Arxiv:1711.02999V3 [Quant-Ph] 31 Jul 2018 Lowing
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Implementation-independent sufficient condition of the Knill-Laflamme type for the autonomous protection of logical qudits by strong engineered dissipation Jae-Mo Lihm,1 Kyungjoo Noh,2 and Uwe R. Fischer3 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Center for Theoretical Physics, 08826 Seoul, Korea 2Yale Quantum Institute, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA 3Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, 08826 Seoul, Korea Autonomous quantum error correction utilizes the engineered coupling of a quantum system to a dissipative ancilla to protect quantum logical states from decoherence. We show that the Knill-Laflamme condition, stating that the environmental error operators should act trivially on a subspace, which then becomes the code subspace, is sufficient for logical qudits to be protected against Markovian noise. It is proven that the error caused by the total Lindbladian evolution in the code subspace can be suppressed up to very long times in the limit of large engineered dissipation, by explicitly deriving how the error scales with both time and engineered dissipation strength. To demonstrate the potential of our approach for applications, we implement our general theory with binomial codes, a class of bosonic error-correcting codes, and outline how they can be implemented in a fully autonomous manner to protect against photon loss in a microwave cavity. I. INTRODUCTION deriving a rigorous upper bound of logical error probability in terms of the engineered dissipation strength. In addition, we In the majority of practically realized experiments, the un- do not assume any structure of the error-correcting codes, and avoidable coupling to an environment leads to non-unitary thus our theory also applies to the codes which are beyond the evolution and introduces noise and dissipation into the sys- paradigm of stabilizer-based qubit codes. We illustrate this by tem [1]. This is often regarded as detrimental and hindering proposing a fully autonomous implementation of the recently the control of the experiment. In the last two decades how- proposed binomial codes [40], which protects encoded infor- ever, the at first sight counterintuitive fact has been established mation against photon loss in a microwave cavity. that dissipation can in fact support various quantum informa- tion processing tasks, such as quantum computation [2–5], en- tanglement generation [6–9], and the preparation of quantum II. AUTOQEC THEOREM many-body states [10, 11]. Quantum error correction (QEC) is a method of correct- Consider an open quantum system evolving according to a ing for effects of noise in quantum computers [12] by quan- Markovian master equation: tum control [13–19]. Conventional measurement-based QEC @ρ utilizes periodic measurement of error syndromes and an ap- = L[ρ] = −i[H + H ; ρ] @t eng sys propriate unitary evolution that eliminates the error. This L N measurement-based QEC scheme can correct errors iff en- X X + M D(F )ρ + D(F )ρ, (1) coded logical quantum states satisfy the Knill-Laflamme con- eng;i sys;k dition [20, 21], which predicates that errors can be corrected i=1 k=1 iff an environment causing the error does not gain any infor- y 1 y y where D(A)ρ := AρA − (A Aρ + ρA A). Hsys and Fsys, mation about the encoded states [22]. 2 and Heng and Feng are Hamiltonian and Lindbladian opera- Autonomous QEC (AutoQEC) avoids the use of active tors that are intrinsic to the system and imposed by dissipa- syndrome measurements and real-time feedback control to tive engineering, respectively; we set ~ = 1. We omit the achieve QEC, and instead takes advantage of passive strong subscript sys from the intrinsic Lindblad operators in the fol- engineered dissipation, which restores the system into the arXiv:1711.02999v3 [quant-ph] 31 Jul 2018 lowing. We assume that intrinsic dissipation is uncontrollable, original code subspace manifold. Pioneering works [23–25] while engineered dissipation, in Markovian form, can be arti- mostly focused on autonomous implementation of the 3-bit ficially generated and increased at will. In the limit M 1 repetition code against single bit-flip error, and then were we consider, the engineered dissipation strength parametrized generalized to all stabilizer codes [26] in [27, 28]. Be- by M is much larger than its intrinsic counterpart. We discuss sides the stabilizer-based qubit codes, many specific Auto- the practical feasibility of strong Markovian dissipation for a QEC schemes tailored to certain experimental platforms were concrete implementation below. proposed [29–37]. Notably, the simplest version of the cat We seek a condition for the code space C ⊂ H (dim H = code proposals [31, 32, 36] was recently realized experimen- n < 1, with H the total Hilbert space), under which there tally in circuit QED systems [38, 39]. exist an engineered Hamiltonian Heng and Lindblad jump op- In what follows, we identify an implementation inde- erators fFeng;igi=1;··· ;L which autonomously protect the code pendent, sufficient condition for AutoQEC, of the Knill- space against the Markovian error generated by the intrinsic Laflamme type. In particular, we prove its sufficiency by pro- jump operators fFkgk=1;··· ;N . That a code space is protected viding an explicit Markovian engineered dissipation and by means that for sufficiently strong engineered dissipation, any 2 logical states in the d-dimensional code subspace C are left in- variant until a given time T and up to an arbitrarily small error |W 〉〈W | F |W 〉〈W | F , which is defined in Eq. (3) below. 0 0 eng 0 d-1 eng We find that the Knill-Laflamme condition [20, 21], when applied to the set of intrinsic error operators E = ··· f1;Fkgk=1;:::;N , is sufficient for the autonomous protection of the qudit code subspace C = spanfjWµigµ=0;··· ;d−1. The † † U U U U condition states that 0 0,st 0 0 0,st d-1 ··· ··· ̃ y ρ ρ ΠCEl0 ElΠC = cl0lΠC; (2) 0 |Wd-1〉〈W0| Feng |Wd-1〉〈Wd-1| F for all El;El0 2 E and l; l 2 f0; :::; Ng, where hWµjWµ0 i = eng Pd−1 δµµ0 , ΠC := µ=0 jWµihWµj and ck0k are constants. Our main technical result, then, is as follows: ··· † Theorem (AutoQEC condition). If a code space C satis- U U U U † fies the Knill-Laflamme condition for the error set E = d-1 0,st 0 d-1 0,st d-1 1 f ;Fkgk=1;:::;N (see Eq. (2)), there exists a set of engineered ρ C Sccs-C ρ dissipative jump operators Feng;i such that, for any initial density matrix ρ in the code space, C FIG. 1: Schematic of density matrix , Lindblad T L jump operators, and noiseless subsystem symmetry. The total (T ; ρC) :=ke ρC − ρC k≤ O (γT =M) ; (3) Hilbert space is divided into d × d arrays of d2 large blocks. PN 2 The logical code space C is formed by the cross-striped ar- where γ := k=1 kFk k denotes the measure of intrinsic dissipation strength. Throughout, we use kX k:= sup k eas. The arrows represent dissipative jump operators, and kvk=1 the gray-shaded areas represent the space of corrupted states, Xvk as the norm of an operator X, where v are Hilbert space connected via Lindblad operator f (green dashed, Eq. (A1)) vectors, while superoperators have norm k Y k:= sup k kXk=1 to the code states. Engineered dissipation F (blue dou- Y(X)k. eng ble line, Eq. (5)) pumps the corrupted states back to the code space, and in consequence each large block supports a steady Summary of the proof. We first note that the intrinsic Hamil- y state Uµρ0;stUν , and Sccs forms a noiseless subsystem. Uµ H H = −H tonian sys can be eliminated by setting eng sys. intertwines between S0 and Sµ, and is defined in Eq. (A4). Consider a code space C satisfying the AutoQEC condition The remaining intrinsic dissipation fe (red-dotted, Eq. (A1), in Eq. (2). The density matrix generated by this code space is for clarity only one such process is shown) breaks this noise- represented by the cross-striped areas in Fig. 1. The intrinsic less subsystem symmetry and induces an undesired error. jump operators Fk corrupt the states in C and move them into the corrupted code space Sccs (cf. green dashed line in Fig. 1). We explicitly construct a set of engineered jump opera- III. DESIGN OF ENGINEERED DISSIPATION tors Feng;i (see Eq.(5)) which pump the corrupted states back into the code space C without loss of coherence (blue double line in Fig. 1). We then show that the d × d blocks of gray- Suppose that we are given a code space C = shaded and cross-striped areas in Fig. 1 form a noiseless sub- spanfjWµigµ=0;··· ;d−1, satisfying the Knill-Laflamme condi- system [21, 41–44], if the intrinsic dissipation operator is lim- tion for the error set E = f1;Fkgk=1;:::;N (cf. Eq. (2)). Then, ited to act on the code subspace, cf. Appendix A. Finally, we we define d subspaces Sµ for each µ 2 f0; ··· ; d − 1g: show that the remaining dissipation increases the error only to O(γT=M), as indicated on the right-hand side of Eq. (3). For Sµ = spanffjWµig [ fFkjWµi : k = 1; :::; Ngg: (4) details on the proof, we refer the reader to Appendix B. All Sµ are disjoint and have the same dimension, as fol- lows from the Knill-Laflamme condition. We define jWµ; ii We observe that the relation (3) implies protection of a log- such that fjWµi; jWµ; iig is an orthonormal basis set for Sµ ical qudit, since one can choose M γT/ to obtain any (µ = 0; ··· ; d − 1), where i = 1; ··· ; m − 1 so that the Sµ desired error less than .