—«-,• -am HOFFMAN'S imwonRi; im-5\ 44^ BROiLDWA¥ts>f^w doors ^AffeKe: r£t SAH! Keeps, eonsian- y on bn.no7.seleotjO.is f'oi'~)he b^jWEBs of Cloth- me;.;s a>. also, a uomplertT assortment of RJEADY^ i^ADt^LOTHI-Nd, mvVother nrti^r-o ?#» "''^fi*« Ci/.llLaAii's wa.drok- |_ y. in jlrfT ]>B •••1» ' ' ' GICAL; 5jiiDfc:AX"'SCIENTIFIC AN: «*.av^ mvB«» Classic or< Works^Mtel i'.i Uuliine Hapl^Globes— Y^and flngley's- tj..<W Pens, &c. Sabba^c£\L Bible ?nu Tract NtfLpOOKS ruled and bour.d to < Paper Har rings, vJs&eik,, Cartalh vjjkpara, Fire Bfjtfrd Prints, fc, of'"ii *- • -;<, wholesale and retail. ^ WLLIA *» SON, SLM?. 60 Sow:'^ ?•' •' <• ''rp/ Hamilton,) linpcrif r and holcsah un, ' <** s'tl best ASSORTMENT 11, r>" "itv, >i the ? jve goot1" roai The BEST -woi :MEN (and no laii-r,) sett to put up t RACS,&c.,boaght at the HIGHEST PRICE IN * i .__•_ • •_ Ai^-J:. ' BALL, TOMPk.NS & BLACK, (SUCCESSORS TO MARQUAND & CO..) MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF J£eto €nglanb Historic Genealogical g>ocietj> GIVEN BY APR 9 1935 •7 Ta•W e and Pocket Cutlery, with Ivory, Plated or Silver Handles, DIAMONDS, and every other variety of Jewelry, Any or every article in their line of | •ill bo Manufactured or Im- ported, as the case may be, to order at I ' ^=uit the peculiar taste of any Customer. Particular attention i "liring and Cleaning of WATCHES and CLOCKS. NEW-YOKK, JUNE, 1850. ALBANY MERCANTILE CARPS. ALBANJ TOBACCO FACTORY. *» /* DANIEL S. DAVIS, • (LATE DAVIS & PHILLEO,) Manufacturer of FINE CUT CAVENDISH AND SMOKING Tobacco » SNUFF, CIGARS AND MUSTARD, CORNER CHURCH AND LYDIUS 8TS., ALBANY. A ^ kf » hih H-fTii : ** •JJHMIJ.'JIJ fl illllll tp '"" /^OT^P^^-T^^? CAWST Warehouse •"iurwuuuay, Ainaiiy, .*. y ., i>y HORAtAi L. .HIT**;!*I:, Jlaiiiitactnrer ana Dealer, Wholesale and Retail, of Railroad Horse Power and I lfire*liiu<r Tff-if |iiii<>* • :«|«n now*, Seed Planter, Hay Cutters, Harrows, Cultivators, Horse Rakes, and every variety of Implements and Seeds for the Farm ana harden. All Implements Warranted of the best Workmanship, and Materials and Seeds true and genuine to their Name and Kind. CEMETERY RAILING. N*2 STARKS & PRUYN, "COBNBR OF PRPYN & LIBERTY-STREETS, ALBANY. Manufacturers of every descriptio#of STEAM BOILERS, Plain and Ornamental Railing, Stoops, Balconies, Window Guards, Veran­ dahs, Iron Roofs, Shutters, Bank and Vault doors. ALSO IR0* BRIDGES, RAILROAD & ROOF BOLTS. Large quantities of Screw Bolts kept constantly on hand, suitable for Car Builders, Boat Builders, and Ship Car­ penters, &c. &c. Warranted of best American refined Iron, at very low prices. NATHAN STARKS, R. H. PRUYN. CHS. B. LANSING, Special Partner. Albany, May 1, 1850. PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE. A. DWELLE, MACHINIST, \os. 15 & 17 Church Street, Albany, Having become the sole owner and proprietor of FARNAM'S Celebrated Patent Force & Iiift Pumps, For the Counties of Albany> Saratoga and Rensselaer, is now prepared to fill all orders for the same for all BOATS,PROPELLERS,MILLS FACTORIES, WELLS AND CISTERNS, and with Hose, Couplings, Discharge Pipes, Lead Pipes, fyc. This is the best, cheapest and most durable pump extant; act­ ing as a common ordinary pump, o matter what the depth of the •c-ll is, and can in a moment be ransferred into a Powerful Fire Engine. The good sense of all persons equiring Pumps, will induce iem to give me a call before laking their purchases. Several INSURANCE COMPA- ES have agreed to reduce :ir rates at least 1-4 per cent. when THESE PUMPS ARE PRO- ...iy PERLY PLACED, and in many •MP cases risks would be taken which are now considered too hazar- PPI dous. The subscriber is extensively engaged in the manufacture of STEAM ENGINES AND MACHINERY, and REPAIRING of all kinds tended to promptly. (jt^» Pumps of all sizes furnished, from 1\ inch Cylinder to 4, 6 and 12 inches. A. DWELLE, ALBANY, June 1, 1850. Id and 17 Church st. 1S50. SCHUYLER & GO'S LINE. TOW BOATS on the Hudson River, between Albany and New-York, Daily- This Line is composed of the following Barges, viz: C. DURANT, INDEPENDENCE. WM. COLE, BRUTUS, CH'LS. BREWER, B. C. BRAINERD. WM. LAWRENCE, JOHN WURT8. Towed Regularly by Powerful Steamers, And are particularly adapted to the business, being of an easy draught of water, and fitted up with Promenade Decks, for the protection of Stock and other Property from the weather. The regular time of departure from Albany, 10 o'clock A.M. and from Foot Albany Street, Pier 13, North-River, New-York, at 5 o'clock P. M. For Freight or further Particulars, apply to B. C. BRAINERD, No. 29 & 30 Quay-St. Albany. J. J. SCHOONMAKER, No. 7 South St. N. York. W H.CLARKE, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, AGENT FOR THE PEOPLE'S OSWEGO LINE. CORNER HUDSON AND QUAY-STREET, ALBANY. 6 ALBANY LINE INDEPENDENT OPPOSITION. THROUGH WITHOUT LANDING. The New and Splendid Steamer RIP VAN WINKLE, SAMUEL SCHUYLER, Commander, Will run through the Season, leaving the new Steamboat Land­ ing, Broadway, late Market-st, on Mondays, . «.<i» Wednesdays and Fridays. 4 <.> ,• 1 <v... f, ^•... •, •, ' ' A-'-tr^ 7—^ ~T^ DAILT T.Y V TLIN. TN EV. STEAMBOATS. NEW-YORK, BELLE, BALTIC, TKOJAN. Leave New-York and Albany, Daily. T. SCHUYLER, Agent, 29 Quay-Street, Albany. W. SCHUYLER, Agent, 7 South-Street, New-York. JAMES SCHUYLER, COAL YARD, Corner of Franklin and Basset-Streets. $rj» All kinds of Coal in Lumps, Egg, Grate, or any oth­ er usual size, at wholesale or retail. Coal prepared ex­ pressly for family use. 7 JOHN E. GAVIT, Bank Note Engraver, AND PRINTER. Wedding, Invitation and Visiting Cards, engraved in a superior manner, and on the shortest notice. Arms, Crests, Devices, Initials, &c, engraved on brass and stone seals, and signet rings. No. 4, Third Floor Exchange. 1850. SYRACUSE AND OSWEGO LINE. 1850. LAKE AND CANAL BOATS, DAILY, FROM New-York, Albany, and Oswego. By Steamboats on Lake Ontario, and Propellers and first class Vessels on the Western Lakes. Insured between New-York and Oswego only. The dangers of Navigation on the Lakes & River St. Lawrence, and of fire at places of transhipment, at the risk of the own­ ers of property. MERRICK, DAVIS, & CO'S REINDEER LINE Rropellers and first class Sail-Vessels, will run in connection with this Line, affording SUPERIOR FACILITES for transporting all kinds of property, also EMIGRANTS to and from ports on LAKE ONTARIO, RIVER ST. LAWRENCE, & LAKES ERIE, HURON & MICHIGAN. EATON HOVEY, & Co., Syracuse, > „ MERICK, DAVIS & Co., Oswego. Pr°P"etors. IBE& HIGBKE, 113 Broad-st., New-York, ) . , W. GODARD, 98 Pier Albany, $ Agents. CHARLES T. SMYTH. AGENT FOR THE Commercial and Despatch Lines OF ALBANY AND BOSTON PACKETS, AKD COMMISSION MERCHANT Flour and Produce of every description bought and sold on reasonable lerms. d@» All kinds of property received and forwarded to Bos­ ton, Providence, Philadelphia, and intermediate places (by Vessel or Railroad, as may be directed,) with despatch. No. 40, Quay-Street, Albany, N. Y. 18/50 CHAMBERLAIN & OLMSTED" 1850. FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, &c, Agents for the following Lake Boat Lines: Western Lake Boat Line, to Buffalo., Oswego & Western Line, New-York & Genesee Valley Canal, New-York & Seneca Falls, New-York, Penn Yan & Hammondsport Lines. No. 42, QUAY-STBEET, ALBANY. Lee Chamberlain, ) L. W. Olmsted, J REFERENCES. Palmer, Howell & Co., 121 Broad-st. New-York. James & Maxwell, 119 do do John Rice, 109 do do Schoolcraft, Raymond & Co., Albany. Erastus Corning & Co., do Powers, Isaacs & Co., Oswego. Bowers, Talmadge, & Co., Buffalo. W. Foote &. Co. Dansville. A. M. Adsit, Hammondsport. Joseph Price, Geneva. King & Harding, Springfield, Mass. A. & W. H. Harris, Worcester, Mass. E. D. Brigham & Co., Boston. Mineral Spring Garden, FERRY STREET, ALBANY. The Medicinal virtue of the Spring Water, flowing from a depth of 617 feet, is equal to any of the springs of Saratoga. Temperature, 220 feet below the surface, from 50" to 51° Fah. ICE CREAM AND OTHER REFRESHMENTS, Will be worthy of the public patronage, and no exertions shall be spared to render this the great point of attraction for the present season. T. L. CLARKE. J. &S. HURDIS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND GILDERS, No. 9 CHURCH STREET, Keeps constantly for sale, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty &c, ofthe best quality. Also JAPANNING, in all its branches, executed with neatness and despatch. Always Dying, yet Living, De Lanes, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Merinos, Silks, Satins, Rib­ bons, Shawls of all descriptions, Dyed all colors; plain silks and Moreens watered; Black Merino Shawls re-dyed, without injury to the borders. All descriptions of Gent's apparel dyed, and warranted not to rub off. SCOURING. Merino Shawls Cleaned, as usual, in the French style; Gent's wearing apparel cleaned and restored to their original color; collars and breasts of coats warranted to be kept in perfect shape. Carpets, Table Covers, Crumb Cloths, cleaned and neatly pressed. WILLIAM GIFFIN, No. 2 Norton St., Opposite Centre Market. v iyv vts'i 'w- 10 Swiftsure Lins Tow Boats, 1850, TRANSPORTATION ON THE HUDSON RIVER—DAILY. The SWIFTSURE LINE, consisting of powerful Steam Tow Boats, and fourteen large class Barges, (having added those of the EAGLE LINE to their former means,) are prepared to do an increased business on the Hudson River for the season of 1850. BARGES will be despatched DAILY fLom Albany for the East River side at New-York, landing at Broad Street, and for the North River, landing at Cortlandt street. Leaving New-York Daily, at 5 P. M., from the foot of Broad street. CONSIGNMENTS made for Transportation will be promptly attended to and forwarded with despatch, at the lowest rates.
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