Summer 2011 Vol
Canadian Christian Meditation Community NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2011 VOL. 20 NO. 2 THE WORLD COMMUNITY FOR CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Canadian Christian Meditation Community 2011 Biennial National Conference: John Main and 20th Century Mystics An event of central importance to Canadian Christian session on CCMC developments across Canada, including meditators, the 2011 CCMC National Conference was held presentation of the new National Council. The Confer- at St. Paul University in Ottawa from June 10 to 12. The ence ended with Sunday Eucharist, induction of three new keynote speakers were Fr. Laurence Freeman, Director of Oblates and meditation. Through the keynote speakers and the World Community for Christian Meditation, and Rev. the workshop presenters, the conference introduced John Glenda Meakin who has Main in resonance with long nurtured and served each of the following the Canadian Commu- 20th century mystics: nity. Several other leading Simone Weil, Evelyn figures in the community Underhill, Bede Griffiths, led workshop sessions. Thomas Merton, Swami The fully booked weekend Abhishiktananda and had 160 participants, Henri Nouwen. while an additional 130 We are all grateful to fitted into the auditorium the organizing team in for the Friday evening Ottawa who worked hard opening address. for months to make the On Friday morning prior Conference the success to the Conference, about that it turned out to be: 70 clergy of various Flora Benoit, Ron Dicks, denominations attended Kevin Flynn, Michel a colloquium and, on Legault, Simon Losinger, Sunday afternoon, some Jean Murray, and Liz 30 young people took Tyrwhitt. part in a youth retreat. Fr. Fr. Laurence and the Rev. Glenda Meakin While it is impossible Laurence led both these to give a comprehensive “bookend events.” account of all that was said in the various sessions, the arti- General sessions at the Conference were interspersed with cles which follow in this newsletter, prepared by volunteer workshops, prayers and readings.
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