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PDF (V.50:7, November 18, 1948) • WALLOP PRE· REGISTER WAVES AT NEXT WRIGLEY CALIFORNIA TECH WEEK .CflliffJfnifl Institute fJf Tecl/nfJlfJlY Volume L. _______________________________________ Thursdoy, November 18,1948,__ __________________------ __________________ No.7 NEW COMET SEEN IN SOUTH I AlEE Chapter To Alumni Association Sponsor G. E. Show Hails '49 Class Gift Annual Frosh Soph Dance This week Chuck Forester, well-known president of this Features Hal Lomen's Music On Light Phenoniena year's senior class, received a I-lave you seen a talking lamp? copy of a resolution passed by Frosh Pick Up the Tob at the Post-Mudeo Donee; A shadow of the invisible? A the Board of Directors of the cigarette lighted us ing 10,000 Lorge Turnout Fills Dobney Lounge Friday Night volts of electricity? These and Caltech Alumni Association a t The F'reshmen a nd Sophomores got togethel' last Friday night its meeting October 19th. Con­ many more breath-taking acts for the annu31 i" rosh-Soph dance, a nd from 9:00 to ] 2:00 in the Dab­ tents of the resolution, which you will'" see before your very ney Lounge Ha l Lomen's hand furnished SO me very mell ow music. may come as a shock to some eyes December 2 in Culbertson T here was a good turnout from both classes. members of the class of '49, Hall. Presented by the General <S> Gratis speak for themselves: Electric Lam p Dept., under the AFTERMATH The Sophs aUended g ratis due a llspices of the AlEE, C.ES, and Resolut ion I to the ld nd ness of the Frosh, Electrical Engineering Dept., Whereas, the C.lass of 1949; ---------------. and the fact that they won the this demonstration of the won­ Ca lifornia Institute of Technol­ Mlldeo last week. Most of the ders of light s nould prove to be ogy. voted on October 18, 19'18, to fellows hope that the last of one of the most interesting and contribute $500 to the Alumni the mud will wea l' off by next informative shows of the year. Fund in June 1940, and year E xhih it.'i \"1 herens, the Class of 1949 rec­ Hcf"csh menl s A nd now in more detai l is a ognizes the objective of the Refreshments were served preview of what you will see: Alumni Fund is t he development and evidently were pretty good, 'I'h e TaUting L a mp- By m eans oC facilities in Tournament Pa rk as the punch and doughnut sup­ of frequency modulation sound and particularly the e~tab li s h­ ply had to be replenished most waves are superimposed on li ght me nt of a .gymnasium, a nd of the time. Ha.l Lomen's music waves so that a source of light \V heras, said class has further was reall'y very fine as most of actua ll y becomes a rw io broad· proposed the establishment of a the cou pl es were dancing aU casting station, and music and traditional fund-raising dance as the lime. Everyone seemed to sound are heard through a loud· a F'acu lty, Alumni, Graduate Stu­ have a fin e lime, and the affair speaker via an electric eye. dent, and Undergraduate Student wa s ver'y successfuJ.Peace once '.fhe HU kcli tely"-An unusual Affair; more reigns between Sophs and instrument, in the s,hape of the Now, Therefore, Be It Re­ Frosh. well·known ukulele, uses a var­ solved, that the Board of Direc­ iable resistance·capacitance cir· tors of the Alumni Association, Phot.ogl'a ph of n c w CO lll ct l-a l'Clske \'o polilos t:l'h:e n at 5:48 H. IIl . cuit in order to make a neon Ca.lif ornia Institute of Technol­ P acHl c Da yli~ ht t llll e November to wit h J8 4 inch Sch midt Camera ogy, in regular meeting assem­ Dean Thomas To Be ut P ul o lUm' Ohsc.'vutm'y. E xposul'e time w us fi ve minutes. lam p glow, the various tones or melodies produced by the rate of bled this nineteenth day of Octo­ Ra lph (don't you rccognize fl ashing. ber, Nineteen Hundred and For­ him ) IftHfrnwg in his offi cirrl ca­ Host To Techmen B uilding a HMh-rol''' Ins ide a ty Eight, express to the Class of pacity as a judge at last week's The Ca ltech V's F ireside pro­ l ~ i g ht Bulb-The heat of a fil a 4 1949 of the California Institute 1II 1Idco. Paraskevopolos Draws Crowd gram will conti nue wi th the fifth ment, placed inside a vacuum of Technology the sincere appre­ in this term's seri es th is coming The brightest comet seen in the Norther n Hemisphere since lamp, causes aluminum wire to ciation of the Association for Sunday evening at the home of 1927, the comet Pa r8skevopoulos, is drawing crowds of professional va porize and it in turn settles their outstanding proposal for Tech Y Announces Professor F ra nklin Tho mas, and a mateur astronomers up to the top of Mt. 'Wilson, these early on the cooler inner surface of support of the Alumni Fund by Dean of Students and head of the morning hours. the bulb, thus forming are· their fin ancial contribution and Civil Enginee ring Department, The 5:45 a.m. appearance of0------------- fl ector. a further means of raising funds, Asilomar Conference An unparalleled opportunity Si nce on many previous occa.­ l.he comet in lhe east necessitates Radi' 0 Round Table A n Instanta neous "Picture and the "eal'ly to bed, early to rlse," - \Vith Light"-A fi ashtube which Be It Further Resolved, that to spend six days of the Chris t­ sions, Dean a nd Mrs. Thomas program of observing and photo- stops extremely fa st action, and the Secretary of the Association mas holidays in a most profitable have been delightful hosts to Tech students, the men who at­ graphing the new astronomical Group Holds Meet a phosphorescent screen are em­ be instructed to prepare and ma nner in beautifu l surround­ event. ployed to ta ke a picture of the send this resolution to the Class ings a nd with most pleasant tend t his Sunday m ~ly be assured of a very enjoyable evening. For those who plan to join the Yesterday at noo n the di scus­ demonstrator. The action of of 1949 through its President. compan'y awaits a few fo r tunate expeditions in the small hours sion group of the Ca1t.ech Y smoke being blown a..cross the Hotvard B. Lewis students on the Tech campus )-'UI'P OSU up L. A. Crest Highway, the Round-Table met in the YMCA screen is caught, and the picture P resident th is fa ll . Asil omar, a-· student­ Remember these get-togethers comet may be locateci as follows: lounge to determine the subject is a life sized silhouette. Donald S. Clark fa cul ty conference sponsored by are clesigned to enable you to Look at the co nstellation Hydra, for the radio program to be de­ Invisible Radiation Tak es It Secretary the Student YWCA and YMCA. meet the prominent members of south of the first magnitude star livered over KPPC at 9:45 next Pietlu'e- Again, on the same will provide this ctlance. thc faculty and thcy a re con­ Spica and very close to the third Wednesday evening. phosphorescent screen, a picture From Dec, 26 to J an. 1 400 fel­ ducted on a stric tly informal magnitude sta r gamma "Hyrrae; Successful is taken with invisible infared. lows and girls from Hawaii, Ari­ basis. The sign·up lists are zona, Nevada a nd Ca lifornia wi1l the planets Mercury and Venus The last two programs on the When the demonstrator steps ASMEites Visit posted in the houses and in gather at Asilomar on Monterey are just north of the comet. elections and federa l aid to edu­ a way, instead of a dark shadow T hroop Club and since the Fire­ Bay 350 nliles north of Los An­ The comet is visible to the cation were hig hly successful, and a light screen as we have sides a re run on a first-corne­ geles for study, discussion, wor­ naked eye from elevated posi­ and the group looks forwa rd to with the ftashtube, there is now Jackson Plant ft rst-scl've basis, please s ign up tions and a way from the omni­ ship and fe llowship. early if you wish to go. a li vely and interesting fu ture a light shadow and a relatively The Byron Jackson Co. in present Southern Ca lifornia OI)POl'twlity under the sponsorship of Dr. dark screen. Los Angeles was host to the ~ JcCI'ccl'Ys f\ I'C Hosts An opportunity to grapple with smog, city li ghts, etc. Its tail is McCreery and with the valuable Three Shows first ASME field trip this year. Last Sunday a dozen Tech stu­ questions about life that pro­ about 25 degrees long, and the advice of Dean Eaton. Partici· Due to the large amount of in. Last Friday afternoon Profes­ dents were entertained by Dr. foundly disturb mankind today head is about as bright as a sec­ patio.p. from any students will be terest already shown for this sor Hollander, who is it consult­ ancl 1\.Jrs. Henry McCJ'eery at will be ava il able to all students ond-magnitude star.
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