xmtlt HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, BEPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL IXl'ERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES. VOL. 12. NKW YORK, APRIL 1, 1871. NO. 301. BankerB and Brrkerg. Bankers and Brokers. ^bucctiseineut0. A. C. Kauiman, \ u >rtium>inn »H1 be In««rt«d »t the following Dodge, Kimball & Moore prlsM per Itae tor eicU laaerUon : BANKKR « BKOKKB, BANKERS, orlare<ll*aath«n4 tlmee Woento oerllne. ** ** Imeeoroxoie 14 OHABI.BSTON, S. O. STOCK AND GOLD BBOKEBa. •• " 14 DiaLa RiouLAKLT ix th» Tollowiho Liica 0» " " la •' And dealers In DKSIBABLK aotJTHZBir SXOtTBITIKS. TIZ.: •' " 10 " " 8 South C^ro'lna State Bomla; Charleston City GOVERNBIBNT SBOVRITIBS, Stock: Savannah City Bonds; AueuB'a City Hoirts; 14 STREET, N. 1. or np- WALL Tl tha alvertt«emeit oceaplee one c<»luTin Mcmpn s t Ity Bonds and Coupons; Nashville w At It, « duoount of IS per cent on theM ratee will be city Bonds and Coupons; T^-nriesse Stste Con* P. O. Box tfm. ellowdJ. po'ia : South Carniina l{*llroad i-onda (S'V-ns and Aai3< la measarel In agate typp, 1( line* to the Slxps); South Carolina Railroad Stick ; soitli Eastern lash. Ral'road B nds (Eluhtsl ; Greenville and Colnmhla Duncan, Sherman Co., Ra Iroa I Bonds; Savannah ano 4iharlcston Knilroad & \'tvdrtl»«m«nr^ wfU hare a farorable place when Bonds : mpliis and t:harle8ton laftertlim In (Seven* and Sixes) M first p It l^, bat 110 nromtsoof continaoas liles. mutt Railroad Bond, Qeorela Railroad and Cit - Seem No. 1 1 Naaaan St., New York City, rbe bdat place can bt elven,aaaU advertliert South Carolina, North Carolina Oeortfla, Tenneaeee, bire equal opportunliles. Alabama and glnla Uncurrcnt Baulc Notes. ISSUE CIRCTTLAR NOTES AND CIRCDLAR CoUeetlona Receive Eapecial Atlentlon T eirers of Credit available and payable In all tbe Advantagea. PRINCIPAL CITIES OK THR WO tLO; aUo latk* t. Th«CH10NI0L« h»« maoh the largeat clrcnla- Dnlted States, Canada and Weat Indies. tl >a of any UnancUl pabllcatlon lasnea. Wjl. PlBKBB, SaITITBL LaWKSHOB. Telecraphl 3 Transfers of to Lon- Member oi K. t. Stoek Exchange and Gold Board. Money and from S tt«clrcalitlo!i extends to hnslnesa men In BOTH don, Paris, ban Francisco, Havana, &c. tha FIN'AN''J1,\L am COMMBROiAL bran :hes, and alaj to a very nu iierons claw oi r-'tired merchant-*, Parker & Lawrence, Current Accounts received on such terma as may b monet'ed men a id InveiCors, who aro not cuKaged la agreed upon. regalar ba.lneea. BnccoBSors to KeWogg & Parker, Haiobt, MaiORT, JB., S. It 1i preserved on file by sabscrlbers. and thna Edwaso hDWABD BANKBRS & BROKERS, Pres'c poa^e^affl a gre-it advantage for advertlKera. over those Late of the Nat'nal Member of No. I WALL STREET, NEW YORK. publications which are habitually thrown ealde after bauk of Commonwealth. N. Y. Stock tlxchaage. peraaal. Stoclc^, Bonds and Gold Bought and Sold on Com- mluion. Dealers In Amerlran and h orel^ Qold and XFn. B. DANA A. CO., Silver, Ooveniment Secur.tUs, &c. ColleoUoos made Co., PUBLISHERS, ta all parta or the Country. Edward Haight & n A 81 Willlnm St.. N T, eiO. L. HOLMXB. XLXX. UACBZTH. BANKERS, iW For tema ot SubaerlpUon »e» SIh paze. Holmes & Macbeth, No. TFall St., corner ot Tiexr St., STOCE AKD BOKO BltOEBRS, New York. WE TRANSACT A GENSBAL BANKINO BMI- Bankers and Brokers. CHARLESTON, S. O. NK>S, receiving deposits on which we allow Interest, Key box 44. and subject to cbec£ at sight. As Agents of the United States Treasury, we ara N. O. National Bank Erepared to receive sabsorlptloDS to the bow 0.6. Price Williams & Son lOauB. OF We will bny or sell on commission all the Issaeaof EXCHANGE ANn REAL ESTATS Oovernment tiecarltles, Railroad Stocks, Bends and KKXr ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. BRoKEltS. Gold. la Exchange, Bonds, Notes, Stocks, Peelers Money, Investment orders particularly attended to. ALBS. WUELB ;s. President, |1 and Real Kstate ol every Kino. Special attention JAS. N. BBADLEB, Vlce-Prealdent. glVfll to safe and nrofltable investmenis. COLLEC I'lONS ma'ie on all acossslbla point* In the pUcea In kooiI Companies at lowest rates. United &;ate» and Can ida^. RICHABD JOKES, Cashier. insurance an North W^atcr Street, Mobile, Ala. CERTIFICATESOF DKP03IT laeued, payable with Particular atte tlrn given to Collections, both In PiUCK WILLIAMS, Pre.'t. Board of Trade. Interest, and available at all business cenirea. the City and all points In con iectio>i with it. Prompt Vobx, March 15, 18;i. returoa made at best rate of Exchange, and no charge Nbw mate, excepting thit actuallv pnld upon any distant point. Correspondence solicited. Cubbedge & Hazlehurst, MXW TOBK COBBI«rO!tI>BST! KINTH NATIONAL BAKE. BANKERS AND BROKERS, SOUTTER & Co., MACON, OA. tANKERS, Q. TowsBBHD. p. O. Fazcxsb. W. R. Lthak, Collections, and do a General Banking and Hake S3 WILLIAM STREET, NEW TOBK. Co. Brokerage Business. No. Townsend, Lyman & REFER TO EAST RIVER NATIONAL BANK. 'Dealers In Bills of Exchange, Oovemmenta, Bonds' Gold, Commercial Paper, and all Negotiable Sc slocks, BANKERS BROKERS, Securities. OKI.iiASS. ., . „ NEW Interest allowed on Deposits sntdect to Bight Draft t^Parllcutar attention elven to nuslnesa of Corre*> oiiK A. KLBTir, C. C. Flowkbebk. 0»o. M. Klbik Vice-President. Cashier. OrCheck, polenta. ColltctUus remitted for at currentrate ol PrealQont. Advances mane on approved secnrlliee. Kxchanir '. Special facilities lot negotiating Commercial Paper. Vurk CorreipondeaU : Trevor * Colfate, Mor- New Mississippi Valley Bank, Collect' nnsboth Inltnu and foreign prompUymade. ton, HU'a A Co. Foreign and DomeiLlo Loans Negotiated. A BANK OF DISCOnNT AND DEPOSIT, WILLIAM ALEXANDER SMITH & CO., VICKSBDRO, miss. BANKBK3, M. Y. Correapondent:—Bank of the Uanhattan Co. E. S. Bailey, No. 40 TVall Street, New York. 65 WALIi STREET, UBP08IT8 received and Interest allowed at beat James Robb, King &Co., Buy* and Sells Carreni Kates. Scripa also. ftOVKRNMRNT and STATE SKCURITIES, OOLD BANKERS, Inanrance Stocka and { RAlLKilAD BOMRS. STUCK8, etc., bought aad otber Seenrltlea, Bold on Commission. II WALL BTBEET, Bank Stocka and ADVANCES made upon approved Securities. " SPECIALTY" COLLBCTIONB made.aud Loana VsKOttalad. laane Lcttera ol Credit for Trareller ;*ah paid at once for ihe above Seenrltlea; or Ihej Available la all parts ol Europe, etc-, commission, at sellers optloa. Wflj11 be aold on J.ScW. Seligman&Co., TBBOrSB TUB P. O D B R T, BANKERS, CITY BANK, I.ONDON. O.- EXCBANOB BANK AUOUBTA, OA. MO.WEXC'HANOK PLACE. CUK. BROAD ST.. K.T., OB Snnthem S'cnrltle* nf every daacrlptlon. Tin.: Cn- Lettera ol Credit lor Trawellera, Bteaara.HOTTINOIjER 4c CO.. of Parta Stale, L^ty Railroad SlOClB, laaae current I an k Notes; * CREDITS and UaAFTS on Bunds and coupons; Payable In any part of Europe. Asia, Africa, Anatr^ Also COMMERCIAL In all parts o( thl< Stat* and PAlllS, and SCOTLAND. nr* Culle tluiisinade Ua and Am'^rloa. LOSiDO.N, „„_ ^ csruilna, and rem Ited for on day ol collec- Bills of Exchange and make telegraphlo ADVANCES made on ConslxnmenU. STOCKS aad 8 uth Draw at curteat rate ot New York Ex-change. transfers of money on Europe and ralifurnla. BVNiW boeght and sold ou Commlsalun. tion, , [AprU 886 V >'- --^-A. THE CHRONICLE 1, 1871. Bankers and Brokers. Insurance. Foreign Bills. 0. KiTXOJTO. ». O. FO»T»B. OFFICE OF THE «. 0. BiBSIT. H. Bowles Brothers & Co., Barney, Raymond & Co., Pacific Mutual Insurance COnPANY. PABIS, LONDON. BOSTON and Brokers, Bankers HOWARD BUILDING, IW BROADWAY. 10 WILLLAM STREET, B. Y.. 5 Wall Street, Naw Tons, January IS, 1871. issiri: Late PVLESTON, BATUOND tc Co. jyTHE FOLLOWINO STATEMENT OF THE affairs of the Company Is published in oonformity Credits for Travelers In Enrop«, with the reQuirements of Section 13 of Its charter : ' London, la Outstanding Premiums, Exchange on Paris and the Union Bank ot Jsnnary 1, sums to suit. „'870 $106,924 M Leonard, Sheldon&Foster Premiums received from January Bnbnrlptton agents for the Chioniccs in Paris. BANKERS, 1 to December 31, 18TO, Inclusive 481340 61 Total amount ot Marine Premiums tJ»l,7«l 71 10 WALL ST K BUT, This Company has issued no Policies, except on Cargo and Freight for the Voyage. Blake Brothers & Co., Neiv York.. No Risks bave been taken upon Time 68 UTall Street. New fork. or upon Halls of Vessels. Premiums marked oif as Earned, during the AHS period as auove 1806,198 1» Paid for Losses and Expenses, less Savings, 38 STiTE STRSKT, BOSTON Duff & Tienken, &c., during the s ime period 845,859 70 Return Piemlums 42,670 03 EXOHANGE ON LONDON BANKBBS AND BROKERS, The Company bas (be foUowlns And Sterling Credits, STRKKT, KEW YORK. Assets : 15 WALL CaahlnBank 876,553 35 DEALEBS IN COMMEBCIAL PAPER. Johk H, Tikkkks, Unl ed States and other Stocks.... 417.918 SU Massachussetts Tork Stale H. Duff, Loans outitocks Buy and Bell and New Members ot the K. Y. Stock and Gold Exchanges. Drawing interest. 372,510 00 T'jcc 9{lo 173 ftoc&s. Premium Notes Bills Stocks. Bonds, Gold iind Government Securities & Receivable ^175,133 84 Government Bacnritles Stoeka Bonda and Gold Subscription Notes In advance ot and sold. _ .-, OQUghc , , , ^ Premiums toagbt and sold strictly on Comm.'ssion. Foreign Gold and Silver Coin, and lino Gold and w-.«™56JXI0 00 constantly on hand. Reinsurance and other Claims dao fiUvcr Bars, the company, Interest allowed on Deposits, estimated at 18,575 83 Total Assets ,'' ;»i,oio,i00 40 WiLLIAMS&GuiON, SIX PER CENT INTEREST on the onutanding Cortiacates of Proais will be paid to the holden 63 trail Street, New York. 6c Co., repreaentatives, James C. King S.T?l!l°,V.°j: V!^K I'f*' on and after CREDITS lUthDAl.thi- 7th d y of February.
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