The Engine Starting, Stopping, Speed, Steering and Clutch
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Hillside mowing can be tedious the remote control. and sometimes dangerous work. Another unique Many mowers, because of their center advantage is the of gravity, cannot perform well on cutting deck height steep inclines. In addition, many walk is also controlled behind mowers require a significant via the remote amount of manual force when control. mowing on an incline. A new mower, The Ogura called the “Spider”, is being manufac- PTO clutch/brake tured in was used in this The engine G e r m a n y. It application to starting, can tackle this provide a high stopping, speed, a p p l i c a t i o n amount of torq u e quite easily in a small space. steering and (inclines of up The clutch/brake clutch to 40º are possi- is fitted on the engagement are ble), with no engine shaft. The done via the physical exer- engine shaft also remote control tion. The has a pulley that the brake shroud . The Ogura reason being is drives the in the PTO PTO clutch/brake because the hydraulic pump, c l u t c h / b r a k e mower is which powers the causing a was used in this remote wheels of the mechanical drag, application to c o n t r o l l e d . m o w e r. T h e which helps to provide a high From the clutch/brake incor- slow the blades to amount of torque comfort of an porates an integral a stop. in a small space. a i r- c o n d i t i o n e d pulley. The pulley This remote truck cab, a drives a belt, d i s e n g a g e m e n t worker can which drives the function is very control the mower, whether cutting a cutting blades. useful if the drainage ditch or a hillside. Any time the mower is traveling The Spider is a 4-wheel drive, switch is thrown to across, or through, remote controlled mower. It is engage the clutch, an area in which powered by 17HP gas engine turning the battery you wouldn’t want at 3600 rpm. The cutting width of the provides 12 volts to to mow (water, deck is approximately 31.5 the clutch coil. This coil gravel road or new plantings). inches. The unit’s creates an electric Because the Spider operates via speed can vary from 0 magnet, which allows remote control, there are no size, age, to 4.5 miles per hour the clutch armature to or physical limitations in using this (forward or reverse). be pulled in and machine. Anyone from a child to an The speed is contact the clutch elderly person can control this 400 controlled by a rotor. The armature is pound tank. Since the unit is hydraulic pump attached to the controlled remotely a person that driving the four pulley on the cannot walk, because of a disability or separate hydraulic clutch, which injury, could still cut their grass. wheel motors, so the unit drives the In the near future, Machine has f o ur- w h e e l mower blades. Design will be running a more (360º) drive capability. The steering of If an obstacle or detailed article about this application. the wheels is accomplished by high other obstruction is encountered, the In the meantime, if you would like to torque, electric motors. The engine switch can be released, disengaging see on line videos of this machine in starting, stopping, speed, steering the clutch. When that happens, the ac t io n , p le as e vi s it w ww. s p i d e r - and clutch engagement are done via armature springs pull back against