Friday, October 12, 2001

Where’s the ‘T’? What’s it like to be Buzz? Find TECHNIQUE Homecoming shirt causes out in our exclusive feature “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” administrative concern. with former GT mascots. ONLINE NEWS page 5 SPORTS page 39 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 87, Issue 12 • 40 pages Opinions␣ 8 · Focus␣ 15 · Entertainment␣ 23 · Comics␣ 32 · Sports␣ 40

Midterms out Clough presents vision for new year after fall break dent-focused education. He also an- By Jody Shaw Tech will issue midterm nounced the appointment of Dr. Arnie News Editor “If we remain true to our well- grade reports for the first time Stancill, a professor in Chemical En- in its history on Wednesday, honed strategies...our opportunity gineering, to the Turner Chair of In his annual State of the Insti- October 17. Servant Leadership—a position that tute Address, President G. Wayne to make a difference has never At that time, any student will work to further develop student Clough highlighted Tech’s accom- in a 1000- or 2000-level class been greater.” leadership at Tech. plishments throughout the last year will receive either an ‘S’ for The last component of student- and set a number of goals for the G. Wayne Clough satisfactory academic focused learning emphasized by coming year. Clough identified sev- President performance in the class or a Clough was the new midterm grade en strategic goals for the Institute, ‘U’ for unsatisfactory reports, which will be made available but focused on three in particular— performance. All students who to students for the first time this week. student-focused education, enhanced dergraduate research programs,” said “Every freshman student will take receive a ‘U’ will be notified “The midterm reporting process research enterprise and expanded lo- Clough. their chemistry, physics, biology and by their advisors to schedule addresses a need that was acknowl- cal, regional and global outreach. Another aspect of student-focused earth sciences laboratories in this build- meetings. The advisors will edged by students and faculty alike,” In discussing his goal of more stu- learning emphasized by Clough was ing, bringing them almost daily into help the students to determine said Clough. dent-focused education, Clough not- an improved physical environment the same space where advising, infor- how best to improve their “And figuring what to do and ed the success of the undergraduate for teaching and learning. He dis- mation access and tutoring services academic progress. how to make it work has been a great research initiative he introduced in cussed the new Learning Resources are also there for them,” said Clough. Midterm grades will be team effort involving faculty, aca- last year’s State of the Institute Ad- Center, which the Board of Regents Clough also discussed the progress accessed online at demic advisors, academic support staff, dress. The Institute has already funded recently placed on its list of construc- of the student leadership initiative in the same he registrar’s office, the counseling 50 undergraduate research projects. tion projects to be funded. It will be coordinated by Robert McMath, Vice way transcripts are regularly center in student affairs and the dorm “Beyond our central initiative, adjacent to the library and will in- Provost for Undergraduate Studies, accessed. many of our academic units have clude classrooms and labs as well as and Lee Wilcox, Vice President of developed their own outstanding un- other academic support services. Student Affairs and its role in stu- See Clough, page 7 Merrill named Volkswagen Motion Picture Show Skiles Walkway to cell bio chair New accountability Alfred H. Merrill, one of the world’s most renowed act passed by SGA biochemists, recently joined the Tech faculty in the School By Tony Kluemper of Biology. Merrill was named Assistant News Editor the first Smithgall Institute Chair in Molecular and Cell The undergraduate student body will Biology earlier this year. now be able to hold their Student Govern- Merrill’s research is in ment representatives more accountable for sphingolipid biology. their actions, with the passage of a bill by Sphingolipids are compounds Undergraduate House of Representatives that have been found to inhibit (UHR) this Tuesday. The Voting Account- colon cancer. ability Act, which was approved unani- “I am very pleased and mously by the representatives at this week’s excited about Professor meeting, will give the student body direct Merrill’s arrival,” said Gary access to how their representatives are vot- Schuster, Dean of the College ing. of Sciences. According to UHR Executive Vice-Pres- Merrill is one of 14 new ident Nate Watson this idea is important faculty members in the College on two levels for both the students and the of Sciences. representatives. “The whole idea behind the voting accountability act is to provide several important services to the student No Technique body and the members of the Undergradu- ate House of Representatives,” said Wat- until Oct. 26 son. “The reason that this came up is that Because of fall break next many people feel that it’s very important Monday and Tuesday, there that the students understand how their rep- will be no issue of the resentatives are voting.” Technique next week. The In addition, Watson also felt that the By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS paper will resume its normal idea would allow the representatives to look Cass Alvardo and Andrew Yam view a virtual reality portion of a movie at last week’s VW weekly publication schedule at how they were voting over long periods motion picture show. The event featured a free movie, free lunch, and other entertainment. on Friday, October 26. of time. This would allow them the oppor- tunity to make sure they were voting in accordance with their own values and the wishes of their constituents. Homecoming events packed into three day week In the House meeting on Tuesday, most representatives supported the idea and prin- By Sriram Narasimhan starting on Wednesday will be ter Programs Board sits down number of changes to its usual ciple behind the bill—greater accountabil- Contributing Writer “Jackets in the Jungle,” which with a calendar of the football calendar of events. For exam- ity. Some worried, however, about possible was decided in the spring. Kick- games and other events to plan ple, the talent show and mock costs of the bill and how the information The annual homecoming off day will be on Tuesday, fol- out when its activities will be rock are traditionally separate would be distributed. Those details were football game at Bobby Dodd lowed by spirited events such as held. Although fall break was events, but this year the two had not included in Tuesday’s bill and they will Stadium will take place next Sat- a Homecoming Banner Con- pushed back a week last year, to be combined. The Ferst Cen- be addressed by the Legislative Communi- urday, October 20, against North test, a photo safari, “Buzz’s Jun- which gave the committee a full ter for the Arts, which houses cations Committee of UHR. Carolina State. However, due gle Extravaganza”, the Mini 500 week of events, it was not the them, could not be reserved for Although this is the first time in recent to fall break the Monday and and the Homecoming Display case this year. As a result, there two nights in a short span of history that a bill like this has been passed, Tuesday prior to it, Tech stu- Contest. As it has always been, were no other days to hold Home- three days. according to Watson the idea itself is not a dents will only have three days the week will conclude with the coming events available except The shorter schedule should new concept. “It’s been something that’s of the traditional pregame events Rambin’ Reck Parade and foot- the three following the holiday. not, according to Burham, low- been tossed around for a very long time, and festivities, instead of the usual ball game on Saturday. “We had no other choice,” er the student body’s spirit. The longer than I’ve been here,” said Watson. five. The registrar is responsible said Andy Burnham, the Home- committee aims this year to in- The theme of the Homecom- for setting the dates for fall break. coming Committee chair. crease non-Greek enrollment in See Vote, page 2 ing events that will take place From there, the Homecoming The tighter schedule has throughout the following week Committee of the Student Cen- forced the committee to make a See Jungle, page 5 2 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique NEWS

that the changes in the bylaws of bills that affect what happens on Technique Online Voice Your Opinion! Vote from page 1 UHR have been made. campus,” said Watson. “We will be trying to put it into “One of the things I said I would Last issue’s poll garnered 60 responses to the question: “[ECE Representative] Eric Clo- force as soon as possible because do when I ran for Vice President [of pper came to me with the idea and this provides such a valuable service UHR] was that I would help to “What are you doing for fall break? ” so we got together and flushed it to both the student body and the make UHR communicate better with out and he took the initiative to Undergraduate House of Represen- the student body and be more trans- really flush it out and say this is how tatives,” said Watson. parent in their [UHR] actions.” it should work,” said Watson. According to Clopper, students The bill, which is an amend- “Eric, far and away, deserves credit will be able to access the voting in- ment to the bylaws, does not in- for being the person who saw this formation from a number of sourc- clude the details of implementation. lying around, picked it up and real- es on campus. Clopper wanted to leave that up to ized the potential it could have and “We are going to post the results each Executive Vice President to turned it into action.” on the web in some kind of search- determine on a yearly basis. The bill “I realized there was no way to able form,” said Clopper. merely states that the undergradu- watch how your representatives vot- Watson also pointed out that ates will make this information avail- ed. I thought they really needed to every effort would be made to keep able. be accountable because we [the stu- the results updated on a week-to- The ideas being discussed right dents] put them into office. I thought week basis to ensure that the Stu- now include a searchable web site it was important for us to know, so dent Body is given accurate or paper newsletter publishing the I started working on this last Spring, information about their represen- votes. Clopper feels that a similar and it really got going at the SGA tatives. system could work in the Graduate retreat this fall,” said Clopper. In the end, Watson hopes that Student Senate, though at this point, The bill was presented at the this bill will allow the student body there are no plans to implement October 2 meeting and was voted to see more of what happens during one. on at this week’s meeting of UHR UHR meetings. “I think this is a This week’s poll is about the Homecoming T-shirt. Do you like it? in order to give students an oppor- great opportunity for UHR to hold More information about the House Do you hate it? What about the ‘T’-less Tech Tower? Visit tunity to voice their opinion. Wat- themselves more accountable to their debate surrounding the Voter Account- son hopes to get the idea up and constitutes and inform their consti- ability Act can be found in the UHR running almost immediately now tutes on how they are voting on the report on the facing page. NEWS Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 3 Council Clippings Senate and House Smith selected as Accountability act new GSS Treasurer dominates debate By Jody Shaw By Tony Kluemper News Editor Assistant News Editor

Tuesday the Senate approved a number There was much debate about how ac- of funding allocations including one to keep countable representatives should be held at Tech students from getting struck by light- last week’s meeting of UHR. The debate ing. Before they approved those measures, centered around the Voting Accountabili- however, the senators filled a void left by ty Act, which would allow the student body former Senator Charles Mull. to view the voting records of the UHR When President George W. Bush called representatives after each meeting. up reservists around the country a few weeks ECE Representative Eric Clopper au- ago, Mull was one of a number of Tech thored the bill and addressed the House students to get the call. Mull had been saying, “The purpose of this [bill] is three serving in the office of treasurer, and on fold accountability for ourselves to make Tuesday, members of the Graduate Stu- sure we are voting in agreement with our dent Senate elected a replacement. They beliefs and values, increased involvement choose Jeff Smith, who like Mull repre- of our constituency who will have a better sents the College of Management. idea of how we voted and can talk to us The Senators approved a bill to allocate By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS about it, and the accountability of our con- over $5,000 to the Tech intramurals pro- Vice President of Campus Affairs E.W. Looney, Sergeant-at-Arms Normer Adams, stitutes who will now be able to see if we are gram and the Student Athletic Center to and Vice President of Finance Dave Maybury count the votes for the LCC chair. listening to their opinions.” install a lightning warning protection sys- The act called for a change in the bylaws tem. Dan Hazlett, the Intramurals Direc- in that UHR would be responsible for re- tor at SAC, believes the system will improve Other Bills Considered cording the votes of the members. In addi- safety and allow the SAC to better regulate tion, the Legislative Communications when the SAC fields can be used when Undergraduate House of Representatives: Committee would be in charge of deciding inclement weather is a threat. Joint Allocation to Cycling Club; Author: Dusty Riddle—Passed. how these records would be published for The system, which is manufactured by Joint Allocation to Cycling Club (Equipment); Author: Dusty Riddle— the Student Body. The final section of the Thor Guard and endorsed by the Profes- Passed. act called for a punishment of one-half sional Golf Association, will be mounted Joint Allocation to GT Intramurals; Author: Eric Woods & Chris Webb— absence if a representative failed to turn in in an outside location near SAC fields. When Passed. his votes for a meeting. the system senses a hazardous weather situ- Joint Allocation to GT Photography Club; Author: Brian George— One of the major objections to the act ation that could cause lightning within a Passed. was that it could possibly cause a great deal one mile radius of its location, the system Joint Allocation to GT Photography Club; Author: Brian George— of negative campaigning among represen- issues audio and visual alerts. It sounds a Passed. tatives at next spring’s UHR elections. Clo- horn and activates a strobe light. The sys- Joint Allocation to Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers; Author: Michael pper, however, feels that this would not be tem is activated when the chance of light- Handelman—Withdrawn. the case. “What some would call a ‘dirty’ ing, as calculated by the technology, rises Joint Allocation to Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers; Author: Michael election is actually nothing more than an above 30 percent. Handelman—Withdrawn. informed election,” said Clopper. “The elec- While the Senators seemed opposed the Joint Allocation to GT Men’s Soccer Club; Author: Michael tion committee would also work to make bill at first, many eventually warmed up to Handelman—Tabled. sure that the election codes are upheld and the proposal. negative campaigning does not occur.” ECE Senator Leandro Barajas asked why Graduate Student Senate: Vice President of Finance David May- Hazlett asked SGA to fund the venture Joint Allocation to Cycling Club; Author: Jennifer Jordan—Passed. bury agreed with Clopper. “By having an instead of going to Facilities or another Joint Allocation to Cycling Club (Equipment); Author: Jennifer Jordan— election where students are voting based on Institute department. Hazlett noted that Passed. how their representatives voted, we are there is no other budget from which money Joint Allocation to Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers; Author: Jenni- making a great leap over what we have done could be tapped for this type of venture. All fer Jordan—Withdrawn. in the past,” said Maybury. Joint Allocation to GT Canoe and Kayak Club; Author: Laura Sheppardson— See GSS, page 4 Withdrawn. See UHR, page 4 4 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique NEWS

Ferst Center experiences marketing, budgetary success GSS from page 3 By Sriram Narasimhan vious fiscal year in which the the- of the funds in the SAC II develop- Contributing Writer “We had a program that was ater only sold 39 percent of its tick- ment have already been earmarked ets. As a preliminary stage, the Ferst for specific purposes. Down from a loss of $1.3 mil- really overambitious ... in some Center board met with President Other senators asked about the lion in the 1999 fiscal season, the ways, it [2000] served as a Wayne Clough to address some of history of lightning at Tech and Ferst Center for the Arts has estab- the issues involved and to possibly whether maintenance would be an lished several reforms to its market- testing year” create a more strategic marketing issue. Hazlett admitted that no in- ing approach and programming Rosalind Meyers plan. juries as a result of lighting have agenda, resulting in a significant Associate Vice President of Auxiliary Services One aspect of this strategy in- occurred at Tech to his knowledge, comeback to exceed its budget for volved extensive research on sup- but he also explained that this sys- 2000. It anticipates producing even ply-and-demand of products in CD tem would be a good protection for greater revenue this year. in 1999, as revealed to the public ter encountered was its underdevel- stores, discussions with students, the student body. As is the case with any theater, when the Center cut at least twelve oped marketing strategy. Although broadcasting by numerous music Hazlett also explained that the the Center relies on several sources events from the following year’s pre- a great deal of money was spent to radio stations, and analysis of ticket first two years of maintenance for of funding- ticket sales, rental fees, scheduled program. Each show was determine which shows were of high- sales in other venues. the equipment would be covered endowments, and contributions extensively analyzed by the staff and est interest to the Atlanta commu- For example, the research com- under a warranty and that after- from corporations, alumni or other those programs that were not ex- nity, it was not spent wisely. mittee has learned that if a perform- wards SAC would pay for the up- campus groups. pected to do well were cancelled. “The Ferst Center has not had a er in classical music is ever desired, keep out of its budget. For some time, however, ticket “There were a lot of shows picked definite mission. It’s been in exist- it will only request one of the top After the debate closed, the Sen- sales at the theater have been low that did not appeal to Atlanta or the ence for ten years and still hasn’t names, as that is what the Atlanta ators passed the bill 21-0-1. and rarely met budget, especially student body,” said Andrea Hoffer, found its niche. The programming community would most likely come Two other hotly contested bills from the student body of Georgia the Acting Director of the Ferst Cen- has been haphazard,” Hoffer add- to watch. were those allocating money to Tech’s Tech, who have comprised less than ter, who pointed to the primary rea- ed. The fruits of the staff’s labor have new Photography Club. a few percent of the total audience son for the deficit. Albeit harsh, the economically paid off overwhelmingly as a result. One bill paid for the organiza- in past fiscal years. In addition, do- “We had a program that was re- poor fiscal year served as an impetus Long before sales have closed, 41 tion to rent space in the Robert nations have not been as high as ally overambitious. There were too for improved marketing and a bet- percent of the tickets have been sold, Ferst Center for the Arts to display they once were, partly due to a lack many shows and, in some ways, it ter constructed program for the fol- out of which, 7 percent of them some of their photography in a gal- of funding from the SGA in recent [2000] served as a testing year. We lowing year of 2000-2001. have been bought by students. The lery. The other provided funds to years. As a result of these combined wanted to see what kinds of pro- The shorter program helped the numbers are expected to climb and purchase used camera equipment factors, the Ferst Center has almost grams would and wouldn’t work,” Center sell 64 percent of its seats, in eventually sell out, according to the for the organization. The Senate always experienced some amount said Rosalind Meyers, Associate Vice excess of the original 55 percent in Ferst Center directors. chose to cut the first bill in half, of loss. President of Auxiliary Services. the proposed budget. This was a while it funded the cost of two used The loss was particularly severe A second problem that the Cen- significant improvement to the pre- See Ferst, page 7 cameras for the new student group.

UHR from page 3 the act was not without its negative almost unanimously with Economics tive Scott Fletcher was elected Chair. club, which has grown to over 30 effects. “We have to consider the representative Stephen Popick ab- In other business, the House also members, to expand into the road Biology representative Brad Bol- negative effects of this bill,” said staining from voting because he felt passed bills allocating money to two bike racing area. ton spoke in favor of the act as well. Junior Representative Tiffany Mas- the penalty was not strong enough. student organizations on campus. Due to fall break, it was an- “This act makes you accountable,” sey. “This act will weigh down the After the bill was passed, the next The GT Cycling Club was awarded nounced that UHR would not hold said Bolton. “If you are ashamed by LCC Committee greatly and may task was to appoint members to the over $3,000. According to Cycling a regular meeting next week. There- the way you are voting you should prevent them from serving their orig- Legislative Communications Com- Club President Ryan Fisher the fore the next meeting will be Tues- rethink your position here [in inal purpose which is to get [SGA] mittee so that the process of voting money will be used to pay entry fees day, October 23 and will feature UHR].” info out into the campus.” accountability could be established to races as well as to purchase three Tech’s new provost Dr. Jean Lou Some members felt, however, that In the end, the vote was passed immediately. Physics Representa- new road bikes. This will allow the Chameau as the guest speaker. NEWS Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 5

how long it is. He believes that mis- Jungle from page 1, sion will be successfully accom- plished. Concerns raised over ‘T’-less shirt all campus-related events, especial- “We have a much more campus- By Nasir Barday ly the Jungle Extravaganza. involved homecoming [than other Senior News Staff According to Burnham, the true schools], many more events, much purpose of Homecoming is “to wel- greater fraternity involvement and The design for this year’s home- come back alumni and reflect on a Ramblin’ Reck parade that makes coming T-shirt caused a stir within the time here at Tech,” regardless of [Tech] stand out,” said Burnham. the Institute administration this week. Plans for the new T-shirt in- Homecoming Schedule of Events clude a depiction of Tech Tower 10/11 - 10/19 Ugly Man on Campus Student Center Lobby with its prominent ‘T’ stolen. Offi-

All week ○○○○○○○○○○○○

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ cials expressed concerns over send- 10/16 - 10/19 Homecoming Banner Contest Campus-Wide ing a mixed message to students

All week ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ about stealing the ‘T.’ 10/16 Kickoff Party and Outdoor Movie Burger Bowl Though still considered a

9 p.m. ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ tradition by some, stealing 10/17 Photo Safari Music Listening Room the ‘T’ is a violation of

4 p.m. ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ the Student Code of 10/17 Tech Trivia Night Junior’s Grill Conduct, and was

7 p.m. ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ condemned by 10/18 Buzz’s Jungle Extravaganza Campanile/Skiles President G.

10:30 a.m. ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Wayne 10/18 Talent Show/Mock Rock Ferst Center for the Arts

7 p.m. Clough ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ in an 10/19 Homecoming Display Contest Campus-wide

11 a.m.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 10/19 Coaches’ Lunch Coliseum

12 p.m.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 10/19 Mini 500 Coliseum Parking Lot

3:30 p.m.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 10/19 Homecoming Formal The Renaissance

8 p.m.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 10/20 Freshman Cake Race Ferst Drive (near PKP, PKA)

7 a.m.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 10/20 Ramblin’ Reck Parade Fowler and Eighth Street

8 a.m. open

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 10/20 Mr. and Ms. GT announcement Grant Field letter

Halftime sent to the ○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Technique in 1997. The design comes after two

students, David Moeller and Jim- Courtesy of Student Center Homecoming Committee, illustation by Benjamin Small. my Henderson, were suspended for This year’s homecoming shirt design, by Dan Moore, features an image stealing the ‘T’ from atop Tech Tower of Tech Tower without the ‘T.’ Administrators have noted their concern just last month. about the mixed message students may receive regarding ‘T’ theft. After a student informed him of the T-shirt design, Dr. Lee Wilcox, ceived the message from Wilcox, he from the Georgia Tech Licensing Vice President of Student Affairs, was not aware of the depiction of Office, which handles usage of Geor- emailed a letter of concern to Ian the missing ‘T’ gia Tech Logos and Buzz, Georgia Carr, President of the Inter-Frater- “[The IFC] is in charge of pick- Tech’s mascot. nity Council (IFC). ing which design to use and the The committee also received ap- “We in the administration feel Homecoming Committee gets ap- proval of the T-shirt design from distressed that mixed messages are proval for the T-shirt,” said Carr. the Ramblin’ Reck Club, which will being sent to the [Tech] communi- The individuals who actually handle sales of the Homecoming ty about this ‘tradition’ being ac- chose the T-shirt design were un- T-shirt to those who did not preor- By Alisa Hawkins / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ceptable,” said Wilcox, emphasizing available for comment. der them. Last year’s Mr. and Ms. Georgia Tech Rajiv Saigal and Jill Polliniak enjoy the quotes around “tradition.” According to Carr, the Home- a ride in the Wreck. This year’s winners will be announced next Saturday. According to Carr, when he re- coming committee received approval See ‘T’-shirts, page 7 6 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique NEWS

cluding those don’t have Greek af- ‘T’-shirts from page 5 filiations, and the Ramblin’ Reck Clough from page 1 Club made an order based on an Although the approval of the estimate of how many could be sold counselors in housing.” Ramblin’ Reck Club was not re- at the Homecoming Game on Oc- The next goal highlighted by quired, said Carr, “it seemed ap- tober 20 as well as at numerous Clough was increased local, region- propriate since they order such a other locations throughout Home- al, and global outreach. Clough spe- large quantity [of T-shirts].” coming Week. cifically noted the increased local However, the Homecoming “We served as an intermediary,” outreach Tech is planning over the Committee neglected to run the said Carr. next years. The campus is physical- design by Buck Cook, Advisor for “We want to make the campus ly expanding in all directions with Greek Affairs. aware that we feel this is a tradition new buildings, and the Institute is By the time Georgia Tech ad- that needs to stop,” said Carr along- also expanding services into the com- ministration had learned of the new side Susanne Hodges, President of munity. One example of this out- design, $18,000 worth of T-shirts the Panhellenic Council. reach is the Technology Square had already been produced. development, which includes not “The IFC fronted at least some Ian Carr and Susanne Hodges sub- only amenities for the Tech com- of the money,” said Carr. mitted a letter to the editor about this munity, but also for the greater At- Orders had been taken from stu- issue. It can be found on page 8 of the lanta community. dent organizations on campus, in- Opinions section. Clough also emphasized the im- portance of building a greater re- search enterprise. By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS After his speech yesterday, President Clough talks with Pamela Jackson from page 4 season. The Institute has provided “We have to create an environ- Ferst a discretionary fund to compensate ment where faculty can pursue both and Glenn Curtis, Jr. Many students attended the annual address. Much of the focus, from the stand- for some of the loss. short and long term research that point of Hoffer and her staff, has Although students only received produces usable products for today “We strive to define the techno- our mission of educating the lead- been directed toward the students, a 15 percent discount, they were as well the basis for those of tomor- logical university of the 21st centu- ers of tomorrow and creating the not surprising for a theater that is allowed to participate in a Rush pro- row,” said Clough. ry because of the opportunity and knowledge required to address the considered the heart and soul of gram where tickets could be pur- In particular, Clough noted the the capability it will provide to shape problems we face. Indeed, both of performing arts at Georgia Tech. chased for $15 two weeks prior to importance of interdisciplinary re- futures through innovation—the fu- these tasks are now even more im- In fact, an SGA student com- the show. search. Tech’s growing involvement tures of our students, our Institute portant to our nation, reinforcing mittee was created for the task of As another initiative to increase in biotechnology research, he claims, and the citizens of our community, as never before the essential nature assisting the Ferst Center board in the number of students in the audi- is an example of how interdiscipli- state, nation and world,” said Clough. of what it is we are positioned to do. marketing its ideas to other students ence, the Ferst Center moved the nary research can allow the Insti- Clough ended his address on a If we remain true to our well-honed and learning what their cultural per- Rush program to the beginning of tute to expand into new fields of more philosophical note. He ac- strategies and unleash the talent of spective truly is. The purpose of the the season, allowing students the research and stay on the cutting edge knowledged that in the wake of the the people who are Georgia Tech, committee was to also secure cheaper chance to sit in the first few rows of of knowledge creation. events of September, Tech’s role in our opportunity to make a differ- student tickets and theater rental the theater, as opposed to the re- “We already have significant re- the world is even more important. ence has never been greater.” fees. verse in last year’s case. search underway in several interdis- “For Georgia Tech and our na- As he does each year, Clough “The Ferst holds a unique posi- This will be in effect for five ciplinary fields that have tremendous tion, we now live in a changed envi- delivered the address a number of tion in that it is on a college campus shows during the year, including potential for the future,” said Clough. ronment, one faced with economic times throughout the week. He ad- and smack in the middle of a major the Dance Theater of Harlem, Penn These new fields will allow Tech to challenges as well as societal ones,” dressed the faculty on Tuesday af- metropolitan area. The Ferst has and Teller, Sandra Bernhard, Lazer better fulfill its role as a leading said Clough. ternoon and the student body on tried a small and large number of Vaudeville, and Rockapella. technological university. “Yet nothing need deter us from Thursday morning. shows, varying from jazz and classi- cal to opera and dance, to see what sells. Now, I think the Ferst has come up with a good solution-mak- ing sure the shows are what stu- dents like while trying to draw in outside sales,” said Rusty Johnson, the former Ferst Center Student Advisory Board Chair. “In my opinion...the input from students has greatly impacted the shows presented.” The waning ticket sales, howev- er, weren’t the only cause for the profit losses in prior years. Endow- ments are, with no doubt, lucrative prospects for any theater seeking to remain successful. A full-time De- velopment Director was hired last year to secure an endowment, spe- cifically for that reason. Donations, similarly, have not been easy to obtain, especially from SGA. Bills that would have provid- ed funding to assist student organi- zations pay for fees when renting the theater were passed by the un- dergraduate senate and failed by the graduate senate. This, in essence, has forced campus groups to pay a hefty price of anywhere from $650 to $10,000, depending on the amount of time they use it. In some cases, it would restrict them using it altogether, thereby decreasing the Center’s profits. Most of the groups that take advantage of the theater are cultural and performing arts or- ganizations. “[Rentals] are one of the points for having a theater,” said Hoffer, who has strived to make the rental process more student-friendly in the past year she has served as interim director. “However, we can’t afford to waive the rental fee.” In past years, SGA used provide funding in return for $10 student tickets and lower renting fees. How- ever, the Ferst Center was split from the Student Center by Auxiliary Services during the 1999-2000 year and consequently, the Center did not submit a budget in time for SGA funding for the 2000-01 fiscal 8 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique THE WALL STREET JOURNALpage 8 CAMPUS EDITION OPINIONS Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001

OUR VIEWS Consensus Opinion Reps show responsibility This week the Undergraduate House of Representatives passed a bill that will make the reps’ voting records available to Editorial Board: the student body. By doing this, students will now be able to see how their representatives vote for each bill that is presented Matthew Bryan, Editor-in-Chief and how their stance on the issues that are brought before the Jody Shaw, News Editor undergraduate house. This act will help to narrow the gap Mary DeCamp, Opinions Editor between the reps and the many students that they serve and Emily Cavender, Focus Editor will invoke more confidence from the student body in regards Andrew Santelli, Entertainment Editor Derek Haynes, Sports Editor to its SGA representation. Daniel Uhlig, Photography Editor In the past students have elected representatives based on Jamie Schulz, Advertising Manager very little background information. With the publishing of Matt Flagg, Online Editor Jennifer LaHatte, Managing Editor representatives’ voting records, students will be able to re- search candidates’ past actions and gain a more complete knowledge of what each candidate stands for. This will lead to more informed voting decisions and the elections of candi- dates that students are more familiar with and in which they have greater confidence. While this act is a good idea and has many positive aspects, it is not as definite in its execution as it should be. If a rep fails Quote of the week: to turn in a sheet at the end of a meeting showing how he or she “Champions take responsibility. When the ball is coming over the net, you can be voted, he or she is penalized with being marked absent for the sure I want the ball.” equivalent of half of a meeting. This punishment is not suffi- —Billie Jean King cient. If a bill is in any way controversial, to avoid negative feedback a representative may be tempted to refrain from Tradition of ‘T’ theft should be kept in the past turning in his or her voting record simply because the penalty Over the past few years Tech has students remain adamant in keep- attention should not be geared to- is so light, thereby cheating the students he or she represents become a whirlwind of controversy ing the theft of the ‘T’ a tradition. ward keeping the tradition alive, over the tradition of Stealing the Although the administration dis- but rather focus on remembering out of seeing where their rep stands on certain issues. ‘T.’ The debate began when a death approves of the stealing of the ‘T’, the tradition as part of the past. It is If reps pledge to be held accountable, they should take occurred from a fall off a building, the underlying campus culture to- our responsibility as upperclassmen, responsibility for and be held completely accountable for not Tech Tower, continued on wards the tradition remains strong, even if you don’t agree with Presi- through President Clough’s letter thus sending a mixed message. This dent Clough and the administra- every single bill on which they vote. Turning in voting record stating the school’s new stance on culture and attitude can be seen in tion, to inform the underclassman sheets at the end of each meeting should be mandatory for all the old tradition, and finally the student organizations’ websites, the of the school’s stance and the dan- representatives. In this way, students can be sure that they theft of the ‘T’ and the seemingly school newspaper, students’ and fac- ger and repercussions involved if endless case over the suspension of ulty’s jokes surrounding the steal- one attempts to steal the ‘T.’ always know what their reps are up to and whether or not they two of Tech’s student leaders by the ing of the ‘T’ and finally this year’s are accurately representing their constituents. Undergraduate Judiciary Cabinet. Homecoming T-shirt. Sincerely, President Clough, with the back- As leaders of the Greek commu- ing of Tech’s administration, has nity we agree the stealing of the ‘T’ fought a battle to end the possibly could be a potentially deadly un- Ian Carr ‘T’ shirt no big deal deadly tradition. Throughout all that dertaking, and the tradition needs President, IFC has arisen, many students have come to end before one of our fellow class- This year’s homecoming t-shirt design includes a picture to understand the potential danger mates dies. It is inevitable that all of Tech Tower minus the infamous ‘T’. While this illustra- involved and thus the decision to the talk and allusion to the old tra- Susanne Hodges tion might not have been the best choice for the shirt, end the tradition. But many older dition will not cease. However, this President, Panhellenic especially in light of the recent theft of the ‘T’, the fact that it is there is not a great cause for concern. By protesting the shirt’s content, the administration has brought unnecessary attention to this design. Most stu- dents did not even notice that the ‘T’ is missing from the picture and became aware of it only after an issue was raised. Even after realizing the absence of the ‘T’, few students find that it is something to be alarmed about. The tradition of stealing the ‘T’ is often present in the minds of Tech students. When students think of or illus- trate the tower it is often without the ‘T’. Over the years it has become a symbol of tradition and life here at Tech. It is only natural that students would be inclined to include it as part of the design of a homecoming t-shirt, simply for the sake of continuity and a connection with the past. Though it was probably not the best idea for a T-shirt design, Tech Tower minus the ‘T’ is a relatively harmless addition to the shirt’s illustration.

Consensus editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of The Technique but not necessarily the By Matt Norris / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS opinions of individual editors. OPINIONS Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 9 US obligated to aid predicted Afghan refugee crisis TECHNIQUE “The South’s Liveliest College Rabi’s father was killed by the gees with eventual repatriation should Newspaper” Taliban. At age thirteen, he had “Now is not the time to close be the primary goal, even if the Tal- Established in 1911 already experienced more pain and borders to those political iban no longer rules Afghanistan, Editor-in-Chief witnessed more violence than most the country’s economy will be crip- Matthew Bryan individuals do in a lifetime. He told refugees who most desperately pled, and many of its people will be • • • me the story of his family’s flight unable to return home. The U.S. need to gain entry.” News from Afghanistan, their two year cannot turn its back on those peo- Jody Shaw, Editor stay in Pakistan, and heir eventual Jody Shaw ple. Just as after the Vietnam con- Tony Kluemper, Assistant Editor relocation in America. News Editor flict, the nation will again be morally Nasir Barday, Sriram Narasimhan I listened to Rabi tell me his sto- obligated to admit thousands of ref- Opinions Mary DeCamp, Editor ry, as his mother sat quietly and ugees, and it should do so with open Jen Hinkel, Matt Norris listened, unable to understand the abandon their lives and flee the bar- include all these elements in its strat- arms. Though a renewed emphasis Focus English her son spoke. She shed a ren wasteland their country has be- egy; in some ways it already is, but exists on increasing “homeland se- Emily Cavender, Editor few tears. We sat in the office of the come at an unprecedented rate more should be done. curity,” now is not the time to close Gray Gunter, Assitant Editor Madhu Adiga, Craig J. Davis, Amanda International Rescue Committee in throughout the coming months in Along with the bombs they borders to those political refugees Gard, Kimberly Rieck, Benjamin Small Decatur, where just a short time hopes of a better future. dropped on Afghanistan last Sun- who most desperately need to gain Entertainment ago the family had been processed Even before the Taliban govern- day, U.S. and British forces dropped entry. Andrew Santelli, Editor and resettled as refugees—part of ment took control of Afghanistan, food and medical supplies to the For some individuals, like those Alan Back, Bryan Basamanowicz, Kit FitzSimons, Chuks Ibeji, Jon Kaye, the several hundred thousand ac- people had been fleeing the coun- people of Afghanistan. In addition in Afghanistan, homeland security Kimberly Rieck, Jennifer Schor cepted by the United States each try. Currently two million refugees to food and medicine, refugees also will not come. Sometimes freedom, year. That was spring semester of especially freedom from fear, can- Sports live in Pakistan, and another one need adequate shelter and security. Derek Haynes, Editor 2001—the first time I learned of and a half million live in Iran. They The U.S. should finance the con- not be exported. The U.S. should Derick Stanger, Assistant Editor the Taliban, anda time when I was have been pouring across the bor- struction of more refugee camps and offer refuge to those individuals; Robert Cunningham, David Rottnann extremely grateful to be American ders over the last twenty years, as improve conditions in those that perhaps Congress should even pass Production and extremely humbled by the risks war, doubt and famine raped their already exist. The refugee crisis that a special allocation to admit more Jamie Schulz, Adversting Mgr. others will take to become Ameri- land. will come from this military cam- Afgan refugees during and after U.S. Photography can. Since September 11, 20,000 ref- paign cannot be forgotten, and just action in the region. In the short Daniel Uhlig, Editor Wade Burch, Darkroom Mgr. Today knowledge of the Tali- ugees have already fled Afghanistan as it has built a coalition for military run however, building a humani- Alisa Hawkins, Assistant.Editor ban extends to all Americans; they in anticipation of the recent Amer- action, the U.S. must build a coali- tarian coalition for immediate and Eric Aufderhaar, Danielle Bradley, Ian Clark, George Duckwall, Katie Graybeal, are the enemy in America’s new war. ican actions. With the fruition of tion for humanitarian action. Brit- long-term aid will be the most im- Rob Hill, John Jewell, Scott King, Again I am reminded of the won- portant action the U.S. will under- Zachary Kraus, Scott Meuleners, Brian that threat, the United Nations es- ish Prime Minister Tony Blair called Oxford, June Zhang, David Ziskind derful privilege of living in Ameri- timates that one and a half million this coalition “as vital as any mili- take. ca, where even in a time of national people could flee the country. Paki- tary action itself.” I agree. I know Rabi thinks about his Online Matt Flagg, Editor crisis, few of its citizens will face the stan estimates the number could Humanitarian interventions are former home, but I also know that type of intense personal fear Rabi reach two million. Pakistan and Iran often extremely difficult, but such he is not scared. He is one of the Managing Editor faced. will feel the brunt of the refugee an operation cannot, in this instance, bravest people I know, and now he Jennifer LaHatte I think about Rabi, his mother flows, but neither has the capacity be sworn off because of possible also has the security and comfort • • • and his two sisters now more than to properly deal with this type of difficulties. The U.S. is fighting a that comes with being American. Board of Student ever. They acted courageously in exodus. Only the resources of the war to uphold the ideals of freedom For some people, it takes a national Publications Dr. Carole E. Moore, Chair their flight from the Taliban, and as U.S. combined with other Western and democracy. There is no better tragedy to make them fully appreci- RoseMary Wells, Publications Mgr. the U.S. begins its military action nations can aid these people. way to extend those ideals than ate their nation and their freedoms. Billiee Pendleton-Parker, Adviser against Afghanistan, it must remem- These affluent nations can give through humanitarian intervention In my case, it was the grateful smile Advertising and Accounting ber its moral obligation to provide aid in a number of ways. Refugees to aid the impending refugee crisis of a new American—a thirteen-year- Nancy Bowen, Business Mgr. for people like Rabi; the thousands old Afghan refugee and his family. I Marcus Kwok, Accounts Mgr. need temporary assistance in the and continued refugee resettlement Donna Sammander, Advertising Mgr. and possibly millions of refugees form of food and shelter, but their after the military campaign ends or love smiles. I want more people to who did not choose the Taliban long-term needs include either re- if it becomes extended over many smile like that; hopefully the U.S. • • • government or choose to attack patriation or resettlement. As part years. will open its arms and provide them America and will take the risk to the opportunity. Copyright Notice of its strategic plan, the U.S. should While temporary aid for refu- Copyright © 2001, Matthew Bryan, Editor, and by the Board of Student Publications. The Technique is an official publication of the Georgia Tech Board of Accountability Act for representatives long overdue Student Publications. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the This week the Undergraduate on behalf of the thousands of stu- Editor or from the Board of Student “Students deserve to know if the Publications. The ideas expressed herein House of Representatives consid- dents who are unable to be present are those of the editor or the individual ered and passed a bill proposing when the UHR meetings take place authors and do not necessarily reflect the representatives are actively views of the Board of Student implementation of an Accountabil- each week. Publications, the students, staff, or faculty ity Act. participating and taking their Winston Churchill once said that of Georgia Tech, or the University System This Act will make it possible positions seriously.” the price of greatness is responsibil- of Georgia. for all Tech students to see how ity. Being a representative for a group Mary DeCamp Advertising Information their respective representatives vote of people, no matter how small the Information and rate cards can be found on all bills that come before the Opinions Editor scale, is a serious undertaking and a on our World Wide Web site at House. What I don’t understand is great honor. The deadline for reserving ad space and why such an act was not created It means taking into account the submitting ad copy is noon on Friday, one week prior to publication. There are no and put into effect by the under- right at the National level, why then ing from voting on a bill the stu- thoughts and feelings of others and exceptions to this policy. For rate graduate legislative system long ago. has it taken UHR so long to give dents he or she represents should be taking a stand. But more impor- information, call our offices at (404) 894- 2830, Monday through Friday from 10 It is unrealistic to think that ev- Tech students that same option? aware of that. They deserve to know tantly, it means being prepared to a.m. to 5 p.m. Advertising space cannot be ery student always keeps up with Any student who takes the oath their representative is not putting be held completely accountable for reserved over the phone. TheTechnique office is located in room 137 of the all that goes on at UHR’s Tuesday to serve as a representative for the the effort into making a conscious any actions that you may take on Student Services Building, 353 Ferst meetings. However, the fact remains students in their respective major decision to either be in favor of or behalf of that particular group of Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0290. Questions regarding advertising billing that students should have the ever- or class needs to recognize and re- against any given bill. people. should be directed to Marcus Kwok at present opportunity to keep track spect the responsibility that comes By the same token, if a rep dili- The fact that the Accountability (404) 894-9187, or RoseMary Wells at of reps’ votes concerning impor- along with taking the position. It is gently attends meetings and puts Act passed almost unanimously in (404) 894-2830. tant issues such as the allocation of not just something to add to your thought and effort into voting on a the House shows the strength of Letter Submission Policy students’ money to various organi- resume and then forget about. bill, then the students that he or she character that this current group of The Technique welcomes all letters to the zations and events. These reps have an important represents should be able to easily reps possesses. editor and will print letters on a timely and space-available basis. Letters should be After all, students voted for these obligation to the students that they obtain that information and know If you’re a rep, be informed and hand-delivered, mailed to Georgia Tech reps in many cases because they represent to read and research bills that they are being well represent- educated as to what is going on Campus Mail Code 0290, or e-mailed to [email protected]. Letters probably thought they were the most so that they are informed of the ed. around you. Listen to people and should be addressed to Matthew Bryan, qualified people and would do a important issues. Reps need to ac- Anyone who feels that they are gather a general consensus of what Editor. All letters must be signed and must include a campus box number or other good job. Students deserve to know tually go out and talk to their con- capable enough to be a major or the students you represent expect valid mailing address for verification if the representatives are actively stituents so that they can hear class representative must be prepared from you and from their student purposes. Letters should not exceed 350 words and should be submitted by 8 a.m. participating and taking their posi- different viewpoints and make in- to be accountable for all of the deci- government. Wednesday in order to be printed in the following Friday’s issue. Any letters not tions seriously. formed decisions with respect to sions that he or she makes. Wheth- You’ve got a unique opportuni- meeting these criteria or not considered by Anyone who wishes to take the the views of students. er that decision is voting a certain ty to be a great leader. Above all, the Editorial Board of the Technique to be of valid intent will not be printed. Editors time can easily find out how their And students have a right to see way on a bill or even deciding whether don’t let your actions be such that reserves the right to edit for style, content, representatives in Congress have the end result of all of this prepara- or not to attend the meeting, reps you are afraid to be held account- and length. Only one submission per voted or are voting on any issue tion. Whether reps vote in favor of a should take responsibility for all of able. Be proud to let students know person will be printed each term. and if they’re actually attempting bill, against a bill or abstain from their actions. where you stand on any and every Contacting Us to fulfill those many campaign prom- voting on a bill, students can see It is these actions that shape much issue. [email protected] ises that they made. This shows how their reps feel about certain of the school year. It is these actions However long it took SGA to [email protected] that Congress respects the rights of issues and whether or not they are that often decide whether or not a get there, it finally arrived, and I [email protected] Americans to be informed as to actually seeking student input be- club will be able to participate in an applaud them for implementing an Online what is taking place in Washing- fore voting. event or attend a national conven- act that will help keep students in- ton. If a rep constantly refrains from tion. formed and help the reps strive even If Americans are granted such a choosing sides by frequently abstain- It is these decisions that are made further for excellence. 10 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique THE WALL STREET JOURNAL CAMPUS EDITION

Techs and the City: Hope marches on in the midst of despair Concern over By Jen Hinkel as seen visibly in the Capital Cam- LCC exodus Columnist paign. “Faith is quiet and patient. Hope I want to say “it will be okay” I would like to express my con- I visited the World Trade Center and convince myself that every- cerns over the recent exodus of LCC this summer, after catching the is fierce, and, refusing to be thing will be fine, that I won’t professors. One of the professors New Jersey train from near Phila- passive, it takes control.” have to worry about my invest- who is leaving was my English 1101 delphia. ments, about the job market, or professor. His class was intellectu- The dramatic skyline looked Jen Hinkel about the continuation of the sta- ally stimulating, and I managed to serious and solid against the light Columnist tus quo. participate in SGA because of it. blue morning sky, and the trip I want simply to hope for nor- When I came to Tech and began was the same as the other times I malcy, and have faith that nor- my English professor's class I real- had come for Broadway plays, the out with their boyfriends, and my tion’s busiest airports, now throb malcy will return. But faith is quiet ized I had to stay on task, or I wasn't Statue of Liberty, and Christmas friends hope that I’ll stop worry- with tense apprehension and the and patient. Hope is fierce, and, going to stay at Tech very long. shopping on Fifth Avenue. ing about relationships that never frustration of long lines. refusing to be passive, it takes con- I was assigned an essay in that Wandering the mall under the work and find Mr. Right. According to the New York trol. class, that, at first, was difficult to massive buildings, I stopped in We hope Atlanta isn’t on some Times, Atlanta’s economy was Instead of waiting, in faith, for understand. After working on it for the black-and-white, mirrored hit list of American targets, and as among the hardest hit in Septem- things to go back to normal, I some time, I left my English home- Sephora store to pick up some we make nervous jokes about the ber. want to seize life back from the work to go to the SGA Open House. Philosophy “Hope in a Jar” mois- CDC and biological warfare in I’m hoping that my friends’ anxiety and unease. We should I went to one of the committees, turizer and a pink Stila lipstick. bioengineering class, we hope that parents find new work, and that not stop our meager student spend- and the strangest thing happened. I I didn’t stop there again on my we really have nothing to worry my friends who are graduating, ing or investing, however small. recalled the essay that I was study- August trip to NYC; that visit was about. moving to new cities, and getting We should not lose hope in ing in my English class and I found my last. Some are left with the individ- phone calls daily rescinding the the job market, but instead fight out that, through listening to this And the plastic jar that once ual hopes of finding plane tickets summer’s job offers can begin their harder for our own success and committee, I understood the essay. listed the ingredients of “Hope in for Thanksgiving and keeping a careers. that of our colleagues and class- I joined the committee, and I have a Jar” has been packed, unpacked, job at Delta. Economically, Tech and At- mates. remained active in SGA ever since. and lugged around in my purse. Hope isn’t prayer, yet it’s more lanta are intrinsically tied. I re- Atlanta and Tech depend on The exodus that has occurred The writing has mostly rubbed generic than faith. Faith requires member seeing a doctored photo each other for survival; we need to affects all of us. If I did not have the off, leaving only a faded Hope. underlying trust in the universe, of what Atlanta’s skyline would transform hope into confidence, professor that I did my freshman I feel strange, even now, think- whereas hope requires only a keen look like without the influence of and confidence into action. year, the light bulb might not have ing of history’s remnants. desire to have things work out. Tech graduates, and the sparse- Tech students will continue to turned on. I might still be thinking Did looters steal expensive tubes When uncertainty fills the space ness seemed comical. Now, build- graduate, and our creativity will about my courses without having of lipstick and mascara from the between waking up in the morn- ings missing from a skyline would allow us to author new careers, that 'structure of feeling' Raymond wreckage of plate glass windows? ing and flipping on CNN to see hardly elicit laughs. new options, and new possibili- Williams brought to my awareness. Was the girl in the smart black what’s happened in the past 24 Still, Tech’s presence in Atlan- ties. Inspirational professors are hard suit behind the counter that morn- hours, faith is tried, but hope car- ta looms like the skyscrapers, and Meanwhile, if I start to de- to find. Those who haven't had one ing, or did her shift start at noon? ries on. the interplay between the econo- spair, I’ll just look at the words on of those awakenings may no longer And even if we all had a jar full From under piles of school- my of the city and the success of my little Jar of Hope, now rubbed have as many opportunities to ex- of hope, would we know what to work, we feel the building strains Tech students is linked by decades off to near illegibility: perience one. hope for? of war as the nights grow colder in of proud alumni who leave their “Where there is faith, there is We hope for high exam grades. Atlanta’s autumn. The halls of mark on the city. Likewise, Atlan- hope, and where there is hope, Eman Mohamed Kirbah I hope that my friends work things Hartsfield, once one of the na- ta businesses have supported Tech, miracles can occur.” [email protected] THE WALL STREET JOURNAL CAMPUS EDITION Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 11 SGA spends on itself Buzz around the campus

Much of what you read about and talk about with respect to money has Question of the week to do with the “shaft.” Many people complain about fee increases and the Institute wasting money. I warn all “What are you looking forward to doing over Fall Break?” students to look to another front, the student front. You as the students vote for representatives in the Student Gov- ernment Association. These represen- tatives are supposed to use the $2.6 million Student Activity Budget to benefit you, the student. For those who don’t read the SGA briefs in the Technique, you may not have noticed that SGA allocated itself $15,000 to replace a copier that still works. SGA also allocated itself money for food, when it is against their financial poli- cy to fund food. Even those of you who do read the briefs would not have read about the $2600 that the exec. Darryl Ward Kendra Clark William Gerken spent to replace chairs, decks, and a CompE Junior EE Sophomore ECE Grad couch; all were in excellent condition. These expenses for SGA would not “Going to get gumbo “Going to Valdosta, “Studying for my have been considered for any other from my mommy.” GA to visit old Ph.D. prelim.” student organization. I am not saying that SGA does not friends.” spend its time and money on any- thing worthwhile. Many student or- ganizations like the Cycling Club and the Kayak Club, among others, are able to compete when SGA feels like funding them. Also, events like Home- coming Formal and the campus-wide band party happen because of help from SGA. Like many monetary organizations good things do happen, but we should not overlook the wrongs. Every stu- dent is required to pay a fee to SGA. Why is SGA using different policies spending for itself than for other stu- Ashley Mullis & Katie Lauren Schutz Helen Cole dents? I urge all students to find out Brown BioChem Junior IE Freshman IE Juniors who their representatives are and make “We’re going to sure this erroneous spending does not “Going home.” “Going camping and continue. hiking in North GA.” Orlando to the Erik M. Gordon Skyventure [email protected] Feature and photos by Kimberly Hinckley Windtunnel.” 12 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique THE WALL STREET JOURNAL CAMPUS EDITION The Wall Street Journal THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 8, 2001 s 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. What’s News– As Sales Slow, Prices Fall In Business and Finance “ “ “ Weak Holiday Forecasts Attacks Shatter Disappearing Jobs Fuel Deep Discounts Total U.S. nonagricultural jobs created, Jobs Picture in thousands Across Retail Sector Beyond the obvious economic 750 damage of Sept. 11—the stock- t’s beginning to look a lot like market plunge, sputtering airlines 600 a discount Christmas. and the heightened risk of reces- 450 A pair of new K2 inline sion—lurks another threat: an end skates that usually sells for to a golden era of low unemploy- Three-month 300 moving average $130 will soon go for less than ment. $65 at Sam’s Club, the dis- From 1997 through 2000, the 150 Icount chain. Syms is offering gray economy expanded at a 4% annual 0 wool Brooks Brothers trousers for pace, well above the 2% to 3% rate $39.99. Burlington Coat Factory most economists had considered –150 has Chaps Ralph Lauren wool the country’s speed limit. Faster Navy-blue pin-striped suits, still growth meant factories produced –300 1999 2000 2001 perched on their Macy’s hangers, more, stores sold more, and com-

marked down to $169.98 from $450. Daniel Vasconcellos panies of all kinds needed more Source: Many retailers already were workers than in any other recent posed $60 billion to $75 billion pack- reducing inventories before the companies continue slashing jobs Christmas ever,” predicts Britt period in U.S. history. age to go toward tax cuts. The rest Sept. 11 attacks, anticipating and the economy worsens, sales Beemer, founder and chairman of All of those positives now are would go to spending—much of it slower sales. But now, in the un- will slow further, inventories will America’s Research Group, a threatened. Even before Sept. 11, earmarked for a package of unem- certain aftermath of the terrorist bulge and profits will disappear. Charleston, S.C., company that demand for workers was falling. ployment and health-care benefits attacks, nervous full-price retail- The retailers’ predicament is specializes in retail. In the reces- Since the attack, the labor market for jobless workers. ers are canceling orders or post- good news for shoppers, who are sion of the early 1990s, most retail- has deteriorated sharply, espe- Democratic leaders generally poning new shipments, leaving likely to find bargains earlier in ers waited until the first weekend cially in industries such as travel are comfortable with the size of the discounters with their pick of in- the Christmas season, often on in December to start whacking and tourism, which have been White House proposal but want to season merchandise. items that aren’t normally dis- prices. This year, Mr. Beemer rec- among the biggest sources of en- spend much more of it on worker Immediately after Sept. 11, counted. But for full-price chains, ommends that retailers start try-level jobs in recent years. For benefits. Many Democrats also fa- full-price retailers such as Neiman such as Federated’s Macy’s and slashing prices on Thanksgiving some workers, full-time jobs are vor massive spending on bridges, Marcus Group Inc., Saks Inc. and May Department Stores Co.’s Fo- weekend. eroding into part-time posts. road and other infrastructure, Federated Department Stores Inc. ley’s, the discounting could herald Nordstrom announced an un- Meanwhile, many people who rather than tax cuts, to stimulate experienced a sharp drop in sales, a return to the price wars of precedented 10-day fall sale start- are laid off are finding it hard to the economy. especially in their Manhattan Christmases past. And once the ing in late September, discounting obtain state unemployment insur- stores. About two weeks ago, aggressive ad campaigns and certain items by 33% to 60%—the ance. States often require workers Neiman’s Bergdorf Goodman unit steep markdowns start, they don’t first time it has held a major sale to have held a job for a certain Warner and Disney canceled its remaining fall orders. end until the season is over. outside the three it schedules each length of time and peg insurance Retailers are concerned that if “It’ll be the most promotional Please turn to Next Page payments to income level. Hope for Magic Even before Sept. 11, “Harry Airlines Make Play Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” was seen as a can’t-miss holiday For Leisure Travel blockbuster. Now, young Harry is swooping down at just the right The nation’s big airlines moment for Warner Bros. Pic- A successful future starts slashed airfares for leisure travel, tures. a few days after most airlines low- The studio has suffered with The Wall Street Journal. ered their business tariffs to try to through a string of disappoint- jump-start business after the ter- ments this year, including the re- rorist attacks. cent films “Rock Star” and “Amer- Delta Air Lines led the charge, ican Outlaws.” The movie studio offering a sale on tickets pur- You won’t find a better resource that made household names out of chased through Monday for do- Dirty Harry, Batman and Bugs than The Journal for news and mestic travel through Dec. 15. Bunny hasn’t produced a block- Overseas trips must be completed industry trends that can help you buster since “The Perfect Storm” in March, April or May. Numerous in 1999. Where once its reputation prepare for everything from life after other big carriers, such as United, was staked on big movies with big American and Continental, of- college to your next spring break. stars, Warner Bros.’ greatest suc- fered similar deals. cess so far this year, “Cats & A student subscription to The Wall Street Bush, Democrats Dogs,” featured a cast of no-name felines and canines. Journal includes both the print and online Meanwhile, Walt Disney Co. Spar Over Economy chairman and chief executive ( editions. So, you can be sure that President Bush and Democrats Michael Eisner has been on an ag- you’ll receive the most up-to-date news as well tangled over an economic-stimu- gressive campaign to reassure in- as special tools to help you plan your career. lus package. vestors and the public that every- Administration officials told thing will be all right at Disney. congressional leaders that Mr. The lack of a recent hit film—and Bush wants the bulk of his pro- Please turn to Next Page With The Journal you’ll get: Knowledge and insight on how textbook theories work in the real world THIS WEEK AT: COLLEGEJOURNAL.COM Customizable news when and how you want it § Focus on Fun At Briefing Books and 30-day archives — great for Kellogg School company research and interview preparation B-school diary: A first-year stu- dent at Kellogg School of Man- Summaries of the day’s top news stories agement offers an inside look at orientation week in Evanston, Ill. § Students Change Gears Small Business Suite — tips and tools for § Well-Prepared Grads As Career Questions starting your own business Ace Meal Interviews Loom Mind your manners: Lunch and The great disconnect: For some For more information about special subscription rates for students, call dinner interviews are becoming students, there’s nothing more popular as firms try to assess disorienting than realizing they 1-800-975-8602 or visit whether a candidate will fit in— probably won’t be happy in the and not embarrass the company. profession they’re studying for. A few tips help interviewees Here’s advice from career coun- manage these situations with selors on finding the right career grace and good etiquette. path. ©2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL CAMPUS EDITION Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 13

The Wall Street Journal Record Labels Sue Music Web Site What’s News– In their lawsuit, though, record companies. The companies didn’t By LEE GOMES labels and Hollywood studios repre- return calls seeking comment. In Business and Finance sented by the Recording Industry While the record industry was he entertainment industry Association of America and the Mo- largely successful in going after “ “ “ has opened a new chapter in tion Picture Association of America Napster, legal observers say it will Continued from Previous Page items as news releases, speeches its fight against online say that Morpheus indeed uses cen- have a tougher time in taking on worries about its theme parks in and biographies of leaders in the piracy by filing a lawsuit tral-server computers for such tasks Morpheus and other “peer to peer” the wake of terrorist attacks—had command. against a popular Web file- as keeping track of who is online. systems. While Napster’s founders increased worries about the com- sharing system called Mor- Those central machines, says a made it clear in internal communi- pany’s prospects. Home Offices Get Tpheus. spokesman for the record-industry cations during the service’s early Critics faulted Mr. Eisner for The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District group, “make the system more effi- days that the purpose of the soft- not rushing Disney into acquisi- Court in Los Angeles, says Mor- cient.” ware was to exchange music, the New Lease on Life tions of Internet or cable compa- pheus is picking up where Napster Use of Morpheus has exploded in creators of most peer-to-peer sys- Just stay home. nies, as competitors did. Now, Mr. Inc., now shut down while it refash- recent months. According to Web- tems have been careful to describe That’s the feeling of some Eisner says, his caution will pay ions itself as a legal operation, left noize, a Cambridge, Mass., re- their software as general technol- workers nervous about going into off. Companywide cost-cutting, be- off. But unlike Napster, whose oper- search outfit, nearly a million peo- ogy capable of exchanging all man- the office because of the Sept. 11 gun well before the economy went ations were curbed by the music in- ple at a time were using Morpheus ner of files, including many legal attacks and the possibility of fur- soft last year, will prove Disney dustry’s court action, Morpheus last month—nearly double the num- ones. ther terrorist strikes. Across the prescient, he says, and leave the bills itself as a decentralized, or ber from August—and they down- Peer-to-peer file systems also nation, more people are requesting company poised to “go through the “peer to peer,” system with no cen- loaded more than 1.5 billion files, are likely to claim in court that they to work from home, companies and roof” when better economic condi- tral computer, but instead, a con- both music and full-length movies. have “substantial noninfringing” consultants say, wanting to avoid tions return. He says he is bullish stantly changing collection of per- The lawsuit names uses, which under a U.S. Supreme buildings that could be potential on the company’s entertainment sonal computers belonging to the Inc. and MusicCity Court doctrine, could give them the targets and to stay closer to their creations and its ability to exploit people logged on to the service at Networks, which operate Mor- kind of legal protection Napster families at a time of heightened them. Top of the list is “Monsters any one time. pheus, along with several smaller lacked. anxiety. At the same time, compa- Inc.,” a computer-animated co- nies are thinking about giving production with Pixar that is ex- more employees remote computer pected to be a big hit in November. connections to ensure they can Sales Slow, Bargains Mount work even if buildings become in- Government Sites accessible. Continued from Previous Page pear cheapened,” he says, adding analysts the slowing economy has Yank Sensitive Data year since it began selling apparel he wonders if they are counter- helped its buyers get access to Odds & Ends in 1963. feits. They aren’t, the Web site more brand-name merchandise Government agencies—and French food giant Groupe For a manufacturer, retailers’ counters. and in larger quantities. even some private entities—have Danone, which makes Dannon yo- discounts may salvage some sales, Burlington Coat Factory Ware- Shoppers are pouncing. At a been removing from their Web gurt and Evian water, bought a big but the brand can be tarnished. house Corp., a discounter with 302 Burlington Coat Factory near Dal- sites information they fear could chunk of Stonyfield Farm Inc., the The Web site, for stores, says it has seen an in- las, Shirley Brooks, a 61-year-old help terrorists plot attacks. New Hampshire yogurt maker example, recently bought some crease of about 30% in offers from retired nurse, was hunting for The Environmental Protection noted for being “socially con- high-end watches from a distribu- vendors selling goods. Prices are bedding and housewares. “I Agency, concerned about attacks scious”...Sales of cars and light tor facing cancellations. The Web more negotiable, too. “There will bought a Jones New York red suit involving chemicals, stripped its trucks didn’t fall as sharply as ex- site listed a Movado men’s watch, be bigger breaks in the future,” with sequins on the bottom for Web site of information about the pected last month, thanks to inter- the “Esperanza,” for $585.99, say- predicts Monroe Milstein, its Christmas,” she says. “It cost $69, nation’s chemicals plants and est-free deals...Conde Nast Publi- ing it normally sells for $975—a chairman. half of what it would have cost me what companies would do if chem- cations will shut down Mademoi- savings of $389.01. Syms Corp., an off-price ap- at a department store. With the icals escaped. The Defense De- selle magazine with its November Rick Cote, Movado Group parel retailer with about 45 stores, economy going down, I’ll be shop- partment took down its Central issue. Inc.’s chief operating officer, says says worried vendors are peddling ping here.” Command Web site regarding By Robert J. Toth he doesn’t know how the watches goods at prices about 10% below Middle East and Asian affairs and ended up on but is- where they were several weeks its Special Operations Command, n’t happy about it. “It’s not in our ago. The big discount stores are By Wall Street Journal staff reporters because it was hacked into this How to contact us: interest to have our product ap- benefiting, too. Sam’s Club told Erin White and Ann Zimmerman week. The sites contained such Campus [email protected] pageFOCUS 15 Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 15 Tech’s golden boys Something light to lift the spirits There’s a long list of Yellow Jackets who have Corky Romano, played by Saturday Night Live’s FOCUS extended their careers beyond Tech campus. The Chris Kattan, plays a veterinarian turned FBI agent in Nique’s Derick Stanger reviews their legacies in this quick-witted comedy. Check out the review in Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 Sports. Page 40 Entertainment Page 24 New Web site ranks squirrel- ROTC: A career alternative friendliness of campuses As graduation approaches, most students aggressively pursue a job By Matthew Warshauer got into the habit of feeding the Daily Northwestern squirrels,” he said. in industry. Can our armed forces provide a comparable career? From there, he began to no- By Kimberly Rieck (U-WIRE) Northwestern U.— tice the variations on squirrel Contributing Writer It's a fact of life that Northwest- behavior from campus to cam- ern University students are forced pus and that “squirrels are more Tuition rates continue to rise. to share their campus with oth- friendly on campuses with large As matriculation increases, students ers. And although some students populations of active, interest- find more creative ways to finance might say Evanston, Ill., resi- ing students who don't just stay their education. Some students are dents are their most direct neigh- in their rooms and study.” fortunate enough to have their par- bors, it's NU's squirrel population Gottshall decided to post his ents pay their tuition fees, or have with which students coexist. findings on a Web site, which he merit or need based scholarships Making their homes on all said has gotten as many as 2,000 that require no repayment. Others continents except Antarctica and hits in one week. A phenome- are forced to take out loans. But all Australia, squirrels also roam non was born. of the aforementioned options have throughout campuses across NU is not one of the cam- one thing in common—no require- America. In time for this week's puses ranked on the site, princi- ments other than good academic National Squirrel Awareness pally because Gottshall has never performance or repayment. At the Week, a quirky Web site has taken heard of it. Because there are too end of that four-year loan, students on the task of evaluating the re- many colleges across the coun- graduate with a hard-earned diplo- lationships between humans and try for him to visit, Gottshall ma. Photo by Marques McMillan of NASA their furrier counterparts at a relies on strangers to email him However, there is an often over- myriad of universities. with descriptions and accounts Last November’s GTRI sponsored Military Week saw the appearance of looked alternative that offers col- this Blackhawk helicopter, several Humvees and an F-18 flight simulator. The Campus Squirrel List- of squirrel populations on which lege students a valuable career ings page, a feature of Jon's World he bases his evaluations. opportunity in addition to money gram in 1926. month. Army ROTC offers two, o' Squirrels ( Although NU is not ranked for tuition, a monthly allowance, a All of the branches contain im- three, and four-year scholarships as squirrels), ranks colleges on a scale on Gottshall's site, students of- guaranteed job after graduation, a pressive opportunities for college well. from one to five based on the ten notice the large squirrel pop- high-ranking status and free medi- students and recent graduates. The All of the services offer monthly "critter quality" of each respec- ulation on campus. cal and dental care. That option is Corps recruits mainly engineering stipends that range from $150-$300 tive campus' squirrel population. Squirrel enthusiasts Laurel the Reserve Officer Training Corps, and science majors but also Man- a month, depending on year, to their The site is the brainchild of Jon Crawford, a Weinberg freshman, better known as ROTC. agement and business related ma- four year scholarship students. If a Gottshall, an archivist for the and Kathleen Burzycki, a Mc- Although long regarded as an jors. However the benefits differ student decides, during the first year, Los Angeles Times and passion- Cormick and Music freshman, alternative for underperforming stu- across fields, including variable schol- that the military is not for them, ate Civil War re-enactor. agree the critters live a fulfilling dents, ROTC aggressively recruits arship monies, time commitments, they can leave the program without He asserts that "the quality life at NU. top notch students interested in ca- possible duty assignments and course paying any of the money back. How- of an institution of higher learn- “They're a lot more active here reers in nuclear and aeronautical requirements. ever, after the first year, students ing can often be determined by than they are at home,” said engineering. Air Force ROTC has one, two, must repay the tuition if they choose the size, health and behavior of Burzycki, a South Dakota na- Each branch of the military of- three, and four-year scholarships not to join the service. the squirrel population on cam- tive. “In South Dakota, they usu- fers a ROTC scholarship program. available for eligible candidates. Navy No longer limited to only war- pus. “Gottshall's theory occurred ally stayed in the trees, but here Established in 1916 by the Nation- ROTC offers two, three, and four- time efforts, the military offers qual- to him in the early 1990s when they're always running around, al Defense Act, ROTC educates and year scholarships. Also there is a ified engineers careers that rival some he traveled to various California darting in front of you. They let trains talented individuals interest- college program where those stu- of the best positions in industry. Air universities in the process of writ- you get a lot closer here without ed in careers in the military. Geor- dents who did not qualify for a schol- Force Reserve Officer Training Corps ing his graduate dissertation. running away.” gia Tech’s program has a long history arship receive free uniforms and take offers particularly competitive jobs “The college's archives were Crawford and Burzycki know of excellence, being one of the first the ROTC classes for the first two for engineering majors in civil, aero- open for limited times, so I had six schools to receive the Naval Re- years, and then during the last two to wait around on campus, and I See Squirrels, page 16 serve Officer Training Corps Pro- years, receive a stipend of $150 a See ROTC, page 20 STD, AIDS rates high for students in Georgia The good news is that Tech students in particular are especially concerned with learning about sexuality issues and frequently use the resources provided by Health Promotion courses and the Wellness Center. By Madhu Adiga chlamydia positivity levels averaging more than Georgia Tech Wellness Center. Contributing Writer five percent of females from ages 15 to 24 who Human papillomavirus (HPV) is actually the were tested. most prevalent STD, with an estimated 5.5 mil- Probably not surprising to most, Atlanta is Furthermore, the Georgia Department of lion new cases every year. In a recent national one of the leading cities in rates Human Resources 1998-1999 HIV–STD re- study among female college students, an average of certain sexually port stated that as of December 1999, Georgia of 14 percent of the students became infected transmitted diseas- had the eighth highest cumulative number of with HPV every year. es, according to a AIDS cases of all 50 states. “Diseases like chlamydia and HPV are par- 1999 study con- These facts may mean more to Georgia Tech ticularly dangerous because they are largely as- ducted by the students than they realize. According to the DHR ymptomatic,” said Buhi. “Most of the time people Centers for report, cases of chlamydia and gonorrhea were don't know they have a particular STD, which Disease Control the most prevalent in age groups from 10-19 and raises the risk of transmission and the further and Prevention. 20-29. Also, young adults from ages 20-29 were development of the disease in the patient.” The study showed responsible for 20 percent of all AIDS cases Leaving a sexually transmitted disease un- that the state of Geor- reported in Georgia from 1981 through 2000. treated has other serious consequences for wom- gia, statistically, has one College-age students are consistently found en. Some sexually transmitted diseases can of the highest rates of gon- to be at great risk for contracting sexually trans- permanently impair a women's reproductive sys- orrhea and syphilis in mitted diseases. These statistics are especially tem, as well as cause cervical cancer, tubal preg- the nation. Accord- dangerous because infection by any sexually trans- nancy, stillbirths, and other birth complications. ing to the re- mitted disease raises the risk of contracting HIV. Chlamydia, if left untreated, has the potential of port, Atlanta Recent studies show that half of the new HIV developing into pelvic inflammatory disease, which is also on the cases among women in Atlanta could have been can cause anything from chronic pain to birth list of top 20 prevented if other STDs they were infected with complications and sterility. cities for rates had been properly diagnosed and treated. One factor that hampers timely diagnosis, of both gonorrhea “Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs according to Buhi, is the inconsistency of symp- and syphilis. In addition, nationwide, with about 3 million cases annual- Georgia also demonstrated ly,” said Eric Buhi, Assistant Director of the See STDs, page 18 16 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique FOCUS

Squirrels from page 15 Good things come in small packages from experience. The two say they have spent a lot of time feeding and By Benjamin Small structures, they still demonstrate some inter- researchers in the world to successfully make observing what Burzycki calls their Columnist esting physical, electrical and optical proper- these extremely thin monocrystalline struc- “substitute pets.” They have even ties. tures. Currently, they are undertaking studies gotten to know two particular squir- Nanothis, nanothat—the buzzprefix “nano” The problem, however, is that nanotubes to determine the growth mechanisms as well rels, which they've dubbed Harry is being applied to everything. But there also is can be very difficult to make. The fabrication as the empirical values for various mechanical, and Daphne, on a more intimate some legitimate use of the term, which refers technologies currently used have yields less electrical, and optical parameters. level. to stuff measurable on the scale of nanometers than five percent and often result in substan- One of the niftier techniques for analyzing On an average day, Harry and (1 nm = 10-9m = 10Å). There are about 300,000 tial structural defects. This downfall of nano- nanobelts or other materials in general is trans- Daphne allow their human cohabi- of these units in the width of a human hair. tubes is what makes nanobelts such promising mission electron microscopy (TEM). High tants to come within 10 feet of them, Here on campus, in our new Material Sci- structures. Not only do they share many of the energy electrons are accelerated through a se- the freshmen said. They have no ence building, professor Z.L. Wang and his wonderful characteristics of their nanobreth- ries of magnetic and electric lenses (sort of like problems chowing down on a tasty research staff are engaged in some ground- ren, but they can also be manufactured with optical lenses) and directed through a thin walnut or piece of trash they've rum- breaking research. They have invented a new extremely high levels of purity. crystalline sample. Because of the periodicity maged from a garbage can. kind of nanometer-scale structure called “nano- The materials used are slightly different, of the crystal (the atoms within it are aligned But squirrels like Harry and belts” or “nanoribbons,” and are receiving much however, being metal and semiconductor ox- into patterns with translational symmetry), Daphne are forced to comply with public attention. Heck, even the mainstream ides like zinc oxide (ZnO), tin oxide (SnO2) the electrons travel through the materials in university policy, which keeps them media interviewed Dr. Wang back in March. and indium oxide (In2O3), but may demon- particular directions only. A phosphorescent out of the buildings, a rule enforced There has been a great deal of research done strate more possible technological uses. A pow- screen “catches” the transmitted electrons and by Facilities Management's Squir- concerning nanowires—the first popular nano- dered form of the material is evaporated at displays the images generated called “diffrac- rel Eradication Patrol. structures—over the last decade. These struc- fairly high temperatures (sometimes in excess tion patters.” Scientists (normally their gradu- Squirrels have been known to tures, less than 20 nm in diameter, are generally of 1000º C or 1800º F). The vapor is then ate assistant slaves, actually) can do a bunch of infiltrate campus buildings, as an made from carbon and are similar in structure carried through a low-pressure furnace tube crazy geometry to determine the three-dimen- insurgent cadre did over Winter to Buckminsterfullerene (that huge rugby ball- filled with some inert gas like nitrogen or sional structure of the crystal based upon the Break 1999. The trespassers made shaped C-60 molecule discovered a while ago). argon. At the other end of the furnace, the two-dimensional projection. Yeah, so TEM is their way into Sargent Hall and Theta Nanotubes have some phenomenal character- material condenses on cooler substrates, aligned a good thing. Chi, raiding and defecating in the istics: they’re hundreds of times stronger than into nanobelts. It allows us to study crystal configurations rooms of several students. steel (based on Young’s modulus, E); they can Professor Wang is confident that “[nano- and helps us understand nanobelts and other Gregor ensures that the squir- be used as semiconductors (band gap, EG, on belts] may lead to major technological advanc- nanostructures. “It is now time to explore oth- rels eventually are relocated peace- the order of electron volts); and they can even es in nano-size sensors and functional devices er one-dimensional systems that may have fully, and that few if any injuries are conduct a single electron at a time (quantum with low power consumption and high sensi- important applications for nanoscale functional ever sustained. The squirrels are conductance at G0 or 1/2 G0, depending). tivity.” Possible applications also include ex- and smart materials. These nanobelts are the smarter than they seem, he said. Nanowires have been the hot topic recent- tremely lightweight displays for computers and next step in developing structures that may be In Gotshall's opinion, only those ly, too. These are similar to nanotubes but are PDAs, extremely sensitive gas sensors, and useful in wider applications,” said Wang. (Af- schools that go as far as murdering generally composed of metals or semimetals. “smart windows” that would have controlla- ter all, one must have Foresight, right?) the squirrels are truly hostile. Gott- Nanowires can behave as semiconductors, too ble transparency. If you’re interested in studying nanostruc- shall said feeding squirrels extends and can also resonate as lasers. At the Center for Nanoscience and Nano- tures or would like to become involved with their lives and that haze nuts are Nanobelts are another permutation on this technology (no, not like Drexler), professor the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotech- their favorite delicacy. idea; somewhat larger than these other nano- Wang, Dr. Pan and Dr. Dai were the first nology, contact [email protected]. But, he added: “They don't make good pets.” FOCUS Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 17

New modes of communication fascinate Techies Chatty Chaps By Gray Gunter and Amanda programs like Yahoo! Messenger, larity of Internet messaging at Tech A few people who use instant Gard ICQ and America Online Instant and universities everywhere is the messaging that would like to Contributing Writers Messenger is that unlike most of presence of high-speed, full time offer their thoughts and sugges- the useful conveniences of modern Internet access in student housing. tions. One day we’ll all tell technology these services are free. Without the potential restraint of our children with a ICQ (I Seek You) was the early tying up a phone line or suffering Name: Mac Rodgers twinkle in our eyes leader and innovator in direct In- through delays in service, a vast num- Occupation: Radio Station about the forgotten days ternet messaging. The company pi- ber of nonstop users have appeared. Manager when strangers in bars and every- oneered most of the standards in A trip through any student’s bud- AIM or ICQ: AIM day business people exchanged tele- the genre today including buddy dy list reveals members who haven’t IM Name: GaTechCutsey- phone numbers to open themselves lists and away messages. America disconnected for days. These users Wink01 up to the outside world. Then came Online followed in the mid-1990s aren’t necessarily going without sleep Favorite Messaging Feature: the age of instant messaging, an age launching a version of its instant to chat, they’re just not signing off may I recommend using “Find of smiley faces, bad away message messenger service. from the service. A Buddy” a new way to find poetry and cute fonts—lots and lots Other internet portals and pro- The communication services have friends via random IM names of cute fonts. viders followed, such as Yahoo! and for many students become answer- Best Away Message: age/sex/ Now, instead of struggling to the Microsoft Network. AOL In- ing services, the easiest way for oth- location? keep area codes straight, you have stant Messenger and ICQ were com- ers to get in touch with them at Favorite Smiley Face: $) to remember if your lab partner’s petitors until AOL bought the much anytime. screen name is simply MoonDawg smaller, ICQ Lack Name: Adam Gardner with two o’s or some combination out, a business of ethernet access AIM or ICQ: AIM of zeroes. strategy that has “If it is really important can have a chill- IM Name: RafaelBelliardSS Now, instead of just avoiding served them well ing effect on stu- Favorite Messaging Feature: jerks in public you have to duck in the past five or I want to talk to dent-use of means of communication. Many checking away messages of them online too, that’s why God years. someone, I’ll pick up Internet messag- dates are made over the Internet— people I hate. created the block feature. And the Major com- ing programs. “I this really bothers some girls, but a Best Away Message: Coun- most sinister side effect of life with panies are giving the phone and call suppose when I lot really don’t care. Some people tering some strikes an instant message service: being away the feature; them. If it’s something lived on campus see the computer as impersonal and Favorite Smiley Face: :-{} late because you have to sit around realtime com- I was kind of ad- inappropriate for certain conversa- until you can think of an away mes- munication with little, I’ll use IM.” dicted to the stu- tions (just ask the guy whose girl- Name: Chris Hammer sage that doesn’t make you sound anyone any- Meredith Murphy pid thing. Now friend broke up with him over ICQ AIM or ICQ: ICQ as stupid as everyone else’s message where; to create Junior, Biology major that I have my or the girl whose crush asked her to Favorite Feature: The char- makes them seem. a loyal custom- own place I don’t formal over IM or the best friends acter counter. I'm always wor- A variety of Internet messaging er base before even bother with who got into a fight online). ried I'm using too many services are competing to do for busy, charging for the service or seeking it anymore,” said Catherine Nor- Are programs such as AOL in- letters to express my feelings. disorganized college students of this revenue from advertisement. moyle, commuting student and dial- stant messenger and ICQ changing Best Away Message: [exple- generation what CB radio did for Everyone loves something for up user. But for those with the right the way Tech students communi- tive deleted] you. Send me a rural Americans in the 1970s. nothing, particularly college students software, high-speed access and the cate? Absolutely. Are we any worse bag of drugs There are other forms of com- who so often have nothing (that desperate need to avoid doing any- or better for it? There really isn’t an Buddy Icon of Choice: De- munication over the Internet. How- includes money and things to do). thing constructive with their time, answer. These downloadable pro- stro. He is a black man dipped ever bulletin boards, the mainstay This has led directly to the explo- internet messaging remains a be- grams can make certain in liquid metal to increase his of modem communication in the sion in users over the past decade. loved pastime. things—such as asking a villanous powers. early 1980s, require long delays in AOL Instant Messenger and its ac- But are AOL and ICQ just en- friend for a random fact responses and frequently decay into quisition ICQ, claim over one hun- couraging the nerdiness at Georgia or finalizing plans—easi- Name: Catherine Normoyle obscenity laced, petty arguing. The dred million total users on its Tech? Has computer communica- er and more convenient, AIM or ICQ: AIM chat rooms that pushed the com- messaging services. tion replaced the telephone? “If it is but they can also create Most Useless Messaging Fea- puter conversation through the 1990s “I’m still not exactly sure how really important or I really want to problems. ture: That stupid AOL phone are now solely the domain of 13- giving away Instant Messenger for talk to someone, I’ll pick up the Users just need to be aware of service has never worked year-olds and pedophiles. This leaves free is supposed to convince me to phone and call them. If it’s just some- how they use these programs com- once since its creation. direct person-to-person Internet mes- pay them twenty bucks a month for thing little or a quick question, I’ll pared with a phone or in-person Favorite Smiley Face: =) saging as the preferred choice of it, but as long as they feel like hand- use IM,” Junior Meredith Murphy conversation. Tech students spend Best Away Message: I'm sleep- communication among college stu- ing it out I’ll take it,” said Chemis- explained about her use of instant a lot of time chatting online when ing. Go to hell. dents. try junior Robert Busch. messenger. However, many students they could be communicating in The most attractive feature of Also contributing to the popu- do use AOL or ICQ as their sole person. 18 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique FOCUS

classes. Students here on a whole STDs from page 15 are interested in keeping informed.” The Georgia Tech Health Cen- HIV Testing Centers in Fulton County toms. For example, some types of ter has many resources for students Piedmont Minor Anonymous Planned Parenthood Anonymous HPV cause genital warts in patients, who are concerned about sexually Emergency Clinic Confidential 100 Edgewood Ave. Cost: Sliding scale but in most cases the disease does transmitted diseases, including pam- 2993 Piedmont Rd. if ordered by MD Suite 1604 not manifest itself with obvious phlets and literature. The Wellness Atlanta, GA 30305 Cost: $80 Atlanta, GA 30303 symptoms, meaning students could Center gives out free condoms, which (404-237-1755) (404-688-9300) have an STD and not be aware of it. provide some protection against sex- Although the Georgia Tech ually transmitted diseases when used Fulton County Anonymous Feminist Women's Anonymous Health Center does not track spe- correctly. It also provides confiden- Health Department Confidential Health Center Cost: $30 cific numbers of students on cam- tial HIV testing at a charge of $14 99 Butler St., Room Cost: $34 580 14th Street pus who have been diagnosed with for two-week results and $45 for 234 STD/HIV Clinic Atlanta, GA 30318 STDs, Buhi said that many stu- two-day results. The website for the Atlanta, GA 30335 (404-874-7551) dents still choose to get tested for Georgia Tech Wellness Center, (404-730-1538) diseases at off-campus locations, has a sec- which would make it extremely dif- tion called “Ask Dr. Buzzy” through Grady Memorial Confidential AID Atlanta Anonymous ficult to obtain accurate data on which students can ask anonymous Hospital Walk-in Clinic Cost: Sliding scale 1438 West Peachtree Cost: 10 STD infection rates. questions online, and Dr. Buzzy will 80 Butler Street Suite 100 In spite of high rates in Atlanta it post the answers to each question. Atlanta, GA 30335 Atlanta, GA 30309 seems that students are concerned. “The presence of sexually trans- (404-616-4150) (404-872-0600) “I would say that students are mitted diseases is always an issue on fairly well educated, but they have campus, but I believe that if we Central Health Center Anonymous Atlanta Gay Center Anonymous many questions and concerns about didn't have the education we did on Central Presbyterian Church Confidential 67 12th Street Cost: $20 sexually transmitted diseases,” said such issues that it would be much 201 Washington St. Cost: $15 Atlanta, GA 30309 Dr. Cindy Smith, Director of Geor- more of a problem than it is. Many Atlanta, GA 30303 gia Tech Health Services. “Most of of our students are well-informed, (404-659-0117) them get information from the and those who are not, want to be,” Wellness Center or from their health said Dr. Smith. FOCUS Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 19 Parking, gas and traffic: MARTA never looked so good By Narendhra Seshadri from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sun- “Whether you're heading across town avoid the rush-hour traffic and is an erally does not harbor your gun- Contributing Writer day through Friday. to get to class, going out to dinner, economical alternative to maintain- toting, half-insane MARTA offers a very reason- heading for the library or home from ing a car on campus. Public transportation able rate to college students who the game, let MARTA do the driv- “I'm a university student, I only See MARTA, page 20 in Atlanta can be relat- wish to commute using MARTA ing.” The program is very useful for have to pay $37 a month for a MAR- ed to one word: MAR- through their students who are TA pass vs. an estimated TA (Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit “U-Pass” pro- “on the go”—es- $249 a month for auto Authority). While a vast majority gram. MARTA pecially those maintenance and of Tech students choose to stay in states that “U- “I only have to pay who have to fuel, and also it's on-campus housing, there are a se- Pass allows the travel to Tech probably faster, lect group of students who com- students of par- $37 a month for a everyday of the since I'm not fight- mute to Georgia Tech. Many ticipating insti- MARTA pass vs. an week. Although ing morning com- students choose to travel by MAR- tutions to take driving is a pos- muter traffic.” states TA than by car because they want advantage of a estimated $249 a sibility for some Cuneo. to avoid the rush hour traffic that substantial dis- month for auto students, it is not Over the years, Atlanta has gained a reputation for. count with the an option for MARTA has earned Marta offers one-way tickets to purchase of $37 maintenance and fuel” freshman. a reputation for its lack- anywhere in the Atlanta metro area Monthly Tran- Joshua Cuneo Joshua Cuneo, a luster safety standards. for $1.75. Trains operate from 5 scards.” Students Freshman, CS major freshman at However, not all stu- a.m. to 1 a.m. on weekdays and save almost 30 Tech, states that dents feel insecure or from 6 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. on Satur- percent using the “although I have threatened when com- day, Sunday and holidays. The Geor- U-Pass program. a car to get me muting by MARTA. gia Tech Campus is centrally located MARTA offers monthly passes to the station, riding MARTA is Cuneo clarifies this between two MARTA stations— that cost $52.50 but give college healthier for my personal safety and thought by his own per- Midtown and North Avenue. The students a special discount, which cleaner for the environment.” Many sonal experiences: Georgia Tech Stinger Shuttle oper- adds a further incentive for com- freshman choose to ride MARTA “Contrary to some ste- ates between both MARTA stations muting passengers. MARTA says, because it saves time, helps them to reotypes, MARTA gen- 20 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique FOCUS

or submarines. Basically any major a great benefits package and mon- MARTA from page 19 ROTC from page 15 at Georgia Tech could find a job in ey. Jeremy Yarbrough, Battalion the Navy, including Public Policy Commander for the NROTC unit criminals, although in case of such schedules” because they are habitu- space, mechanical, and computer and International Affairs majors. The at Georgia Tech, said, “It’s not about an incident, every train has at least ally delayed.␣ Even though trains are engineering. time commitment for the Navy af- the money. It’s about not just hav- one police officer posted, and the delayed due to “mechanical glitch- “The Air Force requires a lot of ter graduation is four years. ing fun, it’s the whole package. I MARTA police are credited as be- es” or “maintenance issues”, they high-tech, well-educated people Army Reserve Officer Training like meeting new people all the time. ing some of the best in the Atlanta are very reliable on the whole. Bau- because of all of the sophisticated Corps has similar positions avail- I was already in the Navy for four area.” com also said, “due to rush hour equipment that we operate, wheth- able for college students. Like the years in the submarines. You’re al- “It's also great for people-watch- traffic and other constraints MAR- er it be research and development, other branches, Army needs engi- ways meeting new people, you’re ing, if you're into that sort of thing. TA buses are often late and not as engineering, space type systems, rock- neers to design their facilities, busi- always have new things to do. You After only four months of riding efficient as trains. “ ets, satellites or aircraft that we fly,” ness majors to plan their deals and actually get on-the-job training while the train, I've witnessed a greater Houman Khalili, a freshman at said Col. James Stevens, Commander manage their facilities, and also of- you’re doing your job. You get to variety of Atlanta than I have dur- Georgia Tech, offers his insight on AFROTC Det 165, and Professor fers opportunities for students who travel the world.” ing the past eight years.”␣ ␣ the ever present MARTA buses: of Aerospace Studies. want to fly. However, AROTC re- The military has bases in virtu- Senior STAC major, Chris Bau- “Buses aren't always on schedule— Col. Stevens said that the majors quires a longer commitment then ally every country in the world, in- com, said that MARTA is “conve- you have to be there at least 10 from Georgia Tech that the Air Force the other two branches. The com- cluding Italy, Japan and Germany. nient because it is accessible anywhere minutes before the bus schedule, as is particularly interested in is Aero- mitment for AROTC is eight years Also there are possibilities of tour- in Atlanta” but feels that there is many times they leave earlier than space Engineering, Computer En- in the U.S. Army Reserve, and a ing the world on cruises if you’re in “room for improvement on the bus scheduled.” gineering, Mechanical Engineering, mandatory six week ROTC ad- the Navy on a ship. All of the travel- and Civil Engineering. Col. Stevens vanced camp, usually between the ing expenses are paid for by the also noted that the Air Force prefers junior and senior years of college. military. Aerospace Engineers to fly their so- All of the services offer a great For those students who enter in- phisticated aircraft and planes. benefits package. In the military, dustry after their service is up, ROTC In addition, another career ben- there are 30 days of paid vacation a teaches valuable leadership skills that efit of joining ROTC is that the Air year and unlimited sick leave. companies prize in the workplace. Force requires commercial flight For servicemen and their fami- “If everyone has the same col- training before servicemen begin their lies, there is medical care at no cost, lege degree then the people who own flight training in the Air Force— dental care, and life insurance of actually know how to lead are going and that commercial flight training $200,000 in the $19 a month range. to have a leg up. They know that if is paid for by the Air Force. Also recreation activities on the bases we’ve taught our men and women “A lot of the time, especially here include low-cost golfing, clubs, bowl- to be good leaders, then we’ve also at Tech, if you’re an engineer and ing alleys, and free gyms. Besides taught them to be good followers. you’re physically qualified, there’s a base pay, there is also a cost of living So they can take orders and not just real good chance that you can get a allowance that depends on station give orders. If someone says I need pilot’s slot” said Col. Stevens. location, and servicemen live in base this to be done Tuesday at 9:00 Business degrees are also benefi- housing for free. a.m., it’s not coming in at 9:05 a.m., cial in the Air Force because of the There is also low-cost shopping it’s coming in on time, even before various jobs available on the bases. at the base commissaries and ex- time, and the product they’re turn- The time commitments for the Air changes, which can save consumers ing in is going to be reviewed be- Force vary according to job choice. money due to no taxation on goods. forehand and a good product” said For pilots, there is a ten-year time In terms of providing for the fu- Yarbrough. commitment after graduation. For ture, ROTC provides monies for Not only does ROTC teach valu- other positions, it is a four-year time higher education, and after 20 years able skills that will serve partici- commitment after graduation. in the military, members can retire pants throughout a lifetime while The career fields in the Navy for at 50 percent of base pay, and that simultaneously giving them the op- By Eric Aufderhaar / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS those that want to become officers goes up 2.5 percent each year up to portunity to give back to their coun- MARTA’s first line, the East Rail Line opened June 30, 1979, bus service are abundant. Nuclear engineers can 75 percent for 30 years. try, it also offers competitive followed on October 13, 1979. Tech students frequent MARTA to travel easily find a position in the Navy But of course like all jobs, the workforce positions that rival in- to Lenox Mall, Hartsfield Airport, Buford Highway and Perimeter Mall. working on one of the nuclear ships military route offers more than just dustry standards. FOCUS Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 21 Tech Up Close A watching eye email: [email protected]

Last week’s Tech Up Close: steps on a Stinger bus

By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Last week’s winner: Chris Rockett ENTERTAINMENTpage 23 Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 23 Get packed for Journey Ready for some scare? A young filmmaker sets out in his Netherworld has something for ENTERTAINMENT Volkswagen Bus and talks to successful everyone, if everyone likes being people about success itself. Page 26 grossed out and getting scared. Page 24 Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 Iron Monkey better second time around Director Yuen Woo-Ping, known for his fight scene choreography in such action films as The Matrix and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, brings his Asian Robin Hood back to theaters nationwide this weekend. By Chuks Ibeji are getting a second chance to simply delivers a solid and amus- Staff Writer make up for our past mistakes as ing story that you can’t help but Iron Monkey makes a triumphant find engaging. Nevertheless, if MPAA Rating: PG-13 return. any comparisons are to be made, Studio: Miramax The movie is helmed by Mr. they should be to Robin Hood. Starring: Rongguang Yu, Don- “wire fu” himself, Yuen Woo- That’s right, the famed ban- nie Yen, Jean Wang, Sze-Man Ping. If you don’t know the dit from Sherwood apparently Tsang name, you definitely know the has a far eastern counterpart. And Director: Yuen Woo-Ping work. Woo-Ping’s graceful cho- like Robin of Locksley, the Iron Running Time: 89 min. reography marks an unmistak- Monkey steals from the rich and Rating: yyyy able style. His talents adorn gives to the poor. Iron Monkey movies like The Matrix and doesn’t use arrows, however. He Last year, Crouching Tiger, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drag- instead chooses to lay the smack- Hidden Dragon took Hollywood on. So, needless to say, the guy down with a barrage of fists and by storm. As we all know the has a penchant for wowing au- kicks. film charmed critics and smashed diences with unforgettable fight It’s truly a treat to watch him all sorts of box office records. scenes. do so. Yu, who assumes the role But Crouching Tiger, Hidden But you’ve got it all wrong if of the title character, is assmooth Dragon did something else as you think this is Crouching Ti- as silk. well. It proved that America ger, Hidden Dragon: The Sequel. Now, if spectacular fight was willing to sit down and watch Sure, some similarities are ines- scenes were all Iron Monkey had a motion picture that was subti- capable. You still have your high- to offer, I’d probably call it a tled. flying martial artists performing niche movie. Meaning if kung- Perhaps this is what prompt- all sorts of daring do. This is fu wasn’t your thing, you’d prob- ed the release, or rather re-re- Woo-Ping we’re talking about, ably want to steer clear. But this lease of Iron Monkey. The year after all. Yet, this film is not movie has something for every- was 1993 when it first graced Crouching, as it is not done on one. the silver screen. Since then it such an epic scale. Woo-Ping keeps the film Photo courtesy Miramax Films has lived only in video stores But then again, the film moving at a good pace. The Tsang Sze Man defends himself in director Yuen Wo Ping’s Iron Monkey, a modern and in the hearts of ardent kung- doesn’t try to be grandiose. This Robin Hood tale set in Asia to the high-flying fight scene choreography that fu fans. But rejoice, people! We is by no means a bad thing. Iron See Iron, page 31 enthralled Stateside audiences in The Matrix and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Soul abundant in Chris Kattan’s Corky Romano disappoints By Chuks Ibeji I’m convinced that Corky Ro- and all of their known associ- But this doesn’t help much over Staff Writer mano was supposed to be just ates, are under surveillance, the the course of the entire movie. ‘Seven Year Itch’ another piece from the popular Romanos are left with only one In fact, things only get worse as MPAA Rating: PG-13 late night comedy show. How- option. That is, to bring in the Corky progresses. And it culmi- By Jennifer Schur Studio: Touchtone ever upon contracting the ill- least qualified man for the job, nates in an ending that seems to Contributing Writer Starring: Chris Kattan, Peter ness, it became bloated and Corky. sum up all of the preceding fool- Falk inflamed. After several months What follows is a series of ishness in a few moments. It’s ’s new album “Seven Director: Rob Pritts of battling, Corky succumbed and intended jokes that are either SNL Fever at it’s worst. Year Itch: Collective Soul’s Greatest Hits Running Time: 84 minutes became an 84-minute motion lukewarm or just plain pitiful. The advertising slogan 1994-2001” was released September 18th Rating: y 1/2 picture. This includes running gags about Touchtone pictures is using to and has been in the top half of the Bill- Poor Corky. Perhaps you’ve Corky’s brothers that are more promote the movie reads “Who board 200 for the past two weeks. A high There are a few constants in seen this type of movie lately. offensive than funny. You’ve is Corky Romano?” Believe me, ranking on the Billboard charts is nothing life. Death is one. Taxes are David Spade’s Joe Dirt. Tim got bad special effects, midget you’re better off not knowing. new to the band, as they have had eight another. So is the fact that some- Meadows’ The Ladies Man. bouncers, and painfully inept Even if you check your brain at number-one rock hits in the past seven body from Saturday Night Live Molly Shannon’s Superstar. It’s FBI agents. Oh yeah, let’s not the door, there’s no saving Corky years. will try and make a movie. Now a list that goes on and on. forget your prerequisite flatu- Romano. Check yourself into The Atlanta-based group is comprised the first two I can deal with, but Don’t get me wrong. Every lence humor. We all love fart another theatre. Or better yet, of lead singer and guitarist , the third is wearing a little thin. now and then someone associ- jokes, right? watch for five minutes. Then guitarist Dean Roland, lead guitarist Ross I submit to you Chris Kat- ated with SNL will make a qual- At least there’s some situa- check yourself into one of the Childress, bassist , and drum- tan’s Corky Romano. It is the ity movie. Mike Myers is tional humor that director Rob other theaters at your local mul- mer . Collective Soul made latest movie to have fallen vic- dependable. Ben Stiller manag- Pritts bestows upon us graciously. tiplex. their debut in 1994 with “Hints Allega- tim to SNL Fever. es to do well, and I guess you can tions and Things Left Unsaid,” an album Oh, wait. I’m sorry. There throw in Eddie Murphy, who that went double-platinum and boasts the are undoubtedly those of you gets it right half of the time. But (gold-certified) number one hit, “Shine.” who aren’t aware of this dread- most of the time you get Corky The band’s self-titled second album proved ful illness. So I should perhaps Romano, a movie that goes on that Collective Soul was no one-hit-won- explain what for far too long. der, with a 76-week run on the Billboard SNL Fever is. This partic- 200 and three number one singles on the You see, it’s ular blunder nation’s rock chart, “Gel”, “December”, a disease that revolves and “The World I Know.” Collective Soul’s affects 5 to 10- What follows is a around the next three albums followed with much minute sketch- series of intended ditzy Corky success, including gold and platinum records es. That is, Romano (Kat- as well as three more number-one singles. sketches that jokes that are either tan). Romano The new greatest hits album is filled appear on your lukewarm or just is the outcast with smash singles like “Run” and “The shows like In of a crime fam- World I Know”, as well as two new songs Living Color, plain pitiful. ily that dis- that incorporate Collective Soul’s charac- Mad TV and owned him as teristic smooth guitar riffs with thought- of course, Sat- a youngster. provoking lyrics. The songs “Next urday Night When the Homecoming” and “Energy” are touted as Live. These shows have charac- leader of the family, “Pops” Ro- “a pair of dynamic new classics.” ters and scenarios that are fun- mano (Peter Falk) becomes ill Although Collective Soul is fairly young ny. At least they’re funny when and is about to be sent to prison, to already be putting out a greatest hits given in small, 5-minute doses. the mobsters get desperate. They album, especially in comparison to the But when SNL Fever hits, the need someone to go undercover Photo courtesy Touchstone Pictures years the Beatles waited to release their first shtick gets prolonged and the into the FBI and retrieve the Chris Kattan, best known for his quirky characters on Saturday sketch gets put on the big screen. evidence against the elder Ro- See Soul, page 31 Night Live, takes his zaniness to the big screen in the new film The results are seldom pretty. mano. Unfortunately, since they Corky Romano as a veterinarian pulled into service for the FBI. 24 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT

Emory marks Stopping off at the Netherworld? Nice knowing you! By Alan Back p.m. to midnight Friday, Saturday, jazz milestones Senior Staff Writer and Halloween night. Admission By Alan Back to the main house is $13, while the Senior Staff Writer Drive out to the suburbs and Terror Ticket—which grants access you never know what you might to the accompanying 3-D area as On October 28, Emory find in the shopping centers. Wick- well—sells for $20. Coupons good University will mark the birth- er furniture, stereo equipment, the for $5 off this deal are available on days of two key figures in jazz walking dead, deranged space the Netherworld Web site history with a concert by three creatures…wait a minute, what kind (, at any Sub- of today’s top artists. Enti- of wacko is running this place? way location, and in each week’s tled “Directions in Music: The kind that built the Nether- issue of Creative Loafing. 75th Birthday Celebration of world Haunted House, of course. Last year, Messina and compa- Miles Davis and John Col- Now in its fifth year overall and its ny added a third attraction, which trane,” the show will feature third at the Georgia Antique and was set to open at R. W. Good pianist Herbie Hancock, sax- Design Center, the event packs Times until the location shut down. ophonist Michael Brecker, enough twisted The scramble and trumpeter Roy Hargrove. surprises to keep to find a new Davis and Coltrane earned visitors off balance site (Malibu very different reputations in from first step to “Everybody wants to Grand Prix was the years following the growth last. come to a haunted finally chosen) of bebop. Davis, a trumpet- Netherworld and organize er, moved into cooler styl- opened on Sep- house the weekend personnel ings and hybrids of jazz and tember 14, run- before Halloween… proved to be a rock, while Coltrane, a saxo- ning on weekends strain on every- phonist, brought an urgent until the end of the But they should one. “It was R&B feel to his playing. month and then spread it out.” rough, having Hancock has logged over going to a nightly to worry about Billy Messina 40 years in the business, in- schedule through something else Netherworld Co-Creator cluding stints in Davis’ bands October 31. Start- in another lo- and writing credits for classic ing up so early may cation, run- charts such as “Watermelon seem like overkill ning back and Man” and “Chameleon.” In to some, but co-creator Billy Messi- forth…Once we split up, it was like the 1970s, Brecker helped lead na sees things differently. two different haunted houses, al- Courtesy of Tara Murphy / 360 MEDIA the jazz-rock movement “For some reason, everybody most, with people here and over If you happen to meet this lovely customer while poking around alongside his trumpet-play- wants to come to a haunted house there.” The team has gone back to Netherworld, tip your hat to him. Then hold on to it and run for your life! ing brother Randy. Hargrove the weekend before Halloween, running a single site for 2001. frequently blends African and which is great. But they should spread The September 11 attacks on Messina explained, “If it was a in the weeks since the strikes. Cuban rhythms into mod- it out—it’s a great event,” he said. the World Trade Center and the guest list, we could get on the phone Good thing, too. October would ern bop and has recorded with “Halloween is the number-two hol- Pentagon prompted some serious and say we’re sorry, we’re not going be a little less colorful without these organ legend Jimmy Smith. iday behind Christmas, as far as thought about whether to open three to be able to make it—but there crazies scaring the spit out of any- Tickets are $25 and can merchandising and retail sales go.” days later, but not because of the were 3,000 of them. You send out one brave enough to buy a ticket. be ordered by calling (404) Since he and partner Ben Armstrong house’s content. Local children’s 200 [passes] to the United Way, 727-5050. Showtime is 8:15 unveiled the house in 1997, it has charities had received thousands of where do those go? I don’t know Netherworld is located at the Georgia p.m. in Glenn Memorial Au- consistently drawn over 30,000 vis- passes for that weekend; pulling the and they don’t know, probably. So Antique and Design Center (6624 ditorium (1652 N. Decatur itors per year. plug would have been a logistical I couldn’t close up.” The guests en- Dawson Blvd., Norcross). Call (404) Rd., Emory campus). Hours are 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. nightmare for the staff and a heart- joyed themselves thoroughly, he 608-2484 or visit Sunday through Thursday; and 7 breaker for the kids. added, and business has stayed strong for more information. ENTERTAINMENT Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 25 Is it an Atlanta bar or an Irish pub? Only the Prodigals know for sure By Alan Back them up and turning them on their Senior Staff Writer head—when was the last time you heard a reel played by bass and ac- Poke around any big city long cordion? And still others draw from enough and you’re bound to stum- experiences in both Ireland and the ble across something from just about States. every musical genre in the world. What remains constant is the New York is no exception; bands of band’s penchant for collecting seem- all stripes form and break up there ingly disparate elements of world almost as quickly as the members music and making them fit with change their socks. Sometimes, each other. Dreaming in Hell’s Kitch- though, it takes a little more to bring en, their third album, provided am- a group together. ple evidence of this fact when it was Take the Prodigals, for instance. released in March. In their three years as a unit, these Leaning heavily on old Irish mel- four players have established them- odies, it sets them against various selves as a force to be reckoned with African and Latin rhythms and (and danced to) at Irish music festi- throws in a few shots of ska and vals around the punk just for country. But they fun. The end also keep finding result, when new audiences at heard live, mainstream clubs “A lot of folk music, sometimes leads and events—in- to the forma- roots-based music, has By Karjean Ng cluding Music a similar energy to it. tion of an im- Irish folk tunes meet modern rock and punk when the Prodigals (Andrew Harkin, Brian Tracey, Ray Kelly, Midtown, at promptu mosh Gregory Grene) take over a club. Stick around and you may see the hard-core fans dance a jig as they mosh. which they per- It’s something that pit full of souls formed in 1999 jigging cheer- American bassist Andrew Har- their resources. The two Irishmen Grene mused. during their last speaks to people.” fully away. kin spent some time in Dublin while knew their country’s musical tradi- This year, they’ve paid their first Atlanta gig to Gregory Grene Grene he was growing up, Grene explained. tions inside and out, while the two visits to California, Canada, and date. The Prodigals offered his In addition, singer/guitarist Ray Kelly Americans brought their range of Germany—but they don’t have to “With the thoughts on is a native of County Clare, and experience to bear. go that far from home to find loyal Irish festivals, it’s why the parts drummer Brian Tracey was born in Tracey, of course, had picked up supporters in unexpected places. interesting be- seem to come New York and raised on the tradi- a few tricks from his CD collection. Take Ohio, for instance; the crowd cause some of that will appeal to together so well: “A lot of folk mu- tional Irish music his parents knew Harkin, meanwhile, had developed there is “one of the most intensely, people crossing over in the Irish sic, roots-based music, has a similar intimately. However, he rebelled by a versatility that allowed him to record insanely enthusiastic fan bases we’ve scene. They’ll find it’s a form of basic energy to it. It’s something listening to nearly everything else with Peter Gabriel, former Police had anywhere.” music that appeals to both halves of that speaks to people, and it’s al- he could find (and collecting some drummer Stewart Copeland, and More than a few bands who try the equation,” stated singer/accor- ways spoken to them. In some ways, 2,500 CDs in the process). Indian violin master L. Shankar. to update the old ways run into flak dion player Gregory Grene. “When people are more similar than they Confused? Good. It gets better. Kelly was the last to sign on, com- from purists—but not the Prodi- you’re playing to crowds that aren’t are different; you discover things A decade ago, after Grene had been pleting the current lineup and re- gals, according to Grene. Their goal, really expecting anything of the kind that will interlock with others in a finished with his studies for two placing original singer Sean McCabe. he said, is to respect tradition with- you do, it really gives you an indi- way that you wouldn’t expect.” years, he moved to New York to They do still travel to Ireland, out binding themselves to it so tightly vidual voice. It’s huge fun…[Your Recreating the events leading up pursue an acting career. “I was an but this country has become their that there’s no room to explore new music is] not being heard with some to the formation of this particular actor for five years and then quit— center of operations. “As much as variations. aura around it; it’s being heard for mosaic would take a valid passport I enjoyed doing that and finishing we’re an Irish band, we’re a New He recalled, “We’ve had a cou- what it is.” and a lot of frequent-flier miles. off. The music had been going on York band. We’re based there, and ple of really nice, lovely reviews from In terms of subject matter, what Grene was born in Chicago, but all the time, in the meantime, and it the way that the band formed is Irish Music magazine, which is prob- it is may be hard to pin down at moved with his family to County kind of emerged as the main thing very much New York. And the feel- ably about the most traditionally- times. Some of the group’s songs Cavan, Ireland, when he was five after that,” he said. ing is very much that of a New York oriented publication there is. They would fit in perfectly with a group months old. He returned to the Over the next two years, he and Irish band. We spend the vast ma- were commenting on the sort of of friends cheerfully downing pint Windy City for high school, then his three bandmates picked their jority of our time touring around energy and attack that we have.” after pint at the local watering hole. crossed the Atlantic yet again to way through the Big Apple’s music the US. New York to Las Vegas to Others build on old folk tunes, juicing enroll at Trinity College in Dublin. scene to find each other and pool Chicago to Los Angeles, everywhere,” See Prodigals, page 29 26 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT

Onward and Crossword Enemy at the Gaits 61. Antilitter grp. 62. Fuel-providing places (abbr) 63. Tear down, in Britain This Journey worth taking 123 456 78910 64. Estonia, formerly By Brian Basamanowicz further down the road, Eric and 65. Down and a little left (abbr) Contributing Writer Dave meet Paige O’Brien, an en- 11 12 13 DOWN thusiastic young women who em- 1. Turner’s wife Title: The Journey pathizes with Eric’s quest and leaves 14 15 16 17 2. Spoken Starring: Eric Saperston her day job to help him finish it.

18 19 20 21 3. As of yet Director: Eric Saperston Further still, a haphazard encoun- 4. Word with money or ammo Running time: 96 minutes ter with the cast and crew of MTV’s 22 23 24 5. Sample, on a keyboard Rating: yyyyy Road Rules leads to the addition of 6. Use, as resources Road Rules’ assistant cinematogra- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7. No-stress getaway site After learning the premise, I ex- pher, Kathleen Kelly to the Journey 8. Full of alacrity (3 wds) pected The Journey to be an original crew. 32 33 34 35 36 9. ‘High’ prefix film experience. After seeing the film, The crew of five toils relentlessly 10. Objective I learned that not only was the con- to polish their production to per- 37 38 39 11. Lassie, for one cept original, but it was original fection. Despite encountering mul- 15. Regret 40 41 42 43 with a positive, energetic tone and tiple financial and personal hardships 19. Perspective (abbr) is a definite choice for college stu- along the way, the journey contin- 44 45 46 47 20. GA Tech’s Improv co. dents. ues for a whole year, covering some 24. Scots’ toppers After graduating from college with 15 states and documenting every 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 25. Mar. seas. a dwelling lack of fulfillment, direc- step of the process. 26. Irani, for one tor Eric Saperston sets out in a 1971 The film is a documentary; it is 56 57 58 59 27. Wine taster’s tools Volkswagen Bus to cinematically 100% real. There is no script, just 29. List-ending abbr. document a plethora of perspec- footage and narration. The crew is 60 61 62 30. Tomboy, for one tives on progress, achievement and not made of actors, these are ordi- 31. Dixie Chicks murder victim meaning in the human communi- nary young men and women who 63 64 65 33. Famous Mostel ty. To obtain the information he are aboard the journey for their own 36. Diet pill store (abbr) seeks, Saperston tracks down and personal reasons yet share with each By Kit FitzSimons 25. Weepy 38. Signifies interviews those whom he things other a collective desire to uncover Staff Writer 28. Be a (couch) potato 41. Dippy hairdo? could make valuable contributions the purpose of their generation. 32. Dubya, for one 42. Famous Caesar to his documentary. Among the se- The first element that draws in ACROSS 34. ______for tat 46. Not yet planned (abbr) lected are, day-working, bill-pay- the audience is the quality of the 1. _____ Lobos 35. Rocky outcropping 47. Chorus breaks, perhaps ing 19-year-olds, multiple corporate interviews. It was quite interesting 4. B-line? 37. Speedway sight 48. “Songs of the South” word CEOs, former President Jimmy to see someone my age interviewing 7. Austin Powers verb 38. All-Amer. Women, sort of 49. Luke’s sister Carter, Texas governor Ann Rich- Jimmy Carter. Saperston’s skill in 11. Oft-poisoned projectile 39. A.D.I.D.A.S. group 51. Their logo’s an eagle (abbr) ards, director Henry Winkler (best opening up his interviewees is dumb- 12. Superman’s foe 40. Strongman’s props 52. In the ballpark of known for his role as “The Fonz” founding. He’s got the CEO of Coca- 13. “Marco!” response 43. “Waterfalls” grp. 53. “Silly me.” on Happy Days), Jerry Garcia, and Cola talking about Winnie the Pooh 14. Walking ______(2 wds) 44. Old West duel time 54. Remembered many others. and “The Fonz” divulging his per- 16. Naughty lil’ thing 45. Nameless things 55. “Just a ______…” Initially, Eric has to rely solely sonal insecurities. Almost every in- 17. “______boy!” 48. Meat/veggie ‘wich type 57. Part of 4 ACROSS on Jack, his golden retriever, for terviewee that Eric manages to get a 18. Approval rating technique (2 50. Undercover stories? (2 wds) company on his expedition. But, hold of is asked, “What are you wds) 56. Oboe piece The answers to this week’s puzzle may still in the early phases of his trip, struggling with now?” The responses 21. ______the cows come… 58. “Cats” poet (abbr) be found on page 31, and as always Jack picks up his long time friend, he obtains are quite entertaining 22. Sign of summer? 59. Unaccompanied the Technique doesn’t care if you Dave Murcott, who agrees to help 23. Elevator inventor 60. Land of Leprechauns can’t get all the answers right. him work on the project. A little See Journey, page 27 ENTERTAINMENT Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 27

It seems as if the camera was left Journey from page 26 on all the time. A lot of random scenes get into the screenplay but ...0101010 1010101010101010...... Two Bits and enlightening. manage to be delightfully relevant From infiltrating square dance and refreshing, making ‘fresh’ a good In the beginning, God created the grand canyon. On the return we can understand the situation of halls to sitting down with a saga- theme for this piece of filmmaking. the Player and the Game. And he trip a horrendous pile up traffic ac- players everywhere. It’s about the cious Rastafarian wise man, Saper- The Journey is a long overdue soul saw that they were both not neces- cident caused a road blockage which time spent, not the amount of time ston and company bring the older stimulator that is sure to inspire sarily good, but they would do. The backed up highway traffic for miles spent. Am I losing some of you? If generations into focus and reveal audiences. Player and the Game existed within to a motionless stand still. The south- so, then don’t stop reading, just al- them to be limitlessly valuable. The a dark and inevitably perpetual sym- western sun was heat beating the low me to make a conversion to an crew involves themselves heavily in The film runs through tonight, but biotic state. The Player would exist stranded population to the point easily readable Q & A format where harvesting what there is to be learned only at the AMC Phipps Plaza 14 on account of the Game and like- where staying in their cars was not the Two Bits man will answer some from the preceding generation. theater in Buckhead. wise, the Game would go on only as an option. Everyone, including frequently asked questions on the far as there were Players willing to myself and family, was outside their subject of playerdom. participate. And God saw that it vehicles, most bearing looks of frus- Q. Which came first the Player Feature Photos Computer-Animated Monsters would do. tration and exhaustion. Then I no- or the Game? And then, of course, God creat- ticed, embedded in the crowd, a A. That’s a tough one, it’s one of ed some animals, there was a flood- young girl, seeming to be approxi- those unanswerable questions, kind ing problem, Moses one-upped the mately my age, noticing me in the of like.... what’s that question?.... Egyptians, etc. someone wrote some same instant. As far as it could be at oh yes, “Who is the Ultimate Play- Psalms and some Proverbs, King er?”, oh wait nevermind, I know Solomon wrote 126 verses on how that one. to be an effective Player, etc., Ezek- Q. Ok then, who is the Ultimate iel saw the wheel, the son of God is We spent the Player? born to a non Player, he performs following three hours A. The Two Bits Man some miracles and some people think Q. So who is God? he’s just a dangerous new type of together roaming A. The Ultimate Player player and they crucify him, etc., around the scene and Q. Wait, that’s ridiculous, etc., and then Armageddon will come wouldn’t that make the Two Bits and put an end to the Game forev- just hanging out and man God by the identity property er. And I know Michael rowed the being kids instead of of classic logic? boat ashore somewhere in there, but A. Silence nerd! before I strike I can’t remember exactly when. But being preoccupied you down with lightning and may- anyway, The End. with our be through a few plagues upon your Welcome ladies and gentlemen offspring while I’m at it and steal to this week’s Two Bits column. inconvenience.” your girlfriend if I’m feeling frisky!! This week’s focus is on the spiritual Q. And what’s with the whole Q maintenance of the healthy player and A thing? Are you trying to be in the face of a ruthless game. First, that age and in that situation, it was like Dave Barry or something? I’d like to lay down a few guide- love at first sight. We spent the fol- A. No he’s trying to be like me! lines, commandments if you will. lowing three hours together roam- Q. Don’t you mean “No, Dave The world of the Player is fairly cut ing around the scene and just hanging Barry is actually funny”? and dry and only requires adhesion out and being kids instead of being A. Does eternal damnation sound to three main guide lines. preoccupied with our inconvenience. good to you? 1. Thou shalt not hate the Player We forged an incredible friendship Q. Who are you arguing with, 2. Thou shalt hate the Game that day which was remarkable al- didn’t you come up with all these 3. Love one another, but don’t though fleeting. Life would not af- questions yourself? necessarily expect a phone call the ford us any future beyond those A. This is your beloved Two Bits next day three hours but all was well. man thinking it’s probably about I understand that the third com- Now, take that story, change the time to sign off. You can catch my mandment may sound harsh. How- setting to a college campus (proba- third personality in next weeks edi- ever, let me relate to you a personal bly not Tech’s though), add a few tion of three bits.. or two bits rath- ©Disney/Pixar Pictures. All Rights Reserved. story that contains valuable lessons years of age, and throw in some er. Until then try saying this two or These monsters, James P. Sullivan (voiced by John Goodman), and for those aspiring to morally up- enraged hormones, and maybe re- three times fast - “Two Two Bits Mike Wazowski (voiced by Billy Crystal) “star” in Disney and right playerdom; when I was but a duce the time spent together from Men battle about being pimps” and Pixar’s newest film, Monsters Inc., in theaters November 2. lad of 12, my parents took me on a three hours (unless you’re really good) whenever you get caught up in traf- road trip across the country to see to about 20-30 minutes, and then fic just remember, “everybody hurts.” 28 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT

All we say is there’s one true way, Prodigals from page 25 and that way is our own,” Kelly sings in the chorus. When someone The Live Mini-List: Fall Break Edition uses an airplane to redesign the city That energy had the brakes put skyline, words like these take on a (10/12 to 10/19—it’ll keep you busy) on it—a rare thing indeed—after more menacing feel. the September 11 attack on the Still, the Prodigals have no plans COTTON CLUB (152 Luckie St.) 10/16—Border Collies 10/15—Jane Ivy, Holly Allen, Paul Sforza World Trade Center. “On the fol- to let one day of horror put them off (404) 688-1193 10/17—Brian Doyle, Laura Blackley Band 10/16—Film, Joel Cage, Lindsey, Justin Rosolino lowing weekend, there were a lot of their game or ruin their plans for 10/18—Sarah Pierce, Christy Snow 10/17—Jack Ingram, Beaver Nelson transportation problems and so on. returning to Atlanta at the end of 10/12—Lake Trout, Love Seed Mama Jump 10/19—Clandestine 10/18—Ekoostik Hookah But on top of that, the band didn’t the month. “The whole thing is just 10/13—Minamina Goodsong 10/19—The Pleasure Club, Lotustarr, The feel like it was appropriate to go a joy. I mean, we love performing, 10/14—King’s X, Moke MASQUERADE (695 North Ave.) Enigmatics 10/17—Ours, The Complex (404) 577-2007 forward, just because of the huge- and the thing of the performance is 10/18—Puddle of Mudd, Mesh STAR BAR (437 Moreland Ave.) ness of the tragedy that had just a celebration. We’re really, really 10/19—The Superbz, Elliott James and the 10/12—Genitorturers, 5 More Dead (404) 681-9018 occurred.” They decided to stay off looking forward to exploring that Snakes, Gruvinhi 10/13—Nonpoint, Reveille, Switched, www.starbar.netwww.starbar.netys the road that weekend and pick up in Georgia. We have a brilliant mem- Darwin’s Waiting Room 10/12—Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash, Hot their tour the next week. ory of Atlanta; we just can’t wait to DARK HORSE TAVERN (816 N. Highland Ave.) 10/14—Nuclear Saturday, Left Front Tire Club of Cowtown If nothing else, last month’s events get back,” Grene mused. (404) 873-3607 10/15—Long Beach Dub Allstars 10/13—Swinging Neckbreakers have given new meaning to “One Forget the green beer and lepre- 10/12—Rev 7, Blankety Blank, Six 10/16—Cold, Dope, Lifer, Chronic MD 10/17—Flathead Mike and the Mercurys, True Cause,” featured on Dream- chauns. These guys know how to 10/13—Tommy Thompson, Slowtwin, Johnny Young 10/17—Mortician, Exhumed, Signs of Kickstart, The Getting Headstones 10/17—CMS Dying, Apocalyptic Visions 10/18—Okolona X-Rays ing. One of the Prodigals’ few songs make a bar seem like a pub in the 10/18—David Brown, Humbert, Squeeze Bucket 10/18—Insane Clown Posse 10/19—Speed Devils, Blacktop Rockets, with overt political tones, it makes way that counts—through their 10/19—Brighter Shade, Garrison Field, The Hub 10/19—Fozzy Gravyboat only passing references to the long- music. And you might even learn standing religious conflicts in North- something. EDDIE’S ATTIC (515-B N. McDonough St.) SMITH’S OLDE BAR (1580 Piedmont Ave.) UNDER THE COUCH (Couch Bldg.) ern Ireland and the Middle East. (404) 377-4976 (404) 875-1522 (404) 206-0985 The primary targets are fanatics who The Prodigals will be performing at are ready to make any sacrifice to Smith’s Olde Bar on October 25. Call 10/12—Jennifer Daniels, Claire Holley 10/12—Cigar Store Indians, Three Rings 10/12—Dissention, Cynosure, Bedside blindly support their beliefs. (404) 875-1522 for more informa- 10/13—Cigar Store Indians, David Franklin 10/13—Marathon, Boulevard, Atomsplit Ensemble “We’re fighting for the one true tion. Visit the band online at 10/14—Molly Bancroft, Jen Hamel, Joe 10/14—Slobberbone, The Enigmatics, The 10/19—Sympathetic Vibrations, Nothing Rathbone, Liquid Pie Yard, Butch Walker but Treble cause, it’s all that we have known/ ENTERTAINMENT Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 • 29

LO S CDE SHAG Childress. Their Atlantic verbal jabs. Tsang, who in from 23 from 23 DART LEX POLO Soul Records contract expires soon, Iron real life is female, plays a par- leaving the band at “an excit- ticularly comical young boy, ONA IR IMP ATTA greatest hits album in Febru- ing transitional and restruc- time in between the fights is and she steals each and every GALLUPPOLL TIL ary 2000, fans are apprecia- turing stage.” spent developing characters scene in which she appears. tive, especially here on campus. With over seven million and their relationships. I just I can’t help but feel bad LEO OTTO Freshman IntA major Ansley albums sold, Collective Soul hate an action flick that uses for not catching this film the SAD VEG ITATE Cleveland says that “they’ve is truly a band deserving of a down time just to set up more first time around, and you PREZ T IT CRAG been such a prolific band that greatest hits album. Its bal- fights, thus making most of should feel the same way. even though they’ve only been ance of heavier rock songs and the movie irrelevant. In Iron Now, I know I told you that RACE DAR KORN making music since 1994, mellower chart-toppers makes Monkey, the action and the the movie could probably be BARBELLS TLC they’ve got enough good songs “Seven Year Itch: Collective story are woven together quite found at a video store, but to make a truly great greatest Soul’s Greatest Hits 1994- nicely. You never get bored. don’t do yourself the disser- NOON ITS hits album. Plus, Dean Ro- 2001” worth a listen and Iron Monkey is surprisingly vice. The finale simply has to BLT BOUNDBOOKS land is dead sexy.” proves that even with their funny as well. The cast dis- be seen on the big screen. It REED TSE ALONE Collective Soul plans to recent changes, Collective plays a good amount of wit, alone is worth the price of aggressively promote their al- Soul is “one of modern rock and it’s great fun to watch admission, so don’t make the E IRE EPA OPEC bum, even with the recent n’ roll’s finest and most reli- the bad guys get beaten with same mistake twice and don’t RASE SSR SSW departure of lead guitarist Ross able outfits.” a battery of both physical and pass this Monkey up. 34 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique SPORTS Beyond the White and Gold A hunger for hockey By Derek Haynes Sports Editor

74,544 people were in attendance at Spartan Stadium, home of the Michigan State Spartans football squad, last weekend in East Lansing Michigan. There were thousands of people tailgating before the game; some of the tailgaters even arrived at the break of dawn. Many people gathered along the expansive green campus and threw footballs, watched football, and talked football. Tickets for the game sold out in less than nine days, which is noth- ing unusual for the two rival schools. During the game, the wind gusted up to 30 m.p.h. and the tempera- ture was only 40 degrees. The game, carried by Fox Sports Net, was available to over 38 mil- lion homes in North America. When the final horn blew, the Spartans had extended their unbeaten streak against the Wolverines to four thanks to a 3-3 tie. Now, a brain teaser. How could each team score three points if nei- ther had a field goal? By scoring three goals. In the south, if I were to say 20,000 people could attend a hock- ey game the statement would cause more stares than the Olsen twins walking the halls of a Conyers mid- dle school. The weekend event in Michigan showed what I feel is the biggest difference between the north and the south: hockey. Michigan and Michigan State have sold out their games for years. Their annual bash at Joe Louis Are- na in Detroit is always sold out. Schools like Minnesota and Wis- consin have the same attendance stories; now the Badgers are rumored to be formulating a plan to break the attendance record by playing a game at 76,000 capacity Camp Ran- dell Stadium. People in the south are really blowing this one. Ann Arbor News writer Anto- ine Pitts feels there are three reasons why hockey hasn’t traveled down south. Number one, the money. It can cost almost a million dollars to start a hockey program. Number two, gender equality. Number three, facilities. How many schools in Geor- gia have an ice rink at them? Look for the next sport to be added to Tech’s varsity lineup to be soccer, a relatively cheap sport to run. But can someone imagine 74,000 people attending a college soccer game? If they can, they might as well run by the Center for Dis- ease Control in Atlanta. They’ve got to be carrying something. A soccer game simply can’t imi- tate the college hockey atmosphere. Hockey games up north are com- parable to basketball games at Duke. Maybe the biggest reason to re- alize hockey can be popular in the south is to hear what Michigan Hockey Coach Red Berenson, who has coached a national champion- ship team, played for a Stanley Cup, and scored six goals in a game, told the News’ Pitts about the game. “If Red Berenson is using words like ‘awesome’ and ‘incredible’ to describe the game, you know it’s something good,” said Pitts. SPORTS Friday, October 12, 2001 • 35 Intramural Notebook Up and Down Troy Matteson with Jack. B. Nimble The Georgia Tech world has anx- know a thang about the Indepen- iously been awaiting my champi- dents. So this one comes down to onship football picks, and Big J the names. Just Another Team, I delivers. hate that name. Old Heads - that’s A League Fraternity just boring. Crackhead Armidillos No team has been as dominat- is kinda interesting. Backfield in ing in recent football memory as Motion is creative and seems to hint the fleet-footed Phi Gams . Beta is at something more. I like that. talented, but I can’t go against ex- B League perience. Look for the Morris twins AE Pi is demoralizing. Disci- to carry FIJI to yet another flag plined. Determined. I like the fifth- football championship. ranked team in an upset. A League Independents I wish I could think of another Jack “Bigshot” Nimble don’t word that begins with a D. A League Flag FB Ranking A League Sand Volleyball

Rank Team LW Rank Team

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

1 FIJI 5 1 Lamda Chi Alpha

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

2 Crackhead Armidillos 3 2 Four Chemists

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

3 Backfield in Motion 1 3 TKE

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

4 Beta Theta Pi 2 4 Free House

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 5 Pike 4 5 Pi Kappa Phi ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

6 Pi Kappa Phi 9 6 Kappa Sig

○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Junior Troy Matteson pitches out of the sand at the Carpet Capital Collegiate. Tech’s top returning golfer ○○○○○○○○○○○

finished in third at Tech’s only home tournament as the Jackets won the tournament by a cozy ten strokes. 7 Old Heads 7 7 FIJI ○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ finished in third at Tech’s only home tournament as the Jackets won the tournament by a cozy ten strokes. ○○○○○○○○○○○

8 Just Another Team 6 8 Beta Theta Pi

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

9 Sigma Chi 8 9 Navy

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

10 Chi Psi NR 10 IPST

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 36 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique SPORTS Tarred spikers venture home after loss By Derick Stanger lier stated that “for us to win, we play Arkansas at 3 p.m. All the match- Assistant Sports Editor will need Kele (Eveland) running es will be played in O’Keefe Gym- our offense at a high level, Ky (Bell) nasium. At home, the Rambling Throughout the course of a year and Maja (Pachale) to play big games Wreck has won five of their seven everyone comes upon hard times for us, and we will need a great games with their only defeats com- sooner or later. Along with the up- defensive effort.” ing at the hands of No. 12 Colo- turns are the downturns. This is not It was not Tech’s day. The Lady rado State and ACC foe Duke. Coach just true for individuals though. Jackets played a game plagued by Collier says that “certainly our team Groups and teams alike face the errors and lost to UNC in three plays well at home, and after a loss same ebb and flow. It is simply how straight games, 27-30, 26-30, 22- like we had on the road last week, it teams deal with the highs and lows 30. It was during the second game will be good for us to play in our that develops character and sports- that Tech had its best chance to win gym in front of our fans in order to manship that will show how they a game, but the Jackets had ten er- regain some confidence we may have will endure the times to come. rors and allowed the Tar Heals to lost." At one point in the season, Tech’s rally. Despite the loss, Tech did have volleyball team was ranked among some dominate individual perfor- ACC Standings (as of 10-9)

the top 25 in the nation, since then mances. Tech was led by sopho- Team ACC Record Overall


they have dropped out of the rank- more Amanda Hess and senior Maja North Carolina 7-0 14-3


ings and are fighting to put their Pachale, who each recorded eleven Duke 5-2 13-2


name back up on that board. A win kills, and freshman Lynette Moster Georgia Tech 4-2 8-4


against the currently uncontested who had ten digs. Wake Forest 4-3 10-6


leader of the Atlantic Coast Con- The Yellow Jacket team returns Maryland 3-3 7-7 ○○○○○○ home this weekend for three matches, ○○○○○○○○○○○

ference, North Carolina at Chapel Florida State 3-3 6-8 ○○○○○○ By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Hill would have helped immensely. the first of which is this Friday against ○○○○○○○○○○○

Virginia 1-5 5-8 ○○○○○○ Tech’s women volleyball team faces a weekend homestand against This is something that has not been Maryland. On Saturday, they face ○○○○○○○○○○○

Clemson 1-5 5-8 ○○○○○○ Maryland, Virginia and Arkansas after a demoralizing loss against ACC accomplished since 1997 when Tech the Cavaliers of Virginia at 7 p.m. ○○○○○○○○○○○

NC State 1-6 5-9 ○○○○○○ leader UNC. Tech, currently in third place, was picked to win the ACC. upset UNC 3-2. Coach Shelton Col- and on the following Sunday they ○○○○○○○○○○○ SPORTS Friday, October 12, 2001 • 37

Swarm from page 40

By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Newcomer Chan Wongluekiet talks with Golf Coach Bruce Heppler. Wongluekiet had a sterling home debut, finishing in fifth at the Collegiate. 2nd-Ranked golf dominating in

By Rob Hill / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Swarm members cheer on the Tech football team in the North Stands of Bobby Dodd Stadium. The squad also home invitational at Rocky Face has a B-League volleyball team that has finished a combined 15-3 in the past three semesters of competition. Troy Matteson paces Jackets with 3rd place finish tween,” said Swarm President Brian seats are strictly first come, first serve. most students join for other rea- Alexy. Recently, a new tradition has be- sons. By David Rottmann score of 2-under-par for the tour- The young Swarm has already gun to emerge in the Swarm. After “Swarm is one of the best ways Contributing Writer nament. Three other Jackets, Kris established its share of traditions. home games, the football team stops for students to come together and Mikkelsen, Matt Weilbring, and Two and a half hours before every support Tech athletics. It gives many Georgia Tech is clearly restak- Nicholas Thompson, finished tied home football game members of students a place to belong, especial- ing its claim as one of the nation’s for eleventh, tied for seventeenth, the Swarm line up on Yellow Jacket “The original Swarm ly those not involved in Greek or- top collegiate golf programs as they and tied for twenty-third, respec- alley to cheer for the team as they consisted of 250 ganizations,” said Alexy. followed a disappointing 10th place tively. come by. After that they go and In addition to attending varsity- finish in the Ping/Golfweek Pre- Following the departure of 2001 pick up their tickets, which are re- crazy fans in the sporting events, members of Swarm view Invitational with their third Collegiate Player of the Year Bryce served together in the North end Northeast corner of also form intramural teams each straight title in the Carpet Capital Molder, Matteson has filled in nicely zone of Bobby Dodd Stadium. Af- year, fielding teams for volleyball, Collegiate. as the Jackets top gunner. Matteson ter picking up tickets, Swarm mem- the football stands.” basketball, and softball. The Swarm’s Paced by junior Troy Matteson, is shooting a team low average of bers wait at the gate to the North B-league volleyball team is quite who finished the tournament at 3- 72.00 per round, tops by almost a stands, preparing for what has been competitive, boasting a 15-3 record under-par and tied for third indi- full stroke over the talented Won- called the “running of the Swarm.” over the past three semesters. vidually with Georgia’s Ryan Hybl, gluekiet and over a stroke above the As soon as the gate opens before on their way to the locker room to With only five years under its Tech strode to an impressive ten- veteran Mikkelsen. the game, Swarm members rush into sing the fight song with the Swarm. belt, Swarm is looking to get bigger stroke victory. Matteson got plenty Up next for the 2nd ranked Jackets the stands in order to get a front Although one of the greatest ben- and better. The goal of Swarm is to of help from his teammates, espe- is the Jerry Pate Intercollegiate in row seat. In the Swarm block it efits of Swarm is not having to wait be the largest student-run cheering cially freshman Chan Wonglueki- Birmingham, Alabama on October doesn’t matter what the tickets say, in long ticket lines, Alexy thinks squad for college sporting events. et, who finished tied for fifth with a 15. 38 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique SPORTS

fellow Red Sox player and current Where are they from page 1 member of the DL, Jason Varitek, in guiding Tech to Omaha for the has started every game he has played moved to corner, could he show his College World Series. Although this in. This year he will be moving from full ability. He quickly tied Levon year Garciaparra’s numbers are down, outside linebacker to inside line- Kirkland for most solo-tackles that they should improve next year when backer and will be replacing his child- season with 94. Since then he has he will return from the DL. hood idol Jessie Tuggle, who recently started every game he has played in. retired. He has shown that this will Kevin Brown be a breakthrough season and is al- Dorsey Levens Brown is currently a pitcher for ready one of the best middle line- Levens has also managed to stay the Los Angeles Dodgers. He is also backers of this season. with a single team his entire NFL the oldest former Tech player in the career. However, since the Green majors. This past year was his 15th Marco Coleman Bay Packers drafted him he has been year in the pros and his 14th con- Over the years Coleman has been plagued by injuries. He did not have secutive year in the majors. Every a very consistent player. While he is this problem while a Jacket. He was year that he has played he has main- currently playing for the Washing- a transfer from Notre Dame and tained a superbERA. His best year ton Redskins in his tenth year in the quickly became Tech’s starting tail- came in 1996 when he had a 17-11 NFL, he started off with the Miami back. He scored 15 times over the record and a 1.89 ERA and helped Dolphins and later joined the San following two years and set a Tech lead the Marlins to win the World Diego Chargers. Coleman was a key record with a 7.2 yard per carry Series. This past year as a Dodger he member of the 1990 Champion- average his senior year. As a Packer bested his career average ERA of ship Jackets. He was twice voted Levens recorded two 1000-yard sea- 3.18 with a 2.65 and had a record of All-ACC and was picked for the sons in 1997 and 1999. His 1998 10-4. All-American second team. He also season was limited to four games held the record for most sacks by a due to a hold out during contract Also in MLB: Bruce Chen (NYM), Yellow Jacket with a total of 28. He negotiations and injuries. In the 2000 Doug Creek (TB), David Newhan maintained this pace as a member season he again was injured and (Phi), Jay Payton (NYM), Kris Wil- of the Dolphins averaging over six replaced on the starting lineup by son (KC), Jason Varitek (Bos) sacks a year with the Dolphins. Last Ahman Green. This season Levens year Coleman became one of the will be fighting Green for as many PGA few bright spots on an underachieving rushes as possible. David Duval team. He recorded a career and team Alongside Tiger Woods, David By Kristi Odom / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS high 12 sacks, dethroning Bruce Also in NFL: Nick Ferguson (N Duval has emerged as one of the Dez White, who plays for the Chicago Bears, is a second string wide Smith as the statistical leader of the YJ), Joe Hamilton (TB) , Charlie great golfers of today. While play- receiver on the squad. White left following his junior season in 1999. team. Rogers (Sea), Travares Tillman (Buf), ing as a Yellow Jacket, Duval be- Dez White (Chi), Rodney Williams came one of the three college players Open. In the years to come he should 1995 and has since won two PGA Lethon Flowers (NYG) ever to be named All-American four keep golf relatively interesting and events, including the MCI classic, Since entering the NFL, Flow- times. He was also named collegiate provide Tiger Woods with some and one international event. He ers has always been a member of the MLB player of the year in 1993. Once he competition. Duval is one of the graced the leader board in this sea- Pittsburgh Steelers. As a Jacket, Flow- Nomar Garciaparra ventured onto the professional tour few people analysts feel can chal- son’s US Open for the first two ers placed himself among the great Even in his current state of inju- he quickly climbed up the money lenge Woods tournament-by-tour- rounds but could not pull off a vic- safetys in Jacket history by record- ry, Garciaparra is still one of the chart. In his second year he earned nament. tory. His collapse at the Open was ing 238 tackles during his tenure. most elite ballplayers of MLB. Each more than any other second-year the subject of several feature stories. When the Steelers drafted him in year since joining the Boston Red player had won in PGA Tour His- Stewart Cink Time will tell how well Cink will 1995, his playing time sharply de- Sox in 1996, he has improved. Ev- tory. He has also won 13 PGA tour- Stewart Cink has developed his prove to be in the upcoming years. creased. While playing mainly spe- ery year he gets that much closer to naments but struggled when it came golf game well over the years. While cial teams, he still managed to lead a .400 batting average and is main- to the late rounds of majors. That is he is not on the leader board as Also in professional golf: Bryce his corps in tackles. It was not until taining a .600 slugging percentage. until this year, when he finally won often as Duval, he has won his share Molder, Matt Kuchar, Tripp Isen- the 1998 season, when Carnell Lake As a Yellow Jacket, Garciaparra joined that first elusive major at the British of tournaments. Cink turned pro in hour, Larry Mize. SPORTS Friday, October 12, 2001 • 39

Being Buzz: ESPN spot one of the many perks nique editor-in- By Robert Cunningham f chief matthew Senior Writer bryan picked Anyone who has ever attended a o only 5 games cor- Tech sporting event more than likely rectly; luckily for knows who Buzz is. The lovable Tech mascot is both cheerleader and matthew’s ego ambassador, and is as much a part o just about every- of Tech community as the Ramb- one else had a lin’ Wreck. Although Buzz’s origins are rather t bad week. ambiguous, it is known that Buzz showed up at a game sometime in the early 1980s as an unofficial cheer- b leader, and was soon adopted by the GT cheerleading squad. Today Buzz is actually a member of the cheer- a leading squad, and even attends a special mascot camp hosted yearly by the National Cheering Associa- l tion at Myrtle Beach. Because of his popularity, Buzz is called upon for many duties as the l official Tech mascot. Along with the obvious duty of attending sport- name picks ing events, Buzz is involved with charity events, team photos, sports nate watson 8 conventions, and official Georgia andy maham 7 Tech events such as the annual Pres- f rober rodgers 7 ident’s Dinner. Buzz can also be fred simmons 6 hired for social gatherings, such as stephen cheuk 6 weddings and birthday parties. o Another one of Buzz’s duties is By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS to help choose a successor during Buzz wasn’t instilled as Tech’s mascot until the 80s when he was adopted by the Tech cheerleading squad at cheerleading tryouts. Buzz hopefuls Jacket football games. Buzz has appears at charity events, the President’s Dinner, and was even on a ESPN r attend a three-day camp during try- Commercial. outs in which they are taught how to be Buzz, learning the walk, man- scored, then he did a total of 385 final rule is that Buzz is never sup- around campus he has also made nerisms and hand gestures. After push-ups during the game. To main- posed to start a fight, but he is al- quite an impact on the rest of the e the workshop, tryouts are held, where tain this level of fitness, Buzz works ways expected to finish them. One world, winning his third national the former Buzz joins other judges out almost every day with weights example of Buzz having to defend mascot competition in 2000. As well to decide who will receive the hon- in the Wardlaw Building, located himself happened at a Duke foot- as being the No. 1 mascot in the c or of being the next Buzz. behind the south end zone of Grant ball game in Durham two years ago. nation, Buzz has appeared in many One must be in peak physical Field. During the game the Blue Devil sports television commercials, in- pick more games condition in order to be Buzz. In To preserve the mystique of Buzz attacked Buzz with a giant flyswat- cluding one on ESPN’s Sports Cen- a correctly than our addition to the burden of wearing certain ground rules must be fol- ter that he had made. Buzz fought ter. the Buzz suit during football games, lowed. The first rule is that nobody back, grabbing the flyswatter away It’s hard to imagine life at Tech editor, matthew Buzz must do push-ups every time is allowed to know who Buzz is from the Blue Devil and beating without Buzz. He has ingrained him- s bryan, and your the Tech football team scores. This until after his term is complete. The him with it. After he had sufficient- self into students’ lives, even going name will appear may not seem bad at first, but imag- second rule is that Buzz is not al- ly embarrassed the Blue Devil, Buzz as far as having his very own Buzz ine how difficult this would be dur- lowed to talk while in uniform. To walked in front of the Duke fans Card made. Always friendly and full in the next issue. ing a game like this year’s Navy compensate for this, Buzz makes and broke the flyswatter in half, of spirit, Buzz will continue to rep- t game, which Tech won 70-7. Since great use of hand gestures to ex- throwing the remains into the trash. resent Tech as one of the best col- Buzz did push-ups every time Tech press his ideas and feelings. The Although Buzz is well known lege mascots in the nation. 40 • Friday, October 12, 2001 • Technique pageSPORTS 40 Life as Buzz Reloading not Rebuilding He does hundreds of push-ups each game, The golfers flopped in their first tourney. SPORTS he’s been on an ESPN Commercial, he’s Things went better last weekend in Tech’s one of the nation’s top mascots. Page 39 only home invitational.. Page 37 Technique • Friday, October 12, 2001 by Life after the White and Gold the Few college athletes continue their careers at the next level, but several former Tech numbers athletes are not only performing but excelling at basketball, football, baseball, and golf By Derick Stanger 14.5 points and 6.9 assists 164.2 Assistant Sports Editor per game. People watch college Matt Geiger Average rushing yards per game by and professional sports Geiger is currently sec- Maryland running back Bruce Per- each week, however not ond on a deep Philadel- ry. He was initially chosen to be the everyone can make a di- phia 76ers’ depth chart starting back after a decision by head rect connection between behind Dikembe Mutum- coach Ralph Friedgan that was the each players careers. One bo and ahead of fellow equivalent to a coin flip. may know that the NCAA Tech alum, Alvin Jones. is a feeder system for the Geiger came to Tech as a NBA but they may not transfer from Auburn. 96 follow their respective col- While at Tech he quickly lege’s players throughout became a dominant cen- Georgia Tech’s BCS strength of their professional career. ter and placed himself sec- schedule ranking so far this season There is the time period ond on the all-time blocked out of a possible 117 NCAA Divi- when players are adjust- shots list for Tech. Geiger sion I-A teams. The formula only ing to the faster pace of was drafted in 1992 dur- considers games that have already professional sports when ing the second round by been played and uses the opponents’ their names are not men- the Miami Heat but re- records along with their opponents’ tioned and their playing corded little playing time records. time is diminished. It is in his first season. It was during this time that where not until his third season they originated from can that he showed his true be forgotten. So to refresh abilities. He spent his sec- 17 all Tech fans, here is a list ond set of three years with Number of freshman that began of the former Tech play- the Charlotte Hornets be- fall practice this week for the Geor- ers that now are spreading fore signing with the 76ers gia Tech baseball team. They com- the name of Georgia Tech. as a free agent. He contin- posed one of the top ten recruiting ued to put up good num- classes in the nation. Five of the NBA bers until his playing time freshmen still chose to play for Tech Stephon Marbury was decreased when the after being drafted by MLB. Marbury has spent the Sixers drafted Theo Rat- majority of his professional liffe. career playing for the Min- 8 nesota Timberwolves and Also in NBA: Jon Barry the New Jersey Nets. This (Det), Jason Collier (Hou), National ranking of doubles part- past off-season he was trad- By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Dion Glover (Atl), Tom ners Roger Anderson and David ed to the Phoenix Suns. David Duval (left) and Nomar Garciaparra (right) are two of Tech’s most well known former Hammonds (Min), Matt Wright by the Intercollegiate Ten- Marbury was drafted athletes. Duval is one of the top players on the tour this season while Garciaparra has battled Harpring (Phi), Alvin nis Association. Last year they com- fourth overall in 1996 by several injuries. Former Jacket Jason Varitek is a teammate of Garciaparra’s on the Red Sox. Jones (Phi), Dennis Scott bined for an overall record of 16-9. the Timberwolves after spending played since being drafted in the Kenny Anderson (LA), Assistant Coach Craig Neal just one year with the Yellow Jack- first round of the 1995 draft. Dur- Anderson is a starting guard for (Tor). ets. In that one year he earned All- ing his college years Best was awarded the Boston Celtics. Anderson, like ACC and third-team All-American All-ACC honors three times and Marbury, had a shortened college NFL credits. Since entering the NBA, he was given honorable mention for career. He entered the draft after Keith Brooking football has started in almost every game the All-American team once. As a his sophomore season when he was Brooking is now in his fourth forecast that he has played in and averages Pacer, Best has shared playing time named to the All-American second year in the NFL as an Atlanta Fal- nearly 38 minutes a game. This past with fellow guard Mark Jackson. team. In his freshman year he helped con. He was picked by the Falcons Miami Fla. vs. Florida State year Marbury was the only player to This past season he started 21 Tech reach the NCAA Final Four. and ended the drought of Tech play- be ranked in the top ten in the league games, while playing in 77, and He became the second overall pick ers being drafted by the NFL. As a Texas A&M vs. Colorado for assists and points per game. He ranked sixth in the NBA in assists to in 1991 by the Nets. In just five Jacket he set team records in the Washington vs. UCLAe was also ranked in the top-20 in turnover ratio. He helped take the seasons with the Nets he became weight room and was a defensive Clemson vs. NC State eleven other categories. Pacers to the NBA Finals by scoring their all time leader in assists. Over power on the field. He continues to 24 points against the New York the following years he became one be just that as a member of the Virginia vs. North Carolina Travis Best Knicks in a crucial Game 5. of the many journeymen of the league Falcons. Since his rookie season he Wake Forest vs. Dukeame Best is currently a member of He also appeared in the movie before settling down with the Celt- Wisconsin vs. Ohio State the Indiana Pacers, where he has He Got Game. ics. Over the years he has averaged See Where are they, page 38 West Virginia vs. Notre Dame Purdue vs. Michigan Techsters swarm to join student-run cheering squad Princeton vs. Brown By Robert Cunningham ers, and then to Greg Gathers. You ed the organization because she felt Swarm File Submit your picks at: Senior Staff Writer can’t help but know how much they there was a need for more organized The Swarm was started in 1996 by want to take you down. cheering at home football games. Suzy Robinson as a part of the

Ramblin’ Reck Club. ○○○○○○

Imagine you are a quarterback As the ball is snapped, you look The original Swarm consisted of ○○○○○○○○○○○ with the misfortune of facing the to the primary receiver, who has 250 crazy fans in the Northeast cor- The original Swarm consisted of 250 Yellow Jackets at Bobby Dodd Sta- just made his break for the end zone. ner of the football stands. crazy fans in the Northeast corner of on dium. Although difficult, your team But before you release the ball, your Since its beginnings, the Swarm the football stands. It now consists of

650 students. ○○○○○○ has fought their way downfield, and eyes float back to that sea of yellow has grown at a remarkable rate. What ○○○○○○○○○○○ you now have a chance to score in the North stands. The hesitation began as only 250 fans, the Swarm In addition to attending varsity- deck sporting events, members of Swarm

from inside the twenty. As you break lasts only a moment, but a moment has grown to its current size of 650 also form intramural teams each year ○○○○○○ Event Date ○○○○○○○○○○○ the huddle you hear a deafening is all the defense needs for the sack. students. The demand to join Swarm Joining the Swarm costs $10. Sign- VB vs. Maryland 12 roar, causing you to glance up into As you pull yourself up from the this year was so great that the sign- up takes place during the first two TM at Georgia Tech Classic 12 the North stands. What you see is a ground, you take another look into up table was only open two hours weeks of every fall semester and is

VB vs. Virginia, 7 p.m. 13 wall of crazy, excited fans, all wear- the stands. The glare you shoot is before all open slots sold out. on a first come, first serve basis.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ CC at Furman Invite 13 ing yellow. Quickly looking away, one of disgust, because you know While many freshmen are at- The demand to join Swarm this year VB vs. Arkansas, 3 p.m. 14 you know that they are still there, that you’ve just been beaten. And tracted to Swarm, its membership was so great that the sign-up table VB at Wake Forest, 7 p.m. 19 watching and cheering against you. in case you forget, the members of is fairly diverse. was only open two hours before all

FB vs. NC State 20 open slots sold out. ○○○○○○

You know that their screams are the Swarm are there to remind you. “Swarm ranges from 1st years to ○○○○○○○○○○○ like shots of adrenaline to the Jack- The Swarm was started in 1996 5th years, with everything in be For more information or to join the CC - Cross Country FB - Football GF - Golf VB - et defense. Approaching the line by Suzy Robinson as a part of the Swarm’s mailing list send an email to

[email protected] ○○○○○○ Volleyball TM - Men’s Tennis your gaze drifts over to Nick Rog- Ramblin’ Reck Club. Robinson start- See Swarm, page 37 ○○○○○○○○○○○