We are an ecumenical prayer group, which serves the parishioners and the community at large.

We meet as a group "to nurture and communicate meditation as passed on in the Christian tradition through the teachings of Father John Main (a Benedictine monk) in the spirit of serving the unity of all."

Who introduced us to Christian Meditation

Father John Main, OSB

Father John Main OSB was a Roman Catholic priest and a Benedictine monk who presented a way of Christian meditation that used a prayer- phrase or sacred word. In 1975, Main began Christian meditation groups which met at , his monastery in West London, England and, later, in , Quebec. Since then there are Christian meditation groups in over 120 countries around the world, 23 in British Columbia. Father John said: “This is what the path of meditation is about: To come into full harmony, to full union with the Spirit of Jesus who dwells in our hearts.” The all important aim in Christian Meditation is to allow God’s mysterious presence within us to become more and more not only a reality, but the reality which gives meaning, shape and purpose to everything we do, everything we are.

Meditation is not something new to the Christian experience but is deeply rooted in Christian tradition. However many Christians have lost touch with this ancient tradition of prayer. Meditation, also known as contemplative prayer, involves coming to a stillness of spirit and a stillness of body. The extraordinary thing, says John Main, is that in spite of all the distractions of the modern world, this silence is perfectly possible for all of us. To attain this silence and stillness we have to devote time, energy and love.

Father Laurence Freeman, OSB

Father Laurence Freeman OSB is the Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation. He is a Catholic priest and a Benedictine monk. He is the author of many spiritual books.

How to meditate

Listen to this YouTube audio as Father Laurence explains “Prayer of the Heart & How to Meditate”. Click on the link below to hear the essential teaching. https://youtu.be/kaVMTJXoCS0

Where and when we meet

The Christian Meditation prayer group meets at Saint Anthony’s Parish, in the church, every Tuesday at 7:00 pm. We welcome you to join us and be spiritually nourished by participating together in this beautiful and joyful form of prayer. wccm-canada.ca and wccm.org are great resources for more information on our community.