Session 3: Recommender Systems WSDM ’21, March 8–12, 2021, Virtual Event, Israel Diverse User Preference Elicitation with Multi-Armed Bandits Javier Parapar∗ Filip Radlinski
[email protected] [email protected] Universidade da Coruña Google Research A Coruña, Spain London, United Kingdom ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION Personalized recommender systems rely on knowledge of user pref- Recommender Systems (RSs) [46] have become ubiquitous for rec- erences to produce recommendations. While those preferences are ommending movies [19], music [54], books [57], news [34], and in often obtained from past user interactions with the recommenda- numerous other domains. Their goal is to help users more quickly tion catalog, in some situations such observations are insufficient find relevant items in vast catalogues. or unavailable. The most widely studied case is with new users, One of the most common approaches is Collaborative Filtering although other similar situations arise where explicit preference (CF), which depends on rich user preference information to discover elicitation is valuable. At the same time, a seemingly disparate relationships between items, and in turn allows user-user and item- challenge is that there is a well known popularity bias in many al- item similarity to be estimated. Given a user profile, items of interest gorithmic approaches to recommender systems. The most common to similar users can then be suggested. Preferences can be explicit way of addressing this challenge is diversification, which tends to (for example, ratings on books, or likes of posts) or implicit (for be applied to the output of a recommender algorithm, prior to items example, the history of songs a user has listened to, or films the user being presented to users.