vtry claims art matters m dis¬ Scbr Artan, for New iT?«rred, with" TB® tiler, Whiting York, with lumber to Ca*vtrv. May Tublaaon, New Turk for pute, for aetDtmeal con" YEW ORLEIJg Simpson A clam). Via yueeustown. H-Arrlwd, Agder, <"')¦ SI Croix. by the convention rcee-."T FLOODS, Bvlir Sw-an, Fisher, Rockland for New with Cleared 22 ^9111)1^ Junu3-Arrived, schr P Boice, Adam* " York, lime to J, 8 F chriso. The idea of R Hrovro. Sailed lid. Heraey, Bmatl, Montevideo. Gaur.elowa, DC. force, therefore, . - fcbapciar, Nellson, New \ork;24th. Bavaria, 8»lled.Kclir Lady Carter. New Tort. ¦ , S S Lewie, Rockland for New do Antrim, WASHINGTON- terour. ' K'wood, York, with Lowe, j 2ith, Flth), M Bos¬ Mailaen. do, McKar.aue, Hall, JuU" The H|u"«""r,~Tbe Nuppl,-.f fJ. Una, Brown, ton; Crimea, Blab- Cha* An<>. Wolia, Uoooken; Hy Ulbbs. UkvtRVf buvannah- * tilth, Sarah It Smith, VMMfc* "-ear Fnllluc Off io - lime to 0 "'*n. Westport for New York, with lura¬ op, Mobile. Intern t.lvliiif Out. ti. hr Adi iallk< -fell?!?.p Stlckney. Matthews, and Sea Nymph. ****«.*» <i>{. "" ch*UDei from Now York «ntn- Sew Orleans, 1871. ber to J Royntun's eon A pg, "nrv. with lumber for ( Psr«e»»r*noe' HowJTKnr.i^8' .e^i'Vl I,rrT. an.l Gulden ltagle; States The nuu. -^aai T^xtnne sources the joue c, Schr Klor* Co«P BrU? J°18 * BUUtb' The United Financial receipt* King. OaWli for New . ,. The remains the t f C«tt«, Ma, 17- Arrfveo, JfnTw7;i,dsVkCtV.T8X"hrra^h.W^0or:'aI,.
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