon BtTer.... B36,7ni. 17*300 7,437 1310,427 (Under construction. Length 9* miles.) WhltehaU ft PI (So retoma of capitaL)' 30 00 aD-oo (Operated by Vanuont CestraL)

.*-<.a^« I : . . , . ,

394 THE CHRONICLE. [April 1, 1871.

—A new code for telegraphing, which is said to be very com- with purchase, matters should remain as they are. The opponents plete and to have met with much success in Enj^land, is now of the system, while admitting that in the past the British officer being introduced in this country by Francis B. Felt & Co., Pub- has fought bravely, argue that he will be more efficient and lishers, No. 445 Broome street. This code is the invention of Major Frank Bolton, late instructor of army signalling at the equally brave with its abolition. So great has become the neces- school of engineering in England, and is very elaborate and sity of rendering these islands secure and proof against surprise, claimed to be quite simple and easily understood, and so perfectly that it has been found imperative to remodel our whole military arranged as to save Irom 50 to 400 per cent of the regular cost of system, and in undertaking this, the Ministers of the Crown have telegraphing by ordinary messages. Messrs. C. F. Varley, Cyrus W. Field and ^Villiara 'J'hompson state in regard to this code, found out that the system of purchase which prevails in nearly that they have witnessed several trials of Bolton's system of cod- every regiment of the British army blocks the way to reform. ing messages, transmitted through the Atlantic cable, first by the The sanction of Parliament has therefore been found necessary to Morse Alphabet in full, and then codified. The messages have remove what the Ministers, and it must be added the majority of been correctly transmitted, and the time occupied iu doing so through the cable has shown a saving in favor of Bolton's Code, the country, consider to be an abuse. The British army, indeed, for messages of ordinary character, varying from 50 to 400 per can scarcely be called, at the present moment, the army of the cent according to the nature of the message. nation, although paid for by it. It is more the army of the officers who retire and change about almost as they please, and traffic in CHANGES IN TJ[E REDEEMING AGENTS OF NATIONAL BANKS. commissions with a desire for gain. If^ purchase is abolished, as

The following are the changes in the Redeeming Agents of Nationa* it most certainly will be, (for if the Ministers are defeated in Par- Banks since the 23d of March, 1S71, These weekly changes are liament, they will make an appeal to the country, and will, in all furnished by, and published iu accordance with an arrangement made probability, return with a large majority), the British army will with the Comptroller of the Currency. be open to all young men who desire to make war a study, and to as proficient a time of peace will allow in all HAHB or BADE. BKDSEMINe ASKMT. make themselves as the details of a campaign. There may be fewer of the monied IlUnoia— The Farmers' and Ocean National Bnnk of New York Vandalla. Mechanics' Nat'l and Manufacturers' National Bank class iu it, but it is not money that is wanted, but brains and in- Bank of Chicago, approved. dustry, for the wars of modern times are carried on by scientific Illinois- The Union National The Second National Bank of Chicago, Aurora . Bank approved. rules, and not alone by bravery. The weapons of destruction now IlUnoiB— The First National The Ninth National Bank of New Lanark. Bank Yor^ and the Mechanics' National in use have altered materially the tactics of warfare, and it is with a Bank of Chicago. desire of modernizing our system, and of keeping pace with the Minnesota— The First National The National Bank of Conuneree of St. Peter. . Bank Chicago, approved. times, that the Ministers are urging upon the Crown the aboli. Minnesota— The Winona De- The First National Bank of New York Winona. posit Nat'l Bank. and Manufacturers' National Bank tion of purchase. There can, indeed, be little doubt of the fact of Chicago, approved. that the present Parliament will authorize the change. The lead- Connectiont— The Nation.al Bank The National Revere Bank of Boston, New London.. of Commerce approved in jilace of the Suffolk er of the opposition in the House of Commons, if leader he may National Bank of Boslon. only Illinois— The First National| The Manufacturers' National Bank of now be called, has not opposed the proposed change, and

Seneca . Bank Chicago, approved. objects to the bill on the ground that it does not make enough minoia— The Fourth Nafl The Third National Bank of New Chicago . Bank York, approved in place of the Na- soldiers. That, however, is a portion of the bill which can be tional I'ark Bank of New York. the our soldiers be Ullnois- The Monmouth Na- The City National Bank of Chicago, amended in committee, and number of can

Monmouth . tional Bank approved in addition V> the Third easily augmented if Parliament desires it. The object of the Gov- National Bank of New York. Kentucky- The First National The Third National Bank of New ernment is to render our army both efficient and economical, and Franklin ... Bank I York. the of trained to bear arms. Virginia— The Commercial, The Third National Bank of New augment year by year number men Peterabnrg. National Bank. York. One would think that after the slaughter of last year, we should Nenr National Banks. remain at peace for the next few years, and if there should be any The following is the only national bank organized during the elements of success in the new bill, a marked change in our mili- week tary i)osition would by that time have been effected. The whole 1,806—The Farmers' National Bank of Keithsburg, 111 . Authorized capital, of our armaments are now being very largely increased and per - $50,00 ' ; paid in capital, $50,000. Wm. Drury President ; C. S. Orth, cashier. Authorized to commence business March 34, lb71 footed, and our dock-yards and arsenals have not shown so much activity since the Crimean war. The tax-payer will be anxious to £ate3t .ttlonetarp aiiD dommcrcial (Knglist) Ntvog know how mudi all this will cost, and what will be his share of the burden. We shall know what the next income tax will be in AX I.ATB8T PATES. the course of a few days. aXOHANQB AT LOlfDUS— is MAKCH 17. BXCHANGB ON LONDON. The trade of the country quiet, there being but little specula' LATS8T tion in any department. Taken altogether, however, a firmer on— RATB. DATE. TIMS, BATX. tone is apparent, and as the winter has almost, if not quite, passed Amsterdam short. 11 lit @n.i9x short. Mch. 17. 1184 away, an active trade in spring goods will soon be carried on. Antwerp ... 3 months. 86.57>i(a56.63X [email protected] Hamburg .. I8.lOK®t:).nj< 13.8« There have been large arrivals of cotton at Liverpool this week Paris...:.. •«.(iO @J5.70 Paris short. 25.15 @j5.-i3>4 but the market has improved and prices are higher. The export Vienna 3 months, 12 7;jffial2.77)« mos. 3 122.70 demand has considerably improved of late, and this year the ship- Berlin 8.23% Frankfort .... iao^@ 120X shcrt. 119X ments from Liverpool have been 153,848 bales, being double the St. Petcrsbnrg Mch. 14. 8 mos. Oadiz 81,H quantity sent away in the corresponding period last year. Large Lisbon 9D days. 5ax®58Ji quantities of cotton were gent here from Havre whilst the war was Milan 3 months. J7.05 ©27.10 Genoa in progress, and as thtmills in France are now being re-opened as Naples circumstanceB will admit, a decided increase in the Saw York.... Mch. 17. 60 days. 109« quickly as Jamaica Feb. 24. ilO daya. 1 P. c. premium. export movement must naturally be expected to take place. A Havana Mar. 10. bO daya. II Bio de Janeiro Feb. SS. 24X telegram received from Havre, this week, mentions that a smal 1 Bahls Feb. 26. SIX afloat United States Valparaiso Jan. 81. supply—1,387 bales—of cotton was from the Pernambaco.. 45>f'!ii46 Feb. 28. 24X®21K to that port. This is a feature which one is glad to see, and it is Singapore 60 days. 4«. 6d. Hong Kong... ii.5d. Feb. 32. 8 mos. U. ikd. to be hoped that it will be backed up by larger quantities, and be Ceylon 4 p. c dis. the means of giving employment to a large proportion of the Bombay l».10K(t Mch. U. U. 11 Madras S-16d. French people. The following relates to the trade of : Calcutta Mch. 11. U. nud. Sydney a p. c. dis. Keb. S. 80 daya Iji p. c. prem. Within the last two days this market has assumed a firmer tone, and buyers have fonnd the tendency of prices going against them. Several circumstances [From otu: own correspondent.] have contributed to bring about this result. In the first place, confidence was general that prices last week were upon the whole moderate, which London, Saturday, March 18. pretty caused producers to adhere rather firmly to their (luotations, even In the After a protracted discussion the old army bill introduced by the absence of business. Then the largo arrivals of cotton were connteracted in a tempted to buy cotton freely, owing to the Qoyernment has been read a second time. An amendment great measure by spinners being had choice afltorded them by the large stock oft'ered for sale ; and again, so far as the American been proposed, but at a late hour last night the leader of the information has reached us this week, the receipts of cotton at have shown at last a decided falling off, which has given more confidence opposition ports suggested that it should be withdrawn. Mr. Glad, to holders. These causes, in conjunction with the satisfaction felt at no stone, Increase being made in the bank rate of interest, have combined to give a bet- however, insisted that it should be negatived without a ter tone to the market. The downward tendency of last week and the disposi- division and anticipate lower prices have been arrested, and ; although Col. Loyd Lindsay offered to withdraw it tion which then prevailed to in some departments of the market even au advance on last week's rates has the Premier carried his point. The discussion, protracted as it hag been obtainable. This, however, Is about all that can be said in favor of any already been, Improvement which has takeii place, and the tone Of tbc market today has has up to the present time been confined chiefly to not been any better than it was yesterday. Buyers see no argument the advantages certainly and disadvantages of purchase. The advocates o' in the future to warrant them In paying any decided advance on the prcent scale of prices. Almost all foreign markets are well supplied with g.pode, Jind the system contend that m the British amy has done great things an adrauce In prices wouid place a ecrioos obstacle la the y^ay of setting rid : . : : : : :— : : :,

April 1, lanj THE OHRONIOLB. 895 -»

of thlpmantf tlntOj arat oat, uid wonM probablr IotoIt* metthant* In ,-B'krata— .-Op, m'kt^ ,-B'krate-^^Oi-Op. m'kt-, huvjr laiM«. BvcD u> thing* (re, 11 U very prnblematlcal whether racnnt 18T0. 1871. 1»W. 1871. 1870. 1871. i«7n. vnu •hlpmenta niAT not Ml tu riiUi* profltablo roturue. In tbs afternoon the At Paris 21i 8 1 , — Bniasels »M 4 tone of the murket baoam* qtUttr. A flilr biiilneta ha* been don* raaterdar Vienna.... 6 6 6 6 Madild ..6 S J'* and to dar, but It can icarcelr be eald that aa advauca ha* been reul^r eaub- Berlin 4 4 8V SV Hamburg. .* ^ llabed. Compared with lata Tfara, aplaaem are now doing well, butlu many Frank! rt. 4 8 2K tJi 8t rctara- deparimonta the proflt* whloh thST ar« oiaklng are mtiob exaggerated. During Amat'd'm. 4 SH 8X S burg • 4 «ii 1 thepreaunt week uood qaallU** of iD'» mulo in the handle Eava baao aold ao Tniln ... 6 6 6 6 Iowa* UHd. per )>., 40 m ptn eop* at lIKd. per lb., BO'a pin copaatUHd. per Bills on Paris have been in flat demand, the short ft., and 2t'*wil«r twlitat 1*. per I>. Th«*a may not be general market prfcca and «tchang* qoanttUoa, qnotad, but aalea of |,ood jraro at auch ratea, and for fair have has been as low an 2,'5f. 15c. There has also been an active inqnirj actually ucourrud during tho week for bills on Brussels. The bullion market presents no important Anaexod is a return shonring tho Imports and exports of features. The export demand for gold is sufficiently active to cotton into and from the United Kin^om, irom September 1 to absorb all arrivals, and as regards silver, Mexican dollars of tb« Mwroh 10, compared with the corresponding period last year old coinage sell freely for China. The following prices of bolUoa 1870-t. 186S-70. Importa. Kaporta. Importa, Bxporta. are from the oircolar of Messrs. Pizley & Co.: American balea l,9tj«,8ig lt7,8aS Sft.i,8il t78U aou> BraaliUn Sil lUW n.SUl »S3,U» 8»,(j«3 Kaat Indian .>. eai,Ut aOil,S(M 7011,14)3 816,9>1 Exypllan m,4tlO S.8S) l.S.ftn S.448 BarOold peros. standard. MlaceUanaona 1«1,)M8 4,077 66,978 «,878 CO fine do do ReSnabla do SpaniBh Doiihloona peroa. Total „. «,4!M«1 808,040 1,7»8.4T9 "431,749 South American Doubloona... do Annexed is a return showing the imports and exports of bread Uultedmatesgoldcoln do nvrtM. •tnfia into and from the United Kingdom during last weoli I Bar Silver, Fine per oa. standard and since tlie commencement of the season, compared with the last prloa 6 do docontalnlOig6 grs. gold peros. alandard 6 corresponding periods in 1869-'70 Fine Cake Silver par oa. no price. Uoxican Dollars per cz ti*t price. 4 li'X 4 roa Tas wmms. ktoikg iiavoh 11. S • J87U'7l , 1869no. , There has been more firmness in the Stock Exchange during Impnr*. Rxpoi-t*. Impone. Kxpori* the week, and foreign Oovernment stocks have shown - trhaat .cwt. taiilS 218 827 S«S4 7,021 more buoy Barlny 140. 88 6,411 78.086 38 ancy than for some time past. Canadian railway securitie*^ O.iM 85,1.7 SiJ,7B3 9,965 Peaa 17 818 4'H 4»j chiefly Grand Trunk—have been largely dealt in, and during the Beaoa 76 8 7 98 81.081 7 first three days of the week a further important rise took plaee. (ndlan com. s i.'Sa 18) S1U,7JI 103 Flour lOi.S 9 48,^63 43,827 leS Latterly, however, owing to realizations, prices have receded to s BiNos THi ooaMBKOcniirr or thi aicAanN (ado. 28). slight extent. United States Five-Twenty bonds were dull in tha Wheat owt. 17.618.77! 1670.00 24,880.214 138;: 84 Barley 4,w7>.0aS 40.10i 4.iS4.-il5 ll,Si«< early part of the week, but have since improved. In Atlantic and Uau 4,37 4-4 TMSUt 6,6t4 9.1 5«.(ia9 Feaa 4';5.0£8 8S,H»8 7 5 m> 9.1 6 Qreat Western Railway securities, there has been considerable Uean* vaSSA 7,012 1,'2T,20J 1,177 animation, owing to the receipt of a telegram from New York lodlancom , P,5i8tl Bi.186 11 8 i" 4« 19.4 ii Flour 2,497.8*4 1203 86S 8,b38823 10 338 that a foreclosure and sale of the line had been obtained in the

For the corresponding periods In 1868- I the figures were as New York State Courts. Erie Railway shares have continued iindar: dull. The following were the highest and lowest prices of con- -Importa.- Exporta. For the Slnce For the Since sols and the principal Ameiican securities on each day of the week SepL 1. i«eek. Sept. 1. Wheat cwt 612,14 16,0«,160 185 186.686 iMouday.|l'needay.,Wud'iiy.| Thn'ay i Kriaay. iBat'dey. Barley >4,«li 6,883.301 8,431 74,767 Oatt I8,7«5 3, 19, 58 611 66,367 '"OUBOla ;»l»ii-»l^ 91»4-91H Bl5i-91J< S'lX-91 Mii-'MH '2 -9:M Pea* 8,161 768,505 212 6,684 0. 8.8-20'*, 1882... 91 J<-91« 9-Ji-»J |«m-«2 ,911 -«2« 91j< 9 X •8Y-..„ Bean* 54,882 1.-44.834 3,798 0. 9. 5-20*, 18-!4. ...Iwi -9i 19. -i-2 ;90 -91 (0 -fcS 90 -«* rO -M Indian Com 259,273 7,«6B,241 640 IJ. 8, 6-»8, 1885 |9I>i-....l91X-9-5< »lX-.....'jl.x-HX9Hi-l(lx'lllJ«-HI Flour 98,i24 2,219,250 396 20,446 I'. 8. 6-2(1*, 1887.. .. 90Jt-9(IX«01«»'i* 90w-9iJ( 90l.-W-U|l)0V- (9 W-!f]^ 0. 8. 10-10* 1904 .. /8t»i-«9 |t8«-t8.'4|t8K-s9X t'8X-88J< i 8-X-»9)»'|8liK-t9< ' /» <« » •» It is Stated that more than 600 workshops will be reopened in AUantlc&G'tWeBt.i I | | consoi'd mort.b'd*iV9ij-30v 80 -81 |8I -32 88 Hii "i -88 44 -86 Paris on Monday. Brie Share* (»100).. 18 -l.-x'li7i-lf>i 1 1 !7X 18J4 X -l.-JK H -1 X IfM-... mi noi" '-are* ($100)1 li)9Miu UU -11d4 .i 1 ...'ill -11? The money market has 1>een quieter, and the rates of discoont UuX 11»X 1 1 iCJ -1 lc| are somewhat easier. The Russian loan has been subscribed, and Atlantic and Great Western Railway debentures have advanced the lists have been closed. It is reported that the applications to40@41.

made here from all, including foreign sources, have not exceeded The funded loan of the United States is attracting very little £9,000,000. This is a remarkable contrast to the loan which was attention in the market. One effect is that the upward movement brought out at the commencement of last year. When Messrs. in Five-Twenty bonds has been checked, owing to the circum- Bothschild, owing to the immense number of applications, were stance that certain issues can now be paid off at par. The price compelled to close the subscription list l>efore the time mentioned of the bonds cannot be expected therefore lo advance beyond in the prospectus. The commercial demand for money is very that point, excepting when s

The rates of interest allowed on the joint stock banks and dis- Encllsli Market Heporta—Per ooont houses for deposits are as under Cable. The daily closing quotations in the markets of London and Liver, Joint stock banks g g for have been reported by at call 'j pool the past week submarine telegraph Disc nut bouses , g Dlacuaut boasc* wlih 7 day*' notice „ \ ,..'.',%ii %H as shown in the following summary ."".'2>< Dlacuuni houaea with 14 days' notice , ir>a London Money and Stock Market.—All classes of American Annexed is a return showing the present position of the Bank of securities have improved during tlie week, and closed steady at England, tue bank rate of discount, the price of consols, the aver the advanced prices. In Atlantic and Great Western the hse ha* age quotation for English wheat, the price of middling upland been very noticeable, quotations l>elng T^c. higher than one we«k cotton, and of No. 40 mule yarn, fair second quality, compared ago. with the four previous years Sat. Mon. Tue*. Wed. Thar. Frt 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. Consols for money 92X 921i t2X S3 B £ £ account 9 9*X S3X Circulation, Including X 02K C. 8. 6a (yiO*, 1882. 92 II2X bank post 92X «2X gx btU 22,1116409 2S49\470 2S.!8».932 2').8e4.1')0 28,884 663 '•old, 1866 SIX Public depuKlta 8'804 91X 91X MX u3 9 5917 21 7.-.I2 7 7 11,31V<61 10

396 THE CHRONTCLE. [April 1, 1871

Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thar. Frl. The imports of specie at this port during the past week have 8. d. a. d. 8. d. 8. d. 8. d. 8. d. been as follows 87 6 87 6 87 6 87 6 97 Floor (Western) *''''} ?^ ,2 March SS—Str. City of Mexi- Gold $400 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Wheat (No. 8MU. Red)..* cU co, Vera Cruz- March 33—Schr. E. Wood- " 11 11 11 11 11 (Ked Winter).. ;.....• " Silver $33,050 ward, Belize- " 11 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 IS (California White).... March 28—Schr. Helen M. Gold 400 84 34 84 84 34 3 84 3 Com(W.m'd)...*480»n'w Woodward, Be- March 85—Str. Columbia, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Barley fCauadian)....Sba^ lize Havana 45 lb 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 Oats (Am. & Can.)....* Silver 3,778 Gold 160 Peas (Canadian) * 504 lb 41 6 41 6 41 6 41 6 41 6 43 6 Liverpool Provisions Market.—There has been a marked de. Total for the week $26,778 Previously reported 2,781,606 cline iu Beef, and Pork has dropped la., and other articles are Total since January 1, 1871 $8,748,378

Same time In | Same time in Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frl- 1870 $3,931,813 1868 $1,088,199 8. d. s. d. a. d. 8. d. e. d. •. d 1869 8,611.718 1 1867 408,139 Beef (ex. pr. mess)..* 304 lb 112 6 118 6 118 6 112 6 118 6 118 6 Pork(Kth^pr.me88) *bbl 800 800 80 790 79 79 National Treasury.—The following forms present a summary Bacon ... .*1181b 47 6 47 47 47 47 47 of certain weekly transactions at the National Treasury and Cus- Lard (American) ... " W 57 57 57 57 57 tom House. Cheese (flue)...... " TOO 70 70 70 70 70 1.—Securities held by the U. S. Treasurer in trust for National The market closes quiet at a Liverpool Prodttce Market.— banks and balance in the Treasury decline in Tallow and in Common Roain. In Petroleum there is Coin cer- Week For Tor V. S. ^Bal. in Treasury.—, tiflcates. a slight improrement. ending Circulation. Deposits. Total. Coin. Currency, outst'd'g.

Sat. Mon. Tnes. Wed. Thur. Frl. Jan. 7. . 346,830,000 15,819,600 362,649,500 100,574,511 25,150,086 37,606,500 8. d. s. d. 8. d. 8. d. 8. d. s. d. Jan. 81. 348,387,200 16,719,500 864,086,700 101,823,000 26,294,000 .30,950,000 "~ Rosin (com. Wilm.)..* 118 lb 6 6 6 6 9 5 9 5 9 Jan. 88. .349,365,900 15,744,500 365,110,400 102,188,000 25,379,000 31,546,000 (fine pale) " 15 9 15 9 16 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 Feb. 4. 350,048,760 15,819,500 365,868,250 99,127,000 22,511,000 32,152,000 Petroleam(8tdwhlte)..*81b 1 4>^ i 4% 1 4X 1 4X 1 4K 1 4X Feb. 11. 360,623700 15,819,600 366,443,200 99,448,000 22,945,400 81,545,000 (spirits) " 11 11 11 11 11 11 Feb. 18. 351,253,000 15,919,500 367,172,500 TaIlow(American)...* 1181b 44 433 436 436 436 42 6 Feb. 85. 352,575,000 16,899,500 368,474,500 Mar. 4. .353,075,000 16,961,500 369,036,600 100,883,000 16,268,000 39,779,000 Produce and Oil Markets. Linseed and Linseed oil, London — Mar. 11. , 363,730,350 15,811,600 369,541,860 though rallying somewhat at the close, have been weak and are Mar. 18. . 354,030.000 15,911,500 369,941,600 Mar. 85. . 364,164,000 15,723,600 369,887,600 104,490,000 13,770,000 87,357,000 lower. 3.—National bank currency issued (weekly and aggregate), in Sat. Mon. Tuee. Wed. Thur. Frl. return for bills destroyed and mutilated bills returned (weekly and £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Lins'dc'ke(obl).*tn 10 15 10 00 10 12 aggregate) with the amount in circulation at date Llilseed (Calcutta).... 636 63 6 636 630 630 63 Week ,-Notes issued for ret'd-, ^Mutilated notes brn'd^ Notes in Sngar(No.l2Dch8td) ending Current week. Aggregate-Current week. A| Circulation. illilb 35 10 35 10 35 10 35 10 35 10 35 1 00 Jan. 7 338,240 ,0&C855 833,800 30,5,209,269 Sperm oil 84 008400840084008400 8300 Jan. 21 891,920 34,986,115 406,100 36,194,638 306,288,567 Whaleoi! 36 00 36 00360036003600 8600 Jan. 38 319,548 35,805,663 436,849 36,620,987 306,554,748 Unseed oU * ton 32 31 15 31 15 3115 31 16 32 Feb. 4 763,828 86,749,943 834,634 87,129,282 3U7,35 ,953 Feb. 11 438,340 35,434,466 «73,950 37,703,212 808,078,713 Feb. 18 438,990 36,668,738 482,785 38,235,997 308,685,728 COMMERCIAL AW D MISCELLANEOUS NKW^. Feb. 25 243,940 35,668,395 385,770 38,612,767 308,889,228 Mar. 4 670,370 37,635,583 608,050 39,130,812 309,876,048 Exports for the Mar. 11 664,330 38,199,903 617,865 39,748,682 310,(i61,758 Imports and Week.—The imports this Mar. 18 806,990 89,006,893 461,900 40,210,682 311,780,108 week show a decrease in dry goods, and a considerable increase in Mar. 85 312.388,551 3. Fractional currency received from the Currency general merchandise. The total imports amount to 7,580,607 — Bureau by U. S. Treasurer, and distributed weekly ; also the amount des- this week, against $7,383,893 last week, and the $8,309,446 pre- troyed, and legal tenders distributed vious week. The exports are $4,441,093 this week, against Week . Fractional Currency.y- Ten. ~ . Leg. $5,133,187 last week, and $6,364,335 the previous week. The ending Received. Distributed estroyed. Distrib'd. Jan, 7. . 688,500 834,897 407,600 642,424 exports of cotton the past week were 19,817 bales, against ,35- Jan. 31... 653,000 704.366 719,100 1,672,974 Jan. 38... 601,400 388,285 931 bales last week. The following are the imports at New York 699,200 3,299,230 Feb. 4... 608,000 688,544 726,400 2,892,723 for week ending (for dry goods) March 34, and for the week end- Feb. 11... 604,500 390,146 644,800 3 759,053 Feb. 18 .. 961,000 673,827 649,100 747,738 ing (for general merchandise) March 85. Feb. 35... 177,800 176,472 307,200 595,671 FOREIGN IMPORTS AT NEW TORK FOR THB WEBK. March 4.. 583,600 856,452 715,600 5,138,910 11.. 604,500 1869. 1870. 1871. March 387,475 6.S.%341 2,239,268 March 18. 611,600 Dry goods $1,670,180 $2,619,046 $1,729,483 $2,618,098 896.397 540,700 2,948,0C0 85. 639,000 General merchandise... 3,626,993 3,627,361 3,199,469 4,962,509 March 391,941 709,763 1,540,960 Mobile Finances. -A correspondent in Mobile sends the follow- JTotal for the week. $5,897,173 $6,246,407 $4,938,952 $7,580,607 of financial affairs of Prerlously reported.. . 50,330,025 55,835,909 66,283,904 73,691,278 ing statement the the city " These bonds (Mobile bonds) save the recent issues of $300,000 to the Grand Since Jan. 1 $55,637,198 $61,882,816 $61,212,856 $81,271,885 Trunk Railroad and $360,000 for wharf purchase (the latter of which is not recognized as regular) mature in equal proportion each year until the date of In our report of the dry goods trade will be lound the imports of their maturity. The old city debt, now outstanding, Is $1,252,900— $260,000 dry goods for one week later. 5 per cents and $992,900 8 per cent. Please bear In mind that for the past three years our government has been The following is a statement of the exports (exclusive of specie) in the hands, to a great extent, of strangers and others having very little real from the port of New York to foreign ports, for the week ending interest in the city or its credit—placed in power by no agency of our citizens, been a want of confidence, if not March 38 : there has mismanagement and irregularities EXPORTS FROM NEW TORK FOR THE WEEK. until, on retiring to give place to a board elected by the people on the Ist of they left an empty treasury 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. January past, and a debt of some $200,000. The For the week $3,996,447 $3,085,369 $3,559,558 $4,441,092 result was a temporary default on the January coupons-not from necessity, as for Previously reported.... 38,466,498 34,017,757 37,886,385 55,514,030 means were tendered—but time to take a view of the situation. This interest has since been met, and the Legislature has recently granted authority

: the city of $400,000 8 per cent, '.Since Jan. 1 $42,463,946 $37,103,168 $41,385,883 $59,956,133 for the issue by bonds, a portion only of which will be disposed of this year to provide for this debt and the p'ayment of The following will show the exports of specie from the port of maturing bonds. New York for the week ending March 35, 1871 As will be seen by this statement the city has good assets to the amount of $1,758,715 84—about one-half of which will realize an income equal to the inter- Harch 30—Str. Cleopatra, Foreign silver $87,895 est on same amount of bonds. Havana Foreign gold 4,900 The estimated amount required for city expenses and interest this year Is Spanish gold $604 American gold 236,000 $312,000. Tax from real estate, $20,800,000, at IK per cent, $253,600. Receipts March SO—Str. Rising Star, March 83—Str. North Ameri- from other sources about $150,000 ; say $403,500. This is our Treasurer's esti- Aspinwall ca, St. Thomas- mate. . American gold 5,000 American gold 10,000 With this showing, and the management of affairs in the hands of her American silver. 560 March 83—Schr. Florence citizens, Mobile City Donds ought to stand higher than 60 or 86 in yoormarket. March 81—Str. Holsatia, Bailey, Baracoa

. &. . . Hamburg Spanish gold 8,500 Chesapeake Oblo Railroad.—From a pamphlet recently 23 Silver bars 15,200 March -Str. MoiTO Caetle, issued by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad (Company, we gather Uwrch 31—Str. City of Dub- Havana,— have secured the line of shortest portage between tide-, lin, St. Johns, N. Spanish gold 176,060 that they Fonndland— March 25—Str. City of Port water and western inland steamboat navigation, and also the American gold 30,000 au Prince, Port shortest route from our most important western cities to coast- March 33—Str. Idaho, Lon- an Prince- wise vessels. This will be seen by the following comparison of don- American silver. . 63,796 American gold 70,000 March 25—Str. Donau, Sonth- distances by the old and new routes Mexican silver 109,000 amiiton 6 d March S3—Str. Algeria, Liv- American gold 50,000 erpool— British gold 13,000 Foreign gold. 4,900 Foreign silver 35,000 Americanirict gold. 55,000 Gold Bars 19,000 Miles from port of Qoldbars 41,533 March 25—Str. City of Lon- a 3 Silverbars 815,'726 don, Liverpool- 00 (5 « M^iai 83—Str. Batavia, Liv- i Gold bars 59,196 o o o o ., ^ erpool— Silverbars 133,515 t' E- E- &- E- B *rv SUverbars 11,846 American gold 90,300 Richmond, via Ches. & Ohio. 562 645 902 998 800 677 *»75 tV Gold bars 4,169 , via Bait. & Ohio.. 591 699 931 1,076 884 705 , via Penn. R.R.. 668 776 992 1 1S3 960 736 823 Total for the week. *i ,531,579531 New York, via Erie Railway. 861 997 1,201 1.354 1,182 935 Pr8Tlou.ly reported.. ' ., ..V^.\..^...'.'.'.\'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'AlM^'.,437 New York, via N. Y. Central. 883 940 1.144 1,354 1,176 8:J0 Total Boston, via N. Y. Central 941 1,202 1,426 1,884 888 1,038 since Jan. 1, 1871 •istooanm $13,889,016 • By a contemplated line f lom the Ohio River to Dayton, this distance will Same time ""In ;=• — ^•"V laio / Same tune In be reduced to &a miles. laaB $6,375,362 11867 6,068.603 The advantage in grades, however, is more conspicuous even ll5;";;"-" .I-S^'^SII J§55 s.sm.sm ,14.167,7341189?. 4,393,636 than that of miles. This line from the Cheasapeake to Cincinnati J :

April 1, 1871 THE CHRONICLE. 397

can he, rtnd ultimately will be, oonntraoted M a freight road Habvkt Fi«m. A. S. Hatch. havinflr liff)it irnideB (roinyf east (the direction of heavy freights), OFncK OP FiRx * Hatch, Ba5xers, 1 aTeraglng trn feet, and not ezeeeding thirty feet to the mile ; and and Dealers in Government Securitiee, > the aame average and maximam going weet, w th a single ex- No. 6 Namau STiutrr, New York. March 30, 1871. ) ception, at one point, of sixty feet per mile. These grades The success Findino thus far, in the faee will be recognlieid as something superior for roads trnverping op the New Loan a prnirie country, and for a line crossing a inountatn rniige at of many obstacles and ditadvaotages, warrants the Mearance that an flcviition of two thousand feet are marvellous. the Five-Twenty bonds will from this time forward be T»pidly Ohio and !»II»«U«lppI._Thls Company is preparing to change funded at a lower rate of interest, and that the time ha* g«me by Its gauge from six feet to four feet nine inches. Changes the in when United State* bonds can be expected to yield more than rolling stock «ro now being made, and forty new locomotlvcH are about four per their market value. coutractinl for to be delivered in July. By the end of that month oent per annum on it is intended to to have the guage changed. It will then form In twenty days, subscriptions for over $40,000,000 of the New the western section in a short line from Baltimore to 8t. Louis. Five Per Cknt Loan hr.-.-e been received at the Treaaury De- Richmond and Peteraburs.— The Virrinia Legislature Una partment, payable <» Goif 'r Fite-Treenty hand* at prtr—equal to passed a bill for the sale of the State's interest this road m about 10 per cent premium in Currency. ($500,000) to H. H. Ellison and others. This, it is understood, between siveB the control of the line to the Pennsylvania Railroad Holdera of PHte-Twenty Bonds mutt thortly deHde an Company. even exchange for Oovernment bonds bearing 8, 4i or 4 per tent liCaao of Itchish Coal and Nairlcatlon Company.—Phila- interest, and some other form of investment in which the present DKLi>nt.\. March 38.—At a meeting of the stockholders of the premium on their Five-Twenties may be saved and their rate of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company toJay the lease of the interest remain unimpaired. Lehitrli and Susquehanna road to the New Jersey Central was approved by a ^tock vote unanimously. Safe and reliable six per cent securities, in which investon can feel confidence, which be obtained in exchange for Five- —The Port Huron and Lake Michigan Railroad Company, of can now Michifi^an, extends from the termini of the Oreat Western and Twenties at a considerable difference, or bonght for new inveet- Grand Trunk Railway at Port Huron to the city of Owosso, cross- ments mnch below the Government FrrB Per Cents, must be ing the Flint and Fere Marquette Railway at Flint, and connect- largely sought after and materially advance in market value, a* ing with the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad and the Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Railroad, creating the most direct line from the certainty that the FHve-Twenties cannot he relied upon to, mn the East to Orand Huron, Milwaukee and St. Paul, and openintr a much longer at 6 per cent becomes apparent. new and short route to Chicago. It commands the rich lumber, The Central Pacific Gold Bonds are especially desirable, stone, coal and grain traffic of Northern Michigan ; contracts have for the following reasons, viz.: been executed by which all the advantages of an unbroken through line are secured to this Company. The Great Western Railway 1. They are secured by a first lien on one of the most productive of Canada and the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad have contracted and profitable railroads in the country, worth several times the to invest forty per cent of the gross earnings accruing from all amount of the mortgage. trafflc interchanged with it, in their first mortgage bonds, thus 2. They have the further security of the pledge of the credit and creating a sinking fund equal to their absorption in less than ten years. A portion of the bonds remaining unsold are offered for good faith of one of the richest and most successful corporations the present at 90 and accrued interest by Drake Bros., 16 Broad in the country, distinguished for its able and honorable manage- street. ment and high credit, and having a full paid capital stock of —We call attention to the advertisement of the Elizabethtown about $60,000,000, with authority to increase its capital to $100, «uid Paducah Railroad eight per cent bonds which are offered by 000,000. N(^on, Slaughter & Co., W. Alexander, Smith & Co., and Hallgarten « Co., who recommend them highly as a safe and desirable in 3. They have a fixed time to mn—now about 25 years. vestment. This Company has a bona fide capital of 4. They well |3,095,000 ; are known and of established credit in all the princi- the officers and directors are reliable busin»88 men of Kentucky. pal money markets of the world, and are regularly noted and dealt The road traverses a fine agricultural country. There is an abund- ant supply of bituminous in at the Stock Exchanges of New York, Amsterdam, Frankfort, coal and iron ores along the route ; GS miles are completed and the Company have purchased iron which Berlin and London, and are as readily salable in large or small feeing delivered to Ip.""^*^ complete their road to the 113th mile. amounts, at any time, at quoted market rates, as are Government The entire road will be nearly completed during the present year. bonds. The earnings of the Central Pacific Railroad Company in 1870 BiNRI.N'G AND FI.\.iSCllL. were nearly $8,000,000, and the increase for January and February of this year indicates that the earnings for 1871 will not be less Basking House or Henry Clews & Co., 33 Wall st., N. T- than from $10,000,000 to $13,000,000, with a net profit of not lea* Our business is the same as an incorporated bank. that $5,000,000, while the interest liabilities of the Company are Deiiosit accounts can be opened with us in either Currency or less than $2,000,000 per annum. Coin, subject to check without notice. Five per cent, interest will We deal in these bonds, and buy and sell them at current be allowed on all daily balances. Checks upon us pass through market rates, and believe them to be as absolutely safe as any the clearing house as if drawn upon any city bank. investment can be. We issue Circular Letters of Credit for travelers, available in all parts of the They can now be had in exchange for Five-Twenties at a profit world ; also Commercial Credits. We make tele- of about 15 per cent. This profit may be realized and 6 per cent graphic transfers of money to any desired point, and transact gold interest continued with every description of foreign banking business. entire safety. We draw Bills of Exchange in sums from £1 upward on. FISK & HATCH. The Imperial Bank, and Messrs. Clews, Habicht & Co., London. UNION PACIFIC LAND-GRANT BONDS. The Provincial Bank of Ireland, National The Bank of Scotland, OmcB or Morton. Bitmi A Co., Bakksks, I and all their branches. Nrw York, March 30, 1871. f The nndcrsigined offer for sale the balance of the Land-Grant Bondx of the We issuo Certincates of Deposit payable on demand or at fixed Union Pacific Railroad Company. The road has 1 ecn In operation about date, bearing interest, and available at all money centres. twenty months. It is completed In all reepcctn. and its earnings have aver Orders executed for Government and other investment secnri aged $8,000,000 per annnm. These bonds bear 7 per cent interest, coapons ties payable April and October. ; also Gold and Exchange. They arc receivable at par in payment for the Company's lands. Advances made on approved collaterals and against Merchan The following summary of the financial condition of the Company is from dise consigned to our care. the address nf Colonel Thomas A. Scott to the stockholders, upon his accept- We make collections of Notes, Drafts, Coupons and Dividends ing the presidency, at the annual meeting in Boston, March 8: •' Land Department.—Bonds, 7 per cent currency, $10,400,000. with promptness on all points, and " Sales.— are fully prepared to offer Land a9S,goa acres ; proceeds, tl,80S,Mt ; average pric« per acre, banking f&cUities upon either $4 46. currency or gold basis. On account of these sales the company has received and redeemed land-grant bonds to the extent of ." $796,000 NORTON, For the remainder the Company holds land-notea matoring In one, SLAUGHTER 4 CO., two and three yean with accming interest 878,680 WM. ALEXANDER SMITH & CO., Total t],SlS,gBO HALLGARTEN & CO., " The condition of the land department may, therefore, be stated tans Recommend, after Bonds $10,400,000 a thorough investigation into the afeirs of the Company, as a very safe and desirable investment, the Eight Per Principal reduced by bonds redeemed $716,000 Land Notes on hand... 916,680 Cent First Mortgage Bonds of the Elizabethtown and Paducah Showing an absolute reduction Railroad Company of Kentucky. We are $1,311,680 only authorized to offer The Company is entitled, under the grants from GoTemiiMnt, a limited amount of these total lands preempted before securities at 87i and accrued inteiest after deducting paisag* d the act to The bonds offered are on the completed 11,060,000 acre*. portion of the r.->nd. which From which dednct.the amoimt baretofere toM. HMM is in sacceaafiU operation. Leaving on hand as an asset 11,787,117 : . ; : fr398 THE CHRONICLE. [April 1, 1871.

cent —which at an average valne of two doIIarB per acre, being twenty per usually giving rise to more demand for money from brokers, a it, should below the minimum Government price for adjoining lands owned by moderate outflow of currency to the Interior to meet the first of as to be yield th e gross sum of tS3,574,S34, so moch thereof may be required April settlements, and lastly, the rumors which have prevailed, applied to the payment on redemption of the land-grant bonds, and the bal- apparently with good foundation, that an attempt would soon be " " for ance to go into the Treasury. The average land sales amount to about $75,000 made to lock up money the purpose of depressing stocks. per month. A very confident feeling prevails that the general course of the From present indications it would seem reasonable to estimate the market during the next lew months, will be one of ease, although fross recei, ts of th coming year at a minimum of $9,000,000 it might be possible for parties who are operating for a decline of maintaining and operating the line on this Increased a <08t in sto'jks, to lock up several millions of legal tenders and thus earning of not exceeding say 4,500,000 Leaving as net receipts to be applied to interest tnd dividend, ex- create a seven per cent loan market for a few days. The knowledge dnsive of the operations of the land department 4,500,000 that the Secretary of the Treasury is unquestionably interested in " The operations of the line for the first twenty mouths of Its existence as having easy money during the negotiation of the new Government a completed road show net earnings sufficient to meet the Interest upon its Loan, has been for some time the most important influence bearing entire bonded debt. upon the market, and induces the belief that no severe stringency "This result cannot but be deemed, by all practically versed in the history can be produced by speculative manipulation. In fact, the adverse of new railway lines, as indicating a successful future. The yearly increase influences seem to be so great that it was reported this afternoon of traffic, costing but little additional to transport, and therefore yielding a that the combination had determined to abandon their purpose of large percentage of net revenue, must soon give a value to your property not locking up money. The Banks having now made their returns to aadily appreciated at present. the Comptroller of the currency, and not expecting another call MOHTON, BUSS & Co.. No. 80 Broad atreet. soon, will use their funds much more freely than before the returns were made. The following shows the quarterly statement •NEW LOAN OF THE UNITED STATES. of the National Banks of the city of New York Liabilities. Liabilities. Comparisons PROGRESS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS - PRmiEGE STILL OPEN FOR Dec. 28, 'TO. March 18 '71. Capital $78,886,tX)0 f;8.285,(X» $200,0.0,000 FIVE PER CENTS. Net Profits 2",S«7,900 27,637,300 680,600 Dec. The department has advised by telegraph that ten subscriptions to the loan Circulation 82,730,500 32,111,500 61il,000Dec. Due Banks C0,S)3,700 78.586,700 17,728,000 Inc, to Thursday last, March 30, amount to $i7,'00,0 0. The Secretary has Due Depositors 118,370,100 182,683,800 13,218,700 Inc. also authorized the notice that the unconditional privilege of subscribing to Unpaid Dividends 385,500 188,900 146,600 Dec. ten flrst-class of bonds, Ave per cents, to the extent of $200,0.,0,COO remains Totals »314,747,7(l0 »814,298,2C0 129,650.500 Inc. open until further advice. Resources. Resources. Comparisons. .The proposed loan comprises three classes of bonds, namely: Loans and Discounts tl68,R'i2,S0O 1194.360,600 125,508,200 Inc. Slocks 5o.'132,8(X) 57,088,606 51,606,800 Inc. Firsf. Bonds to the amount of five hundred millions of dollars, payable in Real Estate 7.745.9(10 7,882,700 186,800 Inc. from Banks 16,786,200 11.680,800 5,055,900 Dec, coin, at the pleasure of the XTnited States, after ten years from the date of Due Casb Items and Bank Notes 4,749,600 3,851,800 897,800 Dec. their issue, and bearing interest payable quarterly in coin, at the rate of five Specie 80,080,000 19,911,900 168400 Dec. 00 per cent, er annum. Legal Tenders 41,040,000 49,4.12,100 8,392, Inc. r Over Drafts 111,400 110,300 a8,900 Inc. Steor d. Bonds to the amount of three hundred millions of dollars, payable Totals 1814,747,700 134.1,298,200 In coin, at the pleasure of the United States, after fifteen years fiom the date The following is a detailed statement from Washington, of the of their Issue and bearing interest, payable quarterly in coin, at the rate c* currency of all classes date four and a half per cent, per annum. United States outstanding at this TUrd. Bonds to the amount of seven hundred millions of dollars, payable United States notes, old Issue «;98,621 States notes, new Issue 202,166,887 in coin, at the pleasure of the United United States, after thirty years from the date United States notes, issue of 1869 153,838,663 live per cent notes 134,867 of their issue, and bearing interest, payable quarterly in coin, at the rate of Oue-year Two-year live per cent notes 16,452 four per cent, per annum. Two-year live per cent coupon notes. 33,70-) lute rest notes 1,885,490 Subscriptions to the loan will have preference in the following order, Compound I Fractional currency, firet issue 4,445,060 namely Fractional currency, second issue 8,246,060 Faactional currency, third issue 6,389,012 F:rsi. SubBoriptions that may be first made for five per cent, bonds to the Fractional currency, fourth Issue 26,250,311 amount of two hundred millions of dollars ; of which there will be reserved Total »398,529,277 for twenty days one half for subscribers in this country and one half for subscribers in fore'gn countries. The last returns of the associated banks of this city for the week ending March 25, were not favorable, showing a decrease of Second. Subscriptions for equal amounts of each class of bonds. $3,046,738 in specie, |430,237 in legal tenders, $21,817 in circula- TM'tl. Subscriptions for equal amounts of bonds bearing interest at the tion, $5,171,341 in deposits and $1,462,084 in loans; the result of rate of four and a half per cent., and of bonds bearing interest at the rate of was to leave the excess over legal reserve five per cent. which $10,470,990, a decrease of $2,178,686 from the previous week. I Fourth. Subscriptions for any five per cent, bonds that may not be subscribed The following statement shows the present condition of for in the preceding classes. the

associated banks, compared with the same date in the last twoyears : When a subscription is made, the subscriber will be required to deposit two Mar. 26.1871. Mar. 26. taro. Mar. 1569. per cent, of the amount thereof in coin or 27, currency of the United States Loans and discounts. »291.114,S20 (2:0,807,768 t26S,909,589 or in bonds of the class to be exchanged, to be accounted for by the Govern- Specie 19,617,007 S2.im,232 12.078,722 Circulation ai,563,*« 33,674.894 34,7;7,8U ment the newbonds are deltveri when d ; and payment may be made either in Net deposits 225,714,302 208,910,713 180.118.9:0 coin or in bonds of LeRSl Tenders 55,193,403 52,685063 50,555.108 the United States known as Five-Twenty bonds, at their par value. On time loans the rates have hardly changed from those pre- coin viously quoted, contracts having been made at 5 per cent for 60 The received In payment will be applied to the redemption of Five- 90 days and 6 per cent for 3 to 4 months on approved collateral. Twenty bonds, and the debt of the United States will not be increased by to this loan. For commercial paper the demand continues good with a com- small amount offering. The bonds will be registered or issued with coupons, as may be paratively desired by per cent subscribers. Registered bonds will be issued of the denominations of first class endorsed 60dayB. 6 ... $60, Commercial, " @ " " 4 months. 6><@ 7 $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 ; and coupon bonds of each denomination ** M «• ^ 6 months. 7 @8 except the last two. " The interest will be payable in the United States at the " Blnglenames 60 days. 6M® 9 " " ^' 4to6nionths. 7 @10 office of the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, or designated depositary of Bankers', first class foleign 60 days. 6 ® 6H the Government, quarterly, the * on first days of February, May, August tasA domestic 8to4moDtns. 6M® 8 November, In each year. United States Bonds.—Government bonds were dull and The bonds of the several classes t aforesaid, and the interest thereon, are lower in the early part of the week, but have since been decidedly exempt from the payment of all taxes or dues of the United States, as we'll as strong on an improved business. The decline in gold and the slow from taxation in any form by or under State, municipal or local authority. progress of the new loan were the principal causes of the weak- After maturity, the I bonds last issued will be first redeemed, by classes and ness referred to, and although gold lias not since been materially numbers, as may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury. higher, the greatly improved prospects of the 5 per cent loan have will fol- tThe bonds be issued at the United States Treasury, but the agents for inspired much confidence in all classes of Government bonds, the negotiation of the loan in Europe are authorized to make arrangements lowed by an important advance in prices, both at home and with subscribers for the transmission of the bonds to the agents through whom abroad. The chief cause of the remarkable change for the better subscriptions may be received. which has thus suddenly taken place in the prospects of the loan, Secretary of the Treasury Subscrhers in the United States will receive the new bonds of the agents is to be found in the fact that the has with whom the subscriptions are made. made, or proposes to make, some important changes in his arrange- United Stnles the bonds, and the active co-operation of In the the National Banks are authorized to receive subscrip- ments for negotiating houses in this city has recently been obtained, which tions, and subscriptions may also be made at the office of the Treasurer of the some leading confidence that the new five per cents are really a United States, or of any Assistant Treasurer, or the designated depositaries has given more investment, and that tlie loan will be an entire success. One at iiuSalo. N. Y.; Chicago, 111.; C.ncinnati, Ohio; Louisville, Ky.; Mobile, good Ala., and Pittsburg, Penn. firm, conspicuous as heavy dealers in governments, subscribed $1,000,000. The total subscriptions now amount to about $50,- 000,000. The adv;.uce in London has also been very decided and

:April 1, 1871.] TBB CHRONICLE. ">

BttardkT. Monitnv, T»M< 051< .. IMS iwiJ The following are tho highest and lowest prices of the most HUM 114 lit UtH lUHIMH II9H Il« active State Bonds at the Board on each day of the week

• I'hiii la tlio Mil and iwkca. no wi(< VH mkda at Itaa Board. BatnrdjT, Monday, Taeadjy, w.dnesd'y, Thnr.d.r, vfloe Marcb^. Frldar, minecllaneona Stocka, JUrcliaS. Mareb U. March 2*. March N.U«reb|{. Railroad and —The week baa tjeen tBTenn..ald... •«8X »t 64 MX •«IX 45 6«Tenn, new... an active one in the storic market, and transactions in the leading •68X MX 64 <4K MX I'm N.Car., old.. •4«X 47 47 .... 47 •4»V 41 pecnlatlvo favorites liavo at times been venr largo, especially in 6-* v.<;ar., now. '.'4 2JX •21 25 24 •24 « •6! Lake Shore, amounting on Monday to some 70,000 shares, althouffh r.a Vlrg.,old.... «7i< 68 .... •67X .... 6s 8 C, n, J A J « MK g« tix n it is estiiimte< considerable compared with last week's, which exceeded Wabash $1,600,000. '^5S tho Treasury sale of on Korth western ,....'. nx At $1,000,000 Thursday, bids readied do. preferred. n the large sum of $4,122,000. Rates for carrying gold have St. Paul 51 S5J " flat" to cent, do. preferred. RM 80 ranged from 3 per and taday 1 and 3 per cent for Ohio & MlMlsslppI is flH carrying and " flat" for borrowing. Illinois Central 138X rrnlon Pacinc The toilowing table will show the course of the gold preminm I'acincMall 4SIH MK each day of the week past Western UnlonTelegsaph , -„. _,„ UX , !»^ , Qnotations. . From the preceding comparison it will be seen that prices are Open- Low- nigh- CIos- Total . Balances. . generally much higher than they wore six months or {hree Ing. est. est. Ing. Clearings. Gold. CorrencT. 8iitarday,Mar.25, ...IIOX UOX HtK IlOV $40JS8WI «2,«e9At2 nmati: months ago, although the market wag then without life: and Monday, " 27...110K llOX llOV UOX 22JiSW0O 1,601.890 i.Tn.2;2 depressed by long dullness. Tuestlay, " 23 ...P.OX UOX UOX llOK 7«,8Ci,O0O 1,49931* ' 1.720.368 Wcdn'day, " 2il....IiOX UOX UOX UOX S9.;58,0fiO 1390.69S 2.008.524 The following were the highest and lowest prices of the active Thursday, " 30 ...UOX UOX UOX llOX 28.9 7.000 I,!B8,nS 1 507,979 list of railroad and miscellaneous stocks on each day ot the last week: Friday, •• 81. ...UOX "OX llOX 110« 9fi,iil,000 911,598 tM7315 Satnrdav, Monday, Tneaday, Wednesil'y Thnrtdar, Friday, Currcntweck '.iOx UOX 110;« llOX »ifivijm 944.598 1W7315 March 25. March '^7. March is. March VS. March SO. March 31. Previous week :n nuv uix UOX 190.102.000 1.190,103 1325,969 Jan 1,1871, to date.. UOX IIOJJ 112X UOK M.T.CentftH.R 91V 95X 94X 95 MX 98V 95X 96K 95), 96 95K S6X do acrip 91V H2X 91 92 _ .." 91X 92X 98X n% .gX 93X The following are the quotations in gold for foreign and Amer Kartem lS9)i 129ii .... •129 130 129 126 X 128 129 I28X 128X ican coin Erie 20 20K aox 21 21 21 2ax 21 21 21 2lX 21X Rendlnir 1025 103 103 103 1U3X 1U2V 103 103 American gold (old coinage) silver 1112X WIH 103X 103X American (new) . 97X9 '*8X l*keJ-hore.... 100« lUl«ii 101j< UrJV Wt IttlX 103 IIBX 4 I), c. premtuiii. . 101 V 101 X 101 V 102X Dimes and half dlines. . 96 a 97 Wahash 56K 6-X STiK 68X 57X 58X SIX 58X 57X * pref.... J9H 80 !0 80X 79X tOX 79X fOX 79X 80 pH 80X American silver (old coinage) South American dollars .....par. Ohio, Mlsslsslo 47X 48X 47X 47X 48V 47X 4' 47X 47 X 43 l®2p.c. premium. 105 .. Central of N.J. ics^ioe 105X106 V 105X106 106 .. . 106K lOtX Chic. &.\ Hon.. 1I4« .... llt!K 115 117X 118X 118X119K iisv .... Foreign Exchanse.—Leading bankers reduced their rates do do pref 1I«H .... ii7>; .... 119 130 121 ...: 120' .... V^^ :::: early in the week, but advanced them again yesterday Panama •TIX UK 71 71X 71 72 •120 122X •71X .... 4 and Clev.,C ,C.*I BIX 85 85K 88 88 .... 87. 87^ 8«X 86X 'Ui :::. close at 100^(81091, generally asking the higher price. The Col.thlc.& l.C 21V 23 2SX iSK 23X 23V 23X 2SX IS 23X 22X 28X slight falling off above referred to was hardly an indication Del..Lack ,ft»v 106X .... 10«X .... I06X 106X 106K WA 107 107X 107. I07X of Hann., tit. Job. m 87X 88 8SX 88X 90 80 .... 89 e9X 89 90 any tendency toward easier prices, but was merely a fluctuation do pref 93 95M 93X 96X 97X 99 •97X 99 97V 98 97V 98X ' induced the high range in rates which had naturally checked Illinois Centr'l 131X .... 1S5 mv .-• 135 .... '131 WSV,' '135 185X by Mich, ("cntral. \ii rax 122 .... 122X ... •12IX 122X 12IX .... mx .... the demand for bills. Some of the leading drawers purchased Morris ft Es»ex 8JX .. . 89% .... 8»X i9V SO 91 90X 90X .... freely of the better class of outside bills offering, the B..Hart.JkF.rie •1« 1% ^m IX •IV IK 1« 2 •IV 2 •IV 2 and supply Dnl-m PacUc. wx asx 22V 28X 2«X 26X 2?X 26X 25:X 26K 25V 26X being thus taken up, they again advanced their own rates to 109^. •'est. "n. I el. 6IX 58 5;x 57K D7X 57K 5"lX 57X 57X 59X 5^ 59X good borrowing demand for gold has also prevented Mariposa prel.. !;X .... 9X ... .?« t^ •»X 9V PX .... The holders Qnlcksllvor.... IS IlX 12 . UX 12X .. I2X I2X 1^ :::: from purchasing exchange with their gold, when it could be PacllSc.Maii.... 4S )9X 48 44 4SX 44X 43V 44 43X 44 Adams K v pr'ss 72X 73 73X 74 74X 74V 74V 75X 74X 74X loaned to advantage. Merch. 48 Am. Un 47X ... •17X •47X 47X "47X 43 From .-£50,000 to .€75,000 has been drawn against the sterling I7nltcd States. 47X 48X 4«X 47X 48 f^ :::. 48X ... Wells, 1- argo. 43 ... •43 loan of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, whose bonds are •40X 41X 43X . .. 43X 4'2,'H .... negotiated in Loudon from time to time as the money is required. • This Is the price bid and aaked, no Mie iras made at thu Board. Apart from the considerations above mentioned the tone of the State and Railroad Bonds—The Southern State Ijonda market has been one of hesitation, and buyers are waiting to see have fluctuated in some cases to an important extent, influenced the course ot gold and of tho United States Loan. The exports of largely by intelligence reoxiived in regard to legislative or other cotton from all ports amount to 111,000 bales, worUi about proceedings in the respective States. In Virginia the funding bill $6,961,039 in gold, at current prices, against 72..5'3o bales in same ( has become a law, authorizing the funding of two-tliirds of all week of 1870, producing then $6.8r)0,711 in gold, with Middling the bonds and interest due up to .July 1, 1871, in six and five per Uplands at 23c., and gold at 112. cent bonds respectively, and the issuing of certificate.s of indebted- Quotations are as foUowf ness for the other one-third, which will be settled when the ques- «u Days. London prime bankers . tion of dividing the debt is decided between Virginia and 109Vd West •' commercial lOixa mx Virginia ; the old bonds have advanced on this to 73§, and the Paris (bankers) .... Antwerp new to although the latter have more S.I3V9S.1S 71^, coupons to be funded Swiss i.l8X«B.13V than tho others. Tennesseea have also been strong on the im- AmBterdam 41 » tlft Hambnrg , IMXa SIX proved prospects in that State. New South Carolinas have sold Franktort 41 S llR down to [email protected]| on the reports o( threatened resistance to the 79X^ 79X Pmsalaa thalers collection of taxes in the State in consequence of the oppressive 71X<<* 71V rates to which they have been raised. One of the rumors of the The transactions for the week at the Castom House and Snb- market, however, states that some of these proceedings in the Treasory have been as follows State have been designedly organized for efiect on the price of Custom -flub-Treaaury.- House -Recelpta.- Paymeat*. bonds, and the treasurer of Richland County, now in this city, Receipts. Gold. CurrencT. Gold. CiirrencT. BtaU s that the taxes are coming in well and' are already three- Saturday, Mar. 25.... 1607.0110 miJiei 39 tM9.5Sl !lt »l.S2MMtl Monday, " 27 470.aO a28.gT»M 21)1,444 70 «J84R quarters or seven eights paid. Tuesday, " 28.... 7>».aio 812.226 7S 176.988 68 iitjai m 4r«Ml 38 Wednewlay, 29. . . 4,2011,9a 48 From New Orleans we bear of a meeting of prominent citizens " »67.(W) >I4,I17«93 786.009 U Thur«d»7, " ."HI.... 439.U» lM0,573frl utaTte M,Mi ai tM».l

400 THE CHRONICLE. [April 1, 1871.

New York Cmr Bakks.—The following Btatement showe the Banks. Capital. Loans. Specie. Atlantic (750,000 tl.512.3le (7.364 condition of the Associated Banks oi New York City for the week Atlas 1,600.000 2.474,285 7,790 endinff at tke commencement of business on March 25, 1871 Blackstone 1,6C0,CW) S,5,«6,621 9399 Boston 1,000,000 3,036,440 9,490 ATXRjLQs AMonrr or *Boylston ; 900,000 1.444,757 914 Loans and Clrenla- Net Legal Colnmblan 1.000.000 2,298,897 63.500 Bass.'- Capital Discounts. Bpecle. tlon. Deposits. Tenders. Continental 1,000,000 3,000,269 Kliot Bew fork «S.(KI0,00O tl2.4ai.700 t2.83!.200 $828,000 ril,812.800 I797.!!0(i 1,000300 3,5)3.393 41.760 Maotasttsn.. 2,060,000 5,516,500 492,000 ' 9,300 ' S,'998,600 1.192,0CO Everett 200,000 693,422 1,781 Mercbsuta' SJMO,000 6,!«9.';00 1.044 .".OH 868,100 4,570,800 1,524,900 FaneuUHall 1,000,000 2,478,197 72,801 Meckanlcs 2,000,000 e.218,700 898,2ca 512.484 4,613,200 412,800 Freeman's 600.000 1,5S8,S80 15,988 CTnlon 1,500.000 4.383.4C0 537.000 486,«00 2.888,400 5;0.900 Globe 1,000,000 2642,278 1,(00 America 3,000,000 7,9)4,390 1,';67,828 1.440 7,W4.786 2,547,819 Hamilton 750,000 1,979,004 4,659 FbCBDlZ 1,800,000 4,063.606 778.1SS 495,000 3,25),S09 562,417 Howard 1,000,000 1,926.927 31,707 City 1,000,000 5,339,955 661,707 3,994,415 410,000 Market 800,000 1,499.893 6.193 Tradesmen's 1.000,000 8,141.327 44,084 763,077 1321.147 734,870 MaRsachuselts 800.000 1,889,P69 14.199 Falton 600,000 2.001,781 179,782 1,661,734 708.SJ6 Maverick 400,000 910,274 15.662 Chemical 300 000 6,441.548 889.593 4,518,913 1,201,076 Merchants' 3,000,000 8.097,692 326,176 66f>,566 Mp.rchants' Exchange. . . 1.235,000 2,935,776 29.027 446.968 2,S0t<,854 775,989 Mount Vernon 200,000 3313 National 1600,000 3,408,259 276,617 484.519 l,317,7n 271,(80 New England 1,000,000 2,258.699 82,878 Butchers' 800,000 2.529,000 58,200 252,700 1,831,900 463,100 North 1,000,000 3,281,286 25,567 Mechanics and Traders'. 600,000 1.879,600 12,400 195.700 1.275,300 451.900 Old Boston 900,000 1,878,643 146.740 Greenwich 200.000 1,034,327 2,929 723,706 127,663 Shawmut 1,000000 2,069 OIO 42,8!!0 Leather Mannt. National eoo.ooo 3,098,002 304°.SS2 259,;88 2,141,378 786,670 Shoe & Leather 1,000,000 3.718,382 32,780 Seventh Ward, National. 500,000 1.385,183 79.797 1'3.S79 858.247 232,821 State 2,000.000 3.719,565 109,879 State ol New York 2,000,000 4,299,816 434,8)0 493,000 3,472.650 1,54:1,720 Suffolk 1,500,000 8.341.051 95,918 American Bxchanf^e 5,000,000 10.087,800 608.900 955.600 5,204.300 1,375,600 Traders* 600,000 1,185,847 11,914 Commerce 10,000,000 21,365,925 0,126 4,248.315 6,158.610 3,873,128 Tremont 3,000.000 3,200,136 233,853 Broadway 1.000.000 J,093.200 524.900 898,800 6,033,700 i.-m.^oo Washington 750.000 1,882,010 66,265 Ocean 1.000,000 2,523.946 31,097 781.265 1,219.503 587.5S1 First...: i.OtXI.OOO 3,882,980 26,038 .'Second Mercantile 1,000,000 3.802,400 82,700 4SO.50O 3,238.900 863.600 (Granite) . . 1,600 000 4,496,128 144.527 FaclUc 422,700 2,0(8,940 11,620 4.70U 1,557,570 247,670 Third 300,000 1,207,006 38,000 Bepnbllc..., 2,000,000 5,361 ,C92 1,137,955 847,947 5.101,74J 842,821 Bank of Commerce. 3,000.000 4.471.696 2,470 ^Jhatham 4.'i0,000 2,092.600 96,600 129.500 2,488,)C0 597.800 Bank of N.America 1,000.000 1,9110.120 23,002 People's 412.500 1,567.069 3.055 5,79i 1,213,039 158,126 B'k of RedemplloD. 1,000,000 5,055,888 56.104 ITorth American 1.000,000 2,898,527 88,262 4.000 2,407,396 327,000 Bank of Republic... 1300,000 2,800,573 HanoTcr 1,000,000 2,461,086 173,95.'; 293.070 1,488.317 326,682 City 1,000,000 1.677,046 7,497 Irving 500.000 1,868.000 13,000 190,565 1,676,000 474,000 Eagle 1,000,000 1,876,056 2,773 MetropoUtm 4,000.000 10,927.391 976.499 1,636,703 .5,420,748 7-23,000 Exchange 1,000,000 4,048,6-39 111.69S 1300,000 Citizens , 400,000 l,5S3,256 37,953 131,075 1,245,069 333,052 Hide & Leather 3,087,239 10,412 Nassan 1.000.000 2.863,1 to 00,566 3,948 2,086.886 267,422 Revere 2,000,000 4,2(r7,957 9,£04 Market 1,000.000 2,906,000 108,100 515,970 1,806,500 577,600 Security 200,000 593,9n 6,258 Bt.Nlcholaa 1,000.000 2,778,100 100,200 7:!8,S00 1,384,200 449,100 Union 1,000,000 2,507,513 105,548 Shoe o,aoo 1,236,800 179.500 1.075,600 358,000 Manhattan 155 159 Broadway 299 St. .Nicholas.... lis 116 German American 1,000,000 2,805,200 2,575,927 32337T Merchants 115 120 Ocean 90 93 Marine Bnll sHead 90I),IW0 1,580.811 5,307 1,689,195 Mechanics 185 140 Mercantile 125 Commonwealth. 68 92 Stnyveeant .00,000 mjm 4,171 526,981 72,403 Union 145 50 Am. Exchange. 116X 119H Atlantic Kleve ith Ward. 200,000 475,193 436,741 63,046 America 145 1S2 Paciac New Y. County. 220 Eighth National 250,000 7754(98 250,000 505,883 182,678 City 230 Chatham 166 170 Importers 4t Tr. 160 American National 50O.0OC 829,882 40.648 418,960 810,968 358351 Phenlx 109 109X Bepubllc 115 118 Park 169 161 <*ermanla 200,000 805,300 7,100 837,100 North River.,.. MM ,„ N. America 1(5 Maiinf & Merch 100 101 Uannfactnies A Builders 100 000 1,086,518 1.600 1,063324 139,000 Tradesmen's..., IS&H 155 Hanover 103 N T.Nat.Exch. .. Fulton 160 Irving 135 Central Nation '1 106 109 225,774302 '55,193,40» Total 8M70,200 291,114,320 19,617,00781,583388 Greenwich 200 Metropolitan.,.. 1,6 First National.. .. Bntcherst Drov 148 160 Citizens Fourth Nation"! 110 ^The deviations from the returns of previous week are as follows: Mechanics & Tr. 181 Peoples 140 Ninth Natltnal. Ill 112 M National 120 125 Grocers 116 Tenth National. .. Merchants' Ex.. 103 103 East River 113 Eleventh Ward. .. 162 Loans Dec. (1,462,084 Net DepOSlM Dec. (5,171341 I Leather Manuf. Market 128 Oriental 159 4i)eole Dec. 8,046,788 Legal 'Tenders Dec. 430,237 Seventh Ward... 108)i .. Nassau Gold Exchange. 70 15 Circulation 31,811 109X Dec. -. Bute of N.Tork 113H Shoe and Leath Bankers & B.^s . The following are the totals for a series of weeks past Commerce . 119 :19H Com Exchange. 125k 128

Loans. Specie. Circulation. Deposits. Tenders. cteavl'iigs. SOUTHERN SECiriJITIES. 216.290.3.'!3 Feb. 18. , 274,912,530 24?ro73S1 81>i?1.»4: 56,366,6.36 463,147,419 These Quotations are ot the Liesn Actl-ve Securities ivlitcli Feh.35... 278.005,999 23,562,048 31,720,445 217.629,116 57,178,408 399,569,017 are not Given on tlie Next Page. March 4.. 2«5,6Sl,PSi> 24,332.207 31,660,282 228,059,574 58,119,768 667,431 .830 Prices by Lawrence Hros. & Co.. 14 Wall street. March 11. 289 363 394 23.769,176 31,655,071 229,924,584 57,045,384 643,141,609 (.Many qaot.itlone are necessarily Diimmal.) March 16.. 292,576,404 23,663.745 31,605,215 230,945,643 55,623,645 589.685,759 March 35.. 291,114,320 19.617,007 31388,398 225,714,302 56,193,408 564,164,384 North Carolina. ABk IBid As' Wilmington & Weldon 7s Banes. following is the Philadelphia —The average condition Alexandria 6b 88 68 " fh. iRuth.letM.end " of the Philadelphia National Banks for the week preceding Mon- Atlanta, Oa,lB 69 71 " let M., Sb day, March 27, 1871 Aueuata, Ga., 7b, bonds 78 80 South Carolina. ChMeston, H. le, F. L. bds 66 70 Total net C, Char!., Col. & Aug , let M.,78 80 Banks. Capital. Loans. Specie. L. Tender. Deposlts.Clrcnlat'n. Columbia, H. C , 6e 65 70 Plilladelphla »l,500,O0O (4,951,000 (74,000 (847,000 (3MS,000 (1,000,000 Colnmbns, " 78, bonds 681 72 Sparten-bnrg and Union 78, North America 1,000,000 4,049365 5,941 873,752 3,701/142 797,850 Ircdrlckehnrf; 69 43i gnar'd by States. C 46 Famiers and Mech. 2,000,(00 4312,181 60,619 1.033,155 3,135,850 791,880 Lynchburg- (ie 73 'in Savannah & Char. 1st M., 7b.. Commercial 810,000 2,435,000 8,200 .'i48,000 1,442,000 617,000 Macon Is, bonda 78 75 North EasUrn let 88... Mechanics' 800,000 2,382,000 646 34!,0C0 1,191,000 413:50 mtg. endoreed SQ 61 ' Bank N. Liberties. 600,000 2,444,000 3,000 580,000 1,969,000 457,000 Memphis Ss, Sd 89 Bouthwark 250,000 1,409,400 25,500 551,800 1,434,800 218300 Memphis pant due coupons. B6 68 8d " 8b Eenslncton 250,000 1,079,172 4310 211,000 767,978 226,995 Mobile, Ala., 6s, bondi 56 " stock Penn 500,000 1 384,210 4,000 211,456 948307 178,000 80 Cbcraw .fe Darlington 78. We» em 400.000 1342,156 2,407 381,050 1303,859 ..:... Montgomery 8s 80) oliio Ridge, Ist Manufacturers' 570.150 1310,000 Mortgage 60 393,000 1,008,611 447,196 wasbvilleOs 60 Bank o( Commerce 550.000 774,470 s'fiia 209,694 546,919 217,680 Tennessee. GIrard 1,000,000 3,601,000 38,000 690,000 3,417.000 Norlolkex .. 60 East Tenn. & Virginia 68, end Tradesmen's 593,000 200.000 1,427,370 6,470 959,009 91li,274 .Petersburg 6i 70 by State of Tenn . . 66 6« : 178,651 Consolidation dOO.oOO 1,132,984 211,917 750,853 270,000 Richmond 68 70 Mempbisand Obio IDs 65 City 400,000 1,248,879 iW' 403,960 79231c 952,161 Wilmington, N. C.,«s. " 08 42 Commonwealth.... 300.000 907,724 18,000 376306 960,989 ' 212,175 " 8b. VlTKlnla. Corn Exchange 600,000 1.696,000 5,800 404,000 1,248,000 Union 450,000 Orange A Alex., letees, 8S 900300 1371,000 8,000 367,000 1371,000 221,000 " First 1300,000 9,648,000 39,000 1,119300 3,231.000 798300 itailroad Securities. lids 6b... . 78 Third 8O03OO 1,043,400 8,835 947,600 998,700 262316 Alabama. SdsSB 88 Fourth 800.000 911,608 236,114 1 .021,618 179,000 Moiitn'ry & West P. let, Sb.. UhgSs 77 Sixth 150,000 513,000 159,000 " 388.000 195,000 " Iflt. end Orange & .»lex. A Man. Iste 80 Baventb 2.50,(00 796,000 280,000 71S.00O 219.935 " " Income, Va. *TenL late Be., KIghth 275,000 900,000 119,000 609,0('0 " "74' Central 240,900 Montgomery and Euialla 1st 2d8 68 750,000 2,816,000 10,000 633,000 2,179,000 990,000 Bank of Bepubllc. 1,000,000 tjs, gold bond?, endorsed by " 4tb, 2,170,000 1300 429,000 1399,000 800,000 8b 85 Security 208,000 841300 65,000 Htate of Alabama Virginia Central iBts, 6a 84 150,000 115,000 " Mobile and Ohio, imtp, 8b 2ndB, 6e .. 82 Tot;>' »15351,150 (53304,123 (944,853 (12334,214 (38,584,»76 (11,036,389 Selma and Meridian iBt m. 8e " Sds, 6s eo The deviations from last week's returns are as 4th,8B iih'i follows " Georgia. l>ind. Int. 88 so Capital Jncreaee. 4,O0C I Legal Tenders Deereaae M- ht " let Loans Decrease. 413.299 Deposits DeCTease ^'iws ttoathwesternKit., mtg Rich. * ran . lei ciia'd 69. 77 78 Bpecle Decrease. 119,922 Circulation stock Plt^T'iont hra'b 88 I ..ln«rease !! !i09ta " Mftcon and Aui-uBta bonds , iBtB'^B 80 The annexed Btatement shows the condition of the Philadelphia " eudoreed. Sonthelde, let mtg. se , 90 91 Banks for a series of weeks : Macon and Angnsta stock. ** 3d m. gnart^d68 IS) Atlantic and Gulf stock " Sdm.Sfl.... Date. Loans. Specie. Legal Tender. Circnlatlon. 62t Feb.30 62,743.310 686,401 'JtSCSJ'ij'; Savannah, Albany,* 88 ... 13375,982 39,657,rao 10,1)02,642 Gnlfis 4thm. ... 82 F«b.31 63,096,743 739,745 13,313,(04 39,767,660 10,941,411 bonds, end. by t-'avannah. Norfolk Si Petersburg 1 ra 8e 96 MarthB 59,444,240 714399 1.3364369 39,975.367 10,94 :,966 Penaacola * Qeorvia let m 7t 78 85 March 19 99,616,993 679,914 ''^ 12,119,865 39.938,385 10,986.937 «dm8B. " " 2d m. 8b Mtrell30 99,117,433 464375 12365,6)1 99,>'32,9I4 10,«75,437 Blchm. ft PeterBb. Istm 7e 99 MarobJI 63304,139 344.833 13334,214 88384,976 11,036389 nilsslsslppl and Loa- ' " 2dm.6» Boston Banes.—Below we give a stateiaent of the Boston Isuuia. '• Sd m. 8f MlSBliflippi Cent. 2d " ' National Banks, as returned to the CTearing House, on Mondav 8b Fre'kBbV' & Poto. 6s. rail '7178i A Temi. iBl m.lB ' " " conv 7e March 27,' 1871: ^J i coneoM, Sb 0» ...... I . , ......

April 1, 1871.J THE CHRONICLK. 401

GENERAL QUOTATIONS OF STOCKS AND BONDS. Tbe Aollre Mtocka and Bonds (iTen on m Prevlon* Pace are not Rep«a(«< kore. QnoUtUona ar« made ot the Par Cant Talna, WHatarer the Par may be. Sontkam Securltlea are QnoMd in a BeywraM Llat.

•TOOK! AXD «a(niuTin. Bid, STOOKa AKD aBOCBim*. Bid.' Tocu AID aaocuTiaa. Bid. rroosa mo tamtnnt BId.tAsk

New York Priaes. RAILROAD DONDB, American Oold Coin iiOK i:oh' qalnor * Tol., tat M., IMO.. . loaton. Central Ohio. lat M.. 6 m U.S. OOVEHNMKNTS. ni. A So. Iowa, lat Mort Cln., San. £ Clev., Ist M., 7, 17. Marietta ft Cln., tat M., 7, 1WI. 8' MX (Xot pnrloiulT quoUdO Uiilana * Cblcaao Kx ended . uatam Mass.. couv.. 6. 1174. . do do 1dM.,7,ltM. ••, im, r«o. IMK lltK Oalena* ( hlcaxo.M Mort... Hartford ft Erie, 1st M. (old) 7. Northern Cent., 1st M. (guar) 8 Ihlc. K. Island ft Paclflc do Ist M. 7. •I, i-IB; (tfei;I) rtff.. do maw) do do 2dM., 8. F.,a,'K. 108 ,)r- ;Murrl9* Esaex, 1st .Mort lua Old Col. ft Newport Bds, 6^. do do S>l M., 8. F.,t,ltaO id «•, S-iOl, (1'>9S/ r>|/ do do Mort do ^ do llonda, 7, 1877. do doM M. 'Y. ftC)*.-?; et,S-S)a, (18es,n«w) r«; CleT*. * Tol. Hlnklng Fund . Rotlud, new, 7 do do Cens. (gold) 6, 1900 l9t Mort;< !•, t-aoa, hWT) rtff New Jersey Central, Varm't Cen.. 1st M.. cons., 7, 114 PltU.ftConnellsv.,lstM.,7,~ WK tlK ••, s-m, (law) r<0 do do 3d Mort. do 3d Mort., 7, 1891 do do 1st M., 6, U S«,1fl74,rea do do new bds. ^01 luix Vermont ft Can., new, 8 West Md, IstM., endoraed,62W S», KWjt. r»o 108M Pitta., Ft. W. ft Chic, 1st M.... 108 IU4 Vermont ft Maaa., lat M.,i,'88. do 1st M., unend.. 6, W.. BTATB BOKOS. do do 3d Mort. 97M 9TH Boaton ft Albany stock do 9d M.,endoraed,8,"M). Teanenea 6a, old do do ad Mort. 9IK Boston, Hartford ft Erie Baltimore ft (ihio stock inx do do naw boada do do 8 p. ceqtbda .., Boaton ft Lowell atock Parkeraburg Branch Virginia la, old Cleve. ft Pitts., Coosol, 8. F'd. W »iH BoatonftMalne Central Ohio 2»X do do new tionda do do 3dMort 96 Boaton dl Providence do preferred do SdMort 9« do do raglalared old. . . do Cheahire preferred do do do 19M.... do do 4th Mort 80^ Cln., Sandnaky ft Clev. atock. Cincinnati. Chic, . 101 do do do l»n.... ft Alton Sinking Fund. Concord Cincinnati ta Georgia aa do do lat Mortgage... Connecticut Blver. do ta 90 94. ft Paaaampalc, do 7a, new bonds do do Income Connecticut pf. do 1-90^ lu! do 7s, endoraed Ohio ft Miss., 1st Mortgage.... Ml Baatem (Maaa.) bds. Ml Ham. Co.. Ohio 6 P.O. one 5" do 7a,Oold do Consolidated.... 83X FItchbnrg do do 7p.c.,l toSyra. Dab. ft Sioux C, Ist Mort 94 Indianapolis, Cln. ft Lafayette Nortli Carolina ta, old (•(ivlBkton ft Cln. Bridge n FenlDsala 90' do do Funding Act, 18M. RR Bonds .... Maneheater ft Lawrence "" {Cln.nam.ft U..7atM.,7, »... (* St. L. ft Iron Mountain. 1st M. Wl 89)( Naahnaft Lowell ' 87 do do 1M8....". t, ' do do 2dM.,7, *85m. do do newbonda Mil. * St. Paul, 1st Mort. 8s.. iS;iXllH Northern of Kew Uaropahlre. 98 87« . do do 8dM..8,T7... do do do 7 8-10 94 .... ogdens. ft L. Champlain t3 do do SpaclalTaz Cln. ft Indiana, 1st M.,7 do 1st Mort 94 95 Si'* Soutb Carolina (a do do _ do pref.... M., 7,1871.. ta ! do do 2d do do new bonds do do I.ftM. d Six Old Colony* Newport. "**Mu 92 do IColum., ft Xenia, lat M..7. 10. do do April* Oct... do 2dM Mi: .... Port., Saco ft Portamoath 4i'V|I>ayton*M1ch.,lstM.,7,11.. 86 Marietta ft CIn., 1st Mort 95 Bntland MJaaoarlfla do do 2d M.,7, •84. Ft do Cliic. ft Mllwaukeellst Mort.. 95 do preferred Sik' 95 Han. A St. .Joseph. 4,2; do do SdMy'T.'SB.. Jollet ft Chicago, 1st Mort. . . Summit Brancli Umlslana t» iS doTo'dodep.bdB,'r,'81-^94. f5 do newbonda I Chic, ft Ot Eastern, let Mort...... [iVermont 4 Canada 87' Dayton ft West., 1st M„ 7, 1908. •a, floating debt, Col., Chic ft iDd., 1st Mort.... SIKllVermontft Massactinaett* new •, do do 1st M.. 6, 1906, do . B. * N.O. I & Ist do do te, *85...., do Water Stock 6a, '97. do 7s,Mlu.0nc.*RR.. 8 juth Side Railroad bonds. .. Belvldere Delaware, 1st M.,6. do Wharf ta Ohlota.iro do do skgfond. 86 ll do do 2d M.,6. ¥ do special tax 6s of '80. do (a, 1881 Morris & E!>sex, convertible... do do »d M., 6. 95 87" Jeff., Mad. A I.lstM.dft M)7, '81 dote, ISM do do construction. -- Camden ft Amboy, 6 of "75 98 do do SdM, 7,1878 Kentuclnr ta North Hlssoarl, 1st .Morti^age. 83;< do do 6of83 88;: lllnols do do 2d Mortgage.' do do 1st M.,'},1906.... Canal Bonds, I8T0. . do do 6 of '89 8tX Loulsv. C. 4 Lex., l9t M., 7, •97_ do ts conpon, *77 1(10 Jefferson RB, lat Mort. bonds, do consol., tof '89.. efix lOO MI8CELLAKEOUS BONDS. I.onl9. 4 Fr-k.. 1st M.,6, •Vt-'X.. do do 187» Cam. ft Bur. ft Co., Ist M., t . . 84 9«j<;i do Loulsv. Loan . 6. •SI. do War Loan lOO Am. Dock ft Im. Co. 7, I* ~i Cstawlsea, let M., 7 rii L. ft Nash. 1st M. fm.s.) tadlana ta. War Loan 100 Long Dock Bonds SeSiElra.ft Wfl'TOS, Sa 7. T7.. 80 do Lor. Loan fm.s. "JW- •81 do 5a, do 100 W union Tele, lat M.,7 1S75- do do 7s, 1880 «. do do (Leh.Br.)6,^8« 80 Ulcblgan ts, 97 Hunt, ft Broad 1st 7. . 1873 Top, M,. do lst.V.(Mem.nr)7.'HVT5. do «e,1978 t» NEW. OB RECENT LOANS, do do 2a M.,7, '73..; do lBtM.fLeb.br .cxll, •BO.'SS V^ S" do ta,I888 99 U.S. New Loan. 5s, gold 100 do do Cons. M.,7, "95. _ do Lou. L^n(Leb.br.ex)6, 78 de 7a,1878 98 Bur. C. R. ft M. RR, 1st M,7(gd) 90 Jnnc.|Plilla.,lstM.,guar.6', "ge to do Consol. 1st M.,7, 1898.... If aw York 7», Bounty, reg. 106 108X Cnes.ftOhloRR, lstM.,i,(gd) 90 Lehlg^i Valley, I9t ....,.,, 1873....o.. - . Jefferson., Mad. 4 Ind. stock.. 4S do 7a, do coo. 103 108)4 Conn. Western. l«t mort. to... 90 do do let (new) \l., 6, '»<. ,94, »4X 91 Lunlsv., Cln. ft Lex., pref. 106 6. R. ft Ind, 1 M guar, 7s, gold. 92X Little Schuylkill, mt M.,7, 1977. do (a, Cana1,lgi3.... do do common. 4S do 6s,l»73 :06 uonlsv.ftNash. R, Ist M, cons.,7 gu North PeuBBvl.. Ist M., «, 1880.. 99X Louisville ft Nashville do ta,l»7« !06 Lake Shore Consolidated, 7. . 97X do Chattel M., 10, 1887. do te,l»75 106 Montclalr RR 01 N. J.. 7s, gold 100 do 2d Mortgage, 7 St. Iionla. do ta,1877 -.06 Northern Pacific RRiJ-SO gold 100 do Funding Scrip, 7... St Louis «!< .10 Water 6a, JSX do 69,1878 108 Nashville ft Decatur RR. . Oil Creek ft Alleg. R., Ist M., 7. 88)i gold do do 5a, 1874 N. Hav.,Mld . ft Wll. RB, 7s 100 Pennsylvania, let il.. 6, 1^80.. new do »s,i8;5 n^ N. Y ft Osw.Mid. R,lstH.7(gd) 100 do 2dM.,6, IffTB... io«k do Waterft Wharf 6s... '89- do 8a do 5s,IS7t.... 100 Peoria. Pekln ft Jacks, 1 M77s - - - do Debentures, fi, "71 Park , 90' CITT BONDS. Port Enron ft Lake Mich end.. 87H Phlla, ftErle,l9t M. (gold) 6, '81 do Parkte gold . .... •Id Brooklyr ts 94 94 St. Jos. ft Den.C.R,lBtM,8(gd: do 1st M. (iur.) 6, '81 Sewer SppclalTalti do Water ts 94 94S St. Louis ft Iron Mt. 1st m..ga. 90 Bunbnry ft Erie 7s North MIsaourl.Sd M.. 7, 1888.. do Parkts 88 90 Union Paclflc Land Grants 7s Phlla. ft Snnhury 7s, 1872 i»Ki Kansas Pacificist M.. (gold) 7. do do 79 lOO 101 RAILROAD STOCKS. Philadelphia ft Reading, 6, "TO. do l«tM.(goldj«,'«S do S year Asaesament 7a 97 98 (Not prevlotialy qnoted.) do do 6, '71. CO Ist M. (gold)*, 1896.. Naw York t per cent, "75... 93 100 Albany ft Snaqnenanna 86 do do 6, '80. 97X do 'stM.(Eeav3r.)7.t« 110 119 do LandGr.M^T.Tl-'W do do do "78... 98 Chicago ft Alton 11«K do do 6, '86. 57 78. 96 100 do do preferred... 120 do Debentnrea,6. do Inc. Bonds, 7, No. 18 do do do . 14 100 do do No. 11 do do do •87... 98 do do scrip do do 7, ^. 19 104 Chic Bur ftOulnoy lio" Phil., ft 6, do do stock. «... do *'s , 108H Wllm. Bal.,lst M., •84 Pacific 86 J4AILBOAD B0KD8. Clu.,Ham.ft Dayton Westch. ft PhU.. lat M., conv,7. Denver RR ft Tel 7s. Mlpsourl .'* !». T. Central la, 1888 Clev., Col., cm. & Indlanap .. do do 2d M., 6, 1878.. North stock do 89,1887 Col. Chic, ft Ind. Central West Jersey ,6, 18SS Paclflc (ot MlBsonrl) stock... do ts, real estate... 90 Duboqueft Sioux City Wllmlng. ft Read.49t M., 7, 1900 45 do 6a, subscription. 90 Erie Railway preferred...... 42X Cheaa. ft Delaw.. 1st M., 6,J86. l

Atlarta bonds, 8a. , do 7s, 1885-76 lOO Marietta ft Cln., 1st preferred do Loan of 1884,6, '84 I

' (Thnrloaton stock 6a &rle Isc Mortgage Extended. 98 lOO do do 2d pref 9 ii"" do Loan of 1897, 6, -97 Savannah 7s, old 8.1 do IstBndorsed 91 I Morris ft Essex 90X 91X do Oold Loan of ir,^, '97 94" do 7b, new 82 do 79.2d do 187» New Jersey 117H 1I8H do Convert, of 1877, 6, TI 58 89' Memphis old bonds, 6b ;do 7s,Sd do 1888 New York ft Harlem VHH 139 Morris, 1st M., fi, 1376 '85 do new bonda,6a , do 79,4th do 1880 New York ft Harlem, pref.. . . do Boat Loan. 8. F.. 7, 144' 148" woblleSa , do 79,5th do 1888 New York ft New Haven Schuylkill Nav., 1st M., 6, 1872. «a 82 Buff. N^. E. do scrip. ISS 188 do 2d M., 6, 18S^. do Y. * I9t M., 1877. . . do do S4 90 New Orleans Ss Hud. R. 79, 2d M. 8. F. 1885 New York, Prov. ft Boston.. . do do Improv.. 6, 1870. do do consol. 8b do 79, 8d Mort., 1875 Norwich ft Worcheater Camden ft Amboy stock. n Harlem, 1st Mortgage.. 108 Ohio ft MIsal'Slppi, preferred. H' Catawlsaa stock do do bonds, Ta do do lOa 98 do Con. M'geft S'kgF'd. 88M Renaaelaer ft Saratoga do preferred stock Rome, Watertown ft 120 Elmlra ft wiuiamsport Albany ft Susqlra, let bonds. Ogdens. RAILROADS. do do 3d do .. »ii St. Lonia, Alton ft T. Haute. . SIX Elmlra ft Wiuiamsport pref. do pref. 5S Lehigh Valley do do 8d do .. do , Orange ft A lex. KR lat M. la. «« Mlch.Cent.,lst.M. 8s, 188:2 lii' 6t. Lonts ft Iron Monntam 54* 54X Little Schuylkill do do tdM.la.. 88 Toledo. Wab ft Western, nref. 79 Hill Chic, Bur. ft Q. 8 p. c. Ist M.. HI 8l)4i Mine ft Schaylktll Haven. Va. ft Tenn., lat M. ta 80 Mich. 80. T per ct. 2d Mort MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Northern Central do 4tbMort.8a 88 MIch.S. *N I. 8. K. 7 102 American Coal 41 48 North Pennsylvania ro P.O.... Charleaton ft Sav. ta, guar. . . S» Paclflc R. 7s, gnart'd by Mo.. Consolidated Coal Oil Creek ft Allegheny River. do do 7b 80 (:oal It Central Paclflc Bonds an Cumberland Pennaylvanla Oreenvllleft Col. 7s. guar C8 Coal 89 Union Pacific Ist Bonda 88 Maryland Philadelphia Erie do do 7s, certlf.. SR lis 330 do Land Orants, 7a. 7SX Pennsylvania Coal , Philadelphia ft Trenton Northeastern 1st M. Ks 88 47 164 do Income 10a 70i|| Spring Mountain Coal Phlla., uerman. ft Norrtstown Bonth Carolina 6a (new) 66 Illinois Central iS?'< Wllkeabarro Coal Phils.. Wllmlng. ft 7 p. ct.. 1875 . Baltimore do do 7a (new) TO Alton* T.H.,IstAl ri"i Canton Co B3X West Jersey 130 do do atock 40 do do Jrt .M nref 85 Delaware ft Hudson Canal USX 116X Cheaapeake ft Dela. Canal 16 i Georgia Bonds, 7b do do Jd M. Income..' 75 Atlantic Mall Steamsklp Delaware DIvlalon Canal do atock 86 ft 98 166" I Chic, N. Weatem 8. Fund.. Marlpoea Oold Lehigh Coal and Navigation. Oentral Georgia, 1st Mort. 7s. 96 do do Int. Bonda, 9SU 94H do Trasteea CertU Morn* (eonaoUdated) do do stock 118 do do Extn. Bda, 873 (bilcksllver preferred do preferred iKaconft Brunswick end. Ta.. n

lat wells .. . do do Mort. Fargo scrip SchnylkJll Narlgafn (consol). Macon ft Western stock 108 110 Consol'd ct. 8nj< 7 p. convertible . 891 Boston Water Power tS'* do do pref. Atlantic ft Onit 7s consol IS Ban. ft St. JO. Land Oranta.. Boaton. Susquehanna ft Tide-Water. ft Weat. n do Montgm^y P. lat M.ta. •B do convertible imiij Maine te Weat Jeraey Ta, Jan. ft Jnly. V» Mobile ft Ohio aterllog 84 11 Lack, 99X ft Weatern Bonda New Hampshire, 6« 100 Balttmore. do do 8b, Interest. n f< Bel.. Lack, ft ;w'| Weateni, lat M T Vermont as Maryland ta, Jan., A., J. * O. do do stock..,.,,,,.,. a J.I do do JdM,. 94 _ w i daaaacbnsetta te, Cnrreni^... lOOX do 6a, Dalance H. Orleana ft Jacka„ lat tj Tol. U. M. ft Wab'h, 1st Mort. exfd.l do ta, Qold Baltlmora 6a of IS 9tH do iio cert^a,St. 90 do IstMStLdlT.. a3s do Sa, Oold N. Orleana ft do do IIM Opelona.lstM.ai adMort 88 Boaton ta vn do ta'.tOO. Mlaa. Central, Ist M. 7a f.V do I Kqulp. Bds... 80 •a.gold do IRto, Parkta Mlas.ft Tenn.,lstM Ts do Cons. ..J}° Convert, 84M Chicago Sewerage Ta Baltimore ft Ohio ta of IS Xaat Tenn. ft Georgia 6a Kannlbal ft Maples. 1st M.. „ do Municipal Ta 97 do do taofflO Maapkla ft (Hiartuaioa, lat Ta.. areat Weatern, 1st M.,1868.., 10( Portland ta 98~ '88 4« do do do (a ol do 3dTls.. lstM.,MM... Burl Ington ft Ho. L. (N.W.Va.)»dM.tj do «« IdU. 0« T da I- 40 atoek. M.... Ctaaahin,* , >l(aaapkli ft Uttla K. latM... : . : . :

402 THE CHRONICLE* [Apri! 1, 1871.

ACCOCNT AKD OONDITION OF CARS, DECEMBER 31, 1870. (J he tlttilroay ittonito£^ In Good OrUer. 3 Repairs." Total. Parlor Cars 3 tables Nfght Cars 4 4 ^EXPtXtrTrioF'oF'iNaE'sToc^^ Omcers' Cars 1 1 1. Prices of the Active Stocks and Bonds are given In the Firet-clasB passenger cars. 30 8 88 " BanSera" O izette" an(«; quotations of other seonrities will be found on tiie pre- Paymasters' cars 1 1 eeding page. Mail cars 4 4 Baggage cars 15 1 2. Insurance Stocks^ KIInlnK> Petrolenni. Olty 19 Bank and E.-qjress cars 6 2 Railroad and Gas Stocks, and Sontliern Securities of tlioee Adams 8 Express stock cars 1 1 hindr* wiiicli are least. act'V -, are all qu Jtcd either regularly or occa:ionaUy at Caboose cars 80 10 40 the end of "Bankei-a* GazeUe," od a previous page. Box freight cars 568 «0 618 S Tbin Table of Railroad, Canal and Other Stocks* Stock cars 82 10 92 on the ne.'ct pajye, ooinpriaes all Compaoie* of wbioh the stock la sold In any of th High flat cars 186 so 15« flat cars 199 8 107 principal cities (except merely local corporations) . The figures just after the name Low of the company indicate the No. of the CHUONICLE in which a report ot the Com- Coal cars 327 3(1 357 wrecking cars... 4 4 pany was last 'published. A star (') indicates leased roadt ; in the dividend column Tool and x^^^extra; a=:stock or scrip. Total. 1,301 147 1,448 4. The Tables of Railroad, Canal and Other Bonds occupy in all, four pages, two of which will be published in each number. In STATEMENT OF PASSENGER BUSINESS FOR 1870. these pages the boncfs of Companies which have been consolidated are frequently No. pas- No. carried Receipts Rate given under the name of Consolidated Corporation. The date given in brackets sengers one mile p"r m'e Immediately alter the name of each Company, indicates the time at which the state- TO AND FROM FOREION ROADS. are as 02 ment of its finances was made. In the "Interest Column" the abbreviations Through (bet. St. Louis and Cincinnati). . 31,553 10,728,020 307,950 87

follows : J. & J.=January and July ; F. «fe A-=Febrnary and August ; M. & S.= Way 88,138 5,776,253 207,278 03 59 Uaroh and September; A. & O. April and October: M. & N.=May and Novem- LOCAL BCsrNESS. •03 ber; J. Sc D.=Jnne and December Q —J.=Quarterly, beginning with January; Tlirough (bet. St. Louts and Ciucinnati) . . 12,122 4,121,480 134.770 27 Q. —F.=Qnarterly, beginning with February. Q.—M.=Quarterly, beginning with Way 302,701 12,283,148 631,217 04 32 March. AGGREGATE.

St. Louis and Cincinnati). . 43,675 14.849,500 442,721 02 98 6. The Table of State Securities will be published monthly, on Through (bet. 340.839 18,059,401 738,495 04 09 the last Saturday of the month. Way... Cbas. E. Follett, 6. The Table of City Bonds will be published on the third Saturday General Ticket Agent. of each month. The abbreviations used in this table are the same as those in the tables ot railroad bonds mentioned above. The Sinking Fund or assets held br statement of freight bdsiness for 1870. saoh city are given on the same line with the name. No. tons Tonscr'd Receipts Rate per through traffic. one mile. mile. East.. 90,919 Ohio & Mississippi Railroad.—REPORT FOR THE YEAR West. 89.052 ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1870.—The Condensed statements of tlie 179,971 53,638,464 $789,127 1 47-100 earnings acd expenses for tlie year 1870, show a gratifying im- local or WAT. provement in the business of the road over the previous two East 140 925 years. West 343,780

Earnings. 1870. 1869. 1868. 484,705 34,515,590 1,000,012 2 90—100 Passengers $1,243,137 $1.192,0.30 $1,2.30,981 AGGREGATE. Freight 1,789.139 1,667,497 1,586,818 Through (1iet. St. Louis and Cincin- Express and Mail 155,859 156,019 146,2:i9 ciunati to Jeffersouville) 484,705 Way through ... 179,971 $3,188,137 $2,915,517 $2,964,010 664,676 88,154,0M $1,789,139 2 03—100 Showing an increase over the business of 1869 of the sum of The follo^ving table shows the gross earnings of the whole line, over This $272,589 58, and nearly the same amount 1868. increase from Cincinnati to St. Louis, from the 1st of January, 1858, to is in part the benefit derived from the business over the Louisville December 31, 1870, inclusive : Division, which is included in the earnings of 1870. This branch Passenger Freight Express Mail Total of the road was opened for traffic, the 1st of April last, and added 1858 $5.39,981 $38,362 $70,412 $1,473,810 to the receipts for the nine months' operations, the sum of $89,- 1859 616,687 37,5i3 79,591 1,672,745 863 32, and contributing to the business of the main line the sum 1860 919,532 647,807 38,073 79,500 1,084,912 of $145,210 48. 1861 605,362 607,302 53,9i>0 79,.W0 1,346,115 1862 813,542 971,190 58,540 76,658 1,919,932 The following statement exliibits the expenses incurred, and .... 1,378,663 1,293,899 8!, 990 70,974 2.825,828 paid (both ordinary and extraordinary), charged under the follow- !864 1,755,989 1,401,374 85,512 68,199 •%311,076 ing heads 1865 2,149,992 1,458,557 116,255 68,199 .3,793,005 1866 1,61.5,596 1,581.476 n5,.310 68,200 3,;380,583 Maintenance of Way and Structures $609,173 1867 1.429,210 1,872,428 89,480 68,200 3,459,319 Motive Power and Cars 374,785 1868 1,980,981 1,586,818 78.039 68,200 2,964,040 Transportation Expenses 954,847 1869 1,192,030 1,667,497 87,819 68,200 2,915, .')47 General Expenses 9H,095 1870 1,243,137 1,789,139 87,659 68,200 3,188,137 Taxes—Municipal and Govcrnraent 77,962 A statement of the stock and bonds of the company and of the Damages to Property and Passengers, etc 34.860 Ballasting Road Bed. etc 57,604 monthly earnings in 1870 and 1869, will be found in the tables of Wood and Water Stations, Water Supply, etc fi,848 the Chronicle on subsequent pages. Fencing the Road 8.248 Equipmen t Passenger and Freight Cars, etc •. 117,903 Atlantic and Pacific Railroad.—The Stock Exchange last Interest on Loans, Legal Exi)cnscs, etc 37,193 Purchase of Common Stock, to take up Trustees' Certificates, in ex- week admitted to official dealings the Stock and Bonds of the At- cess of authorized capital, presented for conversion during the lantic and Pacific Railroad on the following report of the Com- year, leaving to be provided for $196,604 44 of Common Certifi- mittee ; cates as, 892 Coupons of Interest on Bonds 443,676 The Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company was organized under Interest on Preferred Stock 295,276 an act of Congress of the United States, approved July 27, 1866. Length of road, 292 miles. From the town of Pacific (thirty-seven $3,151,368 miles distant west from St. Louis) to Seneca, on the western There have been issued and sold during the year $382,000 00 of boundary of the State of Missouri, completed. This road em- Consolidated Mortgage Bonds, and $310,875 38 of Preferred Capi- braces that of the South Pacific Railway Company, which was tal Stock. The bonded debt of the company is comprised in the organized under the provisions of an act of the General Assembly

following items : Old bonds of the first and second mortgages, etc. of the State of Missouri, approved March 17, 1868, and was con- (ultimately to be exchanged for the New Consolidated Bonds, of solidated with the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company on the which $4,000,000 00 was reserved for that purpose), amount to 25th October, 1870. The South Pacific Railroad Company issued $3,672,000, and Consolidated Bonds amount to $2,802,850, includ- the following, which have been assumed by the Atlantic and

ing Sterling Bonds held in London ; making a total of Mortgage Pacific Railroad Company

Bonds, now outstanding, the sum of $6,534,850 ; this includes the First Mortgage six per cent. Bonds, secured by mortgage on the amount appropriated to tlie construction of the Louisville Division. whole road. Interest payable in gold coin semi-annually, Jan. 1 The Preferred Capital Stock (also including the amount appro- and July 1. Principal and interest payable in New York City. above- priated to the Louisville Division) amounts to $4,030,000. Dated July 1, 1868 ; mature July 1, 1888, $7,250,000. Of the mentioned Bonds, there aie 5,000 of $1,000 each, numbered from 1 STATEMENT OF AMOUNTS INCURRED BUILDING LOUISVILLE DIVISION TO DE- inclusive, and 4,500 of $500 each, numbered from 5,000 to CEMBER 31, 1870. to 5.000 Dix- inclusive. Trustees ; Geo. Tyler Bigelow, Jolin James Bights of way, legal exi)enBe8, etc 43,739 9,500 Expenses of engineer corps 21,285 well. Real estate and depots 77.071 The Atlantic and Pacific liailroad Company have issued the Bngine-houses, shops, water stations, etc. 25,373 following, wliich were guaranteed by the South P.icific Railroad Earthwork on contracts and by company. 713,580 Masonry for bridges and culverts m,5m Company before it was absorbed by the Atlantic and Pacific. Ties for road track 94,460 Six per cent bonds, secured by mortgage on 500,000 acres of laud Wood purchased 5,151 in Missouri. Interest payable in gold coin serai annually, Janua- Tr >n bridges built .^7.0T6 .' interest payable in New York Iron rails for track. 472 881 ry 1 and July 1. Principal and .'.'.'.' Spikes, holts, eplice-bsrs, etc.,for laylsgtrack 137,104 city. Dated July 1, 1868; mature July 1. 1888, $3,000,000. Of which there are 2,000 of $1,000 each, numbered from 1 to 2,000 Total $1,822 inclusive, and 2,000 of $500 each, numbered from'2,001 to 4,000 STATIiatNT OF ENGINES AND THEm CONDITION, DICEKBXR 31, 1870. inclusive. Nnmber of engines In use, of which 82 are. . . The South Pacific Railroad Company received a grant of lands coal, and 5 wood burners— to;al 87 in Missouri under an act of Congress, passed June 10, 1852, (when Nnmier of miles run by engines 2418,696 construct- Cost of repairs $168,452 14 the lands were withdrawn from sale for the purpose of Cost of reuars per mile e-55 (100 cents) ing tlie road,) of more than 1,000,000 of acres. Undei the Atlan- gi lions of oil used Numherof 10,836)i tic and Pacific Railroad Company's cliarter, about 500.000 acreo Miles ran to 1 pint of oil 17 95 (100 milesi have received and secured by the Company, viz. Total cost of repairs and running ,. $462,664 51 already been .'.' ..'.,. The Costpermilo run ; .;^. 1912>f (100cent»> 480,000 acres in MiBSonri and about 20000 acres in Arkansas. . . ,. ' .

April 1, 1871] THE CHROMCLR 403

J the receipts from the sales of lands are ajipllrable, first, to providing of cofporatlODi provloiulj mentioned, which were e«ni*d III'- or acciiuil»i(41u 1 n't flvo whim dlrldad or intorest on the bonded debt, and the rngpllwilMn^VMIt Jaubl* what is nKMnary to pay the carriil'«lia«el««>ii«riltl»,000 ibari!*, Commou Stock, at $100 each 8,000,000 and 1 ii'reslon FnrmSHte revleed, Twclfth~-.\ll prevloni mllngi of thie oflleo, inconaiitant with theM lastme- Total Caoltal (and ttO,aaO,000 of Bondu). «a5,8SO,000 tloot are herewith revoked. A. Pi-sMOKToif, CommtalOMr. All the " stock " has been Issued. The corporations to which this ruling refers are banks. Itnnt companies, savings institutions doing a general banking Interna] Revenue Tax npon Dividend* or Cornoratlooe. business, insurance companies, railroad, canal, canal navigation and slack- —It will be remembered that the act of July 14, 1870, provides water conipaniea. that the sections of the old law, which impose a tax of five per This exemption, wo understand, applies onlv to the lialillity of cent, upon the dividends and Interest paid by the corporations corporations themselves to pay the tax. The individual holder of referred to, " shall be construed to impoHC the taxes therein men- the stock or bonds will be liable for the tax on all that portion of tioned to the let day of August, 1870, but after that date no fur the Interest which the coiporation thertax shall be levied or assessed under said sections." The dividends and upon has not same act imposes " for and during the year 1871 n tax of two and paid the tax. one-half per centum" on interest paid upon the bonds of such IjonlMlana.— A very large number of property-owners and tax- to corporations and upon their dividends and undivided profits. jmyers of New-Orleans have subscribed the following notifica- Questions of doubt have arisen iu regard to the construction of tion : this act, which refer exclusively to the interval from the Ist of The undersigned, property-owners and tax-payers of the city of Orleans, satisfied that the State I,K.>gislature at its Angnst, 1870, to Ist January,'l871 —whether the corporations New has, last named are liable to any tax on interest and profits for that 'period. session, exceeded its power, in the loans, indorsements and other obligations and grants authorized on the pnrt of tlie State, the Office ov Interna!. Revenue, ) total amount of which is limited, Iiy the recent amendment of the WAsniNGTON, February 27, 1871. S Constitution, to $25,000,000, (already incurred,) as shown by the The Commissioner of Internal Revenue writes that the follow- annexed official statement of the Auditor, take this early opportu- ing instructions, it is believed, cover all the questions which have nity of notifying bankers, brokers and dealers in securities. In this arisen respecting the liability to tax of dividends, surplus proflis country and Eurojie, that they consider all such loans, indorse- and interest on bonds of the corporations enumerated in sections ments and pledges a.s null and of no value ; that they will sustain 120 and 122. act June 30, 1864, ns amended, and section 15, act the authorities iu reHisting their issue, and it issued, will, by every Jtily 14, 1870. legal means, endeavor to prevent the payuient of any interest or Firat—Dividends of the corporatlonx cnnmented In scctlonfi ISO and 132 principal, or of any tax levied for that purpose. 'I'hey only recog- aforesaid, whlcli were declared at any time prior to Angnst 1, 1870, are subject to a tax of Ave per cent. nize the State debt proper, amounting to $25,021,734 40, as shown Second—Undivided i)TOflt8 of said corporations which are carried to the in the accompanying exhibit of the Auditor, and they class the acconnt of any xiirplun or contingent fimd prior to August 1, 1870, are subject " " accruing debt with the illegal legislation referred to : to a like Uix of flvo per cent. STATE DEBT—COKPUTBD VT TO DBC. 81, 1870—EXISTINO DBBT. Third—Interest (or coniKtus representin^r interest) dne from the corporations State bonds $22,.'itiO,233 00 mentioued in section 123, which became due and payable prior to August 1, Auditor's warrants and certiflciites 1,5!K(,967 44 1870, Is also subject to tax of 5 per cent. Ketums of these dividends and sur- Miscellaneous debts 867,533 gus proAts should bo made on Form 65, and returns of this interest on Form Existing debts. $25,021,184 40 Fourth—All dividends of the corporations before mentioned which were Accruing debt.. 15,395,C00 00 declared within the last live montlis of ISIO are exempted from a dividend tax, even when said dividends are composed wholly or In part of profits accrued Total $40,416.734 40 prior to .August 1, 1870. Fifth— Profits carried to the account of a fund within the last five montlis of It will be seen from the above that the whole amount of State 1870 aru exempt from a surplus tax, even if said profits were earned prior to debt authorized by the Constitution is considered to be now out- Augnst 1, 1870, standing, and therefore the item of " accruing debt," which means Sixth—No tax should be withheld from Interest (or coupons repres^entlng interest) falling due and payable within the above period of five months. all the bonds authorized but not yet issued, would be deemed un- Seventh—Dividends or said corporations which are declared on or after constitutional if negotiated. This includes bonds authorized for January 1. 1871, are taxable as follows; If composed wholly of profits accrued the Mississippi and Mexican Gulf Canal ; North Louisiana and or earned prior to .\ngnst 1, 1870, at the rate of S>f per cent,; If composed Texas Railroad ; New Orleans, Mofiilo & Chattanooga Railroad, partly of profits accrued prior to Angiiet 1. partly of those accrued within the last five months of 1870, and partly of those accrued since January 1, 1871, New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Vicksburg Railroad ; and subscrip- at the rate of i)i per cent upon so much of the dividend as represents profits tions to shares of the Mississippi Valley Navigation Company of accrued either prior to August 1, or subsequent to December 31, 1870, excluding South and West. profits of the last five months of 1870, Eighth—Profits carried to the account of a fund on or after Jan, 1, 1871, are VIrjclnla.—The funding bill has passed the Legislature con- subject to the same liability to tax as the dividends above described. So mnch taining substantially the provisions previously noticed in the of such profits as were earned prior to August 1, or subsequent to December 31, 1870, are taxable at the rate of 2X per cent. CniiONiCLB of March 25th on page 360. MONTHLY EARNINGS OF PRINCIPAL RAILROADS.

. Central Faeifle . Chicago and Alton. . '—Chicago* Korthweitem—• <-Chie',Book Is.and Faciile ->>-l>lev. Col.CiD. *I^ 1S70, 1871, 1869, 1«70, 1871. 1869. 1R70. 1871 1869, 1870, 1871, 1870. isn. '712 m.> 800 m.) (4:il m,) (4.31 m.) (465 m.) (1,157 7n.) (1,157 m.) ( r>.) (520-90 m.) (690 m,) ( •) (390 ffl.) (390 ni.^ $41.S,1(V« 524,480 »34.3,181 f293,978 343,555 . , JTan, , $892,092 $706,024 H a51,767 $401,275 $301,600 370,146

894,176 481,085 815,096 316,036 S40,.301 ,,Feb,, . 8-30,286 75.3,782 319,441 449,651 326,897 366.788 488,331 .344,866 Mar.,, l,142,l(a 858,359 645,789 600,898 »I4,161 S.38,758 388,890 f384,eS3 AprU. 1,112,190 929,077 .388,385 448,.300 346,046 768,719 846,832 1395,044 najr,, 1 208,414 1,177,897 449,932 607,900 360,169 r T»,874 402,8M J.411,986 'Jnne, 1,251,960 1,154,629 r528,841 529,512 374,031

I 788,090 351,044 = 421,485 'July., 1,1.')7,05« 1,080,946 JL465,606 462,400 349,366 g 807,815 498,381 „501,049 Aug.,. 1,0.37,973 1,246,213 r632,6.W 556,100 819,013 B 777,183 506,623 2498,635 Sept,,, 1,303,672 1,273,171 736,664 597,600 817,887 S 828,447 468,213 ^488,668 Oct.. . 1,371,780 1,371,780 S 584,155 638,123 .839,280 7 748,800 897,515 1432,493 Not... 1,140,145 1,037,963 '^479,336 319,673 i 612,805 840,850 1386,698 Oee... W5,708 1398,468 384,156

7,968,513 4,661,562 4,831,731 Year.. 13,355,461 5,960,936 8,280,420

-niint 's Central. .r- -Karletta and Cincinnati— -Vichigan Central. • -Hllwankee * St. Fanl.^ ,-IloTtl> HiMoar!.-^ 1869. 1870. 1871. 1869, 1870, 1871, 1869. 1870. 1871. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1870. 1871. (813 m.) (974 m.) (1109 m.) (251 m,) (951 m,) (251 m.) (2»1 m.) 284 m.l (284 m,) (826 m.) (MOi/i.) (1,018 m.) (404 m.) (680 m. t«e,137 $654,587 689,640 $99,541 $90,177 13,883,, Jan,... $384,119 418,786 $454,130 4396,171 896,700 $213,101 188,888 6^698 661,788 966,415 90,396 96,376 136,234 ..Peb..., 320,680 443,665 S80,2a8 883,823 837,481 196,807 709,644 644,.374 104,585 101,379 Slar..., 386,537 420,774 877,1100 389,161 668,283 697,571 106,641 106,340 AprU. 411,814 400,887 448.183 389,400 640,974 696,353 109,753 110,318 BKay. 403,646 630,844 430,700 260.000 rre,260 789,314 117,695 111,117 Jnne., 366,623 678,800 756,787 306,498 696,328 (M6,768 116,196 111,137 July... 829,!«0 586,343 ^484 196,780 841,868 881,857 139.096 118,407 Aiu. .. 858.669 535,368 ttl/m 389,090 S7B,400 870,564 142,014 133,996- tmpL^.. 473,!M6 7»<,614 806,818 864,090 W4,40e6- 863,171 135,.376 168,581 Oet.... 490,773 1,089,811 908,818 834,988 814,413S 841,990 139,306 144,098 Nov.... 448,419 801,168 791,014 366,888 606,677-1 78^233 110,837 141,816 ..Bee.... 874,513 496,560 639,758 366,738

8,828,482 8,851,492 1,391,345 1,418,805 .Tear, 8,8SS,«9 Ohlft*Mi»»'"'it)pi. ^Pae^fieoflfo . .--IronMt. — ^t.L. Alton *T.H«iite.-.-Teledo.Wa>>. W. item.^ -WnlonPadfle— 1870. 1871. 1870. 1871. 1870. 1871. 1869. 1870. 18T1. 1868, 1870. 1671. 1870. 1871.

i840m.) (.393 m.) (356(355 m.) (:)56m.) (210 m.) (3)0 7,397 !5^081 813,639 840,893 1249,987 ite,a«i jDue,, 151.183 150,719 818.890 848,683 748,480 ^ill,319 260,449 107,584 July... 144,164 810,800 833,766 848,468 «E300,971 348,184 122,000 AUK. .. 167,806 460, »<6 ISS-Sl 664,080 "8318,967 860,617 1!M,1»» Sept.... \^Z ^458 470,730 B081O43 TH,B9B 535M87 841,813 127,069 Oct.... 301,663 168,864 483,868 481,898 nti,888 ' isiaou31

«>iaei?r s,«)«,Tnci i,84S,a8i Year.. 2,«14.843 >U.J...'i' 4.«^489 7,888,118 . .. .'

404 THE CHRONICLE. [April 1, 1871.

RAILROAD, CANAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS STOCK LIST. Snbseribers will confer a great Avor bjr clTlng na Immediate notice of anjr error dlscofered In oar Tables.

MTnWITD. Stock COMFAHIEB. Out- COMPAKIBB. Last paid. Btand. Last paid. Ferlodt. ing. Periods. Date. Bate. Rate. PAB PAB Railroad*. Newport, Jan. a.lin Albany & Susquehaiina" First div. July, 11 Old Colony ft 4,959.020 Jan. ft July. Dec, TO Allegheny Valley, No. 251 50 Jan. & July. Orange, Aleian. ft Manass 100 2,488,757 No. 253 . 50 "71 Atlantic and Gulf IKJ Oswego and Syracuse.* 482,400 Feb. ft Aug. Feb,',' '70 Pacific (ot Missouri) No. 356... .100 S,711.W6 Allan. &. St. Lawrence" No. 2M.10C Mar.&'sep. Sept., "71 fiinama. No. 375 100 7,000.000 Jan. ft July. '70 Atlanta and Weat Point. No. 2T9..1JW Jan. & July. Jan., Di c , Aaensta and Savannah* 100 June ft Dec. Dec, '70 Pennsylvania Mar.il 50 83,498,812 May ft Nov. Nov., "70 Bafllmore and Ohio. No. 2S0 100 April ft Oct. Oct., '70 Phllad. and Erie," Mar. 11 50 6,0(Vi,2OO Jan. & July. pref 50 "71 Washington liranch' 100 April ft Oct. Oct., '70 do do 2,400,000 Jan. ft July. Jan., Parkershurff Branch 50 Philadelphia and Read.Teh. 11. 50 80,401,600 Jan. ft July. Dec, '7U 355.. .100 Berkshire, Jan. 21 100 Quarterly. Jan., Tl Phlladel., ft Trenton," No. 1,099,120 Feb. & Aug. Ang., 'TO Boston and Albany, Jan. 21 100 Jan. ft July. Dec, '70 PhlIa.,Ger.&Norrls.,* No.255... 50 1,597.250 Jlar., Tl ft Baltimore 50 '70 Boat.. Con. & Mont. N0.2T3 lOO May ft Not. May, '70 Phlladel., Wllmlng. 9,520,850 Jan. ft July Dec, 247.100 Plttsb. ft ConnellBVllle, No. 355.. 50 1,793,926 Boston , Hartford & Erle.No. Boston and Lowell, Jan. 21 50C Jan. ft July. Dec.'," "TO PIttsb., Cln. ftSt. L.,Mar. 4 50 2,423,000 Boston and Maine, Jan. 21 100 Jan. ft July. Dec, '70 do do do pref. 50 8,000.0(0 "70 Mar.U.lOO Boston and Providence, Jan. 21.100 Jan. ft July. Dec, PItte., Ft.W.ftC.gnar* 19,714,285 Qnarterly. Apr!,' 'ti IK ft ,"70 Portland ft Kennebec, No. 3.58" .100 616,700 Jan. ft July. an , Tl Baffalo, New Tork and Erie'... 100 June Dec. Dec. J . Bnrllngton and Missouri River .100 War., '71 do Yarmouth stock certlflcioo 202,400 April ft Oct Apr., Tl do do pref.lOO Mar., '71 Portland, Saco & Ports No. 276.100 1,600,000 .Iiine ft Dec. Dec, TO 8 (g'd) Camden and Ambov No. 25q....l00 Feb. ft Aug. Feb., "71 Providence ft Worces., Jan. 21. .100 2,000,000 Jan. * Tu'y. Jan., Tl do do scrip of Joint Co.'s '69 ATO Rensselaer ft Saratoga. No. 252 .100 6,000,000 Apr' Ont. Oct., TO Camden and Atlantic, No. 251... 50 Richmond and Danville No. 235.100 4,000,000 do do preferred.. 50 Richmond ft Petersburg No. 235.100 847,100 "70 Mar. ,8. .-.00 Cape Cod, Jan. 21 60 Jan. ft July. Dec, Rome, Watert. ft Ogd., 3,000,000 Jan. ft July. Dec, '70 5 100 CafawlBsa,' No. 255 50 Rutland, No. 248 3.000,000 do preferred 50 do preferred 100 1.831.400 Feb'.'ft 'Aug Fe'b."''7; "ak Cedar Raplde and Missouri" ....100 St. Louis, Alton ft Terre Haute. 100 2,800.000 do do do pref.lOO do do pref. . 2,010,000 Annually. May',' '68 "V Cent.OPOrelaA Bank. Co.No348100 St. Louis ft Iron Mountain... 10,000,(100 Central of New Jersey, No. 270. .100 St. Louis, Jacksonv. ft Chlcago'.lOO 2,623,750 Central Ohio 50 Sandusky, Mansfl'd & Ncwark".100 910,850 do preferred SO Schuylkill Valley," No. 255 50 576,050 -lan.ft July. Jan., TI sx'i'd Central Pacific No. 288 Shamokln Valley ft Pottsvllle* . 50 869,450 Fell, ft Aug. Feb., Tl Charlotte, Col. 4 Aug., No. 357. — Shore Line Railway 100 635,200 Jan. * July, Jan., Tl 5 Cheshire, preferred, Jan. 21 lOO 2.085,925 Jan. ft July. South CaroUnaNo. 348 50 5,819,275 Quarterly. Feb., Tl 1 100 Chicago and Alton. Mar. 25 lOO 8,935,500 Mar. ft Sept. BonthSlde (P. ft L.) 1,365,600 IQo.220..iai "4' do do preferred — lOO 2,435,400 Mar. ft Sept. South West. Georgia.* 3,93fi,900 Feb. ft Aug, Feb., "n Chic, Bnrllng. & Qnlncy. No.288.100 17.590,000 Mar- ft Sept. Syracuse, BIngh ft N. Y, No.253.100 1,695,825 . . 50 Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska". .100 3,916,200 Jan. ft July. 'Terre Haute and Indianapolis 1,988,150 Jan^ ft July Ja'n'.',"Tl "s' Chicago and Northwest. No. 273.100 14,676,629 June & Dec. Toledo, Peoria ft Warsaw lOO 3,000,000 1st pref.lOO do do pref — lOO 20.870,293 Juueft Dec. do do E. D., 1,700,000 Ja'n,',"'!0 ii-!s Uhlc.Rockls.&Pac. No. 263.. 100 17,000,000 April ft Oct. do do W.D., 2d pref.lOO 1,000,000 CIn., Hamilton & DaytonNo.263.100 8,500,000 April ft Oct. Toledo, Wabash ft WeBt.No.255.100 14,700,000 do do do pref.lOO Ctn., lilchm. & Chlcago"No.263 . W 1,000,000 May & Not. May, TO "sj. Clncln., Sand. & Clov., No. 278.. 50 Union Paclflc, Mar. 18 36,746,000 252.. 100 do do do pref. 50 May* Nov. NdT.,"'70 Utica and Black Klver, No. 1,666,000 Jan. ft July. Jan., Tl 100 Cincinnati & ZanesvlUe, No. 216 50 Vermont and Canada* 2,500,000 Jnne ft Dec. Dec, TO 21..100 CleT.,Col.,Cln.&Ind. No. 2.')3..100 Vermont* Massachu., Jan. 3,860,000 Jan. ft July. Jan., '69 Cleveland * Mahoning," No. 247. 50 Virginia and Tennessee 100 2,950,800 Cleveland and Pittsburg, Jan. 23 50 do do pref..... 100 565,500 Jan. ft July. Colnm., Chic. & In. Cen>No. 247.100 Western (N. Carolina) 100 2,227,000 Jan. ft July. Jan., '64 50 Columbus and Xenla" 50 West Jersey, No. 250 1,209.000 Feb. ft Aug, Dec, 70 and Nashua, Jan. 21.100 Concord -. 50 Worcester 1,400,565 Jan. ft July. Jan., 'Tl Concord and Portsmouth 100 Canal. Conn* Passniopslc, pf. NO.281..100 Chesapeake and Delaware 50 1,983,563 Jnne ft Dec. Dec, '70 '35 Connecticut River. Jan. 21 lOP Chesapeake and Ohio 8,229J594 Cumberland Valley, No. 255 50 Delaware Division* 50 l,eS3,3."» Feb. ft Aug. Feb., Tl 100 Dayton and Michigan* No. 283. . 50 Delaware and Hudson 15,000,000 Feb. ft Ang. Feb., Tl Delaware* 50 Jan., "Tl Delaware and Karltan 100 4,999,400 Feb. ft Ang. Feb.,Tl Delaware, Lack. & West. No. 255. 50 Dec, "70 Lehigh Coal and NaT. .No. 256.. 60 8,789,800 May ft Nov. May, '67 Detroit and Milwaukee, No. 249 . M Monongaliela Navigation Co — 50 738,100 Jan. & July. July, TO do do pref 50 Morris (consolidated) No. 254... 100 1,025,000 Feb. & Aug. Dubuque and Sloui City" 100 do preferred 100 1,176,000 Feb. ft Aug. Feb., TI

Eastern (Mass.) , Jan. 21 100 Pennsylvania 50 4,300,000 Basr, Pennsylvania, No. 255 50 SchnylklU Navlgat'n (consol.)*. 50 1,908.207 Feb. ft Ang. Feb., '67 East Tenn. Va. i Geor, No. 294.100 do JSF^^' ^ 2.888.977 Feb. & Aug. Feb., '67 Klmlra & Wniiam8port,*No.255. 50 Nov., '70 Susquehanna ft Tl U Water 50 2,002,746 do do pref.. 50 Jan., '71 Union, preferred 50 2,907,850 '66 Brie, Jan. S8 100 Feb., West Branch andS'isquehanna. 50 1,100,000 Jan. ft Jnly. Jan., *86 do preferred 100 iniscellaneons. Erie and Pittsburg, No. 255 50 FUohburg 100 (TtwI.—American 1,600.000 Mar. ft Sept, Mar., Tl Georgia. No.2.59 100 Ashburton 2,600,000 '69 Hannibal and St. Joseph, Jan. 28100 Butler , 25 500,000 June ft bee. Dec, do do pref....lOO Consolidation Md 100 10,260,000 Jan.l.TO Hartford & N. Haven, Jan. 21... 100 Quarterly. Cumberland Coal ft Iron 100 500,000 do do scrip 190 Maryland Coal Co 100 4.400,000 Dec, TO Housatonlc, preferred , .100 Jan'.'ft " joly PennsylTanla 60 4,000,000 Qnsrterly. Feb., Tl 6 Huntingdon and Broad Top* — 50 Spring .M ountaln 50 1,260,000 Jan. ft July, Dec, '70 6 do do pref. 50 SproceHIll 10 1,000,000 Illinois Central. No. 248 100 wllkesbarre lOO 8,400,000 May ft Nov, Nov., '69 Indianapolis, Cin. & Lafayette.. ISO Wyoming Valley 100 1,260.000 Fell. & Aug. Ang., "66 Jelfersonvllle. Mart. & In.,No.227)U0 Ga5.—Brooklyn 25 2,000.000 Feb. ft Aug. Feb.., Tl Kansas Paclflc, Mar.25 Citizens (Brooklyn) 20 1,200.000 Jan. ft July. Jan., Tl Lackawanna and Bloomshnrg . . 50 Harlem 50 1,500,000 Feb. ft Aug. Feb., '71 Lake Sho.& Mich. South.Feb. 23.100 Feb .ft Aug. Jersey City and Hoboken... 20 386.000 Jan. ft July. Jan., Tl Lehigh and Susoaehanna 50 May ft Nov. Manhattan 60 4,000,000 Jan. ft July. Jan., Tl Lehigh Valley, No. 255 .50 Qnarterly. Metropolitan 100 2,800,000 Little Miami, No. 247 50 Quarterly. New York 50 1,000,000 May ft Not. Nov., TO Little Schuylkill." No.255 50 Jan. ft July Williamsburg 50 750,000 Jan. ft July, Jan., Tl Long Island, No. 253 50 7mprop«m«n(—Canton 16J 731.250 '66 Loulsv., Cln. * Lex., prl" No. 276 JO Boston Water Power 1( 4,000,000 July, do c-ramon 50 Brunswick City LonlsTllle and Nashville No. 281 100 TWeoropft—West.Unlon.— t.tJn No. 277.100 41,063',io0 .Jan.* July. Jan., TO Louisville, New Alb. * Chicago. 00 Vacfflcft Atlantic 25 8,000,000 Qnarterly. Macon and Western lOO Jan. ft J nly. Expres».~Ad&m9 100 10,000.000 Qnarterlv. Ma'r'.','71 I'* Maine Central 100 Amer. Merchants' Union 100 18,000,000 Jan. ft July, Dec, '70 3 Marietta & Cln., Ist prl. No. 250 150 United States 100 6.000,000 Quarterly. Nov., '69 3K do do 2d pref.. 150 Wells, Fargo & Co 100 5,000.000 do do common .. Sl«a>n,s;i(P.— Atlantic Mall 100 4.000.000 Quarterly. Dec, '67 Manchester & Lawrence, No.247.1» Nov., "70 Pacific Mall, No. 257 100 20.000,000 Qnarterly. Sept,, '69 Memphis and Charleston. No.278.2fc June, '89 7V7/s(.—Fanners' Loan ft Trust. 26 1,000,000 Jan. ft July Dec, TO 5 Michigan Central. No. 267 100 Dec, -70 National Trust 100 1,000,000 Jan. ft July Dec, '70 4 Milwaukee and St. Paul. No. 258 100 '70 Tl 10 Dec, New Tork Life and Trust . . .100 1,000,000 Feb. ft Aug Feb., do do pref...lOO Dec, 10 Union Trust 100 1,000,000 Jan. ft July Dec, TO 5 Mine Hill ft 8ch Haven* No. 255. 50 Dec, "TO United States Trust 100 1,500,000 Jan. ft July Dec, TO S Mississippi Central* lOO JWninff.—Mariposa Gold 100 2,836,600 Mobile* MontK.pref No. 283.. Mariposa Gold, pref 100 8,893,400 Mobile and Ohio, No. 259 100 do do TruBt. certlf. . 2,824,000 Jan. ft July and West Point .100 aontgomery . . Jane ft Dec. QulclJSllTer preferred 100 4,300,000 orris and Essex," No. 250 50 Jan. ft July. do common 100 5,700,000 Lowell, Hashnaand Jan. 21 lOO May ft Nov, Car—Pullman Palace 100 Quarterly Not,, to Naahv. & Chattanooga No. 220.100 Haugatnck. No. 195 loo Feb. ft Aug. Dec, "70 Tannton, NewBed. & Jan. 21.. lUO Jan. ft July. Jan., "71 N. Y. & BROOKLYN CITY PASSENGER RAILROADS Hew Hav. 4 Northamp., Jan. 21.100 Jan. ft July. Aug. '89 Hew Jersey, No. 250 lOO Feb. ft Aug. Feb., "71 do scrip... NAME OF BOAD. PAB STOCK. LAST DITIDEHDS PAID. Hew London Northern Jan. 21. .100 Jan.* July. N. Y. Cent, ft Hudson R..Jan.21.IOO April ft Oct, Bleecker street and Fulton Ferry. 900,000 do do cermicateB..100 April ft Oct. Broadway (Brooklyn) 200,000 New York and Harlem, Jan. 21.. 50 Jan. ft July. Broadway and Seventh Ayenne ... 2,100,000 June, 1870 8 do do pref. 50 Jan. ft July. Brooklyn City 1,500,000 Hew Tork t New Haveu,NoJ!'fl.l(iO Jan. ft July. Brooklyn City and Newtown 400,000 Oct.',"l'8TbUlll!".'.'.'.l'.'.'.i!I! ""k H. Y., Prov. and Boston lJo.22'.i.lOO Jan. ft July. Brooklyn, Prospect Park ft Flatb. 254,800 Norfolk and Petersburg, pref. . .100 Brooklyn and Kockaway Beach . . . 144,800 do do guar. .100 Jan. ft July. July, TO Bushwick (Brooklyn) 262,200 __ do do ordinary .. Central Park, North & East Rivers, 1,065,200 North CaroUna. No.267 ..lOO April '70 Coney Island (Brooklyn) 500,000 Northern of N.H'mnshlre,No.257100 June ft Dee. Dec, 'TO Dock, East B'dway ft Battery, l,2ai,000 Mayl "TO, liuar'tefiy..' 2S Northern Dry Central. No. 349 50 May ft Not. Not., "!0 Eighth Avenue 1,000,000 Northeast. S (8. Carolina). No.201 .. Forty.8econd St. ft Grand St. Ferry 748,000 NoT.','T6,"a'emi-8nnual... «r .A°.. do8p.c.,prel .. Mayft'Nov. Street ft Newtown (B'klyn) 170,000 North Missouri, Grand No. 259...... lOl. Hudson A"enue (Brookljrn) 106,700 orthPennsylvanla so m,ooo Norwich Metropol t an (Brooklyn) & Worcester," Jan. 21.'l00 Jan' ft July Ninth Avenue 797,830 Ogden8.& L.Champ."No.275....100 Jan. ft July. Second Avenue 888,100 u'> do Dref 100 April ft Oct. Sixth ATenne 750,000 iioT,', io,'8'emi-in'n'nij.„ , S Ohio and Mississippi, jfo. 195. 'lOO Third ATenue 1.170^)0 Nov., TO anartorty,,-... » ^^ do prel... ""lOO ft Dec, June -VanBrnatBtreetf^-onklTTi^ , . 1 75,000 Creerk Oil and Allegbenr UlTv. (0 4;i59,460 Quartailr. . ...:. . . . : : .: .: .:,: ,.

April 1, 1871.1 THE CHRONICLli. 406

RAILROAD, CANAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOND LIST. .•lubsorlbars will ooaltor a creat niror bf kItIok n* Imiaedlate notice of anf arror dlaeoTared Is oar Tablaa, Paces 8 and4 of Bond* will be pnblUhed Next week.

Amount COM PAN US, AND CBARAC- Amount UOMPAKlKii. AND CUARAC- Out- TXB or BXCUBITlXt IMDKD. Out- TKB OF BKCUKITIKS IS8UKU. •tandtng When Where standing When Where paid. paid. paid. paid.

Ritllroads 1 Railroads t _ KermoM <* Mate. (Mar.. 11) IDi aaernnwiito KoUty (Jan. 1, Ut Mortgage, sinking fund . . . . Sew Tark J. 4 J. BoMon. lit Mortckge (gold) mom Bonds coiiTertlhle, tax (Vee..., im auMW Baoram'to iSS J.* J. 1I7» ad UortsiMce (<'L<'Il Vermont Valley (Feb., II): Ut Mortgage on 34 mllee (eon) \jmjm r.*A. N.T.orL'n 18M *' A.49- Vaw York 1st Mortgage iS 3d Mortgage M 1,100,000 J.* J. Kew rark 18*4 Mort. (aerlM A) tlnk. fund . ytrnnla a 7«t t»): UN m 18*4 (Oct. I, Ill Mart. (lerliw H) alnk. mnd. 1,100,000 A.ao. Ut Mortgage F.A A. 18*4 York ad Mort. (lerlaa C) 1,M>,000 ad (enlarged) Mortgage.. HewM Mort. (aerlaa D) 1,400,000 M.«N. 1884 SB 3d 4th Mortgage, for tlflMfiO1300. . . 3d Mort. (Inooma) ,....;.... i.vojSSa M.*N. 1894 Lncpme Bonds. 1(00 4tb Mortgage (flindliig) M 1st Mortgago ...... ^... *fioojm F.A A. New York un BeglateredTJertiacates iS Chic. "71): 71-1) St. L., Jach. it (Feb., VIcteburff atJ...VawT. 1 r.B'aiit«(Mar., ^l) WeUchuterlt '89): F.4A. Kew York in 1?97 FKiUi. CKoy. I, lsiM.;slCK (>Ugoar.) 1,900,000 J.* J. NewYork Ut Mortgage, convertible IdM.skKf'Ugtiar.) 3,800,000 M.ftN. U98 400300 J. 4 J. 'pblladeL un _ 8d Mortgage, registered 9873110 Sl.rtiui <* /^o.aat DlT.tJaa.l.'TO): Weet JerteyJJta.l, 10): A.4 0. am 1st Mort. (10 m.) tax rrea 130A» M.4k8. New York 189* LoanoflSra j.aj. 1888 400300 Ut Mort. (St. r. to Watab, 80 m.) t/oan of 1866, 1st Mort M.4S. Camden. 1,300,000 J. AD. UN) 1300300 J. a Mort. Qand grant) i;; Joint mort. on C. M. M. BK>6». J. 4 M for J.* J. IB.. 81(300 A. 4 0. General Uort., ttfliafiOD Wett Shore Bud. Sh). (Oct. 1, ID): Oeneral Mort., sterlmn. — m'flw J.« J. LondttB. M.. Ut Mortgage I'e, for New York 876300 Hew York Ut Mort, West. Weet WUcontln-iUiy 1, 10): (land) for.. idM.,W.Une , UtMort.L.O St. I^ul (t StouxOitj/ (Mar., nh J. 4 J. N.Y.4 Lon '84 "a* 1896 tVettem Maryland (Feb., 11): Ist Mort. for H«,m per mile . 100,000 J.& J. New York Ut Mart., endort. by Baltimore 300300 SanduttiiM.* yeie'rkjFeb., 71): Ut Mortgage, unendorsed J. 4 J. Baltimore. 1860 J.* J. New Yet* 19U> 400,000 J. J. 1880 lat Monsage. new. Int.. 3d Mort., endors. by Baltimore. 4 M aatanaaA OharUtUm: 800300 J. 4 J. 1880 * Mort., end. wash. ** 3d by Co 8OO3OD J. 18(0 lat Mortgage lB«a wo X) N'ew York 3d preferred Mort. J. 4 jmendorsed 400300 J. J. U90 Selma, Marion <1 ITeniplkM New Mort., gnar. by Baltimore.. 4 1st Mort. (gold) guar, by Ala... 830,000 J.AJ. ^ ew York 100,000 J. 4 J. 190O feettm Faafic : Seltna. (F'eb., 11): Sonutt Datum Ut Mortgage (gold) .... 1873 3,785,0a York 189* let Mon. (Ala. * Tena. Riven) 888,900 J.* J. New York GoTernment Lien M.4N. New 3d Mort. (Ala. Tenn. Rlrere). 341,000 J.* J. .New York 1861 1,970,000 & est. i'ennei/toania (Nov. 1, '69) ft-ee I 87 Oen. Mort. for«5,0U0M», tax 8,000,000 A.*0. 1st Mortgage, gnaranteedgnaranteet •(»): 1300,000 Varl. Phlladel. ge-t* SkamokfH V. dt foiui). (Nor., Weeiem tMionUveb., 11): Ist MortKAire guaranteed 100,000 F.ftA. PbUadel ' St Mortg ige 8375,000 F.4 A. New York 188* Suiojiaan it F.du Zac(Mar.l,'n): WUUhaUtt PiatUb. (Feb., '71): 790,000 York 1st Mortgage J. AD. New Ut M. of 1868 on 86 miles (coup) Citu (Feb., 11): 380300 J. 4 J. New York Sioux 5uUir in (Jan. 1. ID): Cheeapeake it Delaw. (Jnnel,8t): 1st Mortgage 900,000 J. 4 J. Botton. 1875 Ist Morteage 3369,400 J. 4 J. Phlladel. 18** 3d Mortgage. 390,000 F.4A. 1880 Cheeapeake nw.. aSieS. it y. r. (oct. i, loi Bonds baring nextpreference 1,699300 j:4J. Baltimore. 1886 lit Mortgage 1,895335 A.4 0. New York Delaivare XXefiion (Feb., "70) ItrreBauu a /nd'poUi(Feb.,11) Ut Mortgage 800,000 Phlladel. Mortgage Boniis of ll»9 800,000 A. 40. New York 18:9 Delaware it JTudeon (June, ID): lot., PtaruiA 19'^rxati7(Mar.l,*Tl) Registered Bonds (tax (tee) 1300300 York iffn M.4N. NewM Ut Mortgage (W. DIt.) 1300,000 F.4A. New York 1898 Registered Bonda (taxft-ae) 8300300 J. 4 J. 18*4 Ut Mortgage QE. DIt.) 1,600,000 J. 4D. 1894 Deia. it Raritan : See Cam. 4 Am boy RK. '9») . DIt.). 1300300 A.4 0. 1886 Stlt^ Penneylvanta (Nov. 1, EqulpinVb' s of 18;0 codt.S.F. 40« J. 4 J. 1879 let Mortgage 748,(54 J. 4 J. Phlladel. IKS lot, ifali.it ITMMrn (Jan. 1,10): Bonda for intereat 181380 J. 4 J. 1871 lstMort.{.Tol.4 111., 75 m.) .... 900,000 F.4A. New York 1890 Lehigh yavlaaUon (Nov. 1, t>y : 1st M. (L. Eric, W.* i(t.L.,167m.) 3,900,000 F.4A. 1890 Loan of 1878 54300 J. 4 J. Phljadel. 187S 1st Mort. (Gt. win. W. D.,100m.) 707,000 A.4 0. 1871 Loan of 1884 UM lat Mort. (Ut. Wfn oC5», 181 m.) 1,771/100 F.4A. 1888 Loan of 1897 3300300 18(7 1897 M 1880 , 1st Mort. ((jnln. * Tol., 84 m.) . SOO3OO M.4N. Gold Loan of 530*300 J. 4 p. 1M7 1st Mart. (Ul. ft 8. lova. 41 m.) 800300 F.4A. 1883 Convertible Loan of 18T7 1,4*83)9 J. 40. wn ad Mort. (Tol. • Wah.,T5m.) .. 1,000300 M.4N. 1878 MprrU' (Feb. 10): 3d Mort. ( Wab. 4 Wfn, It? m.; 1300300 M.4N. 1871 Ut and 3d Mortgage* . 1031* A.40. JeiM^tty 181« Id Mort. (Ot. Wfn of 'SS, 181 m.) a,uo,ooo M.4N. 189R Boat Loan, sinkingInking fundfUn A.4 0. 1886 Equipment Bonds(T.& W.,75 m.) 600,000 M.4N. 1888 JPenntutvania (Feb., IO) Uonaol. Mortgage (900 m.)coov, 3,700300 Q.W. 1907 UtMort. tax free g.bvPen.RR 13*1300 J. 4 J. Fhllade 7T»y it Boelon (CTct. 1, W): jcAuyttUI NatHgallon (Nov.l, "89): litMortgage 800300 J. 4 J. 1887 1st Mortgage i,^3ia M.4S. Phlladel. ina 3d Mortgage 800300 A.40. 1866 3d Mortgage J.4J. laa Sd Mortgage 6S0300 M.4N. 1875 Improvement M.4N. 1870 ConTertlble Bonds 431300 M.4S. 1883 Auf .

[April 1871. 403 THE CHRONICLE. 1, Commercial ®ime0, BxportB or Ijeadlnv Arttclea from Neiv Vork. t.)c The following table, compiled from Custom House returns, shows the exports of leading articles from the port of NewYork since also the COMAIERCi_AL EPITOME. January 1, 1871, to all the principal foreign countiies, and totals for the last week, and since January 1. The last two lines 1871. Fbidit Nisht, March , show total «aiu6s,inoluding the value of all other articles besides those mentioned in tUo table, Tbere has been a titful tooo to trade circles the past week. domestic produce, Cottjn, BreadstufTi, The Isiidiiigstiplei of lis 5^'=' sg^as'-^s^^ss Y-i r-tOS y-l Provisions and Tobacco, are regarded as rather dear, in view of the large quantities in store or coming forward from in" 5^ mi tenor markets, and holders, while unwillinj to give way in mar- prices, are desirous of selling. Of foreign geods the O 0) ket is well supplied, and trade with the interior not very - !C 1-" o» ««•;<» 2^ W'-Hooj 515R °|S|S 55 Qo «o 1- o 55.1-t i-i,io -IP «5 »» cj.'*. brisk. The eS'ect of such a state of affairs is not, of course, altogether satisfactory.

Cotton has been drooping, closing at 15@15|c. for Mid- • o»t- Hi ssn? .^ : : :SS Uplands. BreadstuflFs have been irregular; closing dling 9n prices are 16 50@6 80 for Flour, shipping extras; $1 51®

1 ei for New Spring Wheat, and 83@83^o. for prime

•E =1 *, : Groceries have been dull, except Sugars, which mixed Corn. =1' have met with a Lirge demand, at 9@9:^c. for fair to good refining, but the close was quiet. : :S • CO * 'of ' Metals have been without movement of moment, except in

Strait's Tin, which advanced to 33@33|-e., gold. The sales :S :| were about 10,000 slabs. There is more inquiry for Scotch ;8§8|| :3Ci TH-rf rf Bo*C "of*-* Pig Iron at the close, with prices unsattled ; Glengarnoch last sold at $32 50, currency, to arrive. i9Si East India Goods have been quiet, except Calcutta Lin s§' ned, which, ahtr free sales closes firmer at |2 27^@2 30 gold, per 56 lbs.

Tobscoo h IS beeu more steady. In Kentucky L^af, the sales of iho week hwe been about 500 hhds., of which 350 o

• hhds. for export and 150 hhds to cutters and dealers. Prices " iS : : ;«2 ^i ; i i ii : :i i i ii ;| iieg||SS been steady at the decline previously noted lugs, 5 2 have ; 6® ft 6J-C,, leaf, 7@l2c. In Seed Leaf Tobacco there has been a large muvement, raainlj spacu'ative, but prices have not °IS i :i 5a the sales include 1,90C cases new Pennsyl* S been reported ; 5S vaniii, in some half dozm different lots, all on private terras ', a line of new Wisconsin at 33|^3., and some old Pennsylvania wrappers at 30@33c. Spanish Tobacco was less active, with gales of 100 bales Yara on private terms, and 300 do. Ha " . i4 : • :8 :S : :B : :S5 : vana, at y0@Sil 05, currency, duty paid. 2>5 Provisions have been generally depressed. The outward

• been roduced, and stocks : -21 i i • • • movenlent has much of hog pro- ; ;s :| ii i -M 'M» il ?§ ducts show some accumulation, while holders of B>ef and m

other products of neat cat'de have shown soma anxiety to • 'i-* .«« • s|§ :S : :^ : : i^i" i^g .1 : : reduce stocks. New Mess Pork touched $21 on Wednesday, I ill but closed with s-ome business for early delivery, at 121 25 ^ mf ; :&'• for Prime Western Steam; Bacon, ;•:::::'"::::".. : : : : Lard, 12i@12fe. 9f@ •9 i :* : :SS8 :S :g3S a, * * ' * * . f i-3 §1 lOo. for Cumberland. Some lines of old Butter have so'd for CO ^ export at 13@16c., and prime factory Cheese declined to 16c.

Hides have been rather quiet but firm, at 24-i-c, gold, for iiiS Prime Buenos Ayres. Laather is dull, with prices drooping. 51 Tallow moderately active for export at 8|-@9c. Whiskey, with smaller receipts, has slightly advanced. Clover seed • • • • SI O • •^- -ai^^ ^- •„- . • . -Vrf •-' I •:!f J.- g has materially decline I, Canadian selling to-day at 9^s in

bond. Hops have b^eu active for export and home use a<. : : . : : : : : : : :SS :g i :§ :S =1 :S :H§ :gS

• • •* • • full and improving prices. Shipping hay has .fo- •§- • 8 " advanced to n gf 's $1 iiO from scarcity.

Naval Stores, Rosins have been quiet and firm, i I i In but i : i : i i g i i i i| i i ;giS i ii :g :g? .-^ • • ., Spirits Turpentine has been fluctuating;, closing quiet. In ..rf- co22S Oils the only tsLange is the advance of Linseed Oil to 85@87c for whole and jobbing parcels. Petroleum has declined, lil^s leading to a fair business, Refined closed at 23o on the spot. t- o ift VT S S " ti M ^^ 00 la Fruit and Fi-h have been dull. Wool lias become very quiet. Woolen goods are doing 3 CD ca » s s s " a >< s 5- §'-3S3e===3 3 2ee M-J3 3£^ well, and manufacturers have almost wholly retired from the S8 market for the raw material. Freights have been dull, until to-day, when there were 1^ large shipments of grain at S^d. by sail and 6d@6jd by S3 steam to Liverpool and 6d by sail to . The rale for at <• Cotton to Liverpool by steam is 5-16^fd, but shipments 3Ei sjS ?. as ' 8 5.ri J 2 Ssl'l S 3 il si ;| as besides grain 65! goin(|[_forjy^rd. , liB(lt«d, fti^Jittle ... ,,,,,,, ^^ „ . . . : : :

April 1, 1871,],! THE CHRONICLE. 407

Kaoelpu or Domeallc Prodaca for tha Wsak Kad aluea <»untrv cannot be aaMolpated at preteat. Tb«M facts, togathtr ' -""•">• 1. with the early sotllninenl of the nontlMtl mUorlng this month, >r the wealc ilnoe Jan. The receipts of domesti and 1, have withdrawn all speeulatlvu spirlttivmqia market, and th« aa follows ; ftal foi tim Mme tlino in 1 been feeling has b«en dull. Still there hM Own Do preMore to tell, although buyers havu foond no dlffieiiUy In sappmng thair wanta, BInca Bama TUli 8Ui»a Baoia ; Thia and frequentlv at *)0 a shad* below the market. Tue close to-olgbt wook. Jan. 1. tlnia •». waak. Jan. I. tima waj) dull at the prices of last Friday, except for Ordinary, which (Mlosko, 900 lijm itO i.«r pkkt.... ATM Was io. off. For forward delivery the busincu ha-i been fair, but ri*d>tuil»-' oil. lartl IIS I," 890 prices are Flonr .bt,li. St.SH tlM» m^iis Paauiila. baga. . . 9!l« 8M39 :9,9«4 about ^c lower, IicX up Bmm m SS.I)(0 Baef, pkfa «,«« 48.a*4 this week 21,386 balea, Including 1,576 bales to arrive, of whicn Pau 4)9 8.5« ai.ws Lard.plura 4.780 108,881 4i.6ie C. m«>I.M)l> M£19 1U14W Lard.katci 119 7 717 3,186 bales were taken by spinners 917 balea on speculation, Cotton.lMlaa. ^}[i am,:a» IU9.»I« Rica, pl[|[« m ^ 5,441 15,394 bales for export, and 1,0^ bales In transit. The following tiO[a|r..balQa. 4Tn Starch <,7IS 45.049 45,S«1 Sidat ....No. ,,a IW.S* iii.ma Staarlna »t S,«01 2,485 are the closing quotations 13.095 Snnr, blida„*c.. as U,0t5 3S3 am Tallow, pk(a 941 8.788 9.084 MolawaabbU. « rj t.'. Mlee* Ordinary. MIdUllnir. receipts, exports, &o., of cotton for the week ending this evening B*tiir<*7 *••• Mardi 81. From the figures thus obtained it appears that th« {«8:::: 3,185 ii W- total receipts for the seven days have reached 71,744 bales against Wednesday iokS.'!!! iJ^S:::: irhursday 81,426 bales last week, 103,484 bales the previous week, and 130,533 Krlclay 18k::: ii !J $:::. m bales three weeks since, making the total receipts since tlie first o' For forward delivery the sales (including 1,100 free on board) reached during the week 65,300 bales (all low middling or on September, 1870, 3,312,231 bales against 3,406,346 bales for the same have the basis of low middling), and the fallowing is a acitement of tha period of 1860-70, showing an increase since September 1 this year sales and prices of 005,8.S.'5 bales. The details of the receipts for this week (as per For March. bale*. cts. cte. bale». cts. 2 000 14 1-18 For June, lOJ.. .U I'M telegraph) and the corresponding week of 1870 are as follows 200 14 3,000 14K balea. cts. 8U0.. 200 It 1-16 100 1311-16 1.301).. S.H10. 21,900 total April. 400 I3X BB0KIPT8 BZOXIPTa 900 ....14 I8-18 100 13 lS-16 3,300 total Jnly. 2.800. For May. 3,100 I3X tbla thIa Kao'd week at— ini. Bec'd week at— 18TI. avi !::::'.i4 5-16 SCO 13 11-16 2,100 18 1516 For Anrtut. 600 UX 1,101 13X 5400 14 800 44 301 :S 13-16 100 14 M6 900 Wt Orleans 3«,'j83! Florida New bales S3,ja balea. 298 41 8.100 total March. 8500 ISV 900 14X 40U UiO! Mobile 5,470 3 631! North Carolina 443 503 8100 13 15-18 2.000 Ult Cbarleston 3.559 8.«l Virginia 6,391 FarAprU. 4.300 14 11400 total Jane. 3'785 Savannah 10.333 400 14X *« 14 1-16 4,100 total AntniC Texaa 4,633 4,500 Total receipts 71,744 46,581 200 J3 13-16 3,000 14H For Jttiy. 8.176 4.5831 this 1 Tenneaaee. &c. . Increaae year 28.857 2.000 18X 100 I3X 5.301 13 15-16 15,700 total May. Hn isS The exports for the week ending thia evening reach a total of 10,100 14 600 14 111,741 bales, of which 65,661 were to Great Britain, 11,119 France The sales during the wtek of free on board have reached 1,100 particulars of these sales are as below and 34,061 to rest of the Continent, while the stocks as made bales. The fiOOfrce on hoartl a» Charlrnton p. t. ap this evening, are now 579,781 bales. Below we give the ex- 500 free on iKni^ilat MuDilo p. t. ports and stocks for the week, and also for the corresponding week The following exchanges have been made during the weak: paid 'o cichaiiKi' siO April torSOO March. of last season, as telegraphed to us from the various ports to-night: Xc. S-16C. paid to exclianiic 200 Alirll lor 200 July. 400 March for 100 Aiiyust, evi-n temiH. Kxported to— Stock. Total tbla Same w'k Weatiike Reports by TEi.EnitAPU.—There appears to have Week ending U'cbSt. week. 1870. O.Brtt Contln't 1871. 1870. been a return of rainy weather Ihroiighout the South the past week. Our telegrams state that at Macon, Montgomery and 36.3SJ a,S69 49.126 33.081 289.937 192,-138 at Mobile 4.714 8,839 8.553 7,373 58,386 59.988 Memphis it has rained four days ; Nnehville, Mobile and Colum- l,SSi 5.30!i 31,597 15.005 Ctiarlettoa 1853 bus it has rained three days, and at Savannah, Augusta, Charles- ll,»ll B°,98D 20.891 8.4SJ 53,534 45 965 1/MU •90 2,080 7,913 60.277 3JCW) ton and Selma it has rained two liays (luring the week. Our cor- New York am 7.55» 37.441 10,393 111,000 63,000 respondents complain that the rain is interfering materially with 1,643 1,843 35,000 24,U00 farming operations. The Savannah telegram speaks of the storm Total 85,861 46,080 111.741 T2,53J 579.731 432,296 being very severe in that section. At Galveston the weather haa Total alnce Sept. 1... i,7«<,un 501,653 S.377.6;9 1541,409 been favorable and good progress is being made with the crop. From the foregoing statement it wll be seen that, compared The Thermometer at Galveston has averaged 52, at Memphis, 49;

; Columbus, 59 ; Macon, 56 ; Charleston, 55. with the corresponding week of last season, there is an increase in Mobile, 63 Receipts of Cotton. Below we give a table showing the exports this week of 39,316 bales, while the stocks to-night are Weekly — the receipts of cotton each week at all the ports for several sea- 147,435 bales more than they were at this time a year ago. The sons, indicating, also, the total crop each year. Our figures are following is our usual table showing the movement of cotton at given in thousands of bales. 1858-1>. 1853-60.'°' 1860-fil. 1888-69. 18 9-70. all the ports from Sept. 1 to March 24, the latest mail dates. We i87(Pr " do not include our telegrams to-night, as we cannot inaui* the •- i ¥ 4 M 3 I I i accuracy or obtain the detail necessary by telegraph. * » Be » I' September* n 15 9 5 3 f BBOStPTS BXPOBTBD 8INOB aBPT.l TO— Nortb- 10 93 15 49 n u 11 SIMCB SBPT.l. POBTB. em Stack. 17 4» 67 S6 90 37 18 Great 1 Other 143 69 166 Tl 30 64) 40 fO 39 l!f». 18C9. Britain France Forlgn Total. Poru. M 60 vn 70 1 October 1 88 80 84 85 (0 tt 1146,881' 9304n am ,351 7,825 249,977 839,153 1405.M 38!.183 8 110 119 99 44 80 Mobile 847J35 MJB7 18.5.a»4 21.B21 310,015 31.7' SiJKl " 15 107 IS) 79 51 68 78 80Ui9, 193,990 7n,m 144,105 140.193 34.2:4 VI no 139 104 87 81 81 e4«i«6, 4'.«.15l 865,094 231.470 66,501 3So3o» .... 7«,39i 28 Kl 536 136 619 1 1 i90 46 958 80 S« 86 «T* 199,983 133.995 »4.(«J 13Ji9 ll<6,9(5 84,8:0 59.685 4 139 196 144 7t «V 107 179,871 95.0391 43i.832! 3.704 89,388 474J01 116,000 November i'4 IIA'lll I9.K64 rj«i " 11 1« 153 148 73 Ut TS North Carolina 80,4'1, ;0.4I8 TO 70 77,098 8,3:9 1:1 185 15) 1« 89 1» vtrKinla a7SJ9ll 17SJ57 3.9 8 a.9s 28.413 S,61: Vi I'4535 158 616 119 586 71 »6 88 3S7 11 4B 50,339| 49.281 I8.0iJ!| UK* <3J8t 27,000 December S 188 ISi 98 n 108 141 9 1 5 1:5 107 100 1 t Total thiarear 3340,187 .... niO.S9«! 10,559 445,048 ««••» n4,285 826,781 16 14S 179 191 110 rs »1 ISS 301 95 ',1 111 130 ToUl last j'»' . .... 2»9.1«S 9U),3<3! 238316 265.406 146S8i4 883,144 468.890 30 150 708 163 C04 109 591 87 498 114 6U 196 70* The market daring the past week has been quiet and dull. In January 6 140 143 111 75 98 140 1.4 Ib-H ISO 78 88 138 fact there has been nothing to stimulate any speculative move- 13.... SO.... 1 9 157 184 89 9V 14.- ment. At Liverpool the buoyancy of last week has been followed t! 139 545 1U6 6S9 18(631 86 391 104 188 151 S71 by considerable steadiness in tone and quotations, but no further Febnury 8 144 179 ISO b8 105 154 1 e 71 106 lU advance has b^-en established, the close to day l>eing reported dull 10 138 179 17 lU 161 lU 74 97 149 at 71d. for Middling Uplands, the same as last Friday. Our mar- '.70 M 84476 1 9 185 111 666 67 48 886 mm ket therefore has received no strength from Liverpool. At the Uarcb 3 93 141 199 45 73 ur ll'i 14 37 «T Southern ports, too, we hnvo had continued free receipts, showing 10 73 1ST 17 77 98 49 35 4B 103 that cotton yet remains to come forward ; the unfav- much whifo 24 70 88 54 » 68 81 enble news from Frau««i iadicatot that th« old demaad from ijuit tl ti tit TSMI mm « niif . : : . : : ' .

406 THE OHRONlCLfi. [April 1, 1871.

ot OoUon (bale*) ft-om Nenr 1858-M. 1859-80. 18«>-«1. 1868-69. 1869-70. Export* Tork ainoe Sept.1,1870 M 3 3 a S o V o V o WEKE ZHDIirs Sama Total time fc a &: a XZFOKTID TO to 52 40 34 43 prev. April 7. 90 Mar. Har. Mar. Mar. date. 38 45 year. 14.. 50 45 36 4. 11. 18. «.. 53 40 36 39 41 24 22 113 61 180 S8.. 31 190 33 170 136 Liverpool 31,030 13,103 30,637 14,075 435,163 212,946 26 33 58 Usy 6., 31 16 other Britlsb Ports. 936 7,669 771 IS.. 34 31 11 33 38 17 44 19. 38 Total to Ot. Britain 31,030 13,103 21,563 14,075 432,833 213,817 g 16 es 44 134 6 41 16 77 31 171 13 23 June s. 9 17 6 Havre 666 3,038 3,704 13,311 18 9. 10 9 17 13 Other French port*. 3 16. 10 13 4 13 16 1 9 14 83 8 5 Total Freneh.. 666 2,038 2,704 13,314 30. 8 45 9 S3 S 29 5 51 12 83 1 S 9 July 7.. 9 7 Bremen and Hanover. 2,465 1,238 1,684 1,255 18.770 31,216 4 10 J 14. 13 8 5 Hamburg 625 342 6,548 16,737 3 7 31. 10 2 4 Other ports '6i3 1,394 2,107 12,821 3,855 6 38 10 33 10 3 14 7 S3 3 Angoat 4 12 7 Total to N. Europe. 3,078 2,6M 8,703 8,704 36,139 51,808 11 10 8 1 3 5 18 8 1 Spain,Oporto& &c 2,363 1 4 9 8 35 31 .. 18 .. All others 561 763 1,809 Corrections' 153 303 194 13 24 Total Spain, Sec... 661 3,126 1,809 TotalatportB 8,861 4,6 6 3,656 2,100 3^ 259 154 Overland Griuid Total 94,669 15,659 35,931 19,817 474,801 380,348 iSS 193 80 90 OoDsumed Soath. . . 167 The following are the receipts of cotton at New York, Boston^ Totalcrop 4,018 4,861 3!849 2,439 3,159 Philadelphia and Baltimore for the last week, and since Sept. 1, 18691 *Hade up on const of stocks, &c. GcNNY Bags, Bagging, Ac.—The market for spot cloth is very KEW TORE. PmLADELPHU BALTIHOBX. Baompra raoM- #ull again, there being no buyerB and prices merely nominal. We This Since This Since This I Since This Since

week. Sept. 1. j week. Septl. week. ISeptl. week. Septl. would quote 19@20c. currency, duty paid, for India, and to arrive 1 rule quiet, sales are confined SZJc. gold, in bond. Bags very and New Orleans. . 6,573 100,651 3,949 35,335 3,435 86 Texas 1,334 35,203 6,434 to jobbing lots from store. The quotation is nominally 15i@16c. Savannah 2,210 161,674 l|i39 33,750| 1<93S 341 13,538 currency- Hemp has ruled quiet, but at the close we learn of a Mobile 324; 8,719 7,008 Florida 1371 1,398 small movement in Manila, Sales are 550 bales to arrive per South Corolina. 3,223 120,135 siioo 387 7,105 '366 11,837 " North Carolina. 188| 53,259 407 185 4,778 210 4.996 " Glenloyon at 9J<:., and 500 bales on spot at 9ic., at which price Virginia 4.172 168,492 674 44,6731 10 69 988 48,096 the market is steady. Jute has been in fair demand, but closes North'rn Forts.. 811 2,378 69,432 Tennessee, &c.. 6,173] 187,047 72 13,940 '461 11,896 i;476 36,666 at and to arrive " quiet ; sales are 500 bales common 5ic., per Dina Foreign 115 pore " 500 bales superior at BJc. gold. Jute Butts are fairly active Total this year 33,164: 636,303 7,213 304,184 1,043 40.316 3,166 104,687 and firm. Sales are 500 bales per " Prince Patrick " at 4c. curren- " " Total last year.. 9,84li 539,33811 6,629 171,331 664 39,64911 1,185 77,369 cy ; 700 bales per Lucy S. Wylls at ijc. currency ; 500 bales per " " Shipping News. The exports of cotton from United Whittier at 3fc. gold ; and on spot some 2,000 bales at 3i@4c. — the States the past week, as per latest mail returns, have reached 97,166 currency, cash and time. The fnllowing is from the monthly cir. bales. So far as the Southern ports are concerned, these are the cular of Messrs. Henry H. Crocker & Co. of to-day : same exports reported by telegraph, and published in The Chron- GOSKT CLOTH. icle last Friday, except Galveston, that port 1811. 1870. and the figures for Imported Into the United States from January let to date Bales. S,515 1,404 are the exports for two weeks back. With regard to New York, States March 31st 1.805 On the way to the United 4JT0 we include the manifests up to last Saturday night Loading at Calcutta last date for United States, TOO Stock In importers' and speculators' hands in Boston, March Sl«t 5,900 3,800 Total bales Steele In importers' and speculators' bands in New Tork, March 81st. 9,100 3,600 Nkw YoBK—To Liverpool, per steamers City of Dublin, 774 Idaho, Janury 1st to date Algeria, Imported from Europe from 3,657... 1,548... Batavia, 863.. . .City of London, 821. ...Hol- from N. T. and Boston during March. . . 100 l',666 Shipments and consumotlon land, 3,060. ... per ship Flying Foam, 3,352 14 075 on hand January 1st, including South 17,?" 13,000 Stock To Continent via Glasgow, per steamer India, 131 131 Movements op Cotton at the Inteeior Ports.—Below we To Havre, per steamer Avon, 2,038 2,038

To Bremen, per steamer . . give the movements of cotton at the interior ports—receipts and Donau, 632. .per bark Kverhar Delius, 623 1,255 To Hamburg, per steamer Holsatia, 343 342 for the week, and stock to-night and for the correspond- shipments To Amsterdam, per bark E. H. Duval, 1,900 1,900 ina; week of 1870 To Cronstadt, per bark Freyga, 76 76 .-WeekendlngMar.31, 1871. ^^Weekendlne Mar. 31, 1870.-, New Orleans—To Liverpool, per steamer Chrysolite, 1,6'78 per ships Receipts. Snipments .Stock. Receipt*. Shipment*. Stock. Cherokee, 1,420.... As leriaua, 3,963 ..Kendrick Fish, 4,108.... March- mount, 3, Pharos, Augusta 1,977 1,756 21,742 1,155 2,228 20,892 450.... 3,932,... Pocahontas, 3,553. .. Kronprinsen, 2,345.,,, Zetland, 3,540,,.. per barks N. Haffalina, 2,399. .., John Ellis, 1,341 572 508 13,000 Columbus 885 7,899 2,369 per brig Jane Goodyear, 305 32,763 Macon 331 941 8,550 449 1,588 13,265 To Cork, for orders, per "ship Heury, 3,465 1,466 Montgomery... 950 1,311 6,525 301 1,112 10,014 To Havre, per brig Alice M. Putnam, 1,100 per schooner Kate Brigham, 1,385 837 1,034 5,193 422 390 6,435 3,485 Selma To Bremen per barks Lakemba, 1,801 Estella, 1,610 3,411 Memphis 6,956 16,073 25,970 4,160 5,716 16,887 To Amsterdam, per bark Columbia, 1,584 1,554

Nashville 1,335 2,027 6,760 589 1,095 5,582 To Cronstadt. per ship Minerva, 1,604. . . .per barks Agewen, 1,300 Ebenezer, 1,317 4,121 To Gottenbiirg, per bark Carolina, 1,030 1 030 13,241 23,483 82,639 7,648 13,637 84,565 To Gefle, per bark Mercurlas, 1,694 1,694 To Venice, per bark Halcyon, 1,770 These totals show that the interior stocks have decreased during 1,770 Mobile—To Cronstadt, per brigs Carrie Purrington, 815 Christian the week 10,343 bales (being now 1,926 bales leas than for the IX, 500 1,315 same period of last year), while the aggregate receipts are 5,593 To Barcelona, per brig Artnrito, 380 280 To Liverpool, per bark bales more, and the shipments 10,846 bales more than for the Chablbstos— Midas. 1,485 upland 1,485 To Amsterdam, per bark Draupner, 1,650 Upland 1,650 corresponding period of 1870. Savannah—To Liverpool, per barks Jennie 8. Baker, 3,300 Upland Visible Supply of Cotton.—The following table shows the Susan M Dudman, 2,413 Upland 5,713 To Bremen, per ship Tidal Wave, 3,2.30 Upland 3,230 of cotton in sight at this date of each of the two past quantity To Amsterdam, per bark Yarmouth, 2, 160 Upland 2, 160

seasons: 1871. 1870. To Barcelona, per bark Maria and Isabel, 900 Upland . . 900 To Trieste, per schr. Wm. Hunter, 1,000 Upland bales. 1,000 Stock in Liverpool 750,000 452,000 Texas—To Liverpool, per barks Rositia, 801 Tioy Sabrins, 860 Stock in London 74,890 64,690 Crimea, 1,484 3,136 Stock in Glasgow 300 350 To Cork for orders, per bark H, G, Hall, 1,500 1,600 To Amsterdam, per bark Atlanta, 1,525 Stock in Havre 41,376 57,960 1,625 Baltimore-To Liverpool, per barks Lorenzo, 329 Maria, 306.... Stock in Marseilles 4,000 7,806 Georgiana, 500 1,185 Stock in Bremen 9,250 9,600 Boston—To British Provinces, 2S 26 To Fayal, per bark Fredonla, 4 4 Stock rest of Continent 35,000 38,000 Afloat for Great Britain (American) 365,000 837,000 Total 97,166

Vfloat for France (American and Brazil) . . . 15,631 44,596 'I^The particulars of these shipments, arranged in our usual form Total Indian Cotton afloat for Europe 169,000 131 ,340 are as follows Stock in United States ports 579,731 433,396 Liver- Bre- Ham- Amster- Cron- Gotten- in inland towns 83,639 84,565 Stock pool. Cork. Havre. men, burg, dam, atadt, burg. ToUl. New Tork.. 14,075 2,038 1,266 »12 1,900 7rt .. . 19,817 Total 2,116,817 1,540,303 N. Orleans. 32,762 3,465 2,485 3,411 , .. 1,554 4,121 1,030 52,393 Mobile 1,315 1,595 Theet! figures indicate an increase in the cotton in sight to-nigh Charleston.. 1,485 , , , . 1,650 3,135

576,614 bales compared with the same date of 1870. Savannah . . 5,713 3,230 , , . , 8,160 13,003 Texas 3,135 ..,, 1,586 from Tork show a 1,500 «'}£• The exports of cotton this week New de Baltimore. 1,135 ••• ••. 1,136 (Urease since last week, the total reaching 19,817 bales, against .11 35,931 bales last week. Below we give oar table showing the Total... 58,805 4,965 4,633 7,896 342 8,789 5,512 1,080 97,166 exports of cotton from New York, and their direction for each of Included in the above totals are from New York 131 bales to Continent via Glasgow; from New Orleans, 1,694 bales to Gefle and 1.'770 bales to Venice; the last four weeks ; also the total exports and direction since from Mobile, 280 bales to Barcelona; from Savannah, 900 bales to Barcelona 1, the total for the same September 1870; and in the last column and 1,000 bales to Trieste; from Bottoii, 35 bales to British Province* and 4 period of the previous year bale* to Fayal. . : X :: : - , . : : :

April 1, 187L] THE CHRONICLK. 409

OoLD, ExCHANOR AND FwiMHTS.—Gold hw flnctnated the Today the market ruled firm, but tb« d'lnand was wltboat hn- put woek lintween 1101 and llOi.and the cloao wm 110{. PorelKa proYsment. were the lant Exobange market is firm to-day. The f..Uowlnjt The Wheat market baa been fairly actltrs Cor export, with tam« ahfirt. llOi® quoutions: I^ondon banker*', lonff. 100|@— ; — milling demand. A better supply of the finer grades of amber and Commercial. 10«J(^lOO}. Froighta closed at 6-16a|d. by prleea for tbat team and 9-33@ll-33a. by sail to Lirerpool. Winter Wheat, reoeived by rail, has weakened By Tblborapr from Liverpool.— variety; but Spring and white Wheats have ruled very firm. A LITElu^x>L, March 81, 6 P. M.—Th« market haa ruled dull to-dar, with aaUt coDslderabln eastward movem*'nt by rail has commenced from tb« amonntlng to 10,000 balea. Including 1,000 bales for export and upeculailon. The sale* of the week hare been 81.000 balea. of which 15.000 bale* were West, but with light stocks on the seaboard prices are not afTveted taken for e.Tport 0.000 balea specolatlnn. The atock lu port la 750,000 and on thereby. To day Spring Wheats were higher, with large sales at balcis. of which 415.000 balea are American. The atock of cotton at tea bound to thia ^ort it 552,000 balt't, of which 886.000 balea are American. |1 66@1 81 In store and afloat, mainly for export, but WInUr 10. IT. March M. March 81. March March Wheats were lower, with sales of choice amber at |1 68 afloM Total lalea 7S.00O 18.000 84,000 si.noo Balea for export 18,000 M.000 11,000 15,000 We also notice the sale of 80,000 bushels No. 2 Spring toarrlve Balea on tpecolatlon 5.000 ft.000 t.OOO 8,000 Total ttock 788,000 80«,000 780 000 7SO.0O0 by rail at |1 53 afloat. Block of American 4«],000 410.000 4in.aao 416.000 Corn has come forward freely by rail, and prime new mixed Totalafloat 61t,00O 801,000 S8S.0OO SSS,000 American afloat. 850,000 835,000 UO.OOO 8«6,0CO sold in the first half of the we«-k as low as 82c., but with a revival The following table will thow the dally cioeing pricaa of cotton for the week of export demand, and the Liverpool quotation advanced 8d ; the Sat Mon. Tnea. Wed. Thnri. Frl. Price Mid. Uplands. T)*m7X 7! close is very active at 83088ic. for new mixed, afloat. OaU have " Orleane.. IXOttH 7Xa 7X$... 7X( 7X^^ 7X$:^ ^ been active and higher, but to-day the market was dull, and part Up. toarrlve. ...© $. .. Trade Report.—The market for yams and fabrics at Manchester Is ttesdj' of the late advance was lost. Rye remains qniet and unchanged EuHOPEAS AND INDIAN COTTON MARKETS.—In reference to Barley has sold quite freely, but at the close the demand seemed these markets our correspondent in London, writing under the to have subsided for the present. Canada Peas are unsettled and d«te of March LS, states nominal. Liverpool,, Mar. 18.—The following are the prices of American eottou compared with those of last year: The following are the closing quotations ,-ralr £ ^8ame date 1870-, Flonr— IWheat, Spring, bntk tl 46^1 61 ,-Ord.* Mid-, B'd falr^ ^O'dAfair-, Mid. Fair. Good. Supcrtne ^ bbl. $6 OOA 6 45 Red winter Ir flsalsland S3 »83 3745 19 2830 Extra State 6 60® 6 80 Amber do 1 Stained 13 18 21 23 26 80 19 22 80 1 Extra Western, com- I White Ord. G.Ord.L.Mld. Mid. G.Mid. M.F. Mid. G.Mld. M.F mon 6 60® 6 80 IWhlte California 1 Western Mix'd, 2P'";n<'» 6H 6Ji 7« 7^' 7X SX IIH UH Hi* Extra and double extra ICorn, '*•** '"l* Western * St. Lonle.. 6 85(a 9 00 Yellow, new 5^'.'" v.i; «-'< *'< ''X 8X »« "^ »X White N.OrteansiTeias t>i 7 7K 7X 8 SH 11 7-16 IIX 12 Southern shlpp'g extras. 6 86® 7 25 Southern, trade and iKye II The following are the prices of middling qoalities of cutton at family brands 7 60® 9 26 Oats this date and since 186S Rye Flour, super & extra 5 86® 6 40 Bariey Malt 1 Com Meal, Western and | 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1870. 1871. Southern 3 80® 4 46 Peas, Canada 1 Midland d. d. d. d. Midland d. d. d. d. Sea IslAnd26 27 19 23 Pernambnco. IIX 7« The movement in breadstuffs at this market has been as follows Ijpl8nd....l0)f 12 II 7X Bgyptian 9 10 »« 6 -BECEIPTS AT NTW TORK. -EXPORTS raox ksw tork.- Mobile... 10 3-16 12),' 11JI< 7 7-16 Broach 8« 4!* -1670.- . 1871. . Same 1871 Orleans. lOK Dboilerah 12X 7« 8>.- 4>,- For the Since time Jan. For the Since For the Since 1. week. Jan. 1. Since the commencement of the year the transactions on specula- week. Jan. 1. 1. 1870. week. Jan. tion and for export have been Flour, bbls. 52,525 678,885 697,615 30.S55 470.434 19.986 851,121 5,714 66,678 101,608 1,872 25,277 1,060 19,866 ^Actual cip. from Actual Wheat, bush 91,4.39 651,242 820,691 213,392 2,193,783 87,596 2,101.774 Liv.. Hull other & exp'tfrom Com, 336,483 1,862,924 348.806 104,073 795,896 16,416 97,429 .-Taken <>a spec, to this date-, out ports to dato-^ U.K. In Rye, 1,707 1.309 6,709 1871, 1870, 18K) 7,614 2,069 4,486 SALZS, ETC., or iJX DEBCBIFTIOKS. Toledo .... 6,590 24,635 124.040 24.701 1.600 . Sales this week. , Total Same Average Detroit 9,283 21,493 16,257 16,291 3.8t>3 416 Ex- Specula- this period weekly sales. Cleveland 6,260» 16,8(0 10. ISO 9,750 1,600 Trade, port. tion. Total. year. 1870. 1871. 1870. St. Louis 21,678 107,119 123.850 06,616 6,769 3,208 American. .bales. 89,800 6.160 61.290 51..%0 495,.5T0 807.040 86.300 22,220 Brazilian 4,210 1,910 0,690 6.230 41,420 86,770 3,150 6.390 Totals 71,262 238,353 4.31.716 201.78C 28,643 11,»6» Egyptian 3, WO 680 9,140 4.400 49.500 35,610 4.320 8,780 Previous week 46.002 118,148 221.880 104,237 17,769 *•»* West Indian 1,200 40 270 1.230 12,420 12,4

410 — THE CHRONICLE. [April 1,1871.

Oats... 495,111 401,5M 734,Sia COFFEB. Barlay.. 408,787 148,061 809,183 We find few if any really new features on this market for the cnrrent we«k, 40,988 67,071 321,619 the volume of basiness still footing np quite small, and the whole position very dull Total 4,810,081 ^m,i&i 5,158,828 and uninteresting. Few bnyers have made their appearance from tbe interior, and the mall orders amount to almost nothing, and • IfflCBIPTS OP FLOTTR ATSTD ORAIN AT 8EAB0ABD PORTS FOR THF, jobbers, there WEEK ENDING MARCH 25, 1871. fore, are naturally nnwilling to purchase stocks for which they have no use, Flonr, Wheat, Corn, Gate, Barley, Rye, especially as supplies in first hands are in the meantime accnmnlating some- bush. bnah. bash. bash. At bbls. bush. what, and the chances are that the assortment may ultimately increase to a New York. 47,966 99,994 278,760 61,445 31,850 enfflcient extent to cause some desire to realize and a modification in value, Boston 16,890 83,500 17,345 5,693 434 Montreal 8,498 1,564 400 though importers talk quite difiterently. On Brazils there is the old complaint 28,800 83,000 PWladelphla 19,078 29,600 36^766 abont an absence of margins on goods laid down hero at present prices, Baltimore 19,978 85,000 51,000 18,000 and in addition to this, holders have obtained further confidence from the tenor M»w Orleans 37,146 159,895 15,332 of later advices from Rio Janeiro, while the stocks are considered as not of 549,855 188,476 60,343 434 Total 143,850 154,694 sufficient magnitude to cause any trouble, and there Is said to be no possibility The Visible Sdpplt op Grain, including stocks in store at of a considerable increase for many weeks to come. The assortment of Hlo the principal points of accamulation, March 25, 1871 here is a fair one, though the desirable roasting grades are comparatively Com. Oats. Barley, Wheat. scarce, and held with rather the greatest firmness. There have been some bash. bash. bush. bnsh. negotiations on Java, both here and at Boston, but not to to In store at New York 1,160,75) 154,641 816,094 243,851 amount much Instoreat.Mbany 80i0 19,000 !I8,000 76,000 basiness. The West India styles have scarcely been noticed beyond an occa- 816,129 4, 50 135,130 94,700 In store at Buflalo sional small lot taken to keep up assortments, and prices in reality are merely In store at Chicago 3,432,370 2,285,273 691,6« 217,657 In store at Milwaukee 2,03 ',908 19,039 38,879 15,573 nominal, though former figures are still retained. The stocks are moderate In store at Toledo 45',238 488,637 76,8^8 4,03J Sales here of 1,000 bags Eio, 4,408 mats Singapore, 2,100 bags Maracaibo, store at Detroit 157,351 3),365 17,917 2,941 I« 250 bags Costa Rica, 325 bags Savanllla. At Baltimore, 5,014 bags Rio; at •In store at Oswego 125,000 85,000 In store at St. Loins... 6I,;76 72,9 4 18,145 4,117 Mobile, 1,290 bags do., and at New Orleans, 11,900 do. In store at Boston 6,27:1 151,1S8 69,710 11,801 There have been no arrivals of Rio Coffee during the week. Of other kinds In store at Toronto Mar. 15. 1-W,038 6,106 40,032 132,l*-9 tlie imports have included 4,859 bags of Singapore Coffee by the "W. A. In store at Montreal Mar. 15. 249,373 2.3,420 17,100 1,800 Famsworth," and 837 bags of sundry kinds. •In store at P.iiladelphia 50,000 80,000 50,000 80,000 The stock of Rio March 30, and the Imports since Jan. 1, 1871, are as follows: store at 100,000 40,000 50,000 18,000 •In Baltimore New Phlla- Haiti- New Savan.A Gal- BaU Bhlpments for week 72,791 521,739 30.114 10,6a0 InBags. Vork. delpbla. more. Orleans. Mobile, veston. Total. Stock 87,712 3,&8 31,312 17,849 WM2 .... ms\i Totallnstore and In tran8itMar.25,'71.. 8,868,4.55 3,830,797 2,144,502 916,653 SamedatelSTO 17,556 .... 16,000 .... 4,200 .... 87,756 Mar.l8,'71. 8,810,12) 8.929,619 2,423,323 1,030,627 Imports 186,211 7,218 I2i,539 83,145 SI,8T0 S.0O0 43",-J8S " " Mar.26,'70. 9,874,191 1,448,368 2,265,870 476,932 lnl370 159,472 .... 122,170 6;,327 14,800 8,045 886,841 " Mar.Il,'71. M,824,077 4,148,2'J5 2,613,5-2 1,164,017 Of Other sorta the stock at New York, March .30, and the imports at the several Mar. 4, '71.10,030,803 4,345,985 2,718,720 1,337,8:8 ports since January 1, 1871, were as follows: ^NewTork-, Boston Phlladel. Bait. N. Orle's SS •Estimated. In bags stock. Import. Imp^^i-t. Import. Import. Import. S: S; Java and Singapore 197 •20,664 •26,175 1,962 There were afloat at Chicago 191,740 bushels of wheat, and 754,068 bushels of t S,& Ceylon 8,C0O included in the stocks as noted above. a» com, abont two-thirds of which were Maracaibo \,itfi 5,089 Phlladel- S In the total visible supply March 26, 1870, Toronto, Montreal, Laguayra 3P0 6 786 .... 5,601 'Sa Jihla. Baltimore, Oswego and Boston were not included. Comparing the stock St.Uomlngo 164 25,993 3,821 283 «<» of wheat reported in store in Milwankee on the 25th inst. and that of the 18th, Other 8,763 27,408 542 714 IS 271 hS there was evidently an error at the earlier date. It wat, however, given as Total I3,'88 9'.,91l pabU:ihed in the Oailji Wttcontin. 30J»3 i^ ~K lot 144318 Same time, 1870 19,763 84,465 12,562 900 3,518 82 100.277 GROCERIES. • Includes mats, &c., reduced to bags, t Also, 85,093 mats. Pridat Evinins, March 31, 1871. SUGAR. There has been a very fair movement In Sugars, but aside from The demand for Haws has not been qnite so sharp and quick as last week this the market for Groceries throughout the week was in a most and less continnous, some few days showing rather a quiet tone, but the market has gained rather than lost tone, and most of the transactions were at a decidedly flat condition and the majority of goods so very dull as slightly higher range of values. The small receipts and scarcely any parcels to reach an almost entirely nominal state on values. Tlio cause is offering from wharf, and the goods In store displayed with moderation have to be traced to the continued delay in the development of the given holders a great advantage in maintaining their position, and some have interior demand and consequent indifference on the part of job- assumed qnite an indifferent tone about operating, especially as refiners were securing a good margin bers about stocking up until they can see tm outlet for their goods. between the price of the raw and manufactured Sugar. There could not, however, be said to prevail any decided buoyancy, and at no Speculation does not appear to be thought of and movements are time did we hear complaints from buyers of their inability to secure abont all of now based entirely upon the legitimate law supply and demand^ the goods required, while ertdences were not wanting that many sellers con- every day showing an extreme spirit of caution among all opera- sidered the safest plan to accept all fall aids as soon as made. The receipts now certainly are small, but a change tors. The stocks of goods now accumulated here are, as a rule, of wind 'for a few d;iys may make a great difference in this respect, while nearly all the reflners have not only fair, but in only one or two. cases can be called large. bought freely but some to the full extent of their storage room, and finding the The entries direct tor consumption, and the withdrawals from refined article already selling with less freedom, are inclined to move with bond, showing together tho total thrown on the market for the greater caution iu making purchases. Old and new crops now sell closely week, were as follows together, with fined cured lots of the latter frequently commanding the higher figure. Tea, black...,' 6%}pkg8. Laguayra .. 1.33!) br,gB. Sugar, Brazil. bags. Refined have sold irregularly, bnt without much activity in the aggre- Green 8,704 pkgs. Other 1,148 bigs. Manila,SanllL. &c.. 34,6Sl bags. " gate, and values rather favored the buyer, the production of some grades ex- Japan 2,8.57 p^gs. Sni^ar, Cuba.. 2,7*6 bJces. MMa.s'e8,oaba 4,147 lihi" hds. VarionB 1.8T5 pkKS. Cuba 5.297 hhds. I'orto Mlco. SSO'hhds. ceeding the outlet and etocks accumulating. Sales of 5,787 hhds. Cuba ; 1,215 «offee,Rio.... 8,'i86 h&gi. Porto Rico 1.053 hhds. DemeraiA hhds. do. Porto Rico; 200 do. Demcrai-a ; 250 do. English Island, Ac; 300 hbds. Jav.i 1.554 mats. Other l,6-.7 hhds. Other 189'hlld8. Maracaibo.. 1.405 bags. *Hhds. Include bbls. and tcs. reduced Martinique; 40,527 bags Manila, on spot, and abont 40,000 to arrive; 8,350 Imports this week at this port have included 5,000 bags Rio boxes Havana, and 1,127 hhds. Melado. Coffee, and 4,859 grass mats of Singapore. The receipts of Sugar Imports at New York, and stock in first hands. Mar. 90, were as follows •nd Molasses have beea liberal, and include 8,377 bags of Brazil Cuba, Cuba, P. Rico, Other Brasll,Manlla.ftc,Me1ade bxs. •hhds. •hhds. •bhds, bags. bags. hhds. Bi^r. There have been no arrivals of Tea. Imports this week... 6.183 «,9I5 939 693 s.sft ".. i.7a5 The stocks in New York at date, and imports at the five leading since Jan. 1 69,246 39.957 2,5'i« 13^77 19,762 127,406 16,989 " sametune.TO 71,185 52,555 8,028 7,407 43,690 79,859 ports since Jan. 1, 1871, are as follows : Stock In first hands.. 86.966 26.252 205,812 2.491 stocks In yew York Imports at leading ports Same time 1870 88,934 6«,59« 344,455 S3S atd 4te. since January 1. " " 1869 42,083 33.044 54,096 398 1871. 1870. 1871. Tea 1870. lbs. 21,097,813 17,456,388 niOljASSES. Tea (Indirect Import) pkgs. 8,145 13,158 Coffee, Rio Dags. 37,712 n,5«« 43U.2-3 326 344 We have once more to advise a dull and unchanged market for foreign goods Coffee, other bags. 13,588 18,763 146,742 100,277 Bogar boxes. 86,966 104,ll8 113,980 in a general way, the demand prevailing being spasmodic and uncertain, and Bngar hhds. 28,252 6S,5S6 113,730 100,842 buyers requiring every attention imaginable to induce them to operate. The Bacar bags. 2()5,84J 303,345 ^23,426 254,416 MoUnes hhds. 9.818 20.490 6!,«56 distillers now and then take an odd parcel of old crop if It is offered cheap TKA. enough, but as a rule are indifferent. Refiners can be found in the market purchases small, as direct receipts There has been no change In this market, either for the betterjor the worse, every day, but their are have of late corresponding addition to their wants, while t tbat we can discover, a few invoices selling, as the necessities of buyers increased somewhat, with a taking little within one day or two, are far from anxit.'ii ^ forced them to operate, bnt basiness thronghoat dragging, and values for Trade, though a more want of some direct influence, remaining at about the former range. Jobbers and must be treated with liberally. On choice parcels of grocery stock and reasonably very naturally, will not commence handllns stock with any freedom until they high testing boiling cargoes prices arc sfady, but poorer qualities can see some chance of selling it again, and this chance, jnst at the moment, weak and unsettled. Domestic has been so plenty this season that the appears remote, as interior bnyers are extremely chary of their orders, both Trade are becoming tired of it, and the market is slow, with prices on all mail supply except the fancy grades reduced somewhat. Sugar house Molasses dull and personal and by . The oflferlng is, on the whole, quite liberal, and the assortment first class on all grades, though some of the leading holders lower (18c bhds. and 22c bbls.) under a larger offering. For S.vrups the demand refuse to offer their samples for the present. Sales of 11,606 Greens, 2 780 is moderate and prices steady. Sales of 650 hhds. Cuba Muscovado, 955 hhds. Oo1on°rs, and 2,760 Japans. Porto Rico, 88 hhds. St. Croix, 115 hhds. Barbadoes and 400 bbls. New Orleans There have been no imports of Tea duringnetthe week pest. ~ -"»- The receipts at New York, and stock in first hands. Mar. 30, were as follows: The following taule shows the Imports of Tea Into- ^^jUnited States (not Iccladlng San Francisco), from January 1 to date, In 1871 and ib70: Cuba, P. Blco, Demcrara, Other N. O. •hhds. 'hhds. 'hhds. 'hbda bbia Black. Green. Japan. Total. Imports tills week 8.624 13S) 70 707 "» 1871 6.629.5(i9 10.07S.9W 4,889,874 31,097313 since Jan. 1 27,592 3,765 1.173 1,343 81,596 18TO 8,391,602 7.073,226 2,402,911 1T,8«7|788 " same Ume 1870 21,483 3.176 3,432 85 10,014 Thelndlrectlmportatlons, Including receipts by P.M. Steamers via Aspin- Stock In first hands 8,614 608 566 8,500 wall. have been 8,145 pket. since January 1, against 12,864 last year. Dnrlng same time "70 15349 5.890 fBO tha waek paat 56t packages bars also bmo received by ralL 2J51 same time W li.9i« GS9 > V " : . : : —: . . — , : . . ; —.

Aprfl 1, 18T1.] THE CHRONICLE. 411

Imports of SnK>r dc Rlolaases at leadlns porta alnee Jan. 1 Owing to bettirnews from abroad the laarlMt <4o«e« »erT firm at lOva'OXr* forrurrfnt No. 12, (li for the United Stale! and Northern Btirope, whlip cijsul- porti Th* ImportJi of atiiar (Im Imllnp MtUdo). and of Molmn *t tho ImdInK Ued sons snUabltt for the ipebUh and Mediterranean r.ark'ia are psld for at of from Aaaarjr l, ISTI, to dat«, baT* bean as fohoira tnm iOfidblO'i r». Onrtoday'»qnol«ilon»sreralenlat«don th«h««l> lOx rk for gooo itmng No It. The aalM which bava been rrportad during the week »or«r. ^MolaaaM. -s amount to about 10,000 boxsi of all kinds, aiialnst 12,000 boxes last week. ,—•H6m BaTaoa V«w Tork R»M iir.Tw injQi ii.Mi n.4M To B9M». Hbdj. BoMon la^fr IIJU M,no — •.'H 14.084 New York FblladelpMa... Wffli I'M M444 oeton I9.•^a i Baltlmort lOjnt lo.m K.IM 19,301 11,471 I7,M 'Jffi? S.M« Baltimore KcwOrlaaiu... 6,49 8U M »i IX» Hew Orleans Total export ol the week to all connlnaa Total lOl.lH IW,IW 11«,7S» lOO.M! *\j)» mju* m,m mjm The general movement at both porta has been as follows

•InelndlBc Uaroat and barrali radnoad to hhda. , Exporu since Jsnnary I .— at <1jite.-< . ^Btoek .-Reo'ts this we'k-, To U. B. , --To all Pqrts.-^ anxn. Hlicls. Boxes. ntiiH. Boxes. Hbos. Boxes. Hilda. SPICEit. \m Mfiu 4-M tn.-M »jat m,^m um »4 » S iffio (».!.?; b'w tr.^ivi XAnx wjjm ¥-3** la fcarcely reporting at protcut, either inawholeaale Tbare any market worth 13W eo,aau 4.wa i8B,sir! n.Tn miah ^^ TMjM ll,'.47 or ratall way, the moTement being conllned to very unall |>«rcclH, abeolntelj nianlla SuKar.—Market reports to February 1, advise a good boalaeee moderate raqnircd by porchaaara for their Immediate wants. Tho Blocks are having been dom. iit an advance in prices. Total lettlvmsnts for fortnTgnf were for extra, though u a role, not well aaaorted and receiving few additions, and holders as a con- eet down at 25,000 piculs at f r, for superior, and »6 CO® t5 76 the clOFO the demand at these rates seemed filled and the market waa aaQoence retain a fair amonnt of faith, but prices for the time being arc not at weaker. Nothing done in Brown and no Taal arrived. ranarkably strong, and a flrat-clasB buyer can obtain many small favors. The following shows the quantity of Sugar aOoat for the United 8t«««§ at Importers report that all recent advices from tho points of production are of a laat advices, nud which has not yet arrived atimnlatlng nature, but have no effect upon our market In the abaeuce of a IMrnIS Pteuls damand Bblp. For. MWlba) For. (iMIbao Nov. 37. .Olenlvon ..New York. 113W Jan. n. Chattanooga. New Terk.12.C00 ' " FBCITS. Not. SB..F * " 8.4CU Jan. 3'.. Monti rose.. MM *e. " Dec. 81... > • 1».0I» Jau. 38..Klld«Dan 8,400 The market since the date of our last has shown rather more activity and Oct. 24. r 20.. I. 2«,»t ToUI piculs (Of 189 lbs J touts Irmnees at the decline noted then. The movement lu I>ayor Raisins Is small Jan. isrn. 1SW. to •nd conllned the Jobbing wants of tho trade, who bny only enotigb to carry . riculs. Piculs. them along from day to day. Holders, generally, are Ann, and good brands Exports since January 1, 16 United States W.«; J.iS '•• •• Europe 80,»5 273» sumot b« bought below (2 77X. Sardines declined early In the week, which the total ex- Qftnsed a movement, and prices reacted again, closing about steady, as quoted Java CoflTee and Spaar.—Advices to January 12 report of Coffee Irom Padang for 1871, was, to United States. 90.569 picnis; to 111 our last. Currants have nile44 V *H9 Jun. » Maori 114,904 ft Peannls.. .. 1 T' do Valencia,* 12 9 I African • Jan. 10 Jas.S.Stone Shangnae.... r»4<9 - do London Layer 3 sn , Walnuts. Bordeaux lOtfv Jan. 15 O.T.Ray Yokohama... 880,037 350,07.1 Cnrrants, new A. I'atlan 12 m V txe I Macnronl. Jan. 14 Ada Foochow.... 7W,385 '.Vi.tlf Citron. I..egi»n».i» j| 41 , Fire Crack. hMt Nn I • ho>t 4S • Jan. 14 Qlamorganshtre... " .... 5as,gt;» t*rnnes, Turkish, old I DoxaaTio naiio rncrrs. Jan. 15 Carnarvon-iaire.... " — 8IIJ8S 3TMS5 ». Pmnes, Turkish, new 10HA I Apples, State V «K* Jan. 19 CoQlnakyle Yokohama... «17819 617319 Pronellea do Western ...• Jan. 21 Kojal Minstrel. .. 5i8,ino SI83TO I 4 '0 Iiatoi 'It I do Sonthem, common Jan. 37 Compeltor HongKong.. 98,400 36.400 ^' |i1gs. Smyrna V B. , do prima 5)^ Jan. 81....: Randers 388,145 388.145 Cbemes German • do sliced 8 a Feb. 5 Solent Yokohama... CantonOinger »009 Peaches, pared ..j^ IS Alrcpnda, Languedoe iSXta I do nnpared.qrsahm 10 to be afloat 5,S<8,«18 2,619,74a Total known „ I,mj4« UJ36J43 do Tarragona 30 Blackberries exports to U.S. ports, June 1 to Feh.7.. 13,688.131 16.e38.060 ^ I JJ ToUI 8,7«r099 8»,C88J8» do IvIcaV. H 18H Cherries pitted 2^ exports to C. ports, same time 18M... 11 .895,017 15,371,873 e/ni,206 i Total 8. 33,288X196 do Sicily, aoft ahelt Pecan Nn(s • ». H •' 9 ns do Shelled.- Spanish," - ....a 32 Hickory NoU »• bosh 3 40 Rio Coffee.— Mesara. ^Wright ft Co.'s telegram, dated Rio Janeiro, March do paper ahelell «i .... Peanuts. Vajt'd to (bey do t n 1871, says a 7, Barainos ,9 hi. nox. Si a .... do — com. to fair do 1 7S at 60 Bales or Cofl'er for Tnlted States since Marekt 80,000 bags Sardinee V qr.box. isvja '• do Wll.4['dtobael do 2 35 S^«> Bblpmeats '• " tjoosn fv 45,000 •• Groeera' Dmsa and Snadiiea. _.jck " atdate -,3,li(IO •• BTMtO*«« R*lt« , Exchange, 24Md. Alum 8Xa -.M tV Bl-Carb, Soda (Eng.) 4V« Sic. Licorice Cnba Sngar.—Bavaka. March 24.—The enqniry has been fair throughout Bornx 80 at 81 Calslira tbu week, and the traneaci Ions effected might have been of more importance Bsl Soda, Cask Ufa 3 Madrtrr gold." 12 a 14 Xndlgo, >fa4lraB gold 1 IS._ had not tho same causes alluded 10 in ocviTai of our previous reviews, as difi). I Sulphur «sra #1 » SsKpetretpetre • a is" do Manilla cold. 80 in*, cultles regarding holders and buyers to agree upon prices, scantness of sUple I Cordage, Manlllii. and of inluble deecriptlona for ceruin markets, checked buyers desires X H to operate! }.^E,^)rjJI;i'>.Kii do da Large sires It and prevented them to extend their purchasee so toraa they ...-'..-'.!. $ f«ltdlapo«d to. cattlieeoars n UK I Bleal : .

[April 412 THE CHRONICLE- 1, lb71. GOODS TRADE. Beown 8hektino9 and SaiRTiNos are in fair demand with but few THE DRY chiDges in prices. We anntrx quotations which are, in some iostancea, Fbedat. p. M., March 81. 1811 nominal. Amoekeag A S6 12, do B 86 11^. Atlantic A 86 12fdoDS6 lOJ. do H 36 li, Appleton A 86 lij, Augusta 36 U, do 80 10, been no important change in the trade since our last There has Bedford R 30 8, Boott 84 9i, CoininoDwealth 27 8, Oraf'.on the same review, and the general features of the trade are much A 27 8, Great Falls M 86 II do S SS 9i, Indian Head 8b 121. do 80 cotton 18, do 86 lO^, Laconia O S9 12 do as at that time. Prices have been declining on nearly all IPi, Indian Orchard, A 40 B 37 II, Lawience A K6 II, Lyman 36 lOJ, tio E 8R 12, Medford 86 fabrics to complete the revision begun earlier in the month, and Hi, Nashua fine 38 ll^, do R 36 18, do E 40 14i Newmarket A market is more settled at the close, though there are still sev- the 36 10, Pacific extra 86 12, do L 36 11, Pepperell 7-4 22i.do 8-4 25, marked down. eral makes of different goods which are yet to be do 9-4 27i, do 10-4 82i. do 11-4, 371, Pepperell E fine 39 121, do R The trade has been more evenly distributed among the large and 86 lll.Pocasset F80 81. Saranac fine 33 HI, doK 86 18, Stark 86 12, Swift, River 86 81, Ti^er 27 8. email jobbing houses, and the latter are doing a more satisfactory A Bleaobed Shxetinos and SaiaTiNsa are in fair request, and sales distribution continues considerably in business. The aggregate are more liberal as the revision of prices is completed. Some excess of that of the same period last year, and jobbers generally changes will be found in the annez<'d list: Amoskeag 46 161,do 42 Ark- express satisfaction with the season's business, thus far. The 16, do A 86 16, American A 36 121, Androscoggin L 86, 161, wright 86 18, Ballon A Son 86 18, Bartletts 86 14, do 88 ISJ, Western and near-by trade are well represented in the market> WT Bates XX 86 18, Blackatone AA 36 181 Boo" B 86 ISf doOSO and are buying with fair freedom, though purchasers, as the rule, 10, do R 26 81, Clarks 86 171, i>wight D 40 18, Ellerton 10-4 45, few large lots are placed. There are 61. Gold Medal 86 18, Great Falls display^ ^ marked caution, and „ . Fruit of the Loom 86, 16 Qlobe 27 in market, as these dealers Q 86 161 H'^'s Semp.Idem 36 16, Hope 36 13, James 86 16, Lone- very few small Southern buyers the j are purchasing comparatively small amounts, and - W-g ^a,e^86^.6, Ma^o^^^^^^^^ | rr mail orders. Large Southern dealers are also limitmg _ _ _ . • mostly on 6-4 26 do" 6-4 821, do 9-4 471, do 10* 621, Waltham X 83 11, do their purchases to such amounts as will meet their requirements 42 161, do 6-4 221, do 8-4 271, do 9-4 821, do 10-4 871. Wamiutta during the early part of the season, but the aggregate movements 36 20. PaiNTiNS Cloths are in moderate demand at 6Jc. for 64x64s for im- to this section are fair, and the cautiousness displayed by buyers mediate delivery, and 6i@6J for fabrici". is considered a very favorable feature by dealers here. Collections Prints are in good request and tlie stock is well reduced. Prices are easy in most sections, and the trade appears to be in a healthy are steady and unchanged as follows: American 10, Albion solid 101, condition, with the prospects favorable lor a satisfactory season's Aliens 10, do pinks 11, purples 101, Arnold 81, Atlantic 61. Dunnell'i 101, Hamilton 101, London mouniing 91. Mallory pink 11}, do pur- business and comparatively few losses. ples 11, Manchester 10 u 101. Merrimac l» 11, Ho W pink and purple 121 Domestic Cotton Goods.—The demand for all classes of cot- .10 W fancy 12, Oriental 10, Pacific 11, Richmond's 101, SimpsoD ton goods suited to the current wants of the trade has been fair, Mourning 10, Sprague's pink 11, do blue and White 101, ao sliiitings Wamsutta and although individual purchases have been small, the aggregate 91, 71. Chkoks.—Caledonia 70 28, do 60 221, f^o 12 261, ^o 10 21, do 8 17, movement is very satisfactory. Prices have been reduced in a doll 22, do 16 271. Cumberland 13. Joa Greers, 65 161, do 66 18 few makes of medium count brown and bleached goods, and Kennebeck 20. Lanark, No. 2, 91. Medford 18, Mech's No. A 1 29. Cr. Columbian Lonsdales have also been marked down Ic. This will, it is Denims.— Amoakeag 26, Bedford 141, Beaver A A 20, heavy 24, Haymaker Bro. : 21, Manchester 20,Oti9 AXA21,do BK19. thought, cause a decline in other makes of similar grades, which CoHSKT Jeans. — Araobkea;^ Ul@12, Androecoggin — , Bates 9. Eve- are now held at but as yet no other changes have been 15i@16c., retts l.il, Indian Orchard Imp. 10, Laconia 111. Newmarket 10. made. Prints are fairly firm, and are selling well, the supply of Cotton B.tos.—American $80 00, Great Falls A $36 00, Lewiaton desirable patterns in light work being unusually smalLfor this *30, Ontario A |82 60, Stark A *35 00. BaowN Drills.—Atlantic 121, Appleton 121, Amkskeag 13, Augusta season of the year. Colored cottons are unsettled, but the list of 121, Pacific 121, Pepperell 13, Stark A 121. prices so far a8_reviBed is firm, while other quotations are chiefly Stripes.—Albany 71, Als^odeo 161, American 11@12, Amoskeat; nominal. 18@l 9, Hamilton 181@l 91, Haymaker Ul^ll, Sheridan A 91, doG 10, Uncasville A 12@1S, Whittenton A A 321. Domestic Woolen Goods.—The trade with agents has not TiosiNos.—Albany 81, American 141, Amoskeag ACA 29, do been very spirited since oar last report, as jobbers generally A 24, do B 20, do C 18. do D 16, Blackstooe River 141, Oonestogi. though doing a fair trade, do not find it necessary to canvas the extra 32 21, do do 36 26, Cordis AAA 28. do ACE 26, Hamilton 20, Swift River 131, Thorndike 14, Wliittendoo 25, York 30 market as yet for second purchases. Light weight fancy cassi" A A 211. Ginghams—Olyde, 111; Earlaton, extra. 18 ; Glasgow, 13; Gloucester, meres are selling well, while jobbers and agents hold unusually HI; Hadley, 14; Hampden, 16; Hartford, 12; Lancaster, 16 ; Lanca- light stocks of all grades. Cloths sell fairly, but are not in very Mills, shire, 111 ; Pequa, 121; Paf'^ 14 : Quaker City, — active request either with agents or jobbers. Quotations are MoD^SELiNE Delaines. — Pacific 18, Hamilton 18, Pacific Milla printed armurc'S 19, do Imperinl reps do aniline do plain adjorted stiffly maintained, however, and there is no apparent prospect of 221, 20, colored armures 18, do do Orientals 17, do do alpacas 21, dodo a break this season. Heavy weight woolens are in better demand, corded do 2:^1, but the transactions remain light in consequence of the high Carpets. —Lowell Company's ioE;rain are quoted at $1 f)r super fine, iO ?l for extra 8up*r, prices at which the limited stock is held. Shawls and other light 2 mo9. credit, or lesa 2 per cent.. diys ; 15

and $1 421 fjr thiee-ply ; Hartfori Carupany's |l for melium super- wooolen fabrics are selling freely, and prices are well sustained. fine ; SI 16 for superfinF! ; ^1 421 for Imperial three-ply, and SI £0 Foreign Goods —This department of the market is without for extra tbree-ply BiuaseU 70 f>>r fr., Si for 4 fr., and ; $1 8 SI notable change in any particular. Trade is fair, and in the aggre- tl 90 for 6 fr. gate is considerably in excess of a corresponding period last year. IMPORTATIONS OF DRY iiOODS AT THE POUT OF NEW TORK. Dress goods of British and Continental makes are in good demand, The importations of dry goods at this port for the week ending and desirable effects are well sold up. Prices are fully maintained, March 24, 1871, and the corresponding weeks of 1869 and 1870, and are at'ivancing in the European markets, but no change is have been as follows likely to occur here before the close of the season. The firm tone entered ros consumption fob tbe week endikq 3i,W0 771 224,746 Manufacturers of wool.. 661 $28.5.345 280 $90,195 898 $320,339 " 1,060 " 1869 6,485 679,224 684 58,634 do cotton. 412 12,618 280 70 085 580 147,811 " 2,477 " 1868 4,007 357,729 1,346 421,212 3.964 do silk.... 48 66.645 47 49,594 218 250.213 " 1867 1.148 148,882 1,831 405.491 do flax.... 387 79,906 220 64,140 474 90.«14 " 1,897 1866 143 22.186 S24 259,923 193 Miscellaneous dry goods 313 25,702 7,785 31,750 9,017 107,033 1860 22,806 14.891 TotHl 1,771 $.520,216 8..5!12 $a9,-.764 11,217 $915,379 VVe annex a few particulars of leading articles of domestic Add ont'd for consu'ptn, 4,72.5 1,658,050 4,8'vO 1,800,331 9,477 3,710,846 manmacturo, our prices quoted being those of leading Joblers : I Totalcnter'dattheport~o,496 fsri'"^'' ^'V«-^ $2,^6^15 M,694 $4T(aa,7« :

April 1, 1871.] THE CHRONICLK. 413

Bankers and Broker*. Imurauoe. Traniportation. SPENCERIAN EQUITABLE GRBAT LIPE AS8VRANCB SOCIBTT Southern Mail Route OF THE UNITED BTATM, STEEL PENS, TO lit, 118, UO, la * m DROADWAT, NEW TORK. NEW ORLEANS, IHEnPniS, ANE nanulaeioredbjr the Original loTent or Aaacta orar • • • $12,000,000 niOBlLE~ALL HAIL. of Steel Pen*. Income .... 6,000,000 THE CELEBRATED danbiltt; and perfection of WILLIAM C, ALEX«KDSR,Pr*ald«at. UKNKY B. UVDt. Vlce-P Mideat. action of theae Pens are owing to a peculiar proceia OKOROK W. PHILLIP*, Actuary. JAtUtS w. ,iLEXaN>EH, Secretary. laSrtitfitot of Carbonlxlng, and to the great care taken in their bAMUEL BoiUiOWk, city Muager. manofacture by the moat akiUed and experienced Ii«kve New York workmen in Europe. At MO A.M. lor RICBMOMD.aod Polnia on the Coaat They are a nearer approximation to the real lyCisoellaneouB. Ata,SOP.M. from foct of CoitUndt straec, rta h*« York and Philadelphia line tiy GKEAi SOUTU than hitherto SITAN griLL anything In- BK V MAIL HDK.IK 'll (or Rlcbmoo'l, hew rented. Orleans, .Mobile, Memphis, Chattanooga. l.aahvUla Atlanta, Macon, and Iniermedlate polnta. For tale by Dealera gonorally. S. E.Wright Co., J. & & BT" SAMPLE CAKD . conUlnlng all the BTATIOKB. mo'» Bona. n A «l FrankllB Itreet NEW TOEK. Mil**. Time. 14 Nnmbera , artlsiicslly arranged and aecorely NEW TORE... Ar. e.ly mjn, 6ii Franklin ttreet BOSTON. WASHINGTON 2ai ' i.Mp^, tndoied, aent by mall ou receipt of ' 2GCenta. OOkDONSVIlLK.. . Vi U.«l PM Chestnut PHILADELPHIA. bRlBI'oL. eio " 7jsp.a. Ml itreat " KnOXViLLE 14 11 U ajs. " ITI«ON,'BI.AKBnAN TAYLOR & CO, AQEI^rS FOR •OLKVEoAD ftfil e./i am. tCHATTANOOUA ... HBO * iM a.m. " NASHVlLLtt IWl < ai p.m. " IM and 140 Grand Street, New Tork. Pepperell Tfltg. 0»., tVUKINlH OW 6.M |..m. {OBaNU JUHCT.ONI107 " tM p.m. Otla " Companr. MEMPHIS I1S3 WJi p m. Oaoxex Otdtkx. Wm. a. BrarBBxa Batea Itlrs. Co., "JaCKSoN- 13 • * iJtt pjii. - 0. FSASoia orDTKs Co., ATLANTA »a TJ* pJB. Columbia mtg. MACOM.. ..„,„. M» * UCaaa. AndroBCOKeln inilla, montuomK6^ ivr - tM mm. BANKING HOCSB OP MOBILE IM ' 6JUM*. Continental mila., NE.. ORLEANS UO* * ija ajB. irarren Cotton mila, * Change car* lor Atlanta, Macon, Montgomery. Geo. Opdyke & Co., Sslma, Heat Point, Eufauia, Mobile, Sayannah.aud I>aconIa Co., intermediate pomts. Boaton Dock Co., t Lhai.ge cars for Nashrill* and New Orleana. No NO. as NASSAV STREET, change trom this noini to New or;eans Franklin <'o., ';n(angs cars for" Mobile, via M. H u. B.B.—AU Ball. (Oomer of Cedar itreet.) TUorndlka Co., 18Jhange cars for Memphis. ••1* Change cars for Vlcksburg. Cordta OllUa. O^roSITS received from IndlTldaali. Flrmi, Bank* J. B. YATES, Banker! and Corporations, subject to etaeck at P**sen(er Agent. algbt, and Interest allowed at the rate of Four per Oaneral Eastern cent per anTiam. C8KTIK1CATES OF DEPOSIT Issued, bearing Fotra Brinckerhoff, Turner & PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPAN IT S Ser ceni Interest, p'yable on demand, or after xed dates. THROVOH LINB COLLECTIONS made on til accessible points In the United States, Caniida and Europe. Dividends Polhemus, and Coupons also collected, and allmoet promptly To California & China, accounted for, Hanafactaren and Dealers In ORDRKS promptly executed, for the purchase aud sale of also, Gold ; Uorermueut and othar Becurl- and japan. tles. on commission. COTTON S /VIL DUCK INFuK.MATIUN lUrnlshed, and purchases or ex- chanzes of Securities made for investors. And all kinds ot NEGOTIATIONS of Loans, and Foreign Exchange adected. COTTON CANTAB. FKLTINO DUCK, CAR COVER. TBBCUOfl FARES-irEV TOSX ISO, BABUING, RAVENS DUCK, SAIL TWINES TO AC. "ONTARIO- 8EAML)!.S8 BAGS, " AWNING STRIPES." Qi^' SAN FRANCISCO, Texas Cards. Also, Ageft* Firat Claaa ... $iS5 to $lfiO Steerage ...... ^eo State* Vnlted Bnntlns Companr. According to location of berth A lull supply all Width* and Color* always In stock These rates Include berths, board, and all neceaaa- North Eastern Texas. rles for th* trip. 13 & 15 Llapekard Street. CH.4KGE OF SAILING DATS. Steamers of theabove line leave PIKKNi.«XOKTH Collections made on an acceatlble polnta by lllYkK, loot of Canal siraet, at U o'clock, noon, Muscogee Od is in and 30tli of Kaela n«ntl-, JA.HES ARSrCKLB ic CO., except when those daj a fall on Sunday, then the day BANKEIiS, nANVFACTrBINO conPANr, previou. C0LUMBU8, GA., oie hundred poun^is batr^age tree to each adtxlt. Jeflerson, Texaa. Medicine and att* dance fr.-e. KxirerAoniBXBa or 1> partnre 01 IJih touches at KINGSTON. Ja. Bt'auer will leave ban Fiaiidscu 1st erery mouth for Slieetlnsa, DrllUnsa, Tarna, Rope,4cc. Cniua Hud Japan. f. ur O. p. BWIFT.Pres't. W. A. SWIFT, S*c. * Ir. F r eliibi pauare ticket., and all further Inior- ma^lon, bpply Ht the Comp.ny's ticket ofllce on the Moore & WjLsOi*^, _w— . - wharf, foot-,iyit Canal st. (Bncceaaors to H. M. MooreJ F. R. BABY, Acen*. Kbbtov cox, 1 BANKERS, BHYAN, TEXAS. Hpa.ox Maxi;kl, > General DAirm Dbxw, Wii.B.BoioinNaos,) l-ariner*. special Partner. CollootloDS promptly remitted . Correspondent* in lFor Liverpool, New Tork—Mcsars, W. P. Couverse & Co. Kenyon Cox & Co., (TIa QneenatoiTB,) CABBTING THE UNITSD STATES MAILS. O. B. JOBSB, J. O. KIUBT, BANKERS dc BROKERS, r. KTUXTT, w. YON BosaBn*Ka<( 81 WALL STREET. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WKS1 KRN STKAM Ci MPanY wIU dispatch one of ibelr ttrst- C. R. Johns & Co., claas full.power Iron screw steamships Oovemment Securities, Stock*. Bond* and Gold flom .N'O.M sold on commission. PIER NORTH RIVER, EVERT » EUNRbDAT TEXAS LAND AGENCY bought and aa follow* BANKLNO « EXrHANQE, COLORADO, f apt. T. F. Freeman. Apr. 5, at ( P.M. AUSTIN, TEXAS. Wl-co .-IN, Capt. William* -Ai.r.ll. at la M. .N. ( »pt. nnari Purcbose and sell real esute, pay BKAfKA, Apr. 11, at t P.M. taxes and adjust The Railroad Gazette, lapl. Wblner Titles, pros, .t t P M. airalnst tliv MI.SNi Si.TTA,' apT. F.Freeman^pr. M at lU P.M. Bute and Feaeral Qovernments ; make collections Kecelva depo.iu and execute Trust*. Publlabed at 110 * 113 Madison St., Chicago, by MaNHaTT N,CaplalnFonyUi...ADr 21, at M M IUABO,0 ptain Price Say >, at ^KP.M. A. N. KELLOGG, NEVADA, Lai^talnureen key IS, al :0 A.ai. Cabin pa**aire, S80 gold. L. Leonard I* a Weekly Illustrated Journal of 34 page*, u large Steerage passage, (Olha* No. M Broadway) t*> cai^ J. & Co., aatboseof gvii,Bi SATURDA7. rency. For freight or cabin pa4*age apply to BANKERS, IT CONTAINS VV'li LIAMS AOLION.No.a'Vallel. TBRMISrS OF CENIKAL RAILROAD A Complete Record or Railroad Neira i Koaae, Texaa. Taussig, Fisher & Co., The Progress of New RoadS'Elect'ons and ap- potntoteuts ot olQcera—Contracts Let and to BANKERS AND BROKERS, Wa. toVT, w. be Let summaries of Annual Keporta—Il- A. I OioaeB Jaoxaoir lustrated descriptions of Itallroad Im. No. S3 Broad Street, Neir ITork. Lata Fori * Trice. I Late Cashier lat Nat.'Batik provementa— Articles both original Oalllpoljj Buy and Sell at Msrkst Ratee , O and selected on railroad uptra- UoD and ctvll andmei-hanfcal UNITED STATES SECL'RITI^i Fort 6c Jackson, ei'Klneerlng, and diacus. ALL slona or the relatione Solicit acounU Irom MKKCHANT8, BANKki.8 BANKERS, of Railroad uom- and other*, and .liow latereat on dally baUuc, sub- to Sight oratt. ^ACO, TEXAS. pa lea ti< the ject community. Bake eoUectlona on laworable ter RcriXBirtTX* AKo CoaxxspoxDB.xcTt:—ITew Terk This Journal Is prepared esp* tally forstoekboldei^ exeeate order* Wlnalow, Lanier * Co„ Uavid Dows and promptly for ik* pnrehaae or sale * Co. Cllicin- dirtctort and omesr* of rallroada, and all railroad of naU: First NaUonal Bank. MerchanU National Rank emploees. Maw orlaana: l^onUlana Kaupnal Bank, WbataM V Gold, State, ^Fedaral, andUBallrva Hatt, Bankera. OalTeaaoniT.u.llclfaiaa *Cow Prtco $4 per •&»«, In adTaB**, Seenritlaa. : ;

414 TiiE CHRONICLE. [Apri7 1. 1871.

XnsTiranoe Insurance. Publication. orncB or the Fire Insurance Agency, THE NEW YORK Tfo. «S WALIi STBEET, ATLANTIC NEW YORK. Daily Bulletin, ^ffitna Insurance Comp'y, Mutual Insurance Co. HARTFORD, CONN. A First-Class Daily Commercial INCORPORATBD 1819. Cash Capital $3,00n,oeO 00 and Fiiuncial Journal. N»w Tori, January Se, 1871. NetAMeU »6,498,7ag OS the Dm Tnuteea, la conformity * o tie Charter ot affalra Company, aulmlt the following ctatement of Ito Springfield The BULLETIN furniflies— on the Slat December, 16TO FIRE & MARINR INSURANCE CO., ut. The moft complete Financial Rb- Piwnloma recelrad on Marine Rlaka. from SPRliSUFIKLD, MASS. »5,JTO,(i90 0» 184 9. PORT publiftied in any daily paper, em- Ut January, 183), to Slst December, 18TO.. INCOKPOBATED Cash Capital $500,000 00 • off 16t i not marked Premium o Policies Net Assets $886,170 59 bracing : ».t».''» M January, ISTO The daily fales and quotations of every <7,«a6,4l3 amount of Marine Premiums., . W Total Providence Washington Security dealt in at the Stock Exchange INSURANCE COmPANY, Ko Policies have been Issued upon Llie and the Mining Board. OF PKOVLDENCE, E. I. KIska nor upon Fire Bisks disconnected The quotations of Securities not on ORGANIZED 179 9. with Marine Bisks. Cash Capital $300,000 00 the Stock Exchange lift, including South- Premiums marked Off from 1st January, Net Assets 9416,148 61 em Stocks and Bonds. 1870, to Slst December, 18TO »5,S»,TO K the official regifter oi losses paid during the same American A tranfcript of period...., .»,25»,5«0 8» INSURANCE COIUFANT, the Gold Room, (howing every quota- Beturns of Premiums OF PROVIDENCE, R I. tion from the formal opening to the for- ORGANIZED 183 1. and Expenses tl,0(!3,2S3 91 in Cash Capital $200,000 00 mal closing of the Room—publiftied Net Assets $370,634 SI The Company has the following Assets, viz.: no other paper. York JAS. A. AliEXANDER, Aeent. United States and State of New A fummary of the daily tranfactions at Stock, City, Bank and other Stocks »8,8«,140 00 the Sub-Treasury, the Gold Exchange Loans secured by Stocks, and otherwise. . 2.377,350 DO OFFICE OF THE and the Clearing-House. Beal Estate and Bonds and Mortgages 217,S00 (10 XLR_I E N T Bank, Interest and sundry notes aod claims due a full table of quotations of S rERUNO 03 the Company, estimated at 839,352 and Continental Exchange. Premium Notes and BllU Receivable 2,089.915 95 Mutual Insurance Co. The changes in the redeeming aobnts Cash In Bank 316,125 45 national BANKS, AND THB OFFICIAL Total amount of Assets. |14,183.933 43 OF THE Nsw TOHK, iSth Jan., 1871. PERIODICAL STATEMENTS OF THE NATIONAL |»-THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT OF TBK the affairs oi the Company on the Slst day of December, BANKS IN EACH STATE, as fumiftied by nz per cent Interest on the outstanding certificates 1S70, is published In conformity with the provisions of Comptroller of the Currency—publiftied ot profits will be paid to the holders thereof, or their its charter; legal representatives, on and after Tuesday, the Premiums unearned Slst December, lP rjiora- A dividend of THIBTT-FIVE Per Cent is declared tiouB.andLoansoQde laud.... 19tlJI33 58 journal, embracing a full Price Current $1,004,687 66 on the net earned premiums oi the Company, for the Subseriptlon Notes (of which semi-weekly. $ISJ,4»4 3.) are not yet used). . . .$525,576 68 year ending Slst December, 1870, for which certificatcB Bills receivab e, nncoUecttid and Salvages daily ftatement of the Receipts Fourth Premiums ^1,59147 4th. A win be issued on and after Tuesday, the of Acurnel interest and unsettled Foreign April next. accounts 25,612 9> OF Produce, the Imports from 822,780 54 B; order of the Board, t'oRTs, and the Manifests of Vessels Total amount of Assets ...$1,827,418 20 J. H. CHAPniAN, Secretarr* Cleared at the Custom House.

The Board of Trast es have resolved to pay SIX 5th. Its City Commerci.il and Finan- PER CKNI'. Interest on the outstanding Scrip Certi- cial News is fuller than that of any other ficates, to the ho'ders thereof, or their legal represen- TBUBTEESt tatives, on cr after the 1st March next. iournal. After allowing for probable losses In the case of the ). D. Jonee, ' Joseph Oaillatd, Jr. vessels out of time, and unsettled claims, they have 6th. In its Editorial Department Oharles Dennis, 0. A. Hand, also (in addition to a bonus of Ten Per Cent, already BULLETIN gives a fuller difcuffion of W. H, H. Moore, James Low, paid in cash on the ^ubscrlptloa Notes) resolved to Eanry Colt, B.J. Howland, return to the dealrrs eutUled to the same, TEN PER current commercial and financial topics Wm C. FlckertglU, Benj.Bahcock,' CbNT. on the net amount of earned Premiums of the than any other journal in the United Lawls Curtis. Bobt. B. Mlntum, }ear ending Slst December, 1870, for which Certificates Cliarles H. Raaa«U, Gordon W. Burnham, will be Issued on or after the 3d ot April next. States ; and in this efpecially its influence Lowell Holbrook, Frederick Chaunoey, By order of (be Board, to that of no other paper in B. t7arren Weaton. B. L. Taylor, CHARLES IRVING, Secretary. ranks fecond Geo. S Ooyal Phelps, Stephenson, the country. Caleb Barstow, WllUam H. Webb, T 8 T K S. A.P. FUiot, Sheppard Qandy, R U S 7th. Its PRICE IS only ABOtIT ONE-HAlf William B. Dodge, Francis Skiddy, Joseph Gaillard, Jr., Leopold Blerwirth, G '.rgo Moftle, leading commercial papers, David Lane, Charles P. Buraett Simon de Vlsaur, that of other Kiwar-i 1^. Davidson, Jol.u S. Wll lams, Bobt. James Bryce, C. Fergnsson, A. I.eMoviie, .Jr., Alex, M. Lawrence, and yet its information it fuller and in all K. H. R. Lyman, >rederlck G. l-ostcr, UtnleiS MlUer William E, Bunker, Heiry B. Kun ardt, John D. Dix, refpects as valuable. Wm. Sturgii, Samuel L. Mitchlll, J< hn Auclilncloss, rharles Munzlnger, Benry E.. Bogcrt, James G. DeForest, Lawrence Wells, L'UlsJay, 1 raiiclfi Cottecet, OtanlaPerkiis, Robert L. Stuart. James Bro-Q, Charl a Liilii g, >.!>. CarllBl-, y. Daily DtJLLBTiic AssociAnow, AleltanderV. Blake. Alex'd Hainil on, Jr., Theo orej'athiri, N. 'I Gfurice f . liomas, C.L. F. K. se, William St.. York J, D. JONES, President. Carl L. Recknagcr, Wm. S Wilson, 79 & 81 New W. r.Carrv, Jr., P. couslnery, CBABLES DENNIS, yiae>Pmt. Cornelius K. Sutton, Gusiav Schwab, p. o. BOX 3,906. Sdward Halgbt, George H. Morgan. W.H H. MOORE, 2d Vice-Pra'et. EUGENK DUTILH.Presldsnt. ALFRED uOD£N. Vloa-f^rMldaBi fnck 1$ o^ PsK Annvm...... ' -

April 1. 1871J THB GHR0N1CL& 415

MlsUrd*wid,Trl*at*... 90 9 18 DN- 'or|(,prtma n oo »\%'t PRICES CURRENT. ITatgalla, blua, AUppo.. 31 ,AB«ne*n,No. 1 84" ,8t1iaaaM** ;9 80 418 Pllani* gold 3 98 i, Amarlcan, No. 3. . n plain maaa i: 00 0i«M ^' AISB8- Qlloaaala .... , Aui*ricBn Forg* 8! .Istramaaa !»«» aiatt Poi.iitMri vioosan ctm Oil bergwnot 8 9* ,8eotcn No. i 89 ifhama ,,...98 00 091 OO BlBiWAX— Olllsmos ICO 8 is" ',r*a(i*d,Eng.* Amer. 79 , Ain«rlc>iir«llair...«» HH9 Oil p*^pi>flrniliit, nnr* ... 8 98 BTonarviOB*. ^:::~:::^* % V llrlul (DU to 68 dega) 1 89 i'oo B*r,iw*d*s,ordln>lses...lia 1119 00 U DSBADSTCFFS—Soa (paolal rtport. Ot: liBIOK»- plum, Turkey gold. 4 83H483; < 73 Bar,rttnncd (as to slse).. 77 f C*f«llas.., flM»Btt 81I 8xalicacM goM. '" B*r,eoauaon Baogoon, drMaad..eur. 7 60 • 7 96 RMou uoSEhoo Fhospborns go'd. IS Scroll. V»k In bond gold 8 73X0 ••• PhU«aalpbl> ironu Prnaslate potash, Amer. 98KI 8val* *ud hall round i6 0U#MW Onlcksllvor..., 90 and B OTTER AND CUKKSC- uulnlue.'julnlue, American I 96 oraaalioe 98( l^fl?.:""!'.*'.:;'.':"^ S S 8 Batwr— Rhnbarb, China 40 129 Soda, X08-M Inch U i tlvVMIlKKli..* .acV9W I..i StMa Urkliu, prim* ai • S3 Bago, pearled _1 Liv'p'l fijju, WorthlBgl'a 9 96 Z 9 |6 BMU, nrkliu, r>lr a A X Balaeratus sff*rod".V.".'.'.'.V.V.'.'.V|l'» tk «Utg. balMlrklu, ciiolea. M • M Sal aniiuunlac, ref. gold, ' ib**t,BnHta..., loS Uita, hkll-Arkiw, lair.... m » » Sal soda, Newesstle, g'd - Hi«*t, UBg., donb. * ti«b. 4^ Reflnaa.pua... % ....0 U Valah taba, 81 tS prima a Bar*aparlllaJI.j{'d,lnl)'d . B*n*, Kng. (gold) . .V ton. ffalah laba, onUuwy 16 • M 8araaparllla,Max. " gM Balls, American W&i'ii>-ii^::::::..\iSii HIS I" iVaatam, prima .vW ii.-- Beneka root .139 I.XAD— traatam; Fair if U : 19 # Senna, Alexandria Span lab t,. ....gold J 13 19 mothy'.' wimi. 1 Chaaae— Senna, Kast India . Clerman W^m V,V, Bballiao 96 S .- English emp.forilKii ,.896 •111 Faetory prima •» it • KH lioaeed, An.,.r'n mnyh ^a M gaator/Falr Sodaaab (tlOp. o.) gold. 3 98 ( , 9 87M Bar...., .net.SV U I !»M <* BngarBngwlead, W'«...7 IIMS .... •' LIns'd • al. In N.T.* bn 3 31 01 Farm (lalrlea, prtmo Hkm 16 "' Ftpauidshaat.. . 10 29 V BuTpbatu morphine,:nornhlue,4< orol 6* 00 Unseed, Cat. (bags) nn 'farm datrlaa, fair M « 19 •' a ' acldicliryslal) LEATiUiB- Boston) (Old .... 111 arm lUlrlea. oummon ... 10 TartaricTartar-- % UK Oak, slaughter, beavT ... 86 Oblo i«lr (o prima Ks Id... •^' 10H9 Taplotoca., —^' middle.... 98 l%iiltae,Ro.l,3,8,44l8.*» 9 Dta 9 80 " '• OAKDI.KS- '• — Verdlgrja, dry * ex.»-*^dry light 8S TsatiearTa-reeled 9 OT'a 9 IB VltrlcT,ol, ')" ,erop, heavy 87 Taysaams No. 1*3 8 000 8 H. ^perm « 30 bin* . 14 "in -r » S ••' •> mlddl* 38 Ilalni'en 8 800 8 V^ upanii, patant M • 10 DUCK- Rarena, light 9>pce.l!00 light. CtntoD,r*-rldi,NoI to exdo 7 980 7 Staarlo 31 «t a ' B S RaTens. heavy 17 00 ^raugli. .^alt slanghtarBlauitl Japan, comuiOiitosuperV ....0 8 80 AUaiuautlua IS ^ 16 " Scotch, O'cki Vo.l,»/d g Heml'K,; &€., heavy . CKMKMT— Cotton. No. 1... I middle. Platea,lur'n.*100*4[oI(I 5 79 • OO Boaandala .„ Vbbl ....SITS UVK wooua— light... Plates, domestic, 7 90 011 M •* Camwood ... .gold, V ton.lOO OOa California, heavy. BPICKS-See special report. COAL- mlddl* spraiTft- Nawaa«tioirom««((c MffUor9—Caab. _Sa£anwuod cur. 39 COd 9o LUMBKB. STAVES, 4eO- Alcohol (HI per ot) 18O0189X Sbeathliifr, nev f) k 90 .... M s FI8H- Soutbem pine 829 W0 98 00 Whiskey 91 91X Bolts 82 -.8 Drycod » qnlnt. 6 7 715 White pmebox boards... 000 31 00 Braztera'old ,,... ?S 50a 8TKEU- td ...fi bl)l. White pine mer. box b'ds 32 (00 27 00 Pickled scale .. 4 60O 5 00 Enxllsta,ca8t 15 Sbeatblnjr, Ac, 19 a W Clear pine 53 oua 60 lO Vk 18 '^ Pickled cod. .f bbl. 8 OOa 6 90 KnKllsb, spring Bboathluu.jol.metaJAiew a .... boards and planks 74 000 79 00 w .... 7 10 Mackerel, No. 1, shore ;n 0U»37 IM Chprry bngllsh blister Bolta. ycUow metal 34 a *• and ash KO 60 10 17 Mackerel, No. 1, Uny 21 (J0a22 SO Oak OOa W English fellow metal nalla 22 « 84 OO machinery 11X0 14 Mackulcl.Ko.a, •• 13 00*.... Maple and birch 00a 40 English Oemian Amerlcao lucot K.)i% i\H Jlackwalnut 90 000125.10 18 18 Mac'rcl, No. 3, Mas8.,largo. 13 » ai3 90 American blister 12 Mackerel, shore, No. 3 13 SO Vlncu sycamore 4t Ma 60 SO , CORDAOE— OOau American cast Tool. 18 If Mac'rel, No. 3, Mass., mcd. 9 OOa 9 90 Finch do 90 000 53 00 Manilla Uarge and tmall size) American spring. ... " 9 w 11 Bnrnce boards and planks 33 Oi>0 80 00 •* per Mackerel, No. 1. Hallrux... 23 50a .... American Diaclilnery 73 k. lb IJ alS Hemlock bo'rds and plank 24 100 27 iiO T rred Manilla Salmon, pickled. Mo. 1 27 0Ua27 50 American German.. " 9 ii aKH Salmon, pickled tee 034 00 Extra heavy pipe staves 1300 OOi ftlaat Rope, all aliea V ai> Herring bbl. 6 UO Heavy do do 180 00 Bawla Bo.t Rops 018 V OOa 8 SDGAB-8te special report. ^ ^ Herring, scaled. ...V box. SOa 40 Ught do do IWOi 17.> 00 TALLOW- UOBKS- Herrlng.No.l 20a 28 Extra heavy hhd do Heavy do do 150 «0 Amerlean, prime, country lat reicular, QQirta, fi gro. 43 a 10 FLAX— Ugbt do do 110 00 Kortli 9) andclty..*is 8V0 8 doaaperOoe 9U 01 8U River * 13)ia 14K Extra heavy bbl. do 120 00 special report. TEAS—See special report. lat regular, pints 44 a 70 FRUITS—See Heavy do do 109 IIO report. Mineral ISO a 10 GROCKUIE3—See special Light do do 75 00 TIN— I'anca Pblal U a 3S MoiaBsesshook8,lncl.head'g.3 5003 70 „.V»,gold 38X0 i... See special GtJNNT BAGS * CLOTH.— Bum do do .4 noes Straits ...... ;.." vrm iix under cotton. English •• UOTTON—See special report. report Sugar do do .3 Xdt". 65 83X0 3^ Plates, r>:ar. I.e.* box 8 MOLASSES-8ee3q>eelal report. 62X08 8 PRCOS AND DTKS— GUNPOWDER— I'lHtes, i.'C. coke '7 23 07 la Alcobol, 1 80a 1 BK Bleating (B).... V 38 » keg a .... NAILS- Plates, Terne coke 6 28 07 90 Shipping 8 SOa .... PliitcB.Tarne charcoal.. Aloea, Cfape VB 7 a . .. Cut.4d.06Od. V100n4 40 5 15 7 79 08 II Uoea, Socotrloe 4S a 90 Keg ride '. 9 TSa .... Clinch 8 9C at roBACCO-bee special report. 5 .... Uam )«a SX Heal 65a Horse shoe, rd (6d.} . . V » 19 a ii' 9 .... WINES— Aanato, good to prime . 10 a 60 Deer 39a Copper 87 a Antimony, reg. oi...gold UiKa 13 S|wrtlng,lsllbcanlB'trs.VIii 28® 100 Tellow metal 33 a M"'K'lrs *gall. 3 8007 00 Argols, crude 7>4a 8 NAVAL STOKES— Hbjrry ...... :.-..t.7.t;Tt... 1 3009 OO irgola, refined gold SI a 37S North River, In bales V 100 Tar, Washington..* bbl. 2 TO 43 75 lv>rt 3 0007 90 I> 190 Burgundy Iraenlc, powdered. ,...a 3>i for shipping 119a Tar, Wilmington 3 60 03 63 port. -..gold 8U01 96 Lisbon •• Assafcetlaa. 26 a .... HEMP- Pitch, city 3 37Ml(i.2 SO 3 2u28 80 Ualsam caplTl >7>ia 80 Amerlcan dressed.. V tosJ279 00a285 00 Spirits turpentine.* gall. 51 « ji Sl.lly. Madeira " 1000196 179 OOaiBS 09 llsd.bpan. " Balaam tolu 97 a •... American undressed BoBln, commmon to good A Sicily.,. ioZl 08 340 Mainofllch Mndelra... ••" ' dalaamPeru SW a .... Bnsala, clean 00a .... strained, * 280 B 3 60 0170 *9A 88 Barkpetajro a 43 Italian gold.360 OOa .... " No. 1 8 1i 08 70 Mtt«cll;cH i!Oit " 1 0601 IS Bsrrlsa, Persian... gold 37Xa 41 Manila V ft " 9Si'a 10 " Ko.3 3 78 03 86 Malaga, dry " 1 0801 U Sisal 9 .... " Malaga, sweet " Bicarb. soda, N'caatle" 4 00 a 4 12>i e pale 4 00 14 61 1 0601 tt Bl cbro. potash Tampico 7Ha 8 " extrapale 4 75 (t^m Clarcl * cask '* 33 90080 00 V 7H« lOX Clai-ct * rtor. 8 0009 00 8oraz,reaned . .. ^Xa BIDES— OILCAKB- W(X)I.— Brlmstone.crn . VtongldiS OU a38 00 Dry Hide*— Clty thin, obi.. In bbls. V ton.4: 90043 OC roll " " American, ^^n :^ 5A Brlmatone, Am. VD 2ka .... Bnenos Ayres. . V % gold .... a 23 Inbags 39 50040 00 a66 American, , Brimstone, flor sulphur. SHa .... Montevideo " 34 West, thin, obl'g, In bags 043 00 K'. :i.....o t7 aW ....a American Cuuibi. Camphor, crude (In Bio Grande " 23xa 2SJ^ OILS- g 88 088 Exti 11, Pulled.... bona) gold Orinoco •• 33 OUve, Mars'es, qts * case 4 05 88 SS Wan a 22>4 bbort Extra, Polled Camphor, refined lO a .... California " 39 OUve,lu casks....*'gagall. 1 33 1 25 96: SI a 23S Superfine Pulled Oaatbarldes V 100 D.... 1 37)ia .... San Juan " 19 a 31 Palm .* 91 8X 83 041 No 1. Pulled garb, ammonia. In balk a 17 Matamoras " 21 Linseed * gall. 86 87 38 So a 31S CsllXoinla. spring ardamoms, Malabar ... 4 V) a Vera Crux " 20 .... Cotton Seed Crude 50 Clli>— a Fine, luwashed Castoroll in a 24^ Tampico " 20 a 21 " *• yellow 95 80 MO It Medium | 3 X8 Chamomile flower*, 1^ i* . . 62 V a Porto CabeUo " 30 a 2JS] Whale, erode Northern Common, Chlorate potash gold Si 33 " 17 18 Whale, bleached winter auwashed 38 ^^B a Maracalbo a 72X Unrrv Jaustlc soda ...442 a 4 73 Bogota '• 31 22 Sperm,cmde 133 _ ^ • a Caiilerala, » all '^arraway seed a TruxlllO " 19)4« 80 Sperm, winter bleached. 1 47X01 50 C.lp and Lamba-^^ 8X Fine, unwashed — Oorlander seed 10 a ...• BloHache " 16 a .... Lard oil, prime winter... 1 06 al 10 31 Medittiii 21 Cochineal, Uondur..i bed jf lk gold. 13HA 12V Span.bro.,gr'drnoll.*ft 8 9 bheet *» 8X0 tx Oam bensolu 40 a 60 Rio Grand* '• 13X0 19K ParlawMte,Sng*100ib*.PariawhlteTEngVlOOib*. 3 OO0O 3 3S fiomkowrle I2HA 13 California " U M Chrome, yellowitlry.... 19X0 98 FBEIOHTB- ,—vnux.—. .—«an. Bamgedda gold lU a lOX Para •• 9Ha 10 Wblting, Amer..* 100» 1 35 180 ToLivKaPOOL:s.d. s.d. s. d. a. d Oamdamar 13 a IS NewOrleans cor. 11 a .... Vermillion, CUma...* ft 95 .... Cotton *• 9-180 X H0O^ Sam myrrb, Eaat India., ij a 44 City slauKiiter ox A cow 9 a 10 Vermlllloti iHesta 80 83 Flour ....* bbl ....0.... llK,.. Oam mjrrrh, Turkey 43 a 43 Upper Leather Stock— Vermillion. Amei, com. 33 37 H.goods.*ton.'8 040 17 141.6 red . OamSeaegal a 38 KA.ftRlogr.UpllAgld 36X0 .... i^enot. (N C.) * cwt. 3 CO 3 36 oil 490 a 7|80 Qnmtragacanth, aorta.. 90 a 40 MInas 30 31 Plumbago 8 Cn.bAb.Vbn. 8X0 8 &.... Bam tragacanih, w. Sierra Leone ccr. 36 8i> CMnacIay *toB.34 00 03100 Wheat..)). A b. 9)tu..., pfL... Jakey gold 60 a W Gambia and Blaaaa. " 37 a 39 Chalk *» 1N# IX Beef Vice all OiK... fird. potash, Fr. and Zantlbar " 19 .... Cbalk.block * ton. ..^ ... Pork *bbl 0.... IJK... Mi goidsaoa .... Kac« India Stock— Barrtaa, Amerlcaa-VB. 1X0 ToOavaa: by sail. | c. an Iodine, resubllmed 8 60 a .... Calcut. slt.cow V»gold 18 .... fetboOeum- Cotton ...... * B ....•» MK (pecacaanha, Braall a 1 80 Calcntta, dead green — 18 14 Crude, 40048 grav.* gall. ajf Tallow Hx faUn gold 49 a .... CalcntU, bniraR>....9>s 13 13H Crude. 40047 gr*v.(a.ord. l«aAre a 34 Manilla^ Bat. bufr..V» ....0 .... Refined St'd white (sh'nr 4^SSseo°.'...'.'.',.i.V.* uid; v.'.'Xvz Usorlo* p*«*, CUabrl*. 42X* 48 aONKY- order) 99X« 98k Wooda..,,. .,,».•, 44, n,.,, «9*.0 . Ucorlespasle, Sicily... 34 a 39 Caba(datyp'd)gold9igall.l 19 0118 Raftnad prima, wUta, Petroleam ,...••... Uoorlca paste, iu>.,soUd 33 a ..•• H0P8- To MaLBomx. « t30t. nx « ... poorloi pikHte, (ireek... 81 a .... Cropol'7a(g'd0prlme)«B 9 a it B*lMK.W^Kt>.'%>U) 98 iladder,Dalch.....,golA 13Ha 14 do 1868 9 8 Naptba, mtn^ mrVjat.T. K l

[April 187L 416 THE CBRONICLR 1, Iron and Kailroad Materials Oottoa and Southern Cards. Misoellaueous, BaXHStf W. N. Hawsa. H. CABTtlSJAJf, JOBH 8. KK»HXDT. HXHST U. B1.KIB. JOEU< S. Reese, Rignev &r Co., Hawks & Castleman, S. Kennedy & Co., MONTGOMBBT, ALA., J- stock Broker* and Beal Estate Asents 41 CEDAB ST., COR. OF WILLIAM ST. HAII^WAlf AGENT« ANiV I BVTiyO, GENEUALi OITON COLUMBUS, GEO. CO.TIMISSIO ?r MERCHANTS. MERCHANTS. Stocke, *o. Honda QoTerament Secorltlee. Ooll. and Negoclate Losna to every descriptlou. bouKlit and aold ou comralfislou. Bayandaell Ballway Bonds of Ballways. D. S. Arnold, IMPOKTERS OF aSHEB/LL Wlliam C. Oilman, hhebchant, Iron Balls, steel Ralls, Old Ratia, conmssioN DS1.I.KB IH Bessemer PljC Iron, ^crap. AND Steel Tyres, boiler plates, &e. Cotton Factor, INSVBANCB 9CBIP, MONiaOMSHT, ALA. AGENTS FOB AXD The Bowling Iron Company, Bradford England. Stock, The West unmberlaud Hematl'e Iron Co., WorWiut Fire and Marine Insnranee ton Kngland. Sapply all Bailway EqaipmentEqaipmenl and undertaka al Cotton. Street, corner of William Street, N.Y. M Pine Bailway boalness generally. l.OOff Tom Arronr Ties for b«llaz| Cotton. mJ Davis & Freret, BWBItSOS, MBKISS * CO., A8»»M, Morris, Tasker & Co., N. T. BEAL ESTATE BBOKEBS, r O. Box S,7U. M Beavtr street, Oian fBSr. CH IKLE3 8TKBET, Pascal Iron ITorks, Pblladel|>bla. TleM Ties b»v« been Med more exteniiyely lor mora taan oao-nair oi all Orleans, Louisiana. •tiv ottierj, »ni 1»« year New Manufacturers of Wrought Iron Tubes, Lap Weldi Prompt attention g Ten lo bnvlng, aelllag an« le»i- State falre. BoUer Flues, Gas Works Castings and Street he prenlan at eeveral IDK of piaotatlona and other realesiate, paying or taxes, ouUectiug rants etc. Mains, Artesian Well Pipes and Tools, WAtl, »T., W BIXYBB il, PO»t OfBOO BOX MM. Qas and Steam Fitters' Tools, Ao. JJo. :0 WALL STKEKT, Co., New Tork, January X, 1871. OFFICE AND WAEEHOUSBS: C. Rogers & WITH TBB Hotiai or J. Iif ComiBOTIOH IS GOLD 8TBEET, NEW YORK. N«W TOBK, COMMBRCLAL BROKBBS, ^ay Cooke, INDIA & DOMESTIC GUNNY CLOTH, McCulloch & Co. NAYLOR & CO., Clannr Bme«, Iilnseed, Jnte Bntt*, NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILA., 99 John street. 80 State street. 208 8o.4thatreet SOKar. Ho. 41 LOMBABD 8TRBET, LONDON, CAST STEEL RAILS, Joseph B. Glover & Co. We are prepared to pnrcbase and sell CAST STEEL TYRES, EXCHANGE, FSTtBLISHSD 13U. 80 Central Street. Boston. STERLING Cast Steel Frogs, and all other Steel Material lor Railway Use. TO USUI HOUSE IN LONDON: CIBCITLAK LKTTEE8 Brothers, COMMEBCUL CREDITS and A. CO., Reynolds & FOB TBAVElEBS, avBilable In all parts of NAYLOR, BENXON

the world i 34 Old Broad Street, NORFOLK, TIBOINIA, To execute orders In Securities, who glre apeclal attention to orders for Dor Cotton, Qraln, Ac, on Commission. TO UaKB Railroad Iron, OF MONEY aa Scrap Iron and Metals. John C. Graham & Co. OlABLE TBAHBFBBS well as Old Ralls, And to transact any business pertaining to an 4ELMA, ALABAMA, London. American Banking House In OHACHOXT TIBBiLXD. ALXX. r. riBEl KMBBSOV POOTB, Buyers of Cotton JAT COOKE dc CO. For a Comtmlsilon. Vibbard, Foote & Co., Insoianoe. 40 BBOADTTAY, NEW YOBK, William Lamb, 3teel Raiis, NORFOLK, TIBGIMA, TAe Liverpool& Lon^- Iron Rails, OFFBRS his services for purchase of COTTON and other produce; aud aollclts consignments ol don Globe Ins. Co. Old Rails, loai for European pons. . ^ ressels to „ Hyman_ & Refers to Wm. Bryoe * Co., and Daucy. AND 'Co., New York. A/etsGold,$i7y(>9o,i()0 RAILWAY EQUIPMENTS. B. B. Ferrill & Co., AJfets in the Commission Merchants & Brokers, U. States 2,000,000 Gilead A. Smith & Co., BAVANNAH, QA. BABTHOLOMBW BOUSE. BANK, LONDON, aVD Win give strict personal attention to all baslnesa 45 Willi(^ff^St respectfully solici- entrusted to tuem. Conslifnmeats NO. «l BROADWAY, NEW TOBK. ted. promptly remitted. FIRE INSURANCE.:; Collections Railroad Iron. SDWABS HAI.I.B. ». 0. O.lKXiOK. North American Cammack, In Pons of Nevr York and Net*- Nalle & Fire Insurance Company Orleans. COTTON FACTORS * COMMISSION MERCHANTS OFFICE 193 BBOADtTAY. 1A8 Common Street, MeTV Orleans. hg( Branch Offices, emounlB to suit remitters or travelers. Liberal Cash advances maae on Consignments. 3 Cooper Institute ic 1429 Broadway. INCORPORATED J823. BBltTLXT D. HaSIU., ABTBCR PaBXZB S. Fulkerson, - 00 H. CASH CAPITAL $500,000 B. D. Hasell & Co , -AUO.^if t 93aa COTTON BBOKEB, SURPLUSSURPljtJS ••----- 295,237 OENKRAL BAILWAY AGENTS, Cash Capital and Surplus, July 1,1869, CORNER MULBBRKY AND WASHINOTON BT8. $795,237 93. And dealers In BallTray Iron, Equip- VICKSBVBG, MISS. ment and Supplies. Fire at Rsfsr te O. M. KLEIN, Cashier, Mississippi Valley Insures Property against Loss or Damage by Special attention tu negotiating Railway, State and Bauk, Vlo^sburK. County securities. Policies Issued and Losses paid at the Office of the Companj, or at ItJ various Ajfencles In the principal 317 BBOADWAY IV Entrance on Thomas Street cItU he United 8tate->. R. W. HLEECKBR. Prefldent, R. A. Young & Bro., WYLLI8 uLACIiSTONK.Vlce-Pres't,?! F. H ' HTKR 8ecre'.ary, BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WOBKS ^1 General Agent. COTTON is. TOBACCO BROKERS, i.Cii LD, Petersburg, Va. M. Baird & Co., Imperial PHILADELPHIA. FIBE INSUBANCE COMPANY All work accurately fitted to ganges and thoroneh Jesse W, Burton, ly Interchangeable. Plan, Material, Workmanskln OF LONDON. Finish and Klllclency mUy guaranteed. connissioN mebchant, M. Baud, Ch.s T. Parry, Wm. P. Ueniey' Assets . • - • $8,000,000, Gold Geo Burnham. Edw. B. Williams. l£d. Longitreth. OFFICI M >> STREET, CAMORE CHIEF OFFICE IN THE U. 8. Wm. P. Converse dc Co., Peters^nus, "V*.. ITos. 40 and 42 Pine Street, New York. (4 Pine St., New York, Agents