—«-,• -am HOFFMAN'S imwonRi; im-5\

44^ BROiLDWA¥ts>f^w doors ^AffeKe: r£t SAH!

Keeps, eonsian- y on bn.no7.seleotjO.is f'oi'~)he b^jWEBs of Cloth- me;.;s a>. also, a uomplertT assortment of RJEADY^ i^ADt^LOTHI-Nd, mvVother nrti^r-o ?#» "''^fi*« Ci/.llLaAii's wa.drok- |_ y. . in jlrfT ]>B •••1» ' ' '

GICAL; 5jiiDfc:AX"'SCIENTIFIC AN: «*.av^ mvB«» Classic or< Works^Mtel i'.i Uuliine Hapl^Globes— Y^and flngley's- tj..

Paper Har rings, vJs&eik,, Cartalh vjjkpara, Fire Bfjtfrd Prints, fc, of'"ii *- • -;<, wholesale and retail. ^ WLLIA *» SON, SLM?. 60 Sow:'^ ?•' •' <• ''rp/ Hamilton,) linpcrif r and holcsah un, ' <** s'tl best ASSORTMENT 11, r>" "itv, >i the ? jve goot1" roai The BEST -woi :MEN (and no laii-r,) sett to put up t RACS,&c.,boaght at the HIGHEST PRICE IN * i .__•_ • •_ Ai^-J:. ' BALL, TOMPk.NS & BLACK,


J£eto €nglanb Historic Genealogical g>ocietj>


APR 9 1935

•7 Ta•W e and Pocket Cutlery, with Ivory, Plated or Silver Handles, DIAMONDS, and every other variety of Jewelry,

Any or every article in their line of | •ill bo Manufactured or Im- ported, as the case may be, to order at I ' ^=uit the peculiar taste of any Customer. Particular attention i "liring and Cleaning of WATCHES and CLOCKS. NEW-YOKK, JUNE, 1850. ALBANY MERCANTILE CARPS.





CORNER CHURCH AND LYDIUS 8TS., ALBANY. A ^ kf » hih H-fTii : ** •JJHMIJ.'JIJ fl illllll tp

'"" /^OT^P^^-T^^? CAWST Warehouse •"iurwuuuay, Ainaiiy, .*. y ., i>y HORAtAi L. .HIT**;!*I:, Jlaiiiitactnrer ana Dealer, Wholesale and Retail, of Railroad Horse Power and I lfire*liiu* • :«|«n now*, Seed Planter, Hay Cutters, Harrows, Cultivators, Horse Rakes, and every variety of Implements and Seeds for the Farm ana harden. All Implements Warranted of the best Workmanship, and Materials and Seeds true and genuine to their Name and Kind. CEMETERY RAILING. N*2

STARKS & PRUYN, "COBNBR OF PRPYN & LIBERTY-STREETS, ALBANY. Manufacturers of every descriptio#of STEAM BOILERS, Plain and Ornamental Railing, Stoops, Balconies, Window Guards, Veran­ dahs, Iron Roofs, Shutters, Bank and Vault doors. ALSO IR0* BRIDGES, RAILROAD & ROOF BOLTS. Large quantities of Screw Bolts kept constantly on hand, suitable for Car Builders, Boat Builders, and Ship Car­ penters, &c. &c. Warranted of best American refined Iron, at very low prices. NATHAN STARKS, R. H. PRUYN. CHS. B. LANSING, Special Partner. Albany, May 1, 1850. PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE. A. DWELLE, MACHINIST, \os. 15 & 17 Church Street, Albany, Having become the sole owner and proprietor of FARNAM'S Celebrated Patent Force & Iiift Pumps, For the Counties of Albany> Saratoga and Rensselaer, is now prepared to fill all orders for the same for all BOATS,PROPELLERS,MILLS FACTORIES, WELLS AND CISTERNS, and with Hose, Couplings, Discharge Pipes, Lead Pipes, fyc. This is the best, cheapest and most durable pump extant; act­ ing as a common ordinary pump, o matter what the depth of the •c-ll is, and can in a moment be ransferred into a Powerful Fire Engine. The good sense of all persons equiring Pumps, will induce iem to give me a call before laking their purchases. Several INSURANCE COMPA- ES have agreed to reduce :ir rates at least 1-4 per cent. when THESE PUMPS ARE PRO- ...iy PERLY PLACED, and in many •MP cases risks would be taken which are now considered too hazar- PPI dous. The subscriber is extensively engaged in the manufacture of STEAM ENGINES AND MACHINERY, and REPAIRING of all kinds tended to promptly. (jt^» Pumps of all sizes furnished, from 1\ inch Cylinder to 4, 6 and 12 inches. A. DWELLE, ALBANY, June 1, 1850. Id and 17 Church st. 1S50. SCHUYLER & GO'S LINE. TOW BOATS on the , between Albany and New-York, Daily-

This Line is composed of the following Barges, viz: C. DURANT, INDEPENDENCE. WM. COLE, BRUTUS, CH'LS. BREWER, B. C. BRAINERD. WM. LAWRENCE, JOHN WURT8. Towed Regularly by Powerful Steamers, And are particularly adapted to the business, being of an easy draught of water, and fitted up with Promenade Decks, for the protection of Stock and other Property from the weather. The regular time of departure from Albany, 10 o'clock A.M. and from Foot Albany Street, Pier 13, North-River, New-York, at 5 o'clock P. M. For Freight or further Particulars, apply to B. C. BRAINERD, No. 29 & 30 Quay-St. Albany. J. J. SCHOONMAKER, No. 7 South St. N. York.



The New and Splendid Steamer RIP VAN WINKLE, SAMUEL SCHUYLER, Commander, Will run through the Season, leaving the new Steamboat Land­ ing, Broadway, late Market-st, on Mondays, . «. ,• 1

JAMES SCHUYLER, COAL YARD, Corner of Franklin and Basset-Streets. $rj» All kinds of Coal in Lumps, Egg, Grate, or any oth­ er usual size, at wholesale or retail. Coal prepared ex­ pressly for family use. 7 JOHN E. GAVIT, Bank Note Engraver, AND PRINTER.

Wedding, Invitation and Visiting Cards, engraved in a superior manner, and on the shortest notice. Arms, Crests, Devices, Initials, &c, engraved on brass and stone seals, and signet rings.

No. 4, Third Floor Exchange.

1850. SYRACUSE AND OSWEGO LINE. 1850. LAKE AND CANAL BOATS, DAILY, FROM New-York, Albany, and Oswego. By Steamboats on Lake Ontario, and Propellers and first class Vessels on the Western Lakes. Insured between New-York and Oswego only. The dangers of Navigation on the Lakes & River St. Lawrence, and of fire at places of transhipment, at the risk of the own­ ers of property. MERRICK, DAVIS, & CO'S REINDEER LINE Rropellers and first class Sail-Vessels, will run in connection with this Line, affording SUPERIOR FACILITES for transporting all kinds of property, also EMIGRANTS to and from ports on LAKE ONTARIO, RIVER ST. LAWRENCE, & LAKES ERIE, HURON & MICHIGAN. EATON HOVEY, & Co., Syracuse, > „ MERICK, DAVIS & Co., Oswego. Pr°P"etors. IBE& HIGBKE, 113 Broad-st., New-York, ) . , W. GODARD, 98 Pier Albany, $ Agents. CHARLES T. SMYTH. AGENT FOR THE Commercial and Despatch Lines OF ALBANY AND BOSTON PACKETS, AKD COMMISSION MERCHANT Flour and Produce of every description bought and sold on reasonable lerms. d@» All kinds of property received and forwarded to Bos­ ton, Providence, Philadelphia, and intermediate places (by Vessel or Railroad, as may be directed,) with despatch. No. 40, Quay-Street, Albany, N. Y.

18/50 CHAMBERLAIN & OLMSTED" 1850. FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, &c, Agents for the following Lake Boat Lines: Western Lake Boat Line, to Buffalo., Oswego & Western Line, New-York & Genesee Valley Canal, New-York & Seneca Falls, New-York, Penn Yan & Hammondsport Lines.

No. 42, QUAY-STBEET, ALBANY. Lee Chamberlain, ) L. W. Olmsted, J REFERENCES. Palmer, Howell & Co., 121 Broad-st. New-York. James & Maxwell, 119 do do John Rice, 109 do do Schoolcraft, Raymond & Co., Albany. Erastus Corning & Co., do Powers, Isaacs & Co., Oswego. Bowers, Talmadge, & Co., Buffalo. W. Foote &. Co. Dansville. A. M. Adsit, Hammondsport. Joseph Price, Geneva. King & Harding, Springfield, Mass. A. & W. H. Harris, Worcester, Mass. E. D. Brigham & Co., Boston. Mineral Spring Garden, FERRY STREET, ALBANY. The Medicinal virtue of the Spring Water, flowing from a depth of 617 feet, is equal to any of the springs of Saratoga. Temperature, 220 feet below the surface, from 50" to 51° Fah. ICE CREAM AND OTHER REFRESHMENTS, Will be worthy of the public patronage, and no exertions shall be spared to render this the great point of attraction for the present season. T. L. CLARKE. J. &S. HURDIS,


GLAZIERS AND GILDERS, No. 9 CHURCH STREET, Keeps constantly for sale, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty &c, ofthe best quality. Also JAPANNING, in all its branches, executed with neatness and despatch. Always Dying, yet Living, De Lanes, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Merinos, Silks, Satins, Rib­ bons, Shawls of all descriptions, Dyed all colors; plain silks and Moreens watered; Black Merino Shawls re-dyed, without injury to the borders. All descriptions of Gent's apparel dyed, and warranted not to rub off. SCOURING. Merino Shawls Cleaned, as usual, in the French style; Gent's wearing apparel cleaned and restored to their original color; collars and breasts of coats warranted to be kept in perfect shape. Carpets, Table Covers, Crumb Cloths, cleaned and neatly pressed. WILLIAM GIFFIN, No. 2 Norton St., Opposite Centre Market. v iyv vts'i 'w- 10 Swiftsure Lins Tow Boats, 1850,

TRANSPORTATION ON THE HUDSON RIVER—DAILY. The SWIFTSURE LINE, consisting of powerful Steam Tow Boats, and fourteen large class Barges, (having added those of the EAGLE LINE to their former means,) are prepared to do an increased business on the Hudson River for the season of 1850. BARGES will be despatched DAILY fLom Albany for the East River side at New-York, landing at Broad Street, and for the North River, landing at Cortlandt street. Leaving New-York Daily, at 5 P. M., from the foot of Broad street. CONSIGNMENTS made for Transportation will be promptly attended to and forwarded with despatch, at the lowest rates. VAN SANTVOORD & Co., Nos. 112 and 113 Pier, Albany. J. H. RED1 4 Co., Nos. 16 South 'ortlandt sts., New-York. GELSTO> NS, ) „„-.,„ SAVAGE I ButfaU>- P. H. GRIFFIN, CoppersmithjPlumber & Sheet Iron WORKER, CORNER OF STEUBEN AND JAMES STREET, Has constantly on hand, Cop­ per Cistern Pumps, Brass Fau­ cets, Brass Valves, One Inch Leather Hose, &c, &c. Steam Engine Work made to order and warranted. All orders thankfully receiv­ ed and promptly sttended to. Corner of STEUBEN & JAMES STKEETS, D ALBANY. 11 DAVIDSON & VIELE, GENERAL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, &c,




S. VAN SCHAACK Has recommenced business at his old stand, No. 385 Broad­ way, the fourth store below Hudson street, where he commenced in 1823. He intends to keep on hand a good assortment of House­ keeping- articles, Baskets, Brushes, Cutlery, Per­ fumery, Fancy Goods, Toys, &c., &c. He respectfully solicits the patronage of his former cus­ tomers, and others.



(CORNER OF HUDSON STREET,) ALBANY. 12 S. M. MAGNUS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, No. 368 BROADWAY, A good assortment of fine Gold and Silver Watches, fine Gold Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail. All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully Repaired and Warranted. N. B.—Gold, Silver, and Diamonds bought or taken in exchange. Pedlers and watchmakers are supplied at New-York prices. JOHN T. CREW. DEALER IN WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. 40 STATE STREET, ALBANY, Keeps constantly on hand Watch Glasses, Tools, mate­ rials, Gold and Silver Watches, Guard Chains, Rings, Pins, Pencils, &


WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, &C. is ROBERT COURTNEY, DEALER IN LACKAWANNA, LEHIGH AND PEACH MOUNTAIN COAL. Also, in WOOD of different kinds, for Steamboat and Family use. Yard, 72 Dallius street, corner of Arch.

MRS. ANDERSON'S OYSTER AND ICE CREAM SALOON, (No, 670 Broadway, opposite Delavan House.) Parties supplied with every requisite in the confectionary line. Confectionary manufactured daily, at wholesale and retail.




IN EVERY VARIETY. Fresh and Pickled Oysters, Clams, Lobsters, Fresh Fish, &c, NO. 15 HUDSON, CORNER DEAN ST., ALBANY. >(--.,„, ,•..,••„ J. ,.k M HAGAMAN & COWELL,



WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 351 & 353 Broadway.

S. F. SHEPARD, DRAPER AND TAILOR, 313 BROADWAY, Dealer in all kinds of ready made Clothing.



J. & S. NEWBURG, DRAPERS & TAILORS, READY MADE CLOTHING STORE, No.- 329 Broadway, 2d door north of Hamilton-street. 15 L. BEW, DRAPER AND TAILOR, 307 BROADWAY,

OPPOSITE CHURCH STREET, Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of ready made clothing.




No. 55 QUAY STREET, ALBANY. N. B. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Water Proof Clothing.

M. S. WADLEY & Co. Wholesale grocers & Dealers in WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, OILS, &c. &c.



AND WHISKEY RECTIFIERS, NO. 32 DEAN ST., James Reid, ( AT PAW Robert S. Cushman, \ ALBi" * * A superior article of Irish, Scotch, and Monongahela Whiskey.

SAMUEL B. MOORE, GROCER, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, WINES, TEAS, SEGARS &C, Cor. Lydius and Green Streets. Also, Dealer in all kinds of Provisions.

TRACEY & EDSON, RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, MANUFACTURERS OF ALCOHOL AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Dealers in Foreign Wines and Liquors, Store No. 20 and 22 State Street, Albany.

H. CLAASSEN & SON, Distillers HOLLAND GIN, and Wholesale Dealers in BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND HAVANA SEGARS, No 343 Broadway, Albany. 17 ALBANY BRUSH FACTORY. J. B. ARMOUR, BRUSH MANUFACTURER, No 389 BROADWAY, ALBANY. Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Brushes of every description. Also, machine brushes made to order.

PAPER HANGINGS. WM. IRWIN, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRENCH AND AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS, Borders Views, Fireboard Prints, Window Papers, &c, (No. 338 Broadway, 4 doors north Hamilton street.) NORTH RIVER HOTEL. OPPOSITE NEW STEAMBOAT LANDING, (Within three minutes walk of the Railroad Depots,) Nos. 274 & 276 Broadway, ALBANY. Charges Reasonable, and trusty Porters in attendance to take charge of Baggage. WM. LITTLEJOHN, Sup't. B 18 , JOHN WEBSTER; NATIONAL, HOTEL, 268 BROADWAY, (Opposite Steam Boat Landing.)


JOSEPH S. HENSHAW, PORTER AND EATING HOUSE, No. 226 BROADWAY. Refreshments of all kinds furnished at the shortest notice.

J. BERTRAND, FOUNTAIN HEAD EATING AND LODGING HOUSE, (No. 1 Dean Street, opposite the Railroad Depot,) . ALBANY.




WM A. McCULLOCH & CO., • MALSTERS. Malt House corner of Dallius and Rensselaer sts.; Office at Malt House, or at E. C. Aikin's, NO. 73 QUAY STREET.





BOSTON BOOT & SHOE STORE, Removed from 382 to 488 Broadway, opposite Stanwix Hall. LYMAN & RANbALL, Hare purchased from Messrs. Robinson and Dwight their interest in the Boston Boot and Shoe Store, and have now opened a fresh and splendid assortment of Ladies', Gentle­ men's and Children's boots and shoes, in a variejy which cannot be surpassed in this city.


JAMES PIKE, BOOT AND. SHOE MAKER, NO. 99 STATE STREET, ALBANY. ^» All Orders for Work promptly attended to.«#j) WJLLLAW BROWN* SILVER PLATER, AND MANUFACTURER Of Coach and Harness Piatod Ware, Fine Brass and Silver Plated Door Plates, Letters, Figures, Number v Plates, &c., &c. NO. 18 mttotm STREET, ALBANY. C. & G. BURBANK, TOHOLBSA&B ABB RETAIL DE ALUS* IK OYSTERS, CLAMS, Sec, One door froaacome r Hajwltoa fcJfcowtmay. 9^- Families supplied as usual at the shortest notice. GEO. L. T80MAS,

W-HOMWWl*,-*MQ. nxtou% DBALBB Itt OYSTERS, CLAMS, FRUIT, kc, &c, »& 291 BROADWAY. (j(f» Alio Pickled] OyaUrs, Clams, Muscles and Lobsters, POT W IB *»B BEST STYLE. N. B.—White Sand on hand at all times by the Load or Bushel. 22 JOHN GIBSON

ALBANY STEAM PLANING, Plaster, and Saw mills, and Plane Factory, CORNER OF WATER AND SPENCER STS., AND ON THE DOCK. Planing of every description, and Sailing with upright and circular saws, done in the best manner,a nd with despatch. Constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale and retail, Ground Plaster, for farmers; Boiled Plaster and Ground Marble, for Stucco work; Building Lath, &c, together with a general as­ sortment of Planes. WG>WWMMM'g> ALBANY DIRECTORY,

AND €ttn fUgtster,




CONTAINING The names, occupation and place of residence of all head* of families, firms, and those doing business in the City, in correct alphabetical arrangement. Also much other useful and interesting matter.


From the Steam Press of C. Van Benthuysen. A SIMPLIFIED jErw's^scsv.iiejsBrK' i«r,_/^a^:«c_:«s3 g Exhibiting at a glance, the rates of Interest from one dollar to three hundred, for days and months, at seven per centum. » 2 »J J -, j >J a hi J .J hi h) a hi Ios 5 0 o 0 o o o o 0 oa o o o o o o o 0 A p A A A A o p e P A A A e A A A A A*> A A 1 •A 3 4 5 6 7 * «»s ao 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 aoo 300 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 1 2 S 2 3 3 3 4 6 12 .3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 i 2 S 3 3 4 5 5 6 12 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 9 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 15 33 0 0 0 0 0 1 ] 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IS 39 Q6 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 23 35 7 0 0 0 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 27 40 8 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 6 6 8 9 11 13 14 15 81 46 9 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 16 17 35 53 10 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 13 15 17 19 St 58 11 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 19 21 4S 63 13 0 0 1 1 ] 1 2 2 3 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 18 21 23 4e 69 13 n 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 22 25 5C 75 14 0 J 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 5 8 11 13 16 19 21 24 27 54 81 15 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 6 9 13 14 17 20 S3 26 29 5E 86 IS 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 6 » 12 15 18 21 25 28 31 0 93 17 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 7 10 13 ie 20 23 26 29 33 of 98 18 0 1 1 1 2 S 2 3 3 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 38 31 35 es 104 19 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 7 11 15 16 22 26 29 33 36 71 109 SO 0 1 1 8 2 2 3 3 3 4 8 12 15 1$ 23 27 31 35 33 T 115 31 0 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 33 36 40 81 131 as 0 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 8 13 17 21 25 30 34 38 42 , 84 137 S3 0 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 9 13 IS 22 26 31 35 40 44 i 8s 133 0 I 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 9 14 18 23 28 32 37 41 46 92 138 34 1 35 0 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 10 14 19 24 29 34 38 43 48 96 144 96 0 1 1 •2 3 3 8 4 4 5 10 15 20 35 30 35 40 45 50 100 150 97 l 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 10 16 21 26 31 36 41 47 52 104 155 38 l 1 9 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 11 16 21 37 32 36 43 48 54 107 161 as 1 1 3 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 11 17 22 38 33 39 44 50 56 111 167 30 l 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 12 17 33 39 35 40 46 52 58 115 173 SI l 1 3 2 3 1 4 5 5 6 13 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 59 119 178 CO j s 3 5 6 71 8 9 10 12 23 35 46 58 69 81 92 104 115 230 345 63 l 9 4 5 (i 7 8 Oil 12 24 se 48 60 72 85 97 109 121 242 363 90 9 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 16 17 35 52 69 86 104 121 138 155 173 345 618 S3 9 4 5 7 9 11)2 1 4 16 18 36 54 71 89 107 125 143 161 178 357 635 100 9 4 6 8 10 12 13 15 17 IS 38 68 77 96 115 134 153 173 192 384 575 900 4 8 IS 15 19 23 27 3 1 35 38 77 115 153 192 230 268 307 345 384 767 1151 300 6 12 17 23 29 35 40 46 52 58 115 173 230 288 345 403 460 518 575 1151 1726 i -f—— 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 12 —18. 23 29 35 —41 47 53 -5_8 117 175 «i» 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 23 35 47 58 70 82 93 105 117 S33 350 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 4 16 18 35 53 70 88 105 123 140 158 175 350 625 9 5 7 9 12 14 16 9 21 23 47 70 93 117 140 163 187 210 233 467 700 3 6 9 12 15 18 20'.3 26 29 58 88 117 146 175 204 233 363 292 583 875 §8 4 7 11 14 18 21 25!i 8 39 35 70 105 '40 175 210 245 280i3l5 350 700 1060 £7 4 e 13 16 •20 25 29.1 3 37 41 82 123 163 204 245 21* 327368 408 8171225 8 5 s 14 19 •>;; 38 33.' 7 42 47 93 140 187 333 280 327 373420 467 $33 1400 9 5 ii 16 21 26 3237 2 47 53 105 158 JI0 263 315 388 42047.1 525 050 1575 10 6 IS 18 23 29 35 41 •,7 53 58 117 175 233 292 350 403 467 525 533 1(67 1750 11 6 t.1 !1 26 32 3945 £ 1 58 64 128 193 -»57 321 385 449 513573 642 1283 1925 IS 7 !4 31 1? 15 1SMP." 6 63 70 140 210 2SM350 420 490 W06SO 700 11400 2100 HOFFMAN'S CITT KEGISTBR.


AH the streets running west from tbe river, commence their numbers at tbe eastern boundary. All those running parallel with the river, (excepting Broad­ way, North Pearl, Montgomery and Water, which commence their numbersat the southern boundary,) commence numbering at the northern boundary. Several of the streets have no buildings upon them. Academy Parte, fronts on Eagle and Elk sts and Capitol Park Alexander st, from South Pearl to Eagle, 1st south Bassett Alms House Square, fronts on Gansevoort, Snipe, Perry and Ferry Arch st, from River to Alms House Square, 1st south Ferry Bassett st, from River to South Pearl, 2d south Schuyler Bleecker st, from River to South Pearl, 1st souih Lydins Beaver st, from Broadway to Eagle, 1st south State Bradford st, Snipe to western boundary, Jst south Schenectady turnpike Broadway, from north boundary to south boundary Broad st, from Lydius to south boundary, 1st west South Peart Canal Basin, fronts Water, Lawrence, Montgomery aad Dewitt Canal st, frrm North Pearl to Snipe Capitol Park, fronts on Eagle and State st a»d Academy Park Catharine st, fiom Clinton to Swan Centre sit, from Lumber to Canal Basin Cherry st, from River to Franklin, 1st south Schuyler Church st, from Ferry to Broadway, 1st west Broarlway Chapel St, from State to Patroon, 1st west North Pearl Chesnut st, from Hawk to Lark, 1st south State ©ortlanilit, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Square Colonie it, from Water to western boundary Columbia st, from River to Eagle, 3d north Slate Clinton Square, fronts on Pearl, Patroon and Orange Clinton st, from southern boundary to Arch Cross st, from Canal to Orange, 2d west North Pearl Dallius st, from southern boundary to Lydius, 1st east Green Daniels st. from Beaver to Eagle Dean st, from Steuben to Hudson, 1st west Quay Delaware Square, fronts on Delaware turnpike, Ferry, Lark and Lydius Delaware st, from Clinton to Eagle IM HOFFMAN 8 CITY KEOISTX1.

Dewitt st, from Canal Basin to Broadway Division «t, from River to South Pearl, ad south State Dove st, from northern to southern boundary, 3d west Eagle Eagle st, from southern boundary to Canal Elizabeth st, from Arch to southern boundary Elk st, from Eagle to western boundary, 2d north Washington Erie st, from southern boundary to Schenectady turnpike Exchange st, from River to Broadway, 1st north State Fayette at, from Academy Park to Swan Ferry st, from River to Eagle, 3d south Lydius First st, from Ten Broeck to western boundary Franklin st, from Lydius to southern boundary, 1st east South Pearl Fulton st, Lydius to Plain, 1st west South Pearl Gansevoort st, from River to western boundary, southernmost at Grand st, from Beaver to Arch " Hawk «t, from northern to southern boundary, 1 st west Eagle Hamilton st, from River to western boundary, 1st north Lydius Hare st, from head of Orange to western boundary Herkimer st, from River to South Pearl Howard st, from South Pearl to Eagle, 1st south State Hudson st, from River to western bouudary Hudson Square, fronts on Washington, Partridge and Ontario High st, from State to Lydius, 2d west Eagle Jackson st, Colonie to Spencer, b. Broadway and Montgomery James st, State to Columbia, b. Broadway and n. Pearl Jay at, from Eagle to Lark, 3d south State John st, from River to Franklin, 1st north Ferry Jefferson st, from Eagle to Delaware Square, 1st south Lydiw Knox st, from Elk to southern boundary, 1st west Lark Lark st, from southern boundary to Patroon, 4th west Eagle Lawrence st, from River to Broadway, 1st north Canal Basis Lewis alley, from Grand, west, b. Beaver and Hudson Lumber st, from River to western boundary, 3d s. Canal Basin Lydius st, from River to western boundary Lancaster st, from Eagle to western boundary, 2d south State Lodge at, from Beaver to Columbia, 2d west North Pearl Liberty st, from Hudson to Lydius, 1st west Broadway Maiden Lane, from River to Eagle, 1st north State Mercer st, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Square Montgomery st, from Steuben to northern boundary Morris st, from Delaware Square to northern boundary Morton st, from Clinton to Dove Mulberry st, froin River to Franklin, 3d south Lydius North Ferry st, from Bath Ferry to Broadway North Lansing st, from River to Broadway, 2d south Canal Basis North Pearl st, from State to northern boundary (5) HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

North Square fronts on Lark, Canal, Knox and Elk Norton st, (late Store Lane,) from Green to South Pearl Nucella st, from River to Gansevoort Ontario st, northern to south boundary, 2d west Alms House Orange st, from River to Robin, 4th north State Park st, from State to Lancaster, 1st west Eagle Partridge st, from southern boundary to Schenectady turnpike Patroon at, from Broadway to western boundary, 6th n. State Perry st, beginning at Alms House Square, s. to n. boundary Pier, runs from foot of Hamilton, north 4,323 feet, and 80 feet broad to the foot of Lawrence st, forming a basin of an area of 32 and l-10th acres Pine st, from Chapel to Eagle, 2d north State Philip st, from Lydius to Hudson, 3d west South Pearl Plain st, from South Pearl to Philip, 1st south Hudson Pleasant st, from western to Schenectady turnpike Plumb st, from River to Franklin, 1st south Bassett Providence st, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Square Pruyn st, from Broadway to Liberty Quackenbush st, from River to Broadway, 1st north Orange Quail st, from northern to southern boundary, 1st west Alma House Quay st, along the dock, from s. boundary to Quackenbush Rensselaer st, from River to South Pearl, 2d south Ferry Rpbin st, from Alms House Square to Washington, 1st west Snipe Rose st, from Hamilton to Lydius, 1st west Green Sand st, froir. Lark to western boundary Schuyler st, from River to Clinton, 4th south Ferry Second st, from Ten Broeck to western boundary South Lansing st, from River to Franklin, 1st south Herkimer South Pearl st, from State to Gansevoort Spencer st, from River to Broadway, 1st south Lumber Spruce st, from Eagle to Lark, 1st north Elk State st, from River to western boundary Steuben st, from River to,Easrle, 2d north State Snipe st, beginning at Alms House, to northern boundary Swan st, from southern to northern boundary, 2d west Eagle Ten Broeck st, from Patroon to Colonie, 1st west North Pearl Third st, from Ten Broeck to western boundary Union st, from Lydius to Hudson, 2d west Broadway Van Tromp st, from Broadway to" North Pearl, Istn. Columbia Van Schaack st, from North Pearl to Cross, 1st west Canal Van Woert st, from Broadway to western boundary Van Zandt st, from South Pearl to Philip, 1st north Lydius Vine st, f^om River to Franklin, south Nucella Warren st, from Eagle to Alms House Square, 2d south Ferry Washington st, Academy and Capitol Parks to w. boundary (6) HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

Washington Square, fronts on State, Knox, Lydius and Willett Water st, from northern boundary to Steuben, 1st west Quay Westerlo st, from River to Delaware Square, 2d south Lydius William st, from Hudson to Howard, 1st West South Pearl' Wilson st, from Broadway to Ten Broeck, 1st south -Lumber Willett st, from State to Lydius, 1st west Lark Tales at, from Delaware Square to western boundary

DIVISION AND EQUALIZATION OF THE TEN WARDS OF THE CITY OF ALBANY. FIRST WARD.—Beginning at a point where the south bounds ofthe city intersect the west line of Rensselaer street, thence' running north along the east bounds of the city to a point op­ posite the centre of Arch street; thence westerly through the centre of Arch street to the centre of Grand street; thence northerly through the centre of Grand street to the centre of Arch street from the west; thence westerly through the centre of Arch street to the centre of Eagle street; thence southerly through the centre of Eagle street to the south bounds of the city; thence easterly along said south bounds to the place of beginning. S-ZCOND WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of the centre of Arch street with the east bounds of the city, and running thence northerly along tne said bounds of the city to a point opposite the centre of Herkimer street; thence westerly along the centre of Herkimer street to the centre of Pearl street; thence southerly along the centre of Pearl street to the centre of Westerlo street; thence westerly along the centre of Wes-< terlo street to the centre of Grand street; thence northerly along the centre of Grand street to the centre of Westerlo street from the west; thence westerly along the centre of Wes­ terlo street to the centre of Eagle street; thence southerly along the centre of Eagle street to the centre of Arch street; thence easterly along the centre of Arch street to the centre of Grand street; thence southerly along the centre of Grand street to the centre of Arch street from the east; thence easterly along the centre of Arch street to the east bounds of the City and place of beginning. THIRD WARD.—Beginning at a point in the easterly bound* ofthe oity, opposite the centre of Herkimer street, and running thence northerly along said east bounds to a point opposite^he centre of Hamilton street; thence westerly along the centre of Harnilton.streetto the centre of Eagle street; thence southerly along the centre of Eagle street 'o the centre of Westerlo street; theqee easterly along the centre of Westerlo street to the cen­ tre of Grand street; thence southerly along the centre of Grand street to the centre of Westerlo street from the east; thence easterly through the centre of Westerlo street to the centre' (7) HOFFMAN S CITY REOISTEH.

of Pearl street; thence northerly through the centre of Pearl street to the centre of Herkimer street; thence easter­ ly along the centre of Herkimer street to the place of begin­ ning. FOURTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city, opposite the centre of Hamilton street, and running thence northerly along said east bounds to a point opposite the centre of State street bridge; thence westerly through the cen­ tre of State street bridge and State street to the centre of Eagle •treet; thence southerly along the centre of Eagle street to the centre of Hamilton street; thence easterly along the cen­ tre of Hamilton street to the east bounds of the city and place of beginning. FIFTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city, opposite the centre of State street bridge, thence run­ ning northerly along said east bounds to a point opposite the centre of Columbia street bridge; thence westerly along the centre of said bridge and of Columbia street to the centre of Pearl street; thence northerly along the centre of Pearl street to the centre of Canal street; thence westerly along the cen­ tre of Canal street to the centre of a street thirty-six Ryland feet in width, and leading from Canal to Spruce streets; thence southerly through the centre of said street to the centre of Spruce street; thence easterly through the centre of Spruce street to the centre of Eagle street; thence southerly through the centre of Eagle street to the centre of State street; thence easterly along the centre of State street and of the- State street bridge to the east bounds of the city and place of beginning. 8IXTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city, opposite the centre of the Columbia street bridge, and running thence northerly along said east bounds to a point opposite the centre of Lumber street; thence westerly along the centre of Lumber street to the centre of Ten Broeck street; thence southerly along the centre of Ten Broeck street to the centre of Patroon; thence easterly along the centre of Patroon street to the centre of Chapel street; thence south­ erly along the centre of Chapel street to the centre of Canal street; thence easterly along the centre of Canal street to the centre of Pearl street; thence southerly along the centre of Pearl street to the centre of Columbia street; thence easterly along the centre of Columbia street and of the Colom­ bia street bridge to the east bounds of the city and place ot beginning. SKVBNTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city, opposite the centre of Lumber street, and run­ ning thence northerly along the east bounds of the city until H strikes a point opposite a red cedar post with brick around it, standing on the west bank of the Hudson river, which post is distant twenty-two chains and thirty-six links from the south- (8) HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTEK. 1 east corner of the storehouse of Stephen Van Rensselaer, on » course north forty degrees and twenty minutes west; thence westerly to the said cedar post; thence north forty-eight de­ grees west to the west bounds of the late town of Colonie; thence southerly along said west bounds to the centre of Lumber street; thence easterly along the centre of Lum­ ber street to the east bounds of said city and place of begin­ ning. EIGHTH WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of the cen­ tres of Canal and Chapel streets; thence running northerly along the centre of Chapel street to the centre of Patroon street; thence westerly along the centre of Patroon street to the centre of Ten Broeck street; thence northerly along the centre of Ten Broeck street to the centre of Lumber street; thence westerly along the centre of Lumber street to the west boundsof the late town of Colonie; thence southerly along said west bounds to the centre of Patroon street; thence easterly along the centre of Patroon street to the centre of Lark street; thence southerly along the centre of Lark street to the centre of Spruce street; thence easterly along the cen­ tre of Spruce street to the centre of a street leading from Spruce to Canal street, of thirty-six Ryland feet in width; thence northerly along the centre of said street to the centre of Canal street; thence easterly along the centre of Canal street to the place of beginning. KIJJTH WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of Eagle and State streets, and running thence northerly along the centre of Eagle street to the centre of Spruce street; thence wester­ ly along the centre of Spruce street to the centre of Lark street; thence northerly along the centre of Lark street to the centre of Patroon street; thence westerly along the centre of Patroon street to the west bounds of the late town of Colonie; thence southerly to the south side of Patroon street; thence westerly along the north range of the city to the west bounds thereof; thence southerly along said west bounds to the cen­ tre of Lydius street; thence easterly along the centre of Ly­ dius street to the centre of Main avenue; thence northerly through the centre thereof to the centre of State street; thence easterly along the centre of State street to the place of beginning. TENTH WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of the centre of Eagle street with the south bounds of the city, and running thence north through the centre of Eagle street to the centre of State street; thence westerly through the centre of State street to the centre of Main avenue; thence southerly through the centre of Main avenue to the centre of Lydius street; thence westerly along the centre of Lydius street to the west bounds of the city; tHence southerly along said west bounds to the south bounds of the city; thence easterly along said south bounds to the place of beginning. (») HOFFMAN 3 CITY REGISTER.


Sheriffs. Clerks. William Beardsley, Robert S. Lay. Allegany, Joab B Hughes, John R. Rockefeller. Broome, VV m. Cook, Erasmus D. Robinson. Cattaraugus, Addison Crowley, James G. Johnson. Cayuga, Joseph P. Swift, Ebenezer B. Cobb. Chatauque, Noah D. Snow, Orron Stiles. Chemung, Wm. S. Readen, Albert F. Babcock. Chenango, Levi H. Case, Nelson Pellet. Clinton, Harvey Bromley, Charles H. Jones. Columbia, Abm. F. Miller, John K. Uume. Cortland, James C. Pomeroy, Rufus A. Reed. Delaware, Dan'l Rowland, Wm. M'Claughry. Dutchess, Alonzo H. Mory, Joseph T. Adriance. Erie, Leroy Farnham, Wells Brooks. Essex, Aaron B. Mack, Geo. S. Nicholson. Fratiklin,1 Rufus R. Stephens, Sam'l C. F. Thorndike Fulton, Daniel Potter, Stephen Wait. Henry Monell, Genesee, Mervile G. Soper. Geo. W. Halcott, Jacob Van Orden. Greene, Robt. G, Ostrander, Hamilton, JohnC. Holmes. Daniel Hawn, Standish Barry. Herkimer, Rufus Herrick, Jefferson, Isaac Munson. Andrew B. Hodges, Francis B. Stryker. Kings, Aaron Parsons, jr., Harrison Barnes. Lewis, Harvey Hill, Israel D. Root. Livingston, Francis F. Stevens, Lorenzo D. Dana. Madison, O. P. Chamberlain, John S. Lacy. Monroe, Barney Becker, John W. Vanderveer. Montgomery, Thomas Carnley, Geo. W. Riblet. New-York, Alvah Hill, Geo. W. Gage. Niagara, John R. Jones, Alexander Rae. Oneida, Wm. C. Gardner, Rufus Cossit. Onondaga, Wm. H. Lamport, Reuben Murray, Jr., Ontario, John Van Etten, jr., Nathan Westcott. Orange, Austin Day, Dan. H. Cole. Orleans, Nornran Rowe, Philander Rathbone. Oswego, Jonas Platner, Jr., Sam'l North. Otsego, James J. Smalley, Reuben D. Barnum. Putnam, Robt. S. Seabury, John C. Smith. , Abm. Whitbeck, Ambrose H. Sheldon. Rensselaer, Israe;! O. Dissoway, Joshua Mersereau. Richmond, (10) HOFFMAN'S CITY KEGISTE8.

County. Sheriffs. Clefks. Rockland, Hagerman Onderdonk, Isaac Blauvelt. St. Lawrence, Henry Barber, Geo. S. Winslow. Saratoga, Theo. W. Sanders, James W. Horton. Sehenectady, John F. Clute, David P. Forest. Schoharie, Treat Durand, Loring Andrews. Seneca, Aaron R. Wheeler, Ebenezer IngaUs. Steuben, Oliver Allen, Paul C. Cook. Suffolk, John Clark, 3d, Benj. S. Hutchinson. Sullivan, James S. Wells, Gad Wales. Tioga, Nathan IT. Woodford, Moses Stevens. Tompkins, Charles C. Howell, Horace Mack. Ulster, Jacob I. Signer, J. D. L. Montague. Warren, Luther Brown, Thos. Archibald. Washington, Wm. A. Russell, Daniel Shipherd. Wayne, Chester A Ward, Alex. B. Williams. Westchester, Benj. D. Miller, Robert R. Oakley. Wyoming, Timothy H. Burton, Ransom B. Crippen. Yates, Geo. Wagner, Alfred Reed.


The residence or office will be found under the proper letter of the alphabet. D. Wright, Recorder, S. L. Manning, Samuel Stevens, J. Callanan, Jr., Bradford R. Wood, William A. Young, William D. White, Samuel G. Courtney, E. A. Doolittle, W. S. Paddock, James R. Rose, A. Morrell, C. A. Pugslcy, Ira Harris, Robert H. Pruyn, Marcus T. Reynolds, Otis Allen, Julius Rhoades, John Percy, Wm. W. Frothingham, John J. Hill, Charles B. Lansing, A. J. Colvin, James L'Amoreaux, H. H. Martin, Azor Tabor, John V. L. Pruyn, Peter Gansevoort, Orlando Meads, Peter Cagger, R. W. Peckham, Cyrus Stevens, Calvin Pepper, Nathan Hawley, Amos Dean, Henry G. Wheaton, A. Blanchard, A. D. Robinson, Charles M. Jenkins, John Q. Wilson, Cornelius Ten Broeck, John I. Burton, George W. Peckham, Wm. Parmelee, F. W. Bloodgood, Robert H. Wells, Geo. W. Deming, Horace Wyman, (11) HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

Dennis B. Gaffney, Thomas D. James, James Edwards, James B. Sanders, Robert J. Hilton, Alfred B- Street, Jacob Lansing, R. L. Joice, Dudley Burwell, James M. Whelpley, 8am'l H. Hammond, Dist. Att'(/.Stephen Groesbeck, Nicholas Hill, Jr., John A. Collier, Joseph 8. Colt, Lucien Birdseye, Isaac Edwards, James Brown, Matthew McMahon, Richard H. Northrop, William C. Schuyler, Hamilton Harris, John Newland, 8. H. H. Parsons, Jacob M. Settle, C. L. Austin, Wm. J. Hadley, Albert Gallup, L. D. Holdstein, E. S. Willett, H. C. Van Vorst, S. O. Shepard, M. Trotter, H. S. McCall, J. I. Werner, J. B. Sturtevant, D. McMartin, John K Porter, W. L. Learned, John Olcott, Wm. G. Weed, W. D. Morange, John Cole, 8. D. Van Schaack, A. D. L. Whipple, A. Ten Eyck, Hale Kingsley, C. C. Wasson, T. W. Gibbs, S. F. Higgins, Teunis Van Vechten, J. D. Livingston, M. Fairchild, G. L. Wilson, 8. Daniels, Jr., J. B. Brinsmade, Jr., 8. Paddock, Jr., W. C. McHarg, R. L. G. Bancroft, 3. 8. Van Rensselaer, W. Barnes, T. G. Younglove, F. S. Edwards, N. G. King, E. J. Sherman, Abm. Van Vechten, Lewis Benedict, Jr., Surrogate,Jt. P. Johnson, De Witt C. De Forrest. COUNTY JUDGE. William Parmelee. RECORDER. Deodatus Wright. COMMISSIONERS OF LOANS. John D. Hewson, Samuel Dickson. NOTARIES. Chas. L. Garfield, Isaac Fonday, Joseph M. Lovett, John F. Batchelder, Nicholas Bleecker, Jr., John F. Jenkins, J. H. Van Antwerp, Nathan G. King, N. S. Washburn, John B. Evertsen. COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS. Wm. J. Hadley, L. D. Holstein, G. L. Wilson, A. P. Sharp, (12) HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

J. B. Sanders, W. C. McHarg, S. Paddock, Jr., E. S. Willett, D. Mills', R. S. Bay, C. Van Zandt, H. M. Benedict, John New- land, Isaac Hempstead, A. Scovel, R. H. Bingham, B. 8. Van Rensselaer, James I. Johnson, James Henry, L. Birdseye, D. Woodhouse, H. S. McCall, Joseph Strong, J. B Sturtevant, W. D. Morange, Isaac Edwards, E. W. Ford, John Cole, Hale Kingsley, Lemuel Jenkins, Gerrit Gates, Jacob C. Cuyler, J- B. Brinsmade, Jr., George La Grange, Jas. M. Whelpley, M. McMahon, F. W. Bloodgood. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Samuel H. Hammond. SURROGATE. Lewis Benedict, Jr. SHERIFF. William Beardsley. UNDER SHERIFF. N. N. Burhans. DEPUTIES. R. H. Bingham, P. McCullock. COUNTY CLERK. Robert 8. Lay. J. M. Whelpley, Deputy Ckrk, COUNTY TREASURER. James Kidd.


The reader is referred for office or residence to the proper letter in the alphabet. Robt. McMurdy, Phyt. 3d Dist. John W. Hinkley, John B. Rossman, Peter McNaughton, Wm. J. Geoghegan, Alden March, F. Weidman,' James H. Armsby, John N. La Barte, John F. Townsend,' Joseph Lewi, David Martin, Rufus D. Sperry, Patrick Gannon, Darid Wiltsie, Peter Van Buren, William Bay, John Van Buren, James P. Boyd, Barent P. Staats, Mason F. Cogswell, P. Van Olinda, (13) HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

John H. Trotter, James Cox, V. G. Bigelow, Abel Lyon, Thomas Hun, Henry B. Fay, Alms H. Phys. Wm. I. Young, , 3. V. P. Quackenbush, Alonzo G. Westervelt, D. E. Fonda, Thos. H. Neely, Samuel H. Freeman, S. D. Willard, G. A. Knapp, Occulist, Chas. D. Marsh, Jas. H. Russell, Phys. 1st Dist. Dr. Fitzpatricx, John Swinburne, Dr. Smith, B. A. Sheldon, Phys. 5th Dist. J. M. Ward, ) Joel A. Wing, J. A. Paine, j James McNaughton, Henry D. Paine, } Homapathy. Herman Wendell, H. M. Paine, Peter P. Staats, E. D. James, ) J. H. Case, A. W. Russell, ) C. C. Griffin, Phys. 4th Dist. G. Westervelt, yBotanic. R. H. Thompson, Wm. B.Stanton, ) John Fondey, George Cooke, Lock Hospital, Nicholas Markey, Dr. La Croix, Loefc Dispensary, Jas. M. Brown, Phys. 2d Dist. Dr. Lispenard, Medical AsyUm.


Alexander Nelson, J.'S. Wood, David Nqwcomb, J. C. Austin, Robert Nelson, J. Monroe. Josephus Brockway, Jr.,


BANK OF ALBANY. JACOB H. TEN EYCK, President. EWD. E. KENDRICK, Cashier. Directors.—3. H. Ten Eyck, Teunis Van Vechten, Harmon Pumpelly, Henry Bleecker, Wm.Walsh, Benj. Tibbitts, David Newland, J. Winne, Jr., Andrew D. Lansing, Daniel Cady, Jas. A. Wilson, D. McMartin. Clerks.—E. R. Phelps, teller; N. Bleecker, Jr.,book-keeper; John'Sill, discount clerk; Henry Wilkinson and Gratz Van Rensselaer, clerks. Discount day, Thursday. (14) HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTBR.

ALBANY CITY BANK. ERASTUS CORNING, President. WATTS SHERMAN, Cashier. Directors—Erastus Corning, Ellis Baker, B. R. Wood, Wm. Seymour, John V. L. Pruyn, John Knower, David1 H. Cary, Watts Sherman, Wm. Smith, Wm. Humphrey, H. H. Martin, Eli Perry. Cltrks.—C. L. Garfield, teller; D. W. C. Rice and John J. Marshall, book-keepers; Isaac Fondey, discount clerk and no­ tary public; Charles W. Hendee, corresponding clerk; T. A. Knower and Peter Wendell, Jr., in western department; J. Downing, Jr., G. Dudley Van Vliet, Frederick G. Van Vliet, and Geo. Seymour, clerks. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays.

MECHANICS' AND FARMERS' BANK. THOS. W. OLCOTT, President. 6AM'L S. FOWLER, Fiee-Pres«fe«t. THOS. OLCOTT, Cashier. Directors Thos.W. Olcott, Sam'l S. Fowler. Friend Humph­ rey, James Kidd, Lemuel Steele, Thomas Hilihouse, Hugh Humphrey, W. W. Forsyth, James B. Jermain, Robert Shep­ herd. Clerks.—O. M. Beach, teller; Theodore Olcott, 2d, 2d do.; Constantine Kowalski, book-keeper; Wm. H. Green, assistant do.; William McHench, discount clerk; Charles A. De For­ rest and Edward Highland, clerks; John F. Jenkins, notary; John Highland, porter. Pension Department.—T. W. Olcott, pension agent; Lemuel Jenkins and Robert Shepherd, accountants. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays.

EXCHANGE BANK. SAMUEL PRUYN, President. NOAH LEE, Cashier. Directors.—Samuel Pruyn, George W. Stanton, JohnM. New­ ton, F. J. Barnard, L. G. Taylor, John Taylor, Oliver Steele, Gaylor Sheldon, Jas. McNaughton, Samuel Stevens, I. L. Jud­ son, Wm. McElroy, C. P. Williams, C. W. Bender, Thos. L. Greene. Clerks.—Andrew McElroy, teller; Joseph M. Lovett, book­ keeper; Wm. H. Lee, discount clerk; Clarence C. Cheney and John S. Pruyn, clerks. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays. (15) HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTBR.

NEW-YORK STATE BANK. RUFUS H. KING, President. 3. B. PLUMB, Cashier. Dirtclort.—Rufus H. King, G. Y. Lansing, Joel Rathbone, M. T. Reynolds, William Adams, Robert Boyd, P. Ganse­ voort, W. E. Bleecker, W.C. Miller, L. Chapin, A. Mclntyre, J. B. Plumb. Clerks.—H. A. Allen, teller; Simeon J. Leake, book-keeper; Jas. A. Chestney, discount clerk; J. H. Van Antwerp, corres­ ponding clerk; J. Fondey, Jr., and John Ward, western de­ partment; Wm. McHarg and John Strother, clerks. Discount day, Monday.

SAVINGS BANK. JOHN TOWNSEND, President. TEUNIS VAN VECHTEN, 1st Vice President. SAMUEL STEVENS, Vd " Directors.—Wm. Newton, Wm. McHarg, Jas. Taylor, Rufus H. King, Jacob H. Ten Eyck.Geirit Y. Lansing, John I. Boyd, Fred. 1. Barnard, Benj. Tibbitts, James Stevenson, Wm. E. Bleecker, Robt. H. Pruyn, Harmon Pumpelly, Jas. D. Wasson and Friend Humphrey. James Taylor, Treasurer; Robert H. Pruyn, Secretary.

COMMERCIAL BANK. JOHN TOWNSEND, President. JOHN L. SCHOOLCRAFT, t ice President. JAMES TAYLOR, Cashier. Directors.—John Townsend, John L. Schoolcraft, John Gott, Giles Sanford, James D. Wasson, Robert H. Pruyn, Andrew White, Anthony M. Strong, Anthony Gould, Visscher Ten Eyck, John D. Hewson, John B. James, Alexander David­ son. Clerks.—John B. Wasson, teller) George C. Lee, 2d teller; Frederick 8. Pease, book-keeper; James Martin, discount clerk; Edward H. Gregory and James P. White, clerks; John F. Batchelder, Savings Bank clerk. Discount days, Mondays and Thursdays.

(16) BmnAwft CITY wnnnu


ALBANY INSURANCE COMPANY. Directors.—Teunis Van Vechten, Gerrit Y. Lansing, Rufus H- King-, Augustus James, Marcus T Reynolds, Archibald Mcln­ tyre", John Townsend, Wm. C. Miller, Jacob H.• Ten- Eyck, Herman Pumpelly, John T. Cooper, Henry Bleecker, Peter McNaughton. Inspectors.—Robert Shepard, Lyman Chapin, and Christopher Y. Lansing; Secritary, Stephen Groesbeck.

ALBANY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ERASTUS -CORNING, President. FRIEND HUMPHREY, Vice-President. MATTHEW TROTTER, Secretary. Directors Barent P. Staats, Eli Perry, Watts Sherman, Dan­ iel Fry, Henry. H. Martin, Giles Sanford, John Knower, Joshua G. Cotrell, Eliis Baker, Artemas Fish, JaredA. Post.

FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, AND INLAND NAVIGATION INSURANCE. Aggregate Capital, $900,000. SOUTHWICK & COMSTOCK, No. 420 Broadway, (over Roswell Steele's Hardware Store,) ALBANY, Agents for the Columbus, Lexington, and New-York Protec­ tion Insurance Companies, insure against loss by fires, seas, rivers, lakes and canals, at current rates; and against loss by death, in the Hartford Life and Health Insurance Company, at, premiums 33j per cent less than ordinary rates.


GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE. 442 Broadway, (opposite Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank,) ALBANY.

HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Incorporated 1810. Charter perpetual. CAPITAL $150,000, with privilege to increase to $250,000. JAMES G. BOLLES, Secretary. EL1PHALET TERRY, President. S. B. HAMILTON, Agent. H. N. DOWD, Assistant, at the above office.

PROTECTION FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, HARTFORD, CONNKCTICUT. Charter perpetual. CAPITAL $300,000. WM. CONNER, Secretary. D. W. CLARK, President. S. B. HAMILTON, Agent, or H. N. DOWD, Assistant, at the above office.

.ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Charter perpetual. CAPITAL $300,000. 8. L. LOOMIS, Secretary. THOS. K. BRACE, President. S. B. HAMILTON, Agent, or H. N. DOWD, Assistant, at the above office. '

CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNKCTICUT. Charter perpetual. With a surplus of over $600,000, independent of the guarantee Capital. This Company is the most popular Life Insurance Company in the United States, having issued during the last year 4,243 Policies; being more than double the number issued by any other company during the same period. Where the premium amounts to $50 or more, one half may be paid by note. H. N. Down, Agent, or 8. B. HAMILTON, At the above office. (.18) HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, AND HEALTH INSURANCE. The undersigned will devote a portion of his time to the In­ surance business in all the branches, and is prepared to insure Buildings of the various classes, Merchandize generally, House­ hold Furniture, Manufactories of all kinds, Steamboats, Ves­ sels, Barges or Canal Boats. C. W. BENTLEY, No. S3 Quay street.

LIFE INSURANCE. The Eagle Life and Health Insurance Company will insure the lives of persons about to leave for California. Application may be made to either of the undersigned. C. W. BENTLEY, S. P. CARTER, ABRAHAM KEYSER.

THE MERCHANTS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BUFFALO. CAPITAL $100,000. Secured by Real Estate and Stocks. Risks taken on the pre­ mium note system, and on the cash system. Only Mutual Company in the world whose Capital Stock it secured. The insured cannot be called upon to pay the amount of the premium note until the whole capital stock is sunk; and in no case can the insured, be compelled to pay more than the amount of the premium note. This feature of mutual insurance is new, and an inducement to insure superior to all other companies. DIRECTORS. William O. Brown, Cyrenius C Bristol, - Charles M. Reid, Erie, Pa., William L. G. Smith, F. A. Porter, Niagara Falls, William Williams, Levi Allen, Henry P. Darrow, Edwin Thomas, George W. Rogers, Ernst G. Grey, Nehemiah Case, John Hollister. WILLIAM O. BROWN, President. C. C. BRISTOL, Vice President. W. L. G. SMITH, Secretary. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Treaturtr. C. W. BENTLEY, Agent, 83 Quay street, Albany. (19) rfoFFMJtN's CITY RMftTM.


OF SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T. Established under the General Insurance Law; is now doing an extensive and safe business, and has established an Agency in this city. Annual division qf profits among the insured, and no special hazards taken. CAPITAL $110,000. The security offered by this company is of the most satisfac­ tory character, as has been duly certified by sworn commis­ sioners, (Hon. SAMUEL YOUNU and others) appointed by the Comptroller, and its cash funds are rapidly accumulating. .The plan adopted offers the advantage of both the mutual and stock systems, possessing the accommodation of the first, and the security of both methods of insurance. Applicants may pay a CASH PREMIUM IN FULL, and still retain their membership and participate in the profits. The known respectable character and standing of the Board of Directors, is in itself a sufficient guaranty for the prompt and honorable adjustment of losses. Policies issued at the office. Rates the same as those of other responsible Companies.

DIRECTORS. Isaac Fowler, Samuel Corning, Geo. Young, Jr., George Clements, H. H. Hathorn, John Hillebert, William H. Fleeman, Samuel Pitkin, C. M. Davison, Hermon Thomas, Theo. W. Sanders, Joseph Daniels. P. M. Moriarty.

OFFICERS. ISAAC FOWLER, President. H. H. HATHORN, Vice President. GEO. YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. WM. H. FLEEMAN, Treasurer. Albany, April 23, 1850. GEORGE I. LYTLE, Agent. MOSES YOUNG, Assistant.


YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION. R. G. BEARDSLEY, President. R. H. NORTHRUP, 1st Vice-President. JOHN N CUTLER, 2d « GEORGE C. LEE, id " JAMES I. JOHNSON, Treasurer. 3. B. BRINSMADE, Corresponding Secretary. WM. BARNES, Recording Secretary. Managers.—G. L. Wilson, W. J. Humphrey, Andrew Me. Elroy, John G. Erwin, E. Corning, Jr., Robert Higgins, Theo­ dore Townsend, E. Y. Lane, James O'Neil, Jenkins Van Schaack. Debating Society.—M. C. G. Nichols, president; Ewd. Whit­ ney, 1st vice-president; Theo. Fondey, 2d do.; Wm. Froth­ ingham, secretary.

ALBANY BURGESSES CORPS. Military.—Franklin Townsend, Captain; J. W. Blanchard, 1st Lieut.; H. Kingsley, 2d do.; J. Baldwinr3d do.; W. Davis, Chaplain; W. Thomas, Pay Master; L. Benedict, Quarter Master; John F.Schultz, Surgeon; J. V.S. Visscher, Armorer. Civil.—Wm. Low, President; R. Hendee, Vice-President; E. A. Benedict, Treasurer; J. C. Cuyler, 8. W. Whitney, Secretaries,

ALBANY REPUBLICAN ARTILLERY. Military.—John Murdon, Orderly Sergeant; Geo. Freden­ rich, id do.; John Gardanier, 3d do.; B. McCotter, 4th do.; B> O'Connell, 1st Corporal; Robt. Horner, 2d do.; Wm. Wooley, 3d do.; Geo. Boughton, 4th do. Civil.—James Turner, President; F. G. Peoble, Vice-Pres­ ident; Charles R. Wooley, Secretary; George Fredenrich, Treasurer. Board of Directors.—John Arts, Philip Gardanier, John Hil- lebrant, Edward Riley.

ALBANY GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Joel Rathbone, President; Henry M. Martin, Vice-Presi­ dent; Harmon Pumpelly, Joel Rathbone, Henry H. Martin, Watts Sherman, Erastus H. Pease, Robert Boyd, Daniel Fry, Richard Van Rensselaer, James Kidd, Directors; John V. £'. Pruyn, Henry Bleecker, Eli Perry, Inspectors of Election.

ALBANY COUNTY PENITENTIARY. Corner of Lydius street and Delaware turnpike. AMOS PILSBURY, Superintendent. Samuel Pruyn, W. W. Forsyth, G. I. Van Zandt, Inspectors; Fr. Barent P. Staats, PhijSiciun; Rev. T. R. Rawson, Cliaplain. (21) HOFFMAN'S CITY RK0I8TML


CHRISTIAN MUTUAL BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. John W. Bulkley, President; Joshua R. Hays and George W. Benjamin, Vice Presidents; Abram Kirk, Corresponding Sec­ retary; Thos. W. Valentine, Recording Secretary; Wm. Tu­ ton, Financial Secretary; Noah Lee, Treasurer.

ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. James Taylor, President; Andrew Kirk, 1st Vice-President; D. D.Ramsay, 2d do.; Rev. Peter Bullions, Chaplain; Dr. James McNaughton, Physician; Wm. Gray, Treasurer; Peter Smith, Jr, Secretary; Daniel Campbell, Assistant do.; Peter Smith, Alex. Gray, Lithan Algie, Hugh Dickson, and George Young, Managers.

HIBERNIAN PROVIDENT SOCIETY. Patrick Grady, President; John Higgins, 1st Vice-President; Patrick Cullen, 2d do.; John Daly, Recording Secretary; Dan­ iel Boyle, Corresponding Secretary; John Seery, Treasurer; Chris. Wallace, John Mulholland and Michael Berry, Finance Committee; Ewd. Donahoe, John Purcell, Lawrence Dowd, Michael Murtaugh, Hugh Coyle and Cornelius Ryan, Ex, Com­ mittee.,

ALBANY COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. William B. Sprague, D. D., President; J. N.Campbell, D. »., 1st Vice-President; I. N. Wyckoff, D. D., 2d do.; Philip Phelps, Recording Secretary; Lemuel Jenkins, Corresponding Secretary; Wm. C. Miller, Treasurer; Rev. E. A. Hunting­ ton, D. D., Rev. Duncan Kennedy, D. D., Rev. H. V. Pohl­ man, D. D., Rev. F. W. Schmidt, Rev. W. W. Holloway, Rev. John Frazer, Rev. J Clark, Rev. D. Starks, Rev. B. M. Hall, Rev. E. Noble, A. Mclntyre, R. Westerlo, N. Davis, Israel Smith, Daniel Fry, A. Keyser, G. W. Benjamin, E. Robinson, John Sager, O. Scovill, Wm. M. Cassidy, John Metz, Otis Allen.

ALBANY FIRE DEPARTMENT. John B. Stonehouse, President; John McBride, Vice-Presi­ dent; L. D. Holstein, Secretary; V. Ten Eyck, Treasurer; Archibald Young, Collector; John Sickels, George Cuyler, Trustees. (22) HOFFMAN'S TJITY REGISTER.

ALBANY TRACT SOCIETY. Friend Humphrey, President; Hugh Humphrey, Robert Boyd, Lemuel Jenkins, R. V. Dewitt, Wm. McElroy, W. C. Miller, Alden March, Vice-Presidents; E.H. Pease, Secretary; Philip Phelps, Treasurer. The Board consists of fifteen Di­ rectors.

ASSOCIATION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE CON­ DITION OF THE POOR. Rev. Wm. James, President; Greene C. Bronson, Robert E. Temple, Thos. McElroy, Vice-Presidents; Rev. Thomas R. Rawson, Secretary; William McElroy, Treasurer; Marcus T. Reynolds, W. W. Frothingham, Thurlow Weed, Chauncey P. Williams, P. M. Lovett, Elisha Russell, Jefferson Mayell, John Tracy, Samuel Jenkins, Anthony Gould, Wm. G. Deyer­ mand, Nathaniel Davis, Geo. C. Treadwell, Azor Tabor, Man­ agers.

ALBANY CARTMAN'S SOCIETY. John Stackpole, President; Adam Stewart, Vice-President; David Terry, Jr., Secretary; Daniel Johnson, Assistant Secre>- tary; Wm. Reed, Treasurer; W. D. Carroll, B. Curtin, Pat­ rick Grady, Finance Committee; Edwin Leach, E. Simmons, Patrick Hart, M. Murtaugh, Cornelius Van Buren, Executive Committee.

HEBREW BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. A. Hamburger, President; Jacob Newburg, Vice-President; A. Mann, Sec'y.

HEBREW BENEVOLENT SOCIETY FOR LADIES. Mrs. Anker, President; Mrs. Hamburger, Vice-President; Mrs. Lehrburg, Seo'y.



THE GRAND CHAPTER OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. Robert R. Boyd, of New-York, M. E. G. H. P.; Orviller Hungerford, of Jefferson, M. E. D. G. H. P.; R. P. Lewis, of Yates, M- E. G. K.; James French, df Palmyra, M. E. G. S.; John O. Cole, of Albany, G. Secretary; Wm. Seymour, of Al- Mttty, G. Treasurer; Rev. Salem Town, of Cayuga, G. Chap­ lain; Jesse P. Mitchell, of Albany, G. Marshal; Ebenezer Wadsworth, of West Troy, and Joseph Enos, of Genesee, G. Visiters; John Pierce, of Albany, C. Sentinel.

THE GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. John D. Willard, of Troy, Grand Master; Dr. James Milnor' of New-York, Dep. Grand Master; E. S. Barnum, of Utica' Grand Sen. Warden; M. L. Bnrwell, Grand Jun. Warden; Robt. R. Boyd, of New-York, Grand Secretary; Rev. Satem Town, »t Cayuga, Grand Chaplain.

TEMPLE ENCAMPMENT, No. 3. L. G. Hoffman, G. C.; Abel Whipple, G.; J. P. Mitchell, C. G.; Hiram Arnold, Sert. W.; J. O. Cole, Jun. W.; J. I. Goe­ wey,. Prelate; Richard Parr, Treasurer; Abm. Sickles, War- den/ -John Pierce, Sentinel.

TEMPLE CHAPTER, No. 5. James Jenkinson. H. P.; Thos. H. Dobbs, K.; Wm. Gray. S: E. M. Courtright', Secretary; Elias Vanderlip, Treasurer.

MOUNT VERNON LODGE, NO. 3. W. A. Wharton, W. M.; Thos. H. Dobbs, Sen. W.; Sam. Minster, Jun. W.; Wm. Headlam, Sec'y; A.Gray, Treas.; R. S. McMurdy, S. D.; J. K. Deill, J. D.; Ross, M. C. ( 24 ) HOFFKAN'« CITY REGISTER.

MASTERS' LODGE. Wm. Seymour, Master; Cornelius Ten Broeck, S. (Warden; Geo. Jones, Jun. Warden; Geo. Penchard, Sec'y; Gca. White, Treas.; E. E. Kendrick, Sen. Deacon; Robert M. Whitlock, Jun. Deacon; John Pierce, Tyler.

TEMPLE LODGE. i Jetur Gardner, W. M.; Jas. Dickson, S. W.; Geo. Finn, J. W.;: Jas. F. Whitney, Sec'y; J. J. Jarvis, Treas.

WASHINGTON LODGE. Henry Blatner, W. M.; R. Jennings, S. W.; Robt. Wier, J. W.; Isaac Frank, Sec'y; John A. Sickles, Treas.; J. G. Wil­ liamson, Tyler.

THE INEFFABLE AND SUBLIME G. L. OF PERFECTION. Thomas D. James, S. G. Master; Jetur Gardner, G. Sen.W.; Cornelius Ten Broeck, G. Jun. W.; George Young, G. M. of Cer.; David Newcomb, G. Treasurer; Lewis G. Hoffman, G. Secretary; William Ferguson, G. C. of G.; John Pierce,. G. Tyler.

UNITAS—CONCORDIA—FRATRUM. David Newcomb, M. Eq. Grand Sovereign; Lewis G. Hoff­ man, Eq. Subs. Grand Sovereign; Thomas D. James, M. Em. Sen. G. Warden; Jetur Gardner, Jun. G. Warden; P. M. Eq. Giles F. Yates, G. Chancellor; P. Eq. William Bay, G. P.'; Cornelius Ten Broeck, 111. Recorder; P. Eq. Killian H. Van Rensselaer, M. F.; George Young, M. C.; Hiram Arnold, Her­ ald; William Ferguson, S. B.; John Pierce, P. & G.; Archi­ bald Bull, M. Em. G. Coun.; Giles F. Yates, G. Oxa.


I. 0. OF O. F.

DISTRICT OF ALBANY. H. A. CLEMENT, D. D. G. ill There are in this District 20 Lodges, composed of about 2,000 members, besides two Encampments and two Degree Lodges. District Grand Committee meets last Wednesday in January, April, October, and third W ednesday of July, (annual meet­ ing.) New-York Encampment, No. 1, meets on the third and first Saturday of each month, at Cooper's Building. En-hakkore Encampment, No. 5, meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month, at Cooper's Building.

LODGE ROOMS. Cooper't Building, corner of Green and State streets; entrance on State street. Odd FeUows' Hall, corner of Green and Beaver streets; en­ trance on Green street. Mount Hermon Hall, In Church street, a few doors below Ferry street. Commercial Buildings, corner Broadway and Hudson street. LODGES. Hope Lodge, No. 1, meets every Tuesday evening at Coop­ er's Building. City Philanthropic, No. 5, meets every Friday evening at Cooper's Building. Clinton, No. 7, meets every Wednesday evening at 7 North Pearl street. Union, No. 8, meets every Thursday evening at Cooper's Building. German Colonial, No. 16, meets every Monday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. Firemen's, No. 19, meets every Thursday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. American, No. 32, meets every Wednesday evening at Coop­ er's Building. Mount Hermon, No. 38, meets every Monday evening at Mt. Hermon Hall. Laurel, No. 39, meets every Monday evening, at West Troy. Phcenix, No. 41, meets every Tuesday evening at Odd Fel­ lows' Hall. Hebron, No. 69, meets every Saturday evening] at the village of Bern. (26) HOFFHAN'S CITY REGISTER.

Spartan, No. 62, meets at Cohoes village every Friday eve­ ning. Mount Carmel, No. 76, meets every Monday evening at Commercial Buildings. Scho-negh-tada, No. 87, meets every Thursday evening. Friendly Union, No. 91, meets every Saturday evening at New Scotland. Samaritan, No. 93, meets every Monday evening at Cooper's Building. Ophillion, No. 107, meets every Wednesday evening at Rens- selaerville. Champion, No. 158, Cohoes village, meets every Wednesday evening. Covenant, No. 304, meets every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. Merchants, No. 341, meets every Friday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. DEGREE LODGES. Albany City Degree Lodge, meets every Saturday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. Hermon, meets once a fortnight, on Monday evening, at Odd Fellows' Hall.


The Grand Division S. of T. of the State of New-York, meets annually in the city of New-York, on the 2d Wednesday in October; and quarterly, on the 2d Wednesday in January, April and July, at such places as shall be decided upon at the annual session. There are now in the State of New-York abCve 600 Divisions. DISTRICT NO. 60. JACOB VAN LOON, D. G. W. P. Comprising Clinton, No. 76, that meets every Thursday eve­ ning at Commercial Buildings; En-hakkore, No. 129, meets Monday evenings at 7 North Pearl; Eagle, No. 306, meets Thursday evenings at 3 North Pearl. DISTRICT NO. 61. H. S. MCCALL, D. G. W. P. Comprising Albany, No. 24, that meets at their Hall in State street, on Monday evening; and Fort Orange, No. 187, meets Thursday evening at 7 North Pearl. • (27) HOFFMAN'S CITY EEGISTER.


ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE. Officers.—Alden March, President; Thomas Hun, Registrar; T. R. Beck, Librarian. Professors.—Alden March, M. D., professor of the principles and practice of Surgery; J. McNaughton, M. D., professor of the theory and practice of Medicine; T. R. Beck, M. D.,pro­ fessor of Materia Medica; E. Emmons, M. D., professor of Ob­ stetrics and Natural History; L. C. Beck, M. D., professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy; J. H. Armsby, M, D., professor of Anatomy; T. Hun, M. D., professor ofthe institutes of Medi­ cine; A. Dean, Esq., professor of Medical Jurisprudence. The lectures commence on the first Tuesday of October, and continue 16 weeks. Lecture fees, $70.

MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. Alexander Thompson, Aurora, President; Jenks S. Sprague, Otsego CO., Vice-President; Thomas Hun, Albany, Secretary; P. Van Olinda, Albany, Treasurer; Censors, Southern Dis­ trict, Dr. James R. Manly, James Chapman, Chas. S. J. Good­ rich; Middle District, Dr. Augustus Willard, Jenks S. Sprague, John McCall; Eastern District, Dr. Joel A. Wing, Thos. W. Blatchford, T. R. Beck; Western District, Dr. Bryant Durnell, Wm. Taylor, John Coates.

ALBANY COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. James McNaughton, M. D., President; John Swinburne, M. D., Vice-President; Benj. A. Sheldon, M. D., Secretary; J. B. Rossman, M. D., Treasurer; C. C. Griffin, Librarian; P. McNaughton, M. D., J. H. Case, M. D., Howard Townsend, M. D., N. G. Bigelow, M. D., and D. R. Burris, M. D., Censors.

BETHEL JACOB SYNAGOGUE. NO. 88 FULTON STREET. Julius Hazenberger, Reader and Principal of the THebrew School, assisted by Mrs. Giffin in the English department; Ja­ cob Levi, President; M. Herman, Vice-President; S, New- bnrg, Sec'y; 8. M. Magnus, A. Mann, Jnlins Newwitter and Isaac Lederer, Trustees. ' ' > (28) HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

NEW-YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Old State Hall. Museum open every week day from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Officers.—E. P. Prentice, President; eight Vice-Presidents; Bl P. Johnson, Corresponding Secretary; J. McD. Mclntyre, Recording do.; Luther Tucker, Treasurer; Executive Com­ mittee of five. This Society was incorporated in 1832. Its first general Fair after its re-organization, in 1841, was held at Syracuse. Its annual Fairs have since been held at Albany; Rochester, Poughkeepsie, Utica, Auburn, Saratoga Springs, Buffalo, Sy­ racuse. The interest has constantly increased, and the attend­ ance at the last Fair at Syracuse was from 75 to 100,000. The Fair for 1850 is to be held at Albany, Sept. 3, 4, 5 and 6. The Agricultural Museum contains many interesting articles, and that with the Cabinet of Natural History, in the same building, attracts large numbers of visitors from every part of the country. It would be well if the citizens of Albany knew there was such a place of resort, where their time could be profitably as well as agreeably spent.

ALBANY & RENSSELAER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Instituted 1847. Exhibitions at State Agricultural Rooms, June 18, 19: July 9, 10: Sept. 17, 18; February, first Wednes­ day, 1851. Officers, 1850.—Volkert P. Douw, President; E. P. Prentice, Herman Wendell, S. E. Warren, A. Briggs, Vice-Presidents; B. P. Johnson, Sec'y; Luther Tucker, Treas. This 8ociety has been in operation three years, and its exhi­ bitions have constantly increased in extent and interest, and is highly deserving of the patronage and support of every citizen who is delighted with the beauties of the flower or the richuess of the delicious fruit.



J. N. Campbell, 1st Presbyterian. Edward Selkirk, Trinity. E. A. Huntington, 3d Presbyterian. Duncan Kennedy, 1st Dutch. W. I. Kip, St. Paul's. P. McCloskey, St. John's. F. W. Schmidt, 2d German Evangelical Lutheran. H. N. Pohlman, Evangelical Ebenezer Lutheran. H. Potter, St. Peter's. John Fraser, West Slation Methodist. —i , Ferry-street Methodist. Wm. B. Sprague, 2d Presbyterian. , Pearl street Methodist. George Needham, House of Prayer. I. N. Wyckoff, Middle Dutch. W. W. Holloway, 3d Dutch. S. F. Morrow, Associate Presbyterian. John Miles, Bethel. John Conroy, St. Joseph's. P. M. Way, Wesleyan Chapel. T. R. Rawson, City Missionary. J. McClosky, Bishop of Albany. E. Noble, Arbor Hill Methodist Episcopal. M. Lawer, German Methodist. Thos. W. Jackson, Methodist, colored. T. Sands, Methodist Episcopal, " W. H. Waggoner, Universalis!. Wm. Garnett, Hamilton-street Baptist. M. Hall, Garretson Station, Pearl. H. Mandeville, 4th Presbyterian. J. Clark, Hudson-street Methodist Episcopal. W. G. Howard, South Pearl. R. Jeffreys, Green-street Baptist. 'i ;ti' • Beecher, North Pearl-street Baptist. v1 Kingsbury, Herkimer-street Baptist. W. W. Moore, State-street. T. R. Davenport, Grace Church, Spring-st. Reed, Holy Innocents, North Pearl. C. M. Taggart, Unitarian. Rabbi Wise, Jewish Synagogue.







STANDING COMMITTEES. Academies and Schools—Messrs. March, Satterlee, Dexter. Accounts—Messrs. Sayles, Courtney, Grant. Applications to the Legislature—Messrs. H. Bleecker, Hewitt, Sayles. Alms House—Messrs. G. V. S. Bleecker, Williams, Dexter. Board of Health—Mayor, Recorder, Messrs. March, Williams G. V. S. Bleecker, Dexter. Board of Magistra/es—Recorder, Messrs. G. V. 8.' Bleecker, Satterlee, Hewitt, Wilson, Bassett. City Hall—Mayor, Recorder, Messrs. Bassett, Phillips, Clin­ ton, Cumming. Engines—Messrs. Ten Eyck, Williams, Scott. Ferry—Messrs. Phillips, Lynch, Sayles. Finance—Messrs. Ten Eyck, Williams, Hewson. Street, N. D.—Messrs. Wilson, Hewitt, H. Bleecker. Street, S. D.—Messrs. G. V. S. Bleeker, Satterlee, Hewson. Lamps—Messrs. Sayles, Satterlee, Grant. Law—Recorder, Messrs. Osborn, Dexter. Levels—Messrs. Dexter, Osborn, Bassett. Land—-Messrs. Scott, Courtney, Ten Eyck. Markets—Messrs. Hewson, Clinton, Phillips. Navigation—Messrs. Phillips, Hewitt, Wilson^ Night Police—Messrs. H. Bleecker, Lynch, Grant. Day Police—Messrs. Grant, Osborn, H. Bleecker. Wells and Pumps—Messrs. Bassett, Cumming, Scott.

I „ CITY OFFICERS. Chamberlain—Christopher W. Bender. Deputy Chamberlain—H. H. Hickcox. Attorney—Isaac Edwards. Surveyor—George W. Carpenter. Assistant Surveyor—Samuel McElroy. Marshal—Nelson Scovel. Overseer of the Pom—Henry B. Haswell. Superintendent of the Alms House—Jacob Lansing. Superintendent of the N. D.—Joseph Parker. Superintendent of the S. D.—Andrew Moore. Police Justices—John O. Cole, 8. H. H. Parsons. Deputy Excise Officer—C. W. Bender. Receiver of Taxes—H. H. Hickcox. Superintendent of the Market—B. O'Connell. Chief Engineer of the Fire Department—James P. Gould. (32) HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER.

Assistant Engineers—1st, Joseph Parker; 2d, Simon P. Winne; 3d Peter B. Leddyj 4th, George Traver; 5th, George W. Bur­ dick. Alms House Physician—Henry B. Fay. City Physicians—Jpt district, James A. Russell; 2d district, James Cox; 3d ifistnot, James M. Brown; 4th district, Robert McMurdy; 5th district; Charles D. Marsh; 6th district, Wm. B. Simms; 7th district, Sylvester D. Willard; 8th district, Thomas H. Neally. Police Constables—George Brainard, Elisha Mack 3d, Thomas Cowell, B. B. Whalen, John Ueton, Franklin Smith. City Inspectors—1st and 2d wards, Robert Evans; 3d and 4th wards, Daniel True; 5th and 6th wards, Harmon G. Wynkoop; 7th and 8th wards, Richard Patterson; 9th and 10th wards, Solomon S. Leonard. Captains of the Night Police—Michael Conway, James H. Lane, Richard Brown, Henry Hubbell, Hiram Gilbert, Peter Flaver. Assistant Captains—Michael Bennett, Geo. A. Barnard, An­ drew Donnelly, David Winne, John Hallenbake, James A. Shattuck. Inspector of Wrights and Measures—Isaac Lansing. Fence Viewers—John Morgan, Barent Sanders. Supervisors—1st ward, James McCaffrey; 2d ward, Matthew McMahon; 3d ward, Charles A. De Forrest; 4th ward, Charles S. Olmstead; 6th ward, William White; 6th ward, David Mar­ tin; 7th ward, Charles H. Radliff; 8th ward, Samuel N. Payn; 9th ward, William McBride, Jr.; 10th ward, Joshua G. Cottrell. City Assessors—William Jones, 2 years; Joseph Courtney, 1 year; John B. Jarvis, 3 years. Ward Constables—1st ward, William N. Staats; 2d ward, Abraham M. Purdy; 3d ward; Abraham Sickles; 4th ward, Amos Dodge; 5th ward, Edward Crossman; 6th ward, Levi Parker; 7th ward, Michael Bigley; 8th ward, John A. Zeil­ man; 9th ward, William Piercy: 10th ward, S. V. R. Brayton. School Commissioners—Garret V. S. Bleecker, John O. Colte, John Simpson, Eli Perry, Henry B. Haswell, James Maher, George W. Carpenter; Thomas McElroy, George Warren. Justices of the Justices' Court—Abraham Morrell, David Rus­ sell, Parker Sargent. Superintendent of the Hose Depot—John Donahoe. Harbor Master—Thomas Hillson, Jr. Dock Master—John L. Hyatt. Post MastetmLiewis Benedict. President o/sJU Fire Department—John B. Stonehouse. Secretary of the Fire Department—L. D. Holstein.



HAMILTON Fish, Governor, $4,000 G. W. Patterson, Lieutenant Governor, $6 for each day's attendanse. Christopher Morgan, Secretary of State and Superintendent of Common Schools, 2,500 Washington Hunt, Comptroller, 2,500 Alvah Hunt, Treasurer, 1,500 Levi S. Chatfield, Attorney General, 2,000 H. C. Seymour, State Engineer and Surveyor, 2,500 Samuel Stevens, Adjutant General, 1,000 Lee, Commissary General, *...»» 700 Lewis Benedict, Jr., Judge Advocate General, 150 Canal Commissioners. Charles Cook, Term expires Jan. 1, 1852, 1,700 Frederick Follett, " " Jan. 1, 1853, 1,700 Jacob Hinds, " « Jan. 1, 1851, 1,700 Inspectors of State Prisons. Alexander W. Wells, .. Term exp ires Jan. 1,1852, 1,600 DariusClark, " « Jan. 1,1853, 1,600 David D. Spencer, " " Jan. 1, 1851, 1,500 Canal Appraisers. Nelson J. Beach,} ' S. J. Wilkin, y $4 per day and 5 eentsper mile for travel. A. H. Calhoun, ) A. G. Johnson, Deputy Secretary of State, and Clerk of the Commissioners of the Land Office, 1,500 Philip Phelps, Deputy Comptroller,... 1,500 Judson W. Sherman, Deputy Treasurer, 1,300 Francis H. Ruggles, Auditor of the Canal Department, .... 1,500 S. S. Randall, Deputy Superintendent of Common Schools,... 1,000 Alfred B. Street, State Librarian, ^ 700 Elisha W.Skinner, Assistant librarian,*. 500 Robert Morris, Private Secretary of the Governor,M 600 Jacob Springstead, Messenger of the Governor, $3|^ch day.



OFFICE, 460 BROADWAY. THOMAS W. OLCOTT, President. JOHN W. FORD, Secretary and Treasurer. Trustees. Thomas W. Olcott, Archibald Mclntyre, John I. Wen­ dell, Ira Harris, Peter Gansevoort, Isaiah Townsend, An­ thony M. Strong, Thomas Hillhouse, John Q, Wilson, Mar­ cus T. Reynolds, John L. Schoolcraft, Greene C. Bronson, Ellis Baker. $gp Tickets of admission can be obtained at the office of the Cemetery, or of a trustee.

(35) PUBLIC NURSES. AMSDEN, Mrs. 146 Lydius. ANDERSON CATHARINE, 91 Third, Arbor Hill. BARRAGER HARRIET, 166 Hudson. BROWN, WIDOW RACHEL, 80 Spring. CHANDLER, SAMUEL T., 178 Broadway. CROSS NANCY, 146 Lydius. GODFREY, ABBEY L., 134 » Pearl. HINEY EDITH, 210 Jefferson. LIVINGSTON, Mrs. M., 64 Hudson. LEWIS SARAH, 43 Jay. MARTIN ELLEN, 8 Canal. MORRISON MARY, 204 * Pearl. MURPHY, Mrs. cor. Division and Liberty. SICKLES MARY, 174 n Pearl. SMITH AMANDA, 83 Herkimer. SMITH CATHARINE, 53 Dallius. SMITH MARIA, 165 Jefferson. WANDELL CATHARINE, 91 Third, Arbor Hill. WANDS JANE, 20 t Lansing. WOOD ELIZA, 25 Van Woert. WILLIAMS CATHARINE, 116 Canal. HOFFMAN'S FDUBTEEHTH ANNUAL DIRECTORY, 1850-51.

A. ABBEY ELY, coachmaker, 127 Jefferson Abbott James, mason, 314 State Abel widow of Andrew, 89 Herkimer Abell Lansing D., ferry-master, 52 Westerlo Ableman Christopher, laborer, Spruce w Perry Ableman, Christian, carpenter, 50 and 52 Spring Acker J. & P., Marble Pillar, under Museum Ackerman Edward, 3 Daniels Ackerman Gerrit, bookbinder, 64 Franklin Ackley Wm., blacksmith, 129 Franklin Ackley Orrin, 32 Third, Arbor Hill Adair Hugh, spring-maker, 75 Fulton Adam A., cartman, rear 211 Washington Adams James, 103 Grand Adams John M., wagon-maker, 122 Hamilton 5 66 Adams George, umbrella-maker, 88 Hamilton Adams & George, keepers of Cornucopia, cor State and Green Adams E. S., teacher, 172 n Pearl h 59 Grand Adams F. M., agent, Rochester City Line, 113 Pier, bds American Adams John, porter house, 27 Hamilton Adams Mrs., milliner, 88 Hamilton Adams Amos, 184 Washington Adams Christopher, builder, 37 Swan Adams Henry, currier, Hamilton, w Dove Adams William, 70 Hudson Adams Rowland, accountant, 113 *

Ainsworth Ira W., res 43 Dallius Ainsworth Anson F , 35 Westerlo Aiken E C, merchant, 73 Quay, res Greenbush Aiken Isaac W., bds American ALBANY ACADEMY, at Academy Park ALBANY ARGUS, Exchange Building, first floor ALBANY REPUBLICAN ARTILLERY Armory, 379 Broad­ way ALBANY BURGESSES CORPS Armory, cor Broadway and Hamilton ALBANY EMMET GUARDS, 379 Broadway ALBANY WASHINGTON RIFLEMEN, 379 Broadway ALBANY ARGILLO WORKS, 121 Broadway, cor Ferry ALBANY EVENING JOURNAL, 67 State ALBANY FREEHOLDER, 34 Washington ALBANY MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, Broadway, foot of State ALBANY FEMALE ACADEMY, n Pearl ALBANY FEMALE SEMINARY, 67 Division ALBANY AND BOSTON RAILROAD OFFICE, Stanwix Hall, cor Maiden Lane and Dean ALBANY ATLAS, cor Broadway and Beaver ALBANY INSURANCE COMPANY, 56 State ALBANY APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, Hudson ALBANY LOCK HOSPITAL, 3 Norton ALBANY BETHEL, Montgomery ALBANY WATER WORKS, Eagle, Columbia and Steu- • ben ALBANY POST OFFICE, Merchants' Exchange ALBANY MINERAL SPRING, Ferry, near s Pearl ALBANY ALMS HOUSE, S Lydius continued ALBANY GALLERY FINE ARTS, 528 Broadway ALBANY SPECTATOR, 334 Broadway ALBANY STATE REGISTER, 37 State ALBANY SAVINGS BANK, at Commercial Bank 68 HPFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE, Eagle, between Lan­ caster and Jay ALBANY MUSEUM, cor State and Broadway ALBANY NURSERY, Western Turnpike, two miles out of the city Albee Samuel, laborer, 123 Broad Albee Lindley, morocco dresser, 123 Broad Albeit Joseph, 218 Washington- Albert Peter, 44 Green Albrick Henry, shoemaker, 369 Bowery Algie Lithan, grocer, cor Liberty and Division, h 42 s Pearl Alden Mrs Caroline, 35 Maiden Lane Alden William, mason, 67 Schuyler Alden Stephen H, painter, 20 Beaver, 1 Ten Broeck Aldridge widow Catharine, 143 Eagle Aldrich Adam, dealer in oysters, &c, res 36 Westerlo Aldrich Zacheus, 36 Westerlo Allanson Peter, carpenter, 1 Elm Alexander Joseph, 55 Chapel Alexander Hezekiah, carpenter, 143 Orange Alexander David, 218 Lumber, Arbor Hill , Allen Hiron W, clothing store, 425 Broadway, res 99 Hudson Allen Henry A, jttller in New-York State Bank, h 744 Broaway Allen & Warner, drapers and tailors, 485 Broadway Allen Benoni C, crier of courts, 1 Chesnut Allen Otis, attorney, &c, 5 and 7 Douw's (Building, cor State and Broadway, res 11 Patroon Allen W A, 65 Division Allen Isaac, hair dresser, 140^ Broadway Allen Thomas, laborer, 139 Church Allen John, 484 Bowery Allen Mary, 44 Orange HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. k,^"

Allen William, laborer, 83 Mulberry Allen Edward, painter, 32 Van Schaick Allen James, cabinet maker, 160 Patroon ^ Allen John, laborer, 70 Swan, Arbor Hill Allen Dennis, carpenter, 32 Van Schaick Allen Mrs Barbara, 230 State Allen Mrs Jane, milliner, 48 Orange Allen Patrick, butcher, 497 Washington Allen Civor P, 54 Fayette ] Allen Jeremiah, cor Colonie and Ten Broeck Allen John, American inland passage line, 105 Pier* Allen Henry, 105 Pier, bds Delavan Allicott Samuel, 113 Green " ';_ Allicott Jlnthony, 66 s. Lansing Allison George, engineer, cor Dove and Lydius A!vany Michael, 69 Van Woert Alvin Robert, gardener, 104 Willett Alvord Edmund, cabinet maker, Tivoli Alvord Mary E, widow, 27 Columbia AMERICAN HOTEL, 100 State Ames Angelo, 3 Plain Ames Julius R, 3 Plain Ames Lorenzo, fish and produce deaier, 37 Qufry, ft' 72 n Pearl Amsdell William, brewer, western- turnpike Anderson Absalom, 80 Third, Arbor Hill Anderson George, agent Chenango and Ithaca Lake; Boat Line, 63 Quay, res 23 Dallius Anderson widow Charles, confectioner, 570 Broad­ way ^ Anderson Daniel B, 90 Hudson Anderson John, cooper, 431 State Anderson James, 18 Bleecker ; Anderson William, dealer in fish, 291 Broadway •-* Anderson John, cabinet maker; 90 State, h 10 Grand 70 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Anderson Francis R, confectioner, 30 Lydius Anderson Catharine, nurse, 91 Third, Arbor Hill Anderson William, blacksmith, 103 Second, Arbor Hill Anderson John H, fruit store, 62 Green, h 65 Elm Anderson George, carpenter, 227 Lumber Anderson George, confectioner, 81 State Anderson James, fruit store, 25 s Pearl Andree Augustus, barber, 51 Colonie Andrews Elisha, grocer, 31 DeWitt Andrews Catharine, dress maker, 15 Lumber Andrews Marcus A, baker, cor Center and Lumber Andrews Orrin, baker, cor Center and Lumber Andrews Rapin, 97 Spring Andrews Thomas, 14 Jay Andrews Orrin F, 97 Spring Andrews Michael, moulder, 42 Canal Andrews Amos, 61 Beaver Andrews Fairman, baker, 166 Washington, res 97 Spring Andrews Joel W, spirit level manufacturer, 156 Hudson, shop 42 High, near Hudson Andrews Truman, printer, 124 Green Andrews E, printer, 183 Third, Arbor Hill Angiuin Timothy, 49 Lawrence Angus Mrs S E, 101 Swan, Arbor Hill Angus Charles, printer, 120 Jefferson Angus Miss, 508 Broadway . Anker Lewis, pedlar, 208 Broadway Anable & Smith, dealers in leather, oils and findings, 30 State Anable Samuel, (A & S) h 13 Patroon Annesley William, gilder, 70 Lawrence Annesley Lawson, looking glass warehouse, 604 • Broadway, h 41 Ten Broeck HOFFMAM'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 71

Annis Edward, laborer, 109 Canal Anson Levinus, saw-filer, 30 Alexander Anthony Abraham, 28 Spring. Anthony C H, classical institute, Eagle st h 191 Hamilton Anthony Jacob, porter house, 7 and 9 Maiden Las* Anthony John, refectory, 96 State Anthony Diana, rear 22 Clinton APOTHECARIES' HALL, cor State and n Pearl Apple Sebastian, tailor, 7 Owen's Alley Appleton John, 238 Washington Appleton William, cartman, 67 Van Woert Appleton William, produce dealer, 195 Washington res 238 Armatage William N, grocer, 58 Canal Armer Robert, mason, 21 First, Arbor Hill Armour John B, brush maker, 389 Broadway, h 171 Hamilton Arms, widow Noadiah L, tailoress, 54 Division Arms Nelson T, watchmaker, 42 s Pearl Armsby James H, M D, Professor of Anatomy u*4 Physiology, Medical Col, res 669 Broadway Armington, widow Charlotte, 54£ s Pearl Armstrong Hiram, 344 Lydius Armstrong John, printer, 360State Armstrong C W, bds Delavan Armstrong Jane, bds 24 Hawk Armstrong Wm, victuller, cor Arch and * Pearl Arnold Seth, 207 Green Arnold Moses, tailor, S Broad Arnold Benj W, res cor Water and Colonie Arnold Eleanor, widow, 75 First Arbor Hill Arnold Hiram, bds Franklin Arrowsmith John W, dry goods, 234 s Pearl Artcher Michael, merchant, 63 Quay, h 25 High 12 BWEBMAK'S A&BAKt DtftSCTOSWv

Artcher Edward, 1 Pine ' Artcher John, brickmaker, 220 State Artcher & Lyman, merchants, 63 Quay Arts John cabinet maker, 97 State, h 6 Pine Arts Michael, 3 Park Aapenhall Robert, mason, 51$ Second Arbor Hilt ASSOCIATE PRESBYTERIAN CnuRCH,cor Chapl &. Canal Aspanell Robert, mason, 50 Second. Arbor Hill Atkins John, 145 Second Arbor Hill Atkins David, pilot, 75 Swan, Arbor Hill Atkins Francis, glass worker, 261 State Atkins Robert, 96 Bassett Atkinson Thomas, blacksmith, 804 Broadway Atwood D, 108 Green Austin & McMahon, attornies &c, 37 State Austin Abraham, cartman, Cherry Valley turnpike Austin J J, bds 92 Beaver Austin Oliver, cor Snipe & Washington Austin Le\yis II, 33 Westerlo Austin Jeremiah, skipper, 92 Beaver Austin Charles L, attorney &c, 3.7 State, res. 126. Austin.J C, dentist, 583 Broadway Austin widow William, 64 Westerlo Austin Thomas, cor Snipe and Washington Austin Benjamin F, 14 Park Averill Horace, merchant, 38 Quay, res 99 $ Pearl Avery Archibald, 32 William Avery widow Julia, Chesnut eLark Avery A & Co (G W Benjamin) wholesale dealers in fruit and nuts, 351 and 353 Broadway Avery Amos (A & Co) h 41 Chapel Ayers Margaiet, 91 Lodge B. BABBITT SETH C, 173 Hudson Babcock Abel, 25 Jay HdrFMA*& ALRAW DIHBCTORT. IS

Babcock E. W., 75 Patroon Babcock Benjamin, painter, 75 Patroon Babcock Horace H., Boston Railroad office, Stanwix Hall, res 7 Plain Babcock Joseph M., 75 Patroon Bach Jacob, 4 Alexander Bacon Patrick, 38 Van Zandt Badgley J D, 48 Quay, res 3 Ten Broeck Bagley Thomas, 44 Second, Arbor Hill Bagnell William, painter, Chesnut 6 Dove & Lark Bailey Nelson, bds Beardsley's, Washington Bailey Charles, pedlar, rear 77 Church Bailey Sylvester, printer, 368 Broadway Bailey Franklin, passage agent, 102 Green Bailey Joseph, paver, 112 Orange Bailey Edward, tinsmith, 84$ s Pearl, res 14 Broad Bailey Joseph, cooper, 32 s Lansing Bailey Lemuel, furrier, 79 Third, Arbor Hill Bailey Hiram, dry goods, 73 Washington, bds 27' Fayette Bailey Michael, carpenter, 9 Herkimer Bain Casper, 158 Hudson Bain Alexander, 53 Jefferson Bairne, widow, 83 Lawrence Baird James, clothing &c, 9 s Lansing Baker H. C, forwarding merchant, 103 Pier, res 43i ' Montgomery Baker Charles, tin and sheet iron dealer, 590 Broad* way, h n Pearl Baker Joseph, 66 Hudson Baker Samuel, 81 n Pearl Baker Dennis, Colonie w Swan Baker Geo W, 6 Swan, Second Arbor Hill Baker John, mason, 135 Swan, Arbor Hill Baker Clark, 76 Colonie 74 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Baker Solomon, printer, 84 Beaver Baker T S, ready made linen and fancy store, 518 Broadway, h 55 Maiden Lane Baker Miss Patience A, 47 Colonie Baker Samuel, stove dealer, 16 Green, res 18 Jay Baker William, cor Snipe and Sand Bpker C A, stove dealer, 10 Green, h 81 n Pearl Ball Mary, 88 Green, boarding house Ball Paul, mason, 66 Fayette Ballantine Joseph, shoemaker, 24 Van Schaick Ballantine & Barhydt, piano makers, 22 Union Ballantine James, mason, 314 Lydius Ballantine John, shoemaker, 50 Second Arbor Hill Ballou Smith, boarding house, 11 Beaver Baldwin Andrew, moulder, 6 Morton Baldwin J, jr, 101 Pier, res 385 Lydius Baldwin Bronson A, cartman, Hamilton, west Dove Baldwin A T, teacher, 119 n Pearl Ballard Ambrose, carpenter, 46 Elm Bamber Wm, bds Franklin Baltimore S, rear 5 Park Bancroft John, carpenter, 108 Patroon Bancroft R L G, attorney, &c, Broadway, one door north Mec Bank, h 37 Grand Banker Mary, 162 n Pearl Banker Frederic, 41 Lark BANK OF ALBANY, State BANK OF NEW-YORK STATE, 69 State BANK COMMERCIAL, State BANK CANAL (Receiver) State BANK MECHANICS' AND FARMERS', Broadway, com. Exchange BANK CITY, State BANK EXCHANGE, Merchant's Exchange 75

BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST, Green, between Hamilton and Division BAPTIST CHURCH SECOND, n Pearl BAPTIST CHURCH SOUTH, S Pearl BAPTIST CHURCH, cor State and High Bantam' widow John, 2 Cross Barber Edgar A, 19 Jay Barber J, 373 State Barclay George C, lace store, 512 Broadway, b.2 Jay Bardwell Seth, bds American Barhydt Richard, piano maker, 20 Dove Barker Abraham B, 31 Jay Barker George, bds Delavan Barker Samuel, 83 Bleecker Barlow William, keeper Albion Hotel, cor Herkimer and Broadway Barnard Daniel D, attorney, 1 Academy Park Barnard George A, carpenter, 69 Eagle Barnard Frederick J & Son, lumber dealers, 220 Water, h 724 Broadway Barnard George T, skipper, 60 n Lansing Barnard S W, res 724 Broadway Barnes William, attorney, &c, 450 Broadway, res 292 State Barnes Martin, 16 Jackson Barnes Samuel *, printer, Hamilton, to Dove " Barnes D M, bds Stanwix Hall Barnes Simmons S, 60 Second, Arbor Hill Barney William, 423 Lydius Barney Paul C, 423 Lydius Barney widow James, 288 Lydius Barney Frank, carpenter, 15 Columbia Barragar Harriet, nurse, 166 Hudson TS BtorsMAir'a ALBANY DIRECTORT.

Barrett Charles^ gtocer, cor Franklin and John Barrett Wyman R, produce dealer, 31 Quay, h 21 High Barrett Richard, 74 Canal Barrett Wm gold beater, 49 Hudson Barrett Hugh, 108 Swan, Arbor Hill Barrett Patrick, 74 Canal Barrett widow, Rebecca, 110$ Hamilton Barron W H, tailor, 109 Beaver Barronskill John, 16 Willett Barry Edward, butcher, 471 Washington Barry John, laborer, 32 Water Barry Thomas, 49 Mulberry Barry James, gro.er, cor Hamilton and Fulton Barry Thomas, 93 Fulton Bartholomew Andrew, at A Kirk's Bartholomew Charles, grocer, cor Hudson and High Bartholomew Riley, 109 Green Bartlett Dennis N, 922 Broadway Bartlett Mary, 34 Westerlo Bartlett John, 46 Lawrence Bartlett Henry, 46 Lawrence Bartley Catharine, grocer, 156 Montgomery Bartley James, grocer, 65 Colonie Bartley James, carpenter, 77 Canal Barton Thomas, laborer, 38 Rensselaer Barton Catharine, 3 Patroon Bartrop Joseph, grocer, 15 Rose Bassett Daniel E, brick maker, cor Hudson Mid' Swan, Aid 10th ward Batcheldor John F, 28 Fayette Batcheldor Thiel, 23 Fayette Batcheldor Galen, bds at American Batcheldor G & E C, wholesale grocers, 18 Stale ' Batcheldor Edward C, (G & E C,) 23 Fayette Bateman Edward, paver, 4 Clinton HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 77

Bateman Thomas, morocco dresser, 577 Bowery • Bateman Richard carpenter, 23 * Lansing Bates Daniel, 116 s Pearl Bates J H, cooper, Elk w Swan Bates Amasa, gardener, lower end * Pearl Batus Jane, 44 Van Schaick Battel Mellen, machinist, shop cor of Orange and Water, h 3 Orange Battersby John, butcher, 118 Third Arbor Hill Battersby James, victualler, cor Patroon and n PeaiQ Batterson John M, carpenter, 23 Centre Baton Thomas, gardener, 84 Third Arbor Hill Batty Robert, moulder, cor Swan and Lydius Baumbark Frederic, laborer, 171 Broad Bay R S, 480 Broadway, res 32 n Pearl Bay John, 32 n Pearl Bay William, physician, 22 n Pearl Bays Simpson, malster, 183 Spring Beach Chas H, State hall, bds 69 Hamilton Beach Orrin M, clerk in Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank, h 102 Eagle Beall L J, 3 Park Place Beals Mrs S, 84 Beaver Beardsley Rufus G, attorney, &c, 53 State, bds Miss Carter's. Beardsley Nelson, Albany Hotel, 65 and 67 Wash. Beardsley widow, 38 Spring Beardsley William, hotel, 28 Washington Bcatty Alexander W, cooper, Patroon continued Beaver Alexander, 301 Bowery Beaver John, 357 State Beaver Jacob A, 23 Bradford Bebee Thomas T, carpenter, White Hall road Bebee Henry T, merchant, 62 Washington Bebee Asaph, pork dealer, 102 Beaver Bebee Thos, bds Franklin 78 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Bebee Edwin, proprietor Franklin House, 136 and 138 State Bechtel Peter, shoemaker, 251 Washington Beck T Romeyn, res 29 Elk Beck John, carpenter, 189 Orange Becker Aaron I, rear 105 Canal Becker Joseph, carpenter, 66 Canal ^ Becker James, 50 Westerlo Becker Wm, laborer, n Pearl ab Van Woert Becker Stanton, painter, 162 Patroon Becket George, 38 n Pearl Beckwith Wm, 206 Broadway Beecher Rev Luther F, pastor n Pearl Bap ch, res 31 Grand Bedell E T, res 162 Washington Bedell William, butcher, 303 Bowery Bedell & McKaig, druggists, 327 Broadway Bedell Daniel, produce dealer, 162 Washington Bedell Richard, victualler, stall 5 Centre Market, h 71 Knox Beeg Frederic, 78 Elk Beekman Misses, 56 Westerlo Beers Benjamin, cartman, Garden Beeny Stephen, 5 Van Tromp Beetham John, 335 Lydius Belden widow Martha, 42 Beaver Belden O W, bds City Hotel Belknap, McKercher & Campbell, coal dealers, cor Spencer and Montgomery Belknap Zabina, res 23 De Witt Bell Angelica, 156 Orange Bell Charles, bds 188 Washington Bell Sarah E, milliner, 46 Hudson Bell John E, 127 Swan Bell C H, barkeeper, Eagle street Hotel HOVFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 79

Bell widow Ann, 41 Second, Arbor Hill Bellman Eliza J, 96 Willett Bellew R, bds City Hotel Belcher Thomas, 152 Orange Belz Conradt, 108 Lark Beman Sylvester, 16 Ferry Bement Caleb N, city steam mills, 9 and 11 Hudson, h 85 Hamilton Bemus Alpheus, blacksmith, n Pearl ab Van Woert Benart John, glass blower, Dallius below Cherry Bendal Edward, porter house, 113 Arch Bendall Henry, hair dresser, 32 Hudson Bendall Job, porterhouse, cor Union and Hamilton Ben Peter, white-washer and crier for lost children, East Albany, enquire at 76 s Pearl Bender Martin, 437 Washington Bender Christopher W, chamberlain, bds 86 Hudson Bender E H, bookseller and stationer, 75 State, bds 84 Green Bender Matthew W, manufacturer fire brick, corner Dallius and Westerlo, res 74 Herkimer Bender William M, Lark, cor Lydius, h 53 Eagle Bender William, 211 Broad Bender Justus, basement Lutheran Church Benedict Henry, 8 Park Place Benedict Edmund, 8 Park Place Benedict Lewis, 8 Park Place Benedict Lewis, junior, attorney &c, Surrogate, City Hall, residence 8 park Place Benedict Henry, 97 Schuyler Benham George, 76 Westerlo Benjamin Caleb, White Hall, Bethlehem Benjamin G W, (Avery & Co,) 351 and 353 Broad­ way, h 74 Division Benjamin Augustus, 33 Beaver ©D HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Benjamin Hiram B, 158 Lydius Bennett William, St. Charles Hotel, 27 Hudson Bennett Epaminonidas, moulder, 235 Bowery Bennett Lewis H, 30$ Patroon Bennett Allen T, 48 Jay Bennett Michael, mason 10 Pine Bennett Richard F, carpenter, n Pearl above Van Woert Bennett Ezra B, merchant, 65 Quay, res 39 Dallius Bennett Thomas D, 84 Quay, h 40 Jay Bennett James, cartman, 110 Water Bennett Joseph, clockmaker, 42 Beaver Bennett & Griffin, produce dealers 84 Quay Bennett Thomas, 688 Broadway Bennett William, baker, 111 Swan Arbor Hill Bennett Thos carpenter, Hamilton w Dove Bent John, laborer, 332 Bowery Bentline John, confectioner, 2 Daniels Bensen Samuel, segar maker, 243 n Pearl Bensen John, 225 n Pearl Bensen David, 92 Third Arbor Hill Bensen (Nicholas) & Crannnel, (Matthew, jr,) plane makers, 116 State, cor Lodge, h 50 Hawk Bensen Gerrit, broker, 29 Maiden Lane, h 59 Chapel Benson Joseph, laborer, 140 Green Benson widow Elizabeth, 24 Van Schaick Benson Adam, 20 Dewitt Benson Matthew, 20 Dewitt Bentley Charles W, agent for Boston & Providence packet, 83 Quay, res 99 Grand Bentley James R, 112 Pier, h 6 Dallius Benton Charles S, clerk of Court of Appeals, office State Hall, bds Stanwix Hall Benton Joseph, bookbinder 2 Dallius Benton Charles II, 110 Jefferson ' HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 81

Bergen William, laborer, cor Canal and Swan^ Bergen John, 52 Rensselaer Bergen Patrick, cooper, 39 Rensselear Bergen James, cooper, 46 Colonie Bergen William, laborer, 36 Arch Bergen Charles, grocer, 28 Quay Bergen Patrick, 28 Quay Bergen William, laborer, 142 Franklin Bergeron Joseph, Albany House, cor Lydius & Church Bergeron M, porter house, 1 Division, h HawkJ Bergeron Maximillon, 190 s Pearl Berliner Solomon, 122 Franklin ' Berrage John, mason, corner Swan and Westerlo Bernard John B, corner Arch and Broad Bernard Alexander, cook, 12 Orange Berresford Michael, laborer, 36 Water Berry Michael, Canal b Lark Berry Thomas, 454 State Berry Samuel, Sand above Robin Berry F B, 17 Daniels Berry William, 79 Orange , Berry widow, 349 Bowery Berrin Thomas, 68 Arch Bertholen Chas, boatman, 65 s Pearl Bertrand Louis, barber, cor Water and Steuben. Bertrand Jeremiah, 53 Montgomery Bertrand J, eating house, 1 Dean Beshitzky A, portrait painter, 214 * Pearl Bess Goodnow, 96 Montgomery Best Frederic, butcher, 369 Bowery Best Christopher, moulder, 23 Hawk Betts Peter, 223 Washington Betts Daniel L, 7 Dewitt Betts Richard D, 101 Columbia Beven John, cabinet maker, 22 Canal 6 82 Bevins Arthur, milkman, Patroon w Quail Bewsher John, shoemaker, 42 Fayette Bew Launcelot, clothing store, 307 Broadway, h 309 Bicknell Becker, Boston wooden ware store, &c, 397 Broadway, h 4 Van Tromp Biggerms Thomas, tailor, 86 Mulberry Big Henry, 7 Broad Bigham Andrew S, 270 State Bigly Michael, constable, 104 Van Woert Bigly George, tobacconist, 86 Beaver Bigly James, 104 Van Woert Bigelow F, stage proprietor bds Eagle st Hotel Bigelow U G, physician, 30 s Pearl Billings Nelson, 350 State, bds Eagle st Hotel Billings Carlos, book agent, 27 Division Billbroock George, 48 Colonie Billson Abram 59 Columbia Billson Adam, mason, 34 Van Schaick Billson Abraham, mason, 411 Washington Bilyieu Ira, mason, 32 Spring Bilyieu widow, Margaret, 66 Patroon Bily'ieu Cornelius B, builder, 66 Patroon Bingham George W, 3 Swan Bingham Reuben H, attorney, &c, 450 Broadway, h 3 Swan Birban Mathias, laborer, 98 Franklin Birch Ruth, widow, 183 Lydius Birch George A, grocer, 45 Washington, h 43 Birdsall William, lumber dealer, 37 Pier, bds Stan­ wix Hall Birdsall George, shoemaker, 52 n Lansing Birge James, segar maker, 120 Snipe Birmingham widow James, 15 Rose Birley William, malster, 43 Colonie Bischoff Henry, 57 Union Bishop William G, reporter, 111 Hudson HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 83

Bishop William, laborer, 3 Clinton Bissell William, 53 CUnton Black John, carpenter, 5 Franklin Place Blackall James, sexton First Presbyterian Church, 90 Beaver Blackall Robert, 159 Hamilton Blackall William J, 70 Fulton Blackall J & W J, bell-hangers and locksmiths, cor Hamilton and Fulton Blackall Joseph, jr, 135 Lydius Blackhall William, moulder, cor Green and Schuy­ ler Blackhall widow Sarah, 109 s Pearl Blackwell E, bds Mansion House Blackman George, 431 State Blackman John,|baker, 323 Bowery Blackman J, 162 x Pearl Blair Alexander, 22 Canal Blail John, Arbor Hill, between First and Second Blair A & Co, upholsterer, 36 Green, res 33 Van Zandt Blair John, teamster, 9 Knox Blair John T, grocer, 100 Washington Blair David, brassfounder, 34 Eagle Blake George T, hatter, 12 Wendell Blake Owen, grocer, 15 Columbia Blake William, 25 Broadwy Blake Ezekiel, coppersmith, 108 Third, Arbor Hill Blake George T, 73 Mulberry Blake Thomas, laborer, 87 Church Blake widow Henry, 79 Ferry Blakeman E C, tin and sheet iron stove store, 92 State, h 4 Daniels Blakemore William, tailor, 21 First, Arbor Hill Blanch John, shoemaker, 12 Cross 84 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.. Blanchard Anthony, attorney, &c, Blunt's buildings, 94 State, res 99 Washington Blanchard Justus W, wholesale and retail millinery store, 515 Broadway Blanchard Elisha, baker, 79 Church, h 15 s Lansing Blanchard Reuben J, 78 Lydius Blanchard Alonzo L, 132 s Pearl Blanse Adam, cor Alexander and Hudson Blarey widow, 230 Washington Blatner Henry, merchant, 21 Hamilton Blatner & Co, dry goods and jewelry, 348 Broadway BLEECKER HALL, 531 Broadway Bleecker James, 92 s Pearl Bleecker Gerrit V S, 93 s Pearl, Aid 3d ward Bleecker G V S, jr, 93 s Pearl Bleecker Charles E, 93 s Pearl Bleecker George M, wholesale dry goods, 406 Broadway, res 58 n Pearl Bleecker Nicholas, clerk "Albany Bank, h 15 Ten Broeck Bleecker William E, offiee 14 Maiden Lane, res 37 n Pearl Bleecker Harmanus, 42 Chapel Bleecker Harmanus, jr, 613 Broadway Bleecker Henry, merchant, 14 Maiden Lane, res 58 n Pearl, alderman 5th ward Blessing Lucinda, 305 Bowery Bliss Eleazer, butcher, 425 Lydnis Bliss Harvey, 10 Park Bliss George W, 29 Fayette Bliss C A, bds Franklin Blood John, shoemaker, 266 Washington, s b Bloodgood William, 111 State Bloodgood Francis W, attorney &c, 94 State, res 111 State HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 85

Bloomer Richard, mason, 59 Schuyler Bloomingdale William H, lumber dealer, ab n Ferry, bds Lumberman's Hotel ' Bloomingdale Benjamin, 47 Phillip Bluett Thomas, blacksmith, 60 Church Boardman Elizabeth, 10 High Boardman & Gray, piano forte manufacturers and music dealers, 4 and 6 n Pearl, and 79 State Boardman John H, stone cutter, Chestnut Boardman William, builder, 91 Hudson Boardman William G,6n Pearl, res 85 Columbia Boardman William, carpenter, 46 Howard, h 91 Hudson Boardman John, builder, 9] State Boardman James, boatman 24 John Bodine David, coach painter, 23 Van Zandt Bogardus Elizabeth, 57 Howard Bogart John, 177 Broadway Bogitt William K, 59 Second, Arbor Hill Boice Isaac, shoemaker, 77 First, Arbor Hill Bollard James, coachmaker, 4 Rose Boles William H, printer, Lydius ab Lark Bolles Edward R, coach trimmer, 9 Union Bonner Andrew, saddler, 329 Lydius Boner John, 114 Green Bonney Thomas, pedler, 96 Spring Bonfee Josiah, paper-hanger, 8 William Booge Charles, 27 5 Pearl Boom William, cartman, 795 Broadway Boom widow, 162 Orange Booth Thomas, cartman, rear 47 Fayette Booth Joseph, laborer, 58 n Lansing Booth Philo, 231 State' Booth William, merchant tailor, .47 High Born widow Mary, 184 Broadway 86 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECEORY.

Born Joseph C, tinman, 90 Green, h 78 Ferry Borthwick Harvey, 175 Hamilton Borthwick Hamilton, 441 Lydius Bortle Wm, bds 162 Broadway Bortle Richard, groceries and provisions, 272 Broad­ way, res 97 Grand Boughton Daniel, hat store 411 Broadway, res 25 Liberty Bouge James, 42 Orange Bouhver Jeptha, 53 First, Arbor Hill Bounds widow, 20 Bleecker Bourdeaux Jacob, 140 Lark Bouse" Robert, blacksmith, 360 State Bow Oliver, hatter, 69 Beaver Bow William H, 54 Quay, res 31 Beaver Bowe Michael, 371 State Bowen S T, bds 140 State Bowen T H, 79 Washington Bowers David N, confectioner, 916 Broadway Bowers Benjamin, carpenter, 916 Broadway Bowhay Mrs^Mary, Chestnut Bowhay James G, currier, 131 Hamilton Bowles William, 116 Lydius ' Bowles Chauncey G, bds 5 Montgomery Bowman Peter E, flour and provision merchant, 49 Quay, bds Franklin Bowne John, 73 Lumber , Bowne John H, 71 Lumber Boyd David, coachman, 113 First, Arbor Hill Boyd Thomas, hatter, 537 Broadway, h 46 Beaver Boyd Francis, shoemaker, 18 Park Boyd James, mason, 190 n Pearl Boyd Robert, brewer, 61 Ferry Boyd & Brother. John S and David I, Arch street Brewery, cor Franklin HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 87

Boyd & Hinman, dry goods, 396 Broadway Boyd R D, bds Churchills Boyd David I, 61 Ferry Boyd widow Peter, 71 Ferry Boyd James P, physician, office and residence on cor Hudson and Grand Boyd John I, res 61 Ferry Boyd Barent S, waterman, 44 Union Boyd Isaac, tailor, 24 Quay, res 33 Steuben Boyd John, 11 Morton Boyd John, laborer, 14 Lumer Boyd S V, dry goods, 594 & 596 Broadway, res 23 Patroon Boyd Howard P, 120 Hamilton Boyd Mrs, millinery, 31 Green Boyd Thomas, chandler, 87 Herkimer Boylan Dennis, paver, 45 Rensselaer Boyle Felix, laborer, 284 Washington, s b Boyle Arthur, stucco plasterer, 16 Van Schaick - Boyle Daniel, coppersmith, 21 Quackenbush Boyle Joseph, 117 Broad Boyle Francis, 112 Third, Arbor Hill Boyle John, blacksmith, 223 Pearl Boyle Joseph, butcher, 50 Canal Boyle James, 155 Orange Boyle Richard, laborer, 149 Orange Boyle Michael, 36 Van Woert Boyle widow James, 35 Rensselaer Boyle James, butcher, 2 Clinton Boynton widow Jonah C, 38 Westerlo Bracken Cornelius, laborer, 12 Clinton Bracken widow, grocer, 12 Clinton Bradbury E, livery stable, James, h 40 Van Schaick Braden John, 1 Montgomery Larie Bradley James, laborer, 491 Washington 88

Bradley Elam T, grocer, 71 Washington Bradley Lucien, 42 Orange Bradmire Martin, cor Snipe and Sand Bradstreet William H, mason, 24 William Bradstreet widow Mary, 24 William Bradwell Robert, 84 Broad Bradwell Schuyler, 25 Church Bradwell Thomas, moulder, 45 Mulberry Bradt John L, coachman, 150 Spring Bradt Julia, dress maker, 150 Spring Bradt widow Joseph, 43 Washington Bradt widow Daniel, 338 Lydius Bradt Gerrit J, 99 Hamilton Bradt George, 90 Beaver Bradt William, 90 Bassett Bradt Peter, mason, 90 Bassett Bradt Peter A, pilot, 276 s Pearl Bradt William, victualler, 212 Broadway, h 84 Bassett Bradt Jeremiah, 349 Bowery Bradt Adrian, 303 Bowery Bradt John, 205 n Pearl Brady Bernard, Canal e Swan Brady Francis, tailor, Hawk, near Canal Brady Cornelius, laborer, 216 Broadway Brady John, 46 Van Schaick Brady Patrick, laborer, 47 Third, Arbor Hill Brady Bernard, 113" Third, Arbor Hill Brady Phillip, laborer, cor Rensselaer and Arch Brady widow, rear 85 Canal Brady Patrick, laborer, 218 Green Brady John, laborer, 68 Colonie Brady Edward, mason, 74 Colonie Brady widow Bernard, rear 51 Lawrence Brainard Daniel, 17 Clinton HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 89

Brainard Elijah, block and pump maker, 23 Quay,h 4 Quackenbush Brainard George, police officer, 11 Park Brainard widow Elijah, 6 Quackenbush Brainard B C, agent Schuyler & Co's line barges, 29 Quay, res Greenbush bank Bragin Nicholas, 32 Van Woert Brammall George G, grocer, 82 Quay h 74 Green Branan John, laborer, 53 Canal Branan Dennis, 40 Second Arbor Hill Brand William, shoemaker, rear 169 Hudson B: assail John, porter, 36 Third, Arbor Hill Brassure John W, lamp maker, 7 Broad Bratt Gerrit T, wholesale and retail dealer in liquors, cor William and Howard, res 111 Green Bratt Henry, mason, 10 Ferry Bratt GT,\jr, 111 Green Brawley Patrick, tailor, 70 Van Woert Bray Matthew, printer, 238 Lydius Bray Martin, mason, 52 Jefferson . Bray Francis, shoemaker, 100 Orange Bray widow, 57 Van Schaick Brayton widow Andrew, 55 First, Arbor Hill Brayton John P,; 14 Steuben Brayton Stephen V R, civil and police constable, 1 Phcenix Place, Hudson .'. Brayton James, 63 Fulton Breen Edward, coppersmith, 54 Philip Breen Moses, coppersmith, 110 Third, Arbor Hill Breenan widow, 129 Orange Brenan Patrick, laborer, 108 Orange Brenan Martin, laborer, 76 Canal Brenan widow, 73 Canal Brenan Alexander, blacksmith, 48 Herkimer Brenan John, 73 Colonie 90 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Brentnall Charles, painter, 397 Lydius Bressett Fabian, 238 Lumber Bretan Henry, shoemaker, 53 n Lansing Brevaton John, liquor store, 187 s Pearl Brew Robert, 42 Fayette Brew Robert, teamster, 349 Bowery. Brewer John A, grocer, 206 Water Brewster David L, ship carpenter, 34 Spring Briare Benjamin, saloon, 456 and 458 Broiaway Briare Joseph, confectioner, 39 n Pearl Brickner Caiman, Syracuse House, 222 Broadway Brickner John, potter, 382 Bowery Brick Jeremiah, butcher, 455 Bowery Bridge M H, bds Delavan Bridgeford John, mason, 138 Spring Bridgeford, widow of Wm, 41 Lark ,, Briggs R B & Co, druggists, 4 Exchange, h 32 Lodge Briggs Walter W, Maiden Lane Saloon, 28 Maiden Lane, res 17 Steuben Briggs Mrs Maria, 17 Philip Briggs James blacksmith, n Pearl ab Van Woert Briggs John, 196 Lumber Brightman Adolphus, mason, 52 Arch Brimhall Henry, baker, 134 Canal Brinckerhoff Abraham S, 112 State Brinckerhoff widow John, 181 Hamilton Brinckerhoff Mrs, day and boarding school, 112 State z Brinckerhoff Mrs Elizabeth 62 n Pearl Brinckerhoff Edward, 62 n Pearl Brinsmade J B,.jr, attorney, &c, Douw's Buildings, bds City Hotel Brisland Peter, 31 Van Woert Britt James, laborer, 64 Fulton Britton L L, keeper Stanwix Hall, Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY EIRECTORY. 91

Brockway Josephus, jr, dentist, res 16 n Pearl Brockway Charles, 56 Arch Brofree Thomas, rear of Chesnut Brolly Patrick, shoemaker, 32 Quay Brora Nicholas, moulder, 8 Alexander Bromley S R, grocer, 4 Division, h 81 Green Bromhall Jacob, moulder, 372 Lydius Bronk Henry, blacksmith, 52 Philip Bronk W H, carpenter 173 Hamilton Bronk Rensselaer, barber, 8 Beaver Bronson Greene C, judge of court of appeals, 141 Washington Brooks C, melodeon maker, &c, 83 State Brooks David, coppersmith, 83$ Washington Brooks Jonathan,jr, provision and grocery store, 79 Green, h 128 Green Brooks Jonathan, 13 Plain Brooks William, 6 Ferry Brooks Elizabeth, 96 s Pearl Brooksby William, stone cutter, 39 s Lansing Brookton Chas, prof music, bds North River Hotel Brower J H, painter, 25 Daniels, h 87 Hudson Brower Alburtus, groceries & provisions, 194 Broad­ way Brower Hessel E, coroner 224 State Brower Hessel, segar maker 343 Bowery Brower S D, (H H & Co,) silversmith, 185 Hamil­ ton Brown Anthony 31 Water Brown I S, cor Plain and Grand Brown widow John C, cor Hudson and Swan Brown widow Rachel, nurse, 80 Spring Brown E R, pattern-maker, 11 Church Brown Alfred E, dry goods, 788 and 790 Broadw'y Brown Stephen, clerk, 12 Lodge 92 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Brown George, cabinet maker, 19 Washington Brown James, attorney, &c, 78 State, res 50 Hawk Brown A E, res 2 Clinton square Brown A Heyer, office 17 Commercial Buildings, res 79 n Pearl Brown Lysander, 4 Dove Brown Michael, 170 Orange Brown Elias P, 838 Broadway Brown Eleanor, 92 Columbia Brown Albert H, 13 Railroad avenue •Brown John, coachman, 19 Hawk Brown James, teamster, Hudson, near Lark Brown Horace, carpenter, 13 Railroad avenue ' Brown Matthews, grocery and provision store, 122 Water Brown Moses, carpenter, 79 Lawrence Brown Richard, 5 Wendell Brown William, silver plater, shop 13 Church, res 96 Eagle Brown John, 168 Spring Brown widow George, 9 Park Brown John D, laborer, 330 Bowery Brown Edward, laborer, 157 Broadway Brown J S, bds 27 Grand Brown J, hackman, bds Eagle st Hotel Brown widow Sarah, 30 Hawk Brown John, grocer, 211 Washington Brown John', porter house, 15 William Brown John, porter house, .223 s Pearl Brown William G, dry goods, 490 Broadway, res 20 Grand, cor Hudson Brown Daniel, Albany canal store, 25 Lawrence Brown James M, physician, 97 Herkimer Brown John, laborer, 93 Fulton Brown Edward R, pattern Maker,, 74'Hamilton HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 93

Brown Daniel, 4 Quackenbush Brown Samuel, shoemaker, 12 Quay Brown John P^ moulder, 24 Franklin Brown Timothy, 148 Church Brown Thomas, blacksmith, 81 Bleecker Brown Stephen, 246 Washington Brown Solomon, mail agent, 35$ Fayette Brown widow Malina, 7 Park Brown Anthony, whitewashes 349$ Bowery Brownlee Samuel, 65 Lydius Brownloo John, carpenter, 165 Second Arbor Hill i Brownroot Chas, 720 Broadway Brucher J G, tailor, 214 s Pearl Bruce and Clemshire, carpenters,_58 Patroon Bruce and Young, Ex brokers, 13 Exchange Bruce Alonzo, pension agent, 42 Washington Bruce William, 61 Patroon Bruce widow Janet, 7 Canal Brumaghim David, 300 Washington, s b Brumaghim Albert G, grocer, 68 Wash, h 313 Bryan widow of John, 85 Herkimer Bryan widow David, 65 Fulton Bryan Charles, 85 Herkimer Bryant William, tallow chandler, cor Church & Arch Buck Darius, h 147 n Pearl Buck William H, res 33 Van Schaick Buckbee John, 60 n Ferry Buckbee Daniel, porter house, 6 Stanwix Hall Buckbee Edward, painter, 245 n Pearl Buckbee Gourlay. pilot, 35 Dewitt Buckbee H H, agent for railroad, res 59 Green Buckbee James A, inspector of spirits, 2 Chesnut Buckley John, 103 Westerlo Buckley Timothy, laborer, 31 Van Woert Buckley Henry, 37 Maiden Lane 94 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY

Buckley Thomas, 75 Jefferson Buckley William, 58 s Lansing Buckley widow Edmund, cor Rensselaer & Franklin Buckley Patrick, 106 Jefferson Buckley Edmund, mason, 106 Jefferson Buckley Edward, 173 Green Buckman widow John, 276 Washington Buel Jesse, 19 Fayette Buel Charles, n of railroad Buel William P, western turnpike Buell Henry T, bds 51 n Pearl Bulger Nicholas, 232 Washington Bulger John, grocer, 25 Quay Bulger R, clothing store, 1 and 2 Exchange building, h 48 Steuben Bulger widow, 75 Westerlo Bulger Edward, 56 Quay, Oregon House, h 75 Wes­ terlo Bulgin Arthur, accountant and teach book-keeping, 3 Blunt's buildings Bulkley & Crapo, merchants, 50 Quay Bulkley Abel, 64 Patroon Bulkley William, 58 s Lansing Bulkley John W, teacher district school, h 72 Sec­ ond, Arbor Hill Bulkley H H, provisions 5 Exchange, res 37 Maiden Lane Bulkley John, grocer, 44 Patroon Bull Montgomery, 37 Division Bull John C, 27 Lancaster Bullock Andrew M, 17 High Bullock John M, 74 Herkimer Bullock John R, physician, 74 Herkimer Bullock Joseph N, 176 Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 95

Bulson David A, rope maker, 201 Lumber, Arbor Hill Bunah John, shoemaker, 121 Franklin Bunker Edward, bds 23 Jay Burbank Robert G, piano maker, 67 Second Arb'r Hill Burbanks George, 5 Hamilton Burbanks Charles, 83 Church Burbanks C & G, oyster dealers, cor Broadway and Hamilton Burbanks Chester, 28 Second, Arbor Hill Burbank Mrs, corner Ferry and Church Burdick John G, moulder, 26 Ferry Burdick George W, mason 102 Church Burge William, 448 Washington Burgess Samuel, 119 Beaver Burgess Thomas, 479 Washington Burgess widow Robert, 61 * Pearl Burgess widow Sarah, 119 Beaver Burgess widow Ann, 191 s Pearl Burgess Leonard G, manufacturer of jeweller, 10 Plain, h 45 Dallius Burgess William, 45 Dallius Burhans David, 130 s Pearl Burhans Henry H, 131 Lydius Burk Bernard, tailor, 69 Rensselaer Burk Thomas,57 Montgomery Bnrk James, laborer, 105 Orange Burk Patrick, laborer, 14 Van Zandt Burk John, laborer, 81 Rensselaer \ Burk Patrick, 52 Rensselaer Burk John, 45 n Lansing Burk Mathias, 2 Orange Burk Thomas, 43 Columbia Burk William, grocer, cor Green and Westerlo Buike James, laborer, 105 Orange 96 H0FFAMAN ALBANY DIRECTORY ^

Burke James, laborer, 191 Broadway Burke John, tailor, 19 Park Burke James, 74 Grand / Burke Richard, mason, Bleeker Place Burke Patrick, laborer, 135 Church Burnham Henry, coachman, 43 Spring Burnham Joshua P, 70 Grand Burnham E J, printer, 173 Hamilton Burnham Gilbert W, Eagle house 295 Broadway Burnham John, combmaker, 51 Fayette Burnop John A, 90 Hudson Burnop William L, currier, 109 Jefferson Burnop widow Philip, 167 Hamilton Burnop John D, 167 Hamilton Burnop Miss C, milliner, .30 Hudson Bums John, laborer, 47 Rensselaer Burns Walter, 120 Broadway Burns Francis P, piano forte maker, 83 State, res1 30 Steuben Burns John, 117 Broad Burns Lawrence, laborer, 46 Van Schaick Burns John, cooper, 67 Third, Arbor hill Burns John, porter house, 164 Broadway Burns Morris, 11 Westerlo Burns Charles, junk shop, 160 Montgomery Burns John, First, e Swan, Arbor Hill Burns William, Hudson w Lark Burns Richard, 87 Westerlo Burns James, laborer, 3 Lancaster Alley, Burns Martin, laborer, 170 Lumber Burns Edward, junkshop, cor. Church and s Lansing Burns widow Dennis, 32$ Howard Burns John, gardener, 519 Bowery Burns John, cartman, 60 Lawrence Burnside William, Bethlehem turnpike HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. H

Burr Emmet D, bds 51 n Pearl / Burrus Charles A, 12 Exchange, bds at Boston Hotel Burrows W G, druggist, 45 * Pearl, cor Plain Burrows Charles N, carpenter, 62 Howard Burt Thomas, 45 Center Burt John, intelligence office and agency, 221 « Pearl, res 34 Jefferson Burt James D, brewer, 23 Lumber Burt Edward, confectioner, 22 * Pearl Burt Uri, brewer, 57 Lumber, brewery cor Montgo­ mery and Colonie '•• Burt Edward, jr. confectioner, 156 s Pearl Burt Ruth, dressmaker, 57 Lumber Burt Charles A, 57 Lumber Burton Matthew, carpenter, 814 Broadway Burton R J, Thompsonian physician, 66 Chapel Burton Charles E, 75 Green Burton James & Co, looking-glass manufacturers, t Green, h 45 Hudson Burton H, boots and shoes, 38$ a Pearl, res 140 Ha*- milton 5 Burton John I, attorney, &c, 66 State^ res 39 Swan Burton S P, merchant, 198 and 200 Broadway, res 49 Herkimer Burton B, druggist, 550 Broadway, res 69 Patroon Burton Francis C, saddler, 11 Railroad Avenue Burton W, boots arid shoes, 604 Broadway, bds 14d Hamilton Bush Walter R, (J Goold & Co,) res 72 Herkimer Bush John, rear Chestnut Alley, Buss Charles, grocer, cor Herkimer and Green Bussell Daniel, 32 Jefferson Bussey John, chairmaker, bds 26 Maiden Lane Butler James, butcher, Pleasant st Butler Thomas, 54 Colonie 7 10 HOFFMAN'* ALBANY HSaoniT.

Butler John, laborer, 55 Rensselaer iSutlec Patrick, laborer, 37 Rensselaer Butler widow John W, 52$ Phillip Butler Matthew, 99 Hamilton Butler George, cartman, 136 Broad JButJer Thomas, 15Q Broad Butler Rchard, painter, 189 Orange Butler John, brewer, 86 Green Butler Calvin, jr, 314 Bowery Buller John, 188 Lumber Butt Amelia, 24 Willett Butts George, 71 Maiden Lane Byers Presley, carpenter, 97 First, Arbor Hill Byers William, 37 Van Woert Bygate Richard, 844 Lydius Bygate Richard, grocer, 373 Lydius Byrne Michael, grocer, 214 Broadway Uyrne John, cooper, 112 Pier, h 52 Hamilton Byrnes Morris, 11 Westerlo flyfnes James, cooper, 58 n Ferry Byrnes Patrick, laborer, 145 Canal Bu*2ee Abraham, baker, 71 $ Pearl

C. CADE WALTEM, mason, 126 Broad Cady George E, proprietor Northern Hotel, cprnef Broadway and Orange Cady H D & W J, proprietors Otsego House, 74 "Washington Cady Jphn D, 84 Washington Cafferty William C, tailor, 57 Division Cagen Michael, laborer, 157 Orange Cagger Peter, attorney, &c,.office 57 State, res 738 Broadway , HUFFMAN'S ACBANT Bunrnum. >(

Cabill —— 42 * Lansing Cahill Thomas, contractor, 81 First Avenue, dais Cahill laborer, 71 Broadway Cahill John, laborer, 52 Lawrence Cahill John, 14 Van Zandt Cahill Matthew, laborer, 75 Arch Cain John, shoemaker, 99 Eagle Cain James, blacksmith, 83 Bleecker Cain Thomas, laborer, SO Arch Cain James, cartman, 209 Orange Cain John, 185 Montgomery Cain William, shoe store, 70 s Pearl Cain Jeremiah, cab driver, 68 Jackson Cain W, Spruce, e Hawk Calhoun John, brickmaker, 202 Green Calhoun Stephen L, Lydius, v> Knox, Caldwell John L, 94 Second, Arbor Hill Caldwell William J, carriage maker, 90 Green,Ms* Ferry Callanan James junior, attorney, &c, 60 State, k 81 Beaver Callanan Patrick, 40 Canal ' Callanan & Gibbs, attorneys^ &c, 50 State Callaghan Peter, shoemaker, 33 Quay Caligan James, 280 Bowery Callahan Michael, 3 Eagle Callender David, 116 Water, res 178 n Pearl Calverly Stubbs, grocer, 124 Broadway Calverly widow Charles, 40 Spring Cameron widow, milliner, 704 Broadway Cameron William carpenter, 24 Chesnut Cameron Daniel,' 190 Hamilton cor Eagle Cameron widow, 165 Orange ' Cameron Angus, carpenter, 24 High Cameron Robert, segar maker, 112 Lydius KW HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Cameron widow, rear 56 Second, Arbor Hill Camon Margaret, 34$ Green Camp D H, painter, 105 * Pearl Camp Edward A, printer, 265 State Campbell Andrew, laborer,-49 Alexander Campbell Archibald, res 60 Chapel Campbell John, physician, 60 Chapel Campbell Duncan, attorney, 60 Chapel Campbell John W, grocer, 9 n Ferry Campbell Stewart, 58 Hamilton Campbell George, 92 Patroon ' Campbell Mrs Christiana, confectioner, cor Hamil­ ton and Green Campbell Rev John N, pastor First Presbyterian church, res 93 Hudson' Campbell Mrs Elizabeth, 54 Division Campbell Hugh, grocer, 148 Broad Campbell widow, Harriet L, 19 Franklin place Campbell Cornelius, 87 Swan, Arbor Hill Campbell Rev Wm H, Principal Albany Academy, res south wing, 1 Fayette Campbell William, 13 Canal Campbell Robert C, dairyman. 248 Washington Campbell Thomas, Hudson w Eagle, b High Campbell John, stovr mounter, 80 First, Arbor Hill Campbell William, 68 Spring Campbell John, 212 Green Campbell John, 41 n Lansing Campbell David, bds 42 Washington Campbell Thos, laborer, rear 10 Van Tromp Campion John, 9 Colonie Campion Patrick, laborer, 33 Canal CANAL COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 198 Water Canavan Edward, 112 Orange Canavan Nicholas, shoemaker, 12 Cross »- HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 101

Canar John, 216 Snipe Candy Robert, 165 Green Canfield Thomas, 55 Howard Canfield Wiiliam, laborer, 68 Colonie Cannon William, furrier, 71 Colonie Canoll J Angelo, 345 Lydius Canoll James, 25 Dallius Canoll John H, 345 Lydius Cantine Misses, 163 n Pearl Cantwell Thomas, stone cutter, 64 Van Woert Cantwell John, grocer, cor Hamilton and High Capron Benjamin, 49 Lawrence Capron Misses, 105 Spring Capron Daniel, carpenter, Spruce b Dove and Swan Capron Edward C, 25 Howard Capron Sarah, 97 Beaver Capps John, grainer, 238 Lydius Cardie, Patrick, moulder, 46 Cherry Carhart E A, 357 State Carhart Peter, 104 Herkimer Carhart Thomas D, shoemaker, 21 Lodge Carle James, drover, 233 State Carbury Louisa, milliner, 83 s Pearl Carl Joseph, 288 Washington $ b Carl Lawrence, 40 Franklin Carls John D, blacksmith, 57 Grand Carls John, cartman, 59 s Lansing Carls J D, stoop rail manufacturer, 18 William Carlin widow, 53 Van Schaick Carlisle James, laborer, 99 Orange Carlisle Joseph, 129 Orange Carly Patrick, rear 79 Ferry Carlow George, 255 Washington Carlow William H.. 23 Hawk Carman Theodore, 68 Patroon 100; Hoynsedr'*'AL9Avr DIRRCBOBY.

Carmichael widow James, 44 BeRVer Carmichael Peter M, bds 48 Chapel Carmichael James, provisions and grain, 4 Bxchafcge bds 26 Plain Carmody R J, organist, 19! » Pearfl Carmody Simon, 41 Van WoeYt Carney , laborer, 30 Canal Carpenter Mrs Elizabeth, 123 n Peftri Carpenter Robert, 123 n Pearl- Carpenter Isaac, 47 Jay Carpenter George W, city surveyor, office City Hal! h 33 Patroon Carpenter Henry, (Carpenter & Kirk) 74 Lumber Carpenter & Kirk, merchant tailors, 71 State Carpenter Seymour, 47 Centre Carpenter William, tailor, Hawk cor Hudson Carr John, gardner, 150 Jefferson Carr William A, ship carpenter, 26 Bleeker Carr widow, 40 Canal Carroll widow James, cor Hudson and Hawk Carroll John H, bds Franklin Carroll Arlond, dealer in lumber, above n Ferryfjee 754 Broadway Carroll John, 481 Washington! b Carroll Lawrence, grocer* 89 Canal Carroll Thomas, rear 42 Phillip Carroll widow Patrick, 46 Rensselaer Carroll < Cornel* us j laborer, 144 Lumber Carroll Anthony, tinman, 47 Cherry Carroll Agnes, 32 n Pearl Carroll Miss Elizabeth, 11 Steiften Carroll John, moulder, 8 Baker's Alley Carroll Thomas, laborer, 6 Baker?* Alley Carroll Patrick, cooper, 58 rtFerry ) Carroll William, 82 Water utmmxar'n ALBAVY WAECTORY. MP

Carroll Patrick, moulder, 920 Broadway Carroll John, tobacconist, 109 Canal . .-, Carroll William, blacksmith, cor Spencer and Montr grime: y Carroll William D, cartman, 113 Lumber , > Carroll Owen, cartman, 167 Third, Arbor Hill . Carroll Edward, grocer, 17 Quay Carroll James, mason, Orange cor Swan Carroll Patrick, 215 Orange Carroll Mrs Ann, 158 State Carroll John, moulder, cor Jefferson and Swan Carroll widow, 3S n Pearl Cafson Thomas, watchmaker, 98 State, res 21 ParM? Carson David, jeweller, 98 State, res 21 Park Carson Robert H, engraver, 6 Exchange, res21 Parsf Carter E F, Principal Female Seminary, 67 Division Carter Joseph I, office cor Quay and Hudson, h 136 Green Carter Samuel jr, painter, 23 Orange Carter Charles, livery stable, 26 Steuben, bds IS Norton Carter George T, variety store, 446 Broadway, ml' 12 Norton Carter John, pattern maker, 135 Lydius Carter William C, 43 Montgomery Carter Misses, 140 State Carter Samuel, cabinet maker, 39 Jefferson Carter Samuel P, 11 Exchange Building, res Iff" Hamilton cor Eagle Carty Barney, laborer, 149 Montgomery Carty Michael, 11 Lawrence Cary Dennis, malster, Bradford v> Robin Cary John, cooper, 89 Canal • -> Cary widow Anna? 747 Broadway » Cary Thomas, laborer, 1% Van Zandt > Sll HOFFMAN'S ALBARY DiBRottwr.

Cary James, rear 59 Lawrence Cary James, laborer, 30 Elm Gary. Thomas, carpenter, 30 Elm Cary Dennis, carpenter, cor Hamilton and Hawk Cary Henry, Hudson to Dove Carry John, sawyer, 67 Fulton Cary John, sawyer, 67 Fulton Cary David H, 9 Academy Park Cary Isaac H, 760 Broadway Cary Joseph, 24 Plain Cary Joseph & David H, flour, provision and pro­ duce dealers, 43 Quay Atry Samuel, flour and provisions, 13 State, h 32 Plain Cary Owen, 191 Third, Arbor Hill Cary Jeremiah, 122 Franklin Gary Patrick, 125 Green Case Jonathan H, physician, office and res 85 Lydi­ us, cor Rose Case L, caipenter, 94 Montgomery Case Truman, carpenter, 94 Montgomery Case George S, 11 Lumber Case A B, printer, 85 s Pearl Case George, blacksmith, 47 Van Woert Casey John, rear 110 Orange Casey John, 48 Van Schaick Casey Jeremiah, 353 State Casey John, laborer, 22 Van Zandt Casey Oda, carpenter, cor Hawk and Patroon Cashin Thomas, grocer, 42 Water Cashman William, wheel right, n Pearl con Cashman John, laborer, 43 Dewitt Cassidy Michael, 137 Swan Cassidy Henry, victualler, 682 Broadway Cassidy Margaret, 63 Chapel • HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 106.

Cassidy William, attorney, &c, editor of Albany At­ las, 63 Chapel Cassidy William M, dry goods, cor Swan and Lumber Cassidy Widow John, 54 Bradford Cassidy Ambrose S, 63 Chapel Cassidy Barney, 40 Van Schaick Cassidy* Henry, laborer, 8 Clinton Cassidy George, skipper, 128 * Pearl Cassidy William, laborer, 54 Chilrch Cassidy Clinton, 63 Chapel Cassidy Patrick, 39 Rensselaer Cassidy Francis, moulder, 177 Orange Cassidy Charles, shoemaker, 66 Swan, Arbor hill Cassin John, shoemaker, Spencer, cor Broadway Casper Alois, 283 Washington Castenbaum Nathan, pedlar, 220 s,Pearl Casten Catharine, 19 Van Woert Castle William, printer, 315 State Castle William, 3 n Ferry Castle William, butcher, 327 State Castle John, Canal, 6 Dove and Lark Castleton Levi, Lydius, to Knox Cathwright Joseph, blacksmith, 45 Van Woert Caton William, lower end Green Caton Richard, rear 148 Broad Caton John, 71 Colonie Caton Paul, cooper, 14 Rose Caughy William, chandler, 69 Cherry Caughlin Patrick, laborer, 24 Rensselaer Cavanagh Thomas, currier, 45 Fayette Cavanagh Michael, laborer, 105 Orange Cavanagh John, laborer, 18 Park Cavart & Clark, grocers, 685 Broadway Ceneah John, 123 Franklin Cesar Getty, 179 Spring 1W H(*F*»fA»'* ALBANY' DIRECTOR*.

CENTRE MARRBY, ••* Pearl, between Howard and Beaver Chadsey GW, keeper Saratoga House, 719 Broad­ way Chadwick Thomas, cartmRm, 237 n Pearl Chadwick Lucy, widow, 40 Spring Chadwick A D, 37 Fayette CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE, City Hall Chamberlain Jonas'H, 672 Broadway Chamberlain & Olmsted, agents for New-York and Seneca Falls Line, and New-York and Genesee Valley Line, 42 Quay, up stairs Chamberlain Lee, bds City Hotel Chamberlin N W, grocer, 860 Broadway, h9 Van Woert Chambers David, Westerlo, above Hawk Chambers William, 100 Nucella Chambers Thomas, porter house, 79 s Pearl Chambers Catharine, 920 Broadway Chambers widow, 42 Orange Chambers Math'ew, 150 Swan Chambers Horace, bds Eagle street Hotel Chambers' Francis, 85 Canal Chambers John, hair-dresser, basement 12 Exchange Champion Lewis, furrier, 16 Park Chandler Samuel T, grocer, 178 Broadway Chandler Jeremiah, cartman, 7 Dewitt Chapin Lymanj merchant, 44 Quay, h 105 State Chapin O N & Co, Merchants Transportation €OJ 1 Hudson, up stairs, h 86 Hudson Chapin George, res 105 State » Chapman Henry E, boot and shoemaker, § Lav- caster Chapman Morgan L, grocer, 36 Quay Chapman Isaac A & Co, merchants, 3 & 5 StateiTei ' 48 Chapel Chapman John W, 81 QnkyJ h' 149 Hamilton ; Chapman Levi, 50 Chapel Chapman William & Sonj merohantsy 81 Quay^JP 353 Lydius Charbanow Anthony, 194 Green Charles Ambtose,lfi7 Snipe ' Charles George H, victualler*, cor Green and HerM-' mer, h 309 State Charles Thomas, butcher, 27 Canal Charles D D Tj (Van Heusen & Coj) - crockery deal­ ers, 62 State, res 192 Lydius Charles widow George, 176 $ Pearl Chase Samuel T, lumber inspector, 62 Water Chase John W, moulder, 112 Hamilton Chase Amasa, mason, 81 Lawrence Chase Nahum, printer, bds 21 Hudson Chase Jabez, blacksmith, 98 Hawk ' Chase Sylvanus G & Co, forwarding merchants, 11# Pier, res 18 Quackenbush Chase Clement^ grocer, 42 Spring Chase L A & Co, coffee and spice factory> 9 Ex­ change-street Chase L A. 73 Hamilton Chase William, pattern maker, 168 Hudson Chatfield A F, printer, 55 Green Chatterson Joseph, merchant tailor^ r&s Greenbush Chatfield Levi S, Attorney-General's Office, Starte Hal!, bdsMansion House' CBaterly Ja*mes, painter, 164 Lumber Claffey Owen, laborer, Spruce « Dove Cherry, James M, 277 Lydius' Cheesebro James, coachsmhfy 12 * Lansing Cheesebro & Elmendorf, coacb>maker3, 19 and 21 Church / Cheesebr* Ebenezer^ ccacfc makeYy sfaop lOCfawcfc res 23 Westerlo IDS HOfTMAir't ALBANY DIRECTORY,

Cheever Richard, laborer, 102 Water Cheever Calvin P, cartman, 10 Quackenbush Chestney Miss C B, 8 William Chestney James A, bds Franklin Chestney Mary R, 96 a Pearl Chesnut-tree Moses, pedlar, 107 Nucella Chester James, grocer, cor Arch and a Pearl Chester Patrick, brewer, 73 * Pearl Child R, bds American Childs Daniel, fruit dealer, 644 Broadway Chilton George, druggist, 36 Franklin Chipman James H, 44 Westerlo Chipman & Savage, commission merchants, 108 Pier Chism Ebenezer, mason, 68 First, Arbor Hill Chism J D, shoemaker 235 Lumber Chrisholm William, moulder, 14 Willett Chrisler Jacob & Co, painters, 819 Broadway Christian Joseph A, 38 Herkimer Christian W W, 91 Dallius Christian widow David, 809 Broadway Christie James, carpenter, 210 Hamilton Christy John, machinist, 70 Lydius Churchill Jerusha, 95 Orange Churchill widow, 64 n Pearl Churchill O, gunsmith, 88 State, h 15 Daniels Churchill widow Thomas, 130 Jefferson Churchill Alansing C, proprietor of Hudson-street Temperance House, 10 and 12 Hudson Churchill's Daguerreotype Gallery, 53$ State, h 69 Hudson CITY HOTEL, 23 Broadway CITY HALL, Eagle, fronting Washington CrrY MARSHALL, City Hall CITJ SURTE*OR, City Hall Clandenning William, saddler, &c, 607 Broadway > HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRBCTORY. 109

Clapp Elias, upholster, res 105 Grand Clapp widow Ruell, 95 Herkimer Clapp Abinar C, 26 Second, Arbor Hill Clapp Joseph H, 12 Lodge Clapper Africa, 812 Broadway Clare William, cartman, 34 Montgomery Clarey Michael, measurer, 60 Church Clark Hugh, 31 Lumber Clark & Summer, lumber dealers, above n Ferry Clark Thomas, carpenter, 184 Orange Clark Patrick, laborer, 1 Cross Clark Barington, shoemaker, 174 Third Arbor Hill Clark Josiah, 37 Steuben Clark Chas G, 149 Washington Clark Thomas, news depot, 774 Broadway Clark William W, Normal School, bds 74 Eagle Clark Silas, bds Stanwix Hall < Clark Stephen W, 755 Broadway ' Clark J S, 39 Quay, h 118 Green Clark A. S. flour dealer, 39 Quay, h 118 Green Clark Hugh, mason, 124 Broad Clark widow James; 737 Broadway Clark John, baker, 214 s Pearl Clark John, 72 Montgomery Clark John, carpenter, 236 Lydius Clark John, tinsmith, rear 76 Canal Clark J. H & Co, stove dealers, 4 Green Clark Peter, laborer, cor Dallius and Cherry Clark Rachel, 413 Lydius Clark Luke, grocer Maiden Lane and Lodge Clark Rev John, 29 Plain Clark John, cooper, 46 Colonie Clark widow Rebecca, 250 n Pearl Clark Daniel P, 40 Fayette Clark Francis, carpenter, 44 Franklin 'UD .Hosncurfa AUABS DiBwreMr.

Clark William, blaoksnrith, 119 Canal Clark E C, 55 Spencer Clark John A, pro vision, store, 521 Broadway]

Clarke Michael, tea, Wine ahd provision de&ler,,«oc Pine and Lodge, h 9 Pine Clarke Thomas, 100 Schuyler Clarke Goodhand, 21 Van Zandt Claason H & Son, wholesale dealers in liquors, Ao, 343 Broadway Claason P. J, liquor dealer, 105 Green Claason H, distiller, 840 Broadway Clarkson Matthew, confectioner, 98 State Claudius Julia, tailoress, 84 Broad Clear John, laborer, 1 Baker's Alley Cleary Henry, carpenter, 175 Franklin Cleary Thomas, shoemaker, 41 Canal Clement Henry A, pattern maker, Lark Clemons George, livery stable, Chapel, bds Franklin House Clemshire John, carpenter, Patroon, b Swan & Hawk Clemshire William, cabinet maker, 107 Second, Arbor Hill Clench Miss Jane, 381 Lydius Clendenning William, 53 Montgomery Clendenning Thomas, Patroon Clifford William, laborer, 64 Orenge Clisham Michael, pedler, rear 104 Water Cliker Francis, 260 Lydius Clinton Joseph, 37 Van Woert, alderman 7th ward Clinton Cornelius H. board, house 32 Eagle Clinton Widow, n Pearl ab Van Woert Clos Menzo, bds 15 Jay Clow Jacob, shoemaker, bds 16 Park Clow Lewis E, furnaceman, 99 Dallius Clow John E, tailor, 164 Washington Clow Widow Ellen, 82 Beaver Clow Widow Naomi, 82 Beaver Cluett Miss, dress maker, 856 Broadway 112 HOFFMAN'S ALBANT DIRECTORY.

Cluett John W, (Whitney & Cluett) 821 Broadway Clute Richard, laborer, 87 Franklin Cluxton Mathew jr, 12 Lumber Clyde Samuel, 60 Third, Arbor Hill Coates Charles, (S R & Co) 14 Hudson,res 18 Broad Coates James, Westerlo to Swan Coates John,.gardner,37 Washington Cobb William, 47 Swan Coburn Peter, painter, 341 State Coburn Robert, painter, 93 Orange Cochlin William, 10 Baker's Court Cockburn Philip, cartman, 19 Van Zandt Cockran Patrick, 216 Broadway Cocklin Daniel, 10 Baker's Court Cochrane Mrs Ellen, 29 Beaver Cody John, butcher, cor Sand & Robin Cody Michael, butcher, 125 Canal Coffee Michael, 40 Colonie Coffee James, carpenter, 70 Van Woert Coffee William F & Co, lumber dealers, office cor Spencer and Water, h 63 Patroon Coffee James, laborer, 33 Water Coffiel widow, 108 Orange Coffman John, 127 Broad Cogan John, laborer, 120 Brodway Coghland James, shoemaker, 208 Lumber Coghlin Jeremiah, baker, 87 Fulton Goggle Benson, janitor Albany Female Academy • Pearl Cogswell George W, carpenter, 106 Patroon Cogswell widow Smith, 21 Fayette Cogswell George H, dealer in paper &c, 21 Fayette Cogswell Mason F, physician, office and res 12 n Pearl Cogswell George, carpenter, 124 Patroon HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 113

Cohn Isaac, 88 Lydius Cohn J & I, dry goods, 72 s Pearl Cohn & Rothschild, grocers & provisions, 138 s Pearl Cokeley Jeremiah, laborer, 40 Water Colbern Peter, morocco manufacturer, Arch, cor Dal­ lius, h 32 Ferry ( Colburn Edward B, 53 Dallius Colburn Daniel K, lumber dealer, 127 Water, h 10 Wilson Colburn John, laborer, 97 Orange Cole widow Frederick W, 30 Steuben Cole Matthew, 135 Grand Cole John, attorney, &c, 513 Broadway, h 71 Sec­ ond, Arbor Hill Cole John O, police justice, 144 n Pearl Cole Charles H, 170 Second, Arbor Hill Cole Charles H, ship chandlers, 61 Quay, res 170 Second, Arbor Hill Cole Peter, Sand, b Knox and Snipe Cole widow Philo K, 30 Steuben Cole George, bds Delavan Cole John C, bds 69 Beaver Colebert James, 39 Hamilton Coleman Henry, cabinet maker, 77 Swan, Arbor Hill Coleman Walter H, mason, 155 Spring Coleman John, Spruce Coleman John, moulder, 128 Orange Coleman John, carpenter, 65 Fulton Coleman John, segar maker, 87 Swan, Arbor Hill Coleman Henry D, cor Water and Lumber Coley Miss Julia, 228 State Coley Philander, Lark, between Hamilton & Hudson Coley James L, Lark, between Hamilton & Hudson Collier Jason, piano forte tuner, 519 Broadway, h 5 High 8 114 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Colemay Christopher, grocer, 53 First, Arbor Hill Colligan Michael, 92 Canal Collins R, 41 n Lansing Collins Richard, Colonie, to Swan Collins Richard M, 142 Jefferson Collins Albert, cartmaa, Westerlo Collins Timothy, Jefferson above Hawk Collins John, 35 Dean Collins Robert, victualler, cor Green and Division Collins George, carpenter, 64 Union Collins John, 213 Orange Collins Thomas, moulder, 43 Van Schaick Collins Thomas, laborer, 131 Broad Collins Jamess, laborer 192 Broadway Collins E D, railroad, 12 Steuben Collins James, 32 Wilson Colliton John, carpenter, 221 s Pearl Colrose widow, dress maker, 11 Fayette Colt Joseph S, attorney &c, 94 State, h 192 Colvin Andrew J, attorney &c, 106 State Colvin widow James, near a railroad Colnar Wm, laborer, 22 Van Woert Combs James M, tailor, 35 Union Combs David, laborer, 95 Nucella Comfort Richard, moulder, 36 Jefferson COMPTROLLER'S OEFICE, State Hall Comstock Alexander C, 59 Washington Comstock John M, agent Lexington Insurance Com­ pany, 420 Broadway, res Mt Hope Condon Philip, 107 Broad Condon James, dyer &c, 36 Orange Cone George W, 37$ Fayette Cone Henry R, music teacher, 151 Hamilton Cone Solomon, teacher, 21 Jay Cone Henry, carpenter, 76 n Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 116

Conger M'Kinney, 154 Orange Conklin Isaac, 56 Second, Arbor Hill Conklin Andrew, 49 Van Woert Conkling George, segar box maker, 44 Third, Ar Hill Conkling Josiah, blacksmith, 97 Dallius Conkling Aaron, blacksmith, 91 Eagle Conkling J & A, blacksmiths, 89 Green Conlan Patrick 11 Spring Conlan Charles, painter, 245 Lumber Conlin Patrick, 96 Water Conine Philip; mason, 183 Third, Arbor Hill Conine Philip, Third, above Eagle Connaughton widow, 7 Rensselaer Connaughton James, 106 Swan Connell Matthew C, 72 Patroon Connell Thomas, wheelright, 60 Water Connell Edward, 72 Arch Connell James, laborer, 3 Colonie Connelly Thomas, mason, 195 Third, Arbor Hill Connelly Edward, laborer, 216 Green Connelly John, 187 Orange Connelly Peter, 102 Van Woert Connelly Wm, merchant tailor, cor Hudson & Union Connelly John S, mason, 84 Beaver Connelly widow, 83 Orange Connelly James, 15 Canal Connelly W, butcher, Patroon e Quail Conner John laborer, 52 Rensselaer Conner Barney, 11] Canal Conner James, grocer, 42 Union Conner Michael, grocer, 2 Swan Arbor Hill Conner John, cartman, 19 Park Conner Peter, laborer, Westerlo to Swan Conner James, laborer, 190 Orange Conner Dennis, rear 51 Lawrence 116

Conner John, 109 Van Woert Conner John, laborer, 52 Lawrence Conner David, cooper, 159 Lumber Conner James, cooper, 71 First Arbor Hill Conner Bernard, laborer, 140 Lydius Conner Daniel laborer, 2 Dewitt Conner John, laborer, Hamilton w Dove Conner, Daniel, laborer, 72 Arch Conner Martin, 52 Rensselaer Connick John, lumber inspector, 29 Pier, h 48 High Conniek Patrick, 50 High Coniff Michael, grocer, 223 Broadway Coniff Michael, 3 Bleecker Conover widow, 120 Patroon Conover Nich, stove mounter, 49 Ferry Conover Allen, cartman, 21 Lawrence Conron Lawrence, grocer, 48 Water Conroy Rev John J, pastor St Joseph's Curch, res cor Lumber and n Pearl Conroy Bryan, 77 Arch Conroy Francis, 167 s Ptarl Conway Arthur, 40 Van Zandt Conway Edward, laborer, 152 Montgomery Conway Andrew, carpenter 49 Second Arbor Hill Conway John, 100 Water Conway Michael, mason, 12 Jefferson Coogan Mrs, 696 Broadway Coogan John, 17 Lodge Cook G H, 225 Washington Cook Asher, grocer, 5 Exchange, h 21 Columbia Cook Anna D widow, 56 Westerlo Cook Hobart P, typefounder. 12 Daniels Cook John, blacksmith, cor Herkimer and Quay, h 93 Second, Arbor Hill Cook Joseph, 36 s Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 117

Cook (William J) & Wing (Albert) grocers, 12 State Cook William J, 28 Plain Cook Thomas, shoemaker, 124$ s Pearl , Cook Mrs, corset ware rooms, 36 s Pearl, up stairs Cook widow Harriet, 289 State Cook Giles, 42 Washington Cook Thomas, jr, draper and tailor, cor Hudson and Broadway, h 30 Jay Cook Ira B, 213 Jefferson Cook Henry, Hudson w Dove Cook Frederick, weaver, 75 Schuyler Cook Isaac, carpenter, 111 Church Cook John, tailor, 82 Schuyler Cook yylvanus, wheelright, 13 Dallius Cook Michael, shoemaker, 77 Fulton Cook Mrs, Mary, milliner, 124J s Pearl Cook George H, north wing Albany Academy Cooke John bowling saloon, 164 State Cooke George, M D, Lock Hospital, 3 Norton, bds Mansion House Cooke Peter, 12 High Cooley Calvin & Co, lumber dealer 191 Water, res 189 Broadway Coon John L, mason, 118 Spring Coon Jeremiah J, mason, 85 Washington Cooney Barney, 201 Orange Cooney Michael, draper and tailor, 495 Broadway, h Spruce Coop John, carpenter, 88 Franklin Cooper William, off 9 Duow's Buildings Cooper Heber T, cabinet maker, 31 First, Arbor Hill Cooper William, 32 Steuben Cooper John Taylor, office and res 134 State Cooper James, baker, 32 Steuben Cooper Richard, 105 Canal 118

Cooper Aaron H, waiter, 262 Lydius Copeman G W, merchant tailor, 4^6 Broadway, bds Mansion Copp N P, 27 Swan Copp & Van Alstyne, variety store, 56 Washington Corbet Michael, blacksmith, 68 Green Corbet Timothy, laborer, 9 Grand Alley Corbet widow uf Waldo, 20 Union Corbiere William A, dealer in carpeting and oil cloths 544 Broadway, h 81 Columbia Corbly Richard, 24 Jefferson Cordell widow, 56 Union Cordell David R, piano maker, 31$ Canal Corister Andrew, fruit dealer, 126 Washington Cork John tailor, 274 Bowery Corkill Mrs Ann, 34 Howard Corker Joseph, 88 Orange Corkhill James, shoemaker^ 167 Spring Corliss Roswell B, painter, 15 Park Cornell Levi, justice of the peace, below s railroad Corning Erastus, 102 State Corning Erastus jr, 102 State Corning William, 109 Hawk Corning E & Co, (Erastus, G C Davidson & E Cor­ ning jr) dealers in hardware, 451 &453 Broadway Cornock Joseph, carpenter, 164 Orange Cornwell William jr, carpenter, 128 Beaver Corr Patrick, 97 Swan, Arbor Hill Corrican Michael, 75 Van Woert Corrigan William, grocer, 160 Green Corrigan John, shoemaker, 2o Quay Corrigan John, shoemaker, 93 Church Corrigan widow, 61 Canal Coshland Leopold, 78 Westerlo Cosgrave John, plasterer, 137 Church HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 119

Cosgrave Patrick, laborer, 108 Arch Cosgrove Patrick, grocer, cor Hamilton and Hawk Costigan James, tailor, 183 Broadway Costigan John, wholesale and retail grocer 106 and 108 Orange, h 14 Cross, Passage Agency 74 State Costalow Martin, laborer, 37 Van Schaick Costalow Thomas, rear 51 Lawrence (Josser George, weigh master, 158 Broadway Cote Octavius, pattern-maker, 236 Lumber Cotter widow Oliver, 1 Spruce Cottingham George, 129 Lumber Cotrell Joshua G, hat and cap store,48 State, h 52 Jay Couch John, grocer, cor Washington and Snipe Coughlin John, laborer, 200 Green Coughlin Timothy, laborer, 200 Green Coughtry Arthur H, clerk in post office, res 32 Grand Coughtry William, segar maker, 13 Broad Coulon & Britton, proprietors Stanwix Hall Coulson Thomas, 29 Dove Coulson Thos jr, glue manufactory & res 590 Bowery Coulter William, pressman, 25 Canal Coulter Mathew, cartman, 81 Broad Coulter Steward, cartman, 74 Second, Arbor Hill Coulter Widow, 186 n Pearl COURT OF APPEALS, 2d floor Capitol COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, City Hall COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, City Hall Courier Miss Ann, milliner 47 Washington Courtney Samuel G, attorney, &c, 4 Exchange, res cor Dallius and John Courtney John, cor Lark and Third Courtney Isaac, exchange office, 4 Stanwix Hall, h 65 n Lansing Courtney Robert, coal office 72 Dallius, h 50 Dallius Courtney Joseph, Aid 2d ward, grocer, cor Dallius and John 120 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Courtney Peter J, shoemaker, 38 n Pearl Courtney Robert, bds cor Third and Lark Courtnan widow, 38 Rensselaer Courtright E M, carpenter, cor Herkimer and Church h 269 Lydius Courtright widow Peter, 11 Dallius Courtright Joseph, boot and shoe dealer., 8 s Pearl, h 99 Orange Couse Catherine, tailoress, 247 s Pearl Covert Hoffman, 101 Patroon Covert Abraham & Son, morocco manufacturers, 53 Dean, h 22 Van Schaick Covert James, 22 Van Schaick Covert H W, iron safe manufactory, h 170 n Pearl Cowell Mathias, carpenter, 375 Lydius Cowell Walter, (H & C,) 22 Second, Arbor Hill Cowell Thomas, constable, rear 82 Canal Cowell, Flaherty & Co, 116 and 117 Quay Cowell widow Cynthia, 22 Second, Arbor Hill Cowell Royal, proprietor Phcenix Hotel, 254 Broad­ way Cowieson Adam, blacksmith, 84 Canal Cox Abraham J, 187 Lumber Cox Dr James, physician and surgeon, cor Green and Lydius, 2d District physician Cox Peter, Colonie e Swan Cox Owen, Dallius,below Cherry Cox William, 81 Church Cox James W, 70 Chapel Coy John H, 14 s Lansing Coyle Patrick, 35 Chapel Coyle Hugh, 62 n Lansing Coyle Paul, 9 Baker's court Coyle Terence, grocer, 13 Columbia Coyle Cornelius, pedlar, 52 Rensaelaer 121

Coyle Patrick, bung turner, 180 Church Coyle , rear 110 Orange Coyle John, laborer, 124 Broad Cozzine John, carpenter, 149 Jefferson Cozzine Cornelius, Hawk b Lydius and Jefferson Cozzins Robert, laborer, 77 Broadway Cozzins William, carpenter, 50 Orange Craft B F, commission merchant, 114 Pier, h 66 Columbia Craft William R, shoemaker, 242 Lumber Craft & Myers, shoe store, 610 Broadway Craft Jacob, 325 Bowery Craften John, rear 59 Lawrence Craig Daniel H, 42 Lawrence Craig Samuel, mason, 184 Third, Arbor Hill Craig William H h 3] Columbia Crampton Thomas, tailor, 58 Lawrence Crandell Martin, teamster, 98 Snipe Crandell John E, carpenter, 110 Swan Crane Miss Mary, select school, 125 Hamilton Crane Jeremiah, 96 Van Woert Crane widow of H H, 51 n Pearl Crane Robert, shoemaker, 37 High Crane William A, h 27 Montgomery Crannell Henry, 62 Water Crannell Matthew, hair dresser, basement Franklin House, h 28 Lodge Crannell John W, porter house, 101 s Pearl, h 71 Westerlo Crannell Matthew, jr, planemaker, 150 Hudson Crannell widow William W, 27 DeWitt Crapo John M, 61 Hudson Crapo Seth, dry goods merchant, 56 State, h 61 Hudson, Middle Church Place 122 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Crapo William & Co, wholesale grocers, 17 State, cor Dean Crapo William, bds American Crauford R B, produce dealer, 8 Exchange, h 53 Ferry Craven Thomas, laborer, 6 Steuben Crawford Robert, cartman, 140 Green Crawford Archibald, 104 Green Crawford James, shoemaker, 15 Dove Crawford widow Mary, 50 Division Creamer Richard H, mason 19 Willett Crear James, currier, 124 Jefferson Crear John, painter, 124 Jefferson Creenell Baldis F, carpenter, 135 Swan Crehan William, 27 Montgomery Cremer Patrick, grocer, 180 Broadway Creswell Mrs Sarah, 12 s Pearl Crew Misses, 125 n Pearl Crew John L, 130 Lydius Crew John T, jeweller, 38 State, h 55 Hawk - Crew Matthew, laborer, 51 Jefferson Crichard Robert, glue maker, 530 Bowery Crimburgh Harmon, boatman, 308 s Pearl Criner James, 477 Washington Crippen Riley, shoe store, 329 State Crocker Anson, cartman, 34 Montgomery Crocker Mason I, 22 Daniels Crocker John, grocer, 58 Jefferson Crocker James, 86 Lumber Crocker James C, 86 Lumber Crocker Frederick, 25 Orange Crook Joseph, painter, 150 Swan Crook & Palmer, provision merchants, 9 State Crook Thomas P, merchant, 9 State, res 97 Hudson Cromer Catharine, 132 Hamilton ALBANY DIRECTORY. 123

Cromwell Stephen, 291 State Cromwell George, 55 Van Schaick Cronin John, blacksmith, Spruce Crosby Alonzo, 15 Jay Crosby James, bds 15 Jay Cross Joseph R, law practitioner, h 4 Rose Cross widow, 1 Chestnut Cross G C, machinist, 75 Fulton Cross Percey, machinist, 140 s Pearl Cross Nancy, nurse, 146 Lydius Cross Henry, 103 Knox Crossman Mrs A, tailoress, 20 DeWitt Croswell (Edwin & Sherman) & Shaw, proprietors of the Albany Argus, Exchange building Croswell Edwin, 31 Elk, Croswell Sherman, 31 Elk Crounse Henry, 35 Swan Crops Conrad, Sand e Snipe Crounse Conradt A, 298 State Crow John, laborer, 42 n Lansing Crow William, tailor, 208 s Pearl Crow Ann, widow, 52 Church Crowley John, shoemaker, 216 Broadway Crown Getter, laborer, 61 Fulton Crownbury James, laborer, 70 Van Woert Crothy Patrick, 139 Broad Cruise Robert, Bowery, near Coulson's Cruise Morris, shoemaker, 16 s Lansing Cruttenden T R, 81 Hamilton Cubit Richard, shoemaker, 113 Jefferson Cuffman Charles, shoemaker, 92 Gansevoort Cuffs John, moulder, 57 Broadway Culen John, laborer, 28 Van Woert Cullen Charles, 2 Baker's Alley Cullen Michael, 250 n Pearl 124

Cullen Patrick, shoemaker, 3-M-Laosing Cullen George, 250 n Pearl Cullen John, carpenter, 142 Jefferson Cullens Peter, painter, 100 Washington Cullens Alexander, 68 Swan Culliton Daniel, 87 Franklin CULTIVATOR OFFICE, 407 Broadway Cumer Lyman G, 75 Swan Cumming William, 187 Washington, Alderman 9th ward Cumming James, 187 Washington Cumming Alexander, segar maker, 308$ State Cummings George, grocer, cor Division and Liberty Cummings George, 39 Elm Cummings Philetus A, printer, Hudson to Dove Cummings Joseph, laborer, 95 Church Cummings Daniel, 63 Schuyler Cunliff Levi, blacksmith, 42 Van Schaick Cunliff Simon, blacksmith, 34 Water Cunningham W J, 366 Broadway, h 75 Division Cunningham Daniel, chandler, 43 First, Arbor Hill Cunningham Simon, 36 n Lansing Cunningham James, 41 n Lansing > Cunningham George, laborer, 186 Orange Cunningham Ichabod, carpenter, shop 90 Bleecker, h 130 Lydius Cunningham John, laborer, 24 John Cunningham Edward S, boatman, 102 Swan, Arbor Hill Cunningham William, hatter, 81 Orange Cunningham Andrew, builder, 63 Grand Cunningham Michael, laborer, 104 Canal Cure Peter, weigher and measurer, 41 Philip Cureton John L, brass founder, 109 Hudson Curly James, 57$ n Lansing HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 125

Curran Nicholas, furrier, 41 Colonie Curran H D & Co, coal dealers, cor Columbia and Montgomery, h 66 Grand Curran Patrick, laborer, 40 n Lansing Curran Charles, carpenter, 56 Lawrence Curran Patrick, laborer, rear 22 Clinton Curran widow, 63 Arch Curry Dennis, laborer, 58 Lawrence Curtin Bartholomew, cartman, Westerlo, near Dove Curtis Samuel, 33 Westerlo Curtis & Co, Agents Eckford and Ohio Transporta­ tion Company, 101 Pier Curtis Caroline, 339 Lydius Curtis C M, bds American Curtis F E, bds City Hotel Curtis Joseph G, 38$ Fayette Curtiss Joseph S, 22 Broad Curtiss Daniel, pewterer and bellfounder, 23 Church h 22 Broad Curtiss Joseph, pewterer, 136 Green Cusack Michael, painter, 21 Lodge Cusack John, shoemaker, 52 Orange Cusack Robert, carpenter, 52 Orange Cushman Charles, Lark n Third Cushman Paul, foreign and domestic liquors, 24 Dean, res 18 Plain Cushman William M, res 221 Washington Cushman R S, 32 Dean, h 21 Spring Cushman widow Paul, 221 Washington Cushing widow Julia, 89 Fulton Cutin Edward, laborer, 10 Owner's Alley Cutter widow, 67 Colonie Cutler Stephen, cartman, third house above Swan Cutler M L, bonnet bleacher, &c, 540$ Broadway, h 30 Steuben Cutler John jr, caitman, 26 Second, Arbor Hill 126 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Cutler Benjamin, laborer, 78 Cherry Cutler John N, druggist, 151 Hamilton Cutler Lyman, cartman, 51 Colonie Cuyler widow Cornelius J, 128 Green Cuyler Jacob C, 4 Exchange, h 128 Green Cuyler George, 27 High Cuyler John, 59 Colonie Czerski Abraham, jeweller, 47 Dallius


DAA widow Mary, 38 n Pearl Dahony William, laborer, 47 Cherry Daley John, 14 Clinton Daley Patrick, 55 Howard Daley J S, 130 Green Daley George W, passage agent, res 92 Green Dailey Robert, 10 Clinton Dailey Patrick, laborer, 220 Green Daily John, butcher, Pleasant Daily Simon, coppersmith, 105 Canal Daily Michael, laborer, 40 Colonie Daily widow, 5 Bleecker Daily Edward, 71 Maiden Lane Daily Nicholas, 9 Spring Daily Owen, laborer, 103 Elm Daily Dennis, 61 Lawrence Daily John, laborer, 142 Lydius Daily Michael, 14 Grand Alley Daily widow,' rear 112 Van Woert Daily Patrick, Spruce, e of Dove Daily P S, moulder, 209 Green Daily Rev Thomas, cor Lumber and n Pearl Daily Betsey, 43 Spencer Daly John, laborer, 154 Hudson HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 127

Dale William A Tweed, 173 Lydius Dalton William, lumber dealer, 13 Ten Broeck Daniels Spencer, attorney, &c, 76 State, bds 13 Daniels Daniels Warner, office and h 13 Daniels Daniels Richard, 186 s Pearl Dare Patrick, mason, 65$ Arch Darling Joseph, 49 Eagle Darling widow William, 81 Hamilton Darling Adam, 33 Fayette Darlington I L, merchant, 76 Quay Darlington Joseph, saleratus factory, 62 Liberty Dark & Doak, victuallers, 776 Broadway Dash Conrad, varnisher, Sand above Robin Dash William, 112 Broad Dash John, moulder, 104 Broad Dauth Ferdinand, watchmaker, 23 Lodge Da vane John, laborer, 142 Broad Davenport Rev James R, 27 Jay Davey William, 162 Hudson Davidge §• Brown, barbers, 30 Quay Davidson George, printer, 68 Second, Arbor Hill Davidson (Alex) & Viele, (Maurice E) hardware merchants, 46 State Davidson widow Anna, 40 Beaver Davidson Alexander, 198 Lydius Davidson Gilbert C, Middle Church place, 40 Beaver Davidson Robert, carriage maker, 132 Patroon Davidson John M'B, bds 40 Beaver Davidson Samuel, l69 Orange Davidson George, 56 Fayette Davidson James, laborer, 87 Church Davidson Andrew, 131 Grand Davidson Peter, painter, 63 s Lansing 128

Davis Nathaniel, dealer in grind stones, office 77 Quay, h 54 Westerlo Davis Charles, upper end Bowery Davis William, shoemaker, 116 Spring Davis Daniel, 40 n Lansing Davis George, shoemaker, Patroon, e Quail Davis William R, 331 State Davis Joseph & Co, dealers in paints, oils, drugs, &c, 78 State, h 57 Columbia Davis Daniel S, tobacconist, cor Church and Lydius, res 16 Dallius Davis Jane, 72 Fulton Davis Wm shoemaker, 159 Broad Davis widow of John, 128 Hamilton Davis Joseph 2d, 78 State, h 49 Green Davis William, musician, 159 Spring Davis R C, draper and tailor, 3 Exchange building, res 71 Hamilton Davis William, wholesale grocer, 11 State, res 153 Hamilton Davis Wm P, 228 Lydius Davis John, 326 State Davis Charles, lumber inspector, 149 n Pearl Davis Emma, Orphan Asylum Davis J O, boarding house, 33 Green Davis A S, 57 Columbia Davison B C, sexton, rear s Pearl Baptist Church Davison Smith, 239 n Pearl Davy James, carpenter, 249 n Pearl Dawson George, Assistant Editor Evening Journal, 67 State, res 29 Grand Dawson George, carpenter, 74 Patroon Day Cornelius, tailor, 99 Third, Arbor Hill Dawley Lawson, 14 Ferry Deal William, moulder, n Pearl ab Van Woert HOEfMAI^jiHAfrBAJWt.WVR^BT'ron 15W Dean & Newland, attorneys £9, Cqmm.efciat ^lad­ ing* •''''•' •"'iii"i'i,''^'•"•'-C'WiVi ' Dean Amos, attorney, ^,.o%eiC,Pipnjieicial; Bu^ ings, res 77 Ten Broeok .t,:,, ltp.,•, ,k.,i;,.;'. /•,<;:;;', Dean O H, bds 46 Eagle ; .-, Li ie .! ,<:,; i -'rpju't, DeanDr Noah S, botanic ,4»pensary ,andrbat%g house, 19 Norton ' .',•/ ..••, .. ..:,/ ,,,,,:,, Deanj Wilkin & Co, Argiljo wprks,, ^2,1 Broadway Dean Christian,359 State,, ,:; .<< ,<; ,,r;|, , ..,:,;,, Dee Thomas, laborer, 2 Dew^t. ..., ,,.,.: ;,,.;,;.,;., Dee Baufer Jarafcs, 69 Eagie:,; r ,.',j : ,,,;[. Debair Henry, 130 Hawk ; / r, ; ,r Debeau Mrs,43 Canal'fioT, SwaR •!. ,...,! ,. , •,.. ,;..!•, Deboy Lucretia, 28Elm ; <" : ,-,,:,••„<•],; , ,,;,. Debutts Pitton, 385 Washington, , , ,. (j , „..,<] ,.„. ;.. Degan Michael, 41 DalKua,) . „ :!, .;>: ,•'.••,.. Degan John, tailor, 52 Cburchj >; ,. 1 / , ,, Degan Frederick, 382 Bowery > ;. , ;< ••;., ..,\., De Forest Jacob J, 192 Hamilton. :., Vi \,\.„ , |, .,, De Forest James, segar maker, 90 Schuyler' • De Forest Richard Ar(T,dt P),20, .Quackenbush;,,, De Forest Richard I, 51 Lydius . .., _•„, , ,(, ;,,!., De Forest Charles A^ grocer, corGreenj and Han$- ton, res 83 Lydius , . u ;: .< • ;il;/ :,,'.,,, De Forest Curtis, 18 Lydius. t , ..,, ,' ,...,,, De Forest De Witt C, attorney^, $c,j 4, .Commercial, Building, bds Stanwix,H»U. .-•.']'., . De Forest B S, builder, 212Hamilton |- :; , ,'._;„,,. Defreest 168 Lumber. ,; ;,,. \: .•,. j;,; De Groff John I, carpenter,. 1231. Lydius. .;;,.., Deidrick Mary, 90 Bea,yer ,\ ., ,.,... ,< ,... ;.;. j :, Deibel Henry, 208 Washington... j. ., s; jt / ,,;,.,, Delace, widow, 22 Canal -.,. ; :••; _, , •. .., DeLa Martin L, 34 Philjip .,,,,.,,.., ;.,;, .., ^j,,,,.. 13QM HOFr^iir%iJLBlMY.

De^da? Sarahy Spruce; -e D6ve ( n >• - Delamqre Francis, carpenter, 10 Cross Delaney PairieF,'macmiiist, rear 1@5 Beaver Delaney James, carpenter, 92 Gansevoort Delaney Michael, moulder, 113 Beaver Delaney Michael, 62 Lawrence Delaney Michael, mason, Westerlo to Hawk DeWvan Edward 0, office 14 Stuebeh, bds Delavan Delehant Andrew D, Patroon, b Swan and Lark Delehant John, mason, Patroon Delehanty Michael, tin and coppersmith,26 Beaver,' h 151 Green Delehanty widow John, cor Dallius and John Delmot Peter, carpenter, 351 Washington Delong Peter, teacher, 61 cLumber DeMunn E, hair dresser, 61 Chapel Demming Martin, 14 Dallius • Demerrett George, 312 BoWery Demond widow, 235 Washington Dempsey Dawrenee, 17 Lancaster Dempsey Patrick^ grbcef, 48 Van Woert Dempsey Dennis, rear 72 Canal Dempsey itfatbis*. Macksmith, 110 Broad ' Dempsey William, 31 Rensselaer Demsey John, grocer, 35 Jefferson ! . DMgaTAhdrdwS hair dresser, 268$ Broadway Dennigan Thomas, 69 Van; Woert Dennigan Michael i 27 Liodge: Denike Joseph H, 173 Lumber • Denike , segar maker,; 8 Canal Denick widow Solomon, 473 Washington Dennis A H, 148 n Pearl Dennis Edward, 128 * Pearl >...,-.' Dennison James, carpenter^ 131 Lydius Dennison William, 40 Chapel D enniaon widow, 7 Cross m&me*wb*wjeUB^amM6tnaieVi™< 131

Deifo* s*»h 'Serrit V, attclroeyj 9* S&W> »es«e<* Wttlfe erlo and Hawk M: v Denniston Isaac, Westeri»,'rdor1l8r1*k;!<,: Denniston Hugh, cor Westerlo add HJa,wk-<>.' \•'<••.<., Dentey William]r267!flowery > >•-, ': , ••;. ' f •. > ',':., v Derby Levi L, mercbahtMilor^ 373 Broad way, h 133 Lydius Derby GF, grocer; 22 Qua.y; J Derby Geofgei, 60 Water •> : >i I Dermody Henry, grocer^cor Ghaipel andVtatf Seasick Derntody Thomas} cuth^i 68 Arab /> "' , Dermody ,25 First, ArborHill.i ( • -•'•• I Dermody Thomas, 23.First, AWhorfillli ..- >'. »r -• Derrick William, painter, 144 Spring ,'.i Derrick George^ painter,4 ot» Jefferson and/ Dovet v.' Derrick Catharine, Orphan AsylnnM < i >, > f{ Derrick James, painter, 47 Arbh,;< i;; MHI,; Derin Patrick, shoemaker, 29 Van Schaick t ii.if I Defreest Hannah, 75 Colonie , , Defreest Zebulon M Vf 64 w Lansing M .-*. • . >,• Deret Patrick, 166 O.ange . .•<.,.;• Deveraut James, 53 Lawrence •• • , • ,' i < > •• Desh John,porter house, 268;Broadway i: • .••,,<• Desmond Humphrey, laborer^ 14 Van Zandt !•..• Desmond Timothy H, furrraoemaiw 48 Arch /' >. : ,. Deuchar Alexander, teacher of/ dancing^ 607ni Peail Deveraux James, 54 GolonSeI •••'<•/ , , , ><; Develin Edward, 149 Jefler&crt ; Develin Patrick, laborer, 82iVan Woert;M•>••'-, A.V Develin Patrick, laborer, aiBiBnbatfwayi!' i •'. Devoe Peter, pilots 99-Baesettv • / ''••<>> '• .J Dewitt William H, dealerin luh&eranld etawes,: of* fice 67 Pier, h 745 Broadway •:•! . .. >v. . ,, ...,'.., Dewitt Richard Varick< emoe 96 StaKe*; resid%noe£il> Hawk 'i v • •" ' "' •• • i. •' in ••:'•<•> 132

Dewitt Afridow of Artdrewy boarding hduse,689 Broad­ way Dewitt John, bds 28 Washington Dewitt Andrew, 4& Hamilton Dewillager Mary, 24 Second, Arbor Hill Dexter James^ attorney &c, 77 State, res 1 Clinton Square Dexter George, Druggist and Apothecaries' Hall, 77 State, h 1 Clinton Square, alderman 6th ward Dexter &-Nellegar, druggists,,77 State Dexter Chauncey, livery stable, cor Hamilton and Liberty, h 40 Liberty ' '••'•. Dexter Jabez, baker, 807 Broadway Devine James, laborer 3 Maiden Lane Deyermand; William, manufacturer of linseed oil, 1 Broadway, h 20 Broad . •; Deyermand John, chandler, Chapel n Canal h 58 Orange i Deyermand John, baker, 41 Colonie Deyermand James Jr, baker, 94 Swan, Arbor HilL Deyermand widow Elizabeth, 4 Eagle, s.Canal Deyo David H, cartman, 78 Orange Deyoung Henry, 20 Daniel' . Diamond Thomas S, carpenter, 14 Jay ' Diamond William M, porter house^ 76 n Pearl Diamorid William, 48 Westerlo Dibble William, barber, 101 s Pearl Dibble Albert, pewterer, 14 Van Tr6mp Dibble Joseph, night scavenger, 64 Clinton Dick John, tailor, 21 Van Zandt Dickey Catherine widow, 130'State Diekerman widow Joel R, 197 Green Dickinson Samuel, 16 Clinton; ' '' '."' Dickson William.Jj 104 Washington Dickson L J, grocer, 8 Steuben HORYBUR'S AMftKY DJ.RW3?PQRY. j i £33

Dickson James,islater, shop 65,Beaver, ^"6,7 ..; Dickson Hugh, hat and earVwatthoBfle, 64 St»te,;res ! 6lLodg* , ,; •• ,•',.,, ,..•••.-,; ,i, .!,!•. • "i Diell John K, 19 Daniel ! ! Digman James, 752 Broadway .1 Digman James, 8 Pine • • u '' « », i Dillingham Charles W, weigher and measurer [ 92 Hudson i..i^„f,: . • •••.: • i 7 •:•.:,[ .•:.(,,(• Dillon Richard, reasr,79 Canal, .1 ... •i„\. ,., ; M Dillon John, coach"maker,35 Deafti ., .1 , ! ,o Dillon Patrick, 53 Lawrence ., . , i I. n ',.-([ Dillon John, 188 Montgomery V :. > .,;.. •*) ,.!,,(! Dillon John grocer^ 44 Montgomery ::! : .;/•• i \u \ * (f Dillon Patrick,129 J>ean ,i,X'•, ! ; i ,U Dillon James, 445 Broad1 • . • ,i<\«::i':'' •,<:,'] Dilldn John, 10'Morton .. i >,*i , (i Dillow Richard, cabinet maker, 27 First,: Arbot Hill Dingraan John, 25 Lodge '! , •••. i .'' ,fr Dingman Volkert, 355 Washington .i i , •••>•,il(: DISTRICT SCHOOL, NO 10, 182'Washington.!•> , >'.'. Diver Henry, 293 Bowery ill r." ,. ,! , i,C Dix Joshua G, boot and,shoeistOTe,i404. Broadway Dix Perry,,elothing.«ore,r421 BrpadwaiyjhL Mont­ gomery ,\-.i,--> •>. <;i; J '•'•'. ..<.:'•>>. <:|.'••••;.,!(1 Dixon John,H*arbl* weiktf, cot :Lodge,Te» 36: Htfw- ard' (,;i,f,i '.-[[ .•:'. .->-••.• .! Z 'i ;il „.•.,./i Dobbs John, machinist, 3 Phcanix PlRce w Eagle. 134 • * wtMM*'*UeU**'mamomLr.

Dobb%^ottas|»ma^inispciHrll v!•,;<' Dodds James, carpenter, 97 Second, Arbor Mill Dodge Henry J, polisher, IWestferW toBwari !!-w( f Dodge Amos, constable^Daniel . , • . ',i> (I Doherty Hubert, cor Arch aiHHGhurch' • ^,:li\ 2D^er4><#aintts, Cor Arrsb^fl Cnuoth : -ill>a Dohlselder Valentine, 246 Washington ' H Dolan James, laboreiyf© Canal < < • > ,.i (I Dolan Peter, blacksmith j*^i57 Lawrence -''i(\ Dolan James, laborer,'61 Canal i i!i("F Dolan Owen, 61 Van Woert (! Dolan Willianv, laborer^ 110 Canal Doolan John, grainer, 148 Jefferson (i Dominick widdw, 336 Bowery ') Domphy Phillip, carpenter, 76 Mulberry ''•'•'! Don William, tailor, 20$ Second, Arbor Hill •>'> Don Peter C, carriage maker, 90 Green,res Wesfer- .Hlo^Bagiy Donald Thomas, 14 Van•SBandt . •" Donegan Denrrtsj Dallias^erow. Cherry ' Donegan Patriok/kberdr1,'12 Clinton '; Donas Frederick^ moulder, 80 First) Arbor (Hill '' Donehue Jamesi41 Dallius < < .••••TH.U ©enehue:EdwttBfyHamilton sfr i)dve : ' (l Donehue John, 1 Dewitt ' DohehueMary,»lH ehRal ' Donehue iMai/lB'Lawrence < ,M Donehus Peter, 55 Howard ' •< ] (i ®**ehtrilJolm,97 0r«rige^ > I JDcoehue. dobnjigrocerV 1(74Montgomery Donehue John, 40 Van Schaick <•••.., ffifchlchS Patrick,, tailor^ 63 Second; Arbor'HiH Donnelly F & A, grocers, 112 Quay ' • nt^^ljrBdward/fJWt'JOiang'e-^"^ •<••'•"• --'• Donnelly Peter, furrier, 163 Broad Donnellyt3to»aWgW?«q,ftJ Vm^hajck, ., p ,\ Donnelly widow,,249*iPearl ,.,| > .,, , , ,:] Donnelly Owen?t77;$phuylex , ;i . (i Donnelly Jame^,J?JJLui#,e»:,4,. ;J Donnelly Patrick, laborer, 92, Franklui; (, IfchneUy WJUam,laborer, 33 #a)WWW , : , a Donnelly Patrick, Chesnut Alley Donnelly Edward* J3 Mulberry ,.'.vj Doner AndreWi^2.Mulberry ,, , Mlj Donolan James, Depot House, $ Rean,, . ;; Donovan John,'grocer, eor Church 4n4 Mulberry | Donovan Patri^o^ Church;';.,/; i '.'i •',,.,,t\ Donovan Jfohn^l^ft.Qreen, ] t , ; f .,,.,(( Donovan Dennis, molder, abn Ferry , ,,,,(, Dpody James, 109 Broad > ,i >, ,(1 Dooley Daniel, mason, Canal * Swan . ..,,,, Dooley Michael, grocer, 203 Water , i ,, M i Dooley Edward), laborer, 39 n Lansing * ,-., • Doolittle E A, attorney :$c, 83State* res ;17jjji .Slpte Doolittle William, laborer, ;lj8j,: Spring. ; ..,:,,r\ Doras William, laborer, 134 Broad j , . ,.,,•,,<; Doras Peter, 158 State • . , i , '; Doras Joseph, baker, 137 Swan ;, ,; rj Dorr & Englehart, fiomrajssj©*weifl^sj^Qgay , upstairs ,v,'>••<,•"•• C,Vi .Vif'iYf ••'aunoCl Dorr Elisha, merehapt.ltailofyil&^roadway^wi^llS Lydius v~-».'->f7 :'

DougiMctotijlMw/,$mf^]ih:i : !' Dougherty Charles, 15.3'Lumber Dougherty John, tail6r? 46 Liberty "'•;•. •' Dougherty James,, labdrer, 95 Gansevoort Douglass Jam#y 305 Bowery ! Douglass Widow Margaret, boarding house,26 Maid­ en Lane ''. •'•' •.;•'; ;••'.' '•'*• [ Douglass George, dentist, 77 Lydius Douglass Joseph, porter house, 124 Water Douglass H S,'bds American Douglass widow Roberty 83 Church Douw John D P, offide Douw's buildings " Douw Volkert P, office 1 Douw's buildings, resi­ dence Greenbush ' • Dowd Henry N, agent Connecticut mutual life insu­ rance co, 442 Broadway, h 46 chapel Dowd Thomas7, 484'Bowery Dpwd ThoJttttfsyTa Third, Arbor Hill • • • • Cowd LWtarehcej4Hawk : Dowd John^grtocerl '74 Colonie ,'• ..->.... Dowd William'V'o'Mobtgomery •'• •••>:•••••; ''>' Dowd Richard, tailor, 95 Church • • ••••>'] '••><• '- Dowd Owen, 59 n Larising • • •'-'*. Dowd Thomasi'maebh, Hemitton w Dove Dower Michsiel,grocer,' 167 Broadway r >•••••••• Dowdle Patrickl'teBbrerV 84 BaeBett' i '••' ' Dowdle Edward',29 Washington • • •'"<' •'•• I Downey Dennis, Dalliu*' ! '• ' ' i' : KrWney Williamj 467 WasMngtbn - ' i u Dowling William, 125 Franklin - > ; < 'Ddwlihf AIice%.r Westerlo « Swan Downey Patrick, butcher, 446 Bowery :" ' i '«KSWM«'*

Downing George^afctfjrtiey', *c,h'78 Patroon 1 Downing Jacob, MckmalrW; 7» Batroon . / y. id Downing 'William Wj 73>>Pttro0n - <'/' [• Downing Jacob, 73 Patroon ' :t i i Dowsett J, shoeMakeir,'44 a Pearl >•••••' Dowsett Thomas', shoemaker, 48 Washington- ••' 1 Doyle Thomas, laborer; 61=Broadway11' • < Doyle John, moulder, 66 * Larismg! i i Doyle John, moulder^Franklin i / Doyle widow, '671'Van Woert '< Doyle John, laborer, 63 Fulton' • •••"•'• .: !' Doyle Patrick, laborer, 100-Water • '•*• "•'•' Doyle Martin,shoemaker, 27 Lodge* ; i :ii Doyle John, segar maker,'81* First, Arbot Hill'1' Doyle James, shoemaker, 254 s Pearl » •»<-''- Doyle William; mowlder, 225 n Pearl •'• •"• ••."'>' Drake widow Ellen, 6 Wendell' .' /.!.,,(! Drew Robert, Broad ' -•'•••' -••'•••••>••• '< Driscoll Patrick, laborer, 184 Montgomery ''! ' Droogan Cornelius,grocer, 3 Morton• ' J•••'•••:" Droogan Thomas, 108 Arch • ; -••.•A \-,r i Drohan Michael, grocer, cor Church And Ferry(! Drill Poston, Sand below Snipe •• • >>] Dropt Albert, shoemaker, 1 Arch ;i Drought widoW Patrick,! DeWitt "' ' • 'f Drought William, paver, 67 Bassett ' Drum widovr,' 11 Steuben < • • ;' ••'••>'' Dryer Alanson, book keeper1,2 Norton ' • > ' Dubois John, 50 Mdntgordery •'•'• ' " < •'••> tj Dubois Alphohsd,1261-State' (- •" !> ^ DubucJbhnyband bo* maker; 387#!Broadway' ' Dudley widow 'of' Charles E; 59 » ^earl '' !>' •"<' Dudley John T, tailor, 421 State- ",' s »i Duesler Daniel, tailor,<484A Broadway1 '''•''' Duff John Ay restaurant,'! 1 Montgomery > > • C138 . /JBSKBBtaa'B AtOARY »IRRPM»Y. Duff 2A .VRRiSohaick -,,;, ,,,,v! Duffey Jamesy;printerT,fr4JSpio»l >, .1 Duffey Miss M, fancy|dr.y MpdM^Brcad.^ajt Duffey James, shoemaker, ;2iQewitt ..'. „,<} Duffey Owen, 87 Third; Arbor HiH DufiBy.Charieft, Second, A?bp;? Hill, ,,«! Duffey Tim?thj,i84fiB8Bsett ,,\,,,j\ Duffey Dennis, 42i PhiBip ,, (f Duffey James, shoemak»r,il72! Montgomery.^, .., i Duffey Patrick, blacksmith,^ Mprtpn ... ,< \ Duly widow, 75 Canal , , . n Dugan James, laborer, ]|9. Plain o Dugan Matthew, cor Canal and Swan ./J Dugan widow Matthew* 36 Arch r n Dugan widow, Mary,20 Van,Zandt i Dugan John* carpenter,,6 Lumber : i Dumfrey William, laboWr,)1.92i* Pearl i Dummery Thomas, stone cutter, J28 Broad .,-.. DumoRt Rpbert, 289 State ' I Dunbar Alexander B,.morocco, dresser, 47 De^Witt Dunbar Robert W, 924 Broadway i ,' ,..:.«i Dunbaf (IphriJ 16Park, i ; t.ii Dunbar Maria,5 Tea,Broeck ....'., , ,,:,.; Duncan James, fi»rpentef,>AQ&>i#Bg)e i ,n i Duncan James^tW^OD^tiJiy^O/XTraRd „.,-,<; Duncan widow. Jang Aim., 3tW\ Lydius ! w v, i i Duncan William, segar •.makers M9. Lydius ;-: ,(i Duncan & Jacksnnj mer«ba^,i^oB9,:it!$BToa4*&y Duncan Richard, 110 HamiMctf 0•'".. : !i Duncan James, shoe"makw,i^t.CoUM9j)ia st badge Duflcan Henry R, merchant tailor*ibdaAPlairji s Dundan James, corDivision and Union :w Dunigan 0wen,.baker, 33.Rensselpej , ; Dunigan TJjRflthy,;62 Van.ScjbaicJr. .,...••» S Dunmga^^^ick^labff^lftCBfljtre a:,••'., ; ,i •'JiginMM^'aWUHUlNr' Dunnigan James, 59'Howard i . •'. i ;:v .;'i Dunfee John;ill3'Hudson> i••'•> .-;:<» i! Dunham John W, 235'»*earl- ';•, r ©unnam Oscar,bM«^«koa^ealer^66 Greeny h 91 Hamilton '; i; ^Dimham V^illirtm H, eabinet makeiyi82 Ferry ! Dunleavy widow James, 32 Van Woert •-: i > DunlrWi'ltbbertiiciffice 2d QuAy'J h Troy!roadjrithree miJeV'IVom'the city • r> ' - "" ! . ••••.<) Dunn John, 95 •Ga^eryobrt: > < I Dunn Thomas, 78 Hudson '•=' • !••• ' '! Dunn Philip, grocwf86S State ' •••'•! i•.•-'! Dunn Joseph, Carpenter, 50 Canal • .i..! Dunn Martin, laborer, 47 Dalrkls i. . } Durm Lukeyl 10 Orange'f ' -<-• ' > •'! Dunn Christopher, 59 Canal Dunn !Pet'Acfc, shoemaker, 59 Lawrence > ; Dunri Pfcillp jr^ grocer, J 323 State <• Dunn widow;' 40 Franklin Dunn Thomasj carpenter, 42 Montgomery Uuiwi Philip, baker; 20 Ferry ' Dunn John, tailor, 110 Canal - • Dunn John, 35 Steuben Darm Charles; porte* borise;2 William ••' •' Dunn Joseph, rear 57 Montgomery I ^mn-Charles,, pedlar, 27»i* Pearl - ' Dunn Michael, laborer, 198 Green Dunn Praacis,laborjr,8?iOrange !< ; ,vi • ,! ; Dunn Edward, laborer,9Spring r > »i i •• >';•" • DunnirViliia^^Bte^b^tetfiagte1 ' -•[ ••'•• Dunn James;'llftborer^ 9KY%ttdellT /• :. ., •,. j„ 11 Dunn Henry,>lab«r'er,279'»>fdarl ' wj (I Dunn ^arhnyoatp^nWfB&IBtteseM•>"'< V •';•-'' Dunn Pat^^^ag^M'nttl^'OSiS^lwiyleT •*'">"' Dunn Martin, W*^ter,<«or*lud#»ttiaiidDoY»' ' :140 .y>tkmnmmht*Aimunf DRBVSBORY.

Dunnigan John, 41 Rensselaer . ..•'•:,,..>; Dunnstan Oliver, cooper, 134; Orange , ,!,,:•; Durack Michael, 8;Moston , ,, \H;U Durant Edward A, marchant, 119 Pier} house 9J1 n Pearl ., , : Durant' Clark, 35 Quay, cor.Maiden Lane> bds Am­ erican • i > -V -.,•'. •(! Dtinmt, Lathrop & Cor merchants, 35 Quay i, Durant Charles W, 35 Quay, h 48Columbia ,, Durant William C, on Troy Road ,:;*j Durant Edward, bds5 Montgomery :•( Durfield 246 Washington .-, ,,<| Durham Ellen, 81.First,.Arbor;Hill ,<„t,*.i Durham Amos, 379 State .> ' •.•„,•• i Durrie Daniel S, 388 Broadway, h71 Fulton,ihi Duthie James, 375 Lydius , . , , ,, ".' I .-,.-,'• • .'mini. ,:„i!ii Dwight Henry, 71 Westerfo-i•••>i'.: . . ,,,,fi<| Dwight Henry W/, comaussion-i merchant, >44,&uay, bds 684 Broadway ,i -' ".'. i., . •:. ! ,,;i< i Dwight Amasa, F, dumber .dealer,. U Pier,, bd* 13 Patroon •,..•.',) :->i .. -m.-.. . • ,{-,\\t iv-nd Dwifin Michael,laborer^.Owner's Alley ,,,:.,;> Dwyer Phillip, 80 Beaver.,.. , ,.-, :,U l!t-.xU Dwyer Dominiek, 'shoemaker, il29 Franklin.,, • i,Q Dwyer widow Thomasy1^ Rensselaer);. . unn(? Dwyer Edmund, laborer;38 Van Zand*, 11 HUM ! Dwyer Timothy, 6 Baker's Court,,n,Ferry mmil Dwyer William, (WRge*/mBker,122Jlamilton! n I Dwyer I Thomas laJjoren, .40 Water, • i i h «l/[ f m w»: i HORSM**** ALBsmn miRRorMx. : l*|j

Dwyer John, Sprute;'*Chnsil! .; <:'•• .'; : I •: I Dwyer Patrick, moulder, 6 Baker's!Court.. > • f •••,>!•. Dwyer John, moulder, 5 Gvanld Alley w. '. ! in,, Dwyler John, cor Dallius and Cherry ;: .•:,,, i, -.,.•<>:• Dyer Gideon G, mason, 320 State . ; .•'/; Dygert'Elijah, 217 Hamilton: < -M . J ,„[/. , .:.i, • -..;•>,_. .:..--.; ...>•,,.,:•.,,! ,,„-,,,., 'i.>••. ,' ••;-!: .,.+fr.; .;< ;. ?,, ^-H') I;MM-> • ,* EAGAN JOHN, grocer, 99 Canal ! : , . ,li ,i P Eagan Patrick, 43 Spencer' I ! ... •<('.')' : ,i, ! i! Eagan Patrick, 4 Steuben' .1 .<•. •• >• ' ! .;• ;. i. •;!.. Eagan Dominick, 75 Third, Arbor Hill ; / I Is , :, Eagan James, Chestnut, to Swan 'cy. v. i .< ,- > -', Eames Milo R, 15 Van Tromp ,i! .>! '»'• I ••-«!> Earley Patrick, laborer,. 26 Canal . I. \ , ; I , , ,-•>, \ Earley iThbmas, cab: driven, 142 Spring ': '/> ;,', ,.-«! > Early Richard; 27 Lodge; . -,-. ,<,;-•; ,"-• I >!,,,/,!, Earley widow Terrence, 9 Bleeker :<•.•>'( , EarlyThonias;grocer, 46,Colonie, t, • •;•. i .•.>.,./,!• Eaills Michael, bds 46 Eagle. .,! i ,, ..,,,,,.;, ->,,;#!, Easterly William W, 322 Lydius ; , ! «-, Easterly widow of Martin, 96 Herkimer. -;>-t .<:. Easterly Thomas, sash maker, 44 Elm .:. i •-;. Easton Ephraim, 136 n Pearl '• i.•-•-.-,•:._ Easton Betsey, milliner, .69 o Pearl ,. v i v Easton Charles P, lumber dealer, 88 Water, h 23 : Jackson .••(?-••, .'• ,,.i, - i;.".' !,.,-< ,'y: Eaton James W, mason, .182' Lydius,,,; I \, V/ ii,, -,,i,. Eaton Josiah, mason, 34 Clinton I ! .•••-•.'.' nu,; Eaton Daniel! O, 971 Gtand> i<', .<, ,.J ,-. , ,i,,| (, ; Eaton Allen W, bds 65 Washington i .; /. M. „, Eaton S S, grocery and provisions^ 82 Washington*. ! h9S\ran . •' l>c ;'.••.<,• .o •.,..•....;. .;.,• w..r)v, -! liW- HolWHa^Bun.BBancnuBctaam.1

Eaton John E, butcher, 457 Bowery *,, '.,,,!, ,,, < Eaton DG,bds-140State ' . : M ,-.,* Eberhard John Ay3S0iLydias "., ',!. ,,, Edgar Peter, 3 MortoiU ! Edgar William, cabinet maker, 57 a Pearl Edgar Mary, 23 Van Schaick -:•! Edgerton Ebenezer S, painter, 36 Herkimer Edgerton Christopher H, artist, 36 Herkimer Edick Henry, printer, 65 Columbia Edick John R, mason, 114 Spring < Eddy Joseph, 43 Second, Arbor Hill Eddy Edward, 7 Rose Edson Cyrus, res 38 Lydius Edwards Patrick, laborer; 47 Columbia ) Edwards Richard J, carpenter, 79 Rensselaer ! Edwards William; carpenter, cor Broad &iArtih < in Edwards F S, attorney &c, 1 Com'buildings; rJSs 34 n Pearl •'• • ••••:. ,:,i Edwards I, city attorney &«V77 State^ bdsiDela^a* Edwards James, altorneyifccj<480 Broadway, res 42 n Pearl :,'• ff v •;•'./. Edwards Thomas, 95 Knox - . ^. Ed wands C J, havhesd makeiy 637 Broadway, kv «o» Highland Lancaster . •: •-, ,. Effner Abraham, coach maker, 87 Lydius i nit Eggleston William, wagon inaker; 28 Chapel i . HE Eggleston John M, grocer,22 Quay;

Elkins Thomas, dentist, 188 lipumber !' Eller L,486 Lydius >j./.. ; < . i ; ,: Ellery John, mason, 314 Lydhis ', (' Elliot Joseph, paper hanger, 1 BradftfrdM Elliott G W, 116 Pier, b4»City-Hotel* Elliott Joseph, cor Wasrarigtona Snipe Elliott Harvey, laborer, 164 Washirigtoh Elliott John, shoemaker, 3 Morten:": ; ' • Ellis Williamj'architjfct, 45'Unlori '; Ellis Edmuml, boatman;402 Lydius ; ' ' Ellis Miss Susan, millinery, 4 a Pearl r Ellison William, 99 Second, ArboY tjiH ' "";'; ;' Elmendorf John, cor Green andWesterlo/ '! Elmendorf Harman W, cbachnrafcer, 98 Church1 " Elmendorf Dr P E, res Cherry Hill ' EtihtnA&rf Peter, 197 Hamilton1 • Elton JT, grain measurer, 150 Orange Emmerson Mrs, bds Eagle' st Hotel ".." Emmerson J B, bds Mrs Gillets Emery William, res 26 BeaVer Emery H D, res 27 Beaver ' Emery George W, res 27 Beaver , ' Emery Horace L, Agricultural'warehotise1, 369 And 371 Broadway, h 26 Beaver Emslie William, tailpr,, 2 f5 Jefferson '• EMIGRANT ASSOCIATION', office foot of HaniiltoR " Emmons James, carpenter, 118 Jefferson Emmons Ebenezer, state geoloMst, .159 Hudson1'1 ' Emmons Ebenezer, jr, 161''Hudson''.'' ''.'" ." EngelJbhn J, cigar m^ker, 720 Broadway ; ENGINE No ^ 13 Chapel : do No% 43 Chapel1 do No 3 attached to Alms-house . , •. V .",',' do No 4,75 Grand ' j' !' do No 5,336'WashirrgtcH ; ,••.-.• '.*-• do No otcorttawk'ano1 Fayette-"' '"' "'"'" ? 148!: HOJWMrR B 4fJH«X-fliW«Cf»X ,:

ERGINR No 7,41 Jjtud*Pn; r, ' ,; do No 8, Broadway , do NolO, Wilson: i ; , . do No llj, 106 Arch , do No 12, Arbor Hill,, / Englehart George A H, 92 Lydius English Robert, 51 Canal English Thomas, 49 Mulberry Enos James W, lab,orer,:912 Broadway Enos Levi N, segar maker, 912 Broadway Enright James, 496 B°wery Ense Anthony, 93 Grand Ense Peter, 93 Grand Ensigh Lewis, pilot, 46 Franklin :! Ennis Jacob, laborer^ 124 Lydius •• \ Ennis fy Ogden, clothes cleaners, basemept,'.12 Ex­ change . Ensign Guy, sexton, basement.;Methodist Church, Ferry ...'.;.•'. Ensign William, pilot, 54 Arch Ertsberger William, 165 Lumber, Ertsberger Christopher, 39 Liberty Ertsberger Daniel, 165 jLumber ErdenbreecEt Johann, 108 Lark,, Erwin Patrick, 69 Maiden Lane ; , i Erwin,Ql»yer |f jjSilyersmith,*lO Broad , Erwin Thomas^ laborer, 9 $ Lansing Erwin Lavina,,20 Park Erwin John, 576 Rroadway, Erwin William H, dry goods,'&q, 238 Washington Erwin Robert, 27 Lumber'';".'. ' ,',' y Esmav Isaac, grocer and liquor store, 22 Dean, h lfi "Jay Esmus Minot, 166 Hudson Esinger Jacob, boatman, 72. jMulberxy , Evans John, mason, cor |)ove and tLydius .- HOFFMAN'S ALBAKI DIRECTORY. 145

Evans Swain, tailor, 20 Dallius Evans James, shoemaker, 101 Orange Evans Robert, tailor^ and street inspector, h60 Bas­ sett, near Green Evans Henry, shoemaker* 79 Colonie Evans Lewis E, agent Am Trans Co, 49 Quay, h 87 Hamilton Evers John, wholesale dealer in wines, liquors, &c, cor Chapel and Van Schaick, bds Northern Hotel Evers John, laborer, 109 Van Woert Evertsen E, exchange broker, 364 Broadway, h 24 Bleecker Evertsen Jacob jr, agency and exchange office, 8 Ex­ change B, res 823 Broadway Ewing Alonzo, 80 Spring Ewing Lawson, laborer, 18 Daniels Ewing Levi, carpenter, 292 Bowery Ewing Henry E, cabinet maker, 131 Hudson Ewing P H, res 131 Hudson

F FAGAN WIDOW, 212 Broadway Fagan Patrick, laborer, 35 Steuben Fagan Patrick, laborer, 43 De Witt Fahey Stephen, victualler, 476 Bowery Fair John, bds 26 Van Schaick Fairchild Hezekiah, fruit dealer, 28 Second, Arbor Hill Fairchild M, attorney, &c, 66 State Fairchild Lewis D, 123 Green Fairchild Wm B, 63 s Lansing Fairbanks Francis, piano maker, Delaware turnpike Fairfield Dr, Patroon cor Snipe Fairie Jabez, 106 Patroon Fake & Todd, liquor and wine dealers; 24 State 10 146 HOFFMAITS AtBANY DIRECTORY.

Fake Henry, res 181 Lydius Falk George, 168 Broad Falke Henry, grocer, 844 Broadway Fanning Charles, 8 Canal Fanning Hiram, screw dock, Pier cor Columbia, res 84 Lumber ' Fanning Amos, 66 Westerlo Fanyou Alexander, 117 Arch Farley Phillip, 33 Westerlo Farley Thomas, 61 Lancaster Farley James, furrier, 131 Lumber Farnham Daniel, in Orphan Asylum Farnham Henry H, carver, 68 Swan, Arbor Hill Farnham Charles H, carpenter, 93 Dallius Farnham John S, machinist, 51 Mulberry Farnham Henry, carpenter, 92 Third, Arbor Hill Farrell William, 185 Montgomery Farrell James, engineer, 19 Clinton Farrell Patrick, laborer, 154 Broadway Farrell Thomas, porter house, 25 Church house 86 Bleecker Farrell James, 165 Broadway Farrell John, cooper, 6 Rose Farrell widow Catharine, 134 Broad Farrell Dennis, laborer, 9 Park Farrell Peter, 82 Van Woert Farrell John, porter house, 10 Columbia Farrell Andrew, 75 Canal Farrell Patrick, waiter, 50 Canal Farrell widow, 73 Lawrence Farrell Gerret, 81 Van Woert Farrell widow Susan, 48 Van Woert Farren Richard, 157 Jefferson Farren Dennis, Spruce between Swan and Dove Farquarson Peter, 112 Canal HOFFMAN'S AJJBANY DIRECTORY. 147

Farzakerley William, 170 Jefferson Fassett & Washburn, lumber dealers, above » Ferry Fassett Benjamin, 56 Renselaer Fassett William N, 97 Columbia Fassett Amos, 97 Columbia Fassett widow of Timothy, 25 Patroon Fassett Asa, 54 Hawk Fassett Charles A, 37 Pier, res 25 Patroon Fatterly, Jacob,.boatman, 88 Schuyler Fatterly widow, 88 Shuyler Faust Christopher, moulder,» Pearl above Van Woert Famho Jacob, grocer, cor Alexander and Clinton Fay Henry B, physician, 2 n Pearl, bds 177 Broad­ way Fay Heman Allen, h and office 71 Second, Arbor Hill Fayle Thomas, 161 Broad Fayles Thomas, paper hanger, 217 s Pearl Fealy William, laborer, 86 Mulberry Fealy Michael, laborer, 82 Lumber Fealy Thomas, grocer, cor Rensselaer and Church Fealy William, 226 Jefferson Feary Thomas & Joseph, shoemaker, 651 Broadway Feary William, shoemaker, 43 Orange Featherly Henry, butcher, 399 State Featherstone Martin, mason, Eagle, cor Spruce Fegan Patrick, 33 Cherry , Fee Henrietta, widow, 141 Orange Feeley John, 15 Knox ; Feeny Michael, Delaware turnpike Feeny John, 132 n Pearl Feeny Michael, shoemaker, 22 Rensselaer Feeny F C, cooper, 34 Rensselaer Feeny Martin, 32 Rensselaer * Fellows William, 227 n Pearl 148 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Fellows & Davis^ real estate agents 20 Green Fellows Jacob, carpenter, 107 Washington Fellows Joseph, agent, 20 Green, h 142 Washington Feltman J C jr, res 98 Hudson Feltman John C, 98 Hudson Feltman William, bds 98 Hudson Fender Jacob, Sand e Perry Fenner David, coach lace weaver, 30 Canal Fenner Mrs Elizabeth, 30 Canal Fensham John, bds 157 Washington Ferguson John, cartman, 143 Orange Ferguson John, 42 John Ferguson Samuel, blacksmith, 60 Church Ferguson James, shoemaker, 118 Arch Ferguspn Samuel, plasterer, 222 Washington Ferguson Charles, cabinet maker, 58 Chapel Ferren Barney, 167 Orange Ferrens Edward, 98 Orange Field Joseph, 110 Hamilton Field George, 31 Alexander Field John, carpenter, 129 Lydius Field Nancy, widow of Thomas, 49 Lydius Fjlkins Orrin, coachsmith, 114 Jefferson Fillcroft William, moulder, 79 Cherry Finch Orville & Co, grocer and provisions, cor s Pearl and Hudson, h 131 Hamilton Finch John K, carpenter, cor Lumber and Swan Finch Isaac, 28 Howard Finger Alanson, engineer, 16 Daniels Finland Jacob, 62 Rensselaer Finley Helen, 21 Patroon Finn Patrick, cartman, 72 Canal Finn Timothy, grocer, 68 Green Finn Matthew, laborer, 145 Canal Finn Cornelius, shoemaker, 189 Broadway HOFFMAK'S ALBAKY DIRECTORY. 149

Finn George B, billiard room, 4 Beaver, res ,47 Westerlo Finn Matthew, 16 Second, Arbor Hill Finn Thomas, paver, 59 Howard Finnegan Henry C, 53 Fayette Finnegan Michael, 7 Dewitt Finnigan Mary, 105 Orange Finnigan John, cartman, 260 Lydius Finnigan James, 68 Third, Arbor Hill FIREMAN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, Coopers Building, State Fish Hamilton, Governor of State, res 15 Elk Fish Myer, pedlar, 32 Alexander Fish Amos, blacksmith, 95 Beaver, res 87 Beaver Fish Artemas, 26 a Pearl Fish Thomas, hatter, bds 21 Hudson Fish Samuel M & Co, (N A Fish,) Bi,£.& 6, Pier Fish N A, res 143 n Pearl Fish Samuel M, 2 High Fish Simon. 78 Arch Fisher Thomas, 112 Nucella Fisher William, 3 Grand Fisher Michael, grocer, 105 Snipe Fisher widow Mary, dealer in crockery, 37£ W&sh; ington Fisher Hicks, ship carpenter, 305 a Pearl Fisher Casper, Sand above Robin Fisher Gabriel, 51 Clinton Fisher Polly, 276 s Pearl Fisher, widow, 87 Orange Fisher John, butcher, 353 Washington Fisk William, coppersmith, 108 Jefferson Fisk widow Frances, Westerlo, to Hawk Fisk Anthony, (E H P & Co, 82State) res 294.;St»te Fitch Owen, moulder, Green cor Schuyler 150 HOFFMAN'S ' ALBANY DIRECTOR*

Fitzgerald Thomas, tailor, 75 Fulton Fitzgerald Simon, 35 Canal Fitzgerald Patrick, gardener, 32 Canal Fitzgerald Robert, shoemaker, 152 Montgomery Fitzgerald John, carpenter, 65 Maiden Lane Fitzgerald, widow, 39 Canal Fitzgerald Margaret, Colonie, e Swan Fitzgerald Morris, agent, 13 Dewitt Fitzgibbons Michael, 42 Colonie/ Fitzhenry John, laborer, 9 Spring Fitzpatrick Peter, mason, rear 339 Lydius Fitzpatrick widow Philip, 348 Lydius Fitzpatrick widow, 31 Westerlo Fitzpatrick Patrick, 51 Van Schaick Fitzpatrick Anthony F, real estate agent, 38 Steuben Fitzpatrick James, caulker, 46 Spencer Fitzpatrick Thomas, laborer, Hudson cor Dove Fitzpatrick William, 33 Westerlo Fitzpatrick Terrence, 171 Orange Fitzpatrick Christopher, 91 Schuyler Fitzpatrick Francis, physician, 100 Green Fitzpatrick Owen, laborer, rear, 41 Jackson Fitzpatrick John, 110 Orange Fitzpatrick Martin, cor Swan and Lumber Fitzpatrick James, rear 34 n Ferry Fitzpatrick Thomas, carpenter, 28 Howard Fitzpatrick John P, 161 Lumber Fitzpatrick John, rear 85 Canal Fitzsimmons Edward, 112 Canal Fitzsimmons Thomas, shoemaker, 1 Orange Fitzsimmons John, blacksmith, 99 Green Fitzsimmons Thomas, grocer, 15 Quay Fitzsimmons Wm, shoemaker, 19 Quay Fitzsimmons James, coachman, 23 Howard Flagler Henry, 10 Pine HOFFMAN'S ALBANT.DIRECTORY. 151

Flack & Newcomb, grocers, 598 Broadway Flack William, bds Mrs Fullers Flaherty Mrs, confectioner, 205 Broadway Flaherty John, 39 Van Woert Flaherty Pierce, 163 Montgomery Flanagan Daniel, 41 Van Woert Flanagan Patrick, 13 Fayette Flanigan James, laborer, 44 Arch Flanigan Peter, laborer, rear 57 Lawrence Flanigan Peter, 35 Canal Flanigan Edward, laborer, 95 Church Flanigan Felix, laborer, 226 Hamilton Flanigan Michael, 158 Orange Flavin Deglin, laborer, 9 Park Flavin Philip, stone cutter, 154 s Pearl Flannary Patrick, 120 Arch Flanny James, mason, 81 Cherry Flandrew John, cartman, 615 Broadway Flansburgh, Peter, carpenter, 132 Arch Flansburgh David, carpenter, lower end s Pearl Flemestfield Peter, baker, 126 Orange Flemming William, 50 Canal Flemming James, moulder, 7 Baker's Alley Flemming John, carpenter, 37^ Fayette Flemming Peter, accountant, 19 First, Arbor Hill Flemming widow James, cor Washington and Robin Flemming William, cor Cross and Spruce Fletcher widow Henry, 124 Lydius Flint Mrs Anna, 18 Bleecker Flood Michael, rear 161 Orange Floak Bernard, lock smith, 65 Schuyler Flood Jeremiah, 38 Chesnut Flood Francis F, barber, 161 Broadway Flood James, tailor, 143 Eagle Flower Zeno, tailor, 60 n Lansing 152 Floy widow Jane, 24 Second, Arbor Hill Flynn Michael, nail maker, 423 State Flynn Dominick, laborer, 68 Swan Flynn Michael, tailor, 43 Van Schaack Flynn Thomas, 4 Hawk Flynn Edward, 18 Second, Arbor Hill Flynn Patrick, laborer, 8£ Ferry Flynn Arthur, laborer, 23 Canal Flynn John, laborer, 40 Van Schaick Flynn John, porter house, 3 Division Flynn Daniel, 74 Jackson Flynn Patrick, rear 42 Philip Flynn Patrick, laborer, 19 Canal Flynn James, 25 Lodge Flynn George, 29 Westerlo Flynn John, rear 59 Lydius Flynn David, laborer, 190 Broadway Flynn P, cooper, Trotters Alley Foder Fredrick, blacksmith, 49 Spring • Foland Peter, grocer, 311 State Foland David, widow, 339 Lydius Fogel Moses, pedler, 148 Broad Foley James, grocer, 52 Church Foley Patrick, carpenter, 56 Arch Foley Michael, laborer, 177 Green Follet John, carpenter, 86 Van Woert Follet Frederic, canal commissioner, bds Delavan Folger John B, lastmaker, 44 s Pearl Folsom Alexander, bds Delavan Fonda D E physician, 97 s Pearl Fonda James S, 10 Cross Fonda Rebecca, 51 Lumber Fondey T, bds City Hotel Fondey John, physician, 680 Broadway Fondey Isaac jr, 57 Colonie HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 153

Fondey Isaac, discount clerk and notary public in City Bank, h 57 Colonie. Foot Truman S, 25 Dallius Footman Patrick, Jefferson ab Hawk Forbush David, laborer, 1 Baker's Alley Forbes Elisha, draughtsman, 9 Exchange Buildings, h 94 Columbia Forbey George, Janitor (basement) Albany Academy Forbey John, sawyer, 91 Eagle Forbey William, butcher, Hamilton w Dove Ford Eliakim jr, 120 Green Ford Daniel H, 460 Broadway, h 77 Hamilton Ford John W, attorney &c, agent Life Fire Insu­ rance co, 460 Broadway, residence 77 Hamilton Ford William, painter, 168 Jefferson Ford Philip, 27 Ten Broeck Ford (William R,) & Grant, (Richard J,) dealers in drugs, paints and oils, 32 and 34 Washington Ford Edward W, 460 Broadway, h 77 Hamikon Ford William R, 172 Washington Forrester Michael, 28 Chesnut Forman Cornelius, tailor 134 Spring Forsyth William W, attorney &c, 6 State, h 47 n Pearl Forsyth John, 43 Orange Forsyth and Robinson, dealers in hides 6 State Forsyth John, tailor, 22 Hawk Forker James, segar maker, 166 Lumber Fortune Edward, grocer, cor Lydius and Swan Foshender Jacob, Sand, b Knox and Snipe Fosdick Nathaniel, shoemaker, 23 Pearl Foster Chandler, (S & F) 63 State, bds Miss Cartels Foster widow, cor Sand and Robin Foster James T, 36 Jay 154 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Foster E jr, bds Stanwix Hall Fout George, weaver, 52 Clinton Foust Peter, 223 Washington Fowler Alfred, 18 Hudson, bds American * Fowler Elijah, 132 Spring Fowler William, 59 Ferry Fowler Miss J, 99 Nucella Fowler widow Samuel S, res near Greenbush vil­ lage Fowler Charles H, cartman, 45 Van Woert Fowler Gilbert C, sashmaker, 96 Herkimer, res 103 Eagle Fox Thomas, carpenter, 1 Dallius Fox Peter, 19 Canal Fox Barney, 114 Nucella Fox Roger, laborer, Hawk, near Canal Fox Edmund, carpenter, 324 Lydius Fox Patrick, grocer, corner Arch and Green Fox L G, shoemaker, rear 169 Hudson Fox Edward, printer, bds at Mechanics Hotel Fox Thomas, 22 Van Woert Fox Rigden, 363 State Foos Edward, segar maker, 48 Montgomery Foy Philip, laborer, 176 Green Foy Patrick, teamster, 57 Broadway Foy John, laborer, 63 Broadway Fogle Michael, laborer, 75 Arch Fraling B, Sand, e Snipe Frame George M, machinist, 2 Franklin Place Francis Eliza, 24 Clinton Franklin John, 24 Elk Franklin John, whitewasher, 18 Clinton Franks John, restauraunt, 17 Hamilton Frank Alexander, pedlar, 221 * Pearl Frank Jacob, laborer, 11 Owners alley ALBANY DIRECTORY. 155

Frank William B, cooper, 53 Spring Frank Isaac, pedlar, 46 Ferry Frank John, Sand, w Snipe Fraser Miss Mary, 256 s Pearl Fraser Henry, 256 s Pearl Fraser Frederic, moulder, 21 Hawk Fraser widow Mary, 32 Spring Fraser Rev John, pastor Ferry street church, res 76 Ferry Fravor Peter, 27 Van Woert Frazier William, 90 Bassett Freckelton James, laborer, 50 Second, Arbor Hill Frederich Christopher, 84 Washington Frederich Walter, 4 Owners alley Frederick Philip, 247 State Frederick Daniel, moulder, 4 Owners alley Fredendall Jacob, tailor, 328 State Fredendall John, carpenter, 6 Wendell Fredendall Matthew, carpenter, 350 State Fredenrich John C, bds 51 Knox Fredenrich Philip, victualler, Centre Market, res 51 Knox Fredenrich John, butcher, stall 280 Broadway, res 56 Division Fredenrich Jacob, 4 William Fredenrich George, victualler, 13 Herkimer Free Amos, 47 Washington Freeman William, mason, 146 Jefferson Freeman Robert, draper and tailor, 482 Broadway, res 46 Lancaster Freeman S H, physician, 669 Broadway Freeman Robert, flint enamel store, 625 Broadway Freeman John E, 363 State Freeman James, mason, 140 Jefferson Freeman John, hair dresser, 379 Broadway French Abel, bds Congress Hall 156

French James M, 106 n Pearl Frery Bernard, copper smith, 33 Jefferson Friday Benjamin, hatter, 81 s Pearl Friedenham John, 23 Liberty Frickknecht Jacob, shoemaker, 75 Arch Friend Mayer, jewelry, 36 s Pearl, h 134 Friend Moses S, watches and jewelry, opposite Con­ gress Hall, 7 Washington FRIEND'S SCHOOL, Ann E Spencer, 10 Plain Frink Jacob, 49 Third, Arbor Hill Frink Sidney, tailor, 61 Patroon Frink M, bds Delevan Frinck Joseph, mason, 285 Washington Frisby Joel, carpenter, 17 Jay Frisby Luther, carpenter, 7 Wendell Frisby Edward, livery stable, 161 s Pearl, res 148 Frisch Harmon, Pedlar, 251 s Pearl Friesch Frederic, 97 Swan, Arbor Hill Frost Jacob, cartman, 49 Fayette Frost Martha M widow, 35 Knox Frost Lott, leather dealer, 18 Hudson, house 187 Hamilton Frost David, 111 Jefferson Frost Reuben, carpenter, 147 Hamilton Frost (Lott) & Fowler (Alfred F) leather dealers, 18 Hudson Frostick Daniel R, butcher, 25 Alexander Frothingham William W, attorney &c, 513 Broad way, res 53 Ferry Frothingham Charles, druggist, 440 Broadway, op­ posite Mechanics' Bank, res 82 n Pearl Frothingham William, fashionable hat store, 444 Broadway, bds cor Maiden Lane and Chapel Frothingham Pruyn & Lansing, attorneys &c, 513 Broadway 157

Frothingham Joseph B, 22 Patroon Fiy Sarah, 11 Lancaster Fry Joseph, 199 s Pearl Fry George, 413 Bowery Fry Daniel, dealer in hardware, &c, 40 State, res53 Green Fryer & McMichael, dry goods, 326 Broadway Fryer William, 71 Swan, Arbor Hill Fryer William J, 93 Lydius Fryer John, grocer, 778 Broadway Fryer widow of Isaac I, 3 Railroad avenue Fryer Joseph, ferryman, 126 Broadway Fuhr John, fitter, 82 Canal Fuhr William, shoemaker, 52 Jefferson Fuller widow Susan, 207 State Fuller Orrin B, coach trimmer, 9 Montgomery Fuller William, 334 Bowery Fuller widow Richard, 38 Elk Fuller Mrs S S, boarding house, 9 Montgomery Fuller David T, merchant, 357 Broadway, house 100 Herkimer Fuller Jerome, editor State Register, 37 State Fuller Willard, 5 Grand Fuller J S, 518 Broadway, bds Delavan Fuller S W, bds Delavan Fuller Philo, carpenter, 32 Jay Fuller Clark, moulder, 99 Dallius Fuller James, 336 Bowery Fuller Amsa, tin and sheet iron, 638 Broadway Funk George, 234 Washington Furman James, carpenter, 3 Clinton Furman Esther widow, 55 First, Arbor Hill Furnam John, coach-maker, 164 Spring Furnald Samuel, boarding house, 29 s Pearl FURNACE TOWNSEND'S, cor Hawk and Elk 158

FURNACE HUDSON RIVER, 126 Quay FURNACE, Joel Rathbone & Co, lower end Broadway FURNACE ALBANY CITY, Jesse C Potts, cor Grand and Hamilton FURNACE EAGLE AIR, 106, 108, ] 10 Beaver G. GABEL MATHIAS, moulder, 61 n Ferry Gabel Nicholas, porter house, 140 Montgomery Gabel Nicholas, 40 Colonie Gaffney Dennis B, attorney &c, res 128 Spring Gaffney James, laborer, 9 Columbia Gaffney John, cartm n, 72 Swan, Arbor Hill Gaffney James, .cooper, 48 Colonie Gaffney Bryan, laborer, 223 Broadway Gaffney Patrick, cooper, 39 n Lansing Gage William D, waterman, 79 Lawrence Gage William T, bowling saloon, 462 Broadway Gage Nancy, 53 Lydius Gage Philip B, 111 Church Gage William D, carpenter, 53 Lydius Gain Daniel, grocer, cor Mulberry and Franklin Gale widow Thomas, 19 Quay Gall Joseph, optician, 83 Green, shop 26 Galligan John, laborer, 95 Third, Arbor Hill Galligan Patrick, laborer, 95 Third, Arbor Hill Galligan widow, 97 Beaver Galligher Thomas, 70 First, Arbor Hill Galligher Michael, laborer, 63 Mulberry Galligher James, laborer, 109 Swan Galligher John, laborer, 120 Broadway Galliger James, laborer, Westerlo, w Swan Gallien John, 6 Chesnut, Gallipeace Nelson, grocer, 18 Center Gallup Albert, attorney &c, res 84 Westerlo HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 159

Gallup Nathaniel, U States Hotel, 91 Washington Gallup John J, 343 State Gallup Cyrus, botanist, 317 State Galogily John, 215 Orange Galpin Miss Frances, bandbox manufacturer, 43 Maiden Lane Galpin George, printer, 43 Maiden Lane Galpin Charles, printer, 43 Maiden Lane Galvin James, grocer, cor Schuyler and Franklin Galvin James, laborer, 57 n Lansing Galvin Patrick, 185 Water Gamble James, 9 Grand Alley Gannon Patrick, physician, 690 Broadway Gannon Patrick, cartman, 46 Van Schaick Gannon John, 50 Van Schaick Gannon Thomas, moulder, 33 Van Woert Gannovan Thomas, laborer, 45 Rensselaer Ganey Patrick, laborer, 63 Broadway Gansevoort Peter, attorney &c, 13 Douw's buildings, h 115 Washington Gardner Morris, boiler maker, 70 Mulberry Gardner Frederick, moulder, 13 Park Gardner John, waiter, 383 State Gardner Augustus, 41 Union Gardner J C, cooper, 110 Swan Gardner John H, Niagara House, 80 Washington, h 5 Swan Gardner Philip, moulder, 12 Willett Gardner Robert, cooper, 17 Washington Gardner John, moulder, 60 Jackson Gardner William, moulder, 60 Jackson Gardner Peter, cooper, railroad Avenue Gardner George W, pattern maker, 21 Ferry Gardner John, 94 s Pearl Gardner William, barber, 48 Hamilton 160 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Garling J B, 196 Hamilton Garland George, laborer, 18 Van Zandt Garland Harvey. 4 Catharine Garfield Charles L, teller City Bank, 150 n Pearl Gargan Denis, 139 Broad Garnyou Joseph, 106 Patroon Garrett Edward, 51 Van Zandt Garrett Francis, moulder, 18 Ferry Garrett A, 64 Rensselaer Garretty Catharine, 20 s Lansing Garretty Peter, 57£ n Lansing Garretty Patrick, 195 Water Garetty William, carpenter, 120 Arch Garrey Thomas, laborer, 57 Lawrence Garrison Thomas, hair dresser, 29 s Pearl, h 15 Clin­ ton Garrison Thomas, 24 Clinton Garrison Isaac, hair dresser, 7 Catharine Garron Henry, shoemaker, 50 Ferry GAS LIGHT COMPANY'S WORKS, cor Arch & Grand office 529 Broadway Garson Julius. 60 Division Gasquoine Samuel, book-keeper, Jefferson, near Swan Gates Albert W, 33 Elm Gates Gerritt, Commissioner of Deeds 37 First, Ar­ bor Hill Gates John, 37 First, Arbor Hill Gates George, mason, 348 Bowery Gates Charles, grocer, 350 Bowery Gaughan Hugh, 155\ Orange Gaven Patrick, porter house, cor Columbia and Chapel Gaut James, painter, 115 Franklin HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 161

Gavit Daniel E, Excelsior Daguerrian Galleries, 480 Broadway, 61 Maiden Lane Gavitt Daniel L, 160 Washington Gavitt John E, bank note engraving and printing, Exchange buildings, res 79 Columbia Gay Richard, mason, 93 Swan, Arbor Hill Gay Samuel, 165 Montgomery Gay Charles (G & M) 34 Grand Gay George E, (Boston Packet Office) 102 Pier, bda Mrs. Crane^ Gay Lusher, lumber and stave dealer, 32 Pier Gay & Mygatt, dealers in dry goods, 486 Broadway Gaylor Hiram, 73 Green Gaylor James, 53 n Lansing Gaynor widow James, 50^ Second, Arbor Hill Gaynor Patrick, 8 Lumber Gaynor Thomas D, grocer, 34 Quay Gaynor Lawrence, laborer, 112 Canal Geary George, tailor, 60 Howard Geary John, 493 Washington Geary William, bds 15 Jay Gebhard John, geological rooms, old State Hall,bds American Geisler Caspar, tailor, 124 Broad Gellan James, 70 Second, Arbor Hill Gelsey Nicholas, tailor, 144 Franklin GENERAL STAGE OFFICE, under Museum, Broadway Geoghegan William, physician, corner Green and Bleecker George George, mason, 38 * Lansing George Jacob, tailor, Sand w Perry Geran Anthony, grocer, 67 Broadway Gerber L, box maker, 62 Green Gerst Andrew, shoemaker, 253 a Pearl 11 162

Getts Elias, pedlar, 270 a Pearl Getty Miss, milliner and dress maker, 37^ s Pearl Gibbons Esther, widow of James, 768 Broadway Gibbons Charles, sweep, 52 Van Schaick Gibb Thomas W, attorney, &c, 50 State, bds Clinton Gibbs and Callanan, attorneys, &c, 50 State Gibbs Samuel W, pattern maker, h 184 Lydius, shop 25 Green Gibson William, carpenter, cor Jefferson and Dove Gibson Benjamin, 338 Bowery Gibson William, butcher, 47 Fayette Gibson William, cartman, 251 Washington Gibson Cornelius V, butcher, 57 Knox Gibson Washington, grocer, 160 Broadway, h 162 Gibson John, steam planeing and plaster mill, and plane factory, cor Water and Spencer, and on the dock, res 9 Lancaster Gibson James A, pilot, 22 Park Gibson William, plane maker, 34 Fayette Gibson John, farrier, 711 Broadway Gibson John jr, cor Water and Spencer, res 791 Broadway Gibson William, baker, 278 Bowery Gibson John, whitewasher, 18 Clinton Gier John, tailor, 29 Van Zandt Giffin John, tin smith, 707 Broadway Giffin William, dyer and scourer, 20 Norton Gifford Daniel, 416 Bowery Gifford C E, 40 Quay, h 97 Eagle Gifford Abraham B, Chestnut, b Dove and Lark Gifford Isaac book keeper, 97 Eagle Gigurre Isaac, 278 Washington, t b Gilbert Lucien M, commission merchant, 38 Quay, res 576 Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 163

Gilbert P L, news depot under Museum, bds Cjity Hotel Gilbert C M, 53 State, res 35 Union Gilbert John, carpenter, Lark, b Second & Third Gilchrist Daniel, machinist, 42 Patroon Gilford John, 825 Broadway Giles David, 310^ State Gill William, moulder, 62 Franklin Gill Thomas, 46 Van Schaick Gill Charles W, printer, 51 Spring Gill Mrs Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, 68 a Pearl Gill Robert, 68 s Pearl Gill John G, sexton, 397 Stat* Gill Thomas, 76 Van WToert Gill George, 397 State Gill Michael, laborer, 3 Catharine Gill Robert, silver plater, 168 Hudson Gill Patrick, 157 Orange Gillan David, carpenter, Lark n Third Gillen Thomas, pedler, 21] Washington Gillet widow of Cyrel, 27 William Gillet Truman S, 68 Eagle Gillign Patrick, 83 Canal Gilleg John, laborer, 351 Bowery Gilloley Patrick, laborer, 7S Third, Arbor Hill Gilliard William, glass blower, 1^5 Green Gilmore Levi, ]35 Lumber Gilmore Gaion, 103 Second, Arbor Hill Gilman John, carpenter, rear 130 Broad Gilmore, Lowell bonnet store, wholesale and retail, 540 Broadway, h 27 n Pearl Gillmore George, 11 Spruce Gilson Samuel, 111 Snipe Gilson Edward, shoemaker, below railroad 164 Gilson widow, 782 Broadway Gillespie Abigail, 2 Norton Gillespie Thomas, painter, 228 n Pearl Gillespie Matthew, 62 n Lansing Gillespie Josiah, skipper, 62 Westerlo Gillespie Hugh, shoemaker, 163 Hudson Gillespie Thomas, shoemaker, 101 Second, Arbor Hill Gillespie William, 49 Dewitt Gilligan John, 115 First, Arbor Hill Gilligan Edward, 111 First, Arbor Hill Gilligan Charles, laborer, 43 Van Woert tjilligan James, 118 First, Arbor Hill Gilligan James, piano maker, 66 Swan, Arbor Hill Ginn Charles, laborer, 67 Mulberry Ginn John, 71 Mulberry Gillis Alexander, carpenter, 2 Dove Ginen Joseph, 90 Second, Arbor Hill Gilrona Thomas, cartman, Canal e Swan Girvan Alexander, moulder, 90 Second, Arbor Hill Girvan Joseph jr, moulder, 32 Third Arbor Hill Gladding Timothy C, painter, 49 Hawk Gladding George W, 93 State, h 51 Hawk Gladding Joseph, painter and glazier, 93 State, h 49 Hawk Gladding Timothy A, portrait painter, 41 s Pearl Gladding Freeman, painter, 12 William, h 111 Jef­ ferson Gladding William, painter, 64 Green Gladding Horace, painter, 484 Broadway Gleason Mathew, carpenter, 334 Lydius Gleason Edward, teamster, 70 Cherry Gleason Michael, laborer, 125 Church Gleason Thomas, 101 Green Gleason John, teamster, 46 Cherry HOFUdAN's ALBANY DIRECTORY. 165

Gleason Michael, laborer, Baker's Alley Glen George W, 32 Van Schaick Glen Cornelius, Argus office, res 9 Daniels Glen John, moulder, 124 Broadway Gock Dedrick, confectioner, 62£ Green Godard C W, agent for Syracuse and Oswego line lake boats, 98 Pier, h above Orphan asylum on plank road Godden William, cartman, 313 State Godden David, 363 State Godfrey Abbe L, nurse, 134 n Pearl Godfrey William, carpenter, 327 Lydius Godley Richard, bds 140 Broadway Godwin I C, intelligence office, 47£ Hudson, res 343 Washington Goeway widow Dorothy, 233 n Pearl Goeway John P, pilot, 25\ Ferry Goeway Magdalen, school teacher, 20 Orange Goewey John I, accountant, 125 Hamilton Goewey Jacob, mason, S#nd e Perry Goewey William H, 9 Chapel Goewey Solomon, cartman, 912 Broadway Goffe John, (W B & J) provision store, 84 n Pearl, res 2 Van Schaick Goffe Henry, 136 n Pearl Goffe John E, 15 Clinton Goffe William, 38 Second, Arbor Hill Golden Thomas, cooper, 105 Washington Golden Peter, laborer, 131 Broad Golden C, hay market, Garden Goldwait widow Jonathan, 106 Herkimer Goldwait John, printer, 106 Herkimer Goleman Dennis, 40 Colonie Goligar Thomas, 166 Orange Golligar James, 126 Jefferson 166 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Gombel F C, piano maker, 221 State Gomph George, piano maker, cor Lydius and Hawk Goodland TSdward, 32 Spring Goodman Conrad, moulder, 44 Clinton Goodman Philip, moulder, 145 Broad Goodno George N, 261 State Goodrich Sidney, 10 Rose Goodrich widow Sarah, 6 Van Schaick Goodrich Moses, shoemaker, 96 Canal Goodrich David, lumber dealer, 43 Pier, b5 Ten Broeck Goodrich John, 173 Hudson Goodrich Theodore, shoemaker, 94 Canal Goodrich James, mason, 94 .Canal Goodwin Albert, mason, 226 State Goodwin Stephen, moulder, Sand b Snipe and Knox Goodwin James, 343 Bowery Goold Henry, teacher music, 47 s Pearl Goold James & Co, (John S Goold and Walter R Bush) coach manufacturers and carriage warehouse, on Division, Union and Hamilton Goold James, 47 s Pearl Goold John S, 135 Eagle Gooley Henry, boatman, 73 Rensselaer Gould William bds 44 Beaver Gould James P, chief engineer, res 5 Rose Gould widow Job, 39 Beaver Gould James S, Artist's Repository, 413 Broadway h 44 Beaver Gould, Banks & Gould, law booksellers, 475 Broad­ way, two doors n City Hotel Gould Anthony, (G, B & G) 475 Broadway, h 91 Columbia Gould William, (G, B k G.) 475 Broadway, h 42 Eagle HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 167

Gould John, cabinet maker, 18 Park Gould Oliver, 77 Lawrence Gould E S, bookkeeper, res Stanwix Hall Gould widow Mary, 104 State Gould James, porter house, lower end s Pearl Gould Charles D, 113 State Gordon Mrs Sarah A, 123^ Lydius Gordon John, teamster, 26 Elm Gordon John, laborer, 114 Church Gordon John, 19 Jackson Gordon Archibald, cartman, Canal * Swan * Gordon David, cooper, 263 State Gordinier Peter, 5 Union Gorman Thomas, 159 Broadway Gorman Patrick, laborer, 13 Westerlo Gorman Thomas, grocer, 60 Pier, res 36 Canal Gorman Patrick, shoemaker, 55 Colonie Gormley Patrick, cartman, 164 Jefferson Gormly Michael, rear 116 Canal Gore Matthew, laborer, 110 Arch Gorry Edward, shoemaker, 37 Van Schaick Gott David, bds 42 Washington Gott John, tabacco and snuff manufacturer, store 7 James, res 95 Columbia Gott John, jr, bds 95 Columbia Gowen Patrick, 73 Jefferson Gower William, fruiterer, 140 Hamilton Gough Mrs, milinary and worsted, 589 Broadway Gourley William B, lumber inspector, 117 n Pearl Grace William, 255 Washington Gracie Mrs, milliner, 608 Broadway Grady John, laborer, 73 Broadway Grady Michael, 104 Van Woert Grady Peter, 53 Jackson Grady widow, 21 Quay 168 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Grady Patrick, carman, 9 Westerlo Gragon Matthew, 171 Jefferson Graham Frederic, laborer, 67 Mulberry Graham widow, 107 Orange Graham John Q, 76 Montgomery Graham Edward W, 66 State, h 341 Lydius Graham John W, dry goods, 530 Broadway, bds Mansion House Graham Barbara, 70 Washington Graham William N, varnisher, 23 Franklin Graliss Thomas, laborer, Gansevoort Granger R D, bds American Grant Janies, weighmaster, 9 Van Woert Grant Michael, 3 Morton Grant William, 21 Philip Grant Philander S, printer, 188 Washington Grant & Sayles, produce dealers, 01 Quay Grant Richard J, (Ford & Grant,) res 35 Hawk, Al­ derman 9th ward Grant Mrs, boarding house, 2 Water Grassen Charles, mason, 78 Arch Gratton widow Jane, 169 Jefferson Grattan Patrick, grocer, 328 Bowery, cor Snipe Gratwick Mrs Ann, 46 Orange Graves Peter, n Pearl ab Van Woert Graves Anthony G, professor of dancing, 80 * Pearl Graves John S, baker, 94 Green Graves George, cabinet maker, 289 s Pearl Gray & Sprague, booksellers, 388 Broadway Gray Stephen R, res 65 Grand Gray George F, bds Mrs Fuller's Gray James, painter, 188 n Pearl Gray William, mason, 104 Swan Gray Owen, rear 155 \ Orange Gray Adam, 130 Eagle HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 169

Gray John, ship carpenter, 83 Orange Gray Daniel A, bds 46 Eagle Gray James A, (B & G) 66 n Pearl Gray James, coppersmith, 1 Franklin Place Gray John, sheet iron worker, 48 * Pearl, h 51 Jay Gray James, eating house, 17 s Pearl, res 10 William Gray Alexander, cor Franklin and John, res 43 Broad Gray John, laborer, 9 Spring Gray William, stone cutter, 88 Westerlo, shop cor Franklin and John, h 45 Broad Gray widow Margaret, 65 Grand Gray William, porter, 55 Canal Gray Samuel, 165 Montgomery- Green Alexander H, bds City Hotel Green Edward, 20 Washington Green Merritt R, skipper, 277 Lydius Green Carr B, tailor, 115 Grand Green A C, 69 Second, Arbor Hill Green James W, weigh master, 134 Montgomery Green Benjamin, musician, 77 First, Arbor Hill Green James, 51 Spencer Green Seth, 38 Arch Greene & Mather, Albany and N Y Line towboats, 66 Quay Greene Thomas L, bds Mansion House Greene William, bds City Hotel Greer Alexander, segar maker, tobacconist, 822 Broadway, h 820 Greer Andrew, tobacconist, 245 n Pearl Greer Patrick, tailor, 11 Liberty, Grent Patrick, 21 Phillip

( reenash John, Jelierson near Swan Greenash Squire, Jefferson near Swan- Greethurst George, baker, 74 Lawrence 170 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Gregory Mrs L M, 82 Hudson Gregory Charles, 84 Third, Arbor Hill Gregory Stephen B, 51 State Gregory William M, Middle church place, 67 Hud­ son Gregory David E, 746 Broadway Gregory widow Elizabeth, 89 n Pearl Gregory & Co, William M & Stephen B Gregory wholesale and retail ilealers in crockery, 51 Stato Gregory Richard, 69 Patroon Gregory John, blacksmith, Ten Broeck n Lumber Gregory Thomas, shoemaker, 411 State Gregory L R, painter, 32 Green, h 27 Wilson Gregory E H, stove dealer, 27 Green, h 12 Park Gregory Edward, 12 Park Gregory William U, bds City Hotel Gregory Edward, lockmaker, 57 Schuyler Gregory William, saw manufactory, 148 Broadway Greiner Stephen, machinist, 151 Broadway Greson John, ship carpenter, 74 Colonie Grew Mrs S, dress maker, 9 Washington Greyson Hugh, laborer, 29 Van Woert Griffin C C, physician, 167 Lumber Griffin Richard M, 328 Broadway, res Greenbush Griffin Patrick H, coppersmith, corner Steuben and James, res 31 Van Schaick Griffin John, laborer, 31 Van Schaick Griffin John, 1 Park Griffin Seth, coffee house, 6 Green, res 51 Union Griffin Michael, cartman, 45 n Lansing Griffin Richard, 59 First, Arbor Hill Griffin widow Samu 0> Griffin Patrick, laborer, ieo s feari \ Griffin Daniel, shoemaker, 8 a Lansing Griffin D M, bds Mansion HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 171

Griffin William C J, accountant, 362 Lydins Griffin George, bds Mansion House Griffin William, proprietor Mansion House, 470 and 472 Broadway Griffin & Farnsworth, Editors Albany Dutchman, 328 Broadway Griffin Jacob, 142 Broadway Griffin G M, bds 23 Jay Griffin A L, bds 23 Jay Griffin Elias, bds 23 Jay Griffin John, 94 First, Arbor Hill Griffin William, 46£ Arch Griffin Michael, 68 Lawrence (Jriffin Jacob J, shoemaker, 231 Lumber Griffith widow Margaret, 268 Bowery Griffith Edward, jeweller, 254 Broadway Griffith Thomas, mason, 174 Third, Arbor Hill Grimes widow John, 126 Eagle Grimes Edward, teamster, 30 Elm Grimes James. 109 Broad Grimes Patrick, rear 42 Phillip Grimes Owen, laborer, 152 Jefferson Grimwood J C, 48 Lancaster Grisman Casper, boot maker, 23 Alexander Griswold Francis H, gold beater, Hamilton, w Dove Griswold John, furrier, 17 Daniel Griswold, Mattoon & Co, lumber dealers, &c, corner Orange and Water Groat Harvey, painter, 38 Van Schaick Groat Simon, laborer, 24 Union Groesbeck John & Abraham, dealers in coal and pig iron, 45 Columbia Groesbeck widow Harriet, 9 Canal Groesbeek David W, 11 Daniels Groesbeek Stephen, Sec Albany Ins Co, office 56 State, res 58 Westerlo 172 Groesbeek C W, 68 Herkimer Groeswood Benedict, 248 s Pearl Grogan John, Canal e Swan Grogan Patrick, Canal e Swan Grogan Thomas, Canal e Swan Grogan Robert, porter house, 54 Montgomery Grogan George, 165 s Pearl Grogan widow Michael, Canal e Swan Grogan Dennis, 112 Church Grogan Hugh, cartman, Westerlo, w Swan Groot James F, engineer, 850 Broadway Groot Phillip W, Life and Fire Ins Co, 8 Douw's Building, h 14 High Grootweld Gilbert, carpenter, 63 Mulberry Gross Samuel jr, last and finding Store, 34 Hudson, h 2 Liberty Grounds Stephen, laborer, 57 Mulberry Grounds John, laborer, 57 Schuyler Rrrovestein Abraham, carpenter, 3 Dove Growney Patrick, 100 Church Guardinier Abraham, 78 Ferry Guardinier Elizabeth, 204 Green Guardinier John H, 82 Ferry Guest & Laney,morocco dressers, B'dway below Ferry Guest James, nailer, 274 Washington, s b Guest Sidney, 21 Rensselaer Guinan Andrew, 113 Van Woert Gullen widow Mary, 12 Norton Gunhouse Joseph, shoemaker, 166 Green Gunn Arthur, Sand e Robin Gunning John, 91 Franklin Gunton Thomas, 352 Bowery Guyer George, 58 s Lansing Guyer Mrs Harriet, 14 Van Tromp Guyer Hugh, brass bounder, 50 Green, h 68 First, Arbor Hill HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 173

H. HACKET widow, 54 s Lansing * Hacket James, Hawk 6 Orange and Patroon Hackett Christopher, 57 Bassett Hackley John P, grocer, 112 Quay Hackley Philo A, cor Westerlo and Broadway Haddock Jabez, soap and candle manufacturer, Hud­ son b Willett and Lark Hadley James R, 13 Broadway Hadley William J, attorney, &c, 83 State, res 174 State Haff widow Martha, 37 Ten Broeck Hagan Michael, 119 Van Woert Hagan Francis, painter, Orange, to Swan Hagan John, carpenter, 31 Jefferson Hagan Aaron, butcher, 148 Franklin Hngar Casper, blacksmith, 211 Broad Hagaman Hiram, 68 Spring Hagaman & Cowell, fruit dealers, 365 Broadway Hagaman Gerrit, 38 Franklin Hagaman John, Canal, b Lark and Dove Hagadorn Richard B, 306 s Pearl Hagadorn George M, carpenter, 144 Broad Hagadorn H D, 13 Herkimer Hagerty widow, 36 Chapel Hagerty John, tailor, 167 Second, Arbor Hill Hagerty Mary E, bds 110 Spring Hagerty Thomas, moulder, 6] n Ferry Hager Conrad, Lark n Third Haker Conrad, shoemaker, 14 Owners Alley Haight James O, blacksmith, 13 Curch, h 61 Union Hailes William, carpenter, 352 Lydius Hale Silvester, commission merchant, 117 Pier, h 41 Columbia Hale William, chairmaker, 50 Fayette 174 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Hale Elias P, 146 Spring Halleck Dbvid, 47 Ferry Haley Charles, 101 Canal Haley widow, Pleasant Hall Rev B M, 75 n Pearl Hall (Green), Hewson (John D) and Brower(S D), silversmiths, 10 Plain, cor Fulton Hall Green, 11 Plain Hall widow Joseph, 22 Third, Arbor Hill Hall Thomas, segar manufacturer, 177 Hamilton Hall widow Amy, cor Dallius and Schuyler Hall Ozias, 57 Van Woert Hall William B, machinist, 58 n Lansing Hall James, 39 High Hall James, geologist, 248£ Lydius, res cor Dele- ware and Morton Hall Wm E, shoemaker, rear 211 Washington Hall Richard, 95 Schuyler Hallenbake George, shoemaker, 104| Beaver Hallenbake James M, 30 Maiden Lane Hallenbake Samuel, cooper, 101 Washington Hallenbeck Aaron, bookbinder, 411 Washington Hallenbeck Martin, blacksmith, 22 Bleecker Hallenbeck John, mason, 136 Spring Hallenbeck Matthew I, produce dealer, 7 Hudson, bds Stanwix Hall Hallenbeck James, 292 Bowery Hallenbeck Christopher, 233 Bowery Hallenbeck Christopher, 233 Washington Hallett Samuel R, machinist, 18 Beaver Halligan Patrick, grocer, cor Swan & Westerlo Halliday Hiram, clock repairer, 46 Westerlo Halliday James, carpenter, 252 Lydius Halloway Rev Wm, pastor 3d Dutch, bds 2 Dallius Halnon Andrew, shoemaker, 11 Dove I75f

Halpen John, boatman, 118 Arch Halpen Patrick, laborer 137 Broad " Halpen Thomas, laborer, 108 Broad Halpen William, 56 Church Halpen widow grocer, 59 Broadway Halpen Wm, grocer, 114 Quay Halse William, 109 First, Arbor Hill Halse Henry, 108 Spring Helsey Josiah, 22 Dallius Halsted A, stage proprietor, 436 Broadway, 32 Ferry Ham Henry, carpenter, Lark cor Chesnut Ham Dryah, grocer, cor Lumber and Water Hamburger Bernard, 10 Grand Hamburger Moses, grocer, 146 Broad Hamburgh G, tailor, 66 s Pearl Hamilton S B, agent for the Etna Protection & Hart­ ford Insurance Company, 442 Broadway, h 3 Pine Hamilton R M, 442 Broadway, res 3 Pine Hamilton Samuel L, mason, 15 Van Schaack Hamilton James, cartman, 6 Lumber Hamilton William, shoemaker, 688 Broadway Hamilton Andrew, shoemaker, 2 Little Basin Hamilton James, mason, cor Chapel and Orange Hamilton Mathew, laborer, 26 Elm Hamilton William, brickmaker, 198 Broad Hamilton George, laborer, cor Hawk and Jeffer­ son Hammick John, 36 Water Hammon William, laborer, 184 Green Hammond George, laborer, 29 Van Woert Hammond Christopher Y, 21 William Hammond widow James, 62 a Pearl Hammond Samuel H, district attorney, &c, 450 Broadway, h 75 Lydius 176

Hammond, King & Barnes, attorneys, &c, 450 Broad way Hampton Francis, gardener, 192 Broad Hanan Michael, laborer, 22 Van Zandt Hance Henry, carpenter, 11 Owners alley Hancock James, laborer, 28 Canal Hancock John, clerk in Comptroller's office, bds at Beardsley's Hand Edward, 98 Water Hand Edward, 18 Jay Handley Robert, blacksmith, 251 Washington Handler Michael, laborer, 98 Broad Handrihan Cornelius, moulder, 7 Baker's Court Handrihan Jeremiah, cooper, 86 Church Handrihan Thomas, laborer, 61 Fulton Handy Andrew, 29 Van Zandt Hanford George, 17 Church, h 45 Division Hanley James, carpenter, Spruce, s Canal Hanley Edward, laborer, 398 Hudson Hanley John, laborer, 398 Hudson Hanlin Bridget, 11 Columbia Hanlin Thomas, 31 Rensselaer Hanlon Patrick, laborer, Hudson, w Dove Hanlon Thomas, rear 46 Van Schaick Hanna John, 70 Jackson Hannabury John, laborer, 9 Park Hannabury Martin, laborer, 65 Fulton Hannaford Stephen, shoemaker, 159 Orange Hannah E, bds Mansion House Hannahs William, tailor, 40 Second, Arbor Hill Hannahs James, stone cutter, 152 Jefferson Hannan Michael, laborer, 31 Van Zandt Hannan James, moulder, 31 Van Zandt Hannagan James, laborer, 167 Green Hannigan Thomas, 36 Arch HOFFMAN 'SALBANY DIRECTORY. 177

Hannigan Patrick, 94 Montgomery Hannigan James, laborer, 80 Arch Hannon John, 26 Van Woert Hansard Thomas, 110 Orange Harbison Samuel, 81 Church Harcourt John W, ergent for People's Line, res 21 Dallius Hardick widow Elizabeth, 118 Jefferson Harden Morris, 266 Lydius Harden Michael, laborer, 246 Lydius Harden John S, barber, 63 Washington Harden widow Jacob, 373 State Harden Ira, pattern maker, 57 Broadway Harder Richard, boatman, 190 Lumber Harder Robert, 185 Third, Arbor Hill Harderman James, 60 Schuyler Harding Richard, tailor, 103 s Pearl Hardy Francis, mason, 81 Bleecker Hardy Patiick, cartman, 9 Westerlo Hardy William J, carpenter, 11 Grand Hare Thomas, Dallius below Cherry" Harley Edward, variety store, 813 Broadway Harlow Michael, laborer, 48 Second, Arbor Hill Harman Mrs T W, 762 Broadway Harrner Sadell, grocer, 9 Plain Harmer Samuel, 86^ Hamilton Harned widow Samuel W, 19 Rensselaer Harper Robert, gardener, n Patroon Harrat Thomas A, 165 Jefferson Harrigan John, grocer, 22 Canal Harrington widow, 56 n Ferry Harrington A J, 67 Ferry Harragan John, stove mounter, 117 Grand Harris Rodney, 59 Lodge. 12 178 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Harris E S, 48 Howard Harris Stephen, 250 s Pearl Harris Edwin A, dealer in furniture, 531 and 533 Broadway, res 50 Patroon Harris Daniel, 13 Jay Harris Daniel jr, paper hanging warehouse, 8 Green, res 70 Eagle Harris Ira & Hamilton, attorneys &c, 6 Exchange, first floor Harris Hamilton, attorney &c,6 Exchange buildings, res 722 Broadway Harris James B, Rival Pillar, basement Douw's build­ ings, res 33 n Pearl Harris widow John, cor Green and Bleecker Harris Mrs, milliner, 33 n Pearl Harris Stephen, shoemaker, 58 Howard Harris George, livery stable, cor Maiden lane and James, res 59 Lodge Harris John, soda, porter, ale and cider bottler, 1 Broadway Harris Walter/soda bottler, 1 Broadway Harris Seth, soda bottler 7 Ferry Harris William R, soda bottler, 1 Broadway- Harris Samuel, cedar cooper, 122 Washington Harris W F, variety store, 81 State, res 48 Howard Harris Nicholas, 220 Washington. Harris Eliza, 60 Orange Harris Hon Ira, 6 Exchange, res cor Eagle and State Harris & Van Vorst, attorneys &c, 6 Exchange first floor Harris Allen, 33 De Witt Harrison Daniel, moulder, 168 Orange Harrison Robert, chemist and druggist, 581 Broad­ way, bds American 179

Harrison George, 109 Jefferson Harrison Anthony L, bookbinder, one door north of Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank, res692 Broadway Harrison John, grocer, 71 Canal, h 73 Harrison John Smith, 132 Lydius Harrison widow Patrick, 20 Canal Harrison James, shoemaker, 127 Green Harrison William J, builder, 263 State Hartnett William, victualler, north market, h 478 Bowery Hartnett John, laborer, 40 Rensselaer Hart James, variety store, 19 n Pearl Hart Thomas, tailor, Westerlo e Dove Hart Patrick, cartman, 40 Franklin Hart John, grocer, 42 Second, Arbor Hill Hart James, 33 Van Woert Hart Patrick, 37 Hamilton Hart Owen, grocer, cor Arch and Green Hart James, grocer, 39 Hamilton Hart Michael, rear 54 Van Schaick Hart James, tailor, 112 Orange Hart Henry, 50 Montgomery Hart James, varnisher, 23 Franklin Hart John, laborer, 75 /.rch Hart Andrew, basket maker, 126 Franklin Hart widow Mary, 825 Broadway Hartford David, 57 Montgomery Hartigan Lawrence, laborer, 56 Church Hartley Miss, 53 Canal Hartley William, Canal, 6 Knox and Snipe Hartness John & Co, soap and candle manufactures, 56 Jackson, res 169 n Pearl Hartness widow Maria, 125 n Pearl Hartness Felix, 20 Washington 180

Harty Daniel, Montgomery Lane Harty widow, 7 Bleecker Harvey William, stove mounter, cor Chestnut and Lark Harvey Francis, stove dealer, 7 Green, h 6 Jay Harvey James M, tailor, bds Franklin House Harvey widow Robert, 72 Lydius Harvey R W, 8 Norton Hascy Alexander R, watch maker, 33 State, h 126 Green .1 Hascy Nelson, 87 State Haskell Stephen J, 19 Ferry Haskell William P, rear 22 Hawk Haskell Henry C, bds Franklin Haslem widow, 86 Green Hastings John, 107 Green Hastings Thomas, News Depot, Museum buildings, res 107 Green Hastings Hugh J, editor Knickerbocker, office under Museum, printing office 72 State, res 62 Hudson Hastings Richard, 14 Beaver Hastings Seth & Son, office 5 Douw's buildings Haswell Mrs Ann, 136 Lydius Haswell Henry B, attorney, &c, 87 s Pearl Haswell Justus 85 s Pearl Haswell & Ransom, grocers, cor Lydius and Pearl Haswell Edward, carpenter, 136 Lydius Hatch Alvord, tailor, 165 s Pearl Hatch Kuff'man, shoemaker, 142 s Pearl Hatcher Edmund, laborer, Westerlo, west Swan Hatcher William, shoemaker, Westerlo, west Swan Hatcher William, cartman, Westerlo, west Swan Hatterscult Christian, Sand, east Snipe Hatton Patrick, laborer, Spruce e Dove 181

Havens Augustus, 184 Second, Arbor Hill Havens Benjamin F, carpenter, 75 First, Arbor Hill Haverscamp John, carriage maker, 128 Broad Hawe Michael, laborer, 67 Arch Hawe Matthew, cooper, 69 Dean and 63 Liberty, h 30 Division Hawe William, 23 Liberty, cooperage, 74 Quay Hawes Isaac L, fruit dealer, 276 Washington, *• b Hawkins Henry, grocer, foot of Columbia, h 38 Water Hawkins H D, provisions, &c, 44 Quay, res 4 Li­ berty Hawley Leman S, 275 s Pearl Hawley Elias Y, printer, 17 Park Hawley Cyrus, produce dealer, 191 Washington, bds Franklin House Hawley W A, at Dr Armsby's, bds 15 Van Tromp Hawley N, attorney, &c, 21 Douw's buildings, res Delaware turnpike Hawley Aaron, builder, Delaware turnpike Hawley Samuel, 17 Park Hawley David A, 74 Herkimer Hawley Gideon, office 4 Exchange, 1st floor, h 673 Broadway Hawley Henry Q & Co, steam planing machine, n Patroon's Creek, res 693 Broadway Hawley widow George W, 21 Patroon Hawley widow David E, 17 Park Hawley Mrs C M, teacher of music, 21 Patroon Hawthorne Archibald, weaver, 70 Green HAY SCALES, cor Plain and Philip Hayden Albert, 71 First, Arbor Hill Hayes William, printer, 146 Broad. Hayes David, grocer, cor. Green & Mulberry. Hayes Michael, laborer, 65 Fulton. 182 Hayes Catharine, widow of Timothy, 27 Howard. Hayes, widow of Solomon, 49 Philip. Hays H. E., insurance agent, 13 Exchange bds 42, Washington. Hays Catharine, 125 Water. Hays Michael, laborer, 42 Rensselaer. Hays Thomas, 98 Water Hays Edmond, mason, 325 State Hays widow Andrew, 40 Canal Hays John, butcher, 72 Lawrence Hays Michael, grocer, 192 Green Hays Michael, 101 Dallius Hays Joshua R, mason, opposite Lydius-st park Hazen Rev Jasper, editor Palladium, 368 Broadway res 159 s Pearl Hazen Jacob T, editor Temperance Courier, 368 Broadway, res 159 s Pearl Hazard W H, cartman, 126 n Pearl Hazeltine Stillman, merchant, 30 Washington h 335 State con Head Henry, shoemaker, 44 Van Schaick. Headinger Frederick, Sand ab Robin Headlam William, cor Montgomery and Lumber, res 9 Van Tromp Heaford Vincent, artist, 23 n Pearl Healy George H, tailor, 146 Lydius Hearty 38 Canal Heath William, carpenter, Jefferson w Eagle Heary Patrick, laborer, 35 Rensselaer Heaselgrave George, 280 Lydius Hedden Warren R, harness maker, 129 Hamilton Heed Isaac M, shoemaker, 43£ Green Heney Lawrence, Colonie e Swan Hedrick Richard, brickmaker, 101 Knox Heely Orissa, teacher Orphan Asylum HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY, 183

Heffernan Michael, 41 n Lansing Heffernan Wm, 49 n Lansing Heffernan Michael, carpenter, 19 Van Schaick Heffernan J;>mes, liquor and provision store, corRen- selaer and s Pearl Heeny Mary, 105 Orange Heinburger carpenter, 101 s Pearl Heinsius Otto, physician, 35 Hudson Heints Jacob, 5 Phcenix Place Heints Christian, 5 Phoenix Place Heinmuller Henry, baker, 46 Clinton Helm Joseph, millwright, 205 Washington Helmes Thomas, 57 Howard Hempstead Elizabeth, millinery, 524 Broadway Hempstead Isaac, commissioner of deeds, 75 State, h 524 Broadway Henderson Mary, 48 Ferry Henderson Joseph C, stove factory, 192 Washington Henderson William, 361 State Henderson Joseph C, 18 Swan Henderson, Weller & Co, grate manufacturers, 584 Broadway Henderson William W, moulder, 68 Ferry Hendricks widow Catharine, 14 Daniels Hendrickson Sarah, 165 Hudson Hendrickson Mrs Aaron, dry goods &c, 92^ a Pearl Hendrickson widow, 78 Lydius Hendrickson widow of William, 165 Hudson Hendrickson John jr, 36 State, res 84 Hamilton Hendrickson John, exchange office, 36 State, res 63 Division Hendrickson Jacob, 68 Hudson Hendrickson M & J, grocers 2 and 4 Hudson, and 59 Quay Hendrickson Matthew, 201 Lydius 184 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Hendee R S, bds City Hotel Heneker Thomas, 42 Ferry Heney William, 107 First, Arbor Hill Henlin Moses, baker, 59 Lydius Henly Edward printer, 37 Beaver Henly Thomas, 175 Green Henly widow, 367 Washington Hennessey Timothy, laborer, 187 Broadway Hennessey widow, grocer, 401 State near Knox Hennessey John, 68 Van Woert Hennessy Thomas, 187 Broadway Henry Robert, 54 Willett Henry widow Joseph, 45 Beaver Henry James, bookseller, 67 State, residence 98 Ly­ dius Henry James D, 348 Lydius Henry Frederick, stove mounter, 29 Dewitt Henry David, 77 Rensselaer Henry, Van Allen & Palmer, Salamander Works, cor Hudson and Hawk Hensel Jacob, moulder, 201 Green Henshaw Joseph S, porter house, 286 Broadway Henshaw William, carpenter, 124 Spring Hepinstall George, leather dealer, 25 Hudson, h 30 Hudson Hepinstall Richard, 56 Union Hepinstall Christopher, 54 Union Herbert George H, 120 Lark Herbert widow Abigal, 57 s Lansing Herbert John W, 85 Canal Herbst Andrew, tailor, 246 Washington Herkimer Francis, laborer, 39 Colonie Herman Morris, 103 Green Herman Solomon, clothing store and jewelry, 54 * Pearl 185

Hermance John C, stove dealer, 639 Broadway Hermans John, clothing store, 417 Broadway, h 47 Union Hermans Cornelius I, saw filer, 127 Beaver Hermes Horin, Lark n Washington Hermens Thomas, cabman, 149 Montgomery Heraby James, 12 Jefferson Herner Mrs Hannah, 85 Church Hernon William, butcher, 26 John Heron Samuel, printer, Sand e PerryiJ Herrick Lewis R, physician, h 177 State Herrick Edmund S, hat store, 400 Broadway, h 79 Hamilton Herrick Abram, morrocco dresser, 22 Lydius Herrick Edwin R, 79 Hamilton Herrick J W, 79 Hamilton Herring Thomas, cartman, 140 s Pearl Herring John H, 151 Spring Herring Martin, 36 Canal Herring A, laborer, 148 Broad Herrington John, mason, 257 Washington Herrington Joseph, laborer, 340 Bowery Herron William, 12 Daniels Herchberger Nathan, shoe store, 251 s Pearl Hertell Jane A, 39 Hudson Hersey Patrick, grocer, 201 Broadway Herzog Jacob, cabinet maker, 66 Hudson Herzog Christian, 102 Spring Herzog Jacob, porter house, 43 Green Herron T, laborer, 188 Green Heslin Michael, cooper, 86 Arch Hetrick Michael, Delaware turnpike Hewett H B & Co, forwarding merchants, 111 Pier, res 858 Broadway, alderman 7th ward Hewitt Thomas, shoemaker, 64 £ Washington 186 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Hewitt Patrick, shoemaker, 58 Green Hewitt widow Albee, 204 State Hewitt William, laborer, above n Ferry Hewitt John, laborer, 201 Broadway Hewson John D, (Hall & Hewson) 2 Plain, alder­ man 4th ward Hewson Nancy, widow of Robert, 61 Lydius Hewson Daniel, 61 Lydius Hewson John E, 61 Lydius Hewson widow Mary, 82 Hudson Hewson Joseph, saloon, res 19 Lawrence Hewson Edward, teamster, 27 Bradford Hewson John C, lumber merchant, 69 Colonie Hibbard Trueman, cartman,410 Bowery Hibell John, 92 Willett Hickey John, carpenter, up end Catharine Hickey Jocelyn, shoemaker, 93 Beaver Hickey Edward, shoemaker, 54 Church Hickey Thomas, 76 Arch Hickox Hamlet H, deputy chamberlain, h 26 Broad Hickox Hamlet V, 26 Broad Hicks Isaac F, 37 Ten Broeck Hicks Maria widow, 152 Orange HickmanJRichard, laborer, 6 n Ferry Hielman Michael, pedlar, 261 s Pearl Hielman Charles, laborer, rear 75 Arch Higbie N T, bds Delavan Higbie, Hammonds & Co, lumber dealers, office above n Ferry Higby CM, 18 Lydius Higgins widow, 220 Broadway Higgins James, ice dealer, 142 Lydius Higgins Stephen, grocer, 110 Orange Higgins Michael, laborer, 35 Van Schaick 187 Higgins Robert, produce dealer, 265 Washington, s b res 191 State Higgins Owen, laborer, 11 Lawrence Higgins Thomas, grocer, 21 Lawrence n side Canal Basin Higgins widow Eleanor, 191 State Higgins Solomon F, attorney &c, 75 State, h 73 First, Arbor Hill Higham widow Mary, 130 Green Highgate Charles, barber 632 Broadway Highland John, 63 Second, Arbor Hill Hilabrant Martin, comb maker, 55 Fayette Hildreth Hirah, 95 Dallius Hill, Cagger & Porter, attorneys, 57 State Hill A P, bds Washington Hall Hill & Thomas, lumber dealers, Water above n Fer­ ry, bds Lumberman's Exchange Hill Thomas, glover, 78 State Hill James, tailor, cor State and Knox Hill George, grocer, cor Columbia, 81 Pier, h 43 Canal Hill Thomas,64 Patroon Hill Henry, grocer, 45 Pier,h corHawkand Orange Hill Nicholas, attorney, &c, 57 State, h 116 Wash­ ington Hill John J, attorney &c, office 15 Douw's buildings, res 771 Broadway Hill Aaron, bookseller, 78 State, h 110 Green Hill William, silver plater, 274 s Pearl Hill Joseph, carpenter, Patroon, 6 Snipe & Knox Hill William, laborer, 8 Eagle Hill John, shoemaker, 177 Orange Hill Francis, grocer, 35 Hamilton Hill Miss Eliza, dress maker, 21 Steuben Hill S B, bds Lumberman's Exchange 188

Hills Erastus, batter, 60 State, h 53 Washington Hills widow William Riley, 124 * Pearl Hills A S, attorney &c, 22 Jay Hillis John, moulder, 113 Orange Hillman William, 30 Fayette Hilman Hercules, shoemaker, 20 Howard, h 21 Van Schaick Hilman Mary, 64 Chapel Hilman Jacob, locksmith, 6 Alexander Hilson John, shoemaker, 30 Van Schaick Hilson Thomas, shoemaker, 30 Van Schaick Hilison Robert, 19 Quackenbush, weigher and meas­ urer of grain Hilson Thomas jr, harbormaster, 47 Westerlo Hilson James, shoemaker, 105 Patroon Hilton W J D, attorney &c, bds Franklin Hilton Robert J, counsellor at law, and United States Commissioner, and Commissioner of Deeds, &c, for the States of Michigan, Ohio,Indiana, Illinois, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island Wis­ consin & Virginia, office 78 State, res 102 Hudson Hilton Benjamin P, inspector of lumber, 94 Herki­ mer Hilton Elizabeth, 28 Van Schaick Hilton Simon V A, grocery and h 837 Broadway Hilton Philip, carpenter, 837 Broadway Hilton John, hay dealer, cor Herkimer & Quay, res 86 Hudson Hilton Rachel, rear 79 Canal Himes Laney, porter house, 15 Little Basin Hiney Edith, nurse, 210 Jefferson Hinds David, 46 Van Schaick Hindman A G, lace store, 534, h 698 Broadway Hines William, carpenter, rear 3 Park Hines Thomas, laborer^ 44 Montgomery HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 189

Hines Lewis, 353 State Hiney Jacob, grocer, 132 Arch, h 19 Clinton Hinkley John, 33 Hudson Hinkley John W, physician, 33 Hudson Hinkley Joseph, painter, 17 Rose Hinman Herman H, pattern-maker, 170 Hudson Hinman John H, res Churchill's Hitchcock J S, pilot, 96 Church Hitchcock Nicholas, pilot, 15 Franklin Place Hitchcock David, 14 Ferry Hitchcock John, 1 Lancaster Hitchcock widow Mary, 164 Washington Hoban Michael, 61 Second, Arbor Hill Hobbs George W, 98 Eagle Hock Boston, 448 Lydius Hodge John, baker, 665 Broadway Hodgens Thomas Westerlo Hodgkins Stephen L, painter,44 Ferry Hodgkins Joseph, printer, 164 n Pearl Hoey Peter, physician, 25 Columbia Hoff Louis, Hudson 10 Dove Hoff William, cabinet-maker, 277 Bowery Hoff C C, bds Franklin Hoffman Joseph, 419 Bowery Hoffman Andrew, 45 Clinton Hoffman William, 174 Lumber Hoffman Benjamin, 202 Lydius Hoffman Lewis G, publisher of Albany Directory, cor Lydius and Church, res 16 Dallius Hoffman Henry 11, bookbinder, 71 State, h 63 Maid­ en Lane Hoffman widow, 212 Broadway Hoffman Mrs Leonard G, 696 Broadway Hoffman George, tail* r, 213 Broad Hoffman Anthony, 25 s Pearl 190 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Hoffman Frederick W, printer, 16 Dallius Hoffman Thomas, Wm Tell House, 91 Church Hoffman widow Susannah, 24 Van Schaick Hoffman widow Levi S, 204 Lydius Hoffman Charles, furnaceman, 56 Rensselaer Hogan widow Gerritt, 27 Elm Hogan Thomas, 183 Broadway Hogan Edward, blacksmith, 83 Water Hogan Michael, 24 Jefferson - Hogan widow George, 171 Jefferson Hogan James, laborer, 28 John Hogan Patrick, 80 Elk Hogan Christopher, 9 Columbia Hogan John, hatter, 20 Beaver Hogan John, shoemaker, 62 Fulton Hogan Bernard, leather draper, cor Canal & Swan Hogan 98 Water Hogan Johannah, Centre s Colonie Hogerstoltz John, 230 Washington Hogeboom P L, bds 149 Broadway Hogeboom P, groceries & provisions ]49 Broadway Hogle John, carpenter, cor Lark and Third Hollan Thomas, baker, 58 Arch Holbrook F D, leather inspector, 82 Bleecker Holdridge David F, carpenter, 74 Eagle Holden Hiram, 51 Dewitt Holler Jacob, grocer, 189 Washington Holliday James, 308 State Holman H^nry, mason, 122 Spring- Holmes Thomas, painter, 105 Washington Holmes Benjamin, 55 Grand Holmes Robert, 215 Hamilton Holmes Samuel, Boston railroad temperance house, 37 Dean Holmes Alexander, baker, 26 n Pearl, res 45 Steuben 191

Holmes Calvin, carpenter, 150 Franklin Holmes Henry B, dry goods, &c, 16 s Pearl, res 61 Grand Holmes Richard, Hamilton, w Dove Holsher John, 276 s Pearl HoltC B, dealer in leather, 144 Hamilton Holt J & Co, leather and finding store, 48 Hudson Holt Daniel B, carpenter, 134 Lydius Holt Jared, 48 Hudson Holt Charles B, 106* Pearl Holstein L D, att'y, &c, clerk common council, office City Hall, res 175 Hamilton Holton Peter, ]5 Morton Home John, painter, 372 Bowery Homer William P, auctioneer, 341 Bowery Honner Valentine, shoemaker, 104 Nucella Honeysett James, bread and cake baker, 194 Hamilton Hood & Tobey, watchmakers and jewellers, 44 State Hood Benjamin L, 4 Van Schaick Hood Christian, cabinet maker, 126 Broad Hood .Limes, commission merchant, 12 Exchange res 297 Washington Hooghkirk .lames, mason, Bleecker place Hoogkirk Elizabeth, 85 Hudson HOOK AND LADDER, NO 1, 34 Plain HOOK AND LADDER, NO 2, Patroon Hook Peter, 82 Spring Ifocipell widow John, 69£ Colonie Hoper Jacob, piano maker, 198 Washington Hopkins Simon, laborer, 200 Green Hopkins Jerusha, cor Herkimer and Dallius Hopkins Michael, laborer, 110 Van Woert Hopkins Thomas, laborer, 110 Van Woert Hopper Christopher, 154 Spring 192

Horan John, 72 ra Lansing Horan Timothy, laborer, 51 Lawrence Horan Patrick, laborer, 50 Lawrence Horan William, 75 Van Woert Horey Thomas, carpenter, Jefferson e Lark Horn Daniel, 78 Church Horn Miss M, silk and worsted trimming, 579 Broad­ way Horner Robert, moulder, 789 Broadway Horner John, nailer, Hudson e Willett Horton William, painter, 61 Canal Horton James M, bds 66 n Pearl Horton Jared, butcher, 38 Third, Arbor Hill Horton Stephen, baker, rear 66 s Pearl HORTICULTURIST OFFCE, 407 Broadway HOSE COMPANY , NO 1, 34 Plain HOSE DEPOT, 133 Hamilton Hosch Agnes, 884 Broadway Hosch Edward, 25 Van Woert Hosford Selah, cartman, 62 Second, Arbor Hill Hosford William, 149 Swan Hosford David, attorney &c, 18 n Pearl Hosmer G P, bds Congress Hall Houck Robert, cartman, 156 Jefferson Houcke Peter, proprietor of Knickerbocker Saloon, 3 s Pearl Houck Peter P, 77 n Pearl Houghton Silas, boatman, 20 Second, Arbor Hill Houghton Capt A, Park Hotel 29 Hudson Houghton Clarissa, 165 s Pearl Hotaling David, carpenter, 141 Spring Hotchkiss Thomas W, lumber dealer, 43 pier, bds Mansion Houghtailing William, 266 s Pearl Houghtailing Jacob, basket maker, 136 Broad HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 18$

Houghtailing John, 55 Grand Houll Oliver, grocer, Third, cor Swan, Arbor Hill, House Harvey, moulder, 63 Third, Arbor Hill House Williams A, Marque House, 11 Maiden lane Houston widow Christina, 17 Franklin Howard Sanford, Editor Cultivator, office 407 Broadr way, res 11 Swan Howard Nathan jr, attorney, &c, 57 Hawk Howard Matthew, carpenter, 25 Columbia Howard Mary, 162 State Howard Rev W G, 91 Herkimer ' Howard, George, gardener, Westerlo w Swan Howe J K, tailor, 59 Division Howe Silas B, woolen draper, 481 Broadway, h 28 Division Howe D & R L, furniture warehouse, 98 State Howe Dexter, res 20 Park Howell widow Ellen, 198 s Pearl Hoy & Wilson, dealers in Stanley's Stoves, 18 Green Hoy James, 98 Water Hoy John jr, dealer in Stanley's stoves, 18 Green, h 21 Lancaster Hoy Patrick, shoemaker, 99 Beaver Hoy Patrick, shoemaker, 125 Canal Hoyland James, printer, 13 Dove Hoyland Charles, butcher, 75 Broadway Hoyland George, Canal 6 Lark and Knox Hoyle Jeremiah S, moulder, 26 Ferry Hoyt George B, silversmith and jeweller, 394 Broad­ way, h 96 Hudson Hoyt Rachel, 357 State Hoyt Eliza, widow, 123 Lydius Hoyt William, looking-glass maker, 1 Grand Hoyt Richard, 1 Grand 13 194 Hoyt widow George A, 73 Hudson Hoyt L C, 102 Green Hoyt Robert, 42 Orange Hoyt Richard jr, 45 Philip Hubbard E L, 77 Quay Hubbard George, merchant tailor, 377 Broadway, res cor Maiden Lane and Lodge Hubbard Butler, 201 Lumber Hubbard Henry L, paper hanger, 2 Phcenix Place, w Eagle Hubbel Henry, carriage maker, 21s Lansing Hubbel Noble D, clerk on Pier, res 45 Green Huchinson, Henry T, cartman, 24 Wilson Huddleston George, proprietor Clinton Hotel, 19 s Pearl HUDSON STREET TEMPERANCE HOUSE, 10 and 12 Hudson Hudson Henry, rear 22 Hawk Hudson George, 451 Washington Hudson William, 83 Canal Hufferman Mathias, carpenter, 367 Bowery Hufnagle John, 285 Washington Huer Alois, laborer, rear 75 Arch Huges Michael, laborer, 121 Broad Hughes Willi?m H, preceptor district school 9, cor Ferry and Dallius, h 74 Westerlo Hughes John, laborer, 35 Dean Hughes John, porter house, cor Lydius and Dallius Hughes James, cor Elm and Dove Hughes John, Patroon Hughes Francis, furrier, 115 Lumber Hughes Thomas A, cor Lark and Spring Hughes Arthur, 106 Van Woert Hughes James, 43 Alexander Hughes Joseph, 74 Van Woert DIRECTORY. 195

Hughes Richard, grocer, 88 Third, Arbor Hill Hughes Thomas, laborer, 100 Swan, Arbor Hill Hughes Michael, laborer, 49 Rensselaer Hughes John, 51 Van Woert Hughes Patrick, laborer, 29 Van Woert Hughes Bridget, Colonie e Swan Hull J H, 4 Exchange Hulse widow Elizabeth, 131 Beaver Humphrev Friend, dealer in hides and leather, 16 State, res 14 n Pearl Humphrey T F, res 14 n Peart Humphrey J H, res 14 n Pearl Humphrey Hugh, 39 Maiden Lane Humphrey widow John, 39 Hudson Humphrey" John J, dry goods, 58 State, h 13 Lan­ caster Humphrey William, (H & Co,) 40 Beaver Humphrey widow Catharine, 43 Fayette Humphrey Barnet C, 4 Park Humphrey & Co, (William Humphrey, James L Humphrey and George Humphrey,) dealers in hardware, 41 and 43 State Humphrey Eve, 316 Lydius Humphrey Chauncey, 203 State Humphrey F W, 203 State Humphrey John R, 43 Fayette Humphrey William J, 43 Fayette Humphrey Robert, 316 Lydius Humphrey Norman P, mill-wright, 170 Third, Ar­ bor Hill Hunderman widow, 41 Van Schaick Hungerford Elisha, carpenter, 20 Washington Hun Thomas, M D, office 36 Maiden Lane, res cor n Pearl and Maiden Lane 196 Hunt William H, lumber and shingle dealer, above Hawley's Planing mill, res 16 Quackenbush Hunt Francis, shoe dealer, 682 Broadway Hunt Alvah, Treasurer of State, bds Congress Hall Hunt Washington, Comptroller, bds Congress Hall Hunt George, carpenter, 18 Second, Arbor Hill Hunt Horace, bds 16 Quackenbush Hunt Seth, Eagle st Hotel Hunt James, mason, rear 3 Park Hunter William H, bds 42 Washington Hunter Elkana, 71 First, Arbor Hill Hunter Robert, soap manufacturer, 865 Broadway Hunter John, cooper, 102 Franklin Hunter widow ot Robert, 11 n Pearl Huntington Rev Ezra A, pastor 3d Presbyterian church, res 111 n Pearl Hurd J N M, exchange office 2£ Green, h 26 Plain Hurdis John, painter, 9 Church Hurdis Samuel, painter, 9 Church Hurdis J & S, painters, 9 Church Hurlburt John F, 74 Grand Hurll George, 70 Eagle Hurst Samuel, morocco dresser, below railroad Hurst William, grocer, wholesale and retail, 23 s Pearl, bds American Hurst Thomas, 620 Bowery Hurst George, gardner, 303 s Pearl Hurschburgh & Henry, segar manufacturers, 150 Washington Hush Edward, pedlar, 25 Van Woert Hussey N, hat, cap and fur store, 387 Broadway, h 13 Liberty Hutchins widow Lavina, 68 s Lansing Hutchins Stephen B, painter and glazier, 102 Hawk shop 10 Beaver 197

Hutchins Isaac, cor Green and Schuyler Hutchinson Robert, moulder, 158 Jefferson Hutchinson William, 59 Second, Arbor Hill Hutchinson Thomas, rear 189 Orange Hutchinson James, blacksmith, 77 First Arbor Hill Hutchinson widow Lydia, 48 Fayette Hutt George, machinist, 17 Hawk Huttman G H, 82 Spring Huxford Charles, bds Franklin Huxley widow, 75 Hudson Huyck Daniel, cor Eagle and Hamilton Huyck Miss E, boarding house, 102 Herkimer Hyard William, 158 Spring Hyatt Thomas S, 343 Lydius Hyatt James L, 184 n Pearl Hyatt John D, 45 Montgomery Hyde Lee L, express messenger, 68 Eagle Hyde James, blacksmith, rear 177 Montgomery Hyde Harvey, cartman, 30 Water Hyler Wesley, wheelwright, 44 Elm Hyman Henry, pedlar, 65 Mulberry Hyney .widow, 77 Orange I. 1LSLEY F I & Co, music dealer, 527 Broadway, Bleecker Hall, h 22 Jay liar Christian, 232 Washington Illish Castle, tailor, 276£ s Pearl Ingmire Frederick, 104 Herkimer Ingalls Henry A, 70 Lawrence Ingraham Henry, sadler, 103 Washington Ingraham William, boatman, 108 Green Ink Henry, moulder, 2S0£ s Pearl Ireland Daniel D, exchange office, 45 Quay, res 158 Orange 198 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Irvin widow of Henry, 886 Broadway- Irving James, Daguerreotypes, Exchange Building Irving George, 67 Elm Irwin widow Ann, 44 John Irwin Theophilus, painter, 49 Lydius Irwin William, paper hanging wareroom, 336 Broad­ way, h 49 Lydius Irwin John, paper hanger, 49 Lydius Irwin Andrew, 10 Park Isham widow John. 14 Willett Isaacs Benjamin, 67 Grand Isaacs Myer, 220 s Pearl Isdell Samuel, 140 Arch Isdell William, grocer, cor Lydius and Broad Isdell James. 90 Grand, Bleecker Mansion lvery Francis, coach lace weaver, 69 s Lansing

J. JACK ELIZABETH, 69 Hudson Jacklin William, 244 Lydius Jackson widow, 332 Bowery Jackson I W, leather dresser, 9 Morton Jackson Henry, pedlar, 150 Broad Jackson John, laborer, 58 n Lansing Jacksoh Thomas F, poorhouse road Jackson William, merchant, 23 Canal Jackson James, mason, 211 Washington Jackson John, 6 Douw's buildings res 51 n Pearl Jackson D C, draper amd tailor, 403 Broadway, res 9 Rose Jackson widow Margaret, 22 Fayette Jackson G F, 324 State Jackson John, COOK, 10 Canal Jackson Samuel W, 7 Cross HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 199

Jackson Henry, 5 Park Jackson Henry, 170 Spring Jackson Henry, 38 First, Arbor Hill Jackson Francis, boatman, 41 Second, Arbor Hill Jackson Christopher, Hunter's Alley Jackson Robert, laborer, 71 Mulberry Jackson Hannah, 15 First Jackson James, 10 Canal Jackson Robert H, 54 High Jackson Nancy, 447 Lydius Jacobson Maria, 69 Eagle Jacobs Samuel, bds Mansion House Jacobs L C, porter house, 104 Pier Jaquay, Joseph, 111 Hamilton Jaquay Joseph, cor Patroon and Hawk Jagger Ira, proprietor Eagle Air Furnace, 110 Bea­ ver, res 207 Hamilton Jagger, Treadwell & Perry, Eagle Furnace Ma­ chinery and Stove Works, 110 Beaver JAIL, cor Eagle and Howard James John B, 43 n Pearl James Augustus, 43 n Pearl James Edward, 43 n Pearl James Rev William, 21 Montgomery James Edward, clerk, 80 Columbia James Edward, book-keeper of Canal Department, h 1 Plain James Thomas, flour merchant, 49 Quay, h 33 Swan James widow of William, 43 n Pearl James Amos C, piano forte maker, 211 Hamilton James John, laborer, 8 s Lansing James John, shoe store, 52 s Pearl James William, teacher school below old rail­ road tOO HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

James John, 130 Hawk Jandro Peter, carpenter, 8 Catharine Jarran John, shoemaker, 91 Green Jarvis John J, carpenter, 835 Broadway Jaquith James M, at Welden House Jeffers Thomas C, printer, bds Clinton Hotel Jeffers Rev Reuben, 101 Ljdius Jemison Hugh, laborer, 71 Arch Jemison John, mason, rear 158 Orange Jenkins Ira, watchmaker, 642 Broadway Jenkins John F, office 7 Commercial Building, res 677 Broadway Jenkins Lemuel, pension office, Mechanics' and Farmers Bank, h cor Plain and Grand Jenkins Charles M, attorney, &c, 44 State, res 764 Broadway Jenkins J W, carpenter, 171 Hamilton Jenkins George, sup't of Capitol, res basement of Capitol Jenkins John, hatter, 159 Lydius Jenkins Edward, 113 Orange Jenkins , 111 Orange Jenkins & M'Martin, attorneys, &c, 44 State Jenkins William, stone cutter, 352 Lydius Jenkinson James, Railroad House, 2 and 4 Dean Jenks Miss, 47 Van Schaick Jenner Samuel, 123 Lydius Jennings Robert, 25 Green, h 44 Eagle Jennings John, 5 Dove Jennings Patrick, 16 Second, Arbor Hill Jennings Thomas, 14 Quay Jennings Samuel, 123 Lydius Jennings Peter, 82 Water Jerolomon John, tinsmith, Westerlo Jerolomon Alfred, 268 s Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 2dl

Jerolomon Nathan, mason, 75 Fulton, Jerolomon James, 148 Jefferson Jermain S P, 40 Quay, bds City Hotel Jewell Jeremiah P, 106 Jefferson Jewell Henry L, 179 Hamilton Jewett Miss C, confectioner, 71 n Pearl Johns Thomas, shoe dealer, 82 a Pearl, h 28 Jeffer­ son Johnson Jeanette R, select school, corner Jay and High Johnson Peter, laborer, 327 Washington, s b Johnson B P, Secretary State Agricultural Society, Old State Hall, res 31 Ten Broeck Johnson Elizabeth, boarding house, 53 Chapel Johnson John, segar maker, 104 Green Johnson Daniel, cartman, 119 Jefferson Johnson Daniel C, 125 Green Johnson Samuel II, 27 Dallius Johnson William, cartman, 208 Broadway Johnson R L, Northern Express, res 2 Norton Johnson's Northern Express, li Exchange Johnson George B, keeper Broadway House, 256 Broadway Johnson widow Mary, 47 Hudson Johnson Catharine, 18 Orange Johnson John, agent, 60 Franklin Johnson Margaret, 82 Broad Johnson Joseph, boarding house, 81 Hamilton Johnson David, 35 Dean Johnson Mrs Oliver, 157 Hamilton Johnson Theophilus, carpenter, 77 Church Johnson John M, cartman, Willett Johnson Francis D, n Pearl, n Van Woert Johnson James, 40 Elk Johnson Hester, widow, 129 Eagle 202 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Johnson James I, book-keeper, Argus office, h 155 Hamilton Johnson Thomas, 107 Beaver Johnson John, cartman, 51 Bassett Johnson & Godley, manufacturers of silver ware, 6 Liberty Johnson John, oyster dealer, 82 s Pearl Johnson John, 72 Orange Johnson Hiram, hair dresser, 107 s Pearl Johnson Edwin & Co, grocery, 646 Broadway Johnson upper end Van Woert Johnson Peter, 43 DeWitt Johnson Ann Eliza, Third, Arbor Hill Johnson John jr, 202 Lumber Johnson James P, 52 High Johnson Abram, 52 High Johnson Ely, 379 State Johnson William 244 Lydius Johnson William whitewasher, 128 n Pearl Johnson R S, 51 Clinton Johnson Henry, cook, 57 Howard Johnstone Robert F, 474 Lydius Johnston Wm C, weigher and measurer, 127 Ham­ ilton Johnston Charles, porter house, 131 Franklin Johnston James, brickmaker. 67 Mulberry Johnston Peter, baker, 368 Lydius Johnston Thomas, moulder, 24 Willett Johnston John W, coach painter, shop 90 Green, h 148 s Pearl Joice Rodman L, attorney, &c, office Commercial buildings, res 109 State Joice D W, 29 Patroon Joice Volney, 47 Union Jollie James W, 29 Hudson HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 203

Jones Thomas, grocer, 198 Green Jones David, 19 Lodge Jones George L, tinman, 101 Eagle Jones Abraham, laborer, 40 s Lansing Jones John, tailor, 287 Bowery Jones James D, stone cutter, yard 65 Herkimer, h 50 Herkimer Jones John, 445 Washington Jones Robert, 36 Second, Arbor Hill Jones William, 65 Orange Jones John, provision store, 675 Broadway Jones Benjamin P, commission merchant, 106 Pier, bds 17 Philip Jones George, turner, 52 Chapel Jones George, 95 Eagle Jones William, carpenter, 84 Patroon Jones William, 143 Swan Jones William, 114 Canal Jones E D, Homcepathic physician, 34 Lodge Jones C, 80 Colonie Jones John 33 Steuben Joni-s Daniel M, 102 Beaver Jones Richard, plasterer, 70 Patroon Jones James, laborer, 85 Van Woert Jones E, 13 Liberty Jones John, dealer in oysters, 299 Broadway Jones James, 121 Arch Jordan Christopher, 215 s Pearl Jordan Thomas & Joseph, wholesale liquor store, 553 Broadway Jordan Barney, laborer, 56 n Ferry Joseph Amos, grocer, 22 Clinton Joslin A C, proprietor City Hotel, 463 Broadway Joy Charles, provision store, 8 State, h 15 Swan Joy Patrick, laborer, 162 Green 2©4 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Joynt John, 22 Hawk Joynt John, grocer, 140 * Pearl Judd widow Mary Ann, 29 Herkimer Judd Lucy N, widow of Chester, 76 Division Judd Franklin, silver plater, 96 Bassett Judge Robert, 116 Canal Judge James, 30 Van Woert Jutkins George, 99 Nucella Judkins John, caipenter, 256 s Pearl Judson Ichabod L, provision store, 41 Quay, h 134 Washington Jndson Isaac E, wood dealer, 1 Orange, h 53 Lum­ ber Judson Elizabeth, 53 Lumber Junger John, watchmaker, 222 * Pearl Jungerman & Peters, watchmakers, 63 s Pearl Jungerman I, jeweller, 63 s Pearl, h 101 Jupp Langham, Dove w Lark JUSTICE'S COURT, over Centre Market, * Pearl K. KAFFENBERG LEVI, pedlar, 192 Broad Kagner Jacob, 203 Washington Kahn H S, pedlar, 236 s Pearl Kallender Thomas, 95 Schuyler Kanaby John, butcher, 495 Washington Kane widow, 53 Canal Kane Charles S, 44 Orange Kane Hazel, physician, 53 Washington Kane John, 3 Hawk, near Canal Kane James, bds American Kane Thomas, morocco dresser, 80 Arch Kane Martin, 54 Colonie Kane John, 54 Colonie Kane William N, 128 Patroon HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRXOTQRT. 296

Kannan widow, 3 Eagle Kappes John, grocer, 193 * Pearl Kaufman Moses, pedlar, 78 Arch Kautz Jacob, moulder, 331 s Pearl Kautz Frederick, 208 Washington Kavanagh James, carpenter, 194 Green Kastendike John, 70 Schuyler Kaylor Adam, 452 Lydius Kay David, 372 Bowery Kearney widow Elizabeth, Canal, 6 Dove & Lark Kearney Robert, laborer, 42 Third Arbor Hill Kearney Thomas, hotel, west side Little Basin 17? Montgomery, res 35 Dewitt Kearney Patrick, laborer, Bradford Kearney Patrick, 87 Third, Arbor Hill Kearney widow Edward, 105 Canal Kearns Patrick, laborer, corner Franklin and Rens­ selaer Kearns Thomas, cartman, 117 Franklin Kearnes Patrick, 112 Canal Kearnes Owen, 356 Bowery Keain, 371 State Keain John, 125 Broad Kean Joseph shoemaker, 80 Quav Keaton Patrick, laborer, 22 Canal Kebby Mathew, grocer, 56 Church Kewin Timothy, 115 Knox Kernan Thomas, mason, 81 Cherry Keefe Thomas, carpenter, 62 Schuyler Keefe Enora, ab n Ferry Kellett Thomas, 8 Cross Kegan Patrick, 221 n Pearl Kegan John, teamster, 108 Broad Kegan Michael, blacksmith, 95 Church Kegan Michael, rear 164 Orange 206 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY

Kegan George, 21 Washington Keeler Joseph N, 12 Morton Keeler Frederick, 220 Washington Keeler Mrs C, milliner, 109 Lydius Keeler Theodore J, 40 Ferry Keeler Jasper S, office 100 Pier, h 75 Hamilton Keeler Isaac N, baber, 50 Ferry Keeler Samuel M, 6 Van Woert Keelin John, grocer, cor Arch and Dallius Keith Joseph B, bds Washington Hall Keith Windser, cor Lumber and Swan Keenan Patrick, 61 Van Woert Keenan Patrick, 57 Schuyler Keenan Patrick, Colonie w Swan Keirnan John, 85 Van Woert Keller Michael J, 8£ Ferry Kelly John, laborer, 41 Dallius Kelly Thomas, laborer, 7 Morton Kelly Seth F, agent People's line, 276 Broadway, bds Mansion House Kelly Patrick, shoemaker, 602 Broadway, h 35 Co­ lumbia Kelly Thomas, grocer, 40 Montgomery, cor Orange Kelly Patrick, laborer, 220 Broadway Kelly Edward, 109 Swan, Arbor Hill Kelly James, laborer, 31 Van Woert Kelly James, engineer, 11 Fayette Kelly Forrester, 85 Washington Kelly Hugh, grocer, 17 Little Basin Kelly George H, machinist, 162 Jefferson Kelly Timothy, 102 Canal Kelly Michael, rear 49 Spring Kelly M, 33 Fayette Kelly Francis moulder, rear 34 n Ferry Kelly Robert, strop factory, 65 Orange 207 i Kelly Hugh, laborer, 340 Bowery Kelly James, 371 State Kelly John, blacksmith, 103 Orange Kelly widow Thomas, 63 Van Woert Kelly James, nailor, rear 26 Dewitt Kelly Chauncey, tavern, 291 Washington, 5 b Kelly widow, 57 Van Schaick Kelly James, laborer, 13 Alexander Kelly William, coachman, 74 Jackson Kelly widow, grocer, 220 Broadway Kelly Warren S, attorney &c, 94 State, bds 65 Grand Kelly widow, 1) Van Tromp Kelly J, hat & trunk store, 499 Broadway, bds Pond's Kelly James, laborer, 162 Orange Kelly widow, 199 Green Kelly Joseph, rear 53 Fayette Kelly James, 8 Van Woert Kelly James, mason, Chesnut Kelly Sylvanus, carpenter, 203 Hamilton Kelly Thomas, shoemaker, 143 Swan Kelly Thomas, blacksmith, 28 ("anal Kelso John, 83 Washington Kendall William S, baker, 12Columbia, h2lOrange Kendall Mrs, mantilla maker, 238 Broadway Kendrick E E, cashier Albany Bank, res 3 Clinton Square Kennah John, tailor, 278 Bowery Kenna Peter, carpenter, rear 22 Hawk Keenan Patrick, laborer, 6 Lumber Keenan James, carman, 9 Colonie Kennedy Thomas, locksmith, 205 Green Kennedy William R, rope maker, 149 Swan Kennedy J J, 12 Liberty Kennedy Dennis, grocer, cor First and Swan, Arbor Hill 208 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. > I Kennedy William, furnaceman, 20 Hawk Kennedy Michael, cartman, Canal * Swan Kennedy Peter, laborer, 43 Alexander Kennedy William, shoemaker, 13 Lawrence Kennedy Michael, 121 Canal Kennedy Rev Duncan, pastor First Reformed Dutch Church, 55 n Pearl Kennedy John, 66 Schuyler Kennedy John, mason, 42 Orange Kennedy Philip, grocer, cor Church and s Lansing Kennedy Michael, 28 Elm Kennedy Patrick, laborer, 88 Franklin Kennedy Francis, 169 Hudson Kennedy John, carpenter, 12 Liberty Kennedy Thomas, painter, 32J Howard Kennedy Patrick, 43 Jackson Kenny John, worker in marble, 37 Rensselaer Kenny James, laborer, 458 Bowery Kenny Thomas K, marble works, 232 State, res 142 Washington Kenny Daniel, 124 Broad Kenny Thomas, laborer, 47 Van Schaick Kenny Michael, Chesnut w Swan Kent Isaac, 24 Orange Kent Caleb, 48 Second, Arbor Hill Keppin Henry, brassworker, 46 Bradford Kerker Benjamin B, stovemounter, 150 Orange Kerr William, 7 Lancaster Kerr W & J, groceries and provisions, cor a Pearl and Howard Kerr James, clerk, 79 Orange Kerven Robert, 16 Jackson Kervin widow Bridget, cor Swan and Lydius Kirwin Michael, grocer, 104 Water Kerwin Thomas, laborer, 69 Rensselaer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 209

Kerwin James, tobaconist, 63 Schuyler Kerwin Daniel, laborer, 14 Grand Alley Kerwin William, laborer, 71 Grand Kerwin widow, 82 Lawrence Keyser Wm H, physician and pharmacutest, 635 Broadway ^ Kesson Thomas, mason, 42 Canal Keevcny Robert, 19 Jackson Kessall Joseph, shoemaker, 48 Fayette Ketchum Rensselaer, 69 Ten BrQeck Ketchum James G, 120 Water, h 69 Ten Broeck Ketchum R V R, lumber dealer, 127 Water, res 161 n Pearl Ketchum Ephraim, cor Snipe and Washington Ketchum Daniel O, 41 Broad Keyes J H, bds 37 Dallius Keys widow Margaret, 25 Van Schaick Keyser Peter, 59 Hawk Keyser Abraham, 633 Broadway Keyser George, 33 Clinton Keyser Andrew, Sand 6 Knox and Snipe Keyo Patrick, laborer, 12 Clinton Keypel Frederic, Cherry on plank road Kibbe Austin S, pattern maker, 207 Hamilton Kidd James, county treasurer, office 552| Broadway res 101 Clinton Square Kidtl Elizabeth, 27 Grand Kidd William, 109 Hawk Kief Thomas, 51 Schuyler Kieley J P, grocer, cor Broad and Schuyler Kiernan John, porter, 385 State Kiernan William, grocer, cor Eagle and Elm Kiernan Christopher, 9 Morton Kiernan Thomas, Canal s Swan Kiernan James, 123 First, Arbour Hill 14 210

Kiley J P, grocer, cor Arch and Broad Kiley Patrick, mason, 73 Rensselaer Kidney Jonathan, rear 82 Hudson Kilbourn George, drum maker, 119 Orange Kilbourn James, 111 Orange Kilbourn John, copper smith &c, 20 Green, h 130 Orange Killip William, shoemaker, 118 Spring Kilmer Cornelius, printer, 54 Howard Kilpatrick Alexander, 68 Arch Kilimade Thomas, laborer, rear, 164 Orange Kilmartin Michael, laborer, 120 Broadway Kimmey John, coiFee and spice factory, 24 James, res 28 Ferry Kimmey John, carpenter, below railroad King H 0, bds Fianklin King widow, 851 Broadway King 6C6J Broadway- King Michael, tailor, 95 Bassett King Lewis, carpenter, 4 Morton King Owen, laborer, 41 Colonic King Ervin, carpenter, 5 Washington King James, engineer, 5 Colonie King Charles, printer, 109 Swan King Patrick, laborer 173 Dallius King James, 68 Van Woert King Robert M, (S & Co,) 362 Broadway, res 40 Chapel King Samuel W, dry goods and provision store, 52 Second, Arbor Hill, res 64 King Kenneth, cor s Pearl and Alexander King Minor, 5 Washington King Rufus II & C0; (Rufus II,) and McHarg, (John,) wholesale dealers in drv goods, 49 Slate King Rufus H, 1 Park Place HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 211

King James B, lumber merchant, 20 Pier, h 1S0£ n Pearl King Catharine, 38 Canal King Nathan G, attorney, 450 Broadway, bds Con­ gress Hall King Elizabeth, widow, 53 Dallius King George W, 25 Fayette Kingsbury Rev A, 159 s Pearl ' Kingsbury Samuel, 126 Patroon Kingsbury James, 47 Ferry Kingsley & Brown, attorneys, 78 State Kingsley Hale, attorney, &ct 78 State, res 103 Colo­ nie Kingsley Nathan, mason, 103 Colonie King-north Henry, 118 First, Arbor Hill Kinnary Thomas, laborer, cor Plain and Fulton Kinnae John, carpenter, 48 Broad Kinnear Peter, machinist, 34 Eagle Kinney John, shoemaker, 130 State Kinney Michael, laborer, Baker's Alley Kinney Edmund, 42 Colonie Kinney Michael, 32 Chapel Kinney John, constable, 38 Westerlo Kinney J S, screw dock, Columbia-st bridge Kinney Thomas, 39 Hamilton Kip Leonard, attorney, &c, 480 Broadway, res 5 Clinton Square Kip Rev William I, rector St Paul's Church, h 5 Clinton Square Kip John, 7 Rensselaer Kirby Alfred, machinist, Hudson near Dove Kirk George E, 17 Ferry Kirk Andrew, brewery, 904 Broadway, res Pearl .continued. 212 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORS.

Kirk Abram, draper and tailor, 448 Broadway, res 5 Chapel Kirk Joseph C, (C & K,) 35 Patroon Kirk John, Pearl-st continued Kirk Henry, shoemaker, 119 Broad Kirk Andrew, bedstead factory, 69 Van Woert Kirkpatrick Thomas, cartman, 42 Van Schaick Kirkpatrick Margaret, provision store, 3 doors south Centre market, 15 s Pearl Kirkpatrick Robert, 327 Bowery •Kirkpatrick Edward, victualler, Centre market, h 15 s Pearl Kirsten Rudolph, physician, 64 Washiugton Kissel Henry, shoemaker, Sand e of Perry Kirsinger M, boarding house, 7 Howard Kirtland Benjamin C, carpenter, 100 Washington Kitt Lewis,1 shoemaker, 229 Washington Kittle Garrett, 29 Canal Klausmann W, 213 Washington Klukmann Jacob, 227 s Pearl Kline, Thomas, laborer, 28 Howard Kline Catharine, widow of Matthias, 50 Columbia Kline George P, 27 Patroon Knapp Hub bell, store 27 Quay, h 73 Division Knibbs Joseph, medical College, 62 Eagle Knickerbocker Edmund, 243 n Pearl Knight Htnry, builder, 104 Eagle Knight Franklin, 93 Orange Knowland William, 34 Canal Knowlson B W, bds Franklin Knock Derrick, 213 s Pearl Knower Timothy A, cor Green and Hudson Knower John, wool store 31 Hudson, res 132 State Knowlton Hosea, rectifier of whiskey, wholesale dealer in liquors, lamps, oil and gas, cor Nucella and Broadway, res 119 Green DIRECTORY. 213

Knowlton Myron, wholesale dealer in liquors, &c, 197 Broadway, res 132 Green Knox William, laborer, 52 n Lansing Koonz Abram, manufacturer of coverlets and carpets, 43 Grand, res 33 Koon William P, cor Green and Bassett Kowalski Constantine, 19 Exchange Kranz John, porter and boarding house, 8 Rose Krebs Charles, hat block maker, cor Hudson and Lark Kraps Godfrey, 31 Alexander Kreuder John, boarding house, 215 Washington Kreuder George, Union Hall, 15 Montgomery Kriesman Philip, 212 Broad Kriesman Artum, moulder, 6 Owner's Alley Kriesman Henry, tailor, 194 Broad Kryger Christian, 354 Lydius Kubber Michael, cabinet maker, 150 Broad Kurry Joseph, laborer, rear 26 Dewitt Kyle James, laborer, 249 n Pearl


LABATTAN JOSEPH, bds cor Plain and Grand Lahore Abram, 127 Franklin Laburk Francis, 55 Lawrence Lackey Eunice, Dallius cor Bassett Lackey John, laborer, 103 Beaver Lacey James, coach lace weaver, 6 Catharine Lacey Daniel, laborer, 65 Fulton Lacy William, office Albany Argus, res 32 Second, Arbor Hill Lacoy Charles, porter house, 6 Hudson Laycock G, dyer and scourer, 58 Union Labraiche Lewis, Hotel, 19 Hamilton 214

Lacroix Dr, Galen's Head, 56 Beaver Lacoy Charles, 11 Dallius Labrut John, 55 Montgomery Laflaish David, 75 Canal Laflower Joseph, shoemaker, 130 Patroon Laflin Michael, 12 Cross Ladew Patrick, 153 Jefferson Lade Phillip, blacksmith, 70 Fulton Ladue George T, railway dry dock, Greenbush, res 64 Hudson Lagrange John J, wood measurer, 210 Jefferson Lagrange Christian, 20S Jefferson Lagrange Stephen, 8 Exchange, h 129 Hamilton Lagrange Gerrit, exchange office, 455 Broadway, 1; 72 Hamilton Lagrange John A, carpenter, 210 Jefferson Lagrange Andrew T, 210 Jefferson Lagrange Abraham, near 2 mile house, Bowery Lahey Bryan, 169 Montgomery Laisdell John A, bds Franklin Lake J V, 54 Second, Arbor Hill Lallay Patrick, 372 Bowery- Lamb James, grocer, cor Schuyler and Broad Lamb John, pedler, 13 Alexander Lamb Thomas, carpenter, 146 Lydius Lamb Patrick W, iron founder, 45 Libvrty, h cor Lydius and Green Lamphire John, 30 Alexander L'Arive John, hair-dresser &c, 2 Green L'Amoreux James, attorney &c, office and h 74 L'Amoreux widow, 16 Jackson Hudson La Piiese Selestine, Lark cor Chesnut Lamoure Ten Eyck & G, grocers and provision dealers, 39 Washington, res 27 Fayette 215

Lancaster Cyrus, globe maker, 230 Lydius Lancaster Daniel, globe maker, 230 Lydius Landon William, bds City Hotel Landers widow, 44 John Landers John, 280 Washington Landers David, 365 State Landrigin James, mason, 89 Fulton Lane Hugh, painter, 5 Van Tromp Lane Timothy, cooper, 22 Van Woert Lane James H, mason, 207 State Lane Thomas, butcher, 79 Rensselaer Lane John, jr, carpenter, 160 Jefferson Lane Thomas, 23 Lodge Lang David, pedlar, 164 Broad Langhor Casper, porter, 95 Bassett Langley Joseph, 2 Van Zandt Langrish William, blacksmith, 173 s Pearl Laney Lucien B, (G & L) h 218 s Pearl Langlois Louis, Elk, ab Swan Lannigan John, laborer, 65 Arch Lannigan Patrick, 250 n Pearl Lannigan Cornelius, ship carpenter, 65 Arch Lannigan James, 171 Green Lansing Andrew D, agent, opposite Patroon's man­ sion Lansing Henry Q, 4 Exchange, res 683 Broadway Lansing Jacob, 8 Van Schaick Lansingh K V R, gentlemen's furnishing store, 454 Broadway, h cor Westerlo and s Pearl Lansingh A A, res cor Westerlo and s Pearl Lansingh Dr K V R, res cor Westerlo and s Pearl Lansing Isaac, 678 Broadway Lansing Jacob, attorney, &c, office 68 State, h 6S3 Broadway 216 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Lansing Christopher Y, attorney, &c, office 3 Douw's Buildings, h 667 Broadway Lansing Abraham F, librarian Young Men's Asso­ ciation, 6 Van Schaick Lansing Jacob J, exchange office, emigrant agent, 5 James, res 55 Chapel Lansing Gerrit Y, attorney, &c, office 513 Broadway res 52 n Pearl Lansing Gerrit, carpenter, 93 Spring Lansing Charles B, attorney, &c, 513 Broadway. res 52 n Pearl Lansing Levinus I, attorney, &c, 450 Broadway, bds 751 Lansing Evert, 59 Union Lansing Lewis B, bds 59 Union Lansing J A, 45 Montgomery Lansing Gerrit jr, 63 Fulton Lansing Jacob, 45 Montgomery Lansing W J, shoemaker, 55 Lydius Lansing Gerrit Y, 30 Steuben Lape John I, carpenter, 218 s Pearl Lape John, teamster, 95 Nucella Lappeus Wm W, manufacturer of soda, cor Howard and Pearl, res 60 Union Larkin Thomas, laborer, 47 Columbia Laramee James, 213 Lumber Larcher Samuel W, tailor, 24 William Larkin Martin, 32 Water Lasscell William B, telegrapher, bds Franklin House Lapoint Francis, furrier, 59 Second, Arbor Hill Latham Wm G, confectioner, 11 Willson, h 134 n Pearl Latham Jasper, 814 Broadw&y Latham & Halsier, wine, cider and vinegar dealers, 13 and 14 Howard HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 217

Lathrop Dyer, merchant, 89 Washington, h 132 Lathrop Ralph, bds 66 n Pearl Lathrop Daniel S, 89 Washington, h 132 Lathrop Ariel, 89 Washington, h 132 Laughlin John, 161 Montgomery Laught John, shoemaker, 39 Green, h 66 Hudson Latour Henry, cook, 5 Park Lavender widow, 360 State Lavender Christopher, laborer, 57 Howard Laverest Joseph, 96 Water Lavina William, 30 Van Woert LAW BUILDINGS, cor Broadway and Beaver Law Miss Helen, milliner, 83 n Pearl Lawler widow, 45 First, Arbor Hill Lawler Fanton, provision store, 261 State Lawler Timothy, laborer, 35 Van Zandt Lawler Thomas, ship carpenter, 40^ Patroon Lawler John, laborer, 57 Canal Lawler John, 33 Westerlo Lawler Timothy, 40 Van Zandt Lawlor Martin, grocer, cor Park and State Lawless James, laborer, 141 Church Lawless John, 92 First, Arbor Hill Lawless Martin, 121 Canal Lawliss "John, mason, 173 Green Lawliss Richard, 92 First, Arbor Hill Lawliss Mathew, laborer, 216 Broadway Lawrence James, shoemaker, 52-J- Phillip Lawrence Mary Ann, grocer, 20 Lydius Lawrence Alpheus L, 114 Pier, h 15 Dallius Lawrence Jane, widow of William, 61 Lydius Lawrence Richard, 75 Rensselaer Lawrence Thomas, Buffalo House, 31 Dean Lawrence Peter, 41 Second, Arbor Hill Lawson Barney, stone polisher, 41 Van Zandt 218 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Lawson Edward S, teacher, Patroon e Quail Law serf Alexander, 123 Canal Lawton George H, (C & Co) 250 Lydius Lawton A, book-keeper, 151 Lydius Lawton A C, res 151 Lydius Lawyer J II, bds Franklin House Lay John, moulder. 99 Dallius Lay II S, county clerk's office, City Hall, bds Dela­ van House Laycock George, dyer and scourer, 56 Union Layton Thomas, blacksmith, 17 Hawk Laser William, shoemaker, 97 Nucella Leach Edwin, cartman, 48 Dallius Lear Benjamin, 301 Bowery Leake widow of John W, 39 Ferry- Learned William L, attorney &c, 71 State, bds 188 Learned BP & Co, dealers in fancy stoves, 8 Maiden Lane, res 188 State Leary Timothy, laborer, 141 Church Leary John, laborer, ]09 Westerlo Leary John, 167 Broad Lcask John, lace store, 522 Broadway Leavitt Andrew J, barber, 617 Broadway Lebergcr Lazarus, merchant, 86 Lydius Ledderer Isaac, 23 Hamilton Ledderer Abram, dry goods, 43 s Pearl Ledwich Patrick, cartman, 9 Dewitt Ledwidge Matthew, 70 Woert Leddy Terry, laborer, 58 Arch Leddy Peter B, dyer, 20 Norton Leddy Barney, laborer, 172 Green Leddy James, harness maker, 32 Van Woert Leddy widow James, 43 Van Woert Leddy Charles, Hamilton w Dove Lee John, segar box maker, 90 s Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANI DIRECTORY. 219

Lee Mrs John, 90 5 Pearl Lee Samuel, carpenter, 11 Park Lee widow, Hudson w Eagle Lee Charles, stone cutter, Westerlo m Eagle Lee James, 14 Clinton Lee George C, res 20 Van Schaick Lee Thomas E (& Theodore) merchant tailors, 481 and 483 Broadway Lee Noah, cashier of Exchange Bank, and Notary public, res 17 Ten Broeck Lee James, cartman, 8 Wendell Lee William, baker, 41 Canal Lee Dennis, 125 Swan Lee Francis, laborer, 71 Swan, Arbor Hill Lee John, crockery packer, 25 Van Schaick Lee widow Christiana, 20 Van Schaick Leech George, keeper Albion Hotel, cor Herkimer and Broadway Lees Thomas, dealer in china, glass, and earthen ware, 98 State, res 51 Ten Broeck Legg Silas, cooper, 109 Beaver Le Galler John, cooper, Willett Leggat William, boarding house, 44 Hudson Legget John, laborer, 157 Broadway Lehrberg & Lederer, dry goods, 380 Broadway Leighton Andrew, 56 Fayette Leist John, moulder, 3 Franklin Place Leizer N, brick maker, Chestnut e Lark Lelen William, 49 Van Schaick Leman Isaac, pedler, 65 Schuyler Lemarch Joseph, shoemaker, 174 s Pearl Lendderson widow, 64 John Lenehant Thomas, carpenter, 51 Jefferson Lenihan Timothy, porter house, Bassett Lennon Barney, 197 Green 220 Lennon Phillip, 34 Van Woert Leo John, 54 Colonie Leo Daniel, 54 Colonie Leo James, 54 Colonie Leonard Patrick, laborer, 1 Orange Leonard Paul, mason, 250 Jefferson Leonard Jacob H, painter, 166 Jefferson Leonard Harvey, painter, 166 Jefferson Leonard John H, painter, 144 Jefferson Leonard Solomon, 8 Delaware turnpike Leonard John, shoemaker, 26 Canal Leonard James, 113 Orange Leonard James, shoemaker, 11 Spring Leonard widow Francis, 53 Canal Leonard Thomas, grocer, 78 Franklin Leonard Thomas shoemaker, 49 Canal Leonard John C, pilot 9 Swan Leonard Mark, 48 Division Leonard Michael, tailor, 55 Canal Lesage Simon, carpenter, 212 Green Le Page Peter, 6 Chesnut Leslie James, 113 Westerlo Leslie John, bookbinder, 355 State Lester George, moulder, 142 Spring Levi Joseph, pedler, 171 Broad Levi Jacob, 73 Beaver Levi S & Co, dry goods, 332 Broadway, res 42 Union Levings J, cartman, 13 Railroad Avenue Levinston Aaron, 171 Broad Levy Nathan, segar maker, 118 s Pearl Lewi Joseph, physician, 134 s Pearl Lewis William, 46 Second, Arbor Hill Lewis Miss, 110 Green Lewis Richard, 75 Colonie 221

Lewis widowT Benedict, 5 Canal Lewis widow Jane, 24 Hawk Lewis widow Sarah, nurse 43 Jay Lewis Jacob, 101 Patroon Lewis Thomas, millwright, 110 Spring Lewis & Lappeus, soda bottlers, cor Howard & s Pearl Lew-is Richard, merchant, 7& Colonie Lewis widow Nancy, 164 Washington Lewis Morgan, 272 Washington Lewis Rev S S, 242 Lydius Lightbody Andrew, groceries and provisions, corner Church and Westerlo, h 31 Dallius Lightbody J M F, bds 31 Dallius Lillie Rufus W, painter 312 J State Liberati Dr A, rear 211 Washington Lighthall William A, 11 Ten Broeck Lighthall Reuben, machinist, 60 Patroon Like Peter, 66 Ferry Linacre John, 383 State Linacre Thomas, 35 Union Linacre James, 75 Lawrence Liiibarger William H, hatter, 65 s Lansing Linden Richard, comedian, 9 Beaver Lindsley Andrew, carpenter, 34 Van Schaick Lindsey widow, 154 Orange Lindsey widow Mary, 58 Rensselaer Lincoln G F H, 44 Eagle Linney William, porter house, 29 Hamilton Lindenstein Moses, butcher, 196 s Pearl Lin Angel, 221 s Pearl Linsley Joel, teamster, 97 Snipe Linsenbolz John, 113 Franklin Lipman V\ illiam, pedler, 125 Lydius Lipman Marks, butcher, 133 Broad Lispenard Dr, 5 Beaver 222 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Litchfield John, sexton North Methodist Church, res in rear Little E C, bds Delavan Little & Co, (O Scovill) bookstore and literary rooms 53 State Little Weare C, 53 State, res 138 Washington Little S C, agent Albany and Rochester line, 101 Pier, bds American Little James, laborer, Spencer Little Tower, 5 9 Fulton Littlejohn Levi S, forwarding merehant,,96 Pier, res 29 Second, Arbor Hill Littlejohn William, proprietor of North River Hotel, 274 and 276 Broadway Litstem Reuben, carpenter, 26 Willett Littlejohn Leonard fl, porter house, 94 Pier Livingston Robert, 58 Arch Livingston widow Crawford, 353 Lydius Livingston John D, attorney &c, 94 State, h 8 High Livingston William, porter house, 183 Montgomery Livingston Duncan, 98 Church Lloyd Samuel, boarding house, 126 Stale Lloyd Thomas, 57 Division Lloyd Maria, 40 s Lansing Lloyd & Jones, coachmakers, SO Hamilton Lloyd George, joiner, 211 Westerlo Lloyd Lyman John, saddler and harness maker, 342 Broadwray, res 320 Lydius Lloyd Rowland, 5 Franklin Place Lloyd Samuel H, coachmaker, 96 Green Lloyd widow Willard, 90 Schuyler Lloyd Thomas, machinist, cor John and Quay, res 66 Ferry Lloyd & McMicken, saddlers and harness makers, 342 Broadway 223

Loatwell Jacob, 127 Lumber Loatwell James, 127 Lumber Lobdcll Joshua, Hamilton w Dove Lochland Stephen, 85 Church Lochner George, grocer, 64 Washington Locherty William H, 37 Steuben LOCK HOSPITAL, 3 Norton Lock Charles, 32 Jefferson Locke John C, cabinet maker, cor Chapel and Col­ umbia Lockley Richard, wheelwright, 70 Lumber Lockrow Dr Peter, 88 Swan, Arbor Hill Lockrow Van Buren, physician, office 56 Beaver, h 145 Lydius Lockrow Charles, 212 Washington Lockwood Allen, box maker, 22 Westerlo Lockwood Mrs Sarah, 60 Patroon Lodge Benjamin, merchant tailor, 22 Beaver, h 95 Second, Arbor Hill Logheim Henry, 212 Washington Lovey David J, barber, 170 s Pearl Logan Matthew, shoemaker, 32 Canal Logan John, shoemaker, 105 Third Arbor Hill Logne John, moulder, 171 Broad London Abram, rear 7 Park Long & Silsby, carriage-makers, 284 s Pearl Long Charles P, engineer, 276 s Pearl Long Michael, 16 Van Zandt Long John, cartman, 65 Third, Arbor Hill Long Christopher, 264 Bowery Long James, carriage-maker, 243 s Pearl Long William, 119 First, Arbor Hill Long James, 243 s Pearl Loomis Jedathan, painter, 44 Second, Arbor Hill 224

Loomis S A, grocer, cor s Pearl and Hamilton, res 56 s Pearl Loomis Harley, engineer, 34 Eagle Loomis Willis, 312 Bowery Lord Joseph, bookseller, 19 Philip Lord T S, lumber dealer, 15 Pier, res 72 Lumber Lord Edmund J, 29 Washington, cor Hawk Lord Joseph & Son, dealers in provisions, 29 Wash­ ington, res 30 Hawk Lossing John, whitesmith, shop 217, h 253 Wash­ ington Lott Enoch, carpenter, 13 Park Lott John, engineer, 136 Broad Love widow, 90 s Pearl Loveland Amos, 207 State, h 13 Swan Lovell Richard, porter-house, 62 Beaver Lovell Christopher, mason, 299 s Pearl Loveridge Mrs C, 68 Herkimer Lovett Misses, 148 State Lovett Joseph M, book-keeper in Exchange Bank, res Swiss Home, Mount Hope Lovie Alexander, lock maker, shop 86 Green, res 31 Division Low William H, accountant, 69 Westerlo Low Addison, 57 Lydius Low Francis S, stove dealer, res 48 Philip Low John, shoe dealer, 116 Church Low Warren S, 83 Herkimer Low John, laborer, 1 Clinton Low H C, Lumberman's Exchange, 192 Water Low W B, bds American Hotel Low Mrs Mary, 69 Westerlo Lowell Hiram"M, 38 Elk Lowlan Hugh, 46 Fayette Lowrey Patrick, laborer, 65 Broadway HOFFMAN'S AI.BANT DIRECTORT. 225

Lowrey Patrick, blacksmith, 119 Franklin Lowenthall Chnrle:'. pedlar. 236 s Pearl Lube}' Times, shoemaker, 53 Mulberry Luce" Edwin, carpenter, 22 Franklin, h 91 Dallius Luce Walter, porter-house, basement Exchange, h 31 Green Luce Theodore, cabinet maker, 277 Bowery Luddington Liberty, fancy goods,670 Broadway Lueky Henry, tailor, 25 Liberty Luke S & II, dry goods, 6 s Pearl, res 30 Steuben Lumbard Thomas, butcher, 144 Lydius Lurnley Henry, 151 Green Lurem Thomas, laborer, 29 Van Woert Luscom Daniel, river-wrecker, East Albany Lush Stephen, 767 Broadway Lush widow Stephen, 767 Broadway Luther John, cartman, 146 Jefferson Luther George, 93 Third, Arbor Hill Luther George W, wood dealer, res 741 Broadway Luther (J P & G W) coal and wood dealers, 69 Water, cor Quackenbush, res 741 Broadway LUTHERAN CHUHCH, cor Pine and Lodge LvTur.RAK CHURCH, (German) State, near Swan Lyall David, tailor, 86 Jefferson Lyle widow of Robert, cor Swan and Second Lyle William, painter, 66 First, Arbor Hill Lyman William, res 37 Grand Lyman So Randal, Boston boot and shoe store, 488 Bror.d way Lyman Patrick, laborer, 187 Broadway Lyman Thomas, horse shoer, 56 Lawrence Lyman C R, merchant, 19 High Lynch John, laborer, 30 Clinton Lynch William, moulder, 144 Lydius L\nch Owen, clothing store, 10 Little Basin 15 226 Lynch William, mason, 22 Jefferson Lynch John W, carpenter, Hawk Lynch widow Susan, 98 s Pearl Lynch Patrick, cabinet maker, 158 Green Lynch Patrick, 3 Catharine Lynch Michael, porterhouse, 23 Center Lynch John, shoemaker, 14 Columbia Lynch Thomas, laborer, 88 Swan, Arbor Hill Lynch Thomas, cartman, 46 Cherry Lynch Michael, moulder, 98 Broad Lynch Albert, tailor, 71 Grand Lynch John, laborer, 35 Hamilton Lynch Bernard, grocery ; nd provision store, corner Green and Schuyler, res 53 Schuyler, Alderman 1st ward Lynch Edward, laborer, 186 Broadway Lynch John, clothing store, cor Centre and n Lan­ sing Lynch John, cooper, 48 Colonie Lynch Daniel, rear 101 Canal Lynd Andrew, moulder 216 s Pearl Lynon widow, Hudson, w Eagle Lyon L, 80 Ferry Lyon widow of Aaron, 291 State Lyon Dr A, Little Basin, h 4 n Lansing Lyon Philo D, 84 Hamilton Lyon Wm, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Lyons James, cooper, 93 Van Woert Lyons widow, 43 Columbia Lyons Aaron G, piano forte maker, 854 Broadway Lyons Joseph, grocer, 53 Hawk, cor Chestnut Lyons William, wheelwright, 65 Fulton Lyons John W, 37 Canal Lytle George I, agent Empire State Insurance Com­ pany, 10 Douw's building HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 227

M. MCALLISTER ARCHIBALD, printer, loo Orang« McAllister Daniel, collector for Evening Journal, 160 Orange McAllister Charles, blacksmith, 884 Broadway McAllister Anson, 50 Westerlo McAllister Andrew, harness maker, 154 Spring McAllister Alexander, hat store, 428 Broadway*, % 273 State McAllister widow, 31 Van Zandt McAllister Daniel, moulder, 162 Lumber McAlpin William J, engineer, 766 Broadway McAnally Felix, malster, 48 Bradford McAnally laborer, 74 Franklin McAnespy Catharine, 16 Jefferson McArdle Michael, 19 Canal McAravy John, shoemaker, 168 Montgomery McAuley widow Michael, 48 Arch McBride Geo, shoemaker, 73 Grand McBride John & Wm jr, grocery and provision deal­ ers, 262 Washington McBride James, lace weaver, 73 Grand McBride William, 262 Washington McBride Thomas, 4 Catharine McBern Robert, 31 Van Woert McBurney Joseph, carpenter, 87 Bleecker McBurns porter house, 13 Little Basin McCabe James, laborer, 81 Broad McCabe Patrick, laborer, Hawk, n Canal McCabe widow Margaret, 593 Broadway McCabe Lawrence, 69 Colonie McCabe widow James, 66 n Lansing McCabe John, shoemaker, 64 Third, Arbor Hill McCabe Richard, bds Switzer's Hotel 228 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McCabe Michael, bds 42 Washington McCabe John, soapmaker, 115 Lumber McCabe Francis, 24 Van Woert McCabe James, carpenter, 154 s Pearl McCaffcrty Edward, laborer, 103 Van Woert McCafferty Michael, baker, 26 n Pearl McCaffery Francis, furnaceman, 16 Van Woert McCaffrey John M, grocer, 41 Lumber McCaffrey Francis, laborer, 43 Washington McCaffrey James, laborer, 27 Alexander McCaffrey James, laborer, 36 Van Schaick McCaffrey Owen, laborer, 161 Lumber McCall James, baker, 32 Stueben McCall Michael, laborer, 122 Broad McCall John, porter, 45 First, Arbor Hill McCall Patrick M, brickmaker, 86 Swan, McCall Thomas, lumber inspector, 9 Van Woert McCall H S, office 5 Douw's buildings, house 38 Steuben McCambley Thomas, porter house, 776 Broadway McCammon William, 35 Jay McCammon & Comstock, exchange office, 16 Ex­ change Buildings McCammon Cyrus, 7 Fayette McCammon C S, res 7 Fayette McCammon widow Enoch, 7 Fayette VicCamry James, Hawk near Canal McCavna Patrick, teamster, 139 Swan McCann Patrick, laborer, 216 Green McCann Thomas, Dal|ius b Cherry McCann Francis, cartman, 40 John McCann John, laborer, 62 Fulton McCann John, laborer, 218 Green McCann Rachel, widow, 75 Church McCann John, 139 Canal 229

McCann John, 102 Water McCann David, 54 Hamilton McCann Patrick, 19 Quay McCann Felix, provision store, 45 Quay McCann Cornelius, 113 Jefferson McCann John, laborer, 125 Jefferson McCandry Daniel, mason, 50 Jefferson McCanny Bernard, laborer, 131 Broad McCardell John, Climax House, foot State, also 16 Beaver McCardell Fiancis, 39 Liberty McCarl John, rear 36 Van Schaick McCarty William, grocer, 1 Water McCarty Stephen, laborer, 137 Church McCarty widow Michael, rear 79 Fayette McCarty Patrick, 108 Water McCarty John, 52 Lawrence McCarty Cornelius, 60 Lawrence McCarty William F, machinist, 94 Swan McCarty Patrick, mason, 54 Jefferson McCarty James, 51 Van Woert McCarty Owen, baker, 94 Water McCarty James, mason, 24 Howard McCarty Eugene, tailor, 137 Lumber McCarty Thomas, laborer, 102 Water McCarty John, moulder, 15 Philip McCarty Patrick, baker, 175 Montgomery McCarty John, grocer, 369 State ' McCauley Joseph, 69 Sand McCaugan, grocer, 191 Broadway McCasky Wm, 182 State McChesney Lucas H, chair manufacturer, 108 and 110 State, res 24 Dove • McChesney Elijah, harness-maker, 508 Broadway 23(0 HOFf"MAN?S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McClaskey Lagrange, city hay scales, cor Plain and Philip, res 43 Elm McClasky Hugh, victualler, 21 Philip McClasky John, pattern maker, 111 Hamilton McClelland James, waiter, 44 Fayette McClelland Wdliam, 370 Lydius McClelland William, paper hangings, 64 Green McClelland William, 130 Patroon McClelland Joseph, grocer, 131 Beaver McClelland Emery, 52 Montgomery McClelland David, junk shop, 176 Broadway McCloskey Rev P, 51 Dallius McCloskey Rev Dr, 14 Lodge McClintock Ralph, 13 Beaver McCloud Alexander, rear 20J Second, Arbor Hill McCloud Charles, tailor,'46 Patroon McClure Michael, 43 Lark McClure Archibald & Co, wholesale dealers in paints, oils and dye woods, 74 & 76 State, h 198 McClure widow James, 196 State McClure James E, 74 State, bds Stanwix McClure Jonathan, tinman, 83 Orange McClure James, tin ware, 627 Broadway, h 96 Montgomery McClusky Hugh, 427 Washington McClusky Owen, stone mason, 6 Morton McClusky Cornelius, mason, 63 Schuyler McClusky William, nailor, 163 Spring, h 236 Washington McClusky Bernard, victualler, 166 Broadway McClusky Paul, moulder, 107 Beaver MjtClusky Edward, 83 Schuyler McClusky John, old October house, 8 Hudson McCeRum Hugh, res 35 JMontgomery McCollum John, baker, 47 Canal HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 231

McCollum Charles, Hudson w Dove McClyment Andrew, 83£ Washington McCole James, grocer, 360 State McConnell Hugh, Patroon cor Snipe McConnell James, teacher, 2 Clinton McConver Felix, 98 Colonie McCormick John, laborer, 164 Green McCormick John, laborer, 218 Green McCormick Patrick, laborer, 135 Church McCormick James, 77 Broadway McCormick John, cartman, 174 Broadway McCormick .Michael, cooper, 59 n Ferry McCormick .Michael, blacksmith, below old railroad McCormick Thomas, laborer, rear 105 Beaver McCormick Patrick, laborer, 9 Wendell McCormick Edward, laborer, 162 Orange McCormick .Mrs, milliner, 93 n Pearl McCormick Patrick, 160 State McCormick Edward, 112 Orange McCoster Hugh, 49 n Lansing McCotter Henry, 30 Water McCotter JNeal, clothing store, 9 Little Basin McCotter John, tailor, 11 Van Tromp McCowly Thomas, Carpenter, 119 Canal McCoy, Clarke & Co, furnace, Montgomery, between Lumber and Spencer, store 13 Green McCoy S, res 743 Broadway McCrauson John, 47 Dallius McCready William, 10 s Lansing McCready Thomas, malster, 10 Van Schaick McCrean Peter, 61 n Lansing McCue widow of Michael, 145 Broad McCue Daniel, laborer, 145 Canal McCue Patrick, 129 Lumber McCue Francis, laborer, rear 41 Jackson 232 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McCuen widow Michael, cor Church and Mulberry McCuen James, 24 n Ferry McCuen James, cooper, 24 n Ferry McCulloch John, provision merchant, cor Dove and Lydius, bds American McCulloch Waiter S, printer, 328 Stale McCulloch widow Isabel, 328 Stat-: McCulloch David, bds Clinton McCulloch John, laborer, 185 Broadway McCulloch W A & Co, malsters, corner Dallius and Rensselaer, office 73 Quay, res Greenbush McCulloch Pete;, 117 Beaver McCurtin Patrick, 95 Church McCusker Cornelius, 139 Canal McCusker Arthur, laborer, 24 Rensselaer McDade James, laborer, 67 Arch McDaniel J, 113 Hudson McDermot John, 35 Van Schaick McDermot Barney, laborer, 25 Rensselaer McDermot John, 45 n Lansing McDermot 'Thomas, 47 Grand McDermot Patrick, 170 Orange McDermot Peter, blacksmith, 143 Church McDevitt Anthony, 69 Maiden Lane McDole John, 316 State McDonald Patrick, 26 Van Woert McDonald James, 29 s Pearl McDonald William, 79 Colonie McDonald John, shoemaker, 35 Hamilton McDonald Martin, butcher, 56 Colonie McDonald Patrick, Chesnut, w Hawk McDonald Edward, butcher, cor Arch & Dallius McDonald James, laborer, Hawk, s Jefferson McDonald Francis, laborer, 80 Arch McDonald Mrs 54 Green 233

McDonald James, 15 Dove McDonald John, 11 Columbia McDonald Henry W, pedlar, 16 Jackson McDonald Patrick, laborer, 1 Bakers Alley McDonald Thomas C, 50 Canal McDonald Angus, 11 Columbia McDonald Cornelius, gardener, 57 Rensselaer McDonald .Lines, 220 Lumber McDonald Ed waul butcher, Cherry Valley turn pik« McDonald 0, paper hanger, 83 Canal McDonald James, contractor, 57 Patroon McDonald Donald, plasterer, 65 Hawk McDonald Andrew, laborer, 59 Broadway McDonald John, grocer, 85 Quay McDonald Martin, grocer, 81 Quay McDonald Michael, 51 Schuyler McDonald Bernard, 137 Broad McDonald 137 Broad McDonald Michael, shoemaker, 162 Green McDonald John, moulder, 68 Lydius McDonald John, coachmaker, 30 s Pearl McDonald James, laborer, cor Swan and Lumber McDonald William, mason, Westerlo, 6 Swan and Dove McDonald Patrick, 110 Orange McDonald Stephen, cor Dove and Lydius McDonald widow, 165 Hudson McDonald Felix, carpenter, 213 Orange McDonough John, mason, 4 Morton McDonough Christopher, 123 Orange McDonough Patrick, Westerlo, w Eagle McDonough James, Westerlo w Eagle McDonough James, painter, 37 Jefferson McDonough Roderick, tailor, 24 Rensselaer McDowell Walter, 117 Arch 234 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McDuffie Charles, brick yard, Lydius w Knox McElroy James, dry goods, 636 Broadway, bds 659 McElroy William, carpenter, 189 Orange McElroy William, dealer in dry goods, 645 Broad­ way, cor Orange, res 108 n Pearl McElroy Samuel, Assistant City Surveyor, h 73 Di­ vision McElroy Mrs Peter, 60 Howard McElroy Thomas, wholesale & retail grocer, Maiden Lane, cor Dean, h 676 Broadway McElroy Henry, brass founder, 63 Beaver, res 180 Washington McElroy William, brass founder, 63 Beaver, res 180 Washington McElroy James, laborer, Hamilton w Dove McElroy John, brass founder, 180 Washington McElroy Michael, laborer, 197 Orange McEJroan John, pedlar, 128 Jefferson McEntee James, grocer, 169 Green McEntee Thomas S, skipper, 100 Spring McEntee John, baker and grocer, 21 Canal McEntee Edward, coppersmith, 26 Chapel McEvily Patrick W, grocer, 2 -Howard McEvoy John, cor Green and Rensselaer McEvoy Phoebe, 127 Beaver McEveny Geo, 18 Park McEwen John, Freight agent, 77 Colonie McEwen George R, 92 Fulton McFinn Michael, 36 Canal McFarlin John, 104 Canal McGarvey James, grocer, 22 Jackson McGarvey Michael, 52 Colonie McGarvey Daniel, baker, cor Green and Schuyler McGee Patrick, 101 Montgomery McGee Terrence, laborer, 216 Broadway 235 McGee Patrick, laborer, 135 Grand McGee Thomas B, tailor, 164 Green McGee widow, 2 Cross McGee James, 5 Phcenix place, Hudson McGee Patrick, 81 Orange McGee Michael, porter house, 10 William McGee Henry, 204| Broadway McGean John, tailor, 7 s Lansing McGeougb widow of Michael, 6 Maiden Lane McGeough James, laborer, rear 75 Arch McGuar Denis, 43 Third, Arbor Hill McGibbon William, carpenter, rear 53 Fayette McGibbon James, laborer, SI Orange McGinnis John, laborer, 50 Van Schaick McGinnis Constantine, laborer, 65 Broadway McGinnis Patrick, grocer, 174 Montgomery McGinnis Patrick, 18 n Lansing McGinnis Edward, 35 Cherry McGinnis Mary, 62 Schuyler McGinn Michael, grocer, 100 Schuyler, cor Clinton McGinnity Patrick, laborer, 67 Schuyler McGinty James, grocer, 221 Broadway McGirk Peter, 350 State McGlowen Patrick, 50 Lawrence McGlyn Richard, 84 Church McGolick , 65 Maiden Lane McGordon Patrick, painter, 65 Schuyler McGourkey William G, clerk in Canal office, State Hali, res 72 Eagle McGourkey George, 72 Eagle McGovern Andrew, 205 Orange McGowan William, porter house, 4 Beaver, res 37 Chapel McGowan Minos, office 191 Water, h 810 Broadway McGown John, 88 Bradford 236

McGown John, Bradford McGown widow, 320 State McGown John, laborer, 161 Lumber McGown John, caulker, 151 Orange McGown widow, 305 Bowery McGrath Larry, Orange, cor Swan McGrath William, 43 V>n Schaick McGrath Daniel, Spruce e Hawk McGrath Patrick, laborer, 216 Green McGrath Martin, laborc.. 62 Schuyler McGrath James, leather

McGuire Eugene, laborer, 113 Third, Arbor Hill McGuire , cor centre and n Lansing McGuire widow Margaret, 64 n Pearl McGuire David, boatman, 200 Green McGuire widow, 26 Chapel McGuire widow, Hamilton w Dove McGuire John, laborer, 40 Second, Arbor Hill McGuire widow Thomas, furniture warehouse, 114 State McGuire Owen, laborer, 191 Broadway McGuire William, 35 Dean McGuire James, 22 Quay McGuire Anthony, 22 Quay McHarg William, clerk State bank, res 24 n Pearl McHarg Alexander, watchmaker, 22 Green, h 19 Franklin McHarg John, merchant, 49 State, h 24 n Pearl McHarg Misses 50 Hudson McHarg William C, attorney, &c, 66 State, bds iSwan, cor Hudson McHench William, clerk in Mechanics' and Farm­ ers' bank, res 77 Hudson McHench Alexander, carpender, 170 Hudson MeHugh Patrick, 129 Lumber Mcintosh D, shoemaker, 77 Canal Mcintosh Ezekiel Z, Clinton cor Catherine, office 416 Broadway Mcintosh Walter S, 102 Lydius, office 416 Broad­ way Mcintosh widow of Peter, 250 Washington Mclntyre , grocer, 154 Montgomery Mclntyre Philip, laborer, 121 Van Woert Mclntyre Archibald, 97 nPearl Mclntyre John, cartman, 45 Cherry Mclntyre John McD, 99 n Pearl 238 Mclntyre Terence, laborer, 151 Orange Mclntyre Archibald, 9 Park Mclntyre Barney, 212 Broadway Mclntyre William P, 99£ Knox McKaig Andrew, teacher, 36 Grand McKaig Hugh, laborer, 50 Orange McKaig R N, res 36 Grand McKanner C, laborer, 35 Jefferson McKaon John, laborer, 96 Arch McKay Hugh, bds 15 Jay McKay John, 53 Hudson McKee John, stone cutter, 12 John McKee widow, dress maker, 43 Orange McKeever Patrick, blacksmith, 47 Grand McKenna widow John, 100 Swan, Arbor Hill McKenna Patrick, wheelright, Hawk n Canal McKenna Henry, 133 Lumber McKenna Francis, ship carpenter, Canal c Swan McKenna Barney, laborer, 68 Mulberry McKenna widow, 28 Van Woert McKenna Hugh, grocer, 1 Columbia McKernan Patrick, 16 Second, Arbor Hill McKensie William, 77 Orange McKensie John, cor Hawk and Orange McKensie widow, 789 Broadway McKercher Duncan, 22 Quackenbush McKew James, 177 Green McKibben James, 26 Elm McKibbens Jane, 51 Herkimer McKinley Thomas, dry goods, 705 Broadway McKinney James, shoemaker, 232 * Pearl McKinney John, moulder, 61 Fulton McKinney Bridget, 456 Washington McKinney Elijah S, 55 s Pearl McKinney Charles, Westerlo e Swan 239

McKinney Miss, millinery and dry goods store, 55 * Pearl McKissick S, agent Troy and Michigan Line, 65 Quay, res 130 Hamilton McKirnon Felix, Chesnut Alley McKnight John, brewery, 95 and 97 Canal, corner Hawk, res 93 Canal McKnight Andrew, carpenter, 97 Schuyler McKnight G W, painter, 43 Union McKnight William, 170 Lumber McKone , laborer, Alexander McKown John A, cartman, 55 Grand McKown James, attorney, &c, res cor Hawk aad Westerlo McKown Abel F, 35 Elm McLachlan John, 234 Lydius McLachlan Terence, mason, 197 Orange McLane John, 5 Clinton McLaughlin John, laborer, 112 Van Woert McLaughlin Patrick, 229 n Pearl McLaughlin widow Mary, 70 Orange McLaughlin widow Eliza, 70 Lumber McLaughlin Matlhew, 36 Van Rensselaer McLaughlin Patrick 121 Canal McLaughlin widow William, Spruce McLaughlin Patrick, 22 Clinton McLaughlin widow Ann, 129 Eagle McLaughlin John, laborer, 46 Fayette McLaughlin Patrick, 52 Van Schaick McLean Alexander, 204 Hamilton McLean Geo, shoemaker, Dove n Hamilton McLean Archibald, 54 Rensselaer McLean widow Eliza J, 128 Franklin McLeister Wm, teamster, 165 Orange 240 HOFFMANS ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McLoughlin Cornelius, tin and coppersmith, 22 Hud­ son, h 29 Division McMahan Michael, 28 Van Woert McMahon Francis, grocer, 59 n Ferry McMahon Matthew, attorney, &c, 37 State, res 122 Green McMahon Patrick, 47 Colonie McManama Edward, 770 Broadway, h 50 Bleecker McManamee Adam, miller, 76 Van Woert McManus Daniel, 273 Washington s b McManus Owen, mason, 99 Swan, Arbor Hill McManus Bernard, 85 Franklin McManus James, laborer, 51 Van Zandt McManus James, laborer, 141 Canal McManus widow, rear 59 Lawrence McManus Terry, 137 Canal McManus Edward, 55 Canal McManus James, laborer, Canal e Swan McManus James, tailor, 61 Canal McManus Philip, 43 Canal McMartin D. attorney &c,44 State, bds Mrs Crane's McMichael Richard, dealer in dry goods, 326 Broad­ way, bds 52 Westerlo McMichael John, bds Mansion McMickin John, saddle and harness maker, bds 70 Division McMickin Jacob R, tailor, 70 Division McMickin Letitia, '"O Division McMicken David, carpenter, 34 Van Schaick McMillen widow, 53 Van Schaick McMillen Aaron, 232 State McMillen Catharine, 133 Hudson McMillen William, cooper, 39 Colonie McMullen James jr, 73 Fulton McMullen John, Colonie e Swan 241

McMullen James, India rubber warehouse, 386 Broad­ way, h 73 Hudson McMullen James, 73 Fulton McMullen Thomas, register bank department, State Hall, res 5 Pine McMullen Edgar, 5 Pine McMullen Thomas, 23 Spring McMullen Augustus, 10 Morton McMullen James, carpet weaver, rear 36 Van Schaick McMurray Michael, cor Water and Colonie McMurray John, 71 Hamilton McMurrin James, blacksmith, 98 Church McMurdy Catharine, 24 Second, Arbor Hill McMurdy Robert S, physician, 24 Second, Arbor Hill, office 70£ n Pearl McMurdy Isaac, clerk in the post office, res 45 Jay McNab Peter, bowling saloon,46 James, h cor Knox and Washington McNab William, cor Knox and Washington McNab John, cor Knox and Washington McNally Thomas, musician, 30 Canal McNally Cornelius, 95 Church McNamara Michael, 132 Canal McNamara John, laborer, 28 Canal McNamara James, 132 Canal McNamara Matthew, moulder, 4 Baker's Court McNamara Hugh, grocer, 277 Washington s b McNaughton James, physician, office and h 54 R Pearl McNaughton Peter, physician, office and h 556 Broadway McNaughton Angus, (P & McN,) res 27 Van Schaick 16 242 HOFFMAN'S'ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McNaughton Alexander, boarding house, 69 s Pearl McNaughton Thomas, Canal, cor Knox McNeil John, grocer, 204 Broadway McNulty Christopher, grocer, 150 s Pearl McNulty Hugh, laborer, 80 Arch McNulty James, 36 Van Woert McPherson widow Harriet, 66 n Pearl McPherson , Patroon b Snipe and Perry McQuade Patrick, paver, 141 Canal McQuade James, 25 Canal McQuade Anthony, painter, 31 \ Canal McQuade Anthony, paver, 31 Canal McQuade Patrick, 38 Van Schaick McQuade Peter, book binder, 139 Canal McRoberts William, 10 Wendell McShane Felix, grocer, 74 Quay, res cor Jackson and Lumber McShane Patrick, blacksmith, 13 Dewitt McShane Michael, grocer, 16 Quay McShea James, grocer, 225 Broadway McWilliams Colmac, 75 Jefferson McWilliams John, cartman 45 Van Zandt McWilliams Thomas, 47 Van Zandt McWilliams William, bricklayer, 130 Eagle Maben widow John, 42 Spring Mack John, carpenter, 25 Broadway Mack John, 115 Broad Mack Elisha, jr, 1 Lawrence Mack Elisha, 3d police constable, 26 Wilson- Mac Thomas, laborer, 188 Broadway Mackey John, carpenter, 189 Orange Madden Edward, wagon maker, 53 Fayette Madden Archibald, carpenter, 20< Jefferson Madden John, tailor, 47 n Lansing Madden Jeremiah, 119 Canal 243

Madden Henry, grocer, cor Broad and Alexander Madden George, pedlar, 204 Broad Maeder James G, professor of music, 19 William Madigan widow Michael, 467 Washington Magilton Joseph, blacksmith, 80 Colonie Magnus S M, watchmaker, 368 Broadway Mahan James, 108 Water Mahan Thcmas, 39 Van Woert Mahan widow John, 14 Grand Alley Mahar Thomas, 124 Broad Mahedy James, moulder, 71 Dallius Maher Dennis, 89 Van Woert Maher Thomas, 39 Van Woert Maher John, grocer, 210 Broadway Maher John, cooper, 57 Rensselaer Maher Dennis, shoemaker, 54 Church Maher Daniel, grocer, 10 Daniels Maher Thomas, carpenter, 205 n Pearl Maher Lawrence, carpenter, 221 n Pearl Maher James, 187 Montgomery Maher Edward, grocer, cor s Pearl and Arch Maher Patrick, Hudson River House, cor Hamiltoa and Quay Maher Thomas, malster, 87 Canal Maher James, wholesale and retail grocer, 52 State, res 54 Chapel Maher Michael, laborer, 88 Arch Maher Thomas, cartman, 72 n Lansing Maher Robert, grocer, l59 Broadway Maher John T, lumber inspector, 696 Broadway Maher Lawrence, paver, 98 Franklin Maher Dennis, 61 Lancaster Maher Eugene, 51 n Lansing Mahlis David, shoemaker, 221 s Pearl Mahony William, grocer, 29 Lumber 244

Mahony Jeremiah, 54 Colonie Mahony & Copps, painters, 20 Beaver Mahony William D, painter, 73 First, Arbor Hill Mahony William, carman, 31 Lumber Maidment Edward, baker, 22 Elk Main Alexander, State Engineer, 31 Dove Main widow, 99 Schuyler Main James, 51 n Lansing Main widow Paulina, 37 Rensselaer Malburn, Van Valkenburgh, Noyes & Daley, pas­ sage agents, cor Quay and Hodge Malburn Francis, wholesase dealer in liquors, &c, 18 Lydius, res 24 Dallius Malburn William P, 24 Dallius Mallaby Thomas, paver, 34 Rensselaer Mallavy Daniel, laborer, 64 Mulberry Mallon Thomas, grocer, 199 Orange Malone Michael, 308^ State Malone Michael, rear 312 State Malone Patrick, 15 Lawrence Malone Terence, 69 Schuyler Malone Henry, 69 Schuyler Malone James, grocer, 78 Beaver cor Grand Mallory James H, bds 51 n Pearl Mallory J H & Co, Hudson river line tow boats, 1 Hudson, up stairs Maloney Patrick, laborer, 71 Broadway Maloney John, painter, 212 Broadway Maloney C, 3 Orange Malloy Gerritt, 69 Maiden Lane Maloy Arthur, 101 Swan, Arbor Hill Maloy William, grocer, cor Lodge and Maiden Lane Maloy John, 102 Green Mandeville Rev H, pastor 4th Presbyterian Church, res 21 Ten Broeck ALBANY DIRECTORY. 245

Mandelbum Moses, pedlar, 4 Alexander Mangan Henry, laborer, 95 Westerlo Mangin Peter, laborer, 190 Broadway Mann James V, tailor, 64 s Pearl Mann A, pedlar, 103 Green Mann James, 159 Orange Manning widow Ellen, 28 Van Schaick Manning Mrs Ann Maria, 62£ Green Manning Michael, laborer, 61 Fulton Manning S L, attorney, &c, 94 State, bds Franklin Manning John, cor Plain and Fulton Manning John, baker, rear 105 Washington Manning Michael, 39 Van Woert Mansfield Peter (brewery 75 s Pearl) h 86 Fulton Mansfield Nancy, 160 Green MANSION HOUSE, Broadway Mansion Mathias, 102 Spring Mansion Michael, 228^ Washington Mantline Isaac, 83 Third, Arbor Hill Many William V, res 107 Hudson Many Daniel J, segar maker, 45 Colonie Manzies Robert, 61 Colonie Mapes Samuel S, 117 Broadway Marble Joel, district school, 218 State, h 206 State Marble James E, (P V & Co) res 107 Hudson March Alden, physician and surgeon, 72 Hudson Marcy William L, 132 State Mark John, Hudson w Dove Marker Jacob, shoemaker, 246 Washington Markey Thomas, tailor, 31 Van Woert; Markey Dr N, office 74 Green, h 50 Van Schaick Markle J S, Pharmacy Hall, 338 Broadway Marks Julius, pedlar, 46 Ferry Marks Isaac, cor s Pearl and Schuyler Marrin George, merchant, 7£ Hudson, res41 Ferr* Marrin John J, liquor dealer, 1\ Hudson, h4'l Feray 246 Marsden, artist, Exchange buildings Marsh William, mason, 4 Chestnut Marsh Benjamin, watchmaker, 34 State, res 26 Di­ vision Marsh Charles D, physician, 772 Broadway, res 758 Marsh Anthony, blacksmith, 68 Mulberry Marshall Charles, jr, carpenter, 109 Orange Marshall Alonzo, patent leather, 27 Church, res 5 Plain Marshall Alfred, 204 5 Pearl Marshall John, baker, rear 203 s Pearl Marshall William C, 37 John Marshall John T, bds Mansion Marshall William, 110 Canal Marshall William, Hawk, near Canal Marshall Walter, 49 DeWitt Marston James, blacksmith, 17 Patroon Martin Thomas, laborer, 11 Liberty Martin Mary Jane, widow Robert, 105 Herkimer Martin widow Robert, 860 Broadway Martin Ellen, nurse, 8 Canal Martin William, carriage maker, 41 Arch Martin David, physician, cor Columbia and Broad­ way, res 33 Columbia, office 31 Martin Peter, carpenter, Westerlo, near Dove Martin Samuel, 21 Elm Martin E P, bookkeeper, 205 Hamilton Martin Homer, carpenter, 205 Hamilton Martin James, 98 Orange Martin Charles, 46 Philip Martin Mrs J R, 49 Herkimer Martin David W, shoemaker, 151 Jefferson Martin Henry H? (P &M) attorney &c, 152 State Martin Robert, printer 860 Broadway Martin Patrick, laborer, 8 Van Woert Martin Terrence, 277 Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 247

Martin Patrick, carpenter, rear 161 Orange Martin Rev B N, bds Delavan Martin William, mason, 211 Washington Martin & Wiltsie, physicians, 31 Columbia Martin John, grocer, cor Beaver & William Martin C B, printer,45 Green Martin Ann, 31 Water Martin Patrick, moulder, 88 Franklin Martin widow, 273 Bowery Martin James, surgical instrument maker, 37 High Martin William, grocer, 349 Bowery Martin James, mason, rear 26 Dewitt Martin Michael, 171 Orange Martin Thomas, furrier, 239 Lumber Martin Charles L, bds 126 State Martineau Narciss, 37 Washington Martindale F E, bds American Marvin John, 80 Hudson Marvin Alexander, res 49 n Pearl Mascord Edward, wholesale dealer in wines, liquor &c, 27 s Pearl, h 6 Chesnut and Hudson Mascord William, variety store, 620 Broadway Mascraft William, bds 42 Washington Mason John, laborer, 140 Franklin Mason widow Julia, 68 Mulberry Mason widow Sarah, 114 Jefferson Mason Gregory, shoemaker, 116 Spring Mason William, clerk, 45 Center Masten William L, physician, 118 Lydius Masten Mrs Oscilla, fortune teller and astrologist, 118 Lydius Masterson Patrick, laborer, 97 Elm Masterson James, teamster, 9 Baker's Alley Masterson Philip, Chesnut alley Masterson Thomas, Chesnut alley 248 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Masterson Patrick jr, 97 Westerlo Masterson Patrick, laborer, Chesnut Masterson Michael, laborer, Chesnut Masterson Francis, laborer, Chesnut Masternen Francis, tin smith, 167 Spring Maternaghan widow William, 69 s Lansing Mattimore Michael, 41 n Lansing Mattimore Thomas, grocer, 493 Broadway Mattimore Thomas, 23 Lawrence Mattimore John, laborer, 221 n Pearl Matage Hugh, laborer, 53 Canal Matsler James, laborer, 43 Van Zandt Matthews Andrew, cartman, 51 Lawrence Matthews William, barber, 96 Franklin Mattoon David, 25 Orange cor Broadway Mattocks Dr J E, 88 Beaver Maxwell Joseph, cartman, 39 s Lansing May John, laborer, 143 Church May David, 361 State May Oliver D,211 Jefferson Mayes Josiah (T & Co) manufacturer of bedsteads, Tivoli Mariety John, laborer, 101 Nucella Mayell Jefferson, hat and cap store, 402 Broadway, res b Swan and Dove Mayell Alfred, hat store, 428 Broadway, h 33 Dallius Mayell William jr,hat store, 410 Broadway, h 209 Hamilton Mayer PeterH,sheet ironworker, 87 Beaver Mayer Philip A, 11 High Mayer & Collier, music store, 519 Broadway Maynard John, gardner, 31 Bradford Meacham Horace, 84 State Meacham widow John, 18 Van Tromp 249

Meacham Roswell S, music and military store, and piano forte manufacturer, 84 State, h cor Second and Lark, Arbor Hill Mead John N, joiner, 227 n Pearl Mead Titus, grocer, foot of Columbia st bridge, res 235 n Pearl Mead Oliver, office cor Spencer and Montgomery, h 141 ?i Pearl Mead Seleck, shoemaker, 51 Beaver Meade & Brother, daguerreotype artists, No 2 and 4, 2d floor, Exchange Meads John, 99 Columbia Meads Thomas, 152 Orange Meads John, 42 Westerlo Meads John jr, cabinet ware house, 549 Broadway, b 99 Columbia Meads Orlando, attorney, secretary and treasurer Albany Water Works, 480 Broadway, res 4 Pine Meads James, 99 Columbia Meads Andee, shoemaker, 210 Jefferson Meadon William, 852 Broadway Meazell Samuel H, 209 Hamilton MECHANICS' BENEFIT SOCIETY, Douw's Buildings MECHANICS' AND FARMERS BANK, Broadway, cor Exchange Mee John, mason, 66 Schuyler Mech John, hair dresser, 256 Broadway Meeh John, barber, 12 s Lansing Meech Henry T, Albany Museum, res 82 Hamil ton Meech widow Ralph, 83 Hamilton Meehan John, porter, 49 First, Arbor Hill Meeker William B, cooper, rear 53 Spring Megan Patrick, caulker, 154 Montgomery 250 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Megan Thomas, paver, 5 Colonie Meigs John, 271 State Meigs Isaac V L, 27.1 State Meigs Mary Ann, 271 State Melick William, machinist, 82 Green Melick Andrew, porter house, 292 Broadway Melius John, hatter, 70 s Lansing Melius William H, coach maker, 3 Clinton Merchant (Lansing & Walter) grocery and provision store, 71 Quay Merchant Lansing, 29 Dallius Merchant Walter, 58 Division Merchant Biddle, painter, 91 Swan, Arbor Hill Merchant widow Ann, 77 n Pearl Merehant Rachel, widow, 24 Wilson Merler Christopher, laborer, 50 Van Woert Merrick Richard, 8 Baker's Alley Merrifield R, secretary Gas Light Company bds 67 Fulton Merrifield George O, 55 * Pearl, bds 28 Broad Merrifield George G, bds 46 Eagle Merrifield Richard, bds 67 Fulton Merrifield widow of James, cor Fulton and Ham­ ilton Merrifield William, bds cor Van Tromp and Broad­ way Merrifield Miss Elizabeth, select school, 11 Grand Merrifield William, res 67 Fulton Merrifield & Wooster, dealers in mahogany and cabinet ware, 49 s Pearl Merrifield John, 67 Fulton Merrifield William M, bds cor Hamilton and Fulton Merrill Nathaniel, carpenter, 143 Eagle Merrill Alonzo, boot crimper, 19 Philip Merrill Leonard A, druggist, cor * Pearl and Hud­ son, res 19 Phillip HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 251

Merz Henry, gas fitter, cor Orange and Chapel Mesick Henry T, dealer in dry goods, 340 Broad­ way, h 45 Lydius Mesick Stephen, 75 Beaver Mesick Henry B, mason, 107 Washington Mesick John I, Pottery, 65 Lark Messenger Jacob, 14 Jay Metz John, cabinet maker, 84 Spring METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH (FIRST,) Hudson, above Pearl METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (SECOND,) n Pearl ' METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (THIRD,) cor Ferry and Franklin METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (FOURTH,) corner Washington and Swan METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (FIFTH,) Swan b Lumber and Third METHODIST AIRICAN CHURCH, State, rear of school building Meyer Lewis, porter house, 10 Howard Michael George F, 129 Eagle Michael Sebastian, sadler, 9 Union Middleton Richard, 136 Spring Middleton Jonas, 324 Lydius Miles Rev John, chaplain of Bethel Church, res 49 Columbia Miles Michael, machinist, 317 State Miles Noah B, dealer in hardware, 63 State, res 49 Steuben Miles C C, bds Delavan Milan Dennis, laborer, 59 n Lansing Milan Andrew, boot maker, 12 Van Tromp Milan John, laborer, 167 Second, Arbor Hill Millan William furrier, 97 Beaver ilillard Brace, res 206 Hamilton 252 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Milaney Thomas, 138 Montgomery Miller Clark, 204 Green Miller Andrew, 95 Church Miller Francis, carpenter, 58 Schuyler Miller Peter, laborer, Hudson w Eagle Miller William C, office 58 State, h 200 Lydius Miller Daniel, shoemaker, 222 Washington Miller widow Harvey, 55 Knox Miller Nathaniel, flour store, 599 Broadway, res 7 Canal Miller Samuel, harness maker, 207 Lydius Miller Charles, grocer, 796 Broadway MiBer Philip, 20 Washington Miller Isaac, shoemaker, 25 Howard Miller John, tailor, 135 Orange Miller Adam, laboier, 222 Washington Miller C, 84 Ferry Miller Kev Wm A, 79 Hamilton Miller Andrew, blacksmith, 146 Franklin Miller Leonard, grocer, 237 n Pearl Miller Peter, bds 42 Washington Miller Wm, pipe maker, Patroon row Miller J, attorney &c, 50 State Millerick John, tailor, 62 Schuyler Millerick Patrick, laborer, 192 Broad Milligan Letitia, 12 Grand Millham Hiram, 117 Snipe Milliman John, 278 * Pearl Millington William, currier, 52 Union Millington John jr, printer, 32 Second, Arbor Hill Mills John, carpenter, Chestnut cor Lark Mills Philip, 97£ s Pearl, res 6 Rose Mills Ebenezer, 47 Steuben Mills Daniel W, 209 State Mills John, Lark cor Chesnut ALBANY DIRECTORY. 253

Mills Thomas, 25 Broadway Milton George, 48 Herkimer Milwain James, hat store, 84 State, h 204 Hamilton Millwain Thomas A, 672 Broadway Millwain John, 152 Hudson Mingo Dinah, 381 State Mink Stephen G, 231 s Pearl Mink William H, 250 s Pearl Mink Charles W, attorney, &c, 110 Jeffersbn Mink David F, skipper, 8 Ferry Mink & Patterson, attorneys &c, 94 State Mink 0 W, carpenter, 19 Ferry Minster S, dry goods, 24 s Pearl Minster Lazarus, 13 Plain Minzer Myer, pedler, 125 Lydius MISSION SABBATH SCHOOL,Rensselaer, between Green and Franklin MISSION HOUSE SCHOOL, 140 Spring, above Lark Mitchell James, baker, rear 66 5 Pearl Mitchell John, furnaceman, 51 Mulberry Mitchell John, shoemaker, 10 Jefferson Mitchell Francis, baker, cor Steuben and Chapel Mitchell Roswell, 139 Second, Arbor Hill Mitchell L R. 49 Quay, bds 4 Fayette Mitchell Henry, 114 Green Mitchell Hugh, 74 Arch Mitchell Jesse P, Boston boot and shoe store, 382 Broadway, h 59 Hudson Mitchell William, wholesale and retail grocer, 364 and 366 Broadway, h 75 Division Mitchell John J, physician, 692 Broadway Mitchell Alexander, teamster, 104 Arch Mitchell Edward, 23 Rensselaer Mitchell James L, proprietor Congress Hall, cor Ca­ pitol Park and Washington 254 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Mitchell Peter, tailor, 144 Lydius Mitchel John, carpet weaver, 24 Van Zandt Mitour George, ship carpenter, 80 Bassett Mix Vischer, watchmaker and jeweller, 4 a Pearl, res 128 Eagle Mix John W, Bassett Mix Stephen, painter, 42 Franklin Mix Henry, 101 Basset Mix Henry & Stiles, grocers, 285 s Pearl Mix James, jeweller, 24 Green, res 15 Plain Mix James jr, jeweller, 24 Green, h 15 Plain Mix William, res 277 s Pearl Mix Stiles, 281 s Pearl Mix Edwin, 38 Eagle Moadel William, mason, Robin n Snipe Moakler Michael, store corner Canal and Chapel, h 30 Chapel Moakley Thomas H, sailmaker, cor Hamilton and Quay, h 23 Ferry Moakley Peter, sailmaker, sail-loft cor Hamilton & Quay, h 23 Ferry Moakley John, 23 Ferry Moat William, malster, Bradford w Robin Moffat James, tailor, 164 Jefferson Moffat Samuel, bds American Moffat George, blacksmith, 102 Franklin Moffat Margaret, 2 Centre Moffat George, 68 Arch Moffit John, 204 Broadway Moffit William, cartman, 76 Franklin MOHAWK AND HUDSON RAILROAD, office cor Dean and Maiden Lane Moir Joseph, tailor, 44 Beaver, h 335 Lydius Moir David, bookbinder, 140 s Pearl Molloy Joseph, porter house, 3 Dean 255

Mollons John, grocer, cor Water and Colonie Mollons Patrick, 43 n Lansing Molten George W, 402 Broadway Molinard J, professor of French in Albany and Al­ bany Female Academy, res 2 Park Place Monagan Peter, carpenter, 155 Orange Monahan John, grocer, 5 Little Basin, 11 Lawrence Monahan John, laborer, 12 Willett Monahan Thomas, 43 Third, Arbor Hill Monahan Michael, laborer, 46 Arch Monroe Joshua, dentist, 74 Green Monteath George, 78 Hudson Monteath Peter, (Wilson & M,) h 103 Hudson Monteath William, Clinton Line, 100 Pier, h 161 Hamilton Monteath & Austin, Albany Canal Line tow boats, 101 Pier Montgomery widow of Jesse, 154 Broad Montgomery James, teamster, 143 Canal Montoney William, 439 Lydius Montross Henry, 27 s Pearl Montross & Booge, passage agents, 82 Quay Montross Geo II & Co,bowling saloon,398 Broadway h 27 * Pearl Moody James, locksmith, 58 Lydius Moon Richard, potter, 98 Hawk Mooney Michael, 50 Arch Mooney widow Mary, 51 Lawrence Moore George, forwarding merchant, 99 Pier, h 30 Broad Moore George H, printer, bds Clinton Hotel Moore Frederic, 47 Rensselaer Moore Edward L, 56 Rensselaer Moore William, 1 Hudson, bds at Hubbell's Moore Apollos, 4 Canal 256 Moore Andrew P, 37 Dewitt Moore Mrs C, upholsterer, 20 Hawk Moore William, 113 s Pearl Moore Andrew, Superintendent s District, res 17 Hamilton Moore William, brickmaker, 195 Broad Moore Margaret, 201 Broadway Moore Elizabeth, 63 Rensselaer Moore Jasper, grocer, 58 Green Moore Samuel B, grocer, cor Lydius and Green, h 98 Herkimer Moore Catharine, dress maker, 66 Jackson Moore Rev William W, 37 Hawk Moore widow of Chester, 38 Fayette Moore Denniss, 43 Dewitt Moore D, butcher, 431 Washington Moore John, 30 Broad Moore widow Eunice, 49 Rensselaer Moore Edward, laborer, 38 Rensselaer Moore William, dealer in ice, &c, below old railroad Moore Charles, 45 Green Moore H E, 243 n Pearl Moore John, 99 Schuyler Moore Letitia, 117 Knox •Mbdor Joel, confectioner, 119 Broad Moquin Joseph, 107 Orange Moquin Julius, furrier, 89 Swan, Arbor Hill Moquin Francis, furrier, 63 Second, Arbor Hill Moquin Solomon, stone cutter, Westerlo w Eagle Moran Michael, 131 Jefferson Moran John, laborer, 155 Jefferson Moran Edward, mason, Jefferson e Dove Moran Michael, tailor, 108 Orange Moran John, 55 n Lansing Moran Patrick, laborer, 35 Alexander HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 257

Moran John, mason, Hamilton cor Dove Moran widow, 18 Park Morange Peter M, upholsterer, 502 Broadway, h 42 James Morange William D, attorney, res 42 James Morble James, 107 Hudson Morenos Jacob, laborer, 162 Broad Morehead James, cartman, 68 Jackson Morgan Charles, shoemaker, 32 Rensselaer Morgan Christopher, Secretary of State, office State Hall, bds Congress Hall • Morgan Barnet, carpenter, Westerlo w Swan .Morgan Patrick, 42 Jefferson Morgan Henry, night scavenger, rear 91 Fulton Morgan Isaac, carpenter, Lark n Bowery Morgan John, 171 Lumber Morgan Richard, nailor, Sand e Perry Morgan David, 554 Broadway, h 49 Spencer Morgan T W, principal of Liberty Street Select School 382 Broadway, entrance from Liberty, op­ posite the Hudson st Park; res 76 Eagle Morgan George, barber, 336 Lydius Moray Miss A, dress maker, 27 William Morrell James, carpenter, 40 Arch Morrell Richard, Stone cutter, 38 Water Morrell A, attorney &c, Justices court, h 49 Jay Morell Daniel, laborer, 149 Montgomery Morrill Edward A, painter, 10 Rose Mork Phillip, dry goods, 172 * Pearl Mork Solomon, shoemaker, s Pearl below rail road Morris Samuel, printer, 133 Jefferson Morriss Ann widow, 43 Co-lumbia Morris L I, 117 Lumber Morris James, shoemaker, 13 Knox Morris Isaac, carpenter, 91 Grand 17 258 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIBECTORY.

Morris Michael, 71 Rensselaer Morris John, carpenter, 122 Franklin Morris John, 117 Snipe Morris T F, res 77 Hamilton Morrison Mary, nurse, 204 s Pearl Morrison Matthew, mason, 144 Second, Arbor Hill Morrison John, mason, 17 Lodge Morrison Adam, mason, 372 Lydius Morrison Hugh, 372 Lydius Morrow Rev Samuel F, pastor of Asso Pres Church, res 71 Patroon Morrow James, turner, 94 Spring Morrow James, grocer, cor Ferry and Broadway Morrow Patrick, 226 n Pearl Morrow Matthew, baker, 131 Lumber Morrow John, gardener, 150 Franklin Morrow John D, auction store, 52 State Morrow Thos B, attorney, &c, res 6 Ferry Morrow Peter, laborer, Westerlo Morrow James, 9 Van Woert Morse Henry, builder,-shop Wendell, h 1 High Morse George A, carpenter, 106 Spring Morse & Osterhout, canal and railroad passage office, 6 Maiden Lane Morse C L & Co, passage agents, 78 Quay Morse widow Thomas, 16 Van Woert Morse James A, builder, Lancaster, res 121 Beaver Morse widow Catharine, 249 n Pearl Morse Dennis, laborer, 93 Van Woert Morse Moses, 43 Elm Morse Julius, 119 Broad Morton L M, bds Mansion Morton William, Hawk between Lydius and Jeffer­ son Morton Thomas, engineer, 96 Spring ALBANY DIRECTORY. 259'

Morton Mary, 96 Franklin Mosely B F, dry goods merchant, 477 Broadway, res 165 n Pearl Mosely Mrs Edwin, 276 State Mosely C C, 276 State Mosely Henry T, cabinet maker, 21 Church, h 23 Dallius Mosely Edwin J, 177 Hamilton Mosher Henry II, 93 Eagle Mosher John, segar maker, 331 Washington $ b Mosier Sybrant N, segar maker, 329*Washington Mosier Garret II, 78 Washington Moslain George, grocer, 350 Lark Mott Lydla, 37 Maiden Lane Mott Abigail, 37 Maiden Lane Mould John, shoemaker, 26 Howard Moulthrop John, va:nisher, 57 Second, Arbor Hill Moulton William, butcher, 113 First, Arbor Hill Mowers Benjamin N, 35 Fayette Moughnon, 20 Washington Mowl George, tailor, 106 Nucella MOUNT VERNON LODGE OF FREEMASONS, cor Broad­ way and Steuben Mount David, store 315 State Muir William O, draper and tailor, 450 Broadway^ res 60 Westerlo Muir William, leather dresser, 6 Van Tromp Muir James, tanner and currier, 56 Van Schaick Muir widow James, 56 Van Schaick Mulford John W, carpenter, 16 Third, Arbor Hill Mulford John II, watchmaker and jeweller, bds City Hotel Mulford & Wendell, jewellers and silversmiths, 480 Broadway Mulheron Henry, moulder, 22 Elk John C, pattern maker, 57 s Lansing Charles F, painter, 22 Ferry any Daniel, laborer, 70 Mulberry cahey Patrick, 97 Van Woert cahey Patrick, 30 Clinton en Edward, laborer, 97 Third, Arbor Hill en Terence, 24 Rensselaer en widow Charles, rear 85 Canal en James, 78 Third, Arbor Hill en John, mason, 25 Broadway en Patrick, 250 n Pearl en Michael, 27 Third, Arbor Hill en Thomas, shoemaker, 109 Dallius en Pratt, corner Hawk and Jefferson eroy Thomas, laborer, 177 Green igan Peter, grocer, cor Jefferson and Swan igan Owen, 49 Second, Arbor Hill igan Michael, laborer, Jefferson e Lark igan George, paver, 99 Schuyler igen Michael, painter, 195 Hamilton igan Evert, boatman, 334 Bowery igan Terry, 71 Rensselaer Mulpeters, widow, 79 Canal Munger Benjamin, boarding house 6 Norton Munhall Thomas, 137 Arch Munsell Joel, book and job printer, 58 State, bds American Munsel Joel sen, Delaw-are turnpike Munsig William, gas fitting establishment, 623 Broadway Munsion Lewis, furrier, 142 Orange Murden John, tailor, 44 Orange HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 261

Murdock Andrew, 125 Broad Murdock Bradford, 13 Church, h 278 State Murdock Moses F, 208 s Pearl Murdock E & B, mustard manufacturers, 13 Church Murdock E, res 28 Bleecker Murphy Daniel, 169 Third, Arbor Hill Murphy Daniel, laborer, 23 Van Schaick Murphy John, laborer, rear 43 Canal Murphy Patrick, 213 Jefferson Murphy Michael,55 Mulberry Murphy Edward, laborer, 101 Hamilton Murphy Timothy, 17 Lawrence Murphy William, painter, 133 Montgomery Murphy John, tailor, 42 Canal Murphy John, moulder, 902 Broadway Murphy Henry, Westerlo w Eagle Murphy James, chandler, cor Hudson and Hawk Murphy John, 57 First, Arbor Hill Murphy Patrick, chandler, 65 Orange Murphy John, laborer, 90 Beaver Murphy Bartholomew, laborer, 82 Lumber Murphy Patrick, grocer, cor Rensselaer and Frank­ lin Murphy John, cooper, 67 Third, Arbor Hill Murphy John, grocer, 61 Eagle Murphy Peter, carpenter, 109 Orange Murphy Michael, brickmaker, rear 261 State Murphy widow, cor Division and Liberty Murphy Michael, 131 Jefferson Murphy Richard, laborer, 162 s Pearl Murphy Peter, cartman, 117 Franklin Murphy Patrick, Empire House and livery stable*. 99 Church Murphy Mary widow, 162 State Murphy William, laborer, 49 Van Zandt r 2G2 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Murphy Edward, pedler, 36 Chesnut, e Swan Murphy Francis, 65 Maiden Lane Murphy Patrick, 190 Orange Murphy Terrence, Hudson, upper end Murphy widow, 1S6 Green Murphy James, 57 Grand Murphy Charles, grocer, 184| Broadway Murphy John, tailor, 52 Lawrence Murphy widow, 63 Arch Murphy James, carpenter, 136 Broad Murphy Peter, grocer, 154 * Pearl Murphy John, blacksmith, 170 Montgomery Murphy Dennis, laborer, 102 Water Murphy Peter, 42 Van Schaick Murphy widow, 480 Bowery Murphy John, rear 164 Orange Murray Patrick, cartman, 49 Dallius Murray Lawrence, 114 Canal Murray John, grocer, 8 Columbia Murray John, laborer, Pearl n Van Woert Murray James, laborer, 57 Canal Murray John, cor Daniels and Beaver Murray Hugh, merchant tailor, 401 Broadway Murray Dennis, cartman, 57 Canal Murray John, laborer, 11 Lark Murray John, grocer, cor Westerlo and Quay Murray John, laborer, 48 Bradford Murray Hugh, laborer, 142 n Pearl Murray widow, 168 Jefferson Murray Garrison, cook 141 Swan Murray , 49 Van Schaick Murray Edward, 192 Lumber Murray widow, 28 Canal Murray Owen, grocer, cor Hamilton and Philip Murray Dennis, grocer, 115 Broad HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 263

Murray Edward, laborer, 80 Arch Murray Patrick, laborer, 42 Arch Murray James, 184 Montgomery Murray Anthony, mason, 104 Canal Murray James, laborer, 154 Broadway Murray Patrick, stone cutter, 209 Green Murray Hart L, skipper, 60 Westerlo Murray 5> hn, laborer, 72 s Lansing Murray Francis, cartman, 12 John Murray James, cartman, 28 Chapel Murray James, engraver 164 n Pearl Murray John, porter, 12 John Murray Daniel, laborer, 157 Broadway Murtaugh James, laborer, 188 s Pearl Murtur John, pedler, 105 Orange Myer Joseph, 335 Lydius Myer Thomas, tinsmith, Sand between Lark and Knox Myers John, laborer, IO85 Water Myers George, cordial maker, 42 Clinton Myers widow Elizabeth, 3 Owner's Alley Myers Benjamin, cartman, 64 Water Myers Valentine, 39 Clinton Myers John, porter house, 641 Broadway Myers Frederick II, baker, 29 Union Myers Stephen, 157 Spring Mygatt Thomas, dealer in dry goodsj486 Broadway res 26 Jay Mylet Bartholomew, dry goods, 102 Broadway Myron Thomas, shoemaker, 67 Orange N. NAFEW JOHN S, printer, 407 Broadway, h 232 Lydius Nagle David, moulder, 112 Hamilton 264 Nagle Michael, grocer, 111 Beaver Nagle Thomas, porter house, 188 Montgomery Nagle Patrick, 158 State Nally Michael, laborer, cor Swan and Second, Ar­ bor Hill Naily James, cor First and Swan, Arbor Hill Nary Andrew, grocer, 41 Van Schaick Nash Maria, 46 Fayette Nash Jesse, carpenter, 101 Grand Nash Mrs C, 68 s Pearl Nash George, carpenter, 34 s Lansing Near John, cabinet maker, 146 Washington Near George B, furnaceman, Hudson w Dove Near Rebecca, widow, 247 s Pearl Near Henry F, moulder, 144 Broad Neal James, laborer, 31 Rensselaer Neely James, cooper, 33 Van Woert Neeley Thomas H,, physician, cor Eagle and Jay, bds Franklin Neely Joseph, cartman, 49 Westerlo Neemes Joseph, cor Swan and Hudson Negus William N, baker, Dove W Hudson Neil Andrew, 54 Water Nellegar John, 1 Chesnut Nellegar Eliza, 15 Bleecker Nellegar Joseph, druggist, 77 State, 145 Green Nellegar Asa B, carriage maker, 41 Arch Nelegan James, Spruce e Hawk Nelligan David, emigrant office, cor Hamilton and Quay, h 88 Church Nelson Robert & Alexander, dentists, 22 n Pearl Nelson Judith, rear 22 Clinton Nemire George H,leather dresser, 171 Third, Arbor Hill NEPTUNE ENGINE Co, 10 Wilson 265

Nessle, W & J P, grocers, 566 and 568 Broadway Nessle J P, res 72 Jackson Nessle William, 564 Broadway Neusbaum Solomon, pedlar, 172 s Pearl Neville John, grocer, cor Franklin and Rensselaer Neville Isaac, grocer, cor Water &n Lansing Nevills Christopher 127 Canal New John, editor Switch, book and job printer, office 28 Beaver, res 47 Philip New James, blacksmith, 236 Lydius Newberry Frederick D, 148 Lumber Newburg Jacob and Simon, clothing store, 329 Broadway Newburg Alexander, 73 Beaver Newbnrg Jacob, boarding house 43 Division Newcomb D, dentist, 587 Broadway Newcomb Thomas W, 90 Lydius Newdorf Nicholas, shoemaker, 10 Alexander Newell George W, bds Congress Hall Newitt Thomas, Janitor Normal School, 49 Howard Newland Luke F, 78 State, res 115 n Pearl Newland David, 105 Columbia Newiand John, attorney, &c, office in Commercial Buildings, h 48 Patroon Newman Thomas, teacher, 221 n Pearl Newman Isaac, cap maker, 248 s Pearl Newman Henry, leather dresser, factory 44 Water, store 457, res 679 Broadway Newman Thomas, Canal s Swan Newman George, leather dresser, 30 Patroon Newman Thomas, porter, 116 Jefferson Newman John, laborer, 67 Van Woert Newman widow, 41 Union Newman Joshua, -261 Washington s b Newton Henry, 68 Colonie 266 Newton & Copeman, merchat tailors, 446 Broadway NewtonRN, merchant tailor,446Broadway,h21 Elm Newton William, 52 Washington Newton John M, merchant, res Watervliet Newton Miss Rena, milliner, 8 n Pearl Newton Dyer, steamboat agent, 40 Union Newwiter J, Dundee Warehouse, 40 * Pearl NEW-YORK STATE ARSENAL, cor Broadway & Law­ rence Niblock John, dyer and scourer, 43 Hudson Niblock Robert, clerk, bds 57 Grand Nicholson John, cor Snipe and State Nichols William, cartman, 126 Jefferson Nichols William, carpenter, 185 Lydius Nichols Alexander, 24 Orange Nichols Henry, bds 254 Broadway Nichols M C G, attorney &c, 11 Douw's buildings, res cor Hamilton & Eagle Nixon Robert, constable, 79 Church Nixon Robert, blacksmith, 186 n Pearl Nixon James, variety store, 16£ s Pearl Noble Edward, 177 Lumber Noble James E, 55 Van Schaick Noble Charles E, boatman, 66 Westerlo Noble John, 55 Van Schaick Noethan Rev Theodore, 39 Phillip Nolan John, porter, rear 169 Hudson Nolan Edward, 22 Van Woert Noonan Michael, 9 Grand Alley Noonan Thomas, res 38 Steuben Noonan Matthew, laborer, 123 Canal Noonan Dennis, laborer, 14 Jefferson Nordin widow, 265 s Pearl Nordin widow William, 251 s Pearl Norris James J, barber, 27 Montgomery HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 26"?

North widow Phcebe, 34 Clinton North Abiram, 130 Broad Northrop John G, (A & N) merchant, 15 State, h 71 Lydius Northrop R H, attorney &c, 8 Douw's buildings, res Greenbush Northrup Joseph M, carpenter 196 Green Northrup Mumford D, 21 Philip Norton Michael, cooper, 41 Rensselaer Norton John, blacksmith, 201 Green Norton John T, Albany & S R R, office 14 Steuben, bds Delavan Norton Loran K, 4 Norton Norton Edward, office 14 Steuben, bds Delavan Norton George, 294 Bowery Norwood David, grocer, 81 Orange Nott Benjamin, res Bethlehem Nowlan James, 127 Orange Nowlan Lawrence, 25 Montgomery Nowlan Jeremiah, grocer, cor Philip and Van Zandt Noyes John, 102 Green Noyes William, moulder, n Pearl ab Van Woert Noyes Robert L, 69 Herkimer Nulty Terrence, 181 Water Nugent widow, rear 173 Orange Nugent Patrick, 132 n Pearl Nugent Henry P, attorney &c, State Hall, res 86 Washington Nunnemacber Henry, 223 Washington Nussbaum Israel, baker, 118 s Pearl O. OATES JAMES, mason, 112 Orange O'Brien Thomas, laborer, 65 Broadway O'Brien John, mason, 101 Green 268 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

O'Brien widow Thomas, 103 Beaver': O'Brien John, furnaceman, 49 Van Zu. dt O'Brien Matthew, blacksmith, shop 25 Washington, res 26 Hawk O'Brien James, carpenter, 77 Rensselaer O'Brien Michael, 136 Broad O'Brien Thomas, cooper, 152 Broadway O'Brien Patrick tailor, 179 Broadway O'Brien Daniel, butcher, Pleasant O'Brien widow, 141 Church O'Brien Cornelius, grocer, 218 Broadway O'Brien Michael, 148 Broad O'Brien Timothy, 476 Bowery O'Brien William, 8 Cross O'Brien Thomas, 9 Columbia O'Brien laborer, 73 Broadway O'Brien Thomas, 9 Columbia O'Brien Patrick, 98 Water O'Brien Bernard, tailor, 16 Park O'Brien James, tailor, 141 Lumber O'Brien Morgan, butcher, 506 Bowery O'Brien Michael, laborer, 73 Arch O'Callaghan Dr E B, bds Miss Carter's O'Connell Timothy, laborer, 157 Broadway O'Connell John, laborer, 6 Ferry O'Connell Richard, cor Green and Rensselaer O'Connell John, rear 20 DeWitt O'Conner Cornelius, shoemaker 110 Arch O'Conner Patrick, tailor, 16 Lumber O'Conner Thomas, cooper, 55 Colonie O'Conner Dennis, 267 Washington O'Conner John, shoemaker, 1S6 Green O'Conner Patrick, victualler, 480 Bowery O'Conner John, laborer, 114 Canal O'Conner Michael, mason, 75 Canal 269

O'Conner Joseph, plasterer. 360 Lydius O'Conner Michael, shoemaker, 118 Hamilton O'Conner Patrick, 19 Park O'Conner Miss, tailoress, bds Eagle Street Hotel O'Conner James, laborer, 109 Dallius O'Conner John, 71 Maiden Lane O'Conner John, 46 Colonie O'Conner Mrs, dressmaker, 670 Broadway O'Conner John, painter, 58 Canal O'Dan John, shoemaker, 53 Mulberry O'Donnell Patrick, cartman, 46 Spencer O'Donnell Bridget, 267 Bowery O'Donnell Sarah, dress maker, 39 Hamilton O'Donnell William, teamster, 71 Lancaster O'Donnell James, laborer, 3 Maiden Lane O'Donough John, 105 Canal O'Hagan Charles, carpenter, 114 Third, Arbor Hill O'Hagan James, pedlar, 32 Chesnut, e Swan O'Hagan Thomas, Lark, Arbor Hill O'Hanlon James, laborer, 71 Grand O'Hanlon Michael, grocer, 15 Bleecker O'Hanlon widow, 11 Columbia O'Hara Thomas, 66 n Lansing O'Hare Daniel, laborer, 104 Canal O'Hare Charles, laborer, 351 State O'Hare Peter, laborer, Westerlo e Dove O'Herren Michael, laborer, 54 Jefferson O'Herren Michael, carpenter, 33 Hamilton O'HoIahan John, tailor, 57 n Lansing O'Keefe Michael, laborer, 42 n Lansing O'Neil Michael, moulder, 111 Beaver O'Neil Michael, shoemaker, 78 Church O'Neil Michael, oil factory, 79 Orange O'Neil Nicholas, blacksmith, 50 Fayette 270 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

O'Neil Michael, grocer, 14 Little Basin O'Neil John, 75 First, Arbor Hill O'Neil James, bds City Hotel O'Neil John, cooper, 153 n Pearl O'Neil John, painter, 32 Orange O'Neil William, locksmith, 48 Dallius O'Neil Michael, laborer, 154 s Pearl O'Neil & Ertzberger, segar manufacturers, 824 Broadway O'Neil , tailor, 636 Broadway O'Neil John, 220 Green O'Neil Dennis, 80 Beaver O'Neil Owen, 210 Water O'REII.LEV'S TELEGRAPH, under Museum Buildings O'Reilly James, carpenter, 52 Orange O'Rourke Patrick, grocer, 79 Broadway O'Rourke Charles, moulder, 79 Broadway O'Sullivan Michael, teacher, 18 Lydius O'Toole Patrick, grocer, 9 Herkimer Ogden Mrs Margaret, 99 Bassett Ogden Thomas, shoemaker, 39 Fayette Ogden William,clothes cleaner, basement Exchange Olcott John J, attorney, &c, 25 n Pearl, res Ten Broeck Olcott Thomas W, president Mechanics' and Farm- crs bank, res Ten Broeck, bet Lumber and Third, Arbor Hill Olcott Theodore, 677 Broadway Olcott Theodore 2d, res Ten Broeck OLD GALEN'S HOSPITAL, Beaver, cor William Olerich Michael, mason, 321 Bowery Oliver F G, carpenter, 63 Orange Oliver widow Catharine, Eagle cot Spruce Oliver J^mes, baker, 24 Van Schaick Olmsted Charles S, res 106 Hudson 271

Olmsted John J, 211 Siate Olmsted Loring W, agent Penn Yan & Hammonds­ port and Genesee Valley canal lines,42 Quay, bda Stanwix Hall Olmsted W II, bds Stanwix Olmsted F W, b Is Stanwix Olmsted widow George G, 12 Grand Oppenheim Gerson, grocer, Franklin, cor Herki­ mer Orcutt L A, 192 Hamilton Orcutt Joseph B, machinist, corner Hamilton and Hawk Orcutt Nelson H, moulder, 13 Railroad avenue Orlip Alvin, 231 n Pearl ORPHAN ASYLUM, St Vincent's, n Pear near Lumber Orr William, brass founder, 64 Beaver, h cor Hud­ son and William Orr David, builder, 38 Lydius Orr widow of Robert, 89 Hudson Orsin Robert, 85 Hudson Orth Charles, shoemaker, 180| s Pearl Osborn William L, 310 * Pearl, Alderman 1st ward Osborn Jeremiah, boot and shoe store, 350 Broad­ way, h 35 Dallius Osborn John, 208 Broadway Osborn (James H & Hadley") grocer, cor* Pearl and Lydius, res 232 Lydius Osborn George, 237 Lumber, Arbor Hill Osborn Nehemiah, 210 Broadway Osborn Nehemiah jr, baker, 210 Broadway Osborn Ralph, tailor, 48 Ferry Osborn Charlotte, tailoress, 25 Beaver Osborn Daniel, carpenter, 326 State Osborne Elias, passage agent, 36 Quay, bds 72 Ea­ gle 272 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY

Oshea Isaac, carpenter, 351 Washington Osmond John, piano maker, 32 Jay Osterhout David, constable, 25 Norton Osterhout George, engineer, 73 Patroon Osterhout James, engineer, Broadway, near railroad Osterhout William II, teamster, 854 Broadway Osterhout William S, 850 Broadway Ostrander Andrew, 39 Lark Ostrander James, butcher, 3 Knox Ostrander Harry, rear 97 Washington Oswald Robert, clerk, 40 Second, Arbor Hill Otis Hobart F, typographical artist, 36 Herkimer Ott Siberia, at Boardman & Gray's, h 6 Fayette Outwin widow John, 120 Spiing Ovens G, ink maker, cor Exchange and Dean,h 138 n Pearl Overlenser William, 261 Bowery Overton Charles, baker, 284 Lydius Owens William, shoemaker, 327| State Owens Ira, cartman 74 Montgomery Owens Edward, cutler and surgical instrument man­ ufacturer, 28 Beaver, h 113 Hamilton Owens widow John, 52 i Lansing Owens James, carpenter, 128 Eagle Owens William, baker, 74 Franklin Owens widow Ann, 32\ Howard Owens John, laborer, 143 Canal Owens Patrick, shoemaker, 361 State Owens T T, glazier, 37 Green Owens Benj I, cooper, 55 Montgomery

P. PABST JOHN C, piano maker. 355 State Packard Eugene M, printer, 76 Hudson Packard John, printer, cor Church and Herkimer DIRECTORY. 273

Packard widow Mary, 59 Fayette Packard John C, baker, 186 Washington Packard widow Nathaniel R, 76 Hudson Packard Russell, teacher of vocal music, 122 Wash­ ington Packard Chester, 37 Spring Packard William J, painier, 186 Washington Paddock Wm S, attorney, &c, 71 State Paddock Stephen, bake house, Van Zandt, h 77 * Pearl Paddock Stephen jr, attorney, &c, 71 State, res 1 Lancaster Paddock Henry, 3 Van Zandt Paddock widow Mary, 17 Jay • Paddock Charles, printer, 17 Jay Paddock Peter J, 35 Elm Padlo Thomas, laborer, 139 Church Padon Miss Maria, dressmaker, 23 Steuben Paff William P, tavern keeper, 17 Montgomery Page George W, tallow chandler, 70 Canal, h 9 Chapel Page Nicholas, skipper, 122 n Pearl Paige J C Y, attorney, &c, h 5 Academy Park Paine Henry D, homeopathic physician, 70 Chapel Paine John A, M D, homeopathic physician, 563 Broadway, Delavan House, res Delavan House Paine Horace M, M D, bds Delavan Pallet Robert, laborer, 7 Bleecker Palmer E D, sculptor, 81 State Palmer George W, 91 Hamilton Palmer widow Jane, 25 Howard Palmer Sylvanus, portrait painter, 22 Douw's Build­ ings Palmer L M, bds 97 Hudson Palmer James W, harness maker, 38 Washington 18 274 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Pangburn Isaac, cartman, 38 Spring Pangburn Wilhelmus, sexton, 36 Spring Pangburn John, cartman, 36 Spring Parent widow Mary Ann, 128 s Pearl Parish C, bds Washington Hall Park Elisha, paver, 84 Bassett Park William, carpenter, Third, Arbor Hill Park William, 171 Montgomery, h 14 Lumber Park William, shoemaker, 66 Swan Park Clark D, Willet n Lydius Parke S M, 108 State Parke Simon, pedler, 102 Nucella Parke S M jr, 41 Lark Parke Samuel A. 235 Washington Parke Henry A, Willet n Swan Parke widow Samuel, 66 Third, Arbor Hill Parker George, shoemaker, 168 Broad Parker Levi, constable, 10 Lumber Parker's clothing hall, 459 Broadway, Parker Jesse, shoemaker, s Pearl, below old railroad Parker William W, 36 Eagle Parker Hon Amnsa J, judge, &c, 143 Washington Parker Joseph, fishmonger, North Market, res 36 Co­ lumbia, city superintendent Parker Hannah, 101 Hamilton Parmelee William, 442 Broadway, Judge of Albany county courts, res 29 Elk Parnell Willard, 43 Spring Parr Richard, cooper, &c, shop 94, h 102 Franklin Parr Harris, cooper, 102 Franklin Parry William H, 26 Chesnut e Swan Parsons Seth E, machinist, 11 Norton Parsons James, 49 Jackson Parsons Harvey, cabinet warehouse, 586 and 588 Broadway, res 23 Ten Broeck DIRECTORY. 275

Parsons S H H, Police Justice, attorney, &c, 182 n Pearl Parsons John D, (W P & Co,) printer, 171 n Pearl Parsons James W, 405 Broadway, h 829 Parson L Sprague, Academy, 879 Broadway, cor n Ferry Parsons Harvey N, 601 Broadway Parsons J E, 23 Ten Broeck Pasco EL, stove dealer,5 Green,h 148 Washington Passinger Peter, wheelwright, 237 State Patree Samuel, grocer, 169 js Pearl Patrick James, carpenter, 31 Alexander Patrick William, tailor, 39 High Patten John, 43 n Lansing Patten David, 46 Montgomery Patten Moses, 54 Washington Patten John W, 64 Water Patlen Samuel, 72 n Pearl Patten Robert J, 64 Water Patten John, 21 Quackenbush Patten J W, Agent Eckford Canal Line, 66 Quay, bds Mansion Patterson Josiah, printer, 220 Hamilton Patterson John, 7 Swan Patterson Robert, laborer, 36 Van Schaick Patterson George, undertaker, 52 Hudson, h 66 Patterson John, printer, 62 Lydius Patterson Josiah, general agent, 63 Lawrence Patterson widow Martha, 23 Orange Patterson John, attorney, &c, 94 State, res 85 Church Patterson Richard, 210 Lumber Patterson William, carpenter, 4 Bleecker Place Patterson John, bricklayer, 128 Orange Patterson Alfred, tailor, 141 Broad Patterson John, Hawk w Hamilton 276 Patterson Miss, dressmaker, 44 Orange Paul Samuel, 100 Hawk Paulius Frederick W> 97 Washington, res 259 Bow­ ery Pauls Dederick, leather dresser, 39| Washington Paydon &Flommersfeld, bakery, 76 Washington Payn John H, millwright, 32 William Payn & McNaughton, tobacco, snuff and segars, 447 Broadway Payn Benjamin- (Payn & McNaughton,) 447 Broad­ way h 159 n Pearl Payn Thomas, carpenter, cor Dallius and Cherry Payn Emily, 170 n Pearl Payne Warren L, 95 Orange Payne George R, exchange office, 438 Broadway, h 41 Swan Payne Samuel G, coachmaker, 101 Patroon Payne Abraham, carpenter, 113 Beaver Payne Samuel N, dredger and dock builder, 75 Pa­ troon Payne Francis W, blacksmith, cor Herkimer and Dallius Peacock John R, junk shop 2 Columbia, h 50 Second, Arbor Hill Peacock James, 14 Lumber Peacock George, 327 Lydius Pearce John, fancy turner, 45 Maiden Lane Pearcey William, constable, 36 Fayette Pearl Jacob M, carpenter, 98 Colonie Pearson Mrs George, 51 Columbia Pearson Mrs, bds 307 s Pearl Pease Erastus H & Co, booksellers and stationers, 82 State, h Middle Church Place, 34 Beaver Pease Earl P, 516 Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 277

Pease Frederic S, book keeper, Commercial Bank; 62 Lodge Pease J H, agent for Merchants' and Millers' line, 1 Hudson, bds at Hubbel's Pease Richard H, Temple of Fancy and engraver on wood, 516 Broadway Peck widow of Daniel, 95 Lydius Peck S S, flour and provisions, 8 State, res 27 Swan Peck Allen F, moulder, 124 Green Peck R W, grocer, 318 State Peck & Joy, provision dealers, 8 State Peck Samuel S, res 116 Washington Peckle Moses, watchmaker, 46 Dallius Peckham George W, attorney, &c, office 94 State, h 7 Academy Park Peckham Rufus W, attorney, &c, office 94 State, h 186 State Peckhams and Colt attorneys, &c, 94 State Pecore Samuel, baker, 62 Second, Arbor Hill Pedlow widow, 181 Orange Pedlow Richard, carpenter, 181 Orange Pedzer Conrad, tailor, 285 Washington Peek Daniel, blacksmith, 179 Broadway Peek James, leather dresser, 52 Phillip Peirce Gustavus, morocco dresser, 211 Green Pemberton Rufus, 17 Park Pemberton E & J, provision store, cor n Pearl and Columbia Pemberton Ebenezer, cor Ten Broeck and Wilson Pemberton John, 71 Ten Broeck Pemberton Thomas L, provision store, cor Division and Union Pemberton James S, silversmith 55 Van Schaick Pemberton Henry S, 39 Ten Beoeck 278 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Penchard George, architect, 17 Douw's Buildings, h 50 Phillip Pendleton Lansing, carpenter, 9 Catharine Penniman Sylvanus J, 799 Broadway Pennie John, cooper 6 Second & Third, Arbor Hill Pennie James, cooper, 64 Jackson Pennie Amos, cooper, 64 Jackson Pennyfeather Richard, stove mounter, 61 Broadway PENSION OFFICE, at Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank Peoble Frederick G, tailor, 6 Daniel PEOPLE'S LINE OFFICE, 276 Broadway Pepper Calvin jr, attorney, &c, Swan, cor Hudson Pepper widow Calvin, 16 High Pepper George, 16 High Pepper William P, brickmaker, 16 High Pepper William, painter, 76 Orange Pepper Rev John, 16 High Percival George, blacksmith, 108 Green Percival Gordon, blacksmith, west side canal basin, h 239 n Pearl Percival Jabez C, cartman, 105 Patroon Percy & Higgins, attorneys, 75 State Percy John, attorney, &c, office 75 State, bds Clinton Hotel Perdue Thomas, 71 Rensselaer Perkins & Heaselgrave, curriers, 43 Dean Perkins John, 67 Hamilton Perkins Dr Edward, 124 Eagle Perkins John H, 402 Broadway, h 163 Hudson Perkins George R, principal of Normal School res Normal School in Lodge Peron Jeremiah, 153 Orange Perrine Lewis P, carpenter, 191 State HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 279

Perry Hiram, malt house, Bowery, res 174 Wash­ ington Perry John S, proprietor Eagleair furnace, 110 Bea­ ver, h 140 Washington Perry Erastus, 140 Washington Perry Eli, provision dealer, 87 Washington Perry Joseph, laborer, 71 Grand Pester William, baker and grocer, 342 State n Lark Peters Jesse, 119 Church Peters Joseph, 242 Lydius Peters William, bds 46 Eagle Peterman Jefferson, bds 31 Beaver Peterson Andrew, laborer, 65 Third, Arbor Hill Peterson & Andrew, bakers, 132 Patroon Peterson Charles 42 Third, Arbor Hill Peterson widow, rear, 30 Alexander Pettengill Michael, baker, 89 Beaver Petit James, blacksmith, 160 Hudson Pfaw Christian, moulder, 36 Grand Pfordt Joseph, gardner, 6 Elk Phelps Austin, forwarding merchant, 52 s Lansing Phelps Charles, cooper, 101 Washington Phelps Philip, deputy Comptroller, 189 Hamilton Phelps Samuel F, res 24 Broad Phelps E R, 43 Swan Phelps Addison, 82 Beaver Phelps W F, State normal school, bds 74 Eagle Phillips Levi, alderman 3d ward, 99 Lydius Phillips John, victualler, stall 204, res 298 Wash­ ington s b Phillips Patrick, shoemaker, 129 Jefferson Phillips William, Nationol Garden, 772 Broadway Phillips John, tailor, 12 Broad Phillips Charles, blacksmith, 70 Mulberry Phillips John, laborer, 160 Green 280 Phillips widow Francis, 284 Washington Philips Charles, 64 Howard Phipps Samuel, 26 Dove Picket Lawrence, rear, 3 Park Picket James, 35 Cherry PICTURE GALLERY, 41s Pearl Pierce William H, druggist, 506 Broadway, bds Stanwix Hall Pierce Charles W, bds at Schoonmakers Pierce widow, Lark n Washington Pierce Alfred, 149 Broad Pierce and Sheldon, paper warehouse, 75 Washington Pierce Mark, carpenter, 6 Morton Pike Joseph, 21 Washington Pike George, tailor, 99 First, Arbor Hill Pike James, shoemaker, 99 State Pilson William, 239 Lumber Pillsbury Amos, Superintendent of Penitentiary, cor Lydius and Delaware turnpike Pinckney Abraham, 409 State Pinckney William, tailor, 85 Westerlo Pinney George W, engineer, 57 Second, Arbor Hill Pinch Samuel, carriage maker, 48 Lawrence Pinder William, shoemaker, 101 Montgomery Pitman R H, exchange office, 3981 Broadway, res 33 Jay Pitinbrick Frederink, 720 Broadway Pittinger Abraham, shoe store, 80 s Pearl Pittinger widow Abraham, 107 Lydius Pitcher Benjamin, confectioner, cor n Pearl & Lum­ ber Pitt William, civil engineer, bds Stanwix Pladwell widow Jane, 96 Swan Pladwell Joseph, furrier, 96 Swan Pladwell John, 25 Wilson ALBANY DIRECTORY. 281

Piatt George W, printer, 186 n Pearl Piatt Wright, bds 46 Eagle Piatt Ellen, 42| Ferry Piatt Lauren R, comb maker, 19 Hawk Piatt Erastus E, 18 Third, Arbor Hill Plekenpol Gerret, 77 Canal Plunkett William R, printer, 38 Ferry Plum Eli, 116 Nucella Plumb J B, cashier State bank, res 3 Academy Park Pluntz William, tailor, 180£ 5 Pearl Pluntz Michael, tailor, 180£ * Pearl Poa Thomas, shoemaker, 113 Beaver Pochin widow John, 108 Swan, Arbor Hill Pohlman Jacob, 20 Van Schaick Pohlman Daniel, 47 Hudson Pohlman Rev Henry N, pastor Lutheran church, res 136 Washington Pohlman Charles, merchant tailor, 622 Broadway res 47 Hudson Polby , Patroon, n Perry Poley Nathan, pedlar, 248 s Pearl Pond S P, 25 Maiden Lane Pond Abner A, Exchange Hotel, 25 Maiden Lane Pond S P, 25 Maiden Lane Poners Simon, 173 Orange Poiner Thomas J, cutler. Third ab Lark, Arbor Hill Poodersain John, carpenter, 29 Lumber POLICE OFFICE, over Centre Market Pollard Calvin, machinist, 160 State Pool Julia, teacher 65 n Lansing Pool Jeremiah, 54 Second, Arbor Hill Poole John, cartman, 65 n Lansing Poole Thatcher, carpenter, 76 Lawrence Popp Nicholas, laborer, 2 Owners Alley Porrier Daniel, blacksmith, below old railroad 282 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Porter Henry M, porter house, 3 Howard Porter widow, 31 Second, Arbor Hill Porter Isaiah, carpenter, 49 Washington Porter & Schoolcraft, wholesale dealers in foreign & domestic fruits, 15 Hudson, cor Dean Porter John, 173 Third, Arbor Hill Porter Frederick, doaler in fruit, oysters &c, comer Hudson & Broadway, res 70 Herkimer Porter Ira, painter and glazier, 535 Broadway, h 49 Division Porter Giles W, 86 Westerlo Porter David P, shoemaker, 230 s Pearl Porter Jeremiah, grocer, 369 Washington Porter Sarah, widow of Ira, 49 Division Porter John K, attorney &c, 57 State, h 190 State Porter Mrs E C, 13 Swan Porter John, Railroad Avenue, s Van Woert Porth F, comb maker, 198 Washington Post Jared A, dry goods, 474 Broadway, res 37 Westerlo Pottenbergh Henry, sexton, rear North Methodist Church Potter Benjamin, baker, 59 Lydius Potter Horatio, rector St. Peter's Church, 68 Maiden Lane cor Lodge Potts Lemuel D, mason, 44 Colonie Potts Jesse C, furnace, cor Hamilton and Grand, h 206 Lydius Potts widow Elizabeth, 61 Lydius Potts Frederick, grocer, 14 Columbia Powell W II, 167 Second, Arbor Hill Pouge Catharine, 76 Grand Poultice widow, 188 s Pearl Powerly John, laborer, rear 28 Alexander Powers Patrick, 57 Van Schaick Powers John, butcher, 122 Franklin 283

Powers Patrick, baker, 36 Jefferson Powers John, 11 Morton Powers Thomas, cooper, 174 Broadway Powers Patrick, 14 Grand Alley Powers Patrick, cooperage, Trotter's Alley Powers Simon, 173 Orange Power Daniel, grocer, 155 Orange Power Edward, carpenter, 169 Third, Arbor Hill Poyner Joseph, piano maker, J2 Dove Pratt Benjamin, 24 Norton Pratt Ralph, 69 Ferry Pratt F VV, 235 State Pratt Mrs Mary, 31 Maiden Lane Prentice Ezra P, res Mount Hope Prentice Ebenezer, morocco dresser, 47 Dewitt Prentice William R, grocer, 643 Broadway cor Orange, h 92 Patroon PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (FIRST) Hudson PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (SECOND) Chapel PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (THIRD) cor Clinton Sq and n Pearl PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (FOURTH) Broadway Prescott Thomas, upholsterer, 115 Grand Pratt Charles H, Merchants' Hotel, 509 Broadway Prest LewTis, laborer, Westerlo e Dove Prest John, 816 Broadway Prest J & D, shoe store, 816 Broadway Prest David, shoemaker, 96 Colonie Preston Sylvester, cabinet maker, 215 Lumber Preston William, 139 Swan Price Elizabeth, 338 Lydius Price John, laborer, 63 Canal Price Michael, Sand b Snipe and Knox Price widow John, 70 Swan, Arbor Hill Prince George, pedler, 44 Division 284 Prisby Elijah, carpenter, 15 Bleecker Priest, Allendorph & Co, auctioneers, 50 State Priest Lyman W, auctioneer, 27 Canal Priest Charles O, grocer, 81 Quay Prichard John, 139 Arch Prichard & Packard, bakers, 186 Washington Prime Augustus, portrait painter, 496 Broadway, res 96 Beaver Prime John, 27 Van Woert Prime William, rope maker, 173 Lumber Prior Thomas, cor Sand and Snipe Proctor Joseph, 209 Lumber Proffit Ann, 202 Lumber Prosser E S, forwarding merchant, 2 State, cor Quay, res 101 Hudson Pruyn Lansing, (P & V) 105 n Pearl Pruyn Samuel 109 n Pearl Pruyn Misses, 113 n Pearl Pruyn Baltus, rope maker, 176 Lumber, Arbor Hill Pruyn J V L, 154 State, cor Park Pruyn widow David, 107 n Pearl Pruyn R H, attorney &c,513 Broadway, h 67 Chapel Pruyn John, 30 Maiden Lane Pruyn (J V L),& Martin (Henry H) attorneys, &c, office 53J State Pruyn, Vosburgh & Co, hardware dealers, 39 State Pruyn widow Jasper, 37 Dewitt Pugsley Cornelius A, attorney &c,75 State bds Stan­ wix Hall Pulling Henry P, druggist, 10 State, res 5 Dallius Pulver John, boatman, below old railroad Pumpelly H, 57 n Pearl Purcell John, moulder, 69 Broadway Purcell Edward, rear 72 Canal Purcell Francis, 50 Division Purcell Thomas, laborer, 244 Lydiui HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 285

Purcell Stephen, carpenter, 24 High Purdy Mrs Catharine, teacher, 130 Green Purdy Abraham M, constable 2d ward, 163 s Pearl Putnam Charles, 59 Lydius Putnam John S, 96 Hudson Putnam Elisha, 203 Lydius Putnam Elisha, victualler, 709 Broadway Putnam James A, victualler, n Market, h 104 Sec­ ond, Arbor Hill Putnam Peter, merchant tailor, 450 Broadway, h 76 Division Putnam Hiram, 124 Eagle Putnam Mrs Charles, milliner, 59 Lydius Putnam Hiram, grocer, 107 Eagle Putnam Jacob, 18 Orange Purrott James, Bowery Q. QUACKENBOSS WALTER, h 52 Columbia Quackenboss Gerrit, printer, 1 Franklin Quackenboss Augustus, stove dealer, 14 State, h 194 Quackenbush G W, 37 Fayette Quackenbush widow John N, 758 Broadway Quackenbush Cornelius, 4 Plain Quackenbush John V P, physician, 712 Broadway Quackenbush N N, 631 Broadway Quaokenbush Smith, 141 Lumber Quackenbush Gansevoort, 631 Broadway Quail Mrs Elizabeth, 207 s Pearl Quail Harriet, 14 Morton Quayle Mathias, laborer, 60 Rensselaer Queeny Mathias, grocer, 199 Water Quigley William, 46 Orange Quigley widow, 73 Third, Arbor Hill Quin John, 47 Third, Arbor Hill Quin James, cooper, 24 n Ferry 286 HOFFMAN' s ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Quin James, brewery, 26 n Ferry Quin Hugh, moulder, 105 Broadway Quin Peter, laborer, 36 n Lansing Quin widow Charles, porter house, 4 Howard Quin Michael, blacksmith, 86 Green Quin widow Arthur, 165 Broadway Quin William, 10 Canal Quin Barney, laborer, 220 Broadway Quin Thomas, 37 Van Schaick Quin Barney, cooper, 189 Montgomery Quin George, 108 Water Quinlan Michael, shoemaker, 55 Rensselaer Quinlan Michael, cartman, l07 First, Arbor Hill Quinlan Dennis, 41 Dallius Quinlan Morris, tailor, 64 Rensselaer Quirk William, laborer, 40 Canal R. RABY ROBERT, City Hall Coffee House Rablen widow Ann, 43 First, Arbor Hill Rabsen John, paver, 334 Bowery Raco George, 323 Bowery Radcliff David V N, attorney, &c, office and res 708 Broadway Radcliff Stephen V R^ 78 Lawrence Radigan Thomas, 81 Van Woert Radigan Christopher, 429 Bowery Radley Peter R, 135 Swan Radley John, oyster dealer, 94 Herkimer Radliff Charles II, cooper, 55 Dewitt Radliff Jacob, cartman, 659 Broadway Radliff' widow James, 21 Phillip Raem Adam, cartman, 65 Elm Rafferty Edward, laborer, 98 Arch Rafferty Charles, grocer, 13 Quay Rafferty T, grocer, 700 Broadway Rafferty widow, 128 Orange 287

Raftray William, cooper, 24 Van Woert Raftin J E, 68 Arch, Ragan John, laborer, 6S Colonie Ragan John, 36 Chesnut Rains Francis, 60 Schuyler Rakin Joseph, laborer, 100 Water Ramsay David D, shoemaker, 547 Broadway, res 58 Second, Arbor Hill Ramsay James C, 2 Franklin • Ramsay Conrad, 87 Orange Ramsay James, grocer, cor Broadway and Colonie, h 27 De. Witt Ramsey Philip, cartman, 221 State Ramsey John, 33 Water Ramsey Rachel, teacher in Orphan Asylum Ramsey widow, 51 Howard Ranch William, 12 Morton Rancour Edward, carpenter, 1 Dove Randall Samuel S, 28 Jay Randall widow Jesse, 37 Grand Randall J L, res 37 Grand Randall George, oil cloth manufacturer, 7 and 9 Grand, res 456 Broadway Randall Jacob, potter, 12 Lumber Randall Robert II, machinist, 203 Hamilton Ranilell William H, res 563 Broadway Rankin S, grocer, 108 s Pearl, h 106 Rankin George A, boot and shoe store, 392 Broad­ way, res 175 Hudson Rankin Wm, shoe store, 39| Washington, h 104 Spring Ransbury Robert, laborer, 150 Jefferson Ransford Norton T, 343 State Ransom John D, 29 Fayette Ransom W H, bds 85 s Pearl 288

Ransom A, (R & Co,) bds Mrs Crane's Ransom S H & Co, dealers in stoves, &c, 26 and 28 State, furnace Broadway, on the river Ransom Samuel H, (R & Co,) h cor n Pearl and Steuben Ransom Emeline, 138 Lydius Rape Henry, tailor, 24 Daniels Rapp Christian, jr, butcher, 299 Bowery Rapp Christian, 292 Bowery Rapp William M, mason, Lark, north of Washington Rasch John, shoemaker, 257 s Pearl Rasy Michael, laborer, 33 Hamilton Rasey widow Ammon, 45 Green Rathbone J, bds Delavan Rathbone John F, (R & Co,) res 756 Broadway Rathbone Sylvester, merchant, 35 Swan Rathbone Charles D, 6 State, h 83 Washington Rathbone & Co, dealers in stoves, &c, 9 & 11 Green foundry n Ferry Rathbun Joshua & Co, lumber dealers, 38 Pier, bds Mrs Crane's Rattoone Wm, produce dealer, 197 Washington, bds Gallup's Hotel Rattray Robert, carpenter, 160 Jefferson Rattray Jerry, laborer, 63 Schuyler Ratwell Thomas, 54 Water Rauch Steuben, tailor, 88 Franklin Raums Misses, 37 Columbia Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edsqn, engravers, 80 State Rawley John, 226 n Pearl Rawls Henry, commission merchant,T18 Pier, h 95 Lydius Rawson Rev T R, city missionary, 45 High Rawson J M, dry goods, 330 Broadway 289 Ray Anna, carpet weaver, 270 Washington Ray Levi, furrier, Sand above Robin Ray John, carpenter, 35 Second, Arbor Hill Ray James, cartman, 38 Washington Ray Michael, laborer, 20 Van Zandt Raymond B C, 16 Hudson, h 731 Broadway Ready Thomas, 61 n Lansing Read M H, res 89 Lydius Read & Rawls, commission merchants, 118 Pier Reardon Patrick, laborer, 37 Van Zandt Reardon Timothy, grocer, 213 Broadway Reardon Michael, tailor 199 Green Rearden John, 8 Pine Reardon Owen, laborer, rear 42 Philip Reardon Cooper, 55 Lawrence Rector Thomas, 23 Bradford Rector Henry, architect, office and house 83 Hudson Rector Isaac, 295 Bowery Rector Wm H, architect, 83 Hudson Rector John, porter house, 185 s Pearl Rector William, 23 High Rector Jacob H, laborer, 340 Bowery Redfield James, 44 State, bds City Hotel Redfield Charles B, agent Swiftsure Line, 112 Pier, h 160 Lydius Redfield Darius, harness maker, 83 Bleecker Redden w-idow Mary, Westerlo w Eagle Redden David, 65 Canal Redden widow David, 65 Canal Redden William, carpenter, 128 Patroon Redden Peter, laborer, 118 First, Arbor Hill Rediken John, 51 n Lansing Redmond James, 3 Morton Redstone Isaac, dry goods, 32£ s Pearl, h 87 Hudson Reddy Bryan, laborer, 9 Colonie 19 290 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Reed John, shoemaker, 55 n Lansing Reed John, furrier, rear 158 Orange Reed L J, 58 Montgomery Reed John M, steamboat agent, 54 * Ferry Reed widow Ssrah, 26 Howard Reed William H, cartman, 216 State Reed John S, cartman, 216 State Reed James A, 216 State Reed Jacob, 32 Fayette Reed Elisha, 26 Elk Reed Benjamin, livery stable, 53 Howard Reed widow, 160 State Reed Frederick, 6 William Reed Peter, hackman, 26 Franklin Reed Albert, 216 State Reed widow Richard, Spruce * Canal Reed David, blacksmith, 35 Washington Reed Hugh, porter house, 670 Broadway REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 27 Westerlo Reep Henry, tailor, 285 Washington Reese John, mason, 10 Jefferson Reese William, furrier, 21 Lancaster Reeves Israel, painter, 110 Arch Reichl Charles, grocer, 224 Washington Reid John, variety store, 652 Broadway Reid John, coach lace weaver, 149 Orange Reid William, painter, 156 Orange Reid James, machinist, 19 Quackenbush Reid James, foreign and domestic liquors, 32 Dean, res cor Patroon and Broadway Reid George, 52 Lark Reid Sarah, 268 Washington Reid John, cabinet maker, 407 Washington Reid & Cushman, rectifiers and liquor dealers, 32 Dean 291

Reider George, 283 Washington Reilarden William, 183 s Pearl Reitenger Geo, 92 Willett Relay John II, 275 s Pearl RELIGIOUS SPECTATOR, 334 Broadway Relyea Peter, 446 Broadway, res 23 Montgomery Relyea Phillip, 162 Jefferson Relyea David M, 144 Washington Belyea Myndert, 118 Snipe Relyea Myndert jr, 6 Quackenbush Relyea Levi, 130 Arch Remer Joseph, Sand ab Robin Remer Benjamin M, res 57 Second Remer Ralph, 29 Hawk Remers Thomas, 31 Water Remington Alpha J, 18 Dallius Remon Erastus, oyster saloon, 54 Beaver Remond Narcisse, res 35 Beaver RENDEZVOUS U S, 17 Columbia Reno Rensselaer, liquor store, 9 s Pearl Rennie William, 113 Swan Requa widow of James, 60 Lydius Rest Andrew, 46 Patroon Reston Charles, piano forte maker, 127 Swan Reston William, musician, 8 Broad Reuben Lewis, shoemaker, 206 Washington Reuder George, tailor, 227 Washington Renter George, porter house, 153 Broadway Reynolds Marcus T, attorney, &c, 25 n Pearl Reynolds Rev John, teacher, 400 Lydius Reynolds, Van Schaack & Olcott, attorneys, &c, 25 n Pearl Reynolds James, baker, 125 Arch Reynolds Charles, laborer, 79 Rensselaer Reynolds Robert, cor Swan and Westerlo Reynolds Thomas, 142 Spring 292

Reynolds John, 55 s Lansing Reynolds Francis G, Grand Alley Reynolds Barney, laborer, 43 DeWitt Rhoades Julius, attorney, &c, office 66 State, bds Congress Hall Rhoades Benoni, baker, 68 Green Rhoades widow Jane, 113 Swan Rice Mayer, pedlar, 214 s Pearl Rice Erastus B, bookeeping, 78 State, h 21 High Rice Conradt, 56 Lark Rice Benjamin F, 20 Jay Rice Joseph T, jr, 20 Jay Rice Oscar S, painter, 44 Ferry Rice George E, Ferry House Recess, cor Ferry and Broadway Rice Joseph T, silversmith and watchmaker, 21 j Pearl, h 20 Jay Rice William H, 47 Division Rice Charles, ship joiner, 44 Ferry Rice widow, Elizabeth, 168 Orange Rice W A, (McC & Co,) 74 State, bds Delavan Rice DeWitt C, bds Franklin Richards William M, tobacconist, 162 Patroon Richards Owen, cartman, 32 Chestnut Richards William, telegraph operator, 46 s Pearl Richards Seth, printer, 46 s Pearl Richards Alfred G, piano forte maker, 13 Park Richards William, shoemaker, rear 47 Fayette Richards Henry, 52 Fayette Richards Charles, tailor, 39 Bleecker Richards Lewis, shoemaker, 336 State Richards Charles, 114 Green Richards Rosetta, 50 Hamilton Richardson Levi, Westerlo, between Dove and Lark Richardson William, paper hanging store, 60 s Pearl, cor Hamilton, h 92 Hamilton ALBANY DIRECTORY. 293

Richardson John, laborer, 285 Washington Richardson George T, ship carpenter, 146 Broad­ way Richardson John, carpenter, 251 Washington Richardson Thomas, 78 Westerlo Richey Joseph L, moulder, 49 First, Arbor Hill Richmond Henry, hatter, 1 Swan Richmond Solomon, 45 Arch Richmond Joseph, 91 Beaver Ricketson Walter, boarding house, 9 Beaver Ridder Thomas B, general dealer in tobacco, snuff and segars, 78 s Pearl Riddle widow Mary, 173 Broad Riddle Thomas, blacksmith, 93 Gansevoort Rider widow Chauncey, 42 Second, Arbor Hill Rider Stephen J, 105 Hudson Rider John, bds Franklin Rider John, 232 s Pearl Rider John, 208 Washington Rider Aaron, moulder, 59 DeWitt Ridfort widow Anton, Westerlo, w Swan Ridgley Henry, saw maker, 25 Rensselaer Ridgway F W, plumber, 115 State Rigney Patrick, rear 59 Lawrence Riggs George B, Abbey, below city Riley Charles, shoemaker, 40 Water Riley John, laborer, 24 Canal Riley George, looking glass store, 1 Green, res 365 Bowery _ Riley Patrick, mason, 141 Orange Riley James, carpenter, 81 Van Woert Riley Patrick, carpenter, 170 Green Riley James, cooper, 62 Third, Arbor Hill Riley John, mason, 35 Rensselaer Riley William, Dallius, below Cherry 294 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY, Riley Patrick, 16 Jefferson Riley Daniel, mason, 41 Rensselaer Riley Peter, laborer, 154 Jefferson Riley James, laborer, 137 Jefferson Riley William, stone cutter, 174 Green Riley Patiick, 49 Jackson Riley widow, 160 State Riley Patrick, laborer, 59 Broadway, Riley widow, 42 Water Riley Isaac T, bds City Hotel Riley Bernard, morocco dresser, 41 Colonie Riley John, moulder, Elm Riley Matthew, 72 Orange Riley Michael, hatter, 74 Quay Riley John, mason, 149 Broad Riley Christopher, 62 Jackson Riley Bernard, furrier, 153 n Pearl Riley Owen, mason, 101 First, Arbor Hill Riley William, shoemaker, 24 Mulberry Riley Barney, plasterer, 25 Jefferson Riley James, laborer, 209 Lumber Riley Charles, 53 Canal Riley James, 20 Lawrence Riley James, laborer, 191 Broadway Riley Lawrence, laborer, 247 Lumber Riley James, 127 Swan Riley Michael, laborer, 71 Arch Riley Owen, cor Van Woert and n Pearl Riley Edward, grocer, cor Swan and Second, Arbor Hill Rinehart Henry, b Knox and Snipe Ring James, laborer, 111 Van Woert Ring George W, porter house, 187 Montgomery Ring John, laborer, 29 Van Woert HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY 295

PIP VAN WINKLE steamboat office,* steamboat land­ ing Rishal Lawrence, 39 Clinton Risnor John, 33 Clinton Ritz John, 56 Lark Roach William, brewer, 86 Green Roach John, laborer, 63 Fulton Roach Michael, laborer, 65 Broadway Roach Thomas, 140 Lydius Roach Michael, 127 Swan Roach Jane A, 93 Herkimer Roach John, 6 Eagle Roan Hugh, 60 Schuyler Roark Keiren, malster, 372 Bowery Roark Samuel, 84 Water Roark John, 118 Hamilton Roark Barney, laborer, 195 Hamilton Roark John, rear 59 Lawrence Roark Patrick, rear 59 Lawrence Roberts Mary, 1 Water Roberts E G, bds 46 Lancaster Roberts Mrs, milliner, 74 Chapel Roberts A C, 74 Chapel Roberts H & Co, dealers in stoves, 12 Green Roberts Patrick I, bird stuffier, 433 Washington Robertson A, 54 Howard Robertson John, shoemaker, 778 Broadway Robertson John F, 157 Washington Robertson widow, 208 Lumber Robins Augustus, 389 Lydius Robins John S, hat store, 35^ s Pearl, h 207 Lydius Robinson Thomas L, teacher of music, 76 n Pearl Robinson Primus, fruiterer, basement 83 State Robinson Samuel, exchange broker, 15 Exchange Building, res 28 Division 296 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Robinson James D, 90 Hudson Robinson William D, 251 Washington Robinson & Sammons, porter house, 5 Howard Robinson , Packer, 8 Eagle Robinson & Dwight, office, 11 Pier Robinson Elmund A, 6 State, res 77 Columbia Robinson widow John, 116 Canal Robinson A D, attorney, &c, office 94 State, 41 Hawk Robinson Thomas E, 88 Green Robinson widow James, 90 Hudson Robinson Edward, 20 Broad Robinson J C & Co, lumber dealer, 191 Water, res 9 Montgomery Robison John, carpenter, 200 Hamilton Robison widow, 377 State Robison Robert, ISGTumber, Arbor Hill Rock Hugh, cartman, 115 Dallius Rock Charles, cartman, 149 Green Rockenstyre widow John, spruce beer manufacturer, 800 Broadway Roda John, carpenter, 310 State Rodgers Augustus, printer, bds Clinton Rodgefs John, carpenter, 184 Second, Arbor Hill Rodgers Lemuel M, harnessmaker, 64 John Rodgers Sherlock, shoemaker, 247 s Pearl, h 214 Broad Rodgers John, machinist, shop 33 Lumber, res 76 Rodgers Thomas, laborer, 1 Clinton Rodgers John, 264 Lydius Rodier widow, 18 Orange Rodney Patrick, laborer, 188 Orange • Roe John John, ship carpenter, 29 Van Schaick Roff Elizabeth, 32 Spring ALBANY DIRECTORY. 297

Roessle T, proprietor Delevan House, cor Broadway and Steuben Rogen James, 189 Montgomery Rogers W C, dry goods, 168 * Pearl Rogers Stephen, fancy sign and ornamental painter, 617 Broadway, h 113 Swan Arbor Hill Rogers Nelson, (R & C) res 180 n Pearl Rogers & Callender, lumber merchants, 116 Water Rogers Elizabeth, widow of James, boarding house, 46 Eagle Rogers Barnard, 85 Van Woert Rogers widow of H G O, 32 Lodge Rogers Owen, 67 Colonie Rogers Howe N, 66 Eagle Rogers Harvey, 124 Patroon Rogers John, 4 Catherine Rogers Harvey L, bowling saloon, Little Basin, h 124 Patroon Romaine John P, lumber dealer, 1]8 Water, res 67 Patroon Romaine B F, editor Spectator, J334 Broadway, res 64 Ferry Romaine Isaac F, 142 Montgomery Romig Philip, sexton, 13 Grand Romig Benjamin, 78 Cherry Romig Rev Anthony, 57 Mulburry Ronan Michael, 49 n Lansing Rookey laborer, 241 n Pearl Rooney Patrick, Jefferson w Lark Rooney Patrick, blacksmith, 13 Rose Rooney Christopher, corner Orange and Swan Rooney Wilhfm, 93 Church Rooney Michael D, clothing store, 399 Broadway, bds 93 Beaver 298 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Rooker William, printer, 243 s Pearl Roraback Benjamin B, tailor, 17 Ferry Rorabeck Henry, brickmaker, 128 Spring Root B A, res 7 Dallius Root Arthur H, commission merchant, 3 &5 Hudson, res 4 Elk Root Josiah G, Tivoli manufactory, res 864 Broad­ way Root widow Henry, 283 Washington Root Gilbert, 864 Broadway Rorke Daniel, laborer, 1 James Rorke Edward, sawyer, 16 Lumber Rorke Bradford, 46 Bradford Rose Robert, 18 Orange Rose Henry, butcher, 42 Canal ? Rose Adam, stove mounter, 29 Dewitt Rose J, porter house, 18 Washington, h 122 Spring Rose David, 56 Howard Rose James R, attorney, &c, 94 State, res 56 Howard Rose Henry, cartman, 44 Spring Rose Elizabeth, 56 Howard Rose Stuart L, 56 Howard Roseboom John, tinsmith, cor Hudson and Green, res Westerlo Roseboom John H, tinsmith, cor Hudson & Green Roseboom Charles, 2 Franklin Place Roseboom Jacob, tinsmith, 94 Hudson, h 148 Lydius Rosekrans & Ovens, blacking, varnish and ink man­ ufacturers, cor Exchange &. Dean Rosekrans A D, 24 Jay Rosengarten Joseph, watches and jewelry, 62 s Pearl Rosevere George, shoemaker, 5 Dove Rosevelt widow, 280 WTahington # Rosevelt widow, rear 76 Canal Rosevelt Jacob, painter, 34 Spring Roser James, mason, 32 Westerlo 299

Roser Jonas, 43 Lumber Ross widow, 124 Broadway Ross Daniel, 14 Jay- Ross & Crocker, lumber dealers, &c, 57 Pier Ross William H, lumber merchant, h 13 Van Tromp Ross Robert, laborer, Third, above Lark, Arbor Hill Ross James, 33 Maiden Lane Rossman John B, physician and druggist, cor Lydius and Green, h 63 Lydius Rousseau John, hatter, bds 42 Washington Rourk Michael, 32 s Lansing Rourk widow Jane, 16 Centre Rourk William, grocer, 84 Church ourk John, carpenter, 50 Cherry «ourk William, laborer, 137 Church Rowbotham John, blacksmith, 211 Broad Rowe Matthew, grocer, 56 Lawrence Rowe Andrew, shoemaker, 172 Broadway Rowe Bradford, shoemaker, 44 Spring Rowe Catharine, 65 Hamilton Rowley Charles, chairmaker, 268 Washington Rowland John, printer, 59 Patroon Rowland Hugh A, carpenter, 130 Spring Rowland Charles, cor Catharine and Clinton Rowland Henry, engineer, 151 Lumber Rowland Thomas, stone cutter, cor Catharine and Clinton Royce James, 2 Van Tromp Ruby Robert, cooper, 170 Third, Arbor Hill Ruby John C, shoemaker, 40 Colonie Ruby widow, 66 Lumber Ruby Margaret, 41 Jackson Rudes widow, 44 Van Schaick Rudes H B, shoemaker, 44 Van Schaick Rudd William, express, 66 Grand 300 Ruggles F H, office Canal Department, h 58 Fayette Ruso & Wynkoop, victualing house, 1 s Pearl corner State Ruso Nicholas F, wheelwright, 153 Spring Rull John, gardener, 454 Washington Rull Nicholas, blacksmith and wheelwright, 432 Lydius Rull John, carpenter, Sand b Knox and Snipe Rumens Charles, confectioner, 624 Broadway Rundell Lewis B, bds Clinton Hotel Rutler Philip, 32£ Howard Rutts Francis, Sand 6 Knox and Snipe Russ Adam, weigher and measurer, 150 Lydius Russ James, bookbinder, 82 State, res 150 Lydius Russ John P, carriagesmith, 6 Grand, h 152 Lydius Russ Charles E, 62 Lydius Russell William, 162 Lydius Russell Elihu & Son, (Henry) dealers in paints,oils, glass, also manufacturers of oilcloths, 501 and 503 Broadway, manufactory First, Arbor Hill Russell Elihu, 55 Columbia Russell James, lumberer, 162 Lumber Russell Elizabeth, widow of Joseph, 37 n Pearl Russell Henry, 15 Patroon Russell widow Jubel T, 17 Quackenbush Russell Michael, 16 Van Zandt Rusrell Andrew W, botanic physician, 88 Beaver Russell Jason, grocer, 150 Washington Russell Hubbard L, mason, 208 Hamilton Russell William N, 283 s Pearl Russell John J, laborer, 4 Franklin Place ' Russell David, Justice of the peace, 70 Ferry Russell Leonard W, bds 70 Ferry Russell James A, physician, 102 Church Russell Wm C, 85 Third, Arbor Hill HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 301

Russell & Van Guysling, victuallers, cor Pearl and Herkimer Russia John, 79 Cherry Rutherford Isaac, 752 Broadway Rustin Hiram, carpenter, 91 Third, Arbor Hill Ruton David, cabinet maker, 123 Canal Ruthven James, shoemaker, 99 Green Ryan Patrick, grocer, 138 Jefferson Ryan Jeffrey, cooper, 101 Green Ryan Michael, 5 Baker's Court Ryan William, mason, 180 Lumber Ryan Edward, coachmaker, 55 Lawrence Jlyan David, carpenter, Westerlo, west of Hawk Kyan Timothy, laborer, Westerlo west Eagle Ryan Barney, malster, 382 Bowery Ryan Thomas, laborer, 120 Broadway Ryan John, laborer, 63 Arch Ryan Cornelius, laborer, 36 Rensselaer Ryan James, 107 Beaver Ryan Michael, tailor, 57 First, Arbor Hill Ryan John, laborer, 53 Van Schaick Ryan Patrick, 104, Canal Ryan Dennis, 91 Third, Arbor Hill Ryan Martin, malster, 93 Church Ryan Bryan, 5 Grand Alley Ryan Martin. 2 Orange Ryan Stephen, 2 Orange Ryan Daniel, laborer, 1 Cross Ryer Matthew, laborer, 212 Green Ryder Lewis W, 788 Broadway Ryno Mrs Lydia, 156 Lydius S. SABIN DANIEL S, proprietor American 100 State Sabbaton Joseph A, superintendent Gas works, res 27 Grand 302 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Sacia widow Jane, 20 Dove Safford Levi, 44 Grand Safford Henry, 19 Orange Sager widow, 33 Van Schaick Sager Daniel P, laborer, 21 Lawrence Sager Peter, tinsmith, 44 Washington, h 18 Dove Sager John, 148 Washington Sager Mrs, boarding house, 13 Montgomery Sager Margaret, 235 Washington Sagrove John, tailor, rear 10 Van Tromp Sagriv William, tailor, 57 First, Arbor Hill SALAMANDER WORKS, cor Hawk and Hudson • Salisbury Henry, boarding house, 12 s Pearl Salisbury Nelson, 29 Pier, h 109 Second Arbor Hill Salisbury Benajah T, carpenter, 45 Phillip Salisbury Daniel, 28 Third, Arbor Hill Salisbury Martin, 81 Lawrence Salisbury J H, physician, cor Lodge and State, bds Franklin Salmon Lemuel, carpenter, Hamilton w Dove Salmon James, laborer, rear 162 Orange Salt Samuel, wagon maker, lower end s Pearl Salter Benjamin, 365 State Salway James, 187 Orange Sample John, brickmaker, 120 Spring Sampson Alexander, dry goods, 209 and 2115 Pearl Sammon Edward, res 12 Grand Alley Sammon Mrs Ann, 66 Arch Sanders S & Co, clothiers, 305 Broadway Sanders James B, attorney &c, 9 Duuw's buildings, res 691 Broadway Sanders Barnet, cor Lydius and Grand Sanders J B & Co, (G V S & B B,) merchants, 72 ' Quay, res 143 Lydius Sanders G V S, 143 Lydius 303

Sanders John B, 143 Lydius Sanders B B, 143 Lydius Sanders Nancy, 13 Knox Sanders J G, 150 State Sanders Charles, railroad house, 7 & 9 Steuben Sanderson George, 177 n Pearl Sands John G, brewer, 22 Orange Sands John, machinist, 239 Lumber Sandford William, 110^ Hamilton Sanford Giles, lumber office, above n Ferry, bds Delavan Sanny Augustus, cartman 6 Dove Sanligning , malster, 275 Bowery Saul William, Spruce, o Swan & Dove Sard Grange, draper and tailor, 448 Broadway, res 175 State Sargent Parker, Justice of Justice Court, res 11 Quackenbush Suanders S, drugs and medicines, cor Centre and Co­ lonie Satterlee Edward R, h 20 n Pearl Satterlee E R & E, merchants, 61 State Satterlee E, aid 2d ward, Kane's park Savage James, commission merchant, 108 Pier, h 68 Chapel Savage Edmund, 68 Chapel Savage Simeon, tin smith 12 Van Tromp Savage Luther, accountant, bds 25 Beaver Savery widow, 40 Montgomery Sawyer Abraham,'10 Norton Sayles J O, 61 Quay, bds Delavan. Sayles James, groceries and provisions, cor Lumber and Water Sayles Alexander, shoemaker, 234 s Pearl 304 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Sayles J & G M, (John & G M,) merchants, 62 Quay Sayles George M, aid 10th ward, 36 Lancaster Sayles John, 29 Jay Sayles Charles jr, shoemaker, 83£ s Pearl Sayles Thomas, porter house, 31 Union Sayre Daniel, carpenter, 112 Spring Saxe Mrs Elizabeth, 87 Bleecker Scanlan W, grocer, 5 Maiden Lane Scanlan Michael, 74 Orange Scanlan Dennis, grocer, 28 Water Scattergood H B, Hawk w Hamilton Scaddelle Franz, La Fayette House, 19 Montgomery Scase Sebastian, 274 Washington Schachtel Jacob, 354 Lydius Schemerhorn William, 98 Snipe Schermerhorn Morgan L, 275 State Schermerhorn Gerrit, machinist, 32 Patroon Schermerhorn widow Elenor, 94 First, Arbor Hill Schemerhorn Rosina, 264 Lydius Schenmeyer George, tailor, 46 Green Schneider P, wagon maker, 451 Lydius Schley & Linsenbolz, file cutters, 21 Church Sehlereth Nicholas, porter house, 146 Washington Schiffer Mrs H H, 43 Beaver Schifferderner Henrich, butcher, 213 Broad Schofield John, tailor, 53 Second, Arbor Hill Schoolcraft, Raymond & Co, wholesale grocers, 14 and 16 Hudson Schoolcraft John L, (S R & Co,) bds City Hotel Schoolcraft Charles L, 353 Lydius Scinell Wm, 403 State Schoonmaker widow John, 26 Orange Schoonmaker Jacob, jr, 157 Broad Schoonmaker Christopher 264 Bowery HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 305

Schoonmaker Daniel, 91 Dallius Schoonmaker Peter, 157 Broad Schworer John, Washington House, 200 Washing­ ton Schmidt Rev Frederic, Dove w Hudson Schooley Samuel, carpenter, 2 Centre Schott Henry, 39 Hamilton Schreiper Stephen, grocer, 236 s Pearl Schwartz Simon, grocer, cor Green and Ferry Schwartz George, butcher, 494 Lydius Schwartz Frederick, 94 Willett Schuyler John, 264 s Pearl Schuyler James, coal yard, cor Bassett and Franklin, h 262 Pearl Schuyler Cortland, grocer, 870 Broadway Schuyler Thomas, forwarding merchant, 29 Quay up stairs, h 65 Ferry Schuyler & Van Antwerp, grocers, 88 Bassett Schuyler Philip L, 213 n Pearl Schuyler Mrs S P, 213 n Pearl Schuyler Samuel, 72 Westerlo Schuyler W C, attorney &c, 39 Van Zandt Schuyler Jeremiah, 213 n Pearl Scorsby William, carpenter, 240 s Pearl Scott William, hack driver, 636| Broadway Scott David I, silver plater, 811 s Pearl Scott Henry, ship carpenter, 51 Jackson Scott Phillip, cartman, 94 Broad Scott John M, 198 Green Scott John, 84 Broad Scott Marshall, dealer in oysters, 12 Beaver Scott Leonard L, moulder, 23 Spring Scott Mrs Ann, 31 Maiden Lane Scott George C, blacksmith, 6 Broad Scott John, 241 Lumber 20 306 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Scott Richard H, 132 Lydius Scott William B, grocer, cor Swan and Second, Ar­ bor Hill, alderman 8th ward Scott Jacob, shoemaker, 46 Lydius Scott William J and R H, gunsmiths, 9 Beaver, h 34 Spring- Scott Patrick, tailor, 116 Nucella, Scott James, 55 Colonie Scott Jane, tailoress, 36| s Lansing Scott John, painter, 167 s Pearl Scott John W, 206 Lumber, Arbor Hill Scott George, 170 Spring Scovel & Foster, real estate agents, 63 State, cor James Scovel Ashley, general agent, 63 State, h 72 Chapel Scovel Lewis, bds 72 Chapel Scovel Nelson, city marshal, 18 High Scovel Charles, with S II & Co, bds 51 n Pearl Scovill Oliver, 53 State, bds 47 Steuben Scrafford widow George H, 80 Washington Scribner Benjamin C, 27 Ferry Scriven Gardener, 67 Colonie Screven Col Richard B, 37 Jay- Scully Edward, tailor, 104 Swan Sears Miss H, 32 Jay Sears Edward L, bds Franklin Seaman M W, 45 Green Seaman James F, carpenter, 64 Lawrence Seaver Benjamin, 27 First, Arbor Hill Seaton George E, painter, 201 s Pearl, h 196 Grees SECRETARY OF STATE, office State Hall, cor Eagle and Pine Secor widow Sarah, 36 Washington Sedam Charles, Greenbush bank Selenger John, gardner, 409 Bowery HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 307

Selkirk Francis N, bds 154 Second, Arbor Hill Selkirk Alexander, 26 Dallius Selkirk Rev Edward, Rector Trinity Church, res 27 Grand Selickman Ellis, 46 Dallius Seaviris Jacob, 12 Willet Sealy Eliza A, 60 Orange Sealy Elijah, cor Centre and Colonie Seeley A, bds Clinton Hotel Seely Henry, laborer, 21 Knox Seery John, brewer, 35 Lumber Server Robert, 60 n Ferry Seib Joseph, moulder, 382 Bowery Sennet Thomas, laborer, 71 Grand Seitz Conrad, 253 s Pearl Serviss William, grocer, cor State and Lodge, bds American Serviss John D, grocer, cor Beaver and Lodge, h 63 Lodge Settle Jacob M, attorney &c, City Hall, bds Con­ gress Hall Session Rev John, Professor, Albany Academy, res 2S Spring Sewall Anthony, mason, 312 State Seward A, ed State Register, 37 State, bds Delevan Seward John, 3 Lancaster Allev Saymour Charles, carpenter, 117 Grand Seymour James, cartman, 101 Hamilton Seymour Lewis, carpenter, 91 Grand Seymour William, 107 Columbia Seymour & Russ, bookbinders, 82 State Seymour Timothy, bookbinder, 62 Patroon Shaddiek Thomas, 187 Lumber Shaddiek James, mason, 140 Orange Shaddiek John, painter, 332 State 308 Shaddiek Gilbert, Patroon w Quail Shaddiek John, 21 Dewitt Shailer widow, 41 Jefferson Shallow John, 12 Cross Shakes Robert, 51 Union Shambolt Francis, 100 Water Shamley William, 81 Ferry Shamler William, merchant tailor, 497 Broadway Shanley Michael, plasterer, 172 Orange Shank David, laborer, 272 Bowery Shackelton James, grocer, 44 Lawrence Shafer Amelia, tailoress, 5 Washington Shaffler Christian, tailor, 285 Washington Share Charles sen, Patroon b Knox and Snipe Share Charles, Patroon b Knox and Snipe Sharkey Cormic, rear 54 Van Schaick Sharp Absalom M, cartman, Westerlo cor Swan Sharp Jacob, 57 Canal Sharp David, cartman, Westerlo, w Swan Sharp Theodore, 116 Green Sharp David, laborer, 157 Hudson Sharp Alexander P, attorney &c, 71 State Sharts John, 37 Dallius Sharts Theodore, bds 37 Dallius Shary widow, rear 85 Canal Shatter William, Patroon b Snipe and Knox Shaver Andrew, 232 Washinghton Shaver Henry, 208 Washington Shaver John, grocer, 90 Washington Shaver Conrad, 348 Bowery Shaver Charles I, 51 De Witt Shaver V P, baker, 25 Van Schaick Shaver Willam, 214 Washington Shaw Matthew, fancy store, 750 Broadway- Shaw William, 70 Second, Arbor Hill 309 Shaw Eleanor T, teacher of music and dancing, 128 State Shaw Leonard D, 694 Broadway Shaw Sidney R II, shoemaker, 35 Second Shaw Luton, blacksmith, shop 99 Green, h 55 Di­ vision Shaw John, Hawk, b Orange and Patroon Shaw Richard, rope maker, 151 Lumber Shaw William, pattern maker, 66 Lumber Shaw Daniel D, bds Stanwix Hall Shaw Royal, 216 s Pearl Shaw John fi, rope maker, 175 Lumber, Arbor Hill Shaw Ralph, 162 Swan, Arbor Hill Shaw William, carpenter, 59 5 Lansing Shaw Samuel M, (C & S) bds 51 n Pearl Shaw O J, professor music, office atJBoardman & Gray's, res cor Broadway and Patroon Shay John, 75 Broadway Shay William, rear of Chestnut Shay Morris, n Pearl above Van Woert Shea Thomas, moulder, 48 Lawrence Shea William, moulder, 886 Broadway Shear J H, stove dealer, 17 and 19 Green, h 165 Hamilton Shear Henry, moulder, 338 Bowery Shear Danford, cartman, Whitehall road Shearn James, laborer, 191 Broadway Shearn widow, 63 Broadway Shears Capt, 18 Third, Arbor Hill Shears Edward, carpenter, 135 Canal Shehan Patrick, 18 Canal Shehan , shoemaker, 10 Swan Sheldon Alexander, 76 Lydius Sheldon George W, 130 Spring Sheldon D S, bds 42 Washington 310 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Sheldon John, printer, 232 Lydius Sheldon L A, cartman, 72 Spring- Sheldon widow Mary Ann, 130 Spring Sheldon Gaylor, 76 Lydius Sheldon Smith, 23 Dean, h 74 Lydius Sheldon B A, physician 9th and 10th wards, corner State and Hawk Sheldons (Gaylor and Alexander G, & Wood, (Eli- phalet) wholesale dry goods merchants, 467 and 469 Broaday Sheldrick E G, Broadway House, 618 Broadway Shelby Samuel T, laborer, 159 Lumber Sheline Alfred, dry goods, 81 s Pearl Shell John, Patroon, w Snipe Shell John jr, Patroon, w Snipe Shell William, Patroon, w Snipe Shember Charles, laborer, 89 Canal Shepard Sylvester F, merchant tailor, 313 Broadway, res 28 Dallius Shepard S O, attorney, &c, one door north of Me­ chanics' and Farmers' Bank, res 39 Grand Shepard Henry H, 19 Van Woert Shepard George, bds American Shepard Sylvester B, auctioneer, res 28 Dallius Shepard J G, merchant tailor, 431 Broadway, h 163 Hamilton Shepard John, laborer, 102 Water Shepard Margaret, 40 Orange Shepard C T, 73 Ten Broeck Shepard Alfred D, Tivoli flouring mill, 115 Pier, h 73 Ten Broeck Shepherd Alexander, cabinet maker, 605 Broadway, h 72 Patroon Shepherd Robert, 661 Broadway- Shepherd Mrs Catharine, 30 Lodge 311

Shepherd Brice, carpenter, 345 Lydius Shepherd Wensel. Sand b Knox and Snipe Shepherd Samuel, ship carpenter, 155| Orange Shepherd John, 57 Howard Sheridan William, 164 Lumber Sheridan James, laborer, 13 Westerlo Sheridan John, cor Dallius and s Lansing Sheridan Barney, cartman, cor First and Swan, Ar bor Hill Sheridan widow Matthew, 16 Van Schaick Sheridan Patrick, cor Hamilton and Dove Sheridan William, grocer, cor Rensselaer and Dallius Sheridan John, 17 n Lansing Sheridan Matthew, mason, 16 Van Schaick Sheridan Patrick, 59 n Lansing- Sheridan Tcnence, 226 n Pearl Sheridan John, laborer, 63 Second, Arbor Hill Sheridan Patrick, Hamilton, cor Eagle Sheridan W G, segar maker, 95 State Sherley Edward, clothing store, 41 ^ s Pearl Sherman Owen, laborer, 172 Third, Arbor Hill Sherman Josiah J, bds Congress Hall Sherman Lemuel, mason, 72 Grand Sherman Watts, cashier City Bank, res 119 Wash­ ington Sherman Epapbras J, attorney, &c, office 502-^ Broadway, bds Stanwix Hall Sherman Miss Ann, 22 Daniels Sherman Rufus M, 84 Hudson Sherman Henry, druggist, 391 B'dwray, h 58 Division SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Jail Sherry Owen, laborer, 172 Third, Arbor Hill Sherwood William, tailor, 36 s Lansing Sherwood Richard, segar maker, 160 Patroon Sherwood Joseph, segar maker, 241 n Pearl Sherwood Thomas J, tobacconist, 4 Canal 312 Sherwood Stephen A, skipper, 115 Church Sherwood Lemuel, 47 Division Shessler John, shoemaker, 207 Washington Shevlin John, grocer, cor Dallius and Bassett Shields widow Lucas, 97 Swan, Arbor Hill Shields Arthur, 1 Park Shields Francis, 58 Van Schaick Shields Adam, tobacconist, 58 Van Schaick Shields Francis, laborer, 118 Third, Arbor Hill Shields Henry, cor Lark and State Shields Peter, laborer, rear 75 Arch Shields Francis S, fish dealer, 66 Third, Arbor Hill Shields Bernard, cooper, 159 Lumber Shields Adam, 22 Van Schaick Shields John, 162 Broad Shilley Lee, tailor, Sand w Perry Shire John, 22 Canal Shloss Abraham, shoe store, 42 s Pearl Shocknessy Martin, 100 Broad Shock Christian, tailor, 166 Broad Shoefelt Warren, 64 Hudson Shoemaker Jacob, Hotel, 278 Broadway Shoemaker William, Hotel, 890 Broadway Shoemaker Martin, 213 s Pearl Shoemaker John, Cherry Valley turnpike Shook George M, 7 Union Shonts John A, grocer, 210 Water, h 212 Shonts John, 13 Lawrence Short Joseph, carpenter, 53 Alexander Short Patrick, laborer, Chesnut Alley- Short Joseph, butcher, 102 Broad Short Thomas, 64 Van Woert Shufflebotham Eli, carpenter, Dove w Hudson Shultz Alfred, 81 Canal Shult^, Frederick, grocer, cor Franklin and Schuyler HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 313

Shussler, James, Sand b Knox and Snipe Shuster Mary, dry goods, 52 s Pearl Shutter F, pedlar, 340 Bowery Shutter Cornelius, 350 State Shutter Eli S, 211 Jefferson Sickles George F, cabinet maker, 46 Second, Arbor Hill Sickles Philip P, boatman, 66 Lawrence Sickles John A, grocer, 76 s Pearl Sickles Abraham, 39 Van Zandt Sickles Alexander, ropemaker, 172 Lumber Sickles Abraham, butcher, 75 Third, Arbor Hill Sickles William, 66 Lawrence Sickles Mary, widow of Stephen, nurse, 174 n Pearl Sickles Samuel, pedlar, 224 s Pearl Sickles & Hayes, victuallers, 836 Broadway Sickler Dr, bds Stanwix Hall Sigourney Thadeus W, Farmers' Hotel, 42 Wash­ ington Silknorth Thomas, teamster, 272, Bowery Signy Mary, 81 Third, Arbor Hill Sidney David, carpenter, 40 n Lansing Sigsbee Nicholas jr, 133 Washington Silsby Thomas, skipper, 17 Franklin Sillsby Thomas, 325 Bowery Silsby Henry, coachmaker, 47 Mulberry Sill John, 19 Steuben Sill B G, Hawk, b Hudson and Hamilton Sims Francis, 76 Canal Sims William, gardener, 349 Washington Sims William B, physician, 26 Orange, h 76 Canal Simmons Herman, optician, 66 Union * Simmons Elijah, fish stall, Centre Market, h 75 Ferry Simmons Ives L, 57 Mulberry 314

Simmons William, Colonie e Swan Simmons Erastus, cor Westerlo and Dove Simons Morris, cartman, 158 Orange Simons John, tobacconist, 805 Broadway Simons George, cartman, 11 Knox Simons John, grocer, 780 Broadway Simons Henry, cartman, 160 Spring Simons Peter, cartman, 183 Orange Simons Jacob C, carpenter, Hamilton w Dove Simons li D, music, 206 Broadway Simons Jacob, hair dresser, 27 Maiden Lane Simpson James, nailor, 31 Van Zandt Simpson Robert, nailor, 115 Nucella Simpson William, laborer, 104 Water Simpson Moses, jeweller, 136 s Pearl Simpson John, grocer, 235 s Pearl Simpson & Beckel, jewellers, 408 Broadway Simpson James, 134 Orange Simpson John, Hawk n Canal Sinclair widow, 64 n Pearl Sinclair John, laborer, 79 Cherry Sinclair tailor, 68 Second, Arbor Hill Singer Miss, millinery, 50 s Pearl Sinnot Francis, laborer, 67 Bassett Sipple John, carpenter, 52 Canal Siser Elias, pedlar, State w Knox Sisson L, bds Delavan Sisson Noel E, 496 Broadway, h 38 Jay SISTERS OF CHARITY, St Vincent's Orphan Asylum, n Pearl Sitterly Elizabeth, 21 Hawk Sitley Isaac, 359 State Sitser Cornelius, machinist, 107 Green Siver Martin, blacksmith, 79 Third, Arbor Hill Skelly Patrick, 68 Colonie Skelly Edward, 80 Elk, above Swan 315

Skelly Andrew, laborer, 3 Colonie Skelly John, laborer, 141 Church Skerritt Margaret, 4 High Skerritt Jane, young ladies institute, 4 High Skerritt Mary, 4 High Skellicorn Thomas, shoemaker, 330 Bowery Skinkle John, laborer, 150 A- Pearl Skinner Ezra, piano maker, 211 Hamilton Skinner Miss Louisa, 18 Van Tromp Skinner Charles, bds 7 Montgomery Skinner Elisha W , 7 Montgomery Skinner Charles, 256 Broadway Skully Edward,'14 Clinton Skully Edward, porter, 38 n Pearl Skully Edward, cartman, 31 n Lansing] Slack John, cor Plain and Grand Slack Granville, 134 Hamilton Slain Daniel, laborer, 35 Dean Slason Edward B, saddle and harness maker 375 Broadway, h 1 Wendell Slatterly William, laborer, 75 Rensselaer Slatterly widow Ellis, 91 Franklin Slausson W F, livery stable, 79 Maiden Lane, h 27 Lancaster Slaven Michael, carpenter, 3 Park Slaven Henry, laborer, 34 Jefferson Slaven Terrence, laborer, Lancaster e Swan Slaven James, laborer, 8 Baker's Court Slaven Peter, carpenter rear 3 Park Slaven Michael, grocer, 215 Broadway Slawson Jonathan, cake pedlar, 123 Lydius Slawson William,news depot, 22^ s Pearl h 62 Union Slawson John, 12 Orange Slawson Selleck, shoemaker, 66 Lydius Slingerland widow D B, 75 Lydius 316 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Slingerland John S, 36| Fayette Sloan Edmund, 202 Hamilton Sloan Thomas, tailor, 30| Chapel Sloan Patrick, 167 Lumber Sloan Dennis, 139 Church Sloan Patrick, 157 Jefferson Sloss Martin, 271 Bowery Small Peter, 782-J Broadway Smith Richard (Smith & Howe) merchant tailor, 50 Lydius Smith & Hawley, builders, shop 54 Bleecker Smith Arthur A, cartman, 44 Orange Smith Patrick, grocer, Canal, e Swan Smith David A, 56 Hudson Smith & Packard, groceries and provisions, corner Green and Hudson Smith (Wm) Cary (Isaac H,) & Moseley, (B F.) wholesale dealers in dry goods, 477 & 479 Broad­ way Smith John, 93 Broad Smith Godlieb, 88 Lydius Smith Jacob, cartman, 12 Orange Smith Samuel, moulder, 93 Dallius Smith Uzziel, 371 Washington Smith Stephen, mason, 284 Lydius Smith John G, 278 Washington Smith Patrick, engineer, 41 Van Woert Smith Elihu, merchant, 138 n Pearl Smith, Patten & Co, produce dealers. 109 Pier, N Y State mill, Pier above cut Smith John S, 203 n Pearl Smith Matthew, grocer, 117 Broad Smith Erasmus D, distiller, 21 s Lansing Smith Mark, 188 Green Smith William, (S C & M) 31 s Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 317

Smith Peter, coppersmith, 16 Beaver Smith Barney, laborer, 24 Howard Smith Jacob, pedler, 261 s Pearl Smith John, laborer, 61 Broadway Smith Hugh, 181 Water Smith Joseph, laborer, 9 Owners' alley Smith Patrick, grocer, cor Green & Rensselaer Smith Isaac, pattern maker, 195 Green • mith Catharine, nurse, 53 Dallius Smith Wm F, locksmith, 40 John Smith Thadeus A, 104 Herkimer Smith Eliza, boarding house, 93 Eagle .Smith Bernard, carpenter, 54 * Pearl Smith Hugh D, grocer, 45 Liberty Smith Phillip, laborer, 147 Lumber Smith Thomas, laborer, 147 Lumber Smith Frank, Sand w Perry Smith John, Spruce e Hawk Smith James, laborer, 24 Van Woert Smith Henry, 53 Lawrence Smith William, blacksmith, 36 Montgomery Smith Israel, 769 Broadway Smith Daniel, produce dealer, 109 Pier, res 110 s Pearl Smith Theodore D, (A & S) 15 Lancaster Smith & Feltman, Argentine and Brittania works, 23 Dean Smith Brian, laborer, 66 Arch Smith Dr Thomas, 37 Columbia Smith James, 207 Orange Smith Charles, 61 Second, Arbor Hill Smith John, 117 Broad Smith John, laborer, 66 Arch Smith John, rear 151 5 Pearl Smith Barney, grocer, 16 Second, Arbor Hill 318

Smith Henry V, carpenter,98 Swan, near Arbor Hill Smith Ezekiel, grocer, 158 State Smith Ralph, merchant, 72 Washington, res 63 Spring Smith Edward, 105 Sprurg Smith Bernard, grocer, 269 s Pearl Smith Edward, laborer, 174 Green Smilh widow John B, 94 Spring Smith Peter, moulder, 38 Chesnut Smith , stage driver, 10 High Smith Thomas, 60 Second, Arbor Hill Smith James, rear 85 Canal Smith Wm, skipper, 104 Hudson Smith George W, 189 State Smith Jasper, attorney, &c, 94 State, bds Delavan Smith Nicholas T, 29 Quay, bds Franklin Smith William, harness maker, 311 Broadway, res 21 Ferry Smith William, carpenter, 48 Lydius Smith John, mason, 5 Catharine Smith David, groceries, 8 s Pearl, h 159 Hamilton Smith J Stanley, 170 n Pearl Smith Anthony, shoemaker, 107 Snipe Smith William, dutch tavern, 41 Liberty- Smith Franklin, police constable, 117 Beaver Smith Daniel, 154 Washington Smith Elias, mason, 353 State Smith E W, architect, 460 Broadway, h 769 Smith Thomas, bds Franklin Smith Samuelj laborer, 45 First, Arbor Hill Smith widow Deborah, 77 Canal Smith Thomas, piano maker, 104 Washington Smith Bastian, 206 Washington Smith Maria, nurse, 165 Jefferson Smith John, 267 Bowery 319

Smith Manuel, 135 Broad Smith David, 121 Broad Smith John, porter house, cor Broad and Arch Smith Patrick, 167 Green Smith David, 27 Ferry Smith Michael, grocer, 59J n Lansing Smith Anthon, 174 Third, Arbor Hill Smith Morgan L, rear 24 Van Schaick Smith Samuel, cabinet maker, 132 Spring Smith Thomas, laborer, Canal, 6 Dove & Lark Smidell Joseph, laborer, 92 Willett Smollen Patrick, 53 Lawrence Smuller Mary, 39 Canal Smytherer John, cartman, 76 Patroon Smyth Charles T, merchant, 40 Quay, h 3 Montgo­ mery Smyth James D, 4 Rose Sneder widow, Colonie, w Swan Snell James, shoe store, 426 Broadway, h46 Hudson Snow John W, printer, bds 26 Maiden Lane Snowden Henry, Lark, n Third Snowden Charles, 98 Second, Arbor Hill Snyder Peter, cabinet maker, 25 Fayette Snyder George R, 276 Washington Snyder Joseph, 351 Bowery Snyder John, rear, 124 Snipe Snyder Peter, carpenter, 88 Schuyler Snyder Henry, moulder, 42 Clinton Snyder Mrs Louisa, 36^ 6- Lansing Snyder widow Ellen, 12 Broadway Somerandyek George W jr, boarding house, 21 Hudson Sommerville George, brickmakes, 115 Nucella Soul Samuel, tailor, 40 Second, Arbor Hill Soulden William, 79 Lydius 320 Southwick William, bookbinder, 11 Lancaster Southwick Henry C, agent Columbus Insurance Co, 420 Broadway, res 22 Norton Southwick Henry C jr, bds 89 Hamilton Spalding Gilbert R, 88 * Pearl Spalding Asa, pedlar, 178 Lumber Spalding Gilbert, pedlar, 178 Lumber Spanier Louis, cider and vinegar yard, 801 Broad­ way, h 803 Spane John, laborer, 49 Arch Sparks George, 114 Bradford Spawn Catharine, widow, 70 Spring Speagle Andrew, mason, 92 Willett Spears William, 44 Lawrence Spears Timothy, 12 Little. Basin, h 40 Lawrence Spears Ebenezer, grocer, 68 Lawrerce Spelman (B R & R L,) dealers in combs and fancy goods, 35 State Spelman R L, 43 Philip Spelman B R, 59 Orange Spencer Mrs Catharine, 61 s Lansing Spencer Brown S, painter, 86 Bleecker Spencer John C, 111 Washington Spencer T G, superintendent railroad, 6 Quacken­ bush, h 51 Eagle Spencer Hosea P, carpenter, 19 High Spencer Austin, inspector distilled spirits, 28 Dean, res 12 Wilson Spencer Phillip, grocer, 199 Washington Spencer Daniel, 29 s Pearl Spencer Robert, 127 Swan Spencer John, bds E?gle st, Hotel Spencer Henry, 381 State Sperry S W, bds Delavan House Spoer David, shoemaker, 75 Schuyler HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 321

Spooner Samuel, Sand c Quail Sporborg Louis, 142 s Pearl Sporborg Joseph, dry goods, 36J s Pearl res 101 , Sprague Rev William B, pastor Second Presbyterian Church, h 51 Washington ;; Sprague Horace, manufacturer of tobacco, snuff and segars, 54 Dean, res 101 Colonie Sprague William B, jr, 51 Washington Spratt Horatio N, carpenter, 54 Rensselaer Springer Parker, 229 Washington Springsteed widow Sarah, 112 Hamilton Springsteed & Bullock, dealers in drugs, medicines and oils, cor s Pearl and Lydius Springsteed Anthony, porter 66 s Lansing Sprinkhart Carl, physician, cor Ferry and s Pearl Sprinks James, glover, 167 Hamilton Sprung John, carpenter, 863 Broadway Sprung Lodewick, 25 Franklin Sprung Hiram, wheelwright, shop 76 Church, res58 Schuyler Squires Thomas, exchange office, 56 Quay, res 161 Lydius Squires widow Betsy, 161 Lydius Squires widow Clarissa, 14 s Lansing St Clair Charles, tinsmith, 310^ State ST PAUL'S (Episcopal) CHURCH, S Pearl ST PETER'S (Episcopal) CHURCH, cor State & Lodge ST JOHN'S (Catholic) CHURCH, Ferry street ST MARY'S (Catholic) CHURCH, cor Pine and Chapel ST JOSEPH'S (Catholic) CHURCH, cor Lumber and n Pearl ST JOSEPH'S (Catholic) ORPHAN ASYLUM, 14 Lodge ST JOHN'S (Catholic) SCHOOL, cor Dallius and Rens­ selaer St John D B, bds Congress Hall 21 322 St John John W,proprietor Boston Hotel, 15 and 17 Dean Stahl John, tailor, 3 Beaver, h 3 Franklin Place Stadtler John F, tailor, 5 n Pearl, res 77 Orange Staats Peter P, physician, 42 Lydius Staats Barent P, physician, 53 n Pearl cor Steuben Staats John B, bds Franklin Staats John L, 4 s Pearl Staats William N, constable, 172 Franklin Staats Christina widow, 5 Grand Staats David, pedlar, 57 First, Arbor Hill Staats John, boatman, 154 * Pearl Staats Betsey, 45 Union Stackpole John, cartman, 346 Lydius Stackhouse John, butcher, 482 Bowery Stafford Richard, bootmaker, 66 Canal Stafford J, bds Delevan Stafford Mrs, 768 Broadway Stafford David, teamster, 360 State Stalker Martin, 124 Washington Stanton widow G W, 110 Washington Stanton G W, jr, merchant, cor State and Quay, res 36 n Pearl Stanton William B, botanic physician, 109 s Pearl Stanton Thomas, Washington s b Stanton Patrick, carpenter, 49 Arch Stanton Richard, shoemaker, rear 173 Orange Stanton Wm, Cherry Valley turnpike STANWIX HALL, cor Broadway and Maiden Lane Stanwix George, brick maker, cor Broad and Arch Stanwix widow John, 258 s Pearl Stanwix George, jr, carpenter, 128 Arch Starks Nathan, (S & P) 69 Hamilton Starks & Pruyn, iron railing, bolt, and boiler manu­ factory, 48, 50 52 and 54 Liberty cor Pruyn 323

Stark Myers, 171 Broad Stark Richard, moulder, 133 Lumber Starr Alexander, ink maker, 666| Broadway STATE LOCK, Little Basin STATE ARSENAL, Broadway cor Lawrence STATE HALL, Eagle, cor Steuben and Pine Stattfield John, shoemaker, 210 Washington Stavenow Julius, segar dealer, 66 Hudson Stead Martin, 95 Orange Stearn Martin, baker, 189 s Pearl Stearn Martin, 272 s Pearl Stearn Emanuel, 133 Broad Stearns J G, dry goods, 538 Broadway, h cor Plain and Grand Steele John F, (W & S) 66 State, h 34 Lancaster Steele Lemuel, 80 Lydius Steele & Co, (Lemuel, George B, and Robert M King,) paper hanging warehouse, 360 and 362 Broadway Steele George B, 80 Lydius Steele Oliver, 184 State cor Hawk Steele Roswell, coach and saddlery hardware, 420 Broadway Steele Oliver & Co, lumber dealers, 184 Water Steele widow William, 24 Willett Steele Samuel, keeper ;of district school, h 57 Ly dius Steele Mary, widow of Daniel, 16 Rose Steele widow of Levi, 59 Division Steele Charles H, 59 Division Steele Richard, 15 Canal Steinwig Solomon, porter house, 270 Broadway Steinwig Abraham, grocer, cor* Pearl and Ferry Stein Philip, shoemaker, 72 Green Stein Abraham, 83 Ferry 324 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Stein Jacob, stove mounter, 144 Franklin Stein Israel, pedler, 163 s Pearl Stein Myer, grocer, 68 Westerlo Sternbergh Jacob, attorney, &c, res 59 s Pearl Sterling John, mason, Sand 6 Lark and Knox Sterne Peter, shoemaker, 351 Bowery Sterne Lazarus, butcher, 186 s Pearl Sterne Manuel M, shoemaker, 165 s Pearl Sterne Moses M, porter house, 163 * Pearl Sterne Isaac, dry goods, 38 s Pearl, res 66 Stevan William, shoemaker, 74 Patroon Stephens James, shoemaker, 81 Canal Stevens William, carpenter, Bethlehem, turnpike Stevens George, 73 Jefferson Stevens George, 642 Bowery Stevens William, 18 Second, Arbor Hill Stevens Royal, 42 Westerlo Stevens Peter D, turner, 50 Howard, res 296 State Stevens George M, bds Lumberman's Exchange Stevens Enoch J, type founder, 75 State, res 48 n Pearl Stevens Cyrus, attorney, &c, 76 State, hl03 n Pearl Stevens Samuel, attorney, &c, 480 Broadway, h 6 Academy Park Stevens Richard, 118 Third, Arbor Hill .Stevens William, bowling saloon, 46 James Stevens, Edwards & Meads, attorneys, &c, 480 Broadway Stevens Edmund, 108 Jefferson Stevenson John, 171 Second, Arbor Hill Stevenson James, 73 Canal Stevenson William, Jefferson w Eagle Stevenson James, moulder, 116 Third, Arbor Hill Stevenson James, laborer, 72 Swan, Arbor Hill Stevenson James, whitesmith, 54 * Lansing HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 325

Stevenson Hugh, moulder, 35 n Lansing Stevenson Robert, painter, 25 Wilson Stevenson James, cartman, 578 Broadway Stevenson James, office 44, h 146 State Stevenson Mark, 75 Jefferson Stevenson James T, 171 Lydius Steves Jesse R, cartman, 72 Spring Stewart Charles, 361 State Stewart John, builder, shop and res 25 and 27 Wes terlo Stewart William, painter, 26 Canal Stewart William A, carpenter, 417 State Stewart Samuel, carpenter, 17 Franklin Place Stewart George, 16 s Lansing Stewart Thomas, 127 Broad , Stewart James, tavern and grocery, 22 Westerlo Stewart Alexander, carpenter, 148 Jefferson Stewart Adam, cartman, 47 Fayette Stewart widow, 130 Orange Stewart William H, furrier, Third above Lark Stickney Moses W, bds 169 Hamilton Stiles Mrs P, 17 Franklin Place Stiles Maria, ornamental hair factory, 23 Hudson, h 75 Beaver Stiller Jacob, 225 Washington Stillwell James, tobacconist, 44 Division Stillwell John W, 8 Grand Stillwell Jeremiah, 267 Bowery Still James L, 240 Lumber, Arbor Hill Stitt Robert, 42 John Stocker Benjamin, attorney, &c, 78 State, bds Eagle st Hotel Stober George J, mason, 220 Washington Stolrey Casper, 29 Van Zandt Stock James, laborer, 457 Washington 326 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Stockly Caleb A, 67 Orange Stoker Richard, porter, cor Lumber and Swan Stone Henry, book and job printer, cor State and Green, h 37 Beaver Stone F M, res 162 n Pearl Stone Keyes, 37 Beaver Stone & Henley, proprietors Daily Express, cor State and Green Stone George C, shoemaker, 413 Broadway Stone John, 15 Quackenbush Stone Christopher, comedian, 37 Canal Stoneham Mark, 148 Broad Stonehouse John, cor Green and Hamilton Storrs A A, hat store, 60 State, res 39 Ten Broeck Storrs William, waiter, 50 Hamilton Storey William, bellows maker, 237 State Storey Richard J, 156 Spring Storey Terrence, cartman, 47 Van Schaick Storey Robert, shoemaker, 52^ Hamilton Storm Sarah, 5 Canal Stormont Alexander, stone cutter, 173 Orange Stow William, 12 High Strack widow, 208 Washington Strain Joseph, manufacturer of soap and candles, cor Church and Herkimer, h 196 Lydius Strain John F, keeper of Captain's Quarters, base­ ment Exchange, Broadway, h 78 Colonie Strain Henry, 29 Canal Strain Hugh, brickmaker, 136 Lumber Strain James, 54 Willett Strain Peter, Ten Broeck n Lumber Strathern Peter, 171 Green Stratton & Peterson, fancy bakery, 798 Broadway Stratton (A S & P,) 798 Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 327

Strasburgh , 208 s Pearl Strasburgh Jacob, 145 Broad Street John, teamster, Cherry Valley Turnpike Straus Joseph, 45 Arch Stremple John, 419 Bowery Stremple Charles, 415 Bowery Strevel William, 245 State Strevel & Zeh, wood dealers, 22 Quay Street Richard, merchant tailor, 409 Broadway, h 29 First, Arbor Hill Street Alfred B, attorney, &c, 32 Dove Streeter Jarvis, 246 s Pearl Strong George W, city measurer and weigher, 179 n Pearl Strong Thomas J, (A M & W N S) bds Delavan Strong Anthony M, (A M & W N S,) 44 n Pearl Strong William N, (A M & W N S,) 122 State Strong Robert, 3 High Strong widow Jane, 32 Patroon Strong A M & W N, & T J, importers and whole­ sale dealers in dry goods, 3 and 5 Broadway Strong Joseph, attorney, &c, 44 State Strong Alexander, Lydius w Knox Strong widow Jeremiah, Lydius w Knox Strother John, basement s Dutch church, corner John Stroup John, 450 Lydius Stryker William, tailor, 13£ Beaver Stryker James P, bowling saloon, cor Church and Herkimer Stumf John, tailor, 121 Franklin Sturgis Isaac, cabinet maker, 175 Lumber Sturges C F, measurer of lumber, 16 Quackenbush Sturtevant J B, attorney, &c, 77 State, bds Ameri­ can 32,8, HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Sugden William M, 190 Hamilton Sullivan Timothy, clothing store,T2 Little Basin, Sullivan Murty, boatman, 71 Church Sullivan Dennis, 68 Arch Sullivan John, 55 Mulberry Sullivan Barney, laborer, 91 Broad Sullivan John, laborer, 38 Rensselaer Sullivan Eugene, butcher, 484 Bowery- Sullivan John, 133 Hudson Sullivan Timothy, boatman, 91 Schuyler Sullivan Peter, moulder, 94 Bassett Sullivan John, 117 Broad Sutherland James, laborer, 45 Mulberry Sumner Alanson, 103 Herkimer SUPREME COURT CLERK'S OFFICE, State Hall SURROGATE'S OFFICE, City Hall SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE State Hall Sutliff Ezra A, provision store, 29 Lancaster, h 19 I rj y\ (*t\ ^t'f*l* Sutliff TM, 829 Broadway Sutliff George W,51 Howard Swain Samuel R, 53 Beaver Swain Robert, Fountain Inn, 926 Broadway Swain John J, 49 Van Schaick Swab George, 446 Lydius Swan John, 352 Lydius Swart Frederick, mason, 206 Hamilton Swartwout Miss, dressmaker, 86 Bleecker Swartman G, pedler, 108 Broadway Swarts Adani, laborer, 330 Bowery Swar.ts Abrarn, grocer, cor Arch and Broad Swarts Adam, laborer, 330 Bowery •'Swartfiguer Mrs E, widow, 49 Colonie Swar

Sweet Philip, 64 Orange Sweet Elizabeth, 275 Washington Sweeny Thomas, lower end Green Sweeny William, laborer, 14 Van Zandt Sweeny Owen, laborer, 56 Green Sweeny Thomas, grocer, 115 Quay Sweeny Barney, carpenter, 19 Van Schaick Sweeney Edward, laborer, 14 Grand Alley Swinton Oliver, painter, 15 Knox Switzer H & N, Hotel, 228 Broadway Swift Hugh, clothing store, 55 Quay, res 32 Clinton Swift James, 42 s Lansing Swiftsure Line, office 112 and 113 Pier Swinburne John, physician, 66 Eagle Switzer Henry, hairdre ser, 276 Broadway Switzer Conrad, 228 Broadway SYNAGOGUE Bethel Jacob, 88 and 90 Fulton SYNAGOGUE J*W, Herkimer T. TAAFFE JOHN J, hat and cap store, 390 Broad­ way, 19 Jefferson Taaffe Timothy, laborer, 103 First, Arbor Hill Taaffe William, 136 Jefferson Taff John, laborer, 216 Green Taber (Azor) & Joice (Rodman L) attorneys &c, 6 Commercial Buildings Taber Azor, attorney &c, office Commercial Build­ ings, h 109 State Taggerty widow Bridget, grocer, 1 Clinton Taggerty Michael, 115 Broad Talcott S V, 748 Broadway Tahan Thomas, shoemaker, 102 Broad Talcott & Hosmer, stave and lumber dealers, 61 Quay and 52 Pier 330 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Tallant Samuel S, 117 Broadway Tallis John & Co, New-York publishers, 64 Mont­ gomery Tallman Darius, groceries and provisions, Little Ba­ sin, 8 n Lansing, res 54 Lawrence Tallman Briltan B, 2 Wilson Tallman Jonathan, hotel, 128 Water cor Colonie Tammany Andrew, 14 Lumber Tanner K, rear 70 Van Woert Tansey Patrick, 61 Lawrence Tanzy Thomas, rear 104 Water Tappan Misses, 50 Division Tappan Howel, 106 Herkimer Tappan Christopher, pedlar, Swan, Arbor Hill Tarbell G S, wholesale grocer, 65 Quay, h 25 Lan­ caster Tate John A, hair dresser, 132 Hawk Taylor William, carpenter, 87 Westerlo Taylor Samuel H, 215 Hamilton Taylor Patrick, shoemaker, 18 Second, Arbor Hill Taylor Wm, malster, 34 n Ferry Taylor Robert, cartman, 200 Green Taylor John R, 81 Lydius Taylor widow Robert, variety store, 51 5 Pearl Taylor John R, blacksmith, 153 Jefferson Taylor Thomas, wheelwright, 20 & 21^ Washington Taylor John, 73 Lydius Taylor William, laborer, 69 Colonie Taylor James, grocery and provision store, corner of Green and s Lansing, h 129 Green Taylor James, wood and coal dealer, 166 Broadway h 137 Green Taylor John & Sons, brewers, soap and candle manufacturers, 83 Green, malt house Quay, near * Ferry HOFFMAN'S ALBANY* DIRECTORY. 331

Taylor George F, carpenter, 57 Division Taylor Elvin, 31 Elm Taylor James, cashier Commercial Bank, res 104 Hudson Taylor Baker, 2 James, res 589 Broadway Taylor Justus F, (T & D,) 32 Lancaster Taylor James G, comb maker, 107 Washington Taylor James, tobacconist, 99 Van Woert Taylor Philip, res 148 Spring Taylor John, tobacconist, 137 Lumber Taylor Thomas, h 90 Patroon Taylor Thomas, livery stable, 114 s Pearl, h 38 * Lansing Taylor & DeForest, dry goods, 422 and 424 Broad­ way Taylor George S, tailor, State 2 doors from Knox Taylor James, 209 State Taylor Sarah, 66 Canal Teeds Elrean, pedler, 670 Bowery Ternan James, Spruce Teal Abraham, carpenter, bds 69 s Pearl Teall Augustus T, 379 Lydius Teall widow E M, Patroon cor Broadway Teelin George, 60 Orange Teelin Elizabeth, 228 Washington Teelin Alexander, 2 Cross Teelin widow, 23 Spring Teelin James, segar maker, 330 State Thalinger Lewis, pedler, 106 Broad Tiernan Thomas, grocer, 19 Van Woert Tiernan Patrick, paver, 107 Broad Tiernan William, 29 Van Woert Tiernan Morris, 31 Van Zandt Tiernay Dennis, tailor, 24 Ferry TELEGRAPH OFFICE, No 2 Exchange Building 332 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

TEMPLE CHAPTER of R A MASONS, St John's Hall, cor Steuben and Broadway TEMPLE LODGE, cor Steuben and Broadway Temple Robert E, 50 n Pearl Temple Hugh, laborer, 153 Orange Templeton Philip, 62 Church Tenester G, 70 Mulberry Ten Broeck C, attorney &c, 552J Broadway, res 51 Columbia Ten Broeck Wesley, carpenter, 66 Franklin Ten Eyck Lorenzo, cartman, 22 Van Woert Ten Eyck widow Conrad A, 53 Columbia Ten Eyck Harman, 61 n Pearl Ten Eyck Jacob H, 35 n Pearl Ten Eyck Philip, professor in Female Academy, h 476 Broadway Ten Eyck Visscher, (T E & Co,) proprietor Even­ ing Journal, 67 State, h 93 Columbia, alderman 5th ward Ten Eyck Matthias H, tallow chandler, 157 Green, h 117 Green Ten Eyck Abraham R, 476 Broadway Ten Eyck John, 476 Broadway Ten Eyck Leonard, 53 Columbia Ten Eyck Herman G, 82 Lydius Ten Eyck Anthony, attorney &c, 442 Broadway, 53 Columbia Ten Eyck & Co, proprietors Evening Journal 67 State. Ten Eyck Thomas, 76 Grand Terbush widow Henry, 103 Grand Terrell Robert, 91 Beaver Terrell Holland, saddler, 41 Jay Terry David, wood measurer &c, 86 Church HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. i 883

Terry Oliver G, packet office, 120 Pier, bds: Ameri­ can Terry David jr, cartman, 149 Green Terry Jerome, stone cutter, 142 Washington Tetor Henry, 154 Orange Thatcher George H, dealer in stoves, 8' Maiden Lane, h 753 Broadway Thayer Simeon, 51 Union Thayer Isaac W, 57 Union Thayer Isaac, 57 Union Thayer Walter B, Mechanics' Hall, 24 Beaver Thies Edward, 38 n Ferry Thomas William G, (H & T) 19 Ten Broeck Thomas Thomas J, cooper, 79 Church Thomas Benjamin, 69 Westerlo Thomas John jr, coffee and spice store, 10 Exchange, h 49 Orange Thomas George L, dealer in oysters and fruit, 291 Broadway, h 79 Church Thomas David, 79 Church Thomas John, 112 Green Thomas Charles, 59 Dewitt Thomas David W, 207 Green Thomas widow Caroline, Lodge Thomas widow Edward, 261 State Thomas J E, moulder, 101 Franklin Thomas Ann, tailoress, 10 s Lansing Thomas William, brick maker, 213 State Thomson Frank, 115 Knox Thomson Alexander, grocer, 93 Church Thomson Oliver, waiter, 132 Hawk Thompkins Joshua, 252 Lydius Thompson Reuben R, bone dealer, 9 Clinton Thompson Royal, 25 First, Arbor Hill Thompson Robert, 761 Broadway 334 Thompson William, shoe store and house, 6 Canal Thompson Thomas, shoemaker, 116 Lydius Thompson Mary, 14 Railroad Avenue Thompson William, cartman, 183 Spring Thompson James E, printer, 9 Beaver Thompson widow Archibald, 782 Broadway Thompson & Co, Boston Express, 11 and 12 Ex­ change Thompson John, 164 Spring Thompson Lydia B, 57 Fayette Thompson S J, Dauguerean Artist, 57 State, h 9 Beaver Thompson Richard H, physician, 1 Washington, bds Congress Hall Thompson John, 74 Fulton Thompson Thomas, cook, 266 Lydius Thompson Francis, 115 Knox Thompson Franklin, 51 Bradford Thorburn Samuel T, bds cor Broadway and Maiden Lane Thorburn William, Albany seed store, cor Broadway and Maiden Lane Thorn John H, 233 n Pearl Thorn Stephen T, manufacturer of camphine, 20 Church, h 23 Westerlo Thorn William, merchant tailor, 13 Beaver, h 53 * Lansing Thorn William, plane maker, 133 Washington Thorn J E B, agent Utica line, 95 Pier, bds Ameri­ can Hotel Thornton Philip, cartman, 32 Jefferson Thornton William, painter, 1 Van Woert Thorp John, 749 Broadway Thorp widow of Aaron, 749 Broadway Thurber Charles, carpenter, 100 Washington Thurston Hiram, Hawk cor Hudson HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 335

Tibbets Benjamin, office 44 State, res 123 State Tibbets Jesse, 306 Lydius Tice Isaac, blacksmith, 164 Hudson Tice George, 208 Washington Tice John P, 47 First, Arbor Hill Ticknor Elisha, 43 Union Tigh David, blacksmith, 16 Lumber Tierman Patrick, 162 Orange Tierman Daniel, tailor, 167 Orange Tierny Jeremiah, 14 Jefferson Tillinghast John L, attorney &c, bds Franklin Tillinghast William, oil merchant, 13 Hudson, res 15 Jackson Tillapaugh H, milliner, 18 * Pearl Tingley & Co, manufacturers of patent bedsteads, Tivoli Tingley Otis, Tivoli works Tinker' Mary P, 4 Fayette Tippler Michael, laborer, 4 Morton Tittle David R, 57 Lumber Toben Michael, laborer, 190 Green Toben Miles, brickmaker, 36 Third, Arbor Hill Tobey Edward M, 4 Van Schaick Tobin Michael, 126 Eagle Tobin Joshua, hatter, 60 Quay, h 9 Columbia Tobin John, boatman, 120 Arch Todd Adam,mason, 9 High Todd Hibbard,61 Washington Todd Robert, victualler, 243 s Pearl Todd William, mason, 2 Chesnut Todd Dorman, victualler, 580 Broadway Todd Charles A, bds Franklin House Toland Patrick, blacksmith, 101 Hamilton Tolkamp Frederic A, 49 Canal Tolman Elijah, moulder, 97 Bassett Tompkins Daniel D, mason, 185 Orange 336 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Tompkins Robert, moulder, 95 Dallius Tompkins John, moulder, 851 Broadway Tompkins Robert, shoemaker, 3 Rensselaer Tompkins John B, cartman 140 Jefferson Tompkins William, moulder, 3 Rensselaer Tompkins widow James, 31 Second, Arbor Hill Tompkins Henry, moulder, 299 s Pearl Tomsine Henry, i62 Spring Toole William, laborer, 171 Orange Toomay Jeremiah, 40 Rensselaer Toomay Jeremiah, Hawk s Jefferson Topf Andrew, musician, 46 Washington Topp widow, 91 Fulton Topp John, 60 Fayette Topp William II, merchant tailor, 546 Broadway, res 98 Green Topping Sylvester, saw filer, Norton, res 7 Franklin Towner J O & Co, dealers in lumber, at n Ferry, res 57 Spencer Townsley Samuel, 77 Quay, h 62 John Townsley Gad, merchant, 77 Quay, h 109 Lyduls TOWNSEND'S FURNACE, cor Hawk and Elk TOWNSEND'S PARK, junction Washington Townsend Theodore, 142 State Townsend John, office 64 State, h 142 Townsend widow of Isaiah 144 State Townsend Howard, physician, 138^ State, h 144 Townsend Frederick, 144 State Townsend Absalom, attorney, &c, bds 57 Colonie Townsend John P, 105\ Grand Townsend John F, physician, res 2 Academy Park Townsend Jessup C, cigar maker, 100 Second, Arbor Hill Townsend James, pedlar, Third, cor Lark, Arbor Hill 337

Townsend Jessup, carpenter, 69 Second, Arbor Hill Townsend Isaiah, 144 State TOWNSEND FRANKLIN, mayor of city, res 144 State Townsend Stephen, 105 Grand Townsend Edward, wheelwright, 68 Ferry Townsend F & T, (Franklin and Theodore) office 64 State, furnace, cor Hawk and Elk Townsend John B, mason, 140 Jefferson Tows Francis, 68 Lumber Tows WTilliam R, 68 Lumber Tozoni Clemente, image manufacturer, 44 Green Traber Charles, oyster house, 19 Lodge Trace John, 206 Washington Tracey Hugh, laborer, 127 Canal Tracey John, 757 Broadway Tracey & Edson, distillers and rectifiers, 20 and 22 State, distillery cor Montgomery and Colonie Tracey William, 110 Canal Tracey William H, finisher, 30 Patroon Tracy Andrew, shoemaker, 24 Quay Tracy John, laborer, 114 Canal Tracy Dennis, 76 Arch Trainor Alexander, shoemaker, 202 Green Trainor Hamilton, shoemaker, 95 Hamilton Trainor William, shoemaker, cor Division and Union Trainor P, (T & H) 5 Lancaster Trainor Robert, shoemaker, 24 Union Trainor & Hill, shoe store, 412 Broadway Trainor Henry, shoemaker, 68 Arch Trainor Roger, 87 Green Trainor John, 35 Cherry Trainor Margaret, 7 Union Trapp Valentine, Sand, between Snipe and Knox Traver John, glassworks, 134 Spring Traver Alva, 4 Fayette 22 838 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Traver George, saddler and harness maker, 24 Wa­ shington , h 45 Spring Travis widow Patrick, 40 Elk Treadgall John, 69 Broadway Tieadwell John G, 30 Lancaster Treadwell William B, Eagle Air Furnace, 110 Bea­ ver, res 42 Jay Treadwell, Jagger & Perry, proprietors Eagle Air Furnace, 110 Beaver Treadwell George C & Co, fur and cap merchants, 449 Broadway, h 735 Treadwell Henry, bds 735 Broadway Treadwell Thomas, (G C T & Co) 793 Broadway Tredo Alexander, 38 Third, Arbor Hill Treloar Henry, builder, and tavern, Lydius cor Dove Tremere James A, tin and copper smith, cor Beaver and Green, res 337 State Tremere & Wands, stove dealers, cor Beaver and Green Tremper Cantine, 29 Quackenbush Trick William, 80 Cherry Trimble George, 29 Quackenbush TRINITY CHURCH, Episcopal, Broad Triger Christopher, grocer, 259 Washington Tripp widow Hannah, 53 Hawk Tripp John, dealer in hats, shoes &c, 57 Washington Tripp Jonathan, merchant, 41 Washington Tripp Giles, 9 Lumber Trop Albert, shoemaker, 78 Arch Trop Rev Veist, 78 Arch Trott Benjamin, shoemaker, 161 Second, Arbor Hill Trotter Matthew, attorney, secretary Mutual Insur­ ance Co, &c, 50 State, res 56 Chapel Trotter John H, physician, office 654, res 725 Broad­ way HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 330

Troughton Edward, malster, cor Snipe and Wash­ ington Trowbridge Sylvester, 104 Pier, res 93 Herkimer Trowbridge Charles, coachmaker, 23 Wilson Trowbridge Samuel, 87 s Pearl Truax Matilda, 42 Grand Truax John I, machinist, 31 Fayette Truax Cornelius, 14 Orange Truax L V Sr cartman, Hamilton w Dove Truax Isaac, 135 Lumber Truax Cornelius V S, 377 Lydius Truax William W, 423 State True Daniel, die cutter and door plate manufacturer, 26 Green, res 33 Beaver Truesdell Josephine, boarding house^ 47 Green Trumbull George, printer, 43 Jay Tubbs Anna, 379 Lydius Tuck Charles, 57 s Pearl Tucker W S, 159 Swan Tucker Elisha W, 98 Third, Arbor Hill Tucker F G, 177 State Tucker Luther, editor of the Cultivator,407 Broad­ way, res Hope Cottage, Mt Hope Tucker J & T, 4 Jay- Tucker William S, 177 Lumber Tucker, Crawford & Rector, dealers in china, glass earthen and Bohemian ware, 416 and 418 Broad­ way Tuey Thomas, clothing store, 367 Broadway Tuffs Lucien, 25 Ferry Tuft John, tailor, 72 Lydius Turley James, mason, 42 Ferry Turnbull widow Andrew, 111 Snipe • " Turnbull John D, gilder, 73 Swan Turner James, 55 Lumber 340 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Turner William, mason, 148 Swan Turner James, chairmaker, 116| Lydius Turner Benjamin, laborer, n Pearl ab Van Woert Turner John, pilot, 81 Herkimer Turner Isaac, gardener, 203 Lumber, Arbor Hill Turner Cornelius, cartman, 21 Dewitt Turner John, fancy cake bakery, 56 Hamilton Turner James W, hatter, 7 Rose Turner widow, 75 Lawrence Turner Horace, bds City Hotel Turner C C, stage driver, 51 Lydius Turner J N, mason, 104 Beaver Turner Daniel, moulder, 104 Beaver Turner James, fruit store, 279| s Pear} Turner Cornelius, 1 Van Woert Turney Hugh, tailor, 122 Arch Turtle Nathan, cartman, rear 49 Spring Twaddle James, 74 Grand Tweddle John, 76 Quay, res 91 Lydius Tweddle & Darlington, merchants, 76 Quay Twitchell A W, artist, 593 Broadway Twidney Robert, 270 Bowery Tyler, Bullock & Co, lumber dealers, 46 Water Tyler Thomas, coachman, 199 Third, Arbor Hill Tyler Oscar, iumber dealer, above Hawley's mill rear Ferry, res 76 Eagle Tyler James H, 16 Orange Tyler John, 108 Spring Tyler Henry II, butcher, 45 Washington

U. UHL JOHN, shoemaker, 62 s Pearl Uhl Jacob, tailor, 62 s Pearl Ullman Simon, tailor, 81 Rensselaer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 341

Unkey Gloda, gasfitter, 31 Fayette Underbill Aaron, 30 Spring Underner widow of Conrad, 103 s Pearl Underner C L, Prof music, 103 5 Pearl Underner John, pianist, 103 s Pearl Underner Paul, 103 s Pearl UNITARIAN CHAPEL, Division UNIVERSALIST CHURCH 1st, Green near Hamilton Updike widow'William, 23 William Updike Richard, 117 Pier, h 50 Westerlo Upton John, police officer, 91 Washington Uran Charles, 96 Montgomery Usher John, 146 Spring Utter Gilbert, cooper, 185 n Pearl Utter Francis A, civil engineer, bds 126 State v.; VAIL WIDOW SAMUEL, 75 Green Vail Francis, engineer, 75 Green Valentine Thomas W, teacher, school 182 Wash­ ington, h 96, Valentine William, piano maker, 97 Orange Valentine Wm, pension & land agent, East Albany Valiant Peter, 53 Rensselaer Vane James, 74 Patroon Vaughn Dayid, bds 42 Washington Van Alstyne, widow Martin, 565 Broadway Van Alstyne Thomas W, 300 State Van Alstyne John I, 315 Washington Van Alstyne Thomas, 300 Washington Van Allen C, dry goods, cor s Pearl and Hudson, res 41 Grand Van Allen Adam, 219 Hamilton Van Amburgh Wesley, shoemaker, 91 Dallius 342

Van Aernam John T, 176 Spring Van Aernan I B, 75 Hudson Van Aernam Benjamin T, dry goods, 242 Wash't'n Van Antwerp Abram, 26 William Van Antwerp John H, clerk State Bank, h 39 Broad Van Antwerp widow William, 26 Bleecker Van Antwerp Daniel, bds 26 Bleecker Van Antwerp William, bds 26 Bleecker Van Benthuysen Benjamin J, 12 Lodge Van Benthuysen Enoch, baker, 31 Second, Ar Hill Van Benthuysen widow Obadiah R, 2 Dallius Van Benthuysen Chailes, printing office and bindery 407 Broadway and 55 Dean, res 94 Lydius Van Benthuysen Henry, ship carpenter, 65 Eagle Van Benthuysen Packard, 407 Broadway, res 762 Broadway Van Benthuysen John H, 43 Hamilton Van Bergen Peter, sexton n Dutch Church, cor Van Schaick and Chapel Van Buren John, physician, office 17 Washington Van Buren & Chase, provisions, &c/ cor Hudson & Daniels Van Buren Catharine widow, 51 n Lansing V%n Buren Peter, 122 Hamilton Van Buren Abigail, 34 Fayette Van Buren S G, grocer, 14 Park Van Buren Daniel, chairmaker, 22 Ferry Van Buren Peter, mason, 197 State Van Buren Peter, physician, office and residence 115 Green Van Buren Cornelius, teamster, 116 Canal VBB. Buren Smith T, 3 Academy Park Van Buren James, 20 Clinton Van Buren Richard, 131 Spring Van Buskirk Daniel, bds Clinton HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 343

Vance George, shoemaker, 606 Broadway Vance John, shoemaker, 233 Lumber Van Cott Philip T, segar manufacturer, 616 Broad­ way, h 33 Second, Arbor Hill Van Cott David, segar maker, 6 Hawk and Ham­ ilton Van Cott Edward B, 23 First, Arbor Hill Vandenburgh Richard, painter, 213 Lumber Vandenburgh James, 5 Swan Vandenburgh Abraham, segar maker, 63 Third Ar­ bor Hill Vandenburgh Gilbert L, 12 Willet Vandenburgh Wynant, cabinet maker, 664 Broad­ way Vandenburgh Andrew, sexton Middle Dutch Church, res 38 Beaver Vandenburgh Henry, 58 Columbia Vandenburgh A F, druggist, bds Park House Vandenburgh Lyman, 30 Jay Vanderbelt widow Cornelius, 55 * Lansing Vanderbelt William H, painter, 55 s Lansing Vanderhoof widow Eve, 50 Jefferson Vanderlip Dionysius R, fruit, &c, cor n Pearl and State, h 248 Lydius Vanderlip Elias, dealer in groceries, provisions and fruit, cor Ten Broeck and Patroon Vanderlip widow Anna, 29 Van Schaick Vanderlip George R, inspector of lumber, 63 Lum­ ber Vanderlip Rensselaer, 310 State Vanderpoel widow Hon James, 5 Academy Park Vanderpoel Isaac, attorney, &c, 5 Academy Park Vanderpoel S 0, physician, 23 Steuben Vandervolgen Peter, 52 Union 344 Vandervolgen John, fur cutter, 76 Second, Arbor Hill Vanderzee Cornelius, 2 Lark Vanderzee Cornelius, grocer, 5 s Pearl Vanderzee Jacob, carpenter, 51 High Vanderzee John, carpenter, 169 Jefferson Vanderzee Cornelius, boatman, 70 Spring Van Dewater John, tailor, 88 Jefferson Van Dewater W H & Co, Oswego Line, 102 Pier Van Dusen Samuel, 141 Swan Vandusen Stewart D, ropemaker, 80 Lawrence Van Dusen John, 38 First, Arbor Hill Van Dyck Henry II, editor Atlas, Law Building, h 44 Chapel Van Epps H VD, attorney, &c,7 Exchange Building Van Epps Francis, hair dresser, under Congress Hall Van Etter I B, lumber dealer, 10 Pier, bds Lumber­ man's Exchange Van Fleet Jesse, 49 Philip Van Gaasbeck William, dry goods, 452 Broadway, h 135 Green Van Gaasbeck A B, res 40 n Pearl Van Gaasbeck & Emerson, dealers in dry goods, 452 Broadway Van Gaasbeck John, carpet store, 34 Green, res 40 n Pearl Van Guysling William, 274 s Pearl Van Guysling Peter, 274 s Pearl Van Houghton Leonard, 336 State Van Hoven Michael, 409 Washington Van Heusen Theodore V, 194 Lydius Van Heusen Harman, 92 Swan, Arbor Hill Van Heusen (Theodore V,) & Charles, (D D T,) dealers in crockery, 62 and 64 State 345

Van Hovenburgh T S, attorney, &c, 59 State, res 787 Broadway Van Horn Fredus, porter house, 206 Broadway Van Keuren widow Margaret, 27 Van Schaick Van Keuren Edward, Swan, Arbor Hill Van Loon Jacob, 97 Lydius Van Loon Peter, 97 Lydius Van Loon Peter, jr, cabinet maker, 70 Green, res 66 Lydius Van Loon James, 97 Lydius Van Namee & Gustin, hat and cap store, 402 Broad­ way Van Namee Simon, dentist, 103 Lydius Van Namee James, 402 Broadway, 39 Hawk Van Nostrand William T, 277 Lydius Van Ness John D, 102 Hawk Van Ness widow John, 65 Lumber Van Ness Jacob, carpenter, 38 Patroon Van Nessen Elizabeth, Columbia Van Nimburgh Francis,.; grocer, cor Hamilton and Hawk Van Olinda Peter, physician, Hamilton cor Green Van Olinda widow Henry, Hamilton cor Green Van Patten Cornelius, 280 Bowery Van Rensselaer William, 62 Chapel Van Rensselaer Bernard S, attorney, &c, 62 Chapel Van Rensselaer Schuyler, clerk in post office, 228 Lydius Van Rensselaer John S, attorney, office 2 Douw's buildings, h 169 State Van Rensselaer Stephen, Manor House Van Rensselaer Philip Schuyler, 136 Hamilton Van Rensselaer Richard, Insurance Agent, office 50 State, res 62 Chapel Van Rensselaer widow of P S, 87 State 346 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Van Rensselaer Solomon, res Cherry Hill Van Santford Henry, 176 Third, Arbor Hill Van Santford Anthony, 678 Broadway Van Santvoord Alfred, agent Swiftsure Line, 113 Pier, bds City Hotel Van Santvoord & Co, agents Swiftsure Line, and steam towing on Hudson, 112 and 113 Pier Van Schaack Henry D, 55 Lydius Van Schaack & Olcott, attorneys, &c, 25 n Pearl Van Schaack Stephen, proprietor mammoth variety store, 385 Broadway, res 83 Hamilton Van Schaack John, leather and finding store, at 43 Dean, res 48 Westerlo Van Schaack Stephen D, attorney &c, 25 n Pearl, res Bertha Cottage, Mount Hope Van Schaick Tobias, 80 n Pearl Van Schaick John H, 5 Swan Van Schaick Aaron, 173 Hudson Van Schaick Yates, rear 211 Washington Van Schoonhoven Henry, 59 Patroon Van Schoonhoven James, cartman, 65 Van Woert Van Schoonhoven, Robert, 25 Orange Van Schoonhoven John C, 34 s Pearl, h 7 Chapel Van Schoonhoven Phoebe, 868 Broadway Van Schoonhoven D B, 6 Van Woert Van Sickler A, res, 10 Lodge Van Sickler R M & Co, (Samuel Hanna) commis­ sion merchant, 10 Maiden Lane, h 10 Lodge Van Sickler John, boarding house, 13 Dewitt Van Slyck widow, 41 Union Van Slyke Rensselaer, 120 Patroon Van Steenburgh widow, 53 Dallius Van Valkenburgh Edgar, oysters &c, 27 Van Woert Van Valkenburgh Susan, 11 Van Woert HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 347

Van Valkenburgh S, gunsmith, 11 Beaver, res 5 Daniels Van Valkenburgh John, res Greenbush Van Valkenburgh Ransom, 11 Van Woert Van Valkenburgh Andrew, 30 Third, Arbor Hill Van Vechten Abraham, attorney &c, State Hall, res 63 Hawk Van Vechten Teunis, attorney &c, 44 State, res 725 Broadway Van Vechten Gerrit W, exchange office, 28 Green, res 333 State VAN VECHTEN HALL, 117, 119 and 121 State Van Vechten Cuyler, 44 State, res 725 Broadway Tan Vechten Samuel S, 81 Colonie Van Vlack William, saddler, 258 s Pearl Van Vliet William G, accountant 134 Green Van Vorst Hooper C, attorney &c, 6 Exchange 1st floor, res 71 Ferry Van Vranken Joel, mason, 34 Westerlo Van Vranken Benjamin, moulder, 38 Westerlo Van Wickle Eleanor, 58 Jackson Van Wie William, baker, 69 Eagle Van Wie Gerrit P, carpenter, 182 Lumber Van Wie Gerrit widow, 69 Fulton Van Wie Gerrit S, mason, 29 Elm Van Wie widow Mary 151 Broadway Van Wie Lansing,, attorney &c, res 18 Bethlehem Turnpike Van Wie C H, carpenter, 138 Broadway Van Woert Daniel, 84 First, Arbor Hill Van Wormer & McGarvey, tin and sheet iron man­ ufactory & stove dealers, 14 Green Van Wormer Peter, groceries & provisions, 287 Washington s 6 Van Wormer Cornelius, res 73 Patroon Van Zandt William W, sash maker, 85 Bleecker 348 'HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Van Zandt widow Garrett, 41 Union Van Zandt widow Hester, 210 Hamilton Van Zandt Charles, 866 Broadway Van Zandt John, 71 Hudson Van Zandt widow Garret R, 45 Division Van Zandt Peter G, 48 Dallius Van Zandt T K, portrait painter, 75 Knox Van Zandt Barent, 73 Ferry Van Zandt widow Abraham, 85 Bleecker Van Zandt Abram, carpenter, 85 Bleecker Vaughen Edward, plasterer, 110 Arch Vaut John, segar maker, 111 Swan Veazie Cornelius, 77 Lydius Veazie Henry, steamboat agent, 77 Lydius Veazie Provost, mail agent, 77 Lydius Veazie Moses, 77 Lydius Veazie widow of Henry, 77 Lydius Veazie E A, grocer, cor Rose and Lydius, h 77 Ly­ dius Veeder Jacob, butcher, 320 State Veeder & Bates, groceries and provisions, 114 s Pearl Veeder Nancy, 78 Broad Veeder James, mason, 330 State Veeder V, 27 Division Veeder V, refectory, basement Exchange Veeder Myndert J, 116 s Pearl Vedder John S, painter, 108 Lydius, h 10 Bleecker Place Vernam John R, confectioner, 176 n Pearl, res 172 State Vessels Belknap, mason, Westerlo w Swan Vickers Andrew, laborer, 59 n Lansing Vickers John, grocer, 259 s Pearl Viggers James, Pearl n Van Woert HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 349

Viggers Absalom, cartman, 25 Broadway Viele Rufus K, res 746 Broadway Viele Maurice E, (D & V,) h 125 State Vill Joseph, carpenter, 58 Green Vine Robert, cartman, 82 Washington Vine James, dealer in oysters, 551 Broadway, 65 Elm Vines Joseph, 443 Washington Vinzent John, carpenter, 145 Spring Visscher Misses, 9 Patroon Visscher Harman, 17 Van Schaick Visscher Catharine, 46 Columbia Visscher John V S, 103 Patroon Visscher John, cigar maker, 44 Lawrence] Vose Charles A, 83 Orange Vose Franklin, lumber dealer, 130 State Vose & Co, iron founders &c, 14 and 16 Maiden Lane, foundry Broadway cor Bassett Vose Samuel D, bds Delavan Vose F & Co, lumber dealers, 45 Pier Vogal Jacob, physician, cor s Pearl and Nucella Vogelsang T M, merchant tailor, 468 Broadway, h 113 Third, Arbor Hill Voorhees widow William, 104 Herkimer Vosburgh Gerrit E, 231 n Pearl Vosburgh Cornelius, flour inspector, office Western Railroad, res 304 s Pearl Vosburgh Isaac W, (Pruyn & Vosburgh) res 721 Broadway Vosburgh John, mason, 140 n Pearl Vosburgh widow William, 739 Broadway Vosburgh Abraham, 21 Van Woert Vosburgh Garrett, 21 Van Woert Vosburgh Elisabeth L, bds 110 Spring Vrooman Lawrence, Hamilton w Dove 350

W. WACHTER JOHN, proprietor National Hotel, 266 Broadway Waddel James, grocer, 192 n Pearl Waddel Samuel, grocery and provision store, cor n Pearl and Orange Waddy Samuel, blacksmith, 33 Canal Wade Abner, Female Seminary, 67 Division Wack Henry, 486 Lydius Wade & Carroll, Boston shoe store, 430 Broadway Wade J, stage driver, bds Eagle St Hotel Wadley George, trunk maker, 144 Spring Wadley Moses S & Co, (David T Fuller) wholesale grocers, 347 Broadway Wadley Moses S, 4 Dallius Wadley widow of Eben S, 54 Hamilton Waellmer tablecloth factory, 518 Bowery- Wafer James, 99 Orange Wager Michael, 54 Arch Wagner M D, artist, bds Delavan Waggoner Rev W H, pastor Unirersalist Church, res 329 Lydius Waggoner Jacob H, carpenter, 45 Jay- Waggoner Levi, 121 First, Arbor Hill Waggoner John, tailor, 26 Van Schaick Wainwright Charles C, 172 Washington Wait Henry, 62 n Ferry Wait Christopher B, carpenter, 18 Van Schaick Wait George, wholesale grocer, 359 & 361 Broad­ way, res 67 Herkimer Wakefield John, Bradford, cor Robin Wakeman Benjrmin, pilot, 17 Dallius Waldron Geritt, 51 >Spring 351

Waldron Julia, widow of Henry, 70 n Pearl Waldron Mary Ann, 659 Broadway Walker William S, harness maker, 11 Norton Walker James, brewer, 49 Lawrence Walker John, carpenter, 24 Clinton Walker Mrs G S, dry goods, 81 Washington Walker widow Maria, 187 State Walker Joseph, straw hat manufacturer, 536 Broad­ way Walker James, 92 Water Walker Charles, 70 s Lansing Walker Edward, cartman, 35 n Lansing Walker Charles, grocer, 7] Grand Walker Alphonso, 121 Green Walker S B, bookkeeper, 83 Herkimer Wallace Oliver, earthen ware manufactory, 101 Orange Wallace A F, livery stable, 41 Division Wallace Matthew, grocer, 713 Broadway Wallace William, carpenter, 159 Lydius Wallace Robert, 81 Colonie Wallace Christopher, grocer, 103 Orange Wallace widow Robert, 62 Franklin Wallace Charles, carpenter, 72 Mulberry Wallace Samuel, laborer, 29 Lumber Wallace R, wood yard, 841 Broadway Walls William, shoemaker, 825 Broadway Walls Martin, 123 Canal Walls John, stone cutter, 173 Lydius Walls Charles, tailor, 78 Franklin Walls John, grocer, 43 Rensselaer Walls John widow, 82 Church Walls William, shoemaker, n Lansing cor Mont­ gomery Walsh William, attorney, &c, res Bethlehem 352 Walsh Wm, butcher, cor Lodge and Pine Walsh E T,,99 Herkimer Walsh William, grocer, 119 Franklin Walter Philander, cartman, 69 Cherry Wandel Catharine, nurse, 346 Lydius Wands John W, mason, 308 State Wands Thomas O, dealer in stoves, res 69 Fulton Wands William L, 12 Broad Ward Owen, moulder, 58 Chapel Ward Sarah, widow, 870 Broadway Ward John C, carpenter, 166 Lydius, shop in Elm Ward William J, tinsmith. 48 Rensselaer Ward Patrick, laborer, 162 Orange Ward Michael, 24 Rensselaer Ward Patrick, 69 Cherry Ward William, laborer, 74 Orange Ward Thomas, rear 57 Lawrence Ward John, bds Stanwix Hall Ward James, laborer, 216 Green Wardrobe Thomas, mason, Hamilton w Dove Ware F A, bonnet bleacher, 3 Union Waring William, bakery, 233 Washington Warner Jacob, cement, lime and plaster works, 33 Broadway, h 12 Warner William J, bookbinder, 7 n Pearl, h 205 Lydius Warner Ransom D, 12 Broadway Warner Ebenezer C, plaster works, 33 Broadway, res 12 Warner Calvin N, 133 Montgomery Warner James H, 47 High Warner J H, 47 Hawk Warner John, shoemaker, 2 DeWitt Warner Reinholt, cooper, Pearl, above Van Woert 353

Warren RS,41 Jay Warren George, dealer in hardware, 66 State, res 71 Division Warren widow Sally, 9 Wendell Warrren (George) & Steele (John F,) dealers in hardware, &c, 66 State Warren George W, professor of music, bds 71 Di­ vision Warren Clement, 65 Patroon Warren Rev C J, bds Delavan Washburn & Co, exchange office, basement City Bank Washburn N S, 107 State Washburn Hiram L, carpenter, 399 Lydius Washburn E, bds Delevan Washburn Miles T, carpenter, Hamilton, w Dove Wasson Chauncey, 16 Fayette Wasson James D, cor Fayette and Hawk Wasson John B, 395 Lydius Wasson Christopher C, attorney, &c, 16 Fayette Wasson Mrs J G, 207 State Waterbury R P & Co, dry goods, &c, 595 Broad­ way, res 29 Quackenbush Waterhouse James, rear 211 Washington Waterman Jeremiah, 27 Dove Waterman Robert H, 68 Columbia Waterman Miss M, milliner, 20 s Pearl Waterman Robert, boot and shoe store, 53 s Pearl Waterman George, watches and jewelry, 82 State, res 8 Jay Waterman Jeremiah E, merchant, 63 Washington Waters Isaiah Rev, 751 Broadway- Waters Thomas P, 21 Franklin Waters Alexander, 41 John 23 354 Waters James, shoemaker, 43 Van Zandt Waterson Benjamin, leather dresser, 184 Lumber Watson W H & Co, dry goods, 68 State Watson Schermerhorn, 29 Ten Broeck Watson Stephen, sexton St Peter's Church, and su­ perintendent of public vaults, 23 Dove Watson William H, 181 Hamilton Watson William, 25 Ten Broeck Watson Samuel, carpenter, res 70 Westerlo Watson Simeon, cartman, 49 High Watson Chauncey, bds Franklin House Watson Henry, 60 Schuyler Watson Peter, brewer, 33 Dewitt Watson Charles, 74 Fulton Watt John, h 65 Second, Arbor Hill Waugh widow, 346 Bowery Waugh George, 342 Bowery Way P M, 5 Lancaster Weatherspoon Francis, laborer, 107 First, Arbor Hill Weaver Caleb, 121 Green Weaver Elizabeth widow, 44 Van Schaick Weaver Hamilton B, carpenter, 84 First, Arbor Hill Weaver Daniel L, umbrella maker, 65 Green Weaver Nicholas, cartman, 53 Dewitt Weaver Isaiah L, 70 s Pearl Weaver Stephen, carpenter, 58 Rensselaer Weaver William, stone measurer, 28 Ferry Weaver Daniel L, sexton First Baptist Church, res 65 Green Weaver Jacob I, 34 Spring Weaver widow of John, 18 Canal Weaver William, 240^ Lumber Weaver Joseph, laborer, 54 Willett Weaver Peter, 126 Broadway DIRECTORY. 355

Weaver Caleb, Exchange Broker, 14 Exchange Weaver Lewis, 1 Chestnut Weaver Frederic, 206 Washington Webb Henry Y, Delaware turnpike. Webb Thomas, butcher, cor Arch and s Pearl Weber Henry, 277 Bowery Webster Mrs M, 53 Howard Webster Charles M, 22 Beaver Webster William, 25 Orange Webster Peter, 80 Spring Webster James, mason, 49 Second, Arbor Hill Webster Reuben, 1 Franklin Webster John, carpenter, 146 Broad Webster family ofthe late George, 18 Elk Webster Henry W, 116 Second, Arbor Hill Webster William, 6 Pine Webster Charles, 52 Montgomery Webster Joseph H, 436 Broadway, h 53 Howard Weed William G, attorney, &c, "59 State, res 787 Broadway, cor Lumber Weed (Parsons) & Co, job printers, 67 State Weed Thurlow, editor Albany Evening Journal, office 67 State, h 100 Hudson Weed Grant, 49 First, Arbor Hill Weed James B, (W P & Co,) printer, 100 Hudson Weed widow of George W, 25 Jay Weed Henry S, passage agent, office 5 Stanwix Hall res 77 Lawrence Weed, Bischoff"& Sickles, passage agents, 51 Qua;* Weeks & Relyea, grocers, 78 Pier Weeks E J, res 6 Quackenbush Weidman & Shell, merchants, 10 State Weidman Daniel, wholesale grocery 10 State, bds 74 Eagle Weiderwax Andrew B, 42 Second, Arbor Hill 356

Weir John B, (F & W,) 81 Orange Weir Robert, rope maker, Patroon w Snipe Weir Robert, 178 Lumber Weir John, rope maker, rear 56 Second, Arbor Hill Weir Thomas, laborer, 170 Lumber Weismer William W, grocer, cor Lydius and Liberty Weiss Peter, moulder, 7 Owner's Alley Weil Ferdinand, 24 Daniel Weiter John, 261 Washington Welsh Thomas, 34 n Ferry Welsh George, 59 Colonie Welsh John, laborer, 14 Van Zandt Welsh Henry, laborer, 67 Arch Welsh William, boatman, 305 * Pearl Welsh Thomas, grocer, cor Mulberry and Franklin Welsh James, 250 n Pearl Welsh Peter, baker, 195 Water Welsh John, 101 Swan, Arbor Hill Welsh William, 62 Third, Arbor Hill Welsh widow James, 50 Canal Welsh Thomas, 34 n Ferry Welsh Morris, laborer, 157 Broadway Welsh widow, 212 Broadway Welsh & Hughes, grocers, 848 Broadway Welsh Richard, turner, 332 Bowery Welsh Lewis D, 55 Dewitt Welsh Ann, Orphan Asylum Welsh Patrick, clothing store, 7 n Lansing Welch Michael, cooper, 14 Rose Welch Charles, blackmith, 255 Washington Welch Patrick, laborer, 63 Arch Welch J, provision store, 57 * Pearl Welch Thomas, laborer, 74 Arch Welch Nicholas, laborer, 71 Church Welch James, grocer, 833 Broadway 357 Welch William, porter house, 210 Green Welch Mrs M, 68 Arch Welch William, carpenter, 74 Arch Welsh widow, 69 Maiden lane Welsh Isaac L, res 63 Colonie Welden James, keeper of Welden House, h 18 Dal­ lius Welden William, bds American Welden W & J, dealers in liquors, 283 Broadway Welden Peter, 54 Water Weller Anthony, 57 Washington Weller William, leather dresser, 132 Patroon Wells, Butterfield & Co, Express Agents, 11 and 12 Exchange Wells Leonard, 52 Division Wells Austin H, 59 Hudson Wells Thomas D, 40 Westerlo Wells Agur, soap and candle factory, 177 5 Pearl h 40 Westerlo Wells Robert H, attorney, &c, 94 State, res 29 n Pearl Wells Daniel A. 53 Van Schaick Wells J A, 40 Westerlo Wells S T, machinist, bds Eagle st Hotel Wells Henry J, soap and candle factory, 344 Bowery bds Gallup's Hotel ' Wells Rhoda, milliner, 46 Hudson Wemple James, 48 Rensselaer Wemple John D W, coackmaker, 53 Hamilton, res 16 Broad Wemple D W, bds 130 s Pearl Wendrem James C, painter, 228 State Wendell John J, attorney, &c, 7 Academy Park Wendell Robert H L, cor Hudson and Swan Wendell Herman, physician, 7 Academy Park 358 WTendell William, (M & W) 480 Broadway,res200 Lydius Wendell John I, 40 Lydius Wendell Philip, 108 State Wendell Martin, coach painter, 42 Philip Wendell James, 7 Ac.demy Park Wengelman A I H, segar maker, 105 Lydius Wensley John, 411 Washington Wensley Richai'd T, carpenter, 154 Spring Wentworth Gibbons, tinman, 70 Jackson Wentworth Jacob, carpenter, Lark, Arbor Hill Wenzell Christian, lockmaker, 29 Alexander Werner J I. attorney &c, 59 State, h 23 High Worshell Adam, shoemaker, 290 Washington Wesley Edward B, 50 Jay Westheimer Abraham, grocer, corner Schuyler and a Pearl West Edward, carpenter, 156 Lydius West Rensselaer, miller, 856 Broadway West Miss E, dressmaker, 53 Maiden Lane Westen widow Sarah, 140 Orange Westen G N, tailor, 46 Patroon Westerlo E, 41 n Pearl Westerlo Rensselaer, attorney &c, 41 n Pearl Westervelt Gerrit, botanic physician, 71 Beaver Westervelt Alonzo G, physician, 239 s Pearl Westfield James, carpenter, 242 Lumber Westfall John S, paver, 293 State Wetsell I D, 213 Hamilton Weyermiller Adam, hairdresser, 132 Jefferson Whalley William, shoemaker, 39 Hamilton Whalen B B, police officer, 76£ s Pearl Whalen William, cartman, head of Canal Whalen Joseph, coppersmith, 37 Bleecker DIRECTORY. 36S

Whalen Thomas, tin and sheet iron worker, 336 Broadway Whalen widow Thomas, 145 Lumber Wharton William A, druggist, 381 and 383 Broad­ way, h 88 Westerlo Wheaton & Hadley, attorneys &c, 83 State Wheaton Henry G, attorney, h 13 Elk Wheeler O H, printer, 43 Montgomery Wheeler Andrew M, 113 Snipe Wheeler Horace R, produce dealer, 6 Exchange, h 197 s Pearl Wheeler Alonzo, 86 Green , Wheeler & Mellich, machine shop, cor Union and Hamilton Wheeler Thomas V L, dry goods, 597 Broadway, bds 18 n Pearl Wheeler J L, machinist, 116 Green Wheeler widow, 138 Broadway Wheeler Cornelius, cartman, 3 Dove Wheeler William, cartman, 6 Dove Whelpley James M, attorney &c, Deputy Clerk, bds Stanwix Hall Whipple Barnum, res cor Broadway and Westerlo Whipple Solomon, dealer in lumber, Water n Canal lock, h 25 Dewitt Whipple A D L, attorney &c, 81 State, bds L}elevau Whipple Alvin, 276 Washington Whipple widow William, 67 Eagle Whipple Lewis, 270 js Pearl White, Edwards & Wilson, attorneys &c, Commer­ cial Buildings White Patrick, 174 n Pearl White John, mason, 121 Orange White Russell M, carpenter, 33 Ten Broeck White William R, mason, 12 Jefferson 360 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY ,

White Robert, moulder, 187 Second, Arbor Hill White Robert, Washington cor Robin White E D, 26 Plain White Rufus P, coal yard, 203 Broadway, h 120 Green White Martin, mason, 121 Orange White Jesse M, 25 Franklin White Joel, cor Fulton and Hamilton White Isaac, clothing store, 331 Broadway, h 61 Division White George, dry goods, 554 Broadway, res 49 Spencer White William, 89 Columbia White Andrew, receiver Canal Bank 38 State, h 87 Columbia White Frederic W, block and pump maker, 2 Divi­ sion, h 24 Van Zandt White John G, coal yard, cor Hudson & Eagle, 203 Broadway, res 130 Lydius White John, mason, Third ab Swan, Arbor Hill White William D, attorney, &c, office Commercial Buildings, bds Congress Hall White Harrison, printer, 103 Patroon White C E, printer, 27 Dallius White widow Matilda, 27 Dallius White James R, brickmaker, 240 Lydius White "William, carpenter, 43 High White Emily, 54 Philip White Andrew, 96 Montgomery White Hugh, 101 Beaver White Isaac, carpenter, rear 62 Spring White Bryan, rear 68 Van Woert White George, 58 Montgomery White Lucius, bds cor n Pearl and Canal White A H, bds City Hotel BOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 361

White E D, bds 26 Plain White Peter, 49 Van Woert White Martin, 31 Van Woert White Jane and Margaret, 49 First, Arbor Hill While widow, 79 Orange White Oliver, coach lace weaver, 266 Washington White Thomas, 28 Jefferson ' White Andrew, 3 n Ferry White Nicholas, segar maker, cor Schuyler & Green Whitecar Joseph, fruit dealer, 585 Broadway Whitely William, bds City Hotel Whitbeck Israel, Hudson w Dove Whitbeck John, 80 Spring Whitbeck Jonas D, carpenter, 2 Franklin Whitehead Stephen, coach painter, Jefferson w Swift Whitehead Jeremiah, J12 Jefferson Whitley James, laborer, 264 Bowery Whitlock Robert, lumber merchant, office corner of Water and Quackenbush and 13 Pier, h 695 Broad­ way Whitlock Ganit, shoemaker, 53 Van Schaick Whitmore John S, pilot, 97 Bassett Whitmore R L, printer, 57 Dewitt Whitney Chauncey, (W & C) 9 Dallius Whitney Hezekiah W, 83 n Pearl Whitney (Chauncey) & Cluett, (John) tin and sheet iron workers, 18 Beaver Whitney & Bennet, paper warehouse, 59 State Whitney James F, grocery and provision store, 200 Water, n side Canal Basin, h 190 Whitney James, shoemaker, shop 39 s Pearl, h 24 Bleecker Whitney William, manufacturer of hames, black­ smith, &c, 86 Green, res 84 ' Whitney Stephen W, 77 Westerlo 362 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRRCTORY.

Whitney James A, 3 High Whitney William R, 36 Herkimer Whitney James, saddle and harness maker, 10 Little Basin, h 73 Lawrence Whitney Elizabeth, 1 Dewitt Whitney Charles, 63 Colonie Whitney (Charles & Edward) saddle and harness makers, 6 n Lansing, opposite Basin, res 23 Law­ rence Whitsett Folder, 448 Lydius Wickes Chauncey B, 152 n Pearl Wickes & Tillinghast, dealers in oil, 13 Hudson Wickes Eliphalet, (W &T) 13 Hudson, bds Delavan Wickes Gilbert 797 Broadway Wickes Henry N, 29 Chapel Wickes widow Jonas, 152 n Pearl Wickham Elias, cartman, 113 Canal Wickham William, 115 Canal Wightman John, 40 Patroon Wiggins John, slater, 129 Beaver Wilbur Rensselaer, groceries and provisions, corner Lydius and Dallius, h 90 Grand, Bleecker man­ sion Wilbur D A, dress maker, 38 Spring Wilbur & Townsend, wood and coal dealers, 175 Broadway Wilbur Alvin, 73 Fulton Wilbur Thomas, fur cutter, 55 Second, Arbor Hill Wilbur Thomas, 48 Franklin Wilbur Joseph, tailor, 69 Schuyler Wilcox E D, shoe store, 656 Broadway Wilcox Horace S, 36 Montgomery Wilcox widow George, 92 Hudson Wilcox John, 364 Lydius Wilcox G S, bds Franklin HQEFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 363

Wilcox Elisha, 23 Lancaster Wilcox. H S, saddle and harness maker, 545 Broad­ way, h 36 Montgomery Wild Ferdinand, tailor, 24 Daniel Wilder Hiram, Eagle-st Hotel Wilder John N, 23 Dean, bds Delavan Wilder Pouel, Sand above Robin Wildman Wm W, combmaker, 29 Church, h 51 Fayette Wiles R P, dry goods, cor Hudson and s Pearl, h30 Plain Wiles widow James, 124 Spring Wiles LM,bds 28 Jay Wiles Thomas H, 61 Grand Wiles Lewis, dry goods,cor s Pearl and State, h 2J6 Lydius Wiles R P & T H, dry goods, cor Hudson * Pearl Wiley Mrs Jane, hosiery, 55 j Pearl Wiley William, sexton, basement of Ferry street Methodist Church Wilkes Widow Susan, 99 Eagle Wilkes John, printer, 99 Swan, Arbor Hill Wilkes Edward, printer, 811 Broadway Wilkes Joseph, printer, 51 Ten Broeck Wilkins William H, laborer, 19 Dewitt Wilkins Samuel G, 121 Broadway, bds City Hotel Wilkins Albert, blacksmith, 61 Chapel Wilkins Henry, grocer, w side Little Basin, h 177 Montgomery Wilkins Erwin, 32 Chapel Wilkins Charles, barber, 2 Little Basin Wilkinson William H, joiner, 152 Franklin Wilkinson Abraham, grocer, 45 Grand Wilkinson Jacob, distiller and rectifier, 27 Dean, h 43 Swan 364 Wilkinson James, 43 Swan Willard Thomas S, bds City Hall Coffee House Willard S D, physician, 16 Washington bds Frank­ lin Willett Edward S, attorney, &c, 78 State, res 301 s Pearl Willig L, shoemaker, 321 Bowery Willis James A, cor Swan & Hudson Wills Thomas, tailor, 135 Orange Williams Abram, shoemaker, 39 Franklin Williams David E, 117 n Pearl Williams J B R, bds Stanwix Hall Williams widow Stephen, rear 43 Second, Arbor Hill Williams widow Henry, 43 Second, Arbor Hill Williams William H, jeweller, 212 Hamilton Williams Catharine, nurse, 116 Canal Williams William, carpenter, 350 State Williams Edwin, 22 Park Williams William B, 22 Park Williams John, moulder, 57 Dewitt Williams John, carpenter, 107 Snipe Williams Durell, 235 Bowery Williams Richard, carpenter, bds Eagle st Hdtel Williams John, 124 Beaver Williams J T, shoemaker, 43 Lydius Williams John, varnisher, 6 Owner's alley Williams Michael, 19 Van Zandt Williams Chauncey P, 16 Ten Broeck, Alderman 8th ward Williams C P & Co, lumber dealers, 29 Pier & cor Lumber & Montgomery Williams widow Israel, 23 Columbia Williams John, shoemaker, 105 Beaver Williams John H, grocer, 9 n Pearl, h 12 Park HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 365

Williams W H, watchmaker, 44 State, h 212 Ham­ ilton Williams William C, provision store, 289 Wash­ ington, s b Williams Robert E, 60 Bassett Williams Washington W, 16 s Lansing Williams John, shoemaker, 96 Beaver Williams Abraham E, 5 Douw's Building) k 23 Co­ lumbia Williams Lewis S, 204 State Williams widow Elisha, 22 Park Williams W H, wooden warehouse, 511 Broadway, h 41 Elm Williams William, carpenter, 62 Howard Williams Dennison, dealer in furs, &c, res 92 Sec­ ond, Arbor Hill Williams widow Aaron, 43 Washington Williams Mrs Ann, 165 Montgomery Williams Peter, tailor, 51 Bradford Williams John, blacksmith, 280 s Pearl Willitms John, rear 7 Park Williams John, 16 Clinton Williams widow Margaret, 25 Alexander Williamson Andrew, leather kresser, 13 Morton Williamson John G, book agent, 174 s Pearl Williamson Agnes, 18 Jefferson Williamson Thomas E, carpenter^ 7 Franklin Place Wilsey Henry, boatman, 36 Arch Wilson Alfred J, stone cutter, 240 s Pearl Wilson Thomas, boatman, 135 Green Wilson James, moulder, 17 Daniels Wilson Thomas, painter, 55 Jefferson Wilson widow John, 44 Jay Wilson James, wool dealer, 53 Dean, res 46 Jay 366 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Wilson Gilbert L, attorney, &c, Com Buildings, 63 n Pearl Wilson James, sexton Methodist Church, Swan, Ar­ bor Hill Wlison George, grocer, cor Lydius ank Union Wilson Stephen Bassett, 2d door from Green Wilson Jesse P, 29 Hudson Wilson John Q, attorney, &c, res 63 n Pearl Wilson Abraham F, 723 Broadway Wilson Henry L, bds 63 n Pearl Wilson James A, 738 Broadway, alderman 6th ward Wilson Joseph B, grocer, 747 Broadway, h 100 Eagle Wilson & Mead, lumber dealers, 3d office above n Ferry Wilson Benjamin, (W & G,) 53 Spencer Wilson, (James A) Monteath (Peter) & Co, (Joseph B Badgley,) merchants, 48 Quay Wilson Alexander, steamboat pilot, 110^ Hamilton Wilson George W, shoemaker, 63 Canal Wilson John, painter, 2 n Pearl, h 61 SeooncrArbor Hill Wilson John, 84 Water Wilson Martha, 3 Orange Wilson James Jailor, 2 Cross Wilson James, engraver, 230 Lydius Wilson Robert, shoemaker, 66 First, Arbor Hill Wilson Thomas, $30 fireman, &c, 66 First, Arbor Hill Wilson Hetty, 19 Park Wilson LG, 215 n Pearl Wilson James, florist and nurseryman,Lydius, oppo­ site Knox Wilson (Benj) & Grimwood, (J C,) groce;s, 7 State Wilson Stewart, 87 Herkimer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 367

Wilson Richard, 93 Swan, Arbor Hill Wilson James, 198 Hamilton Wilson widow John, 14 Wilson Wilson James, planemaker, 89 Herkimer Wilson John, baker, 354 Bowery Wilson Thomas, shoemader, 154 Second, Arbor Hill Willson Claudius V, Exchange office, Lumberman's Exchange Wilson George, rear 52 Van Schaick Wiltz Christian, moulder, 95 Bassett Wiltsie David, physician, office 31, h 33 Columbia Winants Josiah, 37 s Pearl Winants Mrs, millinery, 37 s Pearl Winants Henry L, 37£ $ Pearl Winfield Matthew, 323 Bowery Winchell Augustus, grocer, 2 n Lawrence Winchester Samuel, 33 De Witt Wing Barnabas, 152 Second, Arbor Hill Wing George A, 152 Second, Arbor Hill Wing widow, 125 Canal Wing, Ford & Co, dealers in produce, 88 Quay Wing & Thompson, office 1 Washington Wing D L, 131 Green Wing Joel A, physician, office 1 Washington, res 7 Capitol Park Wing Albert, 233 State Winegard widow Julia, 82 Beaver Winn Mark, confectioner, cor s Pearl & Herkimer Winne John, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 15 n Pearl, opposite Baptist Church, h 74 n Pearl Winne w-idow John L, 137 n Pearl Winne D P, carpenter, 63 n Lansing Winne Adeline, 50 Ferry Winne Adam, cartman, 6 Broad Winne widow Agnes, 9 Broad 368 Winne William B, chair maker and coroner, 83 State, h 32 Fayette Winne Giles K, printer, 38 Patroon Winne Simon P, carpenter, sexton 4th Presbyterian church, 118 n Pearl Winne Gerrit L, 100 Colonie Winne Jacob L, merchant, 734 Broadway, h 65 Jackson Winne Gilbert, skipper, 219 Lumber Winne David F, waterman, 852 Broadway Winne Miss, 710 Broadway Winne David F, segar maker, 5 Broad Winne Daniel K, chair maker, 63 n Lansing Winne Walter, waterman, 45 Dewitt Winne Jacob, carpenter, 64 Lydius Winne Jacob V N, printer, 90 Patroon Winne Francis, segar maker, 9 Broad Winne John C, 137 n Pearl Winne Peter, glass packer, 59 Schuyler Winne Peter, carriage maker, 7 Broad Winne Barnet V L, waterman, 186 Lumber Winne Adrian, 46 Second, Arbor Hill Winne Margaret, widow Isaac, 266 s Pearl Winne widow William I, 112 s Pearl Winne Abraham L, 100 Lumber Winne Abraham L, 100 Colonie Winslow widow Richard, 818 Broadway- Winters William P, grocer, 7 s Pearl, res 23 Park Winters John, h 12 Van Tromp, hair dresser, Dela­ van House Winthrop Isaac, cartman, 636-^ Broadway Winton Jennet, rear 76 Canal Wise Jeffrey, butcher, 75 Arch Wise Dr, select school, 77 Ferry Wise Isaac, rabbi of the Jews, 73 Westerlo Wisely James, laborer, 47 Van Woert 369

Wisely James, laborer, 626 Broadway Withers Francis, engineer, 94 Arch Witt Merrick, blacksmith, 322 State Witt John, blacksmith, 267 Bowery Whish William, engineer, 100 Hawk Whish John, gardner, 452 Bowery Wolf Philip, cartman, 113 Canal . Wolf John H, pedlar, Dove w Hudson Wolford George, 157 Washington Woollenman Augustus, 134 Second, Arbor Hill Woollensack & Hoffman, locksmiths and bell hang­ ers, 6 Liberty Woolensack John, 25 s Pearl Wolpert Adam, 285 Washington Wooley Gilbert N, 69 Beaver Woolverton George A & Co, 356 & 358 Broadway, h 88 Hudson Woolverton Charles B, bds City Hotel Wood Eliza, nurse, 25 Van Woert Wood James S, provision store, 41 s Pearl Wood Bradford R, attorney, &c, 59 State, res 149 Washington Wood Richard G, chair maker, 324 State Wood Francis, 276 £ s Pearl Wood S G, res 105 Green Wood Willam, 62 Union Wood Henry, laborer, 39 n Lansing Wood Eliphalet, (S & Co,) res Newton's Corners Wood Robert, piano forte maker, 245 n Pearl Wood John S, dentist, office and res cor Hudson and * Pearl Wood Jonathan, 49 Union Wood widow Sarah, 105 Green Wood William, laborer, 95 Nucella Wood Theodore, music teacher, 24 Fayette 24 370 Wood William, laborer, 43 Union Wood Emeline, tailoress, 49 Van Schaick Wood John, 140 Lark Wood James, laborer, 15 railroad Avenue Wood John, grocer, 113 Quay Wood A & Co, fancy cake bakers, 237 s Pearl Wood Alansing, skipper, 30 Ferry Wood George, hackman, 67 Eagle Wood William, boatman, 201 Lumber Wood widow Harriet, 162 Orange Woods widow, cor Steuben and Chapel Woods Thomas, laborer, 199 Green Woods James, laborer, 126 Orange Woodbeck Martin, carpenter, rear 312 State Woodbridge Mrs Sarah, 46 s Pearl Woodburn Lewis, 736 Broadway Woodbury Mrs Hannah, 68 s Lansing Woodhall William, carpenter, 85 Elm Woodhouse Daniel, attorney, &c, 106 State, h 220 Hamilton Woodman E, bds Delavan Woodruff John, book-keeper in Congress Hall, res 1 Washington Woodruff Halsey, mason, dealer in lime and plaster cor Plain and Grand, h 72 Division Woodruff Cyrus L, mason, 30 Grand Woodruff David H, mason, 16 Plain Woodward Benedict, piano maker, 23 Spring Woodward John, carpenter, 112 Jefferson Woodworth David, 67 Lumber Woodworth Hon John, 113 State Woodworth John R, 4 Park Place Woolensack J, bell hanger, 6 Liberty, h 25 s Pearl Woolet William L, jr, architect of1 the Delavan House, office 16 Steuben, bds 47 Steuben 371

Wooley & Harris, cedar cooper, 120 Washington, h 118 Washington Wooley Mrs, millinery, 43^ s Pearl Wooley G N, 43£ s Pearl Woolley Charles R, 118 Washington Woolford George, bds 157 Washington Woolford William W, Farmers' Inn, 157 Washington Wooster widow Susannah, 22 s Lansing Wooster Benjamin, cabinet maker, Ills Pearl Wooster Charles,printer!! cobbler,&c,22 s Lansing Worcester widow John, res 97 Eagle Worcester Edwin D, 25 Lancaster Worden widow Alexander, 104 Hawk Worden Jesse, shoemaker, 371 Washington Worden Joseph, 8 Ferry Wormer John C, grocer, 272 Washington, s b Wormer Cornelius, carpenter, 332 State Wormer Daniel, 30 De Witt Worth Charles G, Lark, near Lydius Worth William E, res 11 Beaver, shop 49 Church Worthing stone cutter, 113 Westerlo Wosser Thomas, carpenter, 71 Dallius Wray James, grocer, 11 Little Basin Wright Samuel,52 Arch Wright Nathaniel & Co, importers and manufactu­ rers of coach and saddlery hardware, 444 Broad­ way, bds Delevan Wright George, veterinary surgeon, near Eagle fur­ nace, Hudson, h 358 Lydius Wright Moses, 185 Orange Wright George, 11 Washington Wright widow John, 70 Eagle Wright Deodatus, Recorder of city, attorney, &c, 77 State, h 712 Broadway Wright & Co, dealers in flour and grain, 116 Pier 372 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Wright Henry, boatman, 15 Ferry Wright Mrs Thomas, 70 Division Wright Roswell, 20 Daniels Wright & Sturtevant, attorneys, &c, 77 State Wright (W & J) grocers, 1 Daniels Wright A R, bds 21 Jay Wright Samuel, 119 Green Wright John, cooper, 72 s Lansing Wright Mrs, 29 Westerlo Wright Ebenezer, 171 Lydius Wright Richard, shoemaker, 367 State Wrightson William, 8 Van Tromp Wrightson Thomas, shoemaker, 8 Van Tromp Wrightson John, 54 Montgomery Wrightson Thomas, printer, 8 Van Tromp Wryn Patrick, Swan, Arbor Hill Wyatt carpenter, below old railroad Wyatt John, boot maker, 100 Broad Wyckoff Rev Isaac N, pastor Middle Dutch Church, res 100 Lydius Wyman Horace, attorney, &c, 94 State, h 38 Green Wyncoop Harman G, rear Eastern Railroad, res 14 Orange Wynkoop Peter, carpenter, lower end s Pearl Wynkoop widow Gertrude, 16 Park Y.

YAGER PETER, rear 209 Washington Yardley C, agent for Commercial Transportation Co, 77 Pier, h 208 Lydius Yardley C, dealer in coal, cor Church and Lydius Yates Frederick L, 16 Douw's Buildings Yates William, umbrella maker, 166 Green Yates Richard, 65 Herkimer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 373

Yates Isaac, boatman, 332 Bowery Yates John, 248 Lydius Yates H & H, livery stable, 56 Montgomery Yates Henry, 10 Quackenbush Yates William, attorney, &c, coal office, 660 Broad­ way, res 37 Ten Broeck Yates Hiram, 25 Jackson Yates Henry, attorney, &c, Kane's Park Yates Hiram II, livery stable, Montgomery above Columbia, res cor Jackson and Lumber Yates Benjamin, coppersmith, bds North River Hotel Yates Benjamin, jr, coppersmith, bds N. River Hotel York mason, 323 Washington York Andrew, gardener, 359 State Yorke Catharine, 350 State Young George, cor s Pearl and Beaver, groceries and provisions, h 138 Hamilton Young John L, exchange broker, 53 Jay Young Perry, shoemaker, 93 Spring Young Priestley, merchant, 666 Broadway Young Nelson W, printer, 18 Van Schaick Young E, 75 Ten Broeck Young John, 52 Colonie Young Sidney & Co, groceries and provisions, corner Lydius and Grand, res 142 Hamilton Young William J, physician, 182 s Pearl Young Martin, printer, 53 * Lansing Young John, physician, office & res 64 Montgomery Young Moses, agent insurance, 10 Douw's Buildings, res City Hotel Young S & P, grocers, 666 Broadway Young William A, attorney, &c, 4 Exchange, res 736 Broadway Young & Server, boot and shoe store, 520 Broad­ way 430 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Young Eli, 75 Ten Broeck Young George, upholsterer, 52 Ferry Young John, painter, Spruce, b Swan & Dove Youds William, butcher, Bradford, cor Snipe Yout James, Westerlo, w Swan Yuill Andrew, print cutter,49 Ferry

Z. Zangmeister John, piano maker, 6 Alexander Zeh John H, Mechanics' and Farmers' Home, 38 Hawk Zeh David, store, 40 Hawk, res 7 High Zeh John,7 High Zeilman John A, 160 Lumber Zeilman Gabriel, 145 Lumber Zelie James, teacher, 306 Lydius Zetswer John, Sand, ab Robin Zieser Michael, stove maker, 214 Washington Zine Ambrose, blacksmith, 201 Green Zimmerman John,v baker, 211 Broad INDEX



A. Agricultural Ware House, 15 American Hardware, 18 B. Banca and Pig Tin , H Beef, Pork, Lard, Hams, &c, 19 Brass, Copper, and Iron Wire Cloth, 22 Brass Goods, &c, 22 Brandies, Gins, &c, Importers of, 24 Britannia Ware, &c, 27 C. California Package Express, 8 Cast Steel Saws, 18 Cotton and Wool Cards, &c, 20 Cotton, Woolen, and Silk Depot, 21 Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, 26 Cordage Manufactory, 26 D. Dying and Printing Establishment, 14 Distillers of Molasses, &c, 24 Drugs, Glass, &c, 28 Drugs and Dye W oods, 28 Drugs and Chemicals, 30,31 E. Etna Safety Fuse, 28 English & German Manufactures, 29 F. Fancy Goods, Perfumery, &c, 2 French and English Goods, 10 Foreign Fruits, &c, 20 French and German Goods, 26 432 INDEX TO NEW-YORR ADVERTISEMENTS.

G. Gold Pens, Gins, Swan and Cologne, Glass, Vials, Syringes, &c, for Druggists, Grindstone Establishment, Grain Measurers, H. Hardware, Cutlery, &c, Hosiery, Gloves, &c, I. India Rubber Manufacturing Company, Indestructable Water Pipes, Importers of Foreign Goods, L. Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, , Leather Binding, Findings, &c, 41. Magnetic Powder and Pills, Musical Instruments, Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, &c, Manufacturer's Warehouse, Measurers. Sworn, Metalic Rubber, Boots, N. Needles, J Warrin's Celebrated, Needles, Heming'a & Son, O. * Oils and candles, 4 P. Public House, Publishers, Booksellers, &c, Pap\«r Manufacturer's Materials, Publisher and Foreign Agent, Pen Holders, ,&c., Patent Cordage, , Periumery and Toilettie Articles, K. Rioe- Dealers,'.,,...,.. 17 " . S. SaleT&tus, Soda and Cream Tartar, 17 ShdVels, Seoops and Spades, 18 Sheiet And Roll Brass ami Wire, 23 Selpho's Premium Anglesey Leg, 32 T. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, 4 Tooth Powder, Impalpable Ivory Pearl, 16 Toys and Fancy Goods, • 25 Teas; Sugars, &c,., 27 U. Umfefellas and Parasols, • 22 NEW-YOKK

Mercantile €artrs»


For Ectercnce see Index.

B* BRIDGMAN & DAY, Importers and wholesale Dealers in FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, tfc, 4"C. No. 189 Pearl Street, (Beiween Maiden Lane and Cedar Street,) NEW-YORK. WILLIAM P. BRIDGMAN, EDWARD M. DAY.

PERFUMERY, From the manufactories of Lubin, Guerlain, Saissy, Piver, and others. BRUSHES, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Cloth, Shaving, Flesh, Hat, Shoe, and Paint. COMBS, Horn, Shell, Ivory, Buffalo Horn, Metalic and Wood Combs.

Suspenders, Percussion Caps, Pins, Needles, Hooks and Eyes, Corset and BootLacets, Purses, Accordeons, Violins, Fans, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Steel Beads, Steel Trim­ mings, Slates, Backgammon Boards, Playing Cards, Dice, Dominoes, Penknives, Scissors, Thimbles, Mirrors, Pocket Books, Pencils, Spectacles, Tweezers, Fancy Boxes,' Toys, Bonnet Wire, Ribbon Wire, Pearl Buttons, Rattans, Carpet Bags, Suspender Ends, Elastic Garters, Agate Buttons, Whalebone, and every variety of goods usually kept in es­ tablishments of this kind. THE NEWARK India Rubber Manufacturing Co. NO. 59 MAIDEN LANE, KEY-YORK.. Factory, Newark, New Jersey. The ahove company, offer for sale to the trade, on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS, Goodyear's Metallic India Rubber Shoes, embracing gentlemen's overshoes, and san­ dals, ladies' over shoes, slippers, sandal pattern, and bus­ kins; misses do. do., of a quality unsurpassed, and of the latest stvles. 50,000 doz. India Rubber Whips, of various sizes, and superior quality, and warranted. 250 pieces India Rubber Carriage Cloth. 200 India Rubber Coats and Cloaks. 1,000 doz. Tobacco Wallets, different sizes. 100,000 lbs. steam packing, for steam engines. 250 self-inflating Life Preservers. 100 round do do. 5,000 ft India Rubber Croton Water Hose. 1,000 doz. Suspenders, different patterns, CHEAP. 20 Floats, for crossing streams or rivers. INDIA RUBBER BALLS, AH sizes ; also bat, foot, and parlor balls. India Rubber Doll heads, a beautiful article. India Rubber rattles for children, and every other article made from Goodyear's Patent Metallic India Rubber. The trade are requested to bear in mind, that our goods are Not to be excelled in quality or lowness of price, by any others in the Market, and that we are not the Agents for others, but the Manufac­ turers of our own goods, and that we hold ourselves respon­ sible for their being equal in quality, to our representa­ tions ! (f(^Californians are requested (o give us a call.=#$ HIRAM HUTCHINSON, President. N. B. We have no " Sole Agents," for the sale of our Perpetual Gloss Over Shoes. Experience is the basis of all real knowledge. To see and to feel is to know, and that which is seen and known must not be contradicted. When Galileo announced the discovery of new planets, the Aristotelians said, " This is impossible." Galileo replied, "Look through my telescope and behold." The philosophers rejoined, " We will not look lest we should see them." There are a few people now-a-days so silly that they will not look at facts lest some prejudice should be disturbed. These persons are, however, not numerous, and their stupidity injures no one but them­ selves. The character of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla rests upon universal experience alone. Without this solid foundation, it never could have attained the wide spread popularity which it at present enjoy*.

Important Notice. The remarkahle sanative powers of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, have induced numerous attempts to counterfeit it, and make fraudulent use of Dr. Townsend's name to se­ cure the sale of spurious articles. These counterfeits and imitations only prove the value of the original; and no higher compliment could be paid to Dr. S. P. Townsend's Extract of Sarsaparilla than the laborious efforts that have been made by many to get up something like it. As to tbe dishonest attempts that have been made so to use Dr. Townsend's name us to create confusion in the public mind in reference to the genuine article, we publish below a card of all the principal whole­ sale Druggists in New-York. We, the undersigned, Wholesale Druggists in the city of New-York, have sold Dr. S. P. Townsend's Extract of Sar­ saparilla for several years, and consider it the original and genuine Br. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and that it was the first introduced to public notoriety under that name. Boyd & P-iul, 40 Courilund-st.; Walter B- Townsend & Co., 218 Pearl-st.; Leeds & Hazard, 121 Muiden Lane ; Jotin Carle & Co., 153 Water st ; M. Ward & Co , S3 Maiden Lane ; J. & J. F. Trippe, 92 Maiden Lane ; Graham & Co., 10 Old Slip; Osgoo! & Jennings, 1^8 Pearl-st : R B Havilanrl & Co , Oflictf, 177 Broadway; Jackson, Robin* & Co., 131 Water-st.; Thomas & Maxwell, 83 Williara-st.; William Underbill, Jr., 1S3 Water-st.; David T. lifHimiui, 69 Water-st ; Marsh & Northrup, 69 Pearl-st ; Norton, Babcoofr & Wood, 139 .Maiden Lane; Penfold, Clay & Co , 4 Fletcher-si.; Olcutl, McKe^ou & Co , 1-27 Maiden Lane ; A B. & D. Sands. 100 Fulton st.; HcluetTehu. Brolher & Co., 104 and 106 John-st.; Lewis & Price, 55 Pearl st.; Havilar.ri.Keesu & Co , B0 Maiden Lane ; Rushum, Clark & Co., U0 Broad­ way, 10 A-tor House, and 273 Broadway, corner Chambers-st.; Philip SotieOVUn & Co.. 107 Water-st.; Pou & P.danca, 9E> John-st.; S her wood & Coffin, 04 Pearl-st. ; Rust & Houghton, 83 John st ; I Minor & Co , 214 Fulton-st; Ingersoll & Brother, 230 Pearl-st- ; Joseph E. Trippe, 128 Maideu Lane; Green!«:af& Kingsley, 45 Courtlandt-s.; ilaydock, Coriies & Clay, 218 Pearl st.; CunimUtg & Van Duze , 173 Grjenwich-st.; Haskell & Mer­ rick, 10 GolJ-:-t.; B- A. Faimesiock& Co., 49 Johit-si., Proprietor* •of uFaJin*~ stock's Vermifuge "

TO THE PUBLIC. The pnh'ic are hereby notified that the preparation extensively known as Dr. S. P. Towaseud's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, is now manufactur­ ed under my direction and supervision, Irorri the original recipe obtained from Dr. S 1*. Townsend ; and I certify that it is composed of ingredients purely vegetable, and without Mercury , and also that the ingredients are judiciously compounded, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist.

Dr. Chilton's name is surety that the elements of this Extract are combined in the most correct and scientific manner, and that it is adapted to the wants of the invalid with the highest professional ability. This wc hope will be sufficient guarantee to the public, and to those pur­ chasing Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla. Such may- have no fear of getting one of the spurious and baneful mixtures which fill the channels of trade, and are concocted without any knowledge either of the nature of remedial agents, or the warns of the hunum system when labor­ ing under disease. Dr. y P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is warranted to keep for any length of lime in ail climates.

CAUTION. To avoid imposi'ion it will be necessary to see that Dr. James R. Chilton's" Certificate as well as the Signature of Dr. S. P. Townsend is on the outside wrapper of each bottle Sold by all the Principal Druggists and Country Merchants throughout the United Slates, Canada?, etc. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE, 82 NASSAU STREET, In the building formerly occupied by the South Baptist Church, New-York. LYON'S Magnetic Powder and Pills, For the destruction of Cockroaches, Bedbugs, Moths; J.'nls, Flies, Fleas, and Insects on Plants. ALSO, PILLS, For the destruction of Rats and Mice, within five minutes after being thrown in their vicinity. Warranted with­ out Poison. Price, Flask, or Box, 50 cents. READ THE FOLLOWING LKTTERS. NEW-YORK, March 30, 1850. Dear Sir:—I take great pleasure in bearing witness to the surprising efficacy of your Magnetic Powder, which has completely driven from my residence tbe roaches, with which it was infested to a most annoying extent. I only regret that I did not give it an earlier trial, as before ma­ king the experiment I had given up my house, in conse­ quence of the nuisance, which your powder has so effectu­ ally abated. No housekeeper should be without it. Yours truly, JONAS B. PHILLIPS, Assistant District Attorney, New-York City. NEW-YORK HOSPITAL, ApriE 14. 1849. This may certify that I have used Mr. Emanuel Lyon's " Magnetic Pow­ der" (without poison) for the destruction of vermin, and take Pleasure in stating ttat it is in every respect equal to the representation. JOHN L. ROOM, Sup't New-York Hospital. NEW-YORK, Irving House, April '21, 1S49. T have used Emr.nuel Lyon's " Magnetic Powder " for the destruction of •vermin, and think it a wonderful discovery, fully equal to the statement of the discoverer. DANIEL D. HOWARD. NEW.YORK, Carlton House, July 15, ]B47. Havlugf used Mr. Lyon's "Magnetic Powder" for the extermiiiatjnn of roaches, I have found the most happy result, and cheerfully recommend the same to those who may be troubled with this insect, as a sure method of de­ stroying them. PKEr-TON H. HODGES. 'I certify to the above, S. THAYER COZZENS. American Hotel, New-York, July 17, 1847. We certify to the above, * COLEMAN * STETSON. Astor House, July 17, 1S47. And many thousand certificates of similar tenor, from the most respectable citizens of all parts of the United States, may be seen at the office. EMANUKI. LYON, 4i0 Broadway. The Powder is for the destruction of cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, moths, fleas, and insects on plants. Pills for the destruction of rats and mice. Both articles warranted without poison. And also from many of the most eminent Physicians of the city, can be seen at our office. These articles received the highest premium at the late fair ofthe American Institute. Genl. James Tallmadge President; John Campbell, Vice President; H. Meigs, Recdg. Sec'y; John W. Chambers, Acting Corg. Sec'y. THOMAS WARRIN, Manufacturer and Importer of J. Warrin's Celebrated Needles, Fish Hooks, Fishing Apparatus, fyc, Drilled-Eycd and common needles of all qualities, Razors, Scissors, Steel Pens, Pearl Buttons, Supe­ rior Table and other Fine Cutlery, Fowling Pieces, Guns, Ifc. NO. 48 MAIDEN LANE, NEW-YORK. {jfqp Needles of all qualities and prices for sale on the best terms. Needles for Surgeons, or for other scientific purposes, manufactured to order.=#j} CAUTION.—-J. Warrin's Needles have received the ap­ proval of the public for upwards of twenty years, and in consequence of their great celebrity, some unprincipled dealers have imitated his labels, and put them upon inferior low-priced Needles. The counterfeit label imitates the gen­ uine one in its general appetrance, and reads, " Manufac­ tured for J. Warren, Redditch," On the genuine, Warrin is spelt with an 1, (not E,) and reads, "Manufactured by (not for) J. Warrin, Hedditch." In addition to the GiLila- bel, on the genuine Warrin Needles, they have a small GREEN label on the tuck, or shorter fold of the paper, which reads, "Manufactured and warranted by J. Warrin, Eagle Mills, Redditch." Le°;al proceedings having sup­ pressed one, (t<5p another imitation has made its appearance; which reads manufactured " for J. Warren, at Alcester, near Redditch." Dealers are cautioned against this new imitation. §(=p Dealers are cautioned against vending Nee­ dles counterfeiting the Trade Marks of the subscribers. J. WARRIN, Eagle Mills, Hedditch, Worcestershire, England. tCr" Jobbers and Importers will find it to their advantage to purchase Needles and Fish Hooks of the subscriber. Every attention 'a paid to man­ ufacturing the best Needles and Fish Hooks that can be made of the best Spring Steel Wire. The superior quality will always give satisfaction to the customer, and ensure ihem a saleable article. He keeps on hand Needle* of every quality, at the lowest prices. He puts his name, however, only upon the very first quality of Needles and Fish Hooks. Common Needles of every description and quality, at the lowest prices THOMAS WARRIN, Maiden Lane, New-York. LOUNT & CO'S California Package Express, And General Forwarding and Commission Hoase.

The Subscribers having " EACH," been to San Fran­ cisco, and the Gold Mines, and ESTABLISHED AGENCIES, At all the principal Points in Califorma, and having Agents resident at Chagres, Gorgona, and Panama, on the Isthmus, are prepared to forward with the utmost certainty and despatch, all Parcels and Packages of Mer­ chandise, by a

Special Messenger, at the Sailing of each Steamer.



Particular attention given to orders from either point Gold to any amount can be remitted, or if preferred, Bills of Exchange on Banks of New-York or Boston. N. B. Particular attention given to forwarding Gold to the Mint for Coinage. Indestructible Water Pipes.

The Pipes we offer to the Public, have been FAIRLY TESTED FOR SIX YEARS, during which time large quantities have been put to use. We believe that nothing has ever come before the Public, that has been more bitterly assailed, or that has given more

UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION, in all the various applications required of pipes, from heavy pressure to light head, of all sizes required. Its pu­ rity, DURABILITY AND CHEAPNESS, ARE INDISPUTABLE. We should be happy to have all those interested in the conveyance of water, call on us and examine for themselves, the evidence of its


The large stock of COMBS, BUTTONS AND FANCY GOODS, at 23 Cedar street, has been removed to the spa­ cious lofts NO. 53 CEDAR, between William and Nassau streets, and the subscribers are now making large additions to their former good stock ; and they have made arrange­ ments with some of the best manufactories of Combs and other goods in the United States, for their constant supply. And they are receiving direct from Europe, by every steamer, French and English Goods, of the latest styles. They are now prepared to offer you a large assortment of (good) goods in their line, viz : COMBS—Buffalo and Imitation Buffalo Back Combs ; Imitation Shell and Horn Side Combs; English Horn Dress­ ing Combs; Ivory Neck and long Combs BUTTONS—-Steel, Pearl, Gilt, Lasting, Bone, Agate, Metal, Thread, Linen and Horn. BRUSHES—Hair, Tooth, Nail, &c.

LINEN THREAD, LINEN & COTT'N BOBBIN, CLARKE'S SPOOL COTTON STAY BINDING, NEEDLES, PINS, STAY LACING, HOOKS AND EYES, BOOT & SHOE LACING, HAIR PINS, KNITTING COTTON, ELASTICS, SUSPENDERS, WHALEBONE, THIMBLES AND SCISSORS, LINEN & COTTON TAPES, With a Variety of Steel Trimmings, CHEAP FOR CASH. $5= The subscribers buy their stock for Cash, and at the very lowest rates, and sell for.a mere commission. D. M. KNIGHT & CO., 53 Cedar street, {up stairs,') Between William & Nassau sts. 11 Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead.

SAMUEL G.CORNELL&CO. NO. 243 WATER-STREET, Continue to manufacture and offer for sale, at the lowest market rates, superior PATENT LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD; BID LEAD, LITHARGE, LEAD WISE AND BAR LEAD. We also offer for sale, in any quantity, AMERICAN, ENGLISH & SPANISH PIG LEAD, BANCA AND ENGLISH PIG TIN. A large assortment of all kinds of Hydraulic Ranis Force and Lift Pumps. The LEAD PIPE manufactured by us, takes the pre­ mium at the Fairs of the American Institute; and for evi­ dence of its entire superiority over every other Leaden Pipe now manufactured, we would most respectfully refer to the first engineers, mechanics and plumbers, in this and other cities, and also to the able report of Edmund Burke, Esq., Commissioner of Patents. We respectfully invite the trade, and all wanting to use Lead Pipe, and other articles of our manufacture, to call and examine our stock at No. 243 Water-Street, A few doors north of Beekman. SAMUEL G. CORNELL, T. WICKES BLATCHFORD. 12

WESTCHESTER HOUSE. Upon the European Plan, by CHARLES S. MATTHEWS, 148 Bowery, corner of Broome street; including an ordinary. Harlem Railroad Office, attached to the House. LOVE j ory'S HOfEL7 Corner of Beelcman-street and Park Row, opposite the Park Fountain, New-York. J. S. LIBBY. TREMONT TEMPERANCE HOUSE. No. 110 Broadway. Transient Board $1.2-5 per day. H. WATERMAN, Jr. _ COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE. On the Lovejoy plan. Corner Courtlandt and Washington streets. One block from Jersey City Ferry, Philadelphia Cars, and Albany Steamboat Landing. S. DUNNING. "'""FULTON" EL, . On the European Plan, by JOHNSON & RODGERS, 144 Fulton street, near Broadway. Rooms, $2 and $2.50 per week; 37 i per night. „______„__„__ Corner of Nassau and Frankfort streets, opposite the Citv Hall. This well-known Establishment has been improved and renovated, and is now conducted on the European Plan. Lodgings 37 1-2 cents per night.—Refreshments of every varie^andat all hours. _ HOWARD & BROWN. . , HUDSON ^IVER'HOUSE, Nos. 77 and 79 Robinson st. Meals at all hours of the day and night; Oysters in every style; also Lodging, with sin­ gle rooms. Dinners for Military and other Companies, at the shortest notice. Also, the Hudson River Bull's Head Catlla and Sheep Yard. Livery and Sale Stable. Horses kept by the day, week, or month, on reasonable terms. E. & J. P. CHAMBERLIN. ASTOR" HOUSE, By COLEMAN & STETSON, Broadway, near the Park; extends from Barclay to Vesev street. " FATMFTC''HOTEL; """ A^ FLOWER, Nos. 162, 164, and 166 Greenwich strer-t. PARKER'S COFFEE HOUSE, No. 20 Dey street; late of John street. 13

To Manufacturers,

I would call the attention of Manufacturers to my stock of



Shuttles, Pickets, Picker String, Spindle Banding, Lace Leather, Comb Plate, Reeds, Roller Leather, Roller Cloth, Revolving and Jaw Temples, Card Clothing, Hand Cards, Bobbins, f-c, 4'c, fyc.

All of which I offer to those in want—of the best quality, and at the lowest prices. P. A. LEONARD, 66 Beaver street.

LEATHEE BANDING. The subscriber would solicit the attention of Mechanics and Manufacturers, and all others in want of a superior article to his stock of LEATHER BANDING, riveted, stretched and cemented, of all sizes, which he can offer at prices lower than can be found in this or any other market. The Manufacturers of this Banding having been efcgaged in the business upwards of thirty years, the subscriber feels confident in warranting it equal, if not superior to anything of the kind ever offered to the public. Those in want will find it to their interest to favor him with a call. P. A. LEONARD, 66 Beaver street. 14

THE NEW-YORK Dying & Printing Establishment, STATEN ISLAND.

Office, No. 45 John Street, New-York, for the re­ ception and Delivery of Goods.

Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Merinos, Silks, Satins, Gauzes, Crapes, Bareges, Velvets, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, SILK and WORSTED DAMASK and MOREEN CUR­ TAINS, Ladies'and Gentlemen's Garments, Straw Bonnets, Linens, Cottons, &c, dyed and finished in the best manner; SILKS AND SILK DRESSES WATERED.

CHINTZ, LACE AND MUSLIN CERTAINS, Shawls, Table Covers, Carpets, Rugs, &c. Cleaned and Re-finished.

$5* Goods restored, when possible, to original state. <£$ Orders carefully attended to and promptly executed. Goods delivered, or kept, subject to the claim of the owner, twelve months and no longer. 15 t

AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUEE, 193 Front street, New-York. The subscriber, manufacturer and dealer in Agricultural Implements, offers for sale the largest assortment to be found in the United States, among which are the Celebrated Premium Ploughs,

for which were awarded the highest premiums of the New- York State Fair in 1847, and of the American Institute, in 1846, 1848 and 1849. Also the Centre Draught Eagle, and all other Ploughs most in use. Cornshellers, Straw Cutters, Fanning Mills, and Portable mills for grinding grtlin. Horse Powers, Threshing Machines, Seed Sowers, Wheel-barrows, Cart's, Wagons, Crowbars, Pickaxes, Shovels, Spades, &c. All of which will be warranted to be of the best quality, and sold at the lowest prices. ALSO MANUFACTURER OP Brass, Copper, and Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves, Screens, fyc, fyc. JOHN MOORE, 193 Front st. The best Ploughs in the Union, at the lowest prices. 16 I / G. P. THURSTON'S CELEBRATED IMPALPABLE IVORY PEARL Tooth Powder. Long life, health, happiness, beauty, love, depend on sound and handsome teeth. In selecting an article of dentifrice for the teeth, great case should be taken to avoid every thing which possesses a particle of grit or acid substance, as both are destructive to the enamel. Caution should also be used by parents pur­ chasing for their children, to refuse every thing which is not recommended by the very best authority, men of great learn­ ing and high moral worth, and whose opinions cannot be bought with dollars and cents. This article has now been before the public for nearly three years, during which time it has received the universal approbation of all who have chanced to use it. 100,000 bottles have been sold since it was introduced. The following diploma as well as certificates from James R. Chilton, M. D., Practical Chemist, and John Torrey, M. D., Professor of Chemistry, can be seen at the office of the proprietor. BOSTON, November 6, 1347, ME. G. P. TireKsToN, Sir—I have only time to inform you that a DIPOLMA has been awarded to you for your very excellent Dentifrice. I have tried it, and am convinced that it is the best and most effectual in its operation upon the teeth of any with which I am acquainted. Resp'y your ob't serv't, JOHN KUHN, Sec'y Mass. Char. Meeh. Asso. This is to certify that \ have sold more of your Ivory Pearl Dentifrice than all other Dentifrices combined, of which I have i great vaiietv. It is uni­ versally approved. WM. KLY CHILSON, Late Roussel's, 351) Broadway. To Mr. G. P. THURSTON, City of New-York. April 12th, 1S4S. Many other important recommendations may be seen at the office. A liberal discount will be made to the trade. Depot of ihe Proprietor, 13 Piatt Street, N. Y. 0*BEWARE OF FRAUD !—0win? to the great celebrity which the above article lias acquired during; the last two years, a few of the baser por­ tion of mankind, regardless of the evil they may produce, have attempted to counterfeit it under the head of " J. 13. Thurston's Ivory Pearl Tooth t'ovr. der," copying my name and the name of my article as near as possible, and keeping within the limits of the law. All who have used the genuine arti­ cle will discover so perfect an abortion in th.-se counterfeits, in the style of putting: up, arid in every other respect, as to keep thera out of harm's way. \" ^yfflEL TALMAGE. ^^ROKER IN Rice, and General Merchandise. NO. 93 WALL ST., UP STAIRS, NEW-YORK. S. VAN BENSCHOTEN. Importer and Dealer in Rice. 112 FRONT STREET, NEW-YORK. LITCHFIELD & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Oils and Candles, 159 FRONT STREET, NEW-YORK. Sperm, Elephant, Whale and Lard Oil, Sperm and Adaman­ tine Candles. Soap for Manufacturers' and Family use. VEEDER & WHITTELSEYr Manufacturers and Dealers in Oils and Candles, 88 Front-st, New-York. Sperm, Elephant, Whale and Lard Oil. Sperm and Ada- mantine Candles. Soap for Manufacturers' and Family use. BROWNE & LAMBERT, Manufacturers of Saleratus, Sup. Carb. Soda. &a Wholesale Dealers in CREAM TARTAR. NO. 117 FRONT, NEAR WALL STREET, NEW-YORK. • EO. BROWNE. B* J. H. LAMBERT. BRUNO *-. ^jsLM-anT.T. IMPORTEITERS"'^^I ' GERMAN AND FRENCH MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Italian, English and German Strings, No. 62 Liberty Street, near Broadway, up stairs, NEW-YORK. SAMUEL D: WILLMOTT, MANUFACTURER OF CAST STEEL SAWS, And "The American Star" C. S. Files. IMPORTER OP The Genuine Wickersly Grindstones, No. 8. Liberty street, New-York. LONG & DAVENPORT, AMERICAN HARDWARE. NO. 10 PLATT-STREET, NEW-YORK. N- R. LONG, JNO. DAVENPORT. DURYEA, RHODES, & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Shovels, Scoops, Spades, &c. Nassau Shovel Works, Brooklyn, Ki. I. Office, No. 229 Pearl- Street, (up stairs.) N E W - Y O R K. t. C. DURYEA, J. H. RHODES, A. PIXI.EY. Geaer-M^Waa|||Mf«raWar«-, Cnthry,Edgt Tools, t^e. CHAILES S. LITTLE, SUCCESSOR TO OSBORN ft LITTLE, (Charles Osborn baring deceased, Sept. 14,1846.) IMPORTER AHD GENERAL DIALER IN ENGLISH, GERMAN & AMERICAN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. No. 33 Fulton afreet, New-York, Tbe Old Stand—opposite tbe U. S. Hotel, where the busi­ ness has been carried on for eighty years past. Hardware, Cutlery, Nails, Locks, Latches, Butts, Screws, Anvils, Vices, Saws, Files, Shovels and Spades, Hollow Ware, Corn and Coffee MiHs, Bells, Skates, Guns and Pistols, Rivets, Pumps, Curriers' Hones, Crucibles, Black Lead, Pots, &c. ALSO-GENUINE HAARLEM OIL. American Coopers, Carpenters and Millwrights' Edge Tools, of Albertson's, Conger's, Barton's (Rochester,) Horton's, Gifford's and other makers. Also, Coopers' Truss Hoops, and Coachmaker's Tools. Ames' Pump Au­ gers and Rimmers. R0BERT AYREg ~ Dealer in Beef; Pork, Lard, Hams, &c. NO. 46 FRONT ST., NEW-YORK. NELSON WELLS & CO., DEALERS IN Mackerel, Shad, Smoked Salmon, HERRING, PICKLED & DRY CODFISH, &C. No. 81 Dey Street, near West, NEW-YO.iK. KELSON WELLS, HENRY V. SCUENOK^ 20 » w. c. WARD/ Importer, and wholestmamaler in Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, &c. NO. 105 FRONT STREET, NEW- YORK. RICH & KNOWLTON^ Importers and Wholesale D ealers in FOREIGN FRUITS. NO. 172 FRONT STREET, NEW-YORK. JOSIAH RICH, STEPHEN KNOWLTON. Manufacturers' Warehouse. KENNEDY & GELSTON, No. 8 PINE STREET, NEAR BROADWAY. Importers and Dealers in Articles for Cotton, Woolen and Silk Manufacturers. Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, Reeds # Heddles, Bob­ bins 4r Spools, Satinett Sf Jean Warps, fyc. SPERM AND LARD OIL, FULLING AND OIL SOAPS. DANIEL KENNEDY, SAMUEL GELSTON. JOHN~WHITTEMORE &~CO^ MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON, WOOL, HAND, AND MACHINE CARDS, (Manufactories in New-York and in Paterson, N. J.) OFFICE, NO. 191 PEARL STREET, NEW-YORK. J. WHITTEMORE, F. COLE, J. M. WHITTEMORE. Also, Dealers in Manufacturers' Articles, viz:—Shuttles, Reeds, Spindles, Pickers, Card Stretchers, Glass Steps, Spools, Bobbins, Comb Plates, Clothiers' and Hatters' Jacks, Steel and Copper Nails, Tacks, Emery, Lace and Picker String Leather, Roller Skins, Band Leather, Throstle Spin­ dles and Flyers, Mule and Jack Spindles, Tenter Hooks, Cotton and Worsted Harness Twine, Simple Twine, Knot Cord, &c, &c. 21 COTTON, WOOLEN & SILK. MANUFACTURERS' DEPOT. ANDREWS & JESUP, Ho. 70 Pine Street, New-York, Dealers in Articles for the use of COTTON, WOOLEN AND SILK MANUFACTURERS, And AGENTS for the Sale of Shearing, Carding, Burring, Napping, Wool-Picking, Flock-Cutting, and Waste Machines, Regulators, Satinet & Jean Warps. Weavers' Reeds & Heddles, Bobbins & Spools, Of every description made to order. Sperm, Lard and Olive Oils and Oil Soap. ~MASON~& LAW~ (Successors to Huntington & Savage,) PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, AND STATIONERS. No. 216 Pearl-Street, New-York. LOWEL MASON, JR. ~i C HENRY W. LAW, Late of the firm of W. B. > < Formerly with Huntington Smith &Co. Cincinnati, O. ) ( & Savage, New-York. "CYRUS W. FIELD & CO., ~ Importers and Commission merchants, And D ealtrs in Paper, and Paper Manufacturers' Materials. NO. 11 CLIFF-STREET, NEW-YORK. C. W. FIELD, J. r. STONE. Rag Warehouse, No. 94 Beckman-Street. 22 WILLIAM RADDE, IMPORTER, BOOKSELLER, Publisher and Foreign Agent, NO. 322 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. Also, dealer in Homoepathic Medicines, Homoepathic Books and Journals. HomcBpathic Medicines in complete sets or by single phials, in Tinctures, Dilutions, and Triturations. Also, Pocket Cases of Medicines, to suit all the guides. Physicians' and Family Cases carefully put up. Also, Anica Tincture and Anica Plaster, Urtica Urens, a specific application for Burns. ~~ CALKINS & DARROWl Manufacturers and Dealers in Umbrellas and Parasols, No. 34 Maiden Lane, near Nassau Street, NEW-YORK. Ti. O. CALKINS. E. J. DARROW. $C§= Silks, Ginghams, Mountings, Whalebones, &c. >=g$ JOHN CORRY, Manufacturer of Brass, Copper, and Iron Wire Cloth, ENGLISH BOLTING MACHINES, AND Wire Bolting Cloth, &c., JVb. 29 Fulton Street, (opposite Water,) NEW-YORK. _____ ALEXANDER FIELDER, E BRASS GOODS, METAL, SILK, AND OTHER BUTTONS, NO. 1 PLATT STREET, CORNER OF PEARL, NEW-YORK. 23 DUGAN & JACOBS, Ho. 114 John Street, New-York, MANUFACTURERS OF Sheet and Roll Brass and Wire, COPPER AND BRASS PIPE, HAND-RAILS FOR SHIPS & STEAMERS. Gold, Silver and other Metals rolled to order. Factory—Rear of 67 and 69 Forsyth Street. SPENCER, RENDELL & DIXON, Manufacturers of Gold Pens, Ho. 2 Maiden Lane, New-York, One Door from corner of Broadway. N. B.—The above firm was awarded a Gold Medal, the highest Premium ever awarded before for Pens, at the last fair of the American Institute. $gp Dealers supplied at low prices, with or without holders. G. & E. M. SMITH; Manufacturers of Gold Pens, PEN-HOLDERS & PENCILS. The subscribers are manufacturing Gold Pens and Pen­ cils of the BEST QUALITY. All Pens sold from our office are first PROVED to be PERFECT. The public are in­ vited call. G. & E. M. SMITH, 16 Maiden Lane, New-York. THEODORE T. EDGERTON, IMPORTER OF SWAN AND COLOGNE GINS, ROCI1ELLE ANB COGNAC BRANDIES, 8-1 Front street, New-York. 24 LEWIS & MUNRO, Commission Merchants, And Importers of Brandies and Wines, No. 61 Front-Street, NEW-YORK. CAZET & ASTOIN. Import era of BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, &C. Ho. 64 Water-Street, np stairs, NEW-YORK. F. A. BRUNEL, IMPORTER OF BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &C, AGENT FOR B. & S. IRROY, Cliampaigne Wine. 18 BEAVER-IT. WILLIAM ENGS, Importer and Dealer in Brandies, Wines, &c, AND COMMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 109 WATER STREET, NEW-YORK. Wine Bottles and Demijohns. COGSWELL, CRANE~& CO., RECTIFIERS, DISTILLERS OF MOLASSES, And Manufacturers of SALERATUS, ALCOHOL, &c. NO. 118 FRONT, CORNER OF WALL-ST., NEW-YORK. 55 J. B. PURDY, Importer of every variety of Toys, and Fancy Goods, And wholesale dealer in FIREWORKS AND WHALEBONE. NO. 34 MAIDEN LANE, REW-YORK. J. W. RUMSEY & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IK Hosiery k Gloves, Woolen Yarn, Knitting Cotton, Fancy Goods, &c, No. 78 Cedar Street, Between Broadway and Nassau sts, NEW-YORK. J. W. RUMSEY, WM. SNEDEKER. ROBBINS & DTJNKIN, * IMPORTERS OP GERMAN, FRENCH & ENGLISH TOTS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 43 Maiden Lane, up stairs, j. D. ROBBINS, NEW-YORK. THOS. DHSKIS. HOSIERY. THOMAS H. BROWN,. Importer and Jobber of Hen's, Women's A Children's Hosiery, Merino Shirts, .Drawers, Woolen Yarn, Suspenders, Silki Lisle Thread, Cotton and Woolen Gloves, Mittens, and all the varieties of goods in this line, FOR CASH ONLY. No. 34 Liberty Street, Two doors below the Post office. NEW-YORK. 26 WM. H. KNOEPFEL & CO., Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, TESTINGS* &c. 97 William street, up stairs, New-York. WILLIAM H. KNOEPFEL, CHRISTIAN W. YUTTE, JOHN O. HIGGINS. Constantly keep on hand a complete assortment of trim­ mings and other goods suitable for Merchant Tailors, and Clothiers, for sale on the most favorable terms. " EDWARD HEN, IMPORTER OP French and German Goods. GUNS, PISTOLS, SCISSORS, COMBS, Buttons, Percussion Caps, Fans, Toys, Beads of all des­ criptions, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Pipes, Segar Cases. No. 23 Liberty-Street, near William St., NEW-YORK. JOHN THURSBY & SONS, PATENT STEAM CORDAGE MANUFACTORY, BUSHWICK, L. I. OFFICE, No. 242 FRONT-ST., NEW-YORK, (Two doors above Peck Slip.) Where they have constantly on hand and make to order all kinds of PATENT CORDAGE, viz:—Manilla Rope, Sisal do., Russia do., Italian do., American do., Packing Yarn, Spun Yarn, Marline, &c, Bed Cords, Clothes Lines, Bale Rope, Hay Rope, &c. Ship Chandlers and Hardware Dealers supplied on the most reasonable terms. Gangs of Rigging furnished in a superior style, of the very best ma­ terial, and at the shortest possible notice. 27 A. LEGOUX & PARDESSUS. Ho. 55 Maiden-Lane. IMPORTERS OF FRENCH AND OTHER FOREIGN GOODS. Bronze, China and Gilt Clocks, Candelabras, China Vases, Perfumery, Fans, Combs, Suspenders, Brushes of all kinds, Accordeons, Percussion Caps, Porte Mon- nais, Canes, Work Boxes, Paris Articles, Paint- ings, Dinner, Tea, and other China Ware. WTLL~STENGLE, MANUFACTURERS 6F PATENT CORDAGE. MANUFACTORY, BUSHWICK, L. I. Office, 220 Front-st, New-York. (jtgp* All kinds of Hemp and Cordage of first quality.•#$ ______WHOLESALE GROCER, AND DEALER IN ' Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses and Spices, NOS. 7 & 9 FRONT STREET. JAMES RORKE, MANUFACTURER OF GLASS SYRINGES A«D HftKEPATBIC HALS. AGENT FOR Flint and Green Glass for Druggists, No. 102 John Street, opposite Cliff. LUCIUS HART, ~~ (Late Boardman & Hart,) MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF BRITANNIA WARE, AND DEALER Iff METALS, NO. 6 BURLING SLIP, NEW-YORK. 28 OLIVER HULL, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND IMPORTER OF DRUGS, GLASSWARE, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, No. 145 Maiden Lane, (between Front and Water,) NEW-YORK. MARSH & NORTHROP, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST., And Dealers in PAINTS, 1>\_-WOODS, &C. No. 69 Pearl-Street, New-York. M. L. MARSH, J. I. NORTHROP. GRINDSTONE ESTABLISHMENT. 260 Front st., corner of Dover, and 285 Front st., Has been re-opened for the last nine years, where may bo had French, New-Castle, Nova Scotia, and Ohio Grind­ stones, dressed and undressed, by the ton or single stone; also, Friction Rollers, Cranks, &c. A constant supply of Mounted Stones, fitted for immediate use, with Benches, &c, complete, for sale by New- York, May, 1850. M.Q.WOOD. ______

#§»This article having been satisfactorily tested by EX­ PERIENCED MINERS throughout the States, and received the premium awarded by the American Institute, is with confidence recommended to the public for all blasting and mining purposes. This FUSE will operate as well in WET as in dry blast­ ing. Orders from merchants and consumers promptly at­ tended to. GLENN PUTNAM, No. 85 Liberty Street, New-York. 29 JAMES KEELEY, NO. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW-YORK, Importer and Agent for ENGLISH AND GERMAN MANUFACTURES Of Hosiery, Gloves, Pearl Buttons, Cotton and Worsted Bindings, Silk Galloons, ROOT WEBBS, FISH HOOKS _ NEEBI.ES, With a large assortment of other goods which he is con­ stantly receiving from his friends in Europe, Agent for Novelli 6 Cord Spool Thread. RICHARD RICHARDS, IMPORTER OF US. HEMMINGS & SON'S _ R. RICHARDS' NEEDLES AND VARIETIES. No. 16 Maiden Lane, New-York. OLD BOARD OF GRAIN MEASURERS. ~"~ |OFFICE 21 COENTIES SLIP. PAUL GROUT, President. A. R. WALSH, JAS. M. HEDGES, JESSE MARVIN, JAMES HALSTED, GEORGE KING, BENJ. L. GUION, EDWARD G. BURGESS. All orders promptly executed for Measuring, Weighing, or discharging Grain by the ^_ Floating Steam Elevator. J7 LAUMONIER, No. 48 Maiden Lane, New-York, Importer and Manufucturer of PERFUMERY. DEALER IN Fancy _ Toilette Articles, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Bath, and other Brushes, _e., &c, Also, a variety of articles kept by Druggists, and Fancy Stores generally. N. B. Doll bodies, arms and shoes, manufactured and constantly on hand. 30 TO DRUGGISTS. GEO. D. PHELPS, NO. _6 ___F_ STREET, NEW-YORK, IMPORTER OF ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN FINE DRUGS, Chemicals, <_ Druggists Articles, Offers to the trade a large assortment of goods in the line on tbe Boat fa­ vorable terms. He will be constantly supplied with MAGNESIA. Calcined of different qualities and prices in 10 lb, boxes. Calcined Fonderosa in 10 rb. boxes. Carbonate in piak and blue papers, in small calces and in cases of about 120—60 and 25 lbs. •o. •mall squares m 10 H>. boxea. Batch's Calcined, do—• quail tb Henry's—in some style, ttnd at!_ than half the price. BRITISH LUSTRE. A anperior article in red label, J lb. papers and in cases of one and two cwt. Also—Servants friend of same quality and style. EMERY. A general assortmeat of numbers, both pare and second quality. Price much reduced. MUSTARD. Tablet Brothers' superior London, in tin foil packets of } and J lb. boxes of 0 and 18 lbs., and in burk kegs of 30 lbs. each. TIPTON'S PATENT LINT, Nos 1, S and 3, in lb. packet*. Also, in 1 and 2 oz. papers. Price re. daoed by the case. WEDGWOOD * PORCELAIN MORTARS. A complete assortment, in casks of 4 to 6 dozens assorted and in nests. Also, Pill Tiles, Funnels, Evaporating Dishes, and Bleeding Basins. Bcales and weights, a general assortment, in boxes and on stands. , Lancets, Evan's 0en ''Old Change," Smith's do, Simpson's do. Glaziers' Diamonds, English, Various styles. Thermometers, do do Pink Saucers. Spatulas and Putty Knives, English—ell sizes. White Skins, English and French—Dutch metal and bronze. Herring's, Morton's, Madder's, Bailey's, and other most popular Extracts, Chemicals, and other preparations. French and English Hair and Tooth Brushes of Ivory, Bone, Buffalo Born, Rosewood. Also Camel Hair Brushes and Pencils Eng. White Lead, pure; Emerald Green, do.; Camphor; Borax, Rotten Stone; Day * Martin's Blacking, in ea_s of one gross each, assorted; Madrass Indigo. &e. LOW'S GENUINE SOAPS, &c, Viz: Brown Windsor and Patent Windsor, in cases of 3.10 and IS gross. White Windsor—9 to the lb. in esses of M lbs. Honey, larfe and small. Musk, Oriental, Olive, Palm, Vernacular and Shaving Cakes, in packets of one dozen each. Alio, Low'* Pomatums, Rose Water, etc.—various style*. RUBIN'S «„fa*Af_% A constant euppty, together with a General assortment of Gurlain's, Edde's, Patey's and Rigge's Soap*and Perfume.,; and the Gen- niue Farina Cologne Water, various style*, in fa*** of *S dapan, RORINSON'S PATENT BARLEY and PA­ TENT-GROATS. GOWLAND'S LOTIOW. SIR JAMES MURRAY'S FLUlP MAGNESIA AND FLUID CAMPHOR. The most agreeable and effectual Preparation of these *prti«|aa « ear in use. They have been extensively adopted, both in private and hospital practice, and are well deserving the #uentienof Jho.tra4e. i In pint and half-pint bottles. Circulars eontaining a,particular description*f these articl**, with ntflper- ous certificate* of their remedial Virtues, may be had of all the dealers. COX'S CELEBRATED SPARKLING GELA- riNE. ing Blanc-Mange.«_ Jellies, janeirt paper boxes—containing each sufficienJt to make three pints of Jeliy, wjlhdirec- tioue enclosed. , Agency for Bach's celebrated Alcohol and Perfumer's Spirit*, of any de­ sired strength. Rowland's Maejusar Oil,' and ethar preparation*, a* Odonte, Kalydor, Es­ sence of Tyre, Victoria, Windsor, and other Soaps and Extract*. BROWN'S CANTHARIDINE BLISTERING TISSUE* This elegant Vesicating Tissue, which owes its bliaterinf properties soterjr to Camharidiue, has been in extensive use for several yearn, both in private practise and in Hospitals, and has been favorably noticed in several medical journals; also, BROWN'S TISSUE DRESSING. For Blisters, Burns and Superficial sores; an eoonoaucat and cleanly *ob- atitute for all ointments. It does not become rancid by keeping- I" tiri boxes, containing twelve square feet each. Also, j BROWN'S WATER-PROOF TRANSPA­ RENT PLASTER. An entirely new dressing for Wounds and Surgical Operations. (See edi­ torial notice in Ne w.York Journal of Modicioe.) HAIR GLOYES AND STRAPS. Lawrence's, (late Dinuefbrd'a,) Patent improved Hor»e-Hair Flesh Gloves and straps—Embraciag a general assoftniaDj of Lad. and Gentleman's sizes. Also, Bath Straps, and Demidou* Brushes, large and small. The free and liberal u*e of these articles is now justly regarded si ate of the most ef­ fectual means of promoting health and Long life They have been extensive­ ly recommended by the profession and other Sfientinc gentlemen. Great im­ provements have recently been made in tbeir construction, of which there are now thirteen different styles and sizes. See editorial notice in the N. Y. Evening Post of 22d February, also in the May number of the New-York Journal of Medicine, and qthejr Journal i of tbe day. Circulars containing particular descriptions of the articles with numerous certificates «f their virtues and effieacy, may be had of all the dealest. New-York, April, 18*0. 32 METALIC RUB / Boots, Shoes and Gakrs.

J@> The subscriber still continues sole agent for L. Can- dees' Celebrated High Finished Met—lie Rubber, Boots, Shoes _ Gaiters, . ,; *ry description for Men, Women and Children. gibe goods are sold at the lowest Factory Prices .'. w.-_jitedin every particular. These shoes haw _t_<* *" UNPARALLELED REPUTATION throughout the country, and we respectf y soli.fi an ex­ amination of them by purchasers at the 0_S»_nd, No. 248 Pearl Street, New-York. M. J. FRISBIE. N. B.—Commission Dealer in every description of BER GOODS.

AICA GINGER is elaborately prepare d from care- ility ; it poss< 9 in a concentrated form all the valuable _nd - irranted to he free from aU irritating or other Jhrious tend \- \ linn rcircumstanc win TO cordial and grateful stim- ^m Al in ca. • re is a SCUM- of exhausth . arising from ex- v on« or h in half a tumbler of water with a listle . ugar, will I f f ...ectu I most pi torative, which ikes this essence a highly useful au_ portmanteau, as well as to the familv Election of remedies and cu­ linary appendages. Where then of w< A or nausea after eating, from imperfect diges­ tion, or where nan- . ced from riding In a rail road car, or , or from the mo­ tion of a vessel at t, u Gin . if giVen I ording to the directions, will al­ most invariably give relfc In ordinary di IIOD; nt cholera, in short, in all of pr tion of the digestive functions, whether from indul it is of inestimable value. During the summer montl ml in Southern climates, it is invaluable, particularly during the prevalence of epidemic Ch a, no t or family should be without it. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. As a stimulant, stomachic and tonic, in ordinary cases of flatulence, imperfect digestion, or dyspeptic symptoms, thirty or forty drops in a wineglass of water with a littl* agar, if agreeable, will afford th . In of colic or nausea, a te -oonful should be mixed with a half a tumbler of hot w and us drank at intervals of several minutes, until relief is obtained. In a 1 uid or depre d state of tie tern in hot weather, or from exposure to the I tin in, trop dded to a tumbler of water will make a healthful and refresh!n irink, while at th time it corrects the bad effects of the cold water, when too freely i I, Travellers who are so much exposed to the injuri­ ous effects of chai of w r, will find a bw drops of the Essence an excellent corrective. In sea sickness it should be fin I with hot water. The Essence is sometimes beneficially ap, rnally in Rheumatism, Gout, &c, being useful in all cases when* a stimulating lotion may be required, Apifcc of flannel folded sev­ eral thicknesses and moisten^! with th will form an excellent substitute for spice plaster. ^ m^f ** GIN6SS, LOZSNaSS, Being nothing but pure Sff«par *nd Extract of Jamaica Ginger, Its convenient fonn makes it a desirable article for travellers. Prepared only by FREDERICK BROWN, and for sale at his Drurr and Chemical Store, N. E. Corner of Fifth & Chestniit-sts., Philadelphia. * ALSO, FOR SALE BY Dexter & N"' _ tp+" -^reet, corner of Pearl, and « on-<~__. >v/-York. LITTLE '& COMPANY, LAW AND JVHSCE. LA:VLl'(JS BOOKSELLERS k STATIONERS, Always on hand the most important works in c ry department of Liters, tare. Agency for all American, and for the.prominent Foreign Periodicals. SCHOOL BOOKS for sale in quantities, or otherwise, at p.'.ees which will command the attention of par'ic- about to purchase, & BLANK BOOKS of every approved style alway_ on hand ot made to order. • Our assortment of OfHco and Fano\ Stationery is unsurpassed.

CABTMT F!TT:NITURE, AND CHAA . W.NT No. 5.' . V*- (I'ov iloon. south of the'DukvMi I , . < Bleocl r Hal!,) *" AT J. \T: . * Curl Maple, Black Walnut .. • Mult .any (..r-airs- cd Racket - Sofas, Di­ vans, Ottomans, Wash Stands, Tid _. Bec'stc. _, Bureau^. Book Cases, Work Stand."._. I • , _i . _ ase-s, Cribs.- Cradles, JS.a. Four of the largest Wa'-n Ro>ms in th" £_t. nrst, second, third and irth stories fuil ol all kinds o; 1 urntturw, m

__% $%,______9 No. 8 GREEN-STREET, (4th door from State-st.) I {H>- Particular attention paid to the v.-tail trade in Paper Hangings and Window , _ades. .- ___