Jones. Philly Joe Jones. Max Roach. I Got to Hear All Those Guys. You
Stteve Gadd iis one off tthe mostt rrespectted drrummerrs off allll ttiime.. Equalllly att home on sttage orr iin tthe sttudiio,, comfforrttablle iin allll sttylles ffrrom iinttrriicatte jjazz tto tthe siimpllestt pop,, Gadd brriings iimpeccablle ttastte,, ffeell,, and musiiciianshiip tto everry prrojjectt he grraces.. No wonderr he’’s been tthe drrummerr off choiice fforr Paull Siimon,, James Tayllorr,, Arrettha Frranklliin,, Stteviie Wonderr,, Stteelly Dan,, Barrbrra Sttrreiisand,, Erriic Cllaptton,, Carrlly Siimon,, Chiick Correa,, Frrank Siinattrra,, and counttlless ottherr arrttiistts.. Yamaha rrecenttlly cellebrratted ttheiirr tthiirrtty--yearr rrellattiionshiip wiitth Gadd by rrelleasiing tthe lliimiitted--ediittiion Stteve Gadd 30tth Anniiverrsarry Drrum Kiitt,, a ffas -- ttiidiious rreplliica off tthe custtom Yamaha kiitt Stteve has used on counttlless rrecorrdiings.. IItt iincorrporrattes a numberr off Gadd’’s siignatturre iinnovattiions,, such as a miix off maplle and biirrch shelllls and tthe use off a hiigh 10” ttom.. Gadd lliives iin Rochestterr,, New Yorrk,, tthe ttown wherre he grrew up.. Butt when we ttrracked hiim down,, he was iin New Yorrk Ciitty,, rrehearrsiing wiitth Paull Siimon fforr an upcomiing allbum and ttourr.. How old were you when you decided to become a drummer? Jones. Philly Joe Jones. Max Roach. I got to hear all those guys. Was there a particular record you worked on that marked a turning as coming up with innovative ideas, that’s not just about me. It’s always a Well, I never really decided—I always just did it. I started drumming when point toward that more simplified style? group effort involving the artist, the producer, and the other musicians. You started out playing jazz.
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