F Reign Trade
JAN. 2013 No. 530 Sponsored by CCPIT Since 1956 CHINA’S F REIGN TRADE SPECIAL REPORT China Set Economic Goals for 2013 SURVEY China’s Health Care Reform Benefits Pharma Companies Chui Bing Sun, Chairman of Sage International Group LTD. 国内邮发代号:80-799 国际邮发代号:SM1581 国内刊号:CN11-1020/F 国际刊号:ISSN0009-4498 http://www.ccpit.org POLICIES China targets emerging sectors for quality growth Built with an investment of 430 mil- lion yuan ($68.8 million), the 5-km overpass China will strengthen opened to traffic in late 2010 and spans the its efforts to spur emerg- largest inner city wetland in China — the ing sectors for quality, Longfeng Wetland Nature Reserve, located efficient and sustainable near the city of Daqing, known as China’s first economic growth in 2013, oil production base. the country’s top econom- In the 1960s, roads were built directly on ic planner said on Dec. the wetland so people could reach the oil fields 18, 2012. Xinhua News faster, which, however, threatened the local Agency reported. ecosystem. Zhang Ping, head of Since the bridge has been constructed, the National Development birds have returned and plants are growing and Reform Commission, again. A total of 76 species of birds are cur- said China will implement favorable policies and initiate pilot programs for strategic rently living within the wetland area, including emerging industries in 2013. five species under first-level national protec- The country will further take advantage of the driving force provided by in- tion. novation by promulgating development plans for biotechnology and satellite naviga- Authorities highlighted the need to pro- tion in 2013.
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